former nfl cheerleader rachel wray choked out cold

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The girl could've seriously died from the choke, so I hope you're not seriously posting this here for erotic purposes.
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Why wouldn't we post this for erotic purposes? the whole point of this forum is that. wether it's real or fantasy. to deny that there's an erotic trigger here would be lying to our basest impulses. point is she didn't die. if she had died that makes it a whole different matter. we've become over-sensitive.
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This forum is called the SUPERHEROINE forum. What part of SUPERHEROINE makes this forum about finding real life threats to life erotic?

The board is all about fantasy erotica. How the hell somebody can find a situation where someone literally could have died erotic is totally beyond me.

So there are small MMA outfits now putting on events like this? I had no idea. This operation looks incredibly shady and dangerous. The poor organization, the tiny venue, the gross mismatch of opponents, the dangerously useless ref. Wow. Somebody's gonna die.
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rizoboy wrote:Why wouldn't we post this for erotic purposes? the whole point of this forum is that. wether it's real or fantasy. to deny that there's an erotic trigger here would be lying to our basest impulses. point is she didn't die. if she had died that makes it a whole different matter. we've become over-sensitive.
Everything here is stylized fantasy. I sincerely hope that the overwhelming majority of posters here do not get off on seeing another human being in actual distress.
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Well the video really didn't excite me at all. I guess in hindsight I do see how this is wrong. What's fantasy is fantasy. I question where the origins of my fetish started. I trace it back to an incident that shook me during a war here in my country. It triggered in fantasies later on. I won't get into details about it.
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This is like people that ask me about using my real bottle of chloroform I have instead of just faking it. WTF is wrong with some people?
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It's the bell curve.

The vast number of people is in the middle and considered 'normal'. The farther you get, the more niche your taste become, the stranger things become.

Original poster put the clip up and out, and you get what you get out of it. It could have been informative, it could have been to spark a conversation, it could have been anything.

The point is, that niche fetishes, are what they are. A small percentage of the population that finds something erotic, that the rest of the population scratch their head at, or will give you a funny look over. I know a few people that are really into CB and TB, but only the fantasy of it, and would never want to see it for real. Then there are more hardcores that do. Different strokes, for different folks.

I file this under that category. If you censor this, where do you draw the line on that?


I haven't said anything about it, but i find the Power Woman story disturbing. My nephew happen to die of a drug overdose, and just browsing that story spooks me and does nothing for me. I'm not leading the charge to censor and ban it from the forum though. Different strokes... different folks.

My suggestion, is that if you found it disturbing to just move one. Take a large enough population, and you'll find that some will like something no matter how strange it might be to everyone else. You'll also find some that find something to censor, that seems absolutely fine to everyone. If you start censoring things, really there is no place to stop because something will always be offensive to someone.
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Like Heroin Addict pointed out, the issue here is FANTASY versus REALITY. Even if it's in the off Misc Topics section, it's is just in poor taste. Not to mention the unprofessional circumstances and the poor refereeing surrounding the fight itself that even allowed the girl to be choked out for that long.

To my understanding, everything erotic here in this forum has always been intended to be a fantasy. But taking pleasure, as it is clearly the poster's intention, in seeing someone nearly die in real life? That easily crosses the line for me.

In the end, this is MH's forum, so he can censor whatever he likes. But if we can't separate pleasure derived from fantasy/consensual peril as opposed to from reality peril, then we are fucked as human beings.
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Okay... I can't take any more.

1. This woman was not grabbed off the street and choked out by somebody. This was an athletic completion that she entered of her own free will, knowing fully that she could get knocked out in any number of ways, etc. She's got a lot of guts, I admire that. In all likelihood she will train and try to improve her skills to give it another go. I wish her luck either way.

2. She wasn't in any serious danger. The ref did her job exactly as she was supposed to. As soon as Ms Wray quit struggling the ref checked to see if she was unconscious...she was...and the fight was ended and the hold broken immediately. If the fight was unmonitored, and that hold was maintained for a couple minutes it would be extremely dangerous. That wasn't the case here. She was conscious within seconds of the hold being released. It's FAR more dangerous to be knocked out by punches, which cause physical damage to the brain.

What I do agree with is that I don't find this kind of thing erotic, and the fighters were definitely mismatched. Still, there was no VICTIM here. Just someone who won an MMA match and somebody else who lost. If somebody finds this kind of thing stimulating, I don't really see the harm. If somebody finds women getting knocked out in the course of their everyday lives erotic...that's a different matter entirely.
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Real pain, real suffering, real injury, real sexual abuse is tragic not erotic.
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Rachel Wray should have stuck to her cooking shows....on a more serious note, the ref had some nice thongs on
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Guys I think its really important to stress, as said above, that this forum is about FANTASY.

