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Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 11:25 pm
by sensualbarbarian
Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

It was the swinging 60s and freedom and experimentation was all the rage. Olivia Knight drove her Austin Mini towards Primrose Hill, a part of North London known for its Bohemian decadence. In the twenty years since the end of World War II, Knight almost missed her days battling the Nazis. Her greatest achieved was thwarting the Baron Von Heinrich. A high ranking occult sorcerer and member of the Thule Brotherhood, a secret order and extremist faction of the SS. Von Heinrich had attempted to open a portal to the abyssal realm with the intention to release an army of obedient creatures upon earth that would serve the Third Reich as living weapons. Of course that would be another story…..Let along Hitlers escape to Argentina…and the time in 1947 where she was trapped in another dimension by the Soviet scientist Dr Maxim Kaganovich…..her service to British intelligence during World War II was memorable and honourable, or at least she thought so. Times had changed so dramatically in twenty years. The British Empire had disintegrated, the political climate had become one of covert espionage and stealth, an extra terrestrial threat had been emerging since the 1950s, and supervillains were becoming more and more original and bizarre.

Olivia stepped out of her Austin Mini which she had parked on the high street of Primrose Hill. She had been invited to a yoga class by her friend Cassandra, a typical yummy mummy that inhabited these privileged parts of London. Yoga was really taking off, especially amongst the more alternative crowd, as was tantra. Was it a cliche for exotic male gurus to help white Western women achieve enlightenment? It reminded her of her most recent adventures abroad. She had just come back from a mission in India where she had been rounding up members of the notorious Sword of Kali cult. A clandestine group specialised in dark sorcery and was close to the Nazis, the SS and the Thule during the 1940s. The foot soldiers of the SOK were no match for Lady England and the mission was effortless. The SOK previously opposed British rule and was involved in the resistance against the empire.

In all her travels in India, Olivia had continuously come across one name. A shadowy man and charismatic leader, by the name of Daryush….or Darius…the Dark Yogi. She was acquainted with a Sadhu or mystic. This snake charming, hash smoking, lassi bang drinking shaman had taken a liking to Olivia. Perhaps it was her angelic looks, her white skin, her blue eyes; a rare sight in South India. Or perhaps it was because this man was a horny con artist? He would make claims of how he had not ejaculated in 3 years and had the stamina of a bull. Such statements would make her roll her eyes. She was familiar with the explosion of western hippies travelling eastwards to find themselves with such gurus. Some no doubt were authentic….but others……
She met him on a busy street in Calcutta, and he invited her to his home nearby where he offered her tea. Olivia saw it as an opportunity to inquire into the whereabouts of the SOK leader, Darius. The tea was drugged and Olivia could feel the sedative going to work on her slender body. Unknown to this perverted sadhu, Olivia was no ordinary mortal for she was the legendary immortal Superheroine of World War II, Lady England!
“Oh I feel so light headed” Olivia said feigning dizziness.
“Good good, well lets start by getting you out of these clothes. Slaves of the Dark Yogi must be disrobed after all” the Sadhu replied as he placed his grubby hands on Olivia’s body.
“There’s just one problem sir……”
“what is that?”
“you tea has no effect on me!” Agent Olivia said as she grabbed the Sadhu by the neck and lifted him off the ground.
“Clearly you are a member of the SOK. I have been in search of your leader for sometime now…..I have had just about enough of dealing with his lackeys and underlings” Lady England said in her strong, regal yet feminine falsetto tone and accent.
“I am taking you in for interrogation…..there will be no more enslavement of women today!”
“Never! HAIL DARIUS!” he said as he bit on a cyanide pill embedded inside his mouth. the so called Sadhu, foamed at the mouth and died instantly. Olivia dropped his lifeless body to the floor. Throughout the years following the end of the war, Lady England would find herself destroying SOK operations and liberating female slaves in many parts of the world. The British intelligence service M.I.0 had files that would refer to the organisation as “tantric terrorists”. The women that the Dark Yogi enslaved were often found in a hypnotic state. Mentally compliant and sexually charged. But despite all her travels all over the world, she had never met the movement’s leader, and she was beginning to deny that he existed at all.

