Santa's Baby

A darker, full bodied blend.
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A little ditty I wrote for Christmas and finally decided to publish. Of course I do not own the the rights to Wonder Woman, a true pity. Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

Diana Prince rises up from her sleep, “What is that she mutters...there is someone downstairs!” She spins into Wonder Woman appearance and rushes downstairs."who dares go the...?”

She see interlopers dancing about her Christmas tree, but they are not the size of men. They small in stature more like the size of children. And their dress, they are wearing green outfits with red tilted caps and their ears are, are pointed?

The small ones stare at her, and she notices they seem confused and fascinated by her. Their small bodies made her at first wonder if these intruders might be children. But now looking closely they are...Elves!

Suddenly they point at her and streams of shiny strands are flying towards her. She reacts quickly and with the grace of an Amazon starts knocking then aside with her gauntlets. This stuff looks like tinsel, she thinks. "Ah, tinsel and bracelets."

The intruders keep shooting more tinsel-like strands at her. She dodges some and blocks others with her Wonder Woman bracelets. The elves’s attacks are annoying, and the tinsel stings when it makes contact with her. She wonders what these elves are and why they’re attacking her. But she is kept busy as new strands of tinsel come her way. Some bounce off her gauntlets, but others stick and suddenly one large on wraps itself about her two bracelets and now she struggles to break it.

The elves laugh at her struggles. She pulls and tears at the tinsel but can’t break it. It’s stuck to her bracelets like glue. She feels like she’s being restrained and losing control of her powers. Finally, she manages to yank her wrists apart just enough to break free from the tight tinsel restraints. But distracted by the tinsel about her wrists she lets a numerous strands of tinsel wrap themselves about each booted ankle. Then two large ones join together with one end grabbing her left ankle and the other end grabbing her right. The moment they touch the tinsel already there they merge and start to combine, slowly pulling her ankles together.

"Hera what madness is this!" Wonder Woman exclaimed with surprise.

Wonder Woman desperately tries to free herself from this new tinsel attack, but it’s no use. Every time she almost breaks free, more tinsel strands keep wrapping around her and pulling her feet closer together. Now she’s totally trapped and helpless. She’s unable to move, and the elves giggle in amusement and excitement watching her fruitless struggle.

Unable to tear it apart by the power of her legs. She growls angrily and reached down to rip them off with her hands just as her ankles slap up against each other. But that is far from the worst of it. More tinsel flies towards her and now her wrists are once again bound together with tinsel, unbreakable tinsel. The little elves cheer as lastly more tinsel binds her bound wrists directly to the tinsel binding her ankles.

“NO!" She exclaims as she is now bent over unable to rise.

The elves laugh at their accomplishment, and Wonder Woman can do nothing but growl and snarl as she thrashes around, trapped, helpless, and bent over Frontwards at the waist. Wonder Woman tries tearing the tinsel off, but it’s too tightly wrapped around her wrists and ankles. She is unable to move, and the elves’smiles turn to smugness and excitement at their successful attack. The elves now surround her and look at her with wonder and amusement.

"Her knees, her knees..." one points and in seconds both her legs are bound together by tinsel wrapped below and above her knees.

Wonder Woman growls in frustration and tries kicking and tearing apart the tinsel wrapping around her knees. It’s no use. The tinsel is unbreakable and quickly wraps her legs together, tightly binding her knees together as well. Wonder Woman can no longer move her legs. The elves chuckle and cackle, amazed at their success. Wonder Woman is completely immobile and helpless.

"What is the meaning of this?" She screams out, "Release me this INSTANT!"

The elves giggle and cackle, enjoying Wonder Woman’s frustrated outburst. The elves don’t answer her and continue to chuckle at her plight. They just observe her, amused and impressed by her inability to break free from their attack. Wonder Woman growls, frustrated that her Amazonian powers and abilities don’t seem to work against the tinsel. She has no way to break free from the tinsel restraints.

"Noisy wrench isn't she?" A slightly taller elf steps forward and bows, "My name is Krumple." He says, "I am Santa's Chief of Purveyor."

Wonder Woman looks on at Krumple as he bows. She growls and grunts, “What do you want?” She tries to kick her legs to break free from the tinsel restraints, but to no avail.

"And you are...?" He asks.

“Wonder Woman!” She responds, her anger coming through as she feels totally helpless and bound by the unbreakable tinsel.

"Yes the wonderful, wonderful Wonder Woman." He smiles not so much at her but her amazing cleavage easy on display beneath her bustier.

Wonder Woman feels her face turn a bright red as Krumple stares at her cleavage. She growls and snarls at him. “Keep your eyes to yourself!” She says, “And let me go! Now!”

He chuckles and gazed into her eyes before speaking, "I would watch my tongue and tone when speaking to me Wonder Woman."

