The unmasking of Batgirl

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Dr. Quak had been working at Gotham University under a government grant. Comissioner Gordon had his licence revoked for malpractice.
Barbara Gordon had heard, at her father’s office that the scientist had returned to practice helping criminals to break the law. She decided to pay her old college professor a visit but as Batgirl.

“This is the place,” Batgirl thought as she cut her engine and rolled silently to a stop behind a dumpster in the rear of Dr. Quak's medical clinic. It had closed after the court sentence. Before that, the clinic had been the largest plastic surgery center in the entire city. Now the building lay abandoned at the far end of a parking lot from a small strip mall.

A toss of her Batarang secured a rope around the railing along the roof of the building and Batgirl began to climb. It would be easier to clear the building from top to bottom. Once on the roof, Batgirl picked the lock on the door to the roof and crept down the stairs to the fourth floor.
Now Batgirl stole quietly through the building, the soft clicking of her heels sounded loudly to her ears as she searched through empty rooms and corridors.

The fourth floor was empty. So was the third. As she crept down a stairway to the second floor, however, Batgirl heard noises.
“Yes! I’ve got him!” Batgirl said softly to herself. Peeking around the corner from the stairway, Batgirl glimpsed one man. He was walking away from her down the hallway and Batgirl quickly followed him.

As she followed the man to another flight of steps downward, she couldn't hear any other voice floating up from the floor below her and surmised that there was nobody else in the building.

Creeping out the stairway onto the first floor, Batgirl could not see in which direction the man had gone but deduced that he might have gone in the direction of the light up ahead. Moving forward toward the light, Batgirl peeked around the corner of some stacked crates.

As Batgirl watched in dark, the man, whom she was following, sneaked up behind her and just brained her with a wooden stick.
The man had realized that there was a snooper. He saw a dark bundle on the floor. He turned the light on and approached the form, which appeared to be that of a female dressed in a black lurex suit, wearing a long cape of blue and satin.

Kneeling next to the unconscious woman, the young man gently rolled her over onto her back. As he did so, his gaze fell onto the face of the woman.
“Holy surprise! It’s Batgirl… One of the underworld’s worst enemies at my mercy!” He thought. She lay completely helpless on the floor.

He gently lifted the heroine and moved her to a surgical table. As he carried Batgirl, the man was overcome by the stunning beauty of the unconscious heroine. He seemed entranced with the redhead wearing the skin-tight Bat-Suit. He tied her to the bed.

“I wonder what she looks like without her mask?” he asked himself.

In an instant, the deed was done. Dr. Quak stood holding the gleaming cowl in his hands. He looked inquisitively at the unmasked face of the bold beauty.

“Oh, my god!! It’s Barbara Gordon, the Police Commissioner's daughter!! What a prized catch!! What a discovery I have stumbled upon!” The professor thought in surprise. He had one of the greatest secrets in the world and there should be a way he can use it. “Somehow, someway, this secret could be offered for a vast sum of money and I could make up the funds for my investigations! ”

“Wait, don’t allow yourself to slip into the slimy depths of crude crimes! You are a brilliant surgeon. Here’s your chance to give your new surgical technique the acid test! Make her your gorgeous Guinea pig!” he reflected with excitement.

Batgirl woke up slowly in a darkened room with a splitting headache. She tried to get up, but she realized she couldn't move her arms or legs. She struggled to a sitting position and noticed she was tightly bound to a surgical table. Her wrists and ankles were secured with thick leather restraints. She tried to remember where she was, and then it hit her.

A quick check revealed her costume was fully in place…except for her mask which had been removed!!!

Barbara tried to talk, but at first, nothing came out, finally after a minute. "My mask…!!"

Her first reaction was shock, then horror. She felt undressed without it! Next to human life, her secret identity was the thing Batgirl guarded the most. For Batgirl, the ultimate nightmare had just occurred. Her worst fear had come to pass, as her cowl was now gone. For several minutes, she fought off the urge to cry.

Standing near her was Doctor Quak with an evil grin on his face.

“Comfy? Fine … Fine!!!"I hoped you slept well," The Doctor said. "Well, well, Barbara Gordon, one of my best students is Batgirl. What a pleasant surprise!!!."

“You will never get away with this,” Barbara predicted. “Untie me! You’re all under arrest,”

“That’s pretty funny, Barbara, especially coming from someone in your predicament. there’s no way out from this room,” he said.

Barbara struggled wildly, trying to free herself. She was surprised how desperate she was to have her cowl back in place, so her Batgirl persona would be restored.

“Here’s the procedure… I will peel off your facial skin and muscles and then I will sew it on a criminal woman’s face. I will also exchange your fingerprints with hers. So with a different face and fingerprints, she can start a new crime career. In your case when you awake you will have the criminal’s face!!!”

He stared at Barbara’s horrified face for a moment as the tension starkly defined the heroine’s features.

“Stop it!” Barbara shouted, desperation evident in her voice. “NOOOOOO!” She cried in wide-eyed horror as he reached forward and flipped a switch on a device.

“Here! Breathe this anesthetic! Steady! Relax!” the doctor requested.

"Oh, no!. . Not Chloroform!! . . . No, No, Pleas- . . . MMMFFFP," Barbara screamed and struggled as the Doctor drenched a handkerchief, then taped it over her nose.

Dr. Quak watched how Barbara slowly lose consciousness. He took great delight in seeing her beautiful face when her eyes closed and she lay motionless.

“Barbara, see you later!!”

He was about to cut the delicate and soft skin of her face with the scalpel when a voice interrupted him

“Put that knife down!!!!”

He turned around to notice Commissioner Gordon pointing a gun at him.

“Steady, Gordon! You don't want your daughter being hurt!!”

“Don’t move and Get away from Barbara, now!!!”

“You do not seem surprised by Barbara’s night activities, do you?!!”

“I am warning you, get your hands up!!! Do not test me!”

“Test you? Listen to me, Commissioner. You are responsible for the Government canceling my funding. I swore I will get ever by taking something you love away from you…your loving daughter!!!”

He would do it. He knew he would do it. He was about to kill Barbara. This couldn’t be happening. He won’t let it. The shoot impacted between Quak’s eyes before he could ever harm her. No chance of survival.

Then he walked over to where his daughter was lying unmasked and unconscious. He looked at her. He loved her so much and he thanked God she wasn't hurt.

But Gordon was not happy. “You don’t need to do this, Barbara.” he thought. Gordon had never wanted to admit to himself but he had found the mask and the cape among her things some time ago and there was no lying to himself anymore.

He hoped she would share her deepest secret with him when she was ready. Until then he would keep his mouth shut.

The commissioner released her from all ties and pulled the mask back on Barbara´s face for hiding her identity before she woke up.

James Gordon kissed his daughter on the forehead more lovingly than ever and then left the building and walked towards the police department. During the way, his eyes filled with tears but no one noticed because it was raining heavily.
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This story feels like it is missing some dramatic tension. At points it just seems a bit flat, especially Gordon's reaction. Yes, he is crying at the end but it all just seems a bit matter of fact. I like the aspect that her being Batgirl wasn't a surprise to him. I think maybe she needs to be conscious with him there at the point of his entry. That drama of her impending death and the sight of her father there would be very dramatic I think.

Thanks for sharing this story on the forum. Your several unmasking stories are cleverly conceived. Keep at it.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Thank you for appreciating my stories. As in detective comics 417-422 Jim Gordon discovered that his daughter was Batgirl long before she unmasked herself before him.

This also had a bit of tension for the reader in the relationship between them due to the fact that he knew about her and she didn't.
Finally, in the comics, Barbara decides to reveal her father and one night when she arrives at commissioner's house as Batgirl she removes her mask in front of him.

The idea of the unmasking stories, which involves someone discovering Batgirl's identity, is not meant to be a general exposure of her secret. That would be the end of Batgirl. The idea is to see who discovers it and what they later decide to do with that secret.

Even when Barbara Gordon don't want to let anybody in on the secret, more people are finding out.

I would like more comments on this story and on the previous ones. That helps me write the next ones.
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I liked how it was her father to the rescue!!!
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canepar wrote:
1 year ago
Thank you for appreciating my stories. As in detective comics 417-422 Jim Gordon discovered that his daughter was Batgirl long before she unmasked herself before him.

This also had a bit of tension for the reader in the relationship between them due to the fact that he knew about her and she didn't.
Finally, in the comics, Barbara decides to reveal her father and one night when she arrives at commissioner's house as Batgirl she removes her mask in front of him.

The idea of the unmasking stories, which involves someone discovering Batgirl's identity, is not meant to be a general exposure of her secret. That would be the end of Batgirl. The idea is to see who discovers it and what they later decide to do with that secret.

Even when Barbara Gordon don't want to let anybody in on the secret, more people are finding out.

I would like more comments on this story and on the previous ones. That helps me write the next ones.
great story, waiting for update
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