Stardust: Intergalactic Avenger - Stardust Vs Necro part 2

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Staff Sargeant
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Stardust: Intergalactic Avenger - Stardust Vs Necro part 2

Stardust could feel Necro’s glare upon her skin. Even in the pitch black. “I have studied your species for a long time…..I know everything about you and your flesh is completely exposed” he said.
“So you keep saying….you may have been able to weaken me before by using my hypersensitive body against me…..but this time I am more aware of your attacks…..I can mentally condition my will against you” she replied confidently. However Stardust remembered that her will power and sexual energy training was incomplete. The Shavash as it was known, was a tantric technique that all Galatean warriors must master. Stardust’s training was unfinished due to the destruction of her planet by an imperial force known only as the Skroth.

However as Stardust felt the peril of being trapped in a room without light, in a part of the galaxy that was devoid of stars; she could only hope to do what needed to be done to keep Necro on his toes. She could hear Necro’s movements. Even his silent stealth was no match for her heightened senses, honed through years of martial training. She felt his presence as his hand pierced through the air attempting to grab her sex and breast. She immediately responding by blocking, parrying and then quickly struck him with her barefoot. She heard him groan.

“Your old moves won’t work Necro. Turn on the lights and left me finish you. I already feel stronger”. Suddenly the room was illuminated. The place was large and contained nothing but pods decorating the walls and ceiling. Most of the pods seemed to be big enough to house a human being. However there was one pod in particular that was bigger than the others, at least 4 times bigger. Necro was still nowhere to be seen, but his voice spoke and echoed across the walls like a ghost from the other side.

“I am aware of your uncanny endurance and ability to adapt” he said. “Time to change things up!” he declared.
The doors of the largest pod opened automatically and steam hissed from the opening. Stardust stepped back with caution but something shot forward with a speed she had never encountered before. It took seconds for her to feel something slimy and strong grip her ankles together and drag her into the air as if she was nothing more than a doll. She was dangling at least 6 ft in the air helplessly. At that moment, Necro stepped out of the shadows, smiling and laughing.
“So you could not beat me yourself you needed the help of your…” Stardust said.
“The Behemoth is quite useful and it is completely under my control….now let's test your legendary resolve…..again”. More tentacles emerged from the pod, binding all her limbs individually and wrapping themselves around her waist. Its strength was immense. She struggled for a few moments until she realised that she was successfully restrained. “I need to save my energy and bide my time as I did before” she thought.

The tentacles begin moving into her most erogenous areas. Wrapping around her breasts and rubbing her between her legs. The creature had the most unnatural skill to caress, massage and suck all at the same time. Stardust could feel her body falling into an erotic trance again. As she moaned, Necro laughed.
“I…..cannot let him beat me…” she said to herself. Stardust started to take deep breathes and closed her eyes. After a few moments she opened them with a new energy, a second wind perhaps. She starred defiantly at the villainous knave.
“As you can see I am quite adaptable and resistant to your pet’s advances” Stardust gave Necro a mocking glare. Her eyes remained strong and her body fixed and rigid despite the stimulation from the creature.
“Your will power never ceases to amaze me. The Shavash is it called? Even with the Behemoth I cannot break you. I expected as much. A Galataen warrior of your calibre should be able to adapt to repeated sexual attacks on your erogenous zones. As a result, your body is no longer collapsing to the stimulation as it did before when I had you in my grasp” Necro narrated. “There is just one problem….”
“what is that?” Stardust said.
“you have underestimated your body’s weakness to sensual touch. It is not just about your most obvious sexual areas” Necro elucidated. Stardust looked confused as Necro started stroking one of her legs. He traced his hand all the way down to her foot. It was bound by a tentacle and Necro lifted her leg by the calf towards him. “I am afraid my dear…..your entire body is an erogenous zone……and my research and study tells me that you did not complete the Shavash training rituals!” Necro’s words were like a steel hammer, breaking through the rigid wall that was her confidence, and that moment of hesitation and doubt was all the fiend needed….

Necro began by kissing Stardust’s legs, traversing his lips down to her feet. She felt a strange tantalisation as he sucked on her toes. She could not believe how turned on she was. It was as if he was sucking her energy and strength from her feet. She would never have thought that a foot fetish would be her downfall. Stardust lost track of time……she was really enjoying the pleasure and she completely surrendered. Her facial expressions showed Necro the bliss that was conquering her. He started kissing down her thigh and towards her moist cluster of fleshy nerve endings that was her vagina and clit. He marvelled at the pink morsel. He inhaled its scent.
“So it is true……you Galataen females smell divine down there”
“uuuugh…..please…..let me got” Stardust begged.
“I don’t think you want to me to stop do you?” he replied. Stardust ignored him, realising her inability to resist.
“Let me show you things that even a creature as versatile as the Behemoth can’t do” he continued as his mouth devoured her sex. Stardust was shocked. His skill and diversity in movement. The Behemoth at least was predictable, Necro’s tongue on the other hand was doing some different all the time, licking and sucking her in a different cadence, rhythm and movement that sent her mind into a sexual oblivion. She felt dominated by him and there was something dirty and perverted about the whole scenario that singed her mind with lust. It was the idea of being defeated and dominated sexually by this nefarious criminal….it felt liberating and enslaving all at the same time. “It is no wonder he managed to capture so many powerful female warriors and heroines across