Wonder Woman glares at him. She tries to stand up and fail. She struggles to keep the anger and frustration out of her voice. “You dare threaten me? You dare restrain me, like an animal, with your stupid tinsel that can’t be broken by my Amazonian strength?” She growls.

Three elves rush behind her and push her back up by her ass. In doing so none are very gentlemanly as they go about grabbing her ass. Wonder Woman tries to kick them away and struggle out of their grip. She is furious that they are touching her so ruthlessly and inappropriately. She snarls and growls as she tries to stand up but fails due to her tinsel restraints.

"Now once again bent forward she glares at Krumple. He smiles as he waves his hand. Slowly a two new pieces of tinsel emerges. They grow wider and one is red the other is green. Then pop a flashing ball appeared flashing red then green. She watches as the tinsel attached to each side of the ball. She suddenly shows a surprised look and starts to say something..."NO...that's a....mmppphhhh!" It flies forward and slams itself between her open lips cutting her off. The ends wrap about her head and as they join together tightly in the back force the flashing ball-gag further into her mouth.

Wonder Woman lets out a loud, startled noise as she feels the red and green tinsel pieces wrap around her lips before joining and closing together. She can’t speak with flashing ball shoved into her mouth. Wonder Woman feels a twinge of panic now unable to do anything but glare furiously at Krumple.

"I told you to speak nice." He smirked.

Wonder Woman growls and tries to move around to make her disapproval known in the only way she can. She continues to glare angrily at Krumple, her furious expression speaking volumes. She can’t speak, or say anything, can’t even push out the ball so well jammed between her lips with her teeth forced down atop it.

"Now, like I said I am Santa's Purveyor. My job is to find a suitable gift to give him after he returns from the long overnight ride of giving. I call it, 'A special gift to the gifter."

Wonder Woman looks on as Krumple continues to speak, clearly not impressed by his job title. She stares at him intently, unable to. She growls and snarls as she continues to struggle against the unbreakable tinsel bindings on her wrists, ankles, and legs.

"Usually it is some game or tech toy, but his year I thought...He needs something that will last all year. Something to truly keep him entertained."

Wonder Woman stares at him, still snarling and growling in anger and disbelief at what he’s saying. She’s unable to reply, only to wiggle trying break free from the tinsel that bind her, but there seems to be nothing she can do to get free from these unbreakable bindings. She keeps trying to yank herself away, but every motion simply tightens the tinsel restraints around her body. For Krumple the struggling body is a truly marvelous sight, the perfect gift.

Now he looks directly at her, "Merry Christmas Wonder Woman!" She gives him a questioning stare.

Wonder Woman freezes up at the mention of Christmas. Despite her anger, there is something in those words that triggers her thoughts of enjoying Christmas warmth and comradship. She stares at Krumple with a mixture of anger, curiosity, and nostalgia. “Christmas?” her mind wonder Just how merry?

"You have been quite good battling evil and sometimes very naughty...oh very, very naughty with some of your girlfriends and guys."

Wonder Woman glares at him at the mention of her being naughty, her anger immediately returning. It’s true she has at times struggled with feelings of guilt and shame regarding some of her more intimate interactions with men and women, but it’s not something she likes discussing or having mentioned. She snarls and growls at him again.

"Well those various naughty acts are just what Ole St. Nick needs to while away those cold dark North Pole nights." Krumple gives her a wink.

Wonder Woman grits her teeth and growls at him. Her heart is hammering in her chest at his words. This can’t be happening. She can’t be tied up and gifted to Santa as a Christmas present like a mere toy. She is an Amazonian warrior and champion of truth and justice, not a plaything.

Krumple walks up her and extended his hand, "Now let's give you a once over and make sure everything is in good working order."

Wonder Woman glares at him as he walks towards her. She tries to shake her head “no”. But she can only grunt and growl in disapproval, as the flashing ball that’s jammed into her mouth prevents her from saying anything else. Her heart is pounding so loudly she can practically feel it.

"I just love this part..." He says softly as with a snap of his fingers her bustier disappeared from her body. Soon his fingers were none to gently examining her hanging tits and nipples.

Wonder Woman feels her face reddening as she’s suddenly topless. Her boobs are exposed and visible for all to see. It is obvious that they see them well by the awestruck looks on the other elves faces. It leaves her feeling quite vulnerable. At the same time her own vanity intrudes, she’s aware that she looks very beautiful and inviting with her breasts exposed. It stuns her that she can’t help but feel a little Amazonian proud as they are examined. The way he is touching her makes her heart pound and her stomach do flips and twirls. Wonder Woman soon realizes Krumple is doing more than just examining them; much, much more!

