Echoes of Destruction

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Location: Phantom Zone

Author's Note: It has taken years to get to this point. Not just in terms of formulating an idea and writing, but in building the confidence to share with a wider audience.

Since joining this forum - and benefiting from the great writers, producers and artists - I've wanted to give back. To not only take from those that have fuelled my imagination, but also add my voice to the genre.

I especially want to thank Nem9 for helping to edit this story and for providing feedback.

Also, I hope that by placing this story in the dungeon it's clear that it's meant for a mature audience—for it contains graphic elements of both a violent and sexual nature.

So, if you're still here, I hope you enjoy. And that you'll take the time to provide feedback. It really has taken a lot of work to create and it would mean a lot to hear your thoughts. So, again, I hope you enjoy and thanks for checking out my story.


Girl of Steel


Echoes of Destruction

The nest of brutes was a welcome distraction. Unlike the sharpshooters and RPG’s these genetically enhanced beasts were surprisingly resilient. Still, there wasn’t much that even these steroid pumped creations could do against the Girl of Steel. One by one their bodies began piling up around the athletic blonde.

“Procedures,” fumed Supergirl, taking on the remaining Brutes. I’m the one that just saved the planet and they have the nerve to lecture me about procedures! Ah … all of these ambushes could have been avoided had I been allowed to bring Sora in personally.

Thump! The remaining brute crashed to the ground. Supergirl took a quick look around, listening to the heartbeats of the mutated beasts to ensure that they were unconscious, before taking flight. Fuelled by adrenaline and frustration she began scanning ahead, eager for the next encounter.

Disappointment set in as her super-vision revealed no further threats to the motorcade. The Maid of Might grew restless, giving in to her angst she blurted, “This is such a waste.”

The appearance of a sudden breeze proved a welcome distraction, sweeping away Supergirl’s tension as easily as it ran through her wavy, blonde mane. For a second, she allowed herself to forget about the transport and enjoy the pleasure of the cool wind swirling up her long, shapely legs.

Her break, however, was short lived, interrupted by the glare of an admirer’s binoculars.

“See anything you like?”

“How did you…?”

“I’m Supergirl…” wryly responded the young heroine—having landed at super speed behind the officers stationed on the roof of the secondary tower of the research complex. “…you know, faster than a speeding bullet, capable of bending steel bars with my bare hands… most powerful girl in the world.”

“Very funny,” responded an embarrassed Lieutenant Jason Heath.

A former varsity athlete, Heath had the body to match his rugged good looks. He was confident, articulate and with a MSc in Criminology the embodiment of the new Metropolis Police Department.

It was this balance between brains and brawn that attracted the Girl of Steel to the SWAT leader. She smiled as she approached, teasingly crossing her legs while walking-up to the ledge and resting beside him.

“Mind if I join you?”

“No of course not. We’re awaiting the transport’s final approach. Jensen, how’s it looking?”

“Amazing sir.”

Except, Jansen wasn’t looking at the transport. None of them were. Realizing his team was fixated on Supergirl, Heath panicked. Shit! “Quick, locate the target,” he ordered, fumbling his binoculars.

“They’re safe. They’ve just crossed Grand.”

Incredible! Grand is nearly 10 blocks away, can she really be tracking the vehicles? Heath could only stare in amazement.

Yes, she was tall. Heath figured 5’9”, but, still, how Supergirl could do the things she did was beyond him. Despite her obvious athleticism – her taught body was clearly visible through her costume – her movements were delicate and feminine. Supergirl’s long, blonde hair, blue eyes and sensual looks were the equal of any model. And yet, she wasn’t human. Heath struggled to remember this as he fought to regain his composure.

Supergirl could tell the Lt. liked her. And, even though he was clearly checking her out, she felt relaxed. She didn’t usually feel this way around humans, but there was something special about Heath. She knew that it was cruel to toy with him, but she couldn’t help herself. It was too much fun watching his discomfort as she leaned forward, raising her leg onto the ledge. It didn’t take super-vision to see his growing excitement as she shifted her weight allowing her red, flared skirt to slide up her thigh.

The wind caught Supergirl’s hair as she turned to meet Heath’s gaze. For weeks they had been playing this game and, now, as they simultaneously cleared their throats, she hoped they would finally speak. Unfortunately, the transport’s arrival signaled yet another lost opportunity.

Gracefully lifting into the air, Supergirl brought the awkwardness to an end. Come on Kara, say something…anything, she thought, halting her flight. But before she could a blast erupted from the arrival area below the secondary tower. The intensity of the explosion sent tremors throughout the building and flames roaring up its sides.

The SWATs on the roof were shaken, but otherwise unharmed. Without hesitation Supergirl flew down into the fire. To her horror, the convoy was destroyed. Bloodstains and internal organs were everywhere, scattered between mangled bodies and ripped limbs. The young blonde buried her face in her arm, desperate for a moment’s reprieve from the sight and smell of the carnage. This isn’t the work of a bomb; someone, or something, ripped these officers apart. But how? I arrived in seconds, there’s no way unless….

A scream drew Supergirl’s attention. Through the wreckage, flames and cement she could see a powerfully built figure dangling another by the neck.

Sprinting through fire and melting metal the fabulous blonde took hold of the assailant and slammed her against the concrete wall. The force of the impact caused the woman to release her victim. To Supergirl’s surprise it was Sora who flopped to the ground, unconscious.

“Who are you?” demanded the Maid of Might, pressing her hand against the woman’s throat.

The woman looked like an Amazon. Her 6'1" muscular frame glistening from the sweat that dripped across her shaven head. She wore only a sports bra, short-cut spandex shorts and calf-high boots—all black. The rest of her sleek, tanned body was exposed, revealing a series of tribal tattoos and the number 411 inked on her right arm.

Startled by the blood that seeped from the Amazon’s eyes, Supergirl failed to react as the woman took hold of her wrist. “AAAAAAHHHHHH!” she shrieked, forced to release the woman’s neck. What’s happening?, thought Supergirl, struggling to match the Amazon’s strength. Who does this chic think she is? “Look honey, you don’t really want to do this.”

But the woman, surprisingly, refused to back down. Something’s not right. A pained look gripped the young heroine’s face as she stared in shock at her opponent. For the first time she was being overpowered, but instead of an explanation all she received was pain from the cruel twisting of her arm.

Desperate for relief, the Maid of Might began pulling on the woman's hand. The Amazon’s grip loosened, but before Supergirl could escape her opponent grabbed her other wrist. Instantly, The Girl of Steel was in agony, spit bursting from her mouth and saliva stretching between her teeth as she screamed.

The Girl of Steel had underestimated her foe and now, with each passing moment, her arms as well as her ego were being crushed. Incredibly, despite her efforts, Supergirl remained captive to her opponent’s vice like grip. This isn’t possible; she...she can’t be stronger than me! In need of answers the young heroine turned to her super-vision.

The Maid of Might took note of her opponent’s nanocrystalline diamond skeletal structure. The woman’s system was awash with a plethora of performance enhancing drugs, whose toxicity was only made bearable by a series of genetic modifications. The Amazon’s profuse sweating was a necessary coolant, helping to manage the heat generated by the combustion inside of her.

Supergirl had encountered villains like this before, each more powerful than the last, but all limited by the singular fact that their DNA, at its core, was human.

I don’t get it? What makes her different? Supergirl’s eyes shot open as her foe’s body temperature suddenly spiked. The increase in chemical activity could mean only one thing—attack.

Sure enough, the Amazon’s muscles flexed into action, yanking Supergirl forward and locking her in a bear hug.

The Maid of Might strained to keep her red boots on the ground as she was lifted into the air. The pain racing up her spine forced her head back, while her clenched teeth muffled her screams. Her hands pushed against the woman’s broad shoulders, but, despite her efforts, she couldn’t break free.

It was a humiliating experience for the Girl of Steel, heightened by the feeling of her opponent’s harder body grinding against her. It was especially uncomfortable to feel her foe’s larger breasts, digging into her own. The sensation worsened as the woman’s sweat began soaking through Supergirl’s costume.

She’s enjoying this, thought Supergirl, turning her head in disgust as the woman’s sweat-filled odor entered her nostrils. But her gaze quickly returned, drawn to the woman’s blood-shot eyes. Upon closer inspection the Amazon’s irises appeared to be shifting as black streaks shot out from her pupils, separating pools of greenish/gold mist.

“You ask who I am Supergirl?” The woman’s voice was rough. She clearly wasn’t a native speaker; her words lacked flow, cutting and grinding into the air. “I am death, time to die ... Girl of Steel!”

Air exploded out of Supergirl’s lungs, exposing the veins in her neck as she screamed. She could feel her ribs threatening to snap as they bent into her body, making it difficult to breath. And, as sweat began pouring down her face, she struggled to remain conscious. Although woozy, she could see her arms shaking, her burning muscles warning her that a tear was imminent.

Rao, she’s crushing me! I…hugh…I can’t take…hugh… much more…need to break free.

Supergirl’s heat-vision blasted from her eyes.

Still, the Amazon persisted. It was only when her skin began to burn that the villainess finally relented. Her hands clutching her face as she staggered back in distress.

Upon release, the Girl of Steel fell to her knees, wrapping her arms around her body as she leaned forward. The pain in her ribs flared with every breath; fortunately, her super-vision confirmed nothing was broken. Despite the pain, Supergirl couldn’t afford to rest; raising her grimaced face, she was astonished to see her foe advancing.

The steam rising off of the woman’s olive skin reflected the glare from her mist-like eyes. Her burns were painful, but superficial. She approached the heroine with a vengeance, her power radiating with every step.

Come on girl, get it together, thought the heroic beauty, her mind still fuzzy. On her knees and barely able to protect herself, Supergirl had little choice but to use her super-breath. Fortunately, the Amazon was sent flying, cracking the wall behind her and scattering debris upon impact.

Continuing to ignore the pain in her ribs, the Maid of Might sprung to her feet. Her lean muscles flexing as she clenched her fists and elevated into the air. To Supergirl’s surprise her opponent was already charging. As the woman leaped towards her, the Girl of Steel, once again, blasted her with heat-vision.

And, once again, the Amazon was sent back, her body tearing into the cement floor as she bounced from one end of the parking garage to the other. Incredibly, the woman lifted herself up without a stumble. In her wake, lay crumbled walls, demolished pillars and smashed cars and still she moved without injury. Only her clothes showed signs of wear, smudged with dirt like the rest of her sweat-covered body.

“Bring it SuperBitch!”

The Girl of Steel touched down and confronted her roaring foe. RAO, she’s tough! As her opponent advanced, Supergirl remained calm. Confident in her abilities, the young blonde rested her hands on her hips, determined to hold her ground. This ends now!

The Amazon burst forward, sweat dripping from her body with each powerful thrust of her muscular legs. Her screams fuelled her rage, driving her towards the Girl of Steel in a full-out sprint. With her greenish/gold eyes locked upon the heroine’s narrow waist the woman lowered her right shoulder, preparing to lunge.

As the woman jumped into the air, Supergirl stepped aside, releasing her freeze-breath. Instantly, the Amazon was engulfed in a swirling mist, her flailing body visible only in shadow.

Chunks of ice scattered as the Amazon crashed down. And, as the cold-air decompressed, Supergirl breathed a sigh of relief; as she had hoped, the woman was now encased in a block of solid ice.

Thank RAO!, thought Supergirl, wiping the sweat from her brow. Now, to make sure Sora is still unconscious.

Supergirl, however, didn’t get far. Even before turning to see, she could hear the cracks forming in the ice.

Impossible, she thought, struggling to catch her breath. She’s taking everything I have…I’ve never had to push this hard before. But I can’t stop; if she recovers who knows how many innocents could suffer.

“SUPERGIRL!” roared the woman, breaking free of the ice. Sweat spraying into the air as she swiveled in search of her prey. To her surprise Supergirl was already waiting.

“Looking for me?” said the Maid of Might, swinging a parked car against her startled opponent, snapping the woman’s head to the side. As the Amazon staggered back, the Girl of Steel sprinted forward, tossing what remained of the mangled vehicle aside, before driving her shoulder against the woman’s chiseled abs and lifting her into the air.

One concrete pillar after another burst into dust as Supergirl rammed her opponent to the other end of the parking garage. The cars that lay in-between were either broken or shattered, until the destruction was brought to an end by the outer wall. The force of the impact caused the entire underground structure to rumble.

It’s time to finish this, thought the Maid of Might, lashing out with her fist. The Amazon’s face collided against the concrete wall, stretching the cracks behind her into the ceiling.

The accompanying scream, however, didn’t belong to the Amazon. The Girl of Steel was capable of punching through rock and metal, but after striking the woman’s jaw her hand began to sting. Even though nothing was broken, she was unaccustomed to feeling pain, grunting as she unclenched her fist.