In the 60s, superheroes had begun declaring their independence from governments and covert intelligence organisations. Lady England was no different, for she had her fill of answering to the chauvinistic whelps in Whitehall, enforcing colonial and post colonial policies all over the world. She wanted Lady England to be a symbol of hope for all and not a lapdog of the British government. That said, she could never abandon her culturally regal and majestic persona. She was a strong, sexy yet slender, super powered English rose after all. As she drove up to the yoga studio in Primrose Hill, she was looking forward to meeting with her old friends. Away from her life of secret agents, superheroes and what not. She stepped out of her car wearing a yellow mini skirt and high heels, her casual formal white buttoned top complimented the rest of her attire and the summer weather which was always welcomed in England, with most of the year being plagued with cold and sporadic rain. There was always a unique fiery auburn to her hair. Brown with a reddish tinge to it, much like the fallen leaves of Autumn. Olivia wore sunglasses as she strut her way to the venue. It was a hall like any other. Olivia followed the signs to a room upstairs. When she opened the door her nose was hit by the wafting smell of incense. It was a calming feeling but the smoke was quite thick. She could make out a crowd up ahead . A group of women kneeling before a man. Olivia removed her shoes, her friend Cassandra Kensington had informed her of the details of the class, she had her workout attire in her bag.

“Hello?” Olivia said. “Perhaps they are meditating?” she thought to herself. The group of women had their eyes closed and then she caught a glimpse of the teacher. A man of Indian origin. He wore nothing but a the kind of pants that yoga devotees in India wore, she felt the whole thing a bit inappropriate. It was not the kind of sight that would be tolerable in the repressed, stiff upper lipped British and English culture she was familiar with. Still the 1960s had brought with it a wave of freedom. So she decided to be open minded to this tantric yoga craze. Olivia was at least impressed by the man’s formidable physique. Muscular and lean, he was tall and looked powerful but not in a boorish way. She did find him quite intriguing and for some reason it took some mental focus to take her eyes off him. She found a place to get dressed into tighter and more comfortable attire, the kind that she would wear for dance classes, long before she gained her powers from the Fairy realm. With her super human body, Olivia realised she no longer had any use for dance or fitness classes of any kind. Still she missed her old routines and it felt good to wear her old attire. It caressed and moulded nicely around the perfect contours of her body. As she walked back over to the class she noticed her friend Cassandra. To Olivia’s dismay she was completely naked and standing before the teacher! The man slowly removed his lower garments. Before he cast it off completely, Olivia burst forward shouting.
“STOP!” Her gut feeling instantly told her that this man was associated with the Soldiers of Kali cult. “So they have finally penetrated our shores!” she thought to herself.
“It is such an honour, to finally meet you……Lady England!” the man said in a commanding voice.
“so much for covert operations” she said to herself again. “and you are?”
‘I am the man you have been searching for. For all these years you have been merely battling my lackeys in India, but who would have thought that I was right under your nose, here in London”
“you are Darius the Dark Yogi?”
“well done….I have always considered you one of the more intelligent super heroines”
“well then there’s no need for me to pretend anymore” Olivia said as she struck a powerful pose with her arms stretched out the the side her legs n a wide stance and her head looking up. In a flash light she was transformed to Lady England. She often had variations to her costume. Today she boasted her long red gloves, revealing white coloured attire decorated with the red cross. Her legs and torso were bare displaying her silky serpentine frame. She wore her usual white and red crossed high heeled boots. She stood patiently with her fists on her hips.

