Wonder Woman: Junkyard Dog

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Wonder Woman: Junkyard Dog

“This wouldn’t be happening if we had a proper goddamned junkyard dog!” Shouted the weathered old black man with the white crew cut and three day stubble.

“You raise them too mean, and the last one bit me! Besides, a dog wouldn’t save us from this.” His son, darker, thinner, taller, and a lot more scared than his old man whined.

“I know how to train a bitch. You only got bit because they know you were a pussy. How you come out of a woman as saintly as your mother from balls as big as mine and get none yourself I cannot fucking understand. Ahh not that. Goddamn. Break something cheap you fucking psychos!” The old man yelled.

Fred G. Sinford huddled in the crusher control of his junkyard, Sinford and Sons Junkyard, and cursed. He was a short, white haired, scruff bearded pot bellied early fifties black man with café au lait skin, a frequently broken nose and matching knuckles that showed he had been a fighter more times than was wise, and victor more times than should have been possible. He walked with the limp given him by the LAPD when the good white officers took offence to him shoving the emptied bottles of the Molotov cocktails the local white supremacists had intended to use to burn him out up the asses of the men he had caught and beaten in the attempt. It was fine to defend your property if you were a home and business owner, unless you were a black junkyard owner and the son of the mayor and former police chief were chicken wired to your fence with empty gasoline smelling bottles shoved up their assholes. That got your legs broken by law enforcement for being “uppity”.

That was fine. His love of the LAPD at that point stopped his holding the law and order line and caused the drift into running a more successful chop shop that made his family fortune. Lamont, his son, had gone to UCLA on the money said chop shop had made, only to determine that crime was wrong, and never stop bothering his father about the finer points of morality. Fred G. Sinford knew all about morality. It was moral to build up a business, it was moral to stay loyal to your wife as long as she lived. It was moral to look after what was yours. It was moral to obey the law, right up until it fucked you, and then you fucked back as hard as you could. Fred G Sinford fucked back harder than any. His wife, Elizabeth, was the first and only woman ever to take all 12” of his crankshaft delivered with all the power of his work hardened muscle each and every way his twisted mind could conceive to give it to her. She had born him one son, Lamont, and died trying to birth a daughter. He had never loved another woman. He’d fucked a few, but not one of them could take his crank shaft without him having to hold back to the point it was more effort than it was worth. Lamont had inherited his equipment and got himself in trouble on campus when he got the Ethics teacher pregnant. The six coeds he had been dating were telling the truth about being on the pill but it seems their teacher was bending the truth a bit, and when she presented her husband a bouncing baby Sinford, it had lead to trouble, and the end of Lamont’s scholarship.

Right now he was looking at the end of his business.

Wonder Woman was wearing armour of coal black iron and hammering away at some white boy she called Ares, dressed in equally coal black iron armour as the two super powered white folk were destroying the equipment of his junkyard. Those outside the business think a junk yard is just junk. It is not. Several industrial cranes, conveyor systems, hydraulic presses, the big car crusher made up the bulk systems, but the chop shop where he dismantled cars (legally and otherwise) was full of equipment designed to take intact autoparts out of wrecks without damaging them, and the sort of all up testing equipment required to make sure that the components taken out were up to factory specifications. He also had enough tools and materials to make sure the stuff that was not up to snuff got fixed to better than stock before he sold it. His junkyard turned shit into gold, and now these supers were busy turning his gold back into shit!

“Lamont, those damned white folk are killing me! That goddamned A frame the big titted whore got tossed through was my engine diagnostic lab. That is fifty thousand dollars worth of fucking hardware, and more stolen software than Apple runs.” Fred shouted, waving his fist at Wonder Woman as she picked herself out of the building she had been tossed through, picked up a Tesla and threw it at Ares, who cut it in half, only to be consumed in flames as its battery system reacted badly to the lightning edge on Ares sword.

“Ah, the daft bitch lit the place on fire. Lamont, get your lazy running back ass to the fuel shut off and kill the feed before that round assed Barbie bitch kills us all!” Fred shouted.

“Pops, that is Wonder Woman, she is a superhero, and she is fighting Ares, god of war. She is trying to save us all, she is fighting for freedom and America!” Lamont protested.

Fred smacked him in his afro-headed head with a hand hard from a life of physical work. “Wonder cunt is saving us right into the poor house, and if that fire gets to the fuel pumps before you get to the shut offs, she’s going to save us the cost of a funeral.” He looked up to heaven and his dead wife “I’m coming Elizabeth. Get that pussy ready, your lazy ass son is going to get us burned to death, so get yourself nice and wet, daddy is coming home!” Fred G Sinford shouted. Lamont, oddly would rather die than listen to his father talk about his dead mother quite that way, and sprinted towards the fuel shut off.

Fred G Sanford had been a marine once, back in Viet Nam, and had a well honed belief that fighting fair was something that seemed important to the people who sent his black ass off to die, but didn’t mean shit to the little yellow fuckers trying to kill him, nor any of the sad sacks of every colour who were just trying to stay alive long enough to go home. He got good at cheating, fighting dirty, and finding a way to get rich while doing it. His ethics were as flexible as his cock was rigid, which was getting to be very, as he watched that Wonder Cunt trade blows with that smug prick in the armour. Her armour looked battered and functional. Like trooper armour. Pretty boy’s looked like officer shit. The pretty boy looked like and officer shit too. He could have ended the fight a couple of times but he stopped to make a speech and she clocked him. Yep. Fucking officer. Damned but she had an ass for a white girl. If she wasn’t busy putting him in the poor house, he might almost want to give her a little Fred G Sinford charm!

Ares tossed a lightning bolt at Wonder Tits, and she deflected it into his body shop, and his main arc welder and one of the large hydraulic lifts sizzled and smoked as the lightning turned them into wreckage.

Fred G Sinford clutched his chest. That was about three years profit that she just arc welded into scrap. He had to stop this bullshit now! He hobbled on one and three quarters leg to the main crane control room and fired up the controls. Since Lamont was an over educated twit, Fred had long ago rigged his twin cranes to run from one console and he slaved the second into his control now as he worked his big car lifting magnets into place. They want to wear iron to fuck up his place, he is going to show them how stupid an idea that is. He got his cranes military surplus, they were from the tank corps field depots. They were designed to lift tank chassis and turrets for assembly and disassembly during refit. He just used them for cars. Power they had in surplus.

Ares had Wonder Woman on the ropes, his blows had stunned her, and she had fallen to the ground in front of him. He raised his sword, about to bring it down on her unresisting neck when Fred hit both his two main magnets together. One slammed into Ares back, pinning him helplessly in place, trapping his iron armoured arms and sword against the powerful magnet even as his helmet held his head in place. Wonder Woman however was grabbed by the greaves, and her legs were pinned to the magnet behind her, pulling her out of the way of Ares descending sword, whose momentum caused it to slam into the magnet restraining him.

Seeing a momentary opportunity, she threw her own sword as hard as she could at Ares face. The magnet’s force held his helmeted head in place even as its power accelerated the sword hurling towards it. The sword thrown with Wonder Woman’s full strength, added to the power of the magnet designed to lift main battle tank turrets and chassis for assembly, the sword was moving too fast for Ares to dodge, and too powerfully for even a god to resist. It punched through his head, and caused his body to dissolve into a shower of golden light, banished from the earth.

Wonder Woman looked up grinning, her sword impaled in the huge magnet. Ares was defeated.

Turning to look at the old black man sitting in the crane controls, she shouted and order to him.

“Bring that over here, that sword is mine. It is not for common hands like yours!” Her exhaustion should take the blame for her tone. She was not casting any racial slur, in fact to her all humans were the same, a lesser species. The men lesser even than that, as they were mostly just lust and violence driven semi animals whose only hope of redemption was a woman’s guidance. In fact that sword was deeply magical and would turn in the hand of any non amazon that tried to use it in battle. There was a decent chance it would turn in his hand and lop a leg off if he even held it.

Fred G Sinford had limits, the good god knows that he did. He had seen about twenty years of work go up in flames, or lightning, or smashed flat with the sure and certain knowledge that his insurance would refuse to pay, since acts of god included acts of Ares the War God, he was eff you see kay fucked. He wouldn’t see a dime. About the only things that still worked around here were his security system capturing every inch of the place in high resolution with sound, and his big crane magnets. The rest of his operation was scrap. Now this big titted bimbo was ordering him to bring the magnet with the sword to her because his black ass was too lowly to touch it?

All right Wonder Cunt. Let’s dance.

Bringing the crane close to Wonder Woman, he let it get just out of arms reach on her right,, he worked a third into place by her right and hit full power on both magnets. Wonder Woman’s two arms flashed out and slammed into the two magnets, forearms flat to each, suspending her upper body in mid air, head and chest raised.

“You come into my junkyard, you smash all the equipment I took twenty years to earn, you nearly get my black ass, and my son, not to mention everyone else within blocks if my fuel tanks would have gone, and you think you can order me and my ‘common hands’ around? Missie, it seems that Wonderful mouth of yours has written the kind of cheque that Wonderful ass of yours has to cash.” Fred said, running his calloused hand over her smooth cheek, and then over her taut muscular ass.

“You wouldn’t dare! I am Wonder Woman, I am a superheroine. I am a Princess of Themyscira, I am a goddess!” Wonder Woman exclaimed, unbelieving this old peasant would dare to man handle her.

Fred ran his hand over Wonder Woman’s ass, and he felt his cock stir. My god that was an ass. He spanked it. It was firm and supple. He spanked it again. He had seen her taking punches that shattered steel. He bet this bitch couldn’t really be hurt by a spanking, and the truth be told, there were things he yearned to do to a woman he would never have done to his beloved Elizabeth (God rest her soul) because when the lust fades, the bruises wouldn’t. This bitch, she was a superheroine. Not even really human if that goddess bullshit was right. That wasn’t really a sin right? She wasn’t really a woman, it wasn’t even really cheating on his dead wife. He could do whatever he wanted, and not even have to be ashamed about it.

He spanked her ass again, then leaned down, and bit it.

“Sweet Hera, NO!” Wonder Woman screamed, and pulled against the cranes. Now had they been chains, or solid bars, she would have pulled free, but the magnets and the series of steel cables and pullies leading to a series of cranes all gave a little bit, so she could stretch and strain, but nothing gave enough to set her free.

Fred G Sanford pulled out his belt, and began to whip her ass with his doubled belt as hard as he could.

“Now you had a problem with my common hands, Wonder cunt, so I am not using them. I think maybe you need some gentling down before you are ready to be reasonable, so you just let me know when you are ready to start begging my forgiveness.” Fred swore as he began spanking her ass with his doubled belt.

Lamont had come back to see his father with Wonder Woman held suspended from the cranes, her tits bouncing just about ready to pop out, her mouth open as she shouted threats that made his blood run cold, but his father stood there like a fat unshaven Buddha, wielding his belt like a whip to punish the Defender of All Women. It made his cock twitch, and start to grow. Wonder Woman was the ultimate untouchable figure. Lamont figured out early that a soft spoken intelligent black athlete could get into social circles the tough talking never could, but the ability to bring out the black street tough in private with those same figures had got not only rich co-eds, but full professors on their knees or on their back for him. Power figures were his holy grail, from his first teacher, to his first female cop, his first spoiled rich heiress, getting the untouchable not just touched, but broken and begging to be defiled further was his ultimate joy. He hated the fact he knew he got that from his father, but watching his father spank Wonder Woman like she was some street whore getting pimp slapped for attitude got him hard like a rock.

Lamont looked at his security camera’s hit a few keys on the main computer to start twinning the stream to his home system, then grabbed his HD camera to come record what his old man was doing to the Princess of the Amazons.

“You and your psychotic sword wielding rich boy boyfriend have wrecked about twenty years worth of back breaking labour, and cost me the business I intended to leave to my no account son who is too stupid to amount to anything on his own, and now I am too god damned old to put in another twenty years to get it back. I am getting the price out of your white ass!” Fred snarled as he spanked her blue and white starred short shorts, watching the most perfect ass he had ever seen bounce with every spank of his belt.

“Mortal, you have insurance for your losses. That was not my boyfriend, that was the War God Aries, the enemy of all mankind. Only I could defeat him, as I am a daughter of Zeus and the Queen of the Amazons. I am a superheroine. I serve all humanity. You must release me!” Wonder Woman shouted, struggling against the magnets and cables, but her armour was Acheron Iron, unbreakable and extremely magnetic, and the cables had too much give to yield to her frantic tugging.

Fred yanked down her blue star spangled hot pants to check that all his fevered swinging hadn’t left a single mark on her skin.

“God damned perfect ass. Unbreakable ass. Invincible ass. Oh Wonder slut, I am going to get the price for my lost business and my family tossed in the poor house out of that perfect white ass. Good thing you are model pretty because you are dumb as a stump. You heard of Act of God in Insurance, well it means if it is an act of god, they don’t have to pay, and you brought two of them to fight in my yard, and broke it. His ass is dead and gone, so your ass is going to pay the bill” Fred snarled, and bent down to bite her ass cheek as hard as he could, sliding his work roughened hands up to tease her black furred sex.

Lamont moved with the camera to capture her face in close as his father began to trace her labia with his finger, while his left hand plied the belt as hard as his heavy body could muster.

Crack, crack, crack, crack! The whip snapped down, and Lamont watched the face of Wonder Woman turn into helpless confusion as her suspended body began to move against his father’s fingers almost against their will. Lamont moved the camera to her face.

“Wonder Woman, you seem to be blushing, you are panting like a bitch in heat, and it looks like you are trying to push onto my old man’ fingers. Are you sure you aren’t enjoying this?” Lamont asked.

Wonder Woman opened her mouth to shout her defiance, when Fred buried his head in her ass crack and began to rim her tight rosebud. “Great Hera! Please, not my ass. Please, anything but that!” She cried almost desperately.

Lamont worked the buckles on her iron breast plate and it quickly slammed into the forward magnet, leaving her only in her red and gold bustier. Tugging that down, he got a good shot of the superheroines heaving breasts. Reaching down he stroked the breasts, kneading them, then pulling on the nipples and twisting them, causing her to moan helplessly.

Fred meanwhile switched from rimming the Defender of All Women, to fingering her tight Amazon asshole with work roughened fingers, watching her ass take one, then two fingers as he reached underneath to play with her clit. Wonder Woman was panting now, tossing her head helplessly as she begged.

“Please, I can pay, I am a princess, you don’t have to do this!” She begged but Lamont saw that she had her eyes screwed shut and was pushing back into his father’s drilling digits.

“I told you, I am getting the price out of your white ass. You superheroines swoop down on a working man’s business and break it all up, then think you can just toss a few bills and leave the cleanup to the little people. Well fuck you Princess. I am going to show your super powered ass how big the little people can be, and then you are going to start doing the cleanup.” Fred said, as he opened his bib overalls to whip out ten and a half inches of mahogany manhood, and began rubbing it up and down Wonder Woman’s dripping pussy to get it nice and wet.

“No, goddess no!” Wonder Woman moaned, and Fred put the flared purple helm of his battering ram at the Amazon’s aft gate and began push.

Wonder Woman’s eyes flew open, her baby blues wide and shocked as the great head of an old man’s mortal penis began to tame a goddess ass. She whimpered, as her Royal Rosebud yielded to her conqueror like Troy before the Greeks, arching her back and letting out a cry of pleasure as her rosebud snapped tight around the shaft of his black spear, and the junk yard car magnets began to act as a sex swing, rocking her too and fro as he began to plunder her back garden of its Amazonian delights. Lamont leaned down and began to kiss Wonder Woman, she resisted at first, but as first six, then eight inches worked it’s way into her, she began to kiss back.

As Fred’s punishing bitch tamer began to hammer full depth, his balls slapping at her Amazonian pussy, Lamont felt Wonder Woman’s tongue dart into his mouth and begin teasing his tongue, sucking on it.

As Wonder Woman began to moan like a banshee, Lamont couldn’t take it anymore, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his nine inch nail, and began to slap the Princess of Themyscira with his big black cock, spanking it off her face, capturing the look of helplessness on the mightiest superheroine’s face as she was rocked into her first anal orgasm by a pot bellied senior citizen junk dealer. As her mouth flew wide in sensations too strong to process, he slid his dark dick inside her mouth and began to face fuck Wonder Woman.

Fred had found paradise. Wonder Woman’s ass was tighter than any human woman could be, and he could hammer her the way he could never hammer any woman save his dead wife Elizabeth. Even Elizabeth could only take his full fury in her sweet pussy, her ass was a place he had to be so gentle with, but Wonder Woman was an Amazon, an invincible Superheroine. He could pound her ass like a piston in a bored out big block, and he was doing so. She came and he felt her juices splatter against his thighs as he pumped.

“Going to get my money back out of that white ass, and god damned if your ass isn’t a good earner. Going to bust my night up that tight ass of yours. Going to break you in proper. I aint got not junkyard dog, but maybe I make you my Junkyard bitch WONDER WHORE!” Fred shouted as he began to cum into her asshole. She milked his cock like there was some sort of octopus god in her intestines milking his shaft. Good thing he had pounded that ass into submission or she like to break his cock right off when she bucked like that! He lay down against her back and nuzzled her neck as his hands reached around to grab some of the most divine titty flesh in existence. He whispered to her.

“I aint had a woman in years, and my balls are heavier than my bowling ball. I am going to break you in nice and proper. Teach you to apologize properly to a man. Show you what your uppity ass has been missing for too long, some discipline.” Fred whispered as he nuzzled and nipped at the back of her neck.

Lamont just about lost it as Wonder Woman moaned around his cock, and he felt her tongue lapping at the bottom of his shaft, and the top of his balls.

Fred pulled out of Wonder Woman’s ass, careful not to let the nasty coating touch his thighs as he shouted at his no account son.

“Lamont, come back here and get some of this Amazon Ass. You keep that second rate bitch breaker out of that Wonder Cunt though. She broke my yard, I get firsts on all the reparations.” Fred said.

Walking carefully around the bound amazon, Fred ducked under her arm to come up between them, by her face. Grabbing the sex stunned superheroine by the hair, he raised her proud head up to look her in the eyes, and swung his shit and cum coated dick to her face.

“Clean me.” He growled, his old weathered unshaven mahogany face glared down at her delicate eternally young majesty, and any thought of protest died. She stuck her tongue out, and began to clean her own ass off the old man’s half hard cock.

She began to moan as Lamont began to hammer into her ass, without the control or restraint of his father, but with all the energy of a collegiate football star. Fred pulled his clean and now hardening cock from Wonder Woman’s amazing mouth, and went to the crane controls.

He raised her arms up, now her arms were above her head, her torso slanting up, and her breasts pointed towards the grinning old black junk dealer.

“Now we are going to get some restitution, from some actual tits. Time we showed you how you need to be serving the community, instead of destroying my goddamned business.” Fred said as he pushed her drool and spit covered tits together and began to titty fuck the proud Amazon champion.

Lamont was leaning forward to finger Wonder Woman’s clit as he fucked her ass, wanting to prove he was the equal of his father and make the superheroine cum for him. His work was definitely having an effect, but it was his father who benefitted.

Wonder Woman could not believe the old man was so masterful, her body was helpless, on fire, and well on its way to another orgasm, and yet the old man was using her breasts to jack off his cock, as if she wasn’t even worthy of his seed. She felt the need to show him she was worth it, that she deserved his seed, his punishment, his ownership. Not understanding why, she began to suck the head of his cock as fucked her tits. Taking his cock head into her mouth with every thrust, she looked up into his eyes, and lapped at his thrusting manhood.

Whimpering like a puppy, she tasted his precum and began to fight her restraints to lean forward and capture it in her mouth, desperate for the seed of the superior man who was well on the way to conquering her. It was the way of the Amazon to yield to no man save one that could defeat her, and while the god Aries had fallen to her, this fat old black man was ripping her control and self respect away with each touch of his cock, hands and sweet goddess, eyes.

Roaring like a bull elephant in rut, Fred blasted cum all over Wonder Woman’s face and tits. As he did, Wonder Woman screamed in pleasure and came around the thrusting cock of Lamont in her ass.

Fred’s brain swam, his blood pressure peaking from the orgasm of his life, and he staggered back, his overalls falling around his feet as he tripped and accidentally hit the magnet release, dropping Wonder Woman to the ground and free.

Lamont jumped back, grabbed his camcorder and ducked behind a wrecked car as Wonder Woman lunged for his father.

She grabbed his legs and forced them up, Lamont was afraid she would tear them off in revenge, but what he saw next had him zooming in with the camera not fleeing for his life.

The mostly naked Amazon drove between his father’s legs and began sucking and licking his balls, then his dark hairy old asshole. Holding his legs in the air, the aroused Amazon drilled his ass with a superhuman tongue and brought the old man’s aching organ back to full tumescent life. His eyes wide, Fred looked in a mixture of lust and fear as Wonder Woman slammed his shoulders down, and slid her fire hot cunt onto his bitch taming black spear.

She rode him like she rode the warhorses of her home island, with the wild fury of a warrior born. Fred struggled to hold under her superhuman assault, but her cunt was driving his cock to a degree of hardness that should not be possible for men half his age. Reaching up, he grabbed Wonder Woman by her tits and pulled her down to him before she broke both his hips, fucking him into the ground.

She pressed her body to his, her tits and his pot belly forming a bridge between them as he buried his hands in her raven dark hair and she grabbed his shoulders as anchors. When she came again, all strength went out of her, and she collapsed on his chest.

Rolling her onto her back, he grabbed her legs and pushed her knees up by her ears as he grudge fucked the Superheroine into submission. Well beyond his limit, he took a long time to cum, fucking her through three more climaxes before he emptied his ancient balls into her immortal pussy.

Holding her legs in position he yelled at his son.

“Get over here, you sad excuse for a Sinford. This is goddess pussy, you bust your nut in this or I will cut them right the fuck off as a disgrace to the family.” Fred shouted.

Lamont still had his camera in hand, but he tossed it to his old man as he lined is utterly rigid young cock up against the most powerful and forbidden pussy in the world, the Princess of the Amazons, the Defender of All Women, Wonder Woman. He pushed his cock in, and she whimpered as her cunt seemed to draw him inward like some sort of hot velvet glove. He began to thrust into her, the feeling so much superior to any pussy he had ever had that he felt like a bumbling 14 year old having his first time again, not a mid twenties experienced cocksman. His father was pointing the camera down at Wonder Woman and groping her breasts, pulling on her nipples.

“You going to be my Junkyard bitch, Wonder Cunt? You going to let me take the price of everything you broke out of that fine white ass?” The old man said, looking down at her and filming as his son pounded her cunt like the whore the old man was training her to be.

“Yes, yes, yes, OH SWEET GODDESS YES!” Screamed Wonder Woman, giving the unbreakable word of an Amazon.

As Lamont sat and posted the videos online along with links to book “dates” with Wonder Woman, she turned and shyly snuggled up to the old man who put his arm around her, somewhat embarrassed after everything that went on.

“Why didn’t you use my lasso? You could have just made me do what you want. You didn’t have to seduce me.” She asked, not daring to look at him.

The tired old man raised his head, the ghost of the warrior he must have been in his youth suddenly shining through.

“The day I have to force a woman, I will cut my own dick off.” He snarled.

Wonder Woman leaned in for a kiss, reaching down to touch his battered and bruised manhood. She whispered. “I think its pretty safe.”

Fred smiled. From the babbling of Lamont, between video and live dates, he figured Wonder Woman would pay off the damages inside a week. That was good. More than a week of this pussy and he would be trying to explain to Miss Elizabeth in heaven why he died balls deep in some white girl.

He finally had his junkyard bitch, and all was right in the world.
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Staff Sargeant
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Oh doctor! I loved the whole Sanford and Son dialog. You really captured the characters (Not that way. Get your mind out of your cunt!)

And one of my favorites is making heroines pay for all the destruction they cause to ordinary working stiffs. (OK, that time I mean it.) I'm sure WW will make more than the damages back. You ought to subtitle this Reparations of the Gods. Those old Greek hooligans really need to be held to account for all the raping and pillaging they've done to mankind. Held to account, I say! They started the whole Trojan War, over a goll' durn apple, a goll' durn apple--not even an iPhone. I'm sure it was them and their blasted Fates that gave Steve Jobs liver cancer too.

They must pay! Occupy Mt. Olympus! Tie 'em each to a Doric column and whip 'em good until that no-good, no-account, Harvey Weinstein wannabe shocks himself to death with his own thunderbolt. Even Weinstein and Epstein weren't into bestiality. Maybe we'll spare Dionysius..., and all right, Eros too, but the rest? They can all fry, and then rot in some blubbery Titan's belly. If we really can't kill 'em, then shove them in stasis tubes and ship 'em to the nearest black hole! We don't want 'em comin' round here no more.
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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Now that was one great story. Loved it even if you misspelled Sinford a time or two! LOL
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Staff Sargeant
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I copied that one down. I'm afraid the minions of the anointed will come for it soon. But I already have my bootleg copy. Bwahaha!
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