Supergirl massaged her hand before turning her attention back to her opponent. She had hit the Amazon with everything she had, but it wasn’t enough. Impossible!, thought the young blonde, her heart pounding as the woman shook free of the wall, how’s she not hurt?

This confusion brought a smile to the Amazon’s face. Unbothered by the dirt covering her body or sweat washing it away, she approached the Girl of Steel. Her black boots scattering debris, as she quickened her pace to match Supergirl’s retreat.

Unsure of what to do, the Girl of Steel hesitated. Although she managed to re-clench her fists, her focus, which should have been on her opponent, shifted towards her sweaty palms. Before she knew it, her head was flying back—the force of the woman’s punch nearly knocking her onto her ass.

Struggling to regain her balance, The Maid of Might could see – albeit with blurry vision – her opponent heading towards her. In desperation, Supergirl lashed-out, but her attack was slapped away by the Amazon—who countered with a punch of her own.

The woman’s uppercut pounded Supergirl’s toned abs, causing the Maid of Might to scream as she doubled over in pain. However, instead of collapsing to the ground, as her body desired, The Girl of Steel was airborne—her head snapping back, blood spraying from her lower lip, as her opponent’s rising knee slammed against her face. Before Supergirl could touch back down the woman transitioned her attack from one leg to the other, delivering a spinning-kick to the Maid of Might’s stomach.

The Amazon’s kick was like a cannon, blasting Supergirl across the room, crashing her against concrete and steel, until she disappeared behind a cloud of debris. The cracks forming in the ceiling made it clear that the garage’s integrity was at stake. As did the rising smoke from the demolished vehicles, which activated the building’s emergency fire and lighting systems.

Once active, the sprinklers helped settle the dust and reveal Supergirl’s location. Clearly dazed, she was moaning in pain with her back resting against the far wall. While her arms hung at her sides, the Maid of Might’s long, shapely legs lay parted. Her short, red skirt was raised, exposing the strip of blue costume between her legs, which, thanks to the puddle beneath her, was wet and stretched tight against her vulva.

In fact, the sprinklers were causing the Girl of Steel’s entire costume, to suck onto the contours of her firm body. And even though her hair was matted to her face, she could see the Amazon approaching through her wet tresses. Supergirl tried to move, but a sting flared throughout her abdomen, forcing her to grunt as she caressed her midsection—which her super-vision revealed was bruised around her navel.

Supergirl’s attention, however, was quickly drawn to the red drops splashing against her S symbol. Wiping her chin, she was astounded to discover she was bleeding from her lower lip. Confused, the Maid of Might scurried to her feet, but her head began spinning and, a second later, her legs buckled—fortunately, the wall behind her prevented her from splashing back down into the puddle.

“What matter princess, playground too rough?” taunted the Amazon, cracking the bones in her neck as well as her hands.

Even though Supergirl could feel her abs throbbing her pride wouldn’t allow her to tend further to her injury. Despite her split-lip and the dirt oozing down her wet body, she refused to show weakness. Instead she masked her pain behind her usual bravado; placing her hands on her hips and entering her power stance she turned to face her opponent.

“Good girl!,” said the woman, daring Supergirl to attack with a flick of her fingers.

Without hesitation, Supergirl accepted the challenge. She was determined to wipe the smile from her opponent’s face, but her punch was intercepted—the muscles in her arm tearing as it was twisted behind her back.

“You’re no warrior,” declared the Amazon, grabbing Supergirl’s hair and slamming her face against the wall.

The woman’s words, like the stones grinding against her face, tore into Supergirl. Unable to overpower her opponent, she could feel the cuts from her split lower lip and freshly broken nose pouring into the surrounding rocks.

“You lack technique girl,” said the woman, releasing the Maid of Might’s injured arm and landing a kidney shot. “You … overrated whore, no more than pretty blonde in sexy outfit,” stated the woman, rolling her r’s as she chewed at the words with her thick accent. Her punctuation was provided by her fists, which continued targeting Supergirl’s lower back. “Now, Girl of Steel,” concluded the Amazon, lifting Supergirl into the air, “I break you.”

Supergirl looked small and unimpressive stretched across the Amazon’s shoulders. Her lean, athletic body paled in comparison to her foe’s bulging physique. She was held in place by the woman’s massive hands - one wrapped under her jaw, threatening to snap off her head - while the other was between her legs, pressing down on her thigh.

As Supergirl lay helpless, the sprinklers rinsed the blood and dirt from her face—while the pain in her back travelled across her spine, forcing her head and limbs away from her body. But neither her stiffening muscles nor her screams could protect her from the Amazon.

The woman was relentless, her powerful muscles pushing for every inch, determined to test the limits of Supergirl’s spine. Finally, satisfied by the pitch of the heroine’s screams, the Amazon lifted her above her head in order to do what no other had done before—defeat the Girl of Steel.

CRACK! Supergirl’s back collided against the villainess’ knee, her head snapping back, scattering saliva across her face. Upon impact her arms and legs shot into the air. As the Amazon stood, Supergirl rolled, dropping, like a sack, to the floor.

But, contrary to the Amazon’s expectations, Supergirl’s body wasn’t broken. Still, the villainess was delighted to see the mighty heroine clutching her lower back, twisting and turning, her fingers pressing against her injured spine, whimpering at the slightest touch.

These whimpers turned to screams as the Amazon yanked Supergirl’s injured arm and flipped her onto her stomach. Before the Girl of Steel could react her opponent straddled her from behind. With her rock-hard ass pressing against Supergirl’s backbone the woman started pulling on the young blonde’s chin.

Tears poured down the Maid of Might’s cheeks as her body was, once again, curved back. The pain was excruciating, she could feel her spine preparing to snap. Desperate for release Supergirl began to kick, her red boots scrapping against the wet floor. I can’t, I can’t…RAO please, I can’t take any more. The young blonde’s hands tore at the woman’s fingers, not to escape but to loosen them enough to scream.

Seconds later, to Supergirl’s relief, the Amazon relented. The Girl of Steel’s torso splashed against the floor, her shouts bursting from her mouth. Her hands raced for her spine, but before the Maid of Might could shift position the Amazon grabbed her hair and yanked her into the air.

Dangling before her opponent, Supergirl cried in pain, her legs stretching for the ground, while her arms reached-up attempting to break free. Suddenly, Supergirl felt the woman’s hand against her ass. Fear swept through the Maid of Might as she was lifted back above her opponent’s head. No, not again!

“Please, don’t do this,” pleaded Supergirl, unable to break free of the Amazon, who held her in place with a penetrating grip of her left bum cheek, and a fist full of blonde hair.

“NNNOOOOO!” shouted Supergirl, feeling her opponent shifting her weight. But, instead of delivering another backbreaker, the woman, surprisingly, launched the Girl of Steel across the room.

The Amazon’s target was Sora. At the last minute the woman saw her beginning to recover and decided to use Supergirl as a projectile.

Sora’s long, fiery red hair whipped out behind her as she rolled to avoid the collision. She wasn’t sure who or what nearly struck her, but the explosion against the back wall forced her to shield her eyes from the scatter of debris. As the dust settled, Sora was astonished to see the Girl of Steel lying in the rubble.

Blue energy swirled around Sora’s body while she charged her biotics, but before she could attack a shadow drew her attention. Looking up, Sora activated her shunting ability, just in time, to avoid the Amazon’s fist.

As the woman landed, she swiveled in search of Sora, who had reappeared behind her. The Amazon’s attention, however, was drawn back to the crawling heroine.

A sharp crack accompanied Supergirl’s howling as the villainess’ kick spun her onto her back—pain forcing her arms around her ribs, protecting them from further assault. But Supergirl’s reprieve was short lived.

In search of a new target, it didn’t take long for the Amazon to settle upon the red and yellow S stretched across Supergirl’s chest. Instantly, the woman’s boot slammed down, causing the Girl of Steel to shriek—her spirit seemingly ripping form her body. It was music to the Amazon’s ears and she was determined to hear every note.

Sora couldn’t believe her eyes. This has to be a trick? It was hard enough accepting the broken nose and split lower lip, but tears, that was beyond her imagination. But there they were, leaking down Supergirl’s sunken cheeks, while her breasts disappeared beneath her assailant’s foot.

Meeting the raw energy of the Amazon’s swirling, greenish/gold eyes, which continued to drip blood, Sora could think of only one explanation, “Project Zero!”

“So, you know my name,” confirmed the woman.

The sparkle in Sora’s own green-tinted eyes revealed her excitement. “Incredible. I heard rumors, but ... so Occulus is real?”

“Yes. Now give what I came for and maybe you live,” said Project Zero, tearing further into Supergirl’s breasts.

The veracity of the heroine’s screams deepened with each twist and turn of her opponent’s boot. Her S symbol was now flat against her chest, smeared with footprints. Squashed beneath the Amazon’s weight, Supergirl’s breasts spilt out the sides, like balloons threatening to burst.

Project Zero hoped she was putting on a tantalizing show, carefully measuring the distance between her and Sora—trying to decide if she was close enough to pounce.

“Let’s say that I did hide the element before Supergirl captured my vessel…” said Sora, ignoring the heroine’s screams. She had the Amazon’s attention, but before continuing she paused—gathering a lock of loose hair and tucking it behind her ear. “… tell me, why should I help you?”

Instantly, Project Zero lunged, but all she encountered was a mist of blue energy. In frustration, the Amazon turned in search of Sora, who was now 30 feet away, by the exit. “You dare bargain,” roared the Amazon.

“No, I don’t bargain with muscle. Tell your masters I want a seat on the Council, that’s the price for my cooperation,” said Sora, her red ponytail bouncing off of her ass as she turned and vanished in a swirl of blue.

While Sora could shunt at will, she could only travel within line of sight. But even with this limitation, it would only take seconds for her to escape the building. Project Zero had to act fast: grabbing Supergirl by the hair she tossed her towards the remaining pillars.

As the Girl of Steel burst through the concrete, the ceiling came crashing down, leaving the secondary tower of the research facility in ruins. Twenty stories of steel and concrete collapsed, killing hundreds of people and injuring even more. While the primary tower remained intact, it was being swallowed, like the surrounding streets, by a cloud of dust.

And at the centre of destruction, unharmed, stood Project Zero. “Let’s renegotiate …” said the Amazon, hauling a bruised and battered Sora out of the debris by the collar of her bright-orange prison jumpsuit, “…starting with the fact that I just defeated Supergirl.”

“You sure about that?” replied Sora in a raspy voice.

Suddenly, Project Zero could see the reflection of Supergirl’s S in Sora’s green eyes. Before the villainess could react, Supergirl restrained the woman’s arms, forcing her to release Sora, prior to blasting into the air.

Even after accelerating to top-speed, the Girl of Steel could hear the cries of those trapped in the rubble. She worried that Heath could be one of them, but before assisting in the rescue, Project Zero had to be stopped.

“By RAO, you’re going to pay for every last life you’ve taken,” shouted Supergirl, ramming the Amazon into the remaining tower. With the police having already established a perimeter around the complex, the Maid of Might didn’t have to worry about falling debris. Nor was she concerned about casualties—her super-vision confirming that the building was already being evacuated.

But the Girl of Steel knew - however much it hurt to admit – that she was confronting a physically superior foe. Her sore muscles a warning that she was exceeding her limits, as she struggled to maintain her grip on Project Zero. Her injured arm was especially weak, and, despite her leverage, it was only a matter of time before the villainess broke free.

Aware of her tenuous hold, Supergirl pressed her advantage. If I can’t beat her on the ground, I’ll do it in the air, thought the Maid of Might, rocketing-up through the centre of the building. A series of explosions followed as the Girl of Steel pounded the Amazon from one floor to the next.

Supergirl ensured that her opponent’s head, and not her own, took the brunt of the damage by pressing her body tightly against her foe’s. The steel beams and concrete flooring tore into the woman’s black spandex but shattered against her tanned, muscular body. In comparison, Supergirl’s own costume suffered only minor tears, since the Amazon’s massive frame shielded everything but her flapping red cape and sleeves from the building’s steel edges.

After 32-stories, the Maid of Might smashed Project Zero through the ceiling, scattering glass in every direction. It took everything Supergirl had to keep the Amazon restrained. And although she was still ascending her energy was quickly fading. But just as the Girl of Steel could go no more, she burst through the clouds, and as the sun swept across her body, her injuries, instantly, began to heal.

Yes! This feels good. Now I’ll show her who she’s dealing with.

Within seconds, the rejuvenated Girl of Steel was above 25,000 feet—the “death zone,” where humans can’t function for more than a few minutes without bottled oxygen.