The Dark Yogi gestured, and Cassandra and her friends moved to the sides of the room. All of them were naked and they sat kneeling on the floor, staring into the abyss with a mindless stupor about their faces.
Lady England did not waste any time. As soon as her friends cleared the area she moved as fast and as sharp as Excalibur’s blade, launching herself with inhuman speed towards her foe. Her desire to connect her fist to his jaw was cut short as she felt her jab touch the cool wind of air. Darius initiated an instant teleport. Clearly the Dark Yogi was a master of sorcery.
“You can’t hide forever Darius!” Olivia declared.
“Don’t worry my darling Lady England, I would never leave you on our first date” he replied in an echoing voice, his physical presence was nowhere to be seen.
“so you’re scared to face me! Afraid I will beat you into submission and defeat?!”
“I admit, you are more powerful at this stage…..I doubt even my blows with effect you. But I have other……assets. Sometimes touch is enough to defeat a woman!”
Suddenly he appeared behind Lady England in a flash of purple light, his hand charged with dark tantric energy. He quickly stroked his two fingers along the back of her spine all the way up towards her swan like neck.
“UUGH” Lady England groaned. It was a strangely uncanny feeling. Burning yet soothing, a sensual sting. His hands were like a scorpions tail combined with a masseuse. She launched a back hand and elbow hoping once again to connect but he repeated his disappearing act.
“I can see you enjoyed that” the strong voice said. As he appeared once again, this time for a split second he was in front of the mighty Lady England. His purple glowing fingers this time ran from her bare belly button upwards through her cleavage towards her chin.
“UUUF” she fumbled as she tried to grab her but predictably felt herself reach for nothingness.
“Could it be that the nation’s superpowered English rose is being made a fool?!” he mocked her from the shadows.

Lady England could actually felt those soft touches, and she was slowly noticing that she was tiring.
“How could it be that they are draining my energy so effectively?” she said to herself. It was not often that the super powered lady of Oxford found herself in such peril. Olivia however was always determined and loved a challenge. The dance continued for some time. Lady England attempting to strike the villain, and Darius teleporting into positions that allowed him to strike the heroine on various points of her body, using his dark tantric touch. Clearly an art form designed for super heroines, soft yet deadly.
“I am determined to add you to my harem Lady England!” he announced.
The idea shocked her. The anger gave her the boost she needed to inspire her desire to vanquish this demonic yogi once and for all. Lady England could feel her body burning. It was fiery with a feeling she was too familiar with. It was lust and passion overcoming her grip on reality. The arousal was so great it was affecting her focus. She felt a moistness gather below, inside her red and white pants.
“Oh Gods, I must resist this feeling……his power is slowly taking hold of me……..I feel such a desire for release. If he is defeating my mighty will it is no wonder how he managed to get so many women to succumb to him” she said to herself. The dark yogi was teleporting through other planes of existence. When Lady England would catch a quick glimpse of him she noticed that the chakra points on his body were all glowing, his base chakra was blazing the brightest of all, and in the colour red.
“He clearly has the power to function on an esoteric level. Physical strength will not be enough” She thought. “Luckily I also have esoteric abilities of my own given to me by the fairy realm and Avalon.” Closing her eyes she accessed her innate spiritual abilities given to her by the Fairy Queen Gwynevar and her allies Merlin and Nimue the Lady of the Lake. Excalibur itself had been transformed to pure energy and was fused to her soul as an alchemical potion took hold of her body. That was the process Olivia went through in the 1940s to become the paragon of regal justice to battle the Nazi’s and their occult sorcery and war machine.

