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Mr. X
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I think the time would have been better spent if the candidates took turns spanking Megan Kelly.
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I personally thought the first debate looked like the adult debate. The second debate felt more like a high school food fight. I found FOX News self love was positively nauseating. Seriously, FOX folks if you like each other that much, get a room!

My second debate thoughts: I think Trump hurt himself not ruling out running as a third party. Too many GOP bad memories of Ross Perot there. In different ways, Bush, Walker and Cruz broke even. Carston, Rubio, Huckabee, Christie and Kasich helped themselves. I don't think Rand Paul helped his cause.

I think both liberal and conservative media are bending over backwards to get Carly Fiorina into the top tier. Question is who will get kicked off the end of the food fight stage? Kasich is the most statistically vulnerable. Christie is the most damaged goods. Rand Paul is the most not like the others but has some statistical breathing space but didn't do well in debate according to FOX pundits. I don't know if Trump will fall that far that fast. Thanks for starting this strand Master Hypnotic. -Tyr Garm
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Mr. X wrote:I think the time would have been better spent if the candidates took turns spanking Megan Kelly.
I think Trump already tried that. -Tyr Garm
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All of them showed they will be an improvement over the failure Obama.

As far as Megyn Kelly, why piss off the second most important personality on Fox? big mistake by Trump
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Watched most of it. So much loads of drivel, sprinkled with some decent pre-prepared jokes from non-comedians. I don't care who the republicans pick. Rubio came off fairly well, but I'm guessing Jeb will end up their guy when it's all said and done.

We have a crazy long selection process. Fifteen months before the election in November 2016. I'm ready to vote for Hilary now.

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15 months! Christ on a bike!
If you want to speed things up, do it the old fashioned way - bare knuckle fist fight - to the death! At least it would be exciting
You are just gonna get the one who looks good on telly anyway...
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I'm guessing it'll be Bush/Kasich in the end. Florida and Ohio. But what do I know.
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always wanted to see a business man give it a shot,,,politicians haven't worked in 30 years, it will be fun to watch though, I always loved the idea in politics you can say "fuck you" on national TV as long as you disguise it in the right vocabulary :D
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I'd rather keep the dems in. The faster we tip the apple cart over and get to Detroit the better off we'll be.
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I wonder who the Electoral college will elect as president?
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the one with the biggest check book or the easiest value system to control,,,moral compass and common sense not required or wanted
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I didn't watch to the end, which one was Keyser Soze?
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ttb51m wrote:always wanted to see a business man give it a shot,,,politicians haven't worked in 30 years, it will be fun to watch though, I always loved the idea in politics you can say "fuck you" on national TV as long as you disguise it in the right vocabulary :D
Maybe you are too young to remember, but businessmen have run before. Ross Perot is the one I remember from my lifetime.
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ttb51m wrote:always wanted to see a business man give it a shot,,,politicians haven't worked in 30 years, it will be fun to watch though, I always loved the idea in politics you can say "fuck you" on national TV as long as you disguise it in the right vocabulary :D
But you don't want a business man who surrounds himself with yes men and women. Just look at his show where he fires people that stand up to him, improve a failing team but can't get them to win because they were already full of losers, and those that choose the best person for the job instead of the one the Donald wanted. Trump lends his name to companies that go into bankruptcy which makes me wonder if he can even pick winning ideas or just succeeds in a rising economy.
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Why doesn't this thread have like and dislike buttons? I see them on other threads, but not this one.
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If I had to chose my perfect candidate it would be Michael Bloomberg, Hands Down!
He took the mayors chair after gullianni and in less than three years NYC stopped its downward spiral, and started a wave of prosperity. He took the initiative and when he learned illegal guns were flooding from gun shows in arizona and Atlanta he hired survaliance people to catch these people in the act of breaking the law.

We saw crime stop and recede and we saw small business owners prosper while having larger companies were romanced into staying in NYC when everyone was leaving after september 11th.

When the city stopped getting enough funds from the state he threatened to start a movement to have NUYC separate from NY state. the fact that the stae gets the majority of its income from the city would mean that the state of NY would go bankrupt overnight.
once the state realized that he had enough power to actually accomplish it the state made a deal and increased the money it gave NYC

He didn't move into Graci mansion, but instead moved in displaced storm victims.

He is a tough man, but a kind man.