Lets all please try and keep one foot on the ground - I wouldn't want to see the elements of the SH fetish that I enjoy happen in real life to real people, and that includes starving the brain of oxygen until someone passes out, regardless of how long they are unconscious, as it isn't a good idea and could cause brain damage or epilepsy in later life which nobody wants to see. I would hope that the majority here feel the same.

That said, there are components of this forum that are wrestling orientated and in fairness the post is in the correct area, as a miscellaneous post with connections to wrestling and therefore it is of interest to general wrestling fans and Rachel Wray fans in particular who may be concerned for her well being or wish to know that this has happened. I would hope that there are more people out there in that category than are getting off on seeing her predicament. I don't think the clip is gratuitous in showing her incapacitated, so on that basis I am letting this stand as a thread for now, and as the clip is up via Youtube and can already be seen by a mass audience I don't think second guessing what people might be getting off on, that may be distasteful to others, serves any purpose here (although I accept from comments made, that it may have been the original intention of the post to serve an erotic need) but as Kitten said above, once you start making those calls, where do you draw the line?

So I would ask (with my semi-mod hat on) for future posters to note that fantasy should remain as fantasy.

Lets try to not involve the real world in our little niche.

I hope we as a community and as individuals are all glad that she seems ok.
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hypocrites much?

so its ok to be ragged or tazed, beaten, choked out and thrown over a shoulder, and in one producers norm, killed at the end of their clips, that's all ok! ,,,,to pretend, BUT! if she really gets choked out or pummeled in a official sanctioned bout with Dr's and licensed professionals and trained individuals all around, (because that's what it takes to stage a show like that, and competition licensed and insure it )now all of a sudden there is a problem? you (hypocrites) like pretend violence towards a pretend heroine, getting a pretend beating to a pretend knock out by a pretend villain and pretend peril leading to pretend r@p3? and everyone is on board and patting each other on the back, high five'ing and cosigning with the fetish,,,,did I get that rt?

but a guy posts this and all of a sudden he is a freak because he might "like" this as well as Superheroine peril, women's MMA is some how less sexy all of a sudden? explain that to miesha tate or rowdy how unsexy MMA is while they do model shoots and movies.

that clip and a guy liking it some how offends people and then they step rt up and criticize someone for their perceived appreciation or even eroticized thoughts of two athletic women (looking like heroines) in tight fitting clothes (looking like heroine costumes, sort of, I have seen producers do worse when it comes to costumes) who then in turn legitimately beat on each other, ( so the actual violence with reactions not pretend violence and over acting, which I love when they do overact) somehow that equates to NOW you have an opinion against someone's likes dislikes, turn ons, what ever you call it, and the thought process that you are now outraged and indignant of the guy because he likes it? pretend or not, fantasy or not what ever you call it, this fetish has its dark side, role play aside the fantasy part is what draws each person to this genre who is to say what I like is what you have to like and vice versa, I for one don't see the issue cause I like spandex I don't pay attention to what they are doing sport wise I watch what they wear, shallow as it may be. I liked the clip cause I do appreciate the sport and I love a woman in spandex, no matter what they are doing at the time.
all I am really saying is WHY do people take the time to criticize and/or ridicule other people when those people didn't take the time and effort to ridicule you for your likes?

I agree that if what we liked happened on the street in real life we would all love to be the on the jury for that trial cause we would all send the villain straight to the electric chair (if you are lucky enough to live in one of the correct states that still executes) with smiles on our faces for what he did to batgirl, WW ,spider woman ,power girl,,,insert favorite heroine here,,,that's because we are'nt deviants (much) and don't condone true violence towards women,,,but pretend violence is ok, preferred even.
Last edited by ttb51m 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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avenger wrote:Rachel Wray should have stuck to her cooking shows....on a more serious note, the ref had some nice thongs on

very tru, the ref was a cutie and in pretty good shape herself

" you (hypocrites) like pretend violence towards a pretend heroine, getting a pretend beating to a pretend knock out by a pretend villain and pretend peril leading to pretend r@p3?"

Uh, not necessarily all of the above, but yeah that's pretty much it. It's a fetish, it's fantasy and I like it because it's pretend. You say not liking actual violence against women makes me a hypocrite. I say it makes me a normal, compassionate human being. Nothing turns me off quicker than seeing real pain and violence.

Nothing about the match above was hot for me once I saw how uneven the opponents were. Wray did not belong in the ring with the other fighter. It's crazy that they were matched up.