Wonder Woman suddenly realizes Krumple’s actions are not merely an examination, but something far more stimulating. Much more as she is slowly getting extremely aroused and turned on. His technique seems so new and different for her, having never had anyone else touch her before like this. Wonder Woman can’t deny that in her helplessness she’s enjoying what Krumple is doing to her.

Krumple notices this and smirks, "Naughty thoughts Wondy?"

Wonder Woman can feel her face growing hot and red as she grows increasingly aroused. “N-n-no!” She stutters as she’s suddenly overwhelmed with a surge of shame and embarrassment. The N-n-no comes out as "naaaaa..." Because of the flashing ball stuffing her mouth, but Krumple enjoys the sound.

Wonder Woman grunts again, and the words sound like they’re being drowned out by her mouth being filled by the flashing ball. She blushes even more as she feels embarrassed and frustrated by her inability to speak normally due to the toy jammed inside her mouth. Another snap of the fingers and suddenly Wonder Woman felt cool air flowing across her ass.

Wonder Woman gasps in surprise as the cool air flows across her bare ass. She wasn’t expecting him to remove shorts, but now she is vulnerable and exposed. She anger rises at being so exposed and naked in front of Krumple. Worse her body is starting to tingle. Wonder Woman grows more aroused and continues to blush. Her body was already getting warm and tingling; now she felt sudden arousal from this being so exposed and vulnerable. She dreaded to think what else he planned.

"My, my what a beautifully firm ass and these two ass cheeks!" Krumples says as he squeezed, caressed and mashed them together.

Wonder Woman shivers and squirms, trying to get away from Krumple’s hands. She is suddenly extremely sensitive to his touch, especially when it’s done in such a caressing, teasing manner. His fingers are making her feel even more turned on and aroused, even though she wants him to stop

"Is that a muffled moan of pleasure Wonder Butt?" Krumple giggled. Wonder Woman tries to protest and says, “N-No, p-please just s-stop!” Again all that comes out is jumbles gibberish thanks to a ball in her mouth.

Wonder Woman grunts and moans again when Krumple keeps squeezing and caressing her ass. Her mind can’t form coherent words, but she tries to protest by growling low and grunting and moaning as he continues to touch her.

"Ah you are definitely very responsive. Santa will like that Wonder Woman."

Wonder Woman tries to protest as she tries to pull away but her words come out garbled. Her body however was now doing more than just responding to. Wonder Woman felt her senses tingling as her entire body was growing more and more sensitive and susceptible to his touch. She is beginning to feel extremely aroused and excited rather than defiant and repulsed.

"Hmmm, what happens if I do this?" Krumple wets the tip of his finger and presses the tip of his finger up against her puckered anal hole. Wonder Woman squealed into her gag and her body surged, she would have fallen but the other elves hands prevented it. Worse it sent a jolt of unexpected excitement though her.

"Wow what a reaction!" He cracked. His grin was unseen by her as he pulled his finger back. "Now what next?"

Wonder Woman is panting heavily and squirming in her binds as she looks at him with a combination of excitement, arousal, shock, and fear. Her body has become extremely sensitive and she more than just feels every touch. It’s beyond previous experiences and it’s all driving her out of her mind.

“P-please, I-I-don’t know what y-you are… d-doing…” She spoke with her mouth now freed as in her struggling the ball-gag got pushed partial down.

"Did you like it Wonder Woman?" Krumple asked.

“I-It was extremely… u-u-unusual… I-i-it was quite…” Wonder Woman starts to say, unable to contain the truth. Though her words are still slightly garbled due to the fact that the ball is still stuffed halfway inside her mouth. "It felt... I-i-intriguing... and b-b-bold.” She says, so overwhelmed with emotions and sensations.

"Should I do it again?" Krumple smiles.

Wonder Woman stares at him as he asks, her breaths coming heavy and fast. She can’t help but feel excited at the thought of him doing it again, though she knows she needs to resist. “Y-Yes... please.” She stutters.

"He does ." And again he pushed the ball-gag back in place.

This time he is bolder and his finger pushes up inside her. It is exhilarating for the Amazon and it shows. Wonder Woman grunts and snarls loudly in response to the heightened excitement she’s feeling. Wonder woman is now trembling, her body twitching and spasming as she struggles not trying hiding the pleasure she is feeling inside of her. Her eyes are closed and she is biting on the gag deep inside her mouth with each wave of pleasure she feels rushing over her. Then she can no longer contain it and wants to let Krumple know. He senses it and frees her of the gag.

Wonder Woman growls and lets out a louder, louder moans as the excitement within her reaches its crescendo. Her body shakes and she feels an intense release of sensation

"AWWWMMYYYYGGGGUUUUAAAAADDDDDDD!" She screams out as she comes to a powerful climax. Krumple pounds the air, thrilled by her response.

Wonder Woman lays there, panting and shaking. She is so overwhelmed with a combination of different emotions, the climax left her feeling exhausted. Her breath comes heavily and quickly, her limbs trembling.

"Now what If I do this next." And Krumple slides his fingers up between her labial lips. He bends them and twirls them about. He watches her twist and surge as her hips soon start pumping up and down. Wonder's groans and moans fill the air and the sensations overwhelm her. is all she can think.

He giggles as her juices slowly drip down his fingers and then her whole body stiffened and her eyes widened. He knew what was coming as she howled and her body started to shutter and convulse as the mother of all climaxes exploded within her.

It felt like all the sensations were building up for this very moment, everything she ever dreamed for culminating now. Wonder Woman starts shaking and twitching, and her body becomes enveloped in pure ecstasy as the climax continues to grow and build. She cries out loudly and let’s out a deafening moan that echoes throughout the room and her home. A deep husky erotic moan that told the tale of her being conquered.

Now with her breath coming quickly and heavily; her eyes rolled back inside her head. Her body will not stop shaking, her legs spasming and twitching from the intense pleasure she has just experience.

"You are quite the woman Wonder Woman." Krumple said softly.

Wonder Woman lays there, exhausted and still overwhelmed with what just happened. She was panting and trying to catch her breath, and she was still trembling from the sensations. Her breath comes heavily, and she can only grunt and moan softly as she tries to comprehend what happened.

The elves now scurry about her. She quickly unbound from the tinsel and she offered no resistance as her uniform a trimmed with white fur.

Wonder Woman stirs and is repositioned. Still panting and exhausted, she’s too overwhelmed with the sensations and emotions she’s experiencing to focus on what’s happening. She remains motionless aside from the heavy breathing as she tries to catch her breath. There’s a faint sheen of sweat on her skin from the intense sensations she’s trying to recover from.

Wonder Woman did nothing to stop them from binding her wrists to her elbows making her breast jut erotically forward; so much so they seemed about to burst fee as the bulged out. Wonder Woman sat there, still panting and catching her breath. Her breasts had grown tender and her nipples throbbed so it brought a soft moan. She sat as she tried to process it all. Wonder Woman closes her eyes and is lost in her own world, thinking about what happened and the intense sensations she’s been experiencing. The thought of the things she has been having done to her makes her very embarrassed, but at the same time she feels quite aroused by them. Then her legs were bent and her ankles tied to her thighs forcing her to sit frog legged with both legs enticingly spread at the knees. Wonder Woman let out a soft moans as they bound her and with her so spread apart wide. she slowly feels really vulnerable.

"Now Wondy, who are you going to please this year?" Krumple asks.

Wonder Woman is still breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath as she struggles with mixed emotions. The things he has done to her has made her feel extremely aroused, but it also makes her feel quite embarrassed and a bit humiliated. Still, she finds herself in an extremely vulnerable state, which he has no doubt noticed. Her breath continues to come quickly and heavily.

"Tell me who."

Wonder Woman is struggling to speak, being unable to form her words properly while she’s still so overstimulated from the intense pleasures she has experienced. She grows more and more embarrassed as he continues to ask who she will please this year, feeling increasingly exposed and vulnerable.

"Now say it, You are Santa's Baby."

Wonder Woman hesitates, feeling completely overwhelmed and embarrassed while he presses her to admit it. But the sensations still inhabiting her body are so intense and the fact him calling her that is so exciting and arousing that she finally gives in and admits it.

“I-I am Santa’s… baby.” Krumple claps and kisses her cheek.

They leave her after placing her in a box. As a finishing touch the put a big re bow atop her head and the lashing ball-gag back in her mouth. Then the box was closed and she waited. Wonder Woman sits there, helpless and unable to move as she waits. She sits waiting with a dazed look in her eyes. She was for Santa himself.

She is to become a Christmas present to Santa? But how will he handle her? The thought made her tremble a bit. Krumple did prepare her and now she would be given to Santa as his present for Christmas, and she couldn’t imagine what he would do with her. The thought of being his personal present made her shiver with surprising glee when she remembered how when she climaxed Krumple muttered, "And Santa is even better at this."

Thinking of this, Wonder Woman is starting to become concerned, as the thought of being in Santa’s hands made her shiver. She was already on edge with what Krumple had done to her, but the thought of Santa doing similar things was even more unsettling for her. But the more she dwelt on she knew, she knew what she was going to be...

And then she heard a rustling and a hardy “Ho-ho-ho”

And Wonder Woman looked up with a smile as the box top opened...

She says the words Krumple told her to say...

“I am Santa’s baby.”
Elder Member
Elder Member
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What an outstanding Wonder Woman Christmas story!!
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