He would be my best choice.
A man who doesn't care about political repercussions.
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i agree,,,,personal agendas are the real threat when it comes to being presdient if u can find someone like that with selfless sevice as the first priority we would have a chance,,,,those seem impossible to come by,,,and i am not saying trump has no agenda i am just saying politics wouldnt be his 50m target,,,i do remeber ross perot and clayton williams bot big business men with lots of pull in texas,,,,clayton ran for govenor (what a disater),,,ross was an independant,,,i belive donald has a shot at the rep nomination and then in turn a shot at winning,,,,i actually like clintons forign policy thats all i like about her,,,,i think a business view of the country would be a nice change,,,,,we have tried all the politics and made no progress in the world and lost ground at home,,,,,i doubt it will work out but i also doubted a second failed term and i was shown what really bad choices we have and that the country will take the lessor of two evils,,,,twice,,,,,no matter how disaterous or incompitent and destructive the incumbant has been,,,,there is a clip on utube i watch serveral times,,,it is jeff daniels on news room (i think) where he cuts loose on a campus about how america isnt the best country in the world,,,,any more,,,,its a really good scene and unfortunantly very truthful,,,,,,here let me put my soapbox away before someone trips and sues me
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On the topic of a third party, I loved The Simpson's Halloween Special episode in which the two aliens take over Clinton and Dole's bodies and run for president. When it's revealed that the two candidates are aliens, one says, "Go ahead, throw your vote away on a third party candidate." Absolutely spot on for America. It seems that too many people simply vote based on their affiliation and on little else. I wonder what the country would look like with four or five viable parties, instead of the monopoly of a two party system in which both sides really do the same thing and pretend to be much different than one another. Both sides simply grow government and add more restrictions; freedoms are further restricted regardless of which side is in control.
I actually like the subjects Trump is bringing up. I really appreciate his point about how politicians are bought off by corporations to do favors for them, that illegal immigration is an issue (and to stop claiming someone who is against illegal immigration--as stated by the current laws of the country--is racist), and that paying little in taxes is what any good business person would do (Romney was apparently afraid to admit what every American does). That said, if he didn't come across as brash and arrogant, and would stop making ad hominem arguments against both other candidates and countries, he might actually bring the political discourse to a more educated level. I don't think he has a chance of winning, but hopefully he gets more intelligent talk from politicians instead of the tired rhetoric of "I will fight for this country's people" and other crappy cliches that mean nothing.
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Contact: wrote:If I had to chose my perfect candidate it would be Michael Bloomberg, Hands Down!
He took the mayors chair after gullianni and in less than three years NYC stopped its downward spiral, and started a wave of prosperity. He took the initiative and when he learned illegal guns were flooding from gun shows in arizona and Atlanta he hired survaliance people to catch these people in the act of breaking the law.

We saw crime stop and recede and we saw small business owners prosper while having larger companies were romanced into staying in NYC when everyone was leaving after september 11th.

When the city stopped getting enough funds from the state he threatened to start a movement to have NUYC separate from NY state. the fact that the stae gets the majority of its income from the city would mean that the state of NY would go bankrupt overnight.
once the state realized that he had enough power to actually accomplish it the state made a deal and increased the money it gave NYC

He didn't move into Graci mansion, but instead moved in displaced storm victims.

He is a tough man, but a kind man.

He would be my best choice.
A man who doesn't care about political repercussions.

Don't get me wrong.
I'm in no way a Donald Trump supporter.
I was kinda trying to say that if we had a billionaire running fro president I would rather Bloomberg than trump.
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The Who said it best: Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.
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Maskfan wrote:The Who said it best: Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.
I agree that all Presidents disappoint, but it does matter who sits in that chair just not always in the ways we want and hope for :(
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All president disappoint differently because they have their own special interests. But they all go after the voters that got them into office to keep themselves in office.

When the Republicans under Bush 2 controlled Congress too, they spent a surplus budget back into a deficit to cater to their special interests and to get re-elected. Also they moved the war costs out of the budget to make the deficit look smaller.

So expect more of the same from the candidates as they lie to become president.
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My boy Rubio all the way. Guy struggled to make ends meet til just recently also. It would be nice to get someone in office who remembers how it is to struggle recently and not just as a distant memory. Maybe then they would focus on offering real help. Just not sure congress would be any use. They just keep rejecting everything. The real trick is trying to get anything passed these days with such a divided government AND people.
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I think American politics is fascinating but I don't think it's elections are exactly unpredictable lately. The GOP has a problem where it needs to hold its appeal to the religious right and billionaire backers, while at the same time being electable in the eyes of real people. This just isn't possible. If you get somebody who is overtly, outspokenly anti-choice, or is a Young Earth Creationist (and some of them are) or are climate change deniers (I think this is most of them) then they're just not going to get very far with the general public. Not to the White House anyway.

The irony is that despite the GOP being in this pickle the Democrats haven't siezed the opportunity to go all FDR, rather they've gone quite a long way into what we'd traditionally call the poltical right. I mean if you're an American and you want a right wing party similar to that of Richard Nixon or even Ronald Reagan, you vote Democrat and that's what you get.

The problem this leaves the GOP is they have to fish in some really weird ponds to find votes.
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Mr. X wrote:I think the time would have been better spent if the candidates took turns spanking Megan Kelly.
I agree ....she seems like the perfect candidate for a spanking....maybe she is on an interview when the tables are turned and Bill Cosby is the man she is interviewing and the last thing she remembers isnsomething about pudding...
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Mr. X wrote:I think the time would have been better spent if the candidates took turns spanking Megan Kelly.
I agree ....she seems like the perfect candidate for a spanking....maybe she is on an interview when the tables are turned and Bill Cosby is the man she is interviewing and the last thing she remembers isnsomething about pudding...
ha...thats some funny shit batgirl!
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dlo005 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:
Mr. X wrote:I think the time would have been better spent if the candidates took turns spanking Megan Kelly.
I agree ....she seems like the perfect candidate for a spanking....maybe she is on an interview when the tables are turned and Bill Cosby is the man she is interviewing and the last thing she remembers isnsomething about pudding...
ha...thats some funny shit batgirl!
In all honesty what girl doesnt enjoy a chocolate pudding pop? I mean I would prefer to be awake but.....
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