Oh and thanks for tossing in this little beauty "(if you are lucky enough to live in one of the correct states that still executes)" for us to ponder.
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I gave this some thought and the way I see it, this is the MISC section. The one place where you can post whatever you want and is exempt from the "erotic" nature of the board.

It was an MMA fight. Chokeouts happen all the time. She was a little dazed at the end and walked away with some help.

If some of you view this as erotic I'm not going to knock it. It's not my cup of tea but I don't see any reason to remove it.

Someone could post World Cup Finals clips in this section for all I care. That's what it's here for, to show some other items that we find interesting that are not superheroine related.

Maybe posts in the MISC section should be excluded from the latest posts section. That might be something worth debating.

For the record, she was outclassed and I felt a little bad for her. MMA is no joke.
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with all due resp,,,,i almost got through that with a straight face ,

not what I said, actually not what I said anywhere in that entire statement , no where in there do I believe you could have reasonably interpreted I condone violence towards anyone. (except maybe towards convicted violent criminals, yes I am an advocate of punish the wicked, protect the weak, reap what you sow, eye for an eye, what you present shall be returned to you ten fold, yada yada and so on but ill address that below)

I said not letting someone enjoy this real clip in the way they want but being ok with the pretend violence and sometimes even more violent in presentation, (there was no blood in this fight , yet many clips show fake blood, lots of fake blood) makes you a hypocrite.

see how that works there,<<< not saying>>> beating a woman up and enjoying it is cool, <<<actually saying>>>, you (whoever) watching women in an MMA fight and enjoying it is just as ok as watching a (production company that rhymes with "newbone" ) clip. (I can clarify that further if you need it)

never once said anything about liking real violence towards anyone let alone towards women, I pointed out the hypocrites complaining about a guy liking the you tube clip on one side and buying produced clips that are even more violent looking, acting/role playing or not on the other, some of them out there are just like an eli roth movie, just torture! and they make money so it isn't a little niche of freaks. (see, another example, that's hypocritical, me calling someone who likes that a freak.)

by definition, this clip above is not considered violent because the sport isn't considered violent or it would not be allowed to take place, boxing by definition is not violent, football is not violent, MMA is not violent, you get the idea.

and for the record, NO ONE SAID ANYWHERE ON HERE " I LIKE THE ASS BEATING SHE TOOK AND GOT CHOKED OUT, IT REALLY TURNED ME ON" they are mostly complaining its posted on here at all and then complaining that the guy "might" get off on it, I believe it might have been it2007 above that actually broached the question about eroticism and then a few hypocrites (IMO) came out.

I didn't say I like women really getting beat up, I didn't say I want to see a woman dressed up in a leotard with a big red S on it getting her ass really handed to her by some guy or woman for any reason, I would say, I wouldn't like to see that or even hear about something like that really happening. I actually don't think anyone on here said that anywhere yet you felt the need to infer that I might be the opposite of compassionate or human because I dislike hypocrites and gave examples of what I comprehend as hypocrisy.

I am not sure if illiterate is the right word because you can spell, but reading and comprehension seems to not be your strong suit, you didn't actually read what I wrote verbatim and apply an actual rebuttal to the content. your personal bias seems to have rearranged the sentences and context to fit your version of reality and there fore wrote a response to what was playing in your head and not what was actually written.

either way, you got to post a comment and be heard and in the end that's all that matters right? meaningful debate with mutual understanding be damned.

and don't ponder, I am from Texas, love Georgia, have family in Ohio and Nebraska, but really cant stand Oklahoma, but that is because of the sooners and not the state, it is just a coincidence or maybe it isn't, that they are part of the 31 states that have capital punishment on the law books and use it more frequently when deemed applicable.

that's another little tidbit you glossed over where I wrote that I, right along with ,,what did you compare yourself to? "normal, compassionate human being"s, would be "first in line" to punish someone committing REAL violence towards a superheroine (which in context meant WOMEN, genius!) you were too focused on the words "lucky" and "executes", to actually read the sentence and comprehend the meaning. I do like the way you put one of your thoughts/opinions though, "nothing turns you off quicker than real violence", hmm that could lead someone to deduce or infer that fake violence towards superheroines (women) does however turn you on, and wouldn't I be a hypocrite on this forum to criticize you because you like something I don't for no other reason than to just call attention to it because it somehow offends me?