Supergirl hoped that the rapid transition into thin air was hurting the Amazon. It was. As hypoxia set in the remaining blood vessels in the woman’s eyes burst, further reddening her already blood shot eyes, as she screamed from the pain in her throbbing head.

While Supergirl refused to feel sorry for her opponent, she didn’t enjoy the sound of suffering. Lacking a killer instinct, the Maid of Might sought only to incapacitate her foe, refusing to risk the villainess’ life by ascending further. It was a calculated risk, but, now that the sun was restoring her strength, Supergirl felt confident she could keep Project Zero restrained.

After all, the woman appeared exhausted—her massive frame convulsing, causing her torn, black sports bra to flap against her exposed breasts. It wouldn’t be long, until the Amazon lost consciousness. At least, that’s what Supergirl thought, as she watched the sweat running across the villainess’ body, rinsing away blood and dirt to reveal a series of cuts and bruises. But while the woman appeared defeated, her circumstances only fueled her rage.

“Propisaces majcino mleko,” screamed Project Zero, spewing froth from her mouth, determined to break free. Supergirl instantly recognized the Serbian insult, telling her to “piss her mother's milk.” But she was more concerned by the woman’s renewed twisting and turning.

Through her costume, Supergirl could feel her sweat mixing with her opponent’s, as her soft breasts and tight abs pressed against the Amazon’s muscular back. Equally unpleasant was the feeling of the woman’s hard ass grinding against her crotch.

I…can’t…I…can’t, thought Supergirl as the Amazon began breaking free. RAO, please give me strength. Despite the sun’s presence the Girl of Steel could feel micro-tears forming in her arms, forcing her eyes shut as she screamed, struggling to cope with the pain.

As a result, Supergirl failed to realize she was losing altitude, which meant the Amazon was gaining strength, while she was loosing it. More importantly, it also meant she couldn’t see the back of Project Zero’s skull preparing to slam into her face.

Upon impact, Supergirl’s head snapped back, rolling from one shoulder to the next, while her body went numb. And then, as if flipped by a series of switches, her senses returned: first, the feel of wind striking her skin; then the crisp sound of her red cape flapping in the air; followed by the revelation she was in freefall.

But before Supergirl could regain control, Project Zero grabbed her S symbol, and as the villainess scrunched her costume between her fingers, Supergirl could feel the cold air racing down her top. However, she was more concerned about the fist heading towards her.

Supergirl was groggy after one blow and bleeding after the second. The Amazon waited for the Girl of Steel’s blue eyes to regain their focus, before delivering a third and forth strike. Blood from Supergirl’s nose gushed over her lips and into the surrounding air, as she continued to fall. Whimpering, the Maid of Might desperately tried to break the Amazon’s grip, but the woman refused to let go.

With her blonde locks caught in the wind, obscuring her view, Supergirl struggled to defend herself. Barely conscious, the Maid of Might’s eyes fluttered to the back of her head, while her limbs dropped, allowing the woman to take control of their decent. And then, having guided their fall back towards the large dust cloud, the Amazon tossed the Girl of Steel, like a pitcher winding up for a throw, towards the primary tower.

Supergirl slammed into the building, her body twisting and turning from one level to the next, scattering glass and debris onto the streets below, until coming to a rest on the 15th floor.

Slowly picking herself up, Supergirl began coughing blood. The dots of red stood in contrast to the dull sheath of dust and debris that covered her surroundings. Wiping her mouth, the blood from her nose flowed across her fingers. It was a startling sight for a girl unaccustomed to pain.

“Oh my god!” said a man, drawing a crowd.

“Holly shit, it’s Supergirl!” said another, shocked by the heroine’s battered appearance. But before he, and the others, could help, a sharp, sizzling sound drew their attention.

Upon spotting the Amazon, Supergirl rolled to avoid getting hit. But as Project Zero slammed down, the floor crumbled, burying everyone beneath four stories of rubble.

To be continued ...
Last edited by girlofsteel 8 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
Echoes of Destruction -
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Thanks for posting GOS.

Really enjoyed how Project Zero was unconcerned about SG being present in her mission to capture Sora. But if SG is able to escape (would Sora help her? probably not. More likely Heath helps her somehow?) it will be interesting to see how Occulus handles the situation.

Sora has escaped with SG's help. (an assumption) Do they ignore SG or try to use her in baiting or capturing Sora? or will SG and Project Zero/Occulus run into each other in their pursuit of Sora?
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Absolutely fantastic fight scene! Pure power against power with incredible choreography! Can't wait to see where this goes next.
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Fantastic! Finally a story where SG isn't weakened in order to get her ass kicked. She has all her powers available to be the invincible warrior woman she is known to be yet is getting smashed to pieces by her tougher and stronger foe. Great job.

You are mean though, because you're making us wait for the next chapter. Lol.

Can't wait.
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Very, very well done.

An epic encounter and always nice to just immerse the reader in the action with little pre-amble. (those who know me may find it hard to believe but I have done it myself once or twice! lol!)

Superbly written fight scenes and plenty of them!

Nicely spaced out layout, good use of italics to add import to parts of the tale and an interesting start to the story, very well told.

There's the odd minor point that doesn't quite sit right with me (a girl with x-ray vision unsighted by her own hair?!) but great first time work.

A star is born.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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nice work! Thanks for sharing your talents!
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wow! great story! I am glad you decided to share it with us! :)
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releqy wrote:Fantastic! Finally a story where SG isn't weakened in order to get her ass kicked. She has all her powers available to be the invincible warrior woman she is known to be yet is getting smashed to pieces by her tougher and stronger foe. Great job.

You are mean though, because you're making us wait for the next chapter. Lol.

Can't wait.
I second that. I'm always looking for stories in which a slender superheroine is beaten in a fair fight by a larger stronger bigger titted villainess, but it's so difficult to find that scenario.

I can't wait for next...
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Thanks to all for your support. I really appreciate your comments and hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Here's Part II:


Staggering to her feet, Supergirl could hear the groans of the people around her. But with the emergency lighting blinking on and off, she could do little to help. Suddenly, the lights settled and the Maid of Might was startled to discover Project Zero charging towards her.

The Girl of Steel grunted as the Amazon’s shoulder drilled into her mid-section. Seconds later, what air remained in her body was driven from her lungs, as she was smashed against the back wall.

Before Supergirl could inhale, the Amazon delivered a series of punches to her abdomen. The woman struck with such ferocity and speed that Supergirl could hardly distinguish the blows. Staggering from the wall, the Girl of Steel wrapped her arms around her throbbing midsection.

Supergirl was desperate for air, but each time she inhaled her grunting and moaning discharged her breath before it could reach her lungs. As she gasped, blood seeped down the corners of her mouth, and across her chin. Staring through her blonde tresses she managed to raise her eyes in time to spot her opponent’s fist targeting her chin.

The haymaker swept Supergirl off her feet, smashing her through a wall and sliding back, along with pieces of cement, across the floor. As she came to a stop - blood continuing to ooze from her mouth - the Girl of Steel refused to stay down, but her throbbing abdomen collapsed her, once again, onto her back before she could stand.

Removing her hands from her mid-section, Supergirl inspected the damage. Her super-vision revealing a series of bruises surrounding her navel, causing her flat, toned abs to swell beneath her costume. Gasping at the severity of the damage, the Maid of Might, inadvertently, splattered blood across her S shield.

The symbolism wasn’t lost upon the Girl of Steel. Since coming to Earth, she had been hailed as a goddess and; although, she did her best to disavow this notion, a part of her believed in her perceived divinity. However, the sight of her family crest dotted in blood was threatening this belief. In fact, it was assaulting the very concept of who Supergirl believed herself to be.

After all, she was 19, and with Krypton destroyed her identity, as Supergirl, was all she had. Looking down at her disheveled body, the Maid of Might frantically pulled on her skirt, desperate to protect some semblance of her mental self-image. But, instead of worrying about her modesty, she should have been concentrating on Project Zero, who, once again, was advancing.

And nothing was going to stop the Amazon from repaying the Girl of Steel for the pain she had endured in the sky, not even the pillars that stood in her way. Refusing to think about how close her plans had come to ruin, Project Zero thrust one hand, and then the other into the concrete, separating the pillars from the building. The villainess handled these massive supports – which stood over 10 feet, with a radius of three – with ease.

Quickening her pace, the Amazon’s flexing muscles made it appear as if the only part of her body that carried any fat were her ample breasts. Both of which were clearly exposed and, like the rest of her tanned frame, covered in cuts and bruises. “I tear you to pieces,” said the woman – foam continuing to spew from her mouth – before launching a pillar towards the Girl of Steel.

Supergirl, still on the ground, blasted the pillar with her heat-vision, but lost track of the Amazon in the resulting dust cloud. She could hear the woman approaching, but the sound of her roars was echoing off the walls making her difficult to locate. Frantically, the Maid of Might scurried back, her ass squeaking as it dragged against the floor.

Even with super-vision, Supergirl couldn’t find her opponent. Impossible, where is she, thought the Girl of Steel. Realizing there was only one possibility, the young blonde looked up right as the second pillar smashed against her face.

Flat on her back, there was nothing the dazed heroine could do to prevent Project Zero from grabbing her ankle and pounding her against the surroundings, before tossing her to the other side of the building.

Supergirl’s arms were shaking as she raised herself onto her hands and knees. She could hear Project Zero’s voice, but her head was spinning and couldn’t make out the words. Until her mind cleared, it was easier to focus on a single sound: the splashing of her blood, dripping from her mouth onto the floor.

Struggling to stand, the Girl of Steel took note of the bruises on her legs and the pain emanating from the ones beneath her costume. She was disturbed to see tears in her sleeves and by the feeling of sweat soaking across her body. Her dirty hair was especially wet, dripping perspiration down her face and across her neckline.

This can’t be happening, thought Supergirl, her eyes catching the red glow of an exit sign. Although her legs were heavy, Project Zero was far enough away for the young blonde to leap into the air and escape, but her ego wouldn’t allow it—because more than anything, she was afraid to lose.

After years of adulation, winning had become a part of her. Like a drug, Supergirl had grown addicted to it. Even now, when common sense said run – when the burning in her lungs, and pain in her muscles demanded she take a break – she refused. Instead, Supergirl swung to face her opponent and said, “I will stop you.”

“Not possible,” responded Project Zero in her slow, thick accent. “You, pretty princess, …” scanning Supergirl with her glowing eyes, the villainess smiled at the damage she had inflicted, “…more show than substance.”

“No, I’m Supergirl,” said the heroine, building her confidence, “and I won’t be defeated.” Staggering forward, the Maid of Might clenched her fists and began swinging wildly at her foe.

Despite her mass, Project Zero possessed the speed and agility of an athlete half her size. Shifting her weight - first left, then right and then left again - she easily avoided the Girl of Steel’s blows. Unlike Supergirl, the Amazon was a trained fighter, skilled at exploiting her opponent’s weaknesses.

Frustrated by her inability to connect, the heroic teen never saw the woman’s attack, but she howled as it impacted her chest, slamming her against the outer wall. “Too easy,” said the villainess, pulling the Maid of Might back to her feet by her disheveled locks. “Come girl … give challenge,” commanded the Amazon, slapping the young blonde.

Supergirl could feel her cheeks reddening from the blows. She was trying to escape, but couldn’t remove the woman’s hand from her wet hair. And since each subsequent slap was harder than the last, Supergirl was having difficulty recovering, leaving her at the mercy of her foe.

“There is no SUPER in you, … just GIRL” said Project Zero, tossing the Maid of Might aside. Amused by the heroine’s stumbling, the villainess added insult to injury: kicking Supergirl in the ass, causing her to tumble onto her face.

“Problem, superBABY? Break nail?” said Project Zero with a chuckle.

Supergirl felt humiliated. The woman’s incessant laughter was like a thousand cuts, draining her of her will to fight. But contrary to Project Zero’s expectations she wasn’t beaten. No! Nobody does this to me. Reaching for the metal beam beside her, the Maid of Might leapt to her feet and swung the piece of debris at the Amazon’s face.

The metal shattered on impact, driving a startled Project Zero back. Pressing her advantage, the Girl of Steel followed-up with a series of blows. “Fall damn it,” said Supergirl, wincing with every punch to the woman’s jaw. It wasn’t long before Supergirl’s knuckles were bleeding. However, she was more concerned about her inability to knock the woman down.

This concern turned to fright as the Amazon sprung to life, sidestepping the Maid of Might’s next punch and countering with a knee. Screaming as her abs were driven into her body, Supergirl ejected the contents of her stomach—namely blood and bile.

