'Reign of the Tiger Princess, Part II' (Kung Fu Catfights)

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Doctor Outcome
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Hey superheroine fans. I just stepped out of the ‘Operating Room’ from doing another surgical review, this time on ‘Reign of the Tiger Princess II’, the next and (sadly) final chapter in the Tiger Princess saga. As a review specialist, this is definitely one vid that I would highly prescribe to people who love role-playing fight vids as it was an excellent improvement over the first one.

Plot: She scratches…she snatches…she has the power to rip you apart! Paris Kennedy returns in her most devastating role to date as Taja, the tenacious Tiger Princess who wields the deadly power of the Tiger Claw style with lethal efficiency.
A new challenger has appeared in the form of the lovely but dangerous Azuri (Akira Lane), leader of the Gold Shoe clan. After hearing about the fate of her colleague Ling, the fight has gotten personal for Azuri, who has stepped to the front lines to put an end to Taja’s reign of terror in the martial arts world. Taja isn’t intimidated in the slightest, confident that Azuri is no match for her Tiger style but Azuri shows that she’s no pushover herself when the fight commences. She has an impressive array of mystical skills at her disposal and she’ll need every last one when Taja gives her a taste of her awesome powers as well. For these two beauties, it’s a nasty game of ‘step on or get stepped on’…with victory being declared by the champion who still has a pulse in them when the fight is over…
(Danger Will Robinson! Spoilers ahead! Read at your own risk)

-The lovely Akira Lane, ladies and gentlemen! When I heard that she had a part in this, I immediately jumped at the chance to see this vid and she did not disappoint me. The way she spoke and carried herself like a traditional Oriental warrior woman was outstanding. I loved her dialogue in the beginning: “Tiger Princess…you accept my challenge?” “Tiger Princess, you’ve dishonored a noble fighter…you gonna pay for what you did to her.” Akira really put on the dramatics for this one, she was in total focus.
-Paris Kennedy continues to rip things up and rip opponents down as the merciless Tiger Princess. Also, she got some better footwear for her wardrobe so that was definitely another step up for her in this story.
-Decent fight choreography in this one, but the producers really stepped the game up a notch when they had Akira and Paris showing off their secret powers. Hadoken fireballs and mystical teleportation are the order here today and the special effects were out of this world!
-Akira got to show some skin in this one and Natalie Minx and Mina Meow got to have some fun in this story also.

-*sigh* Again, another vid about a heroine losing to her opponents and in the worst way possible this time. Azuri’s fate was ten times worse than what Ling got in the previous vid. Such a talented combatant, such a waste.

-The producer should’ve let Paris and Akira showcase more of their super powers during the match. The Dragon’s Breath attack that Azuri did looked interesting, but other times it looked a little weak when Paris was in a far off place hiding and Akira needed to fire a long range shot. It looked almost like a flamethrower.

-As much fun as it is to watch Mina and Natalie in these vids, I feel that they’re being terribly underused in the storyline. They only appear when it looks like Paris is getting ready to claim victory over another fallen foe.

-Other than the fact that Akira went down without much of a struggle, I feel bad about the fate her character got. All I remember saying to myself when Paris used her special attack was, “Ooh…what a horrible demise.”

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better):

-If this series could be continued, I’d say let Mina and Natalie have a little more screen time. They deserve to be in the spotlight as much as anyone else.

-Again, the producer really has to let the heroes bounce back a little after they take a nasty beating. I’m guessing though that’s what they were aiming for…the heroine gets dishonored and then vanquished. It works, but that’s just not a good way to end the story.

-The special effects were a great idea, but they should utilize that more if there’s going to be an all-out battle between two fierce martial artists like Taja and Azuri.

-I would’ve had Ling come back and give Azuri a hand or have some mysterious newcomer come to her aid at the last minute. Usually that makes the story more fun when a ‘new challenger’ steps to the plate to take a swing.

Final Outcome:
‘Reign of the Tiger Princess’ was a fantastic two-episode series and it would’ve been spectacular to see the story continue some more. Sadly though, I’m guessing it didn’t get good enough sales so whoever was in charge of this wonderful series decided to drop the guillotine on it and before you can say ‘Jason Vorhees’…this fabulous series got the axe…or the machete, however you wanna look at it. Whoever put this together really needs to try and jumpstart it again because it has so much potential. I'm pretty sure if the fans have ideas, the producers could incorporate them into another chapter (cause I have a great idea on how the story could continue).

This operation gets a 9 out of 10.
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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well two problems I had with this.

the first is predictability, the villain always wins.

second I thought the two extra performers served no purpose.
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I think your review is great, but please indicate the producer or creator of the video in your subject line. I can edit it for you if you are unable to, but I believe you should have the proper permissions to do that.
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Doctor Outcome
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MightyHypnotic @hyponlinemedia wrote:I think your review is great, but please indicate the producer or creator of the video in your subject line. I can edit it for you if you are unable to, but I believe you should have the proper permissions to do that.
Hey MightyHypnotic. That would be splendid...in all honesty though, I don't have a clue who the producer is as there are no end credits or a website at the end of the vid stating who put this piece together. If you do know the producer, then by all means, you can put their name in the subject line, no objections from me at all.

I'm glad you liked the review, I have others on here if you'd like to check em' out. One was about a scientist/mercenary named Dr. Ether. I think you'll like that review.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Mr. X
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Kung Fu Cat Fights seems to be out of business now.
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Doctor Outcome
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Mr. X wrote:Kung Fu Cat Fights seems to be out of business now.
That's the company that produced this? Man, that's a shame. I mean, they were really on to something when they made this. They really should try to reactivate this series though because it was so much fun to watch. I know a couple of my friends said they tried to email the producer with ideas to keep it going, but they never heard back from them when the site was active.

In fact, I enjoyed it so much that it gave me an idea about how the story could continue.
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The producer(s) of the company is Alex Bettinger/Paris Kennedy. They had a lot of great sites/series, though the only ones that are still going atm are http://prostylefantasies.com/ aka X-Club Wrestling and http://superheroineworld.com/. I'm pretty sure Alex is a member of this forum, though he might not have been around much recently since he seems to be focusing on XCW. This is his email [email protected] he's generally very good with his customers/fans, perhaps he was busy at the time!

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