When Lady England opened her eyes, they glowed silver. She could finally see the villain, but unknown to him.
“I have been training for many years, evading your hunt since the 1940s. Travelling to various dimensions learning dark sorcery and what I now call dark yoga. I learnt from entities and beings that are beyond your comprehension Lady England.” he boasted.
Olivia only had to wait. As he teleported towards her for another attack she grabbed him my his throat using her immense strength and lifted him off the ground. She proceeded to squeeze and Darius could feel his larynx being crushed.
“Clearly you have more lessons to learn!” she said harshly to him.
As he gasped for breathe, his attempt to speak failed him, and so he attempted to communicate with Lady England telepathically.
“I….always knew I could not beat you… are right…..I have some lessons to learn from the abyssal realms…”
“I have you now, Darius. It has been almost 20 years but you are finally going to face justice!” Lady England declared.
“such pride and arrogance…….alas….I..had no intention of beating you today” he said, struggling to get his words out against the heroine’s grip around his neck. Lady England frowned in confusion.
“What could you possibly mean by that?”
Darius smiled and suddenly his pants evaporated in a purple flame exposing his fully erected phallus. Strong, hard and dark, with a vein pulsating on its side. She found it hard to look away not simply because of the shock of having a man’s cock suddenly thrusted in front of her. There was energetic power that pulled her gaze towards it. It was like the force of a black hole, sucking her attention to the extent where even her mighty will power could not resist. She realised that she was slowly becoming a victim of the Dark Yogi’s erotic psychic attack. A purple beam of light emerged from his cock and struck her mind like a bullet from a gun. The beam looked like a tube that connected his cock to her mind. She slowly let go of the grip she had over Darius’ throat and lowered him to the ground.
“Yes Lady England……this is why I invited you here…….it was through your friends and the ruse of a yoga class that I finally have you ensnared by my power….and on your own home soil! All these years you was searching for me in India, but I will capture you here!” he said to the starry eyed and dazed face of the mighty English super heroine.
“uuggh…….I…..” she struggled but Darius silenced her.
“Hush my English rose……open up to me…….right now I am penetrating your mind……you are being mind fucked. But that is not all the fucking you will be getting” he smiled. The villain immediately began disrobing her costume. He cast it off with ease revealing her amazing body. She wore nothing but her red boots. The sight caused his phallus to harden and erect even higher, for it brought him great pleasure to have the mighty Lady England naked and tamed in his hands. He would be the first super villain to achieve such a feat, for she had always been too powerful and too clever for most of the men involved in villainous endeavours. He placed his hands around the sides of her head to increase the intensity of the power he was having over her mind. Her imagination was suddenly flooded with images of the Dark Yogis naked muscular, brown skinned body dominating her sexually. She could see their sweaty bodies slide and glide over one another, and she could almost taste him and feel his strength inside her.

“Oh Gods…..I must resist…..this feeling….” she said to herself. Darius could hear her.
“No my love… are being defeated and you are enjoying it……submit to me…..become weak….you have always wanted a man to take you….and defeat you….”
“uuugh…..I……..Yes……I want this……..want to be weak and feminine……”
“then give in……no need to be the mighty heroine anymore….”
“I want…….this….” she said again.
Olivia could now feel his touch for real.. His hands wonderfully massaging her breasts and teasing her pink nipples. His hand travelled south and his middle finger began fondling her, caressing lightly outside the gates of her vaginal ecstasy. Her insides slowly drenching the tip of his finger with her juices. He laughed.
“I see you are completely owned……I have you now…..submissive as your should be.” he said as the visual images in her mind transformed. She could see a vision of herself, naked and barefoot, on her knees, pleasing her would be master’s phallus. Olivia wanted so bad to taste him, the burning lust was driving her insane.
“You want so badly to suck it……go ahead…this is your destiny……Lady England was always meant to be on her knees”
“I do want this…..” she confirmed…. “so badly…. I want to be fucked and to suck…..but…..”
“but what my love” he asked.
“But……BUT NOT BY YOU!” She cried just as her will power was on the brink of being broken by his erotic power and dominance. She launched a reverse hammer blow towards his chin and the Dark Yogi was send 10 metres back to the floor where he remained motionless. Lady England immediately fell to her knees exhausted from the tantric attack on her body. She still felt sexually charged, the horniness was like a tingling swarm all over her body, most sensitive at her erogenous zones but she also felt it powerfully up her spine and at the top of her head. This sensual sting refused to go away. This passion inflamed fever made her woozy but it felt good at the same time.

As always the mighty heroine’s will power and mind was her fortress as much as her body. She was disrobed of everything but her boots and tiara. She walked towards Darius as he began to move. Her intention was to bring him to justice, her body still over stimulated, yearning for release. Darius knew he did not have enough power to beat her.
“Until next time !” He said as he looked back at her and flashed his dark eyes with the animalistic look unlike a cat. With a wave of his hand he used the last of his energetic reserves to open a portal.
“STOP!” Lady England shouted, knowing that although weakened she had enough strength to vanquish the villain. It would have been quite the glorious victory for the her, had the ravishing English rose not factored in her environment and the hyper sensualised state of her body.