I noticed you did not criticize dlo005 for posting or for anything else but did critique the Production company putting on the MMA show, so you sir would not be a subject of my statement as you are not a hypocrite.
I suppose I should have caveated my statement with "if the shoe fits" but you did single my post out to respond to, so I have no qualms about clarifying and standing by my previous post as how I interpret this string.

do you work for the media? out of context and opposite meaning of actual statements, I am pretty sure is a job requirement, if you aren't already employed by CNN you apparently have a knack for it, you might want to look into it, never to late to change careers, job satisfaction is just as important as monetary compensation.
Last edited by ttb51m 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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the fight it self, the woman in the tan shirt didn't out weigh her 50lbs and didn't out reach her 10 inches and didn't out skill her, judging by the swings instead of thrown punches and she thought about it for quite a while before half ass locking wray into her guard with her legs, what she did do though very convincingly is completely out aggression wray, they each landed glancing shots, one took it in stride the other ran and she chased her down grabbed her and had her way with her and to top it off wray made a mistake and put her head into a guillotine, and didn't know what to do after that.

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I feel sorry for her....imagine how humiliated she must have been and terrified....I read her interview and she said she thought she was dead and had no idea where she was and why all the people where around her. I also dont think I have ever seen a submission hold like this that actually worked to choke out an opponent...thats scary!!! She seems like such a sweet person to be doing such a rough sport...her cute little warm up punches as they introduces her...I was like seriously...this chic is a fighter? Then I looked up more fights and she really is a badazz ...she said this is all part of the sport and is not going to stop her from doing more fights...good for her...she is livin her dream
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not a hardcore fan of MMA but I've seem worse, it's the referee job to know when he/she has to stop a fight to protect both fighters. I felt this referee stops the fight a bit late.

@ttb51m - I read through your lengthy, condescending rebuttal. My thoughts:

You wrote "so its ok to be ... beaten, choked out ... to pretend, BUT! if she really gets choked out or pummeled ... now all of a sudden there is a problem?"

You call this hypocritical. I disagree. Superheroines in peril is a sexual fetish. Superheroines don't really exist. I'm not interested in delving into the psychology of the thing with you, but the fetish is predicated on the fact that it's all fantasy. There is nothing hypocritical about having a SHIP fetish and objecting to the sexualization of an actual living breathing woman almost being choked to death.

To try to justify your argument you stated: "by definition, this clip above is not considered violent because the sport isn't considered violent or it would not be allowed to take place, boxing by definition is not violent, football is not violent, MMA is not violent..."

This statement is the linchpin of you position, it's the only thing that could make what you are saying correct, and the statement is ridiculous. To argue that mma, or boxing, or football are not violent is to divorce words from their meaning. Of course those things are violent.

There's more, but I'm already bored with this and I can't see much utility in the two of us bashing away at each other while everyone else rolls their eyes and digs into their popcorn. This will be my last post on the topic.
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Bert wrote:@ttb51m - I read through your lengthy, condescending rebuttal. My thoughts:

You wrote "so its ok to be ... beaten, choked out ... to pretend, BUT! if she really gets choked out or pummeled ... now all of a sudden there is a problem?"

You call this hypocritical. I disagree. Superheroines in peril is a sexual fetish. Superheroines don't really exist. I'm not interested in delving into the psychology of the thing with you, but the fetish is predicated on the fact that it's all fantasy. There is nothing hypocritical about having a SHIP fetish and objecting to the sexualization of an actual living breathing woman almost being choked to death.

To try to justify your argument you stated: "by definition, this clip above is not considered violent because the sport isn't considered violent or it would not be allowed to take place, boxing by definition is not violent, football is not violent, MMA is not violent..."

This statement is the linchpin of you position, it's the only thing that could make what you are saying correct, and the statement is ridiculous. To argue that mma, or boxing, or football are not violent is to divorce words from their meaning. Of course those things are violent.

There's more, but I'm already bored with this and I can't see much utility in the two of us bashing away at each other while everyone else rolls their eyes and digs into their popcorn. This will be my last post on the topic.

im sorry, I was in a bad mood, sleepy and grouchy, not an excuse, just a variable, and you just struck me wrong, u can have your opinion, ill have mine, no harm no foul.
I don't think any of what I mentioned is really violence, I consider violence or violent acts anything that causes injury with hate and discontent as the motivator, without rules or refs,
neither one of us just randomly kicks peoples ass's or hurt them for no reason other than the joy of it, (I am assuming) and to each his own (fetish)

just sayn/no sarcasm
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Bert wrote:So there are small MMA outfits now putting on events like this? I had no idea. This operation looks incredibly shady and dangerous. The poor organization, the tiny venue, the gross mismatch of opponents, the dangerously useless ref. Wow. Somebody's gonna die.
There are hundreds of them, in each part of the world. Where do you think the UFC fighters come from?, also most of the UFC refs have come from the smaller events. You can't seriously say that the bigger name events do not have this problem too, ufc has had so many mismatch fights, there have been a lot of ufc events with so many injuries.
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