The Girl of Steel wanted to collapse, but the Amazon wouldn’t allow it. Pressing a hand between Supergirl’s breasts, Project Zero clenched her fingers around the heroine’s costume. Her green/gold eyes beaming with delight as she squeezed Supergirl’s S and pulled her onto the tips of her toes.

Suddenly, the Amazon stopped, her attention drawn away from Supergirl’s battered face to her own. Wiping her upper lip she was enraged to discover she was bleeding. Yanking the young blonde into the air by her S, Project Zero expressed her displeasure, smashing her forehead against the heroine’s face.

The Maid of Might’s nose was instantly re-broken. With blood gushing from her nostrils, Supergirl desperately tore at the woman’s arms. The feeling of her costume wedged against her vulva only adding to her humiliation, as she groaned, struggling to break free. In search of relief, her red boots stretched for the ground, but her long, shapely legs couldn’t reach.

Supergirl could see satisfaction on Project Zero’s face—blood staining the woman’s smile. Impossibly, the Amazon, despite having her own bruises, appeared to feel no pain. The cuts on her shaven head only added to her ferocity. As did the scars from Supergirl’s heat-vision, which distorted the tribal tattoos that circled her face. All of these features were doused in layers of sweat, causing her tanned skin to glisten.

And as the Amazon looked down her sweat dripped onto Supergirl’s face. Even with a broken nose, the Maid of Might could smell the woman’s stench, and, increasingly, her own. Enjoying the heroine’s discomfort, the Amazon brought her closer to breath in something shared by all her victims—despair.

She could see it in Supergirl’s blue eyes. Everything else, from the girl’s swollen cheeks to her broken nose, was a distraction. The eyes, it was always in the eyes. That’s where she would know if Supergirl were truly broken.

Until now, no one would’ve believed that the Girl of Steel could be defeated and, yet, here she was—bleeding, while suspended in the air by her own costume. Still, despite the damage, it was clear to Project Zero that there was work to be done. For one, Supergirl’s face remained far too angelic for her liking. More importantly, the girl’s eyes revealed that her spirit wasn’t broken. Frustrated by the heroine’s continued resistance, Project Zero delivered a punishing knee to her groin.

Supergirl was howling even before she landed on the ground. Her hands pressing against her red skirt, as she cupped her vulva. Trying to alleviate the pain she leaned forward, causing her sweaty hair to brush against the floor.

“Get up SuperBitch!” commanded Project Zero, placing her hands on her hips, mocking Supergirl’s famous pose.

As Supergirl tried to stand, the intensity of her screams increased. I can’t…it hurts, thought the Girl of Steel, resting her bum on her ankles. No, I can’t give up. I won’t let her win. Fighting the pain, Supergirl reached up and clutched what remained of the woman’s low-rise, black spandex shorts, attempting to use it as leverage.

“Weak!” said Project Zero, holding her massive hands against the heroine’s temples. “Scream, Supergirl,” said the woman, squeezing the Maid of Might’s head.

With horror, Supergirl looked up. Releasing the spandex shorts – tearing them further in the process – her hands latched onto the woman’s wrists. Within seconds, to the Amazon’s delight, the Girl of Steel was screaming, “STOP…STOP!” as even more blood began flowing from her nose and mouth.

Seconds later her ears started bleeding. “PLEASE STOP!” begged Supergirl, her nails frantically clawing into the woman’s arms, desperate to relieve the pressure on her skull. Suddenly, Supergirl was hit by a frightening realization—She’s going to kill me.

With her mind blacking in and out of consciousness, Supergirl was having difficulty focusing. This can’t be happening. Please RAO, this isn’t how it’s supposed to end. I…I won’t let it. Suddenly, Supergirl could feel her strength returning—one final spike of adrenaline. Come on girl, you’re only going to get one shot.

“Burn bitch!” shouted Supergirl, unleashing her heat-vision.

Once again, Project Zero’s face began to sizzle, but, somehow, she managed to resist the pain. “Not this time,” said the Amazon, clasping her hands over Supergirl’s face. Instantly, the woman’s palms started burning, but it was the Maid of Might who screamed, as her heat-vision was reflected back into her own eyes.

With her corneas seared, Supergirl fell to the floor, howling in pain. I’m blind, feared Supergirl, unable to open her eyes. The blue in her irises was gone, scorched like the skin surrounding her eye sockets. This made her sensitive to light, and for the most part, unable to look at anything other than the floor. Panicking, the Maid of began crawling, blindly trying to distance herself from her opponent.

But Project Zero was already moving towards her. Ignoring her steaming hands, she was enjoying the sight of the mighty Girl of Steel on her knees. The Amazon was especially enticed by the heroine’s round ass, as it bounced beneath her red cape.

“Going somewhere, princess?” said the woman, yanking Supergirl up by her tangled hair. The Amazon didn’t bother to wait for a reply; the screaming heroine was already making the only sound she desired to hear.

Laying the Maid of Might across her knee, Project Zero indulged her arousal. Her eyes filling with excitement, as she pulled the heroine’s cape aside, revealing the girl’s long, toned legs. “Finally … something super,” said the Amazon, lifting the Maid of Might’s equally red skirt. The sight of Supergirl’s taught bum sent waves of excitement throughout Project Zero’s body and a world of possibilities racing through her mind.

Though unimpressed by the heroine’s fighting skills, the Amazon could not deny the young blonde’s physical beauty. Supergirl’s bum was erotic perfection, flawlessly stretching her costume around its sensual curves. Desiring a better view, the villainess wedged the blue fabric between the girl’s shapely cheeks.

Supergirl shouted in protest, but before she could resist, Project Zero began slapping her glutes. It took only a few hits for Supergirl’s ass to redden, intensifying her screams. As the Maid of Might’s skin swelled, the sound dulled—the pain, however, only increased.

But the Girl of Steel wasn’t the only one who was hurt. Noticing the blood and charred skin that smeared across the heroine’s bum after each hit the Amazon paused to exam her burning hands. Disgusted by the bubbling flesh Project Zero – for her own sake, more than the Maid of Might’s – decided to stop.

Instead, the Amazon proceeded by grabbing Supergirl’s throat and lifting her into the air. “If only world could see now,” said the woman, walking towards the centre of the floor, oblivious to the surrounding bodies and falling debris.

Supergirl could only respond in whimpers. The sole upside to her tears was that they soothed her eyes, allowing her to open them just enough to see—small comfort, considering the depth of her humiliation. In fact, Supergirl couldn’t bring herself to look Project Zero in the eyes.

Suspended by her neck, the Girl of Steel gasped as Project Zero reached beneath her skirt and clutched her vulva. Instantly, the villainess had her complete attention. “Hey! What are you doing?!” said Supergirl, as she was elevated above her opponent’s head.

Displaying the Maid of Might like a trophy, Project Zero looked down at the building’s lobby. Even from eleven floors up, the writing that circled the central shield was visible: “Starr Labs: Building the Future.”

Amused, Project Zero began delivering her own special message.

“Stop that!” commanded Supergirl, as her costume was pressed between her nether lips. Through the thin fabric, she could feel the woman’s inflamed fingers stroking her clit. Grunting in protest, Supergirl squirmed in disgust, but her opponent’s hold was too strong.

“Enjoy princess; more pain to come,” said the Amazon tossing Supergirl over the balcony.

With her hair brushing against her swollen checks, Supergirl fell. Lacking the strength to fly, her limbs hung in the air, flapping, like her skirt and cape, towards the sky.

As Supergirl smashed against the ground, her body tore into the marble floor, disfiguring the shield in the centre of the lobby. Slowly, the Girl of Steel began to stir, but before she could gather her wits, Project Zero struck.

Blood exploded from Supergirl’s mouth, as the Amazon’s knees drilled into her mid-section. Screaming wildly, the Girl of Steel tried to escape but the woman had her pinned.

The feeling of Supergirl’s toned body trapped beneath her, squirming between her thighs, grinding against her crotch, was too much for Project Zero. Suddenly, pleasure began sweeping throughout the Amazon’s body, causing her to shudder and moan, as she reached down and filled her fingers with Supergirl’s blonde mane.

“Pleasure me,” commanded the woman thrusting Supergirl’s head towards her crotch.

Despite the blood spewing from her mouth and gushing from her broken nose, Supergirl could smell the woman’s arousal. What remained of the Amazon’s black spandex shorts struggled to conceal her wet labia. The surrounding area, however, was clearly exposed covered in a mesh of thick, black pubic hairs.

Disgusted, Supergirl tried turning away, but Project Zero wouldn’t allow it.

“Taste and I promise quick death,” said the Amazon, licking her fiery lips as she pulled Supergirl’s face within inches of her sweaty and aroused vulva.

Supergirl wanted to resist, but the slightest movement sent her abs ablaze, forcing her to grunt in pain. She pictured herself lashing out, striking at the woman’s face; however, she could no longer control her aching muscles. But, even though her injuries were severe, Supergirl’s spirit wasn’t broken.

Raising her teary eyes, the Girl of Steel met the villainess’ burning gaze and said: “Never!”

Project Zero was startled; she had expected Supergirl to cower before her. The Amazon would never admit it, but just as the Girl of Steel had underestimated her, she too had underestimated the young blonde. But, right now, she was too horny to care. She needed pleasure and one way or another, was determined to get it.

“I will break you,” said Project Zero, slamming the Maid of Might’s head into the ground. Supergirl was helpless as the woman’s fists tore into her swollen face, splicing one check and then the other.

The Amazon was relentless, blackening one of Supergirl’s eyes before slamming another fist into the girl’s mouth, causing the heroine to spit out two of her teeth.

Barely conscious, the Girl of Steel could only bleed, while her opponent clutched her hands above her head, preparing to deliver the final blow.

But, before she could, the vibration in her ear brought the Amazon to her senses. “What?!” she snapped, activating the communication device.

“Yes, I have pretty princess,” confirmed the villainess, looking down at the battered Maid of Might—blood gushing from multiple cuts and orifices, while her one open eye struggled to focus.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, Supergirl could only pick-up fragments of the conversation.

“Don’t worry she breaths,” said the Amazon, grabbing Supergirl’s hair and pulling her onto her knees, preventing her from choking on her own blood.

“But Sora is gone…” reported Project Zero, turning her attention to her surroundings, displeased at the lecture she was receiving.

“Fine, I go,” said the villainess, terminating the conversation.

Dropping to a knee, Project Zero turned her attention back to the Girl of Steel. “Police surround building,” said the villainess, pulling-up behind the heroine and wrapping her arm around her slender neck. “I’m going to kill them. If you try and stop me …” said the woman, whispering into Supergirl’s ear, “… I will rip-off costume, and ravage you before TV.

“Today you die, Supergirl,” said Project Zero, tossing the Maid of Might to the floor, to lie in a puddle of her own blood. “Either in front of cameras…” said the villainess, walking towards the exit, “… or here, in shame, as I burn city.”

To be continued ...
Last edited by girlofsteel 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Echoes of Destruction -
Alert Station -
Lost in the Swarm -
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Awesome story, love the battle action detail!
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Excellent story!!
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I hope people are still enjoying the story? I'd love to hear what what works as well as what doesn't, plus any other thoughts. It has been a blast writing this but I also want to get better, so please drop a comment.

Here's Part III


Her muscles shaking, Supergirl slowly raised herself onto her hands and knees. Several minutes had past since the Amazon had left and still blood spewed from her mouth, forming a mirror of red on the ground. NO! My face, she’s destroyed my face, thought Supergirl gasping in horror at the sight of her own reflection.

The bruises and cuts increased the pain of her tears, which flowed from only one eye, since the other was too swollen to open. Although horrified, Supergirl couldn’t stop starring at her beaten face. Her tongue exploring the space between her missing teeth while her blonde locks soaked up the sweat that dripped across her dirty cheeks.

Supergirl’s grunts turned to screams from the pain shooting throughout her body as she attempted to stand. Wrapping her arms around her midsection, the Girl of Steel could feel her swollen abs beneath her costume—her touch causing a fresh round of bile to spew from her mouth, joining the pool of red and her two broken teeth on the floor.

Wiping her lips with her arm, smearing her blue sleeve with blood in the process, Supergirl raised her head. Her super-vision allowing her to see Project Zero outside attacking the police—bullets bouncing off the villainess, as she tore apart the squad cars, before doing the same to the officers inside.

Clutching her swollen face, listening to the slaughter, Supergirl started crying. She could hear reporters, both on the ground and in the helicopters above, calling for her to save the day, unaware of her proximity, let alone her battered state.

Come on Kara, the world needs you. But instead of leaping into action, she froze. No. I can’t go out there, thought Supergirl, reaching between her legs, adjusting her costume. She could still hear the Amazon’s voice inside her head promising to humiliate her further, should she attempt to intervene.

Although back on her feet, Supergirl was filled with something she had not felt in years—fear. As she continued retreating from the light – that burst through the lobby’s glass windows – her red boots slipped on her own blood, spreading it across the marble floor.

The Girl of Steel wasn’t sure where she was heading, but knew she couldn’t let the cameras see her. Not like this, thought the Maid of Might, protecting her ego. Too battered to fly, and barely able to walk, Supergirl leaned against the sidewall, stumbling towards the back of the building. Maybe there’s another exit, she hoped.

Suddenly, the Girl of Steel heard voices. Pressing her back against the wall she hid in the shadows – cast by the surrounding pillars that blocked the emergency lighting – as two Brutes walked past.

Once men, these beasts were now more reptilian than human, with green tongues lashing out from behind layers of jagged teeth. Surrounded by bulging back muscles and round shoulders, their necks were invisible. The orange tinted armor covering their ripped physiques, made their chests impossibly large. This armor, like their metal bracelets and chin guards were screwed into their bodies. The rest of their limbs were exposed, revealing pulsating veins that glowed against their purple skin.

Trying not to grunt as she breathed, Supergirl watched as a second pair of Brutes approached from the other side of the lobby. Normally, the Girl of Steel wouldn’t fear these steroid pumped creations, but in her current state she knew she couldn’t defeat them. With one of the Brute’s staring in her direction, Supergirl grew nervous, her heart pounding, unsure as to whether or not she had been detected.

I can’t let them catch me thought Supergirl, aware of the depraved sexual appetites of these creatures. Wincing as she drew a breath, Supergirl prepared to run, but before she did a sharp sound drew her attention, as well as the Brutes’.

“Where is she” said a young woman, slamming the lobby doors. Dressed in a costume similar to Supergirl’s, except black, with no cape, the brunette took instant command. Her slender body was as tall and toned as the Girl of Steel’s, but instead of an S, she wore a yellow r rotunda - ꝛ - across her chest. And, just like Project Zero, the number 411 was on her arm, except it was on a band instead of a tattoo.

“Well, answer me,” said the young woman, slapping the nearest brute.

“We don’t know, Rapture,” snarled the creature, wiping the blue blood from its mouth.

Taking in her surrounding’s, Rapture noticed the trail of red on the marble floor. “Idiots,” she said, pointing in the opposite direction, “Find her.”

The intensity in Rapture’s voice sent the Brute’s scurrying.

Breathing heavily, the Girl of Steel continued concealing her presence. In addition to pain, she could feel sweat soaking her body—staining the wall as she slid against it. Ahead, she could see elevators, but assumed they were either destroyed or inoperative due to the initial bomb scare.

Maybe there’s an exit past the corridor thought Supergirl, hesitant to expose her position—even though the Brute’s were on the other side of the lobby, the girl in black was walking towards her. Just stay still, I’m safe in the shadows thought the Maid of Might—she was wrong.

“Supergirl, oh Su-per-girl … I know you’re here” said Rapture, calling into the darkness. She had purposefully sent the Brute’s in the wrong direction in order to have the heroine to herself.

The Girl of Steel froze; the voice was now coming from multiple directions. Turning her head, the Maid of Might saw another girl, identical to Rapture, walking towards her, dressed in the same black costume.

“What’s the matter hero…” simultaneously said both girls, slowly weaving between the pillars from opposite sides “… surely, you’re not afraid?”

Suddenly, Supergirl’s body betrayed her, causing her to gasp as urine soaked the blue strip of costume between her legs.

“The brutes are waiting Girl of Steel,” said one girl.

“Come out and play,” said the other.

RAO, this can’t be real, thought Supergirl. Desperate to control her bladder, the Maid of Might clutched her vulva, but her hands couldn’t contain the flow. Fortunately, the fountains that lined the lobby’s walls masked the sound of her urine splashing against her boots.

Still, it was only a matter of time before she was discovered. Supergirl needed to act, but before she could two hands wrapped around her neck and ripped her through the wall.

Everything was happening too fast. No matter how hard she kicked or screamed the Girl of Steel continued to be dragged, while urinating on the white tilled floor. It wasn’t until her head was dunked into the toilet, that the Maid of Might realized she was inside a bathroom.

The irony, however, was lost upon Supergirl, who could smell the filth even before she was swallowing it. Instantly, her gag reflex kicked-in, mixing her own vomit with the liquid excrement surrounding her face. As she tried to resist the waste splashed in and out of the bowl, dousing her hair. All the while, Supergirl’s own secretions continued to spill between her kicking legs.

Desperate for air, Supergirl’s hands slid along the porcelain rim, trying to pull her head out of the bowl. But her mysterious opponent was too strong, forcing her head back down into the filth.

Supergirl’s legs were shaking, her arms thrashing against the side of the stall.

“Stop that! We need her alive; unspoiled,” said Rapture as she along with her doppelganger, overpowered the Girl of Steel’s assailant in order to toss the battered heroine clear of the toilet.

Supergirl landed on her back in the middle of the room. Her wet hair smearing excrement across her face, like a dirty mop. Her attackers, however, were drawn to her raised skirt. “Well look at that,” said the nearest of the three, kicking the Maid of Might’s legs further apart in order to better the view. The thin strip of blue costume between Supergirl’s legs was drenched, sucking onto her vulva as urine squirted down her thighs.

“Project Zero is right, she’s all girl, no super.”

“What an over-rated whore. Look at her, she needs a diaper,” chided another. The three villainesses were in stitches, latching on to each other for support. Looking to prolong their laughter they turned their attention back to the Maid of Might’s face.

“Fuck,” said the girl in the middle, upon realizing the heroine was no longer breathing. Lighting instantly shot from the girl’s hands, tearing into Supergirl’s chest. The others followed suite, causing the Maid of Might to spasm on the floor, until she began spewing toilet water and fecal matter from her lungs.

“That’s enough; she’s alive.”

Gasping for air, Supergirl remained on her back, in a puddle of her own urine. She wanted to curl up into a ball but when she attempted to move the only thing that changed was the decibel of her screams. Humiliated and aching, the best she could do was clutch her steaming breasts.

“Well, at least you’ve stopped pissing yourself,” said all three voices in unison.

Finally able to overcome her embarrassment and look up, Supergirl was astonished to see that the girls were triplets. Every shapely curve, taught muscle and hair was the same. Even their costumes were a perfect match, black with a yellow r rotunda stretched across ample breasts. They even shared the same mole on their left cheek – the only blemish on their otherwise flawless skin.

And then, suddenly, all three girls became one. Their bodies phasing together, until only the figure in the middle remained.

Even before completing her transformation, Rapture could hear the incessant panting of the brute’s approaching. But as they entered the washroom the young villainess, kept her focus on the Girl of Steel.

“Clean this bitch up,” said the alluring brunette. “But don’t get any ideas …” she added, finally acknowledging the Brutes with a wave of her wrist, “… Project Zero has special plans for her.” As Rapture stepped aside the Brutes stared, hopping for a glimpse of her taught bum, beneath her short black skirt—they weren’t disappointed.

The beasts were equally excited as they approached the Maid of Might, removing their metal codpieces to reveal foot long erections. “Come on boys, you heard the boss lady … hose her down,” said the lead Brute, saliva gurgling his words, as he grabbed his penis and took aim.

Surrounded, the Girl of Steal was targeted on all-sides. The air took on a foul odor as thick streams, of orange/yellow piss sprayed down against her toned body. Initially her S symbol and vulva drew all the fire, but it wasn’t long before the beasts turned their attention to removing the excrement from the young blonde’s hair and face.

Supergirl tried protecting herself, but the Brute’s had her arms pinned beneath their clawed feet. With little strength there was nothing the moaning heroine could do. Even her tears were denied, either washed away by the boiling urine, or evaporated by the resulting steam as it splashed against her skin.

Enough!” said Rapture, pushing two of the Brute’s aside, causing them to soak themselves as they struggled to regain control of their members. Staring down at the disheveled Maid of Might, the girl in black was pleased. “Excellent. Now, pick her up … it’s time to finish this bitch.”

With her red boots dragging against the floor Supergirl was carried – strung by her arms between two Brutes – out of the washroom and towards the elevators. To the Girl of Steel’s surprise they were functional—activated by a key card that Rapture twirled in her hands as they descended. The blood stains on its side, reminding the Girl of Steel of all those she had failed.

Supergirl thought of escape but barely had strength to lift her head. This changed as she felt the two Brutes behind her draw aside her red cape and lift her equally colored skirt.

Less than half an hour ago, Supergirl was casting these mutated beasts aside with the flick of a finger. But now, in her battered state, she could only gasp and shutter as their green tongues oozed up her legs, fighting each other to see who would be the first to slip under her costume. Supergirl began to panic, sending a spike of adrenaline through her body clearing her vision—at least in her one open eye.

Fortunately, for Supergirl, the elevator completed its descent before a winner could be declared. And as the doors opened - and Rapture stepped out - the Girl of Steel found herself staring at a familiar reflective floor, leading down an equally smooth, dark tinted corridor.

No! How could they know about this, thought Supergirl recognizing the station that controlled access to the secret maximum-security facility beneath Governors Island—located less than a mile from the southern tip of the downtown core.

The government had several of these stations throughout Metropolis, linked by an underground rail system. Until now this system had proved an effective means of transporting top-secret government assets as well as super villains between facilities.

So that’s it. This is what it has all been about … a jail break! Staring at the Brutes who restrained her, as they continued carrying her down the corridor, the Maid of Might began racing through her rogue’s gallery. There was no shortage of targets: Mongul, Bizzara, Parasite, Killer Frost, Eradicator, Cyborg Supergirl, Lobo … they were all imprisoned here. But none of these villains had been able to decisively defeat her. So who was pulling the strings?

“Ah…you found her.”

Supergirl instantly recognized the grinding voice. How could she forget when every ache and pain in her body was a reminder?

To be continued ...
Last edited by girlofsteel 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Incredible stuff! What a beating SG has endured! I'm loving it!
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Please go on!
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After this, only one instalement remains. Will try and finish by next week - suggestions?

Part IV:


“Any problems?” asked Project Zero walking towards Rapture, ambivalent towards her exposed vulva and breasts, the latter swinging through the tears in her black sports bra. The two were about to embrace, when Project Zero suddenly stopped. “I told you unspoiled,” said the Amazon her swirling eyes staring at Supergirl’s steaming chest.

“It was an accident,” said Rapture, stepping aside to avoid Project Zero’s broad shoulder.

“She smells like piss,” said the Amazon, ripping Supergirl away from the Brutes and dangling her in the air by her throat. Even at 5’9”, Supergirl’s fit and toned body failed to impress in comparison to the Amazon’s chiseled physique.

“You know what this moment means. How much I’ve suffered…sacrificed….?

“Jelena … ,” said Rapture reaching to stroke Project Zero’s cheek. She desperately wanted to hold her lover. To inspect the frightening damage from her fight with Supergirl, but she knew better than to voice her concern over the burns and bruises—at least not publicly. “…I know. Don’t worry my love, as promised, Supergirl is yours.”

“No matter,” said the Amazon, turning before Rapture’s hand could make contact.
As Project Zero walked away a series of blue lights illuminated her path towards the vault that jutted – in a semi-circular fashion - from the end wall. Upon arrival, a female, computerized voice was activated: “WELCOME TO REACHDEEP”. Although robotic the voice had a soothing tone: “TO PROCEED, AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED.”

Supergirl grunted as she was yanked towards a luminescent glass panel beside the steel doors. Doors she knew all too well. Having stood before them countless times—triumphantly staring at her reflection upon handing over to the authorities whatever super villain had been foolish enough to challenge her.

Except, this time, she was the cargo. And instead of standing, she was hanging in the air—her slender throat encircled by Project Zero’s massive hand. Barely able to breath, Supergirl’s muscles shook from her desperate efforts to break free—one arm attempting to pry the Amazon’s hand from her neck while the other was forced towards the panel.

“NNNOOOOOO!” shouted the Girl of Steel, her shaking palm, despite her efforts, touching the glass. While the Amazon’s grip prevented her from turning her head, she could feel the heat of the lasers against her skin.

The Maid of Might’s embarrassment grew as Project Zero whispered: “How feel to be helpless, SuperGIRL?” The villainesses’ emphasis on the last part of her name was particularly jarring.

But, before the crying heroine could respond, the robotic voice kicked in:

Instantly, Project Zero shoved the young blonde’s swollen face towards the panel.

Supergirl tried pushing free, but all the Amazon had to do, to break the heroine’s resistance, was twist the hand already in her possession. The pain caused Supergirl to release a fresh set of tears, and this, more than her squirming or screams, was enough to offset the scanner.


Inspecting Supergirl’s battered face Project Zero grew worried. While the girl’s tears could be wiped away, the villainess suspected the real problem was the damage caused to the Maid of Might’s eyes from her reflected heat vision. The only way to be certain, reasoned the Amazon, was to try again.

Supergirl’s screams echoed throughout the chamber— puss, spewing from her swollen eye. But no matter how hard she kicked and squirmed, Project Zero kept prying it open.

The blinking green light above the panel confirmed Project Zero’s assumption: Supergirl’s swollen eye was indeed healing faster; in fact, her iris was already regaining its light-blue tint.


“Now, speak!” commanded Project Zero, forcing the Girl of Steel to look at her.

Tears streamed down Supergirl’s swollen and bleeding cheeks, spilling from her eyes – one fully open, the other split – as her body trembled.

“Say! Say, so all hear!”

The Girl of Steel had given everything she had: from the sweat pouring down her bruised and swollen body to the blood dripping from her cuts and orifices. And despite all she had endured, she still refused to submit. Because, right now, her silence was all that stood between the Amazon and access to the world’s imprisoned population of super villains.

As long as I remain silent the vault stays shut. It’s that simple. And if she forces it open the Metropolis River will flood the tunnels. Come on girl, you got this, thought Supergirl, her stare conveying her defiance.

“You mistake bravery for stupidity. All I need is scream,” said Project Zero, relishing the fear in Supergirl’s eyes as she pulled her fist back—flexing muscles the young blonde never imagined could belong to a woman.

Determined to destroy Supergirl’s toned abs – abs she had seen glorified on countless beauty and fitness magazines – Project Zero let loose with a flurry of blows. The villainess was particularly incensed at the thought of the latest Sports Illustrated—the one with Supergirl posing akimbo in a revealing blue bikini, under the heading “Abs of Steel.” Now, staring at Supergirl’s flat stomach – her toned abs, though swollen, still visible – Project Zero channeled her rage.

With each punch the Girl of Steel’s arms and legs shot away from her body, struggling to absorb the pain. As the blows kept coming – pounding and drilling deeper into her abs – blood began splattering from her mouth.

The brutality was frightening. None could believe the Girl of Steel’s resilience, except for Project Zero, who, having brought Supergirl to the verge of unconsciousness, finally loosened her grip.

In truth, Supergirl would have succumbed after only a few blows, but the Amazon wouldn’t allow it; tightening her grip around the heroine’s neck, forcing her to swallow her screams—for Project Zero didn’t want her victory heralded by just any sound, she wanted a deep guttural cry.

As the Maid of Might obliged, the computer responded, unlocking the steel doors—which opened slowly, accompanied by the hum of large motors.


In the past, the announcement of her name would fill the Girl of Steel with pride, but now – having been tossed to the ground, her abs throbbing – she felt like a fraud.

None in the room thought different. Supergirl, although lean and athletic, no longer held the same aura. Not when the remaining contents of her stomach were spewing onto the reflective floor, while crying, in the fetal position, clearly in need of hospitalization.

I can’t take any more, thought Supergirl. Please RAO … just let it end.

But Project Zero had other plans, reaching down and yanking Supergirl onto her knees by her tattered locks, before addressing her henchmen. “It is done! Now, we take prison. Except you, my love…,” said the Amazon turning to face Rapture, “… you must stay”.

“But I want to go with you … I want to be there,” protested the raven-haired beauty.

“No,” replied Project Zero directing the Brutes on her left, with a snap of her fingers, to follow her through the vault and into the underwater tunnel. “The rest of you stay with Rapture; make sure police don’t spoil suprise.”

Neither the brutes that had been instructed to remain nor Rapture were pleased—their jowls tightening, struggling to contain their rage, while the Girl of Steel was dragged into the transport without them.

But as the vehicle prepared to depart, Rapture held her ground, allowing her reflection and the weight of her stare to convey her displeasure. We both know what you’re up to. “So that’s it, now that you have her, you don’t need me?”

“It’s business, nothing more,” said Project Zero, attempting to reassure her lover, as the vault closed. And as it did, the tube’s transparent walls with its surrounding lights, revealed a stunning view of the river and its fauna.

However, not even this view could compete with the sight of Project Zero lifting the Girl of Steel, like a rag doll, against the glass.

Okay…it’s also pleasure thought Project Zero, forcing her way between Supergirl’s legs. Seeing their boss’s vulva touching the Maid of Might’s – even if it was against the heroine’s red skirt - sent the beasts into frenzy. Ripping away their codpieces the Brutes began stroking themselves, wishing that they too could run their hands along Supergirl’s toned thighs.

The young blonde’s heart pounded, staring down at Project Zero’s exposed black pubic hairs as the woman’s massive hands moved beneath her skirt, claiming her hips. “Why are you doing this?” she asked, lifting her eyes to the Amazon’s.

As the two women held their gaze – Supergirl’s filled with fear and Project Zero’s with lust – the Brute’s continued getting off. While the Amazon had her share of cuts and bruises she appeared strong, where as Supergirl - who was equally sweaty, with stains beneath her armpits and collar– looked weak and exhausted.

Barely able to move, the Girl of Steel no longer held the Brutes’ attention and most began focusing on Project Zero, who, having physically bested Supergirl, suddenly took on a new aura of eroticism. The sweat pouring over Project Zero’s tanned, muscular abs – inches away from Supergirl’s slender but swollen waist – accentuated their differences.

With each thrust the Amazon’s bum commanded desire, stretching, almost to the point of transparency, what remained of her black, spandex shorts along her taught curves. Her exposed breasts were equally enticing—the only part of her tanned body free of tattoos, they were clearly a size, if not two, larger than Supergirl’s. A fact the Girl of Steel could not ignore while they swung freely, inches away from her face.

“You see mine Supergirl; only fair you show yours,” said the Amazon, gripping the Maid of Might’s collar - squeezing dirt-filled sweat from the thin, elastine-like material - with her massive hands.

“No!” cried Supergirl, time slowing down, etching the moment into her memory, as she watched her S – the symbol of her family – rip in two. With little effort the Amazon tore the Maid of Might’s costume, right down to the yellow belt, below her navel.

Strands of Supergirl’s costume hung from Project Zero’s inflamed fingers, while the rest snapped back, fluttering against her exposed breasts. The Girl of Steel’s pink nipples and smooth skin drew all eyes, but it was the Amazon who lay claim to the perfectly tear-drop shaped flesh.

The villainess had long desired this moment—convinced that the height and shape of Supergirl’s tits couldn’t be natural, not without some kind of hidden assistance or gimmick. And yet, now that the heroine’s costume had been ripped, exposing her tender breasts, the Amazon was surprised to discover that Supergirl wasn’t even wearing a bra. Instead her bare breasts melted under the Amazon’s touch, removing all doubt concerning their authenticity.

“Incredible,” said Project Zero, eagerly caressing the Maid of Might’s tits —pulling them up and out to hasten her lip’s arrival. The Amazon immediately tasted the piss and sweat coating Supergirl’s soft skin, but she would not be deterred. Spitting to the side, cleansing her pallet, she quickly resumed kissing left then right—determined to sample the Girl of Steel.

Several Brutes lost their load, filling the confined space of the transport with even more retched odor. But no matter how thick and stuffy the air became none complained, hoping their boss would share what they all clearly desired.

But Project Zero wasn’t the giving type. And none were prepared to question the woman who had single handedly defeated the Girl of Steel. While the villainess’ tongue moved up, leaving a trail of saliva from Supergirl’s sternum to her neck, her fingers kept working—feverishly caressing the heroine’s breasts.

Supergirl’s complaints served only to spur the Amazon, who quickly rounded the young blonde’s chin, licking away the blood, and silencing her protests with a kiss. Rao, what’s she doing?, thought the Girl of Steel, struggling to get the Amazon to release her lower lip.

“Get off!” said Supergirl, in a rare reprieve, but the woman kept forcing her tongue into the heroine’s mouth. Barely able to resist, let alone breathe, the Maid of Might had little choice but to swallow the Amazon’s gushing saliva.

Clearly confused, Supergirl’s eyes darted to meet her opponent’s; the cruelty she encountered instantly sending a shiver down her spine. A shiver that bloomed into fear once the woman broke-off her kiss, lowering her greenish/gold eyes to Supergirl’s encircled breasts.

“Let’s see how much you take,” said Project Zero, spreading her fingers to maximize her coverage of the Girl of Steel’s perky breasts.

Suddenly, the Maid of Might trembled in terror, for the woman no longer sought to pleasure but destroy. Desperate for release, Supergirl’s legs kicked the air, while her hands tore at the woman’s thick wrists—allowing her to feel the impossible power pulsating down the Amazon’s forearms. Power that was fueling the woman’s vice-like grip as it slowly … methodically crushed her tender breasts.

The pain was excruciating, but Supergirl couldn’t scream—not with Project Zero sucking, once again, on her lower lip. Please RAO, my breasts, my breasts <<GASP>> she’s crushing them, thought Supergirl, breaking free of the woman’s probing kiss.

To Supergirl’s horror, her breasts were bruising beneath Project Zero’s powerful grip. The sight of her flesh turning to mush sent a fresh set of tears rolling down her cheeks.

Suddenly, Supergirl’s head slammed back, cracking the glass walls while she screamed. No longer satisfied with crushing Supergirl’s breasts, Project Zero simultaneously began pulling on them too—stretching them to frightening lengths, like animal balloons.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Supergirl’s screams reached new octaves. Hanging in the air by her breasts, being smashed from one wall to another, she didn’t even notice the water pouring through the cracks and into the transport.

And this, more than mercy, prompted the Amazon to release Supergirl’s tits, dropping her onto the cold, wet floor. But even though the torture had abated, the Maid of Might kept screaming. The sight of her mangled breasts didn’t help her tears, nor did her desire to cup them. And yet, despite the pain, she had to try and mould them back into shape.

But her repeated attempts failed. RAO, they’re ruined, said Supergirl to herself, once again cupping her breasts, only to watch them droop– like a senior's - against her bruised chest.

Project Zero’s laughter prompted Supergirl to raise her head. “You’ll pay for this!” said the Maid of Might, her voice cracking, though her eyes burned with rage.

“Still not broken. Admirable. But spare threats SuperGIRL…,” said Project Zero, grabbing the Maid of Might ‘s arm and hauling her to her feet. “… we arrive at end, continued the Amazon, turning to exit the transport, “and I promise, you break.”

Supergirl had been too busy screaming to realize they had arrived at their destination. Only now, while being dragged across the arrival platform, did she notice the missing Brutes.

No…not missing, but waiting—waiting to attack the squad of armed prison guards impeding their progress towards the central holding area.

“This is your last warning,” yelled the prison captain, his arm stretched, preparing to give his men the order to fire.

“Actually…,” said Project Zero, stepping directly into the line of fire, “…it’s yours. I trust you recognize my hostage, yes?”

To be continued ...
Last edited by girlofsteel 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Echoes of Destruction -
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Lost in the Swarm -
Posts: 52
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I cane visualize the lean athletic but weaker body of Supergirl vs the larger body of her rival. A supposed strong superheroine become a weakling and is so easy dominated by the far stronger villainess. Tha bad girl is more than her. Nice!
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Location: Phantom Zone

Here is the final instalment. Thank you to those who have commented and stayed with me. Your support and encouragement made this possible.

Part V


A collective gasp filled the corridor, adding to the eerie ambience already provided by the leaking pipes and overpowered fluorescent lighting. “No way!” said the Captain, shaking his head in disbelief. That can't really be Supergirl? Unsure of what to do he, like his men, just stared in disbelief at the Amazon and her trophy.

What's going on?, thought the Captain, unable to take his eyes away from the blue, red and yellow costume fluttering against the young blonde's, battered body. Supergirl was ill-prepared for this moment; for, it wasn’t just the guards who were staring but the prisoners too—each restrained, within the cells lining the corridor’s walls, by a series of stasis fields.

Fortunately, the occupants of these cells appeared to Supergirl as one massive blur. Though too powerful to be incarcerated in regular prisons they were lower end criminals—cannon fodder against the Girl of Steel. At least, they had been on the outside, but now, even though Supergirl failed to recognize their faces, their collective hollers filled her, as well as the prison’s halls, with terror.

The guards, on the other hand, were harder to ignore and their proximity practically forced Supergirl to look them in the eye. She could hear their whispers as they continued debating whether she was indeed the Maid of Might.

She certainly didn’t look the part, but despite the cuts; swelling; missing teeth; black eye; ripped costume and exposed breasts, which hung – bruised and deflated – from her sweat and dirt stained body there was no mistaking the Girl of Steel.

“But how?” said one guard.

“It must be a trick,” echoed another.

“Enough! Drop weapons, or break neck,” said project Zero, applying pressure to Supergirl’s windpipe.

The grimace on the young blonde’s face revealed her pain. But what Supergirl didn’t understand, was why the villainess hadn’t killed the guards? Their weapons are useless against the Brutes. Is this really just more humiliation? Nevertheless, it appeared these officers didn’t have to die. “Please,” said Supergirl reluctant to remover her hands from the Amazon’s crushing arm, “lower…your…weapons!”

As the guards obliged, kicking their weapons aside before dropping to their knees, Project Zero glanced at the Brutes—giving the order to kill. “No! You monster.” But words and tears were all Supergirl had. Too weak to overpower her foe, she turned to the captain and said, “I’m sorry,” right as a Brute ripped into his chest, shredding his organs with its claws.

Supergirl’s failures were growing in pain and number. And now, as Project Zero entered the main holding area – where the most powerful villains were kept in isolation – the Maid of Might feared, what she could only imagine, was still to come.

Only the sound of the Amazon’s footsteps against the metal grated floor and Supergirl’s whimpers broke the silence. Without commanding it, the watchtowers focused their spotlights upon them. Seconds later they were on all the screens lining the rusting walls—the ones used to convey prison wide announcements.

Even on camera Project Zero’s power could be felt as she stood in the open concourse, facing row upon row of the world’s most powerful super villains. Most could hardly believe what they were witnessing. After all, they had all attempted and failed to defeat Supergirl and yet here she was, beaten beyond their wildest dreams by a mysterious, tattooed woman in tattered, sweat drenched clothing.

While her intentions remained unclear, there was no denying Project Zero’s power. With a single hand the muscular woman kept Supergirl restrained—slipping her hand beneath the Girl of Steel’s armpit to immobilize one arm before gripping the other, by the wrist, behind the Girl of Steel’s neck. It was an impressive display; for, regardless of how loud Supergirl grunted or strained, she couldn’t break free, let alone turn away to conceal her mangled breasts.

RAO, this is so humiliating. Please…no more? But Supergirl’s torment was far from complete. Suddenly, the Amazon’s free hand grabbed her red skirt and tucked it into her belt. And then, before the Girl of Steel could register what was happening, her legs were forced apart by the Amazon’s feet.

The view of Supergirl’s sparsely covered vulva elicited roars of approval. Her wet costume clinging tightly, causing the thin blue strip of fabric between her legs to slip, ever so slightly, between her nether lips.

“Hey!” protested Supergirl, twisting and turning, uncomfortable showing this much skin—but the swaying of her hips – accentuated by the full-sight of her long, shapely legs – only added to the frenzy.

The shouts grew louder as Project Zero’s hand pressed against Supergirl’s bruised stomach. Was this an attack or something else? The young blonde was unsure, watching nervously as the woman’s hand inched below her navel, whisking away the sweat on her swollen abs.


To Supergirl’s horror it was something else. Something unimaginable. And yet, despite all her power, all she could do – watching the Amazon’s hand slip beneath her costume, causing her belt to dig into her sides – was wait.

When the woman’s touch finally arrived, Supergirl shivered—air gushing from her lungs, her body tensing to the feel of the Amazon’s inflamed fingers against her vulva.

“STOP IT!” said Supergirl but her demands only spurred the Amazon, whose large fingers were clearly visible beneath the thin, blue fabric. The Girl of Steel moaned in protest with every unwelcomed touch. Sweat spraying from her disheveled locks as she averted her eyes only to catch the lusting faces of her imprisoned enemies.

This time there was no avoiding their gaze; they were all there, witnessing her violation. Even through the pink glow of the stasis fields she could see their excitement … their pleasure. Only last week she had defeated Reactron, and the week before Metallo—both were now calling for her defilement.

“You feel good,” said Project Zero, nibbling on Supergirl’s ear. “But I prefer bush? You’re too too clean, just like GIRL,” taunted the Amazon—wondering if the young Kryptonian was naturally this smooth or if she waxed. Either way, the woman wanted more—no longer content playing on the perimeter she moved inside.

“RAO no…you can’t!” shouted the Maid of Might, quivering as the woman spread her lips. “Please…I’m Supergirl!” Disregarding the heroine’s pleas the woman inched towards her clit. Supergirl wanted to scream, but all she could do was gasp. This can’t be happening. Desperate, the Girl of Steel rocked her hips, but this only increased the pain, forcing her to throw her head back and grunt with every thrust of her opponent’s rough fingers.

“I wonder…do you prefer it to the left or the right?” In search of an answer, the Amazon continued to probe, watching Supergirl’s trembling face for a reaction. “No, you like it straight down the middle,” said the woman, detecting the change in the Girl of Steel’s breathing. “Pretend all you like Supergirl; we both know there is pleasure” whispered Project Zero, kissing the heroine’s exposed neck. “I can feel your wetness—do you deny it?”

“You’re disgusting!” snapped Supergirl. But as she spoke her sweat dripping body shuddered—and not for the first time. While the villainesses’ touch was undesired, it was strong and experienced. And the warts on her inflamed fingers, though gruesome, proved powerful stimulants.

Stimulants that were clearly effective on the Girl of Steel—for all could see the secretions covering Project Zero’s violating hand, as she raised it towards the prison audience. Even without the aid of cameras, Supergirl’s fluids were clearly visible, stretching between the Amazon’s index and thumb.

Further humiliation was added by the growing stain on her costume—even though it was already wet, there was a fresh sliver where her lips touched, darkening the thin, light blue fabric.

As Supergirl, once again, looked up her cheeks reddened with shame. She wanted to yell out and defend her dignity. To lie and claim she had fallen pray to kryptonite or magic—anything to protect her image. But staring at her greatest foes – suspended, against her will, while her contused breasts were exposed, swinging like shriveled sacks – she remained silent. After all, how could she possibly explain this?

No longer able to hold her gaze, Supergirl lowered her head, releasing the tears caught in her lashes to the rivulets of sweat already pouring down her battered face. Desperate to protect what semblance of pride remained she closed her eyes, her thoughts consumed by shame.

Project Zero, however, wasn’t finished. Running her sticky fingers beneath Supergirl’s nose – causing the young blonde to turn away in disgust– she said, “Let’s see how you taste?

"Sweet,” she announced, licking the heroine’s secretions from her fingers, before dipping her hand back down for more. But this time the villainess didn’t bother reaching beneath Supergirl’s costume; instead, she slipped it aside, revealing the heroine’s most intimate of spots.

“NOOOOOOO!,” pleaded Supergirl, her sweaty locks splashing from one check to the next, while she renewed her efforts to break free. But nothing she did had any affect, leaving her tired, breathless and exposed in the Amazon’s powerful grip.

The villainess found these fleeting efforts amusing. She enjoyed the sight of her own muscles ripping into action, absorbing the young blonde’s frantic efforts—leaving Supergirl with only tears and screams to combat her humiliation.

“Again, only super in you is body,” declared Project Zero, her swirling eyes fixated on the heroine’s smooth vulva and glistening lips—erotic perfection concealed, until now, only by a thin, strip of blue fabric. Even so, Supergirl never imagined this could happen—that an opponent could overpower and expose her thus. It was more than anyone, even amongst those incarcerated at Reachdeep, could have imagined.

That is, except for Project Zero, who had one final indignity to perform: brushing aside the heroine’s sticky locks, allowing the cameras to fully see the girl’s face, Project Zero turned to address the Brutes, “It's time. Bring device.”

From within their ranks, a Brute stepped forward, holding – as if presenting a tribute – a black cylinder, with glowing streaks of purple bursting from within. Streaks that when pulsating at their peak revealed a textured – almost life like – skin around the foot-long object.

Playing to the audience, Project Zero displayed the Girl of Steel in one hand and the object in the other. While she was certain Supergirl was a virgin, the heroine clearly understood what was to come. Her blue eyes trembling, struggling to focus on the cylinder and the inscription on its side: SGIRL911.

“That’s right Supergirl, this device was made especially for you.” Bringing the cylinder in closer – its purple glow reflecting off of Supergirl’s glistening skin – Project Zero lowered it towards its intended target.

The tip of the cylinder felt cold, causing Supergirl to shudder as it glanced across her nether lips. “You wouldn’t!” The Maid of Might’s voice was weak…scared. Tilting her head back, shifting her matted locks against her spliced cheeks, the Girl of Steel pleaded directly to her tormentor. “Please…not here. Take me somewhere private …I’ll do anything. I swear.”

Project Zero’s lips curled into a smile; finally Supergirl’s resilience had faltered. “Foolish girl,” said the Amazon, tilting her head to match the angle of the young blonde’s face, “you already do what I want. Device do rest.”

Supergirl’s head shot back, straining her neck. Her limbs would have done the same, had Project Zero not continued restraining her from behind. But, despite the veracity of her screams - ripping from her mouth with such force that her veins popped – her nether lips were the ones threatening to tear.

Without warning or lubrication Project Zero had rammed the cylinder inside Supergirl’s vagina, cracking her pubic bone and bruising her inner tissue. Struggling to accommodate the device, which was wider than a soda can, her pubic mound bulged, revealing the depth of her penetration.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!’ GET IT OUT!” Thrashing from side to side, Supergirl struggled to cope with the pain. Twisting and turning, like a rabid, caged animal, while the SGIRL911 ripped apart her vagina. It’s cold walls simultaneously rotating in multiple directions while it pumped in and out.

Oh, RAO please have mercy… it’s tearing me apart! Supergirl’s movements were growing desperate…violent. She could feel the blood swishing in her vagina. With each thrust her sweating body trembled, amplifying the pain in her wounds—both old and new. Her exposed breasts were especially painfully, swinging, like shriveled sacks with every thrust.

But nothing compared to the hurt inside—not even the throbbing in her bruised and swollen abs. No, this pain was unique. Each withdrawal was sharp, forcing Supergirl to clench her teeth. And then, before she could breathe, the device would re-enter, stretching her insides – despite her efforts to tighten her vaginal walls - producing a carnal scream and a growing fear that she would soon be torn in two.

Unable to fight back, Supergirl felt powerless. Even now, Project Zero’s superior strength continued thwarting her efforts to break free and remove the device. She couldn’t even wipe the tears running down her cheeks. “Some Supergirl.” Project Zero’s words cut deep, especially as the Maid of Might felt the device adjusting inside of her. Suddenly, there was not just pain, but pleasure.

To her horror, Supergirl could see the sexual fluids – her fluids – seeping from her lips. No, this can’t be! Shaking her head in protest, the young blonde could feel her desires building. She was loosing control of her body. What’s wrong with me? I won’t. I can’t!

Project Zero could sense Supergirl’s resistance. “You have spirit…I give that but, still, you break,” said the Amazon, releasing Supergirl’s arms and clutching her tits. Although, unsure whether the Maid of Might’s damaged breasts were still capable of feeling pleasure the villainess decided to act. After all, if all she did was cause Superigrl more pain then that too would suffice.

Supergirl’s deflated tits – bruised and shriveled – were now all that kept her standing. The heroic beauty, however, wasn’t concerned with escape. Not anymore. Not while her vagina was being torn apart. Screaming wildly…uncontrollably, she reached down but Project Zero’s arms – tucked beneath her armpits – hindered her ability to effectively grip the device.

“No, wait!” said Supergirl, suddenly, abandoning her concern for her vagina and clasping Project Zero’s wrists. Something had changed—the pressure Project Zero was exerting on her nipples was tipping the balance intensifying the sensation between her legs.

Supergirl’s arms shook in both pain and pleasure, desperately trying to pry the woman from her nipples. But it was too late; the Amazon had injected just enough pleasure to send Supergirl over the edge. Like a train at full steam rounding a tight corner, she was going to fly off the tracks. Her rhythmic panting revealing to all what she herself already knew—she was going to orgasm.

The pain consuming the Girl of Steel subsided, replaced by a growing warmth … a sensation, throughout her body, she couldn’t quite describe, but it was delivering pleasure in a place and a form she had yet to experience. It’s so good. Please don’t stop.

Suddenly, Supergirl’s body tensed, her wet hair burying her face – at least at first – until, finally, she leaned back and howled. And, as Project Zero released her grip on her nipples, the Maid of Might fell to her knees, her body shaking—the aftereffects of the best orgasm she had ever experienced.

Project Zero was equally excited. Catching herself on the main screen, she found the camera angle pleasing. The spotlights were highlighting her chiseled muscles, revealing every perfect cut. Even though her breasts and vulva were exposed, she felt more confident…powerful than ever before—her towering figure casting a dominant shadow over the Maid of Might.

But the limelight belonged to Supergirl, who remained on her knees, resting on the grated metal floor. Her sunken cheeks collapsing with every labored breath—panting desperately, causing her drooping breasts to jiggle against her heaving chest. Her attention, however, was on the device pumping in and out her.

She had to remove it. The sight of her pubic mound bulging, expanding with every thrust left her blue eyes trembling. I’ve got to get it out! Wincing at the sight of her stretched lips – translucent from the purple glow – the Girl of Steel reached for the device—her fingers quivering, slipping on her own juices, struggling to take hold. Got it!

With every pull Supergirl’s body shuddered—her neck and shoulders straining from the effort to dislodge the SGIRL911. It had dug deep, wrapping itself in her vagina, forcing her to fight both the device and her own body to secure its release. The pain caused her to bite down, squeezing blood from her lower lip.

The struggle was yet one more humiliation. Except this time – to the audience’s delight – it was one too many. Tired of the pain, of the hurt, the Maid of Might opted for pleasure. Releasing the device, she pinched her nipples and collapsed. Sprawled on her back, her parted legs revealed the penetration that was sending her, with every thrust, back into ecstasy.

As Project Zero had promised, Supergirl’s spirit was broken. For the first time since dawning her costume, the Maid of Might had given up. The fact that Supergirl had, by her own volition, chosen to leave the device inside and was now pleasuring herself sealed Project Zero’s victory. Licking her lips, the Amazon knew she had now truly defeated the Girl of Steel.

While the prisoners stared in a mixture of lust and awe, Project Zero could feel her own climax building. Like Supergirl, her lips glistened, covered in sexual secretions but, unlike the Girl of Steel, she retained control. The moment to address the audience had come—nearly two dozen of the world’s most powerful super villains lined-up in cells, stretching three rows into the air.

“Now I have attention…,” said the Amazon, grabbing Supergirl’s leg and dragging her past the cells on the lower level—the spotlights following her every step. “…allow me to introduce….” Whispers could be heard even before Project Zero announced her name. These whispers brought a smile to her face. “I have done what none of you, whether alone or in group, have been able to do…defeat Girl of Steel.”

Upon mention all eyes turned to Supergirl. Sweat marking her trail while she, herself, was lost in heat. Biting into her lower lip, while continuing to work her nipples, the Girl of Steel’s appetite to orgasm was clear, just like her moaning.

“In minutes…,” continued Project Zero, snapping her fingers, directing the Brutes towards the prison’s main controls, “…you will be released. Your freedom as well at what’s left of this SuperGIRL is my gift to you. But, let me be clear, Metropolis belongs to me. Go where you wish, but if you stay … you work for me. If problem… I welcome challenge. But take good look; this…” said the villainess, glaring towards the Maid of Might, whose tattered costume was struggling to remain on her battered body, “…is what happens to those who oppose me.”

Suddenly, red lights began flashing, rotating in a circular fashion—the first sign that the prison’s containment protocols were faltering. The sirens that followed were another—booming from the speakers they shook the metal corridors, loosening the pipes lining the walls, releasing steam throughout the holding areas. A five-minute countdown then appeared on the screens accompanied by a WARNING notice and a familiar computerized female voice: “CODE RED. CONTAINMENT PROTOCALS HAVE BEEN BREACHED—EVACUATE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”

More than ever, the people of Metropolis needed Supergirl. But the heroine they knew no longer existed. Battered, bleeding and violated the Girl of Steel’s world had crumbled. Now, after her ordeal, all she wanted was pleasure. She craved release, her hips grinding in tandem with the device. Nothing else mattered: not Reachdeep, Project Zero or her even her image.

At least not while she climaxed. Her arms shooting out, helping to arch her back, while warmth consumed her body. It was bliss. But there was no escaping the pain. Having orgasmed twice she needed a break; the machine, however, didn’t. Huh it hurts. I’m…I’m too sensitive…please. With the pleasure fading, Supergirl reached for the device.

The balance between pain and pleasure had once again tilted. With each thrust, the device sent shocks throughout her vagina – where only seconds before it had delivered a tantalizing touch – causing Supergirl to squirm, which, in turn, aggravated her swollen abs and aching breasts. She wanted to close her legs, embarrassed by the fluids squirting from her body, but her broken pubic bone, as well as her opponent, kept them parted.

“You’re a squirter!” teased Project Zero, toying with Supergirl’s leg; enjoying the pain it caused. She wasn’t normally, but, then again, the Girl of Steel had never before had anything like this inside of her. “Come on, princess, you can do it. Grab device, before you spray again.”

“Please, it hurts.” Clenching her teeth, blood seeping from the corners of her mouth, Supergirl struggled to latch onto the SGIRL911. Looking up, she noticed the blood still dripping from Project Zero’s eyes. The woman’s swirling greenish/gold irises no longer appeared like mist, but a cosmic explosion, surrounded by a sea of red. A destroyer of life…Supergirl’s life and all she stood for.

It was a frightening realization. Especially as it finally dawned on the Girl of Steel that her worst enemies – every last one – were about to go free. The clock on the monitors counting down to the moment when the facility no longer had enough power to sustain the stasis fields and all other remaining security measures. No…I can’t let this happen. I can’t let them escape. With her hands finally around the device Supergirl scrambled, desperate to perform one final heroic act.

But before she could remove the SGIRL911, Project Zero intervened. Supergirl’s eyes widening—a cold sweat running across her aching body as the Amazon’s black boot came stomping down.

Supergirl’s arms shot-out, denting the steel beneath her, as the device was shoved into her vagina. Thrashing from the pain, her screams cut through the competing noise. Her eyes fluttering back, until only the sclera was visible, as she slammed down unconscious—her limp body twitching on the floor.

All that remained of the device was the bottom nub—half an inch out of a foot, poking in and out of Supergirl’s vagina. Her secretions squirting with every pump, splattering her stretched lips and inner thighs. The rest of the SGIRL911 was firmly implanted—having penetrated her cervix to reach directly into her uterus, forming a glowing purple bulge beneath her skin, from her genitals to her lower abs.

“Goodbye Supergirl” said Project Zero, crouching down between the Maid of Might’s legs. Steadying her hand; taking one last look at the heroine’s writhing body, enjoying the destruction she had wrought, before pressing the button on the bottom of the device.

The intensity of the SGIRL911’s purple glow increased—shooting out from Supergirl’s vagina like a flashlight. Even through her skin the beam was visible, further highlighting the bulge inside of her. Seconds later this light began to fluctuate, counting down, in shortening intervals—but to what end remained unclear.

For Project Zero, however, the result had never been in doubt. And now, either the device or the imprisoned super villains would finish off the Girl of Steel. Leaning forwards, stripping what remained of Supegirl’s costume the Amazon began wondering which fate was worse. Leaving the young blonde to her foes could prove interesting. But no, she concluded, dismissing the thought with a shake of her head, the device was the only way to be certain.

After all, too much had already gone wrong. The Council would be livid when they discovered what she had done. The thought of being branded a traitor, however, didn’t phase her, at least not while she was tugging on Supergirl’s costume. Smiling as the thin material sucked to the Maid of Might’s wet skin, stretching the girl’s secretions until finally the Amazon succeeded in nestling it away from the young blonde’s vagina and down her shapely legs. Leaving Supergirl naked except for her red boots—the final remnants of the heroine she was and would never be again.

With her prize in hand, Project Zero had one last task to perform: a parting gift to the Girl of Steel. Her penmanship was sloppy, partially due to the burns on her hand and the dripping sweat – both Supergirl’s as well as her own – that smudged her letters. Starting between the heroine’s sagging breasts and flowing down vertically until the stem of the final letter pointed directly at the girl’s grotesquely parted vagina the villainess scrolled her message in red ink:


Now, she could leave. Turning towards the docking area, from which she had arrived, Project Zero caught sight of the screens: a little over two minutes remained before the prison’s security systems failed. Refusing to look back, at either the Girl of Steel or any of the inmates, she issued her command, “Let’s go.” The Brutes knew better than to question their master—even though the smell of Supergirl’s sweat dripping costume, flapping in the Amazon’s hand, continued fueling their desires.

For the remaining prisoners, however, Supergirl still beckoned. Banging against their cells, spewing threats towards the unconscious Maid of Might and increasingly each other, they eagerly awaited their release.

But whether the Girl of Steel would still be alive by then was another matter. For, the device was already pulsating faster than before, while the hum of its motors could be heard, even over Supergirl’s frantic thrashing and moaning, as it began to have it’s way with her. Causing the Maid of Might to not only squirt her secretions, but also a thicker, pastier white substance from between her thighs.

Her bulge was also growing beyond the narrow trench that the device had encompassed, spreading to consume her entire belly, making her famous washboard stomach appear four months pregnant! And it wasn’t just Supergirl’s uterus that was expanding; her shriveled breasts were also swelling. No longer drooping sacks, they appeared engorged—pushing her veins to the surface and stretching her nipples.

Even while unconscious the Amazon’s words rung in the heroine’s ears, “That’s right Supergirl, this device was made especially for you.” None of this was supposed to happen, not to the Girl of Steel. But now, in less than a minute, either the device or her worst enemies would finish what Project Zero had started.

THE END ... of Act I.
Last edited by girlofsteel 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Excellent work from start to finish. Your Amazon rules!
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Get Your Exxon
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Incredible! Supergirl takes a real battering, not just physically but mentally, and all without the use of kryptonite. How rare is that! Honestly, congrats this is a well structured story. But you can't end here; what about Occulus, Rapture and of course Supergirl? Come on GOS keep going. At a minimum tell us about Project Zero's origins, as well as her powers ... please.
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Thanks Doc - high praise from one of the best. Glad you enjoyed the story.
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Get Your Exxon wrote:Incredible! Supergirl takes a real battering, not just physically but mentally, and all without the use of kryptonite. How rare is that!

Fantastic! That's the type of story I was always looking for. A humiliating display of superior strenght from a larger bigger titted villainess against a slender weaker and in this case almost frail superheroine.
What about Batgirl or Wonder Woman also overpowered and humiliated by some stronger bad girl?
Batgirl hasn't superpowers and doesn't look so tough, it should be quite easy beating her for a far larger rival.
Wonder Woman without her belt should be quite strong with her slender but amazonian body, but not strong enough against another larger amazon.
Please go on!!!
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krispin21 wrote: Wonder Woman without her belt should be quite strong with her slender but amazonian body, but not strong enough against another larger amazon!
If Supergirl can beaten at full strength, there's no reason that Wonder Woman couldn't be taken down wearing her belt. It would be that much more humiliating for her. And that foe wouldn't have to be an Amazon.

So yes, if that sounds like something you'd like to write, girlofsteel, I'm sure you'd have a lot of us salivating at the prospect of reading it!
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Thanks all for your encouragement. When I started I envisioned three acts - what you've read is only the first. However, I need to do some research before continuing. Unfortunately, this means no new adventures for a while. I'm a slow writer, and need things to be clear in my mind before continuing.

Krispin21: At the moment I have no plans to write a Batgirl or Wonder Woman story - sorry. Maybe one day, but for now I'm happy with Supergirl - not sure if you've noticed but she's my favorite. But if someone else does write them, I'd love to read them.
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girlofsteel wrote:Thanks all for your encouragement. When I started I envisioned three acts - what you've read is only the first. However, I need to do some research before continuing. Unfortunately, this means no new adventures for a while. I'm a slow writer, and need things to be clear in my mind before continuing.

Krispin21: At the moment I have no plans to write a Batgirl or Wonder Woman story - sorry. Maybe one day, but for now I'm happy with Supergirl - not sure if you've noticed but she's my favorite. But if someone else does write them, I'd love to read them.

Of course Supergirl is your favorite.
Go on with your work as you like and when you can.
And thank you very much!
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Hey all,

Did you miss me? I know, been a while. Way longer than I hoped. And sadly, I’m still not there.

But something is coming—honest. It’s just, I was wondering if people are still interested in this story or, considering how much time has passed, if it’s simply better to move onto a new project?

Personally, I’m torn. There are so many loose ends with Echoes but I also really like the idea of a fresh start. Okay, please let me know if you have a preference? Cause by hook or crook something is getting written.

I know, I’m totally selling it, but I promise pen will meet a digital sense, cause no way am I writing this by hand—I’m already slow enough as it is. :coffee:
Last edited by girlofsteel 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Yes, we missed you and would be happy with whatever you decide to write. As long as you put your heart into it, I'm sure it'll be good.
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Get Your Exxon
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I agree with the Emissary but would rather you put something in Supergirl, with or without heart - both can be fun :) but finish first 'cause waiting Sucks on this end (this goes for you too doc). Ha, ha I know more, more, more. Looking forward to whatever comes next.
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Nice work. Very humiliating.
Oh the gloriously debauched, yet violently sophisticated peril!
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