A hand grabbed Lady England from behind.
“Just where do you think you are going Olivia?”
It was Cassandra, her old friend who had arranged this entire meeting. Of course she was unaware of her actions and at the time she continued to be under the villain’s control. Cassandra placed her hand on Lady England’s left breast and began caressing. This paralysed Olivia with passion, but she still tried her best to fight forward in the hope she would apprehend Darius. Suddenly she she felt something between her legs. It was the tongue and mouth of her old ballet class mate, Poppy. The last they met, they had shared kiss when they were both 16 in their secondary school girls’ toilets in Oxford. Poppy had always been about rebellion and exploration. She knew how to seduce the naive Olivia so long ago. Now Poppy was kissing and sucking Olivia’s other lips. Her tongue glided over her clit continuously as she soaked it inside the saliva of her mouth.
“uuuuuugh….nooo….Poppy…..stop!” Lady England begged. It was too late. With the damage that Darius had done to her body, she was powerless to resist and fight back against erotic touch.
“Oh Gods……my will power……is failing……” she said to herself as she saw Darius walk towards the portal. He looked back and said his last words.
“Wish I could stay and watch this……goodbye Lady England we will meet again…..but before we do I will leave a present for you now that your mighty will power is melting….”
Lady England felt multiple hands all over her body as Cassandra’s friends came over to enjoy this meal. They were truly a band of cougars’ prowling towards their sexy prey. Olivia felt a hundred pecks from the female lips on her neck, her shoulders, up and down her back. Someone behind her put her arms in a sensual arm lock and pulled them upwards to expose the sides of her body. Hands and lips caressed that area. The women smeared their tongues and mouths across her torso and thighs. Olivia was losing herself. Darius noticed her smiling in ecstasy. He wished that he could have been the one who had taken her down but he knew he was too low on energy to be able to defeat Lady England.

The truth of her iron will and immense power became evident as he tried to penetrate her mind once again with his mind control abilities. It felt like surfing against the most devastating waves or scaling the steepest of walls. And then with his own eyes he could see a silver light emerge from Lady England’s solar plexus and a determined stare from her cold blue eyes. Darius realised that this was her second wind and that soon neither him or his hypnotised slaves would be able to restrain her even in her wet and woozy trance. The swarm of female bodies gathered around her. She felt her two mouths sucking on her supple breasts and a number of mouths wolfing away at her clit and vagina. Lady England’s powerful light flickered, she strained away as she tried her best to focus her fairy given powers. Even her Avalonian spirit was no match for the pleasurable attacks.
“I can’t………..the rising…..I want… surrender” she said to herself, and surrender she did as her body shuddered whilst her vocal chords released a submissive moan. She climaxed and squirted her juices upon the faces of the two helpless hypnotised females beneath and in front of her. She kissed Cassandra one last time and smiled, still in a daze, unaware of who she was. For a moment, Lady England’s identity was destroyed. But for how long? Darius knew this was his only opportunity as he launched a psychic attack from his mind, penetrating Olivia’s mental walls. Lady England’s once iron will was gone.

As Darius swam around in her mind he knew he did not have enough time. There was always the risk that she could regain control and in his weakened state he had to retreat. He had one last thing to do. He left a present deep in Lady England’s subconscious.
“You belong to me Lady England…..when we meet again…..your defeat will be inevitable…..I leave you now with this gift” he said to her. The Dark Yogi left something deep inside her mind, and in her state she was completely unaware.
“We will meet again!” Darius said as he disappeared into the portal. As it closed all of the female would be yoga students collapsed to the floor unconscious. Lady England felt herself slipping into the darkness herself but she fought with all her strength to stay awake. Her pride as the mighty English rose got the better of her as she refused to fall unconscious but she collapsed to her knees, breathing hard, trying to get her energy back. She retrieved her costume from the floor and quickly donned the clothing once more. She noticed Cassandra and her friends lying on the floor, naked heaps of feminine flesh spread out. They seemed to be in some kind of a slumber. Olivia wondered if the neighbours in the area had been disturbed. Suddenly, the silence was disturbed by a large group of Camden Town’s boys in blue. The officers were responding to complaints in the area. The men were shocked and entertained at the same time by what greeted their eyes.
“Thank heavens you have arrived, I must make a report, please see to it that these women are unharmed and escorted to their homes. There is a notorious villain at large, I just faced off against him, but I must make haste and apprehend him. You boys would be much better equipped to help these civilians here” Lady England explained.
“Really?” said one of the officers who seemed to find the entire scene a joke.
“This is no laughing matter!” Lady England said slightly raising her voice, her body striking a power pose.
“Well it seems. we will have to take you in…..and your friends…..lesbian orgies in public are completely illegal!” the officer said.
“I beg your pardon….do you know who I am…..I am Lady England!”
“yes and I am the Queen Victoria” the officer mocked.
Olivia felt the handcuffs bind, grip and click around her red gloved wrists. She sighed.
“Listen little man……I can prove to you that I am in fact England’s mighty rose. I shall break free of these cuffs and after that I shall have your job!”
“Go ahead then…..Look boys, this is mighty Lady England, not some dominatrix for some lesbian sex party, we made a mistake” he chuckled and the other police men laughed.
Lady England, with a sassy look on her face decided enough was enough.
“I don’t have the time for this” and using her strength she applied her superhuman pressure against the handcuffs. To Olivia’s dismay, she was powerless. She had no idea that the battle with Darius had weakened her so.
“ugh I can’t get free!” she said
“Take her away boys” the officer in charge said. Two men grabbed her from behind. She had never before felt so helpless in the hands of ordinary mortal men. There was nothin she could do.
“Put the slut in the back…..she will enjoy a jail cell tonight” he said.

It was a truly humiliating day for Lady England. To be weakened by a super villain, defeated by his hypnotised female sex slaves and then arrested by normal police officers. The two officers shoved her into the back of their vehicle. As she rested in the cell that reeked of urine, she could feel her powers return. She tested the bars of the cell door and it did not take much effort for her to bend them and break down the door. The noise alerted the on duty night shift officer.
“Y…you….are Lady England”
“Thats right little man……. where’s your boss?”
The man had fear in his eyes as he gestured a pointing hand upstairs. With her magically enhanced senses she felt the energy and aura of all the bodies in the building. She flew upwards and burst through the ceiling, hovering over the hole she had left in the floor in the room above. The man was in shock at the marvel that was in front of him. But this was the man that humiliated her, the police man who refused to listen to her. He was paralysed with fear, sitting behind a desk. She darted forward towards him and threw the desk aside. Her grip was like vice as she clasped it around his balls, elevating his body above the ground. She was careful to not squeeze too hard.
“aargh, let….go” he struggled
“Listen you boorish oaf, the next time a woman asks for help, you would be wise to listen and be more of a gentleman….not making chauvinistic assumptions in that misogynist head of yours….I will let you keep your balls today…. but please refrain from using the word slut when describing a woman, especially if she has not consented to it”
Lady England released and he fumbled to the floor. The heroine then flew out of the window demolishing the glass on her exit.
“superintendent!” said one officer as he and two others rushed into his demolished office.
“I am tired of these super types….something needs to be done about them” he said with frustration and anger on his face.


Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 2:09 am
by DrDominator9
Really quite enjoyable! Liked the descriptions of his various tantric powers. Different and delightful.

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 7:42 am
by joejanus
Delightful story, and I love that Dark Yogi was able to implant a, no doubt, devilish suggestion into Lady England's subconscious. Looking forward to the next installment.

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 5:11 pm
by cujo64
Wonderful story; can't wait to see what Dark Yogi can do with that sub-consciousness implant.
Is this version of Lady England similar to or the same as trystan's Lady England? Both share the same name, Olivia Knight.

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 3:46 am
by sensualbarbarian
It is indeed. I wrote that under another alias and I made some changes.

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 8:50 pm
by cujo64
It would be interesting to see her fights against the Nazi occultists and the Soviet scientists.

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 3:37 am
by sensualbarbarian
I plan to do something on that with Lady England. Also I intend for the Texan Wonder to face some Jihadi supervillain :)

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 10:22 am
by DrDominator9
Busy busy busy you are, with many dastardly plans afoot. Love it!

Re: Lady England vs Dark Yogi: Tantric Terrorism

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 3:26 am
by valugi
Great story, would like to see more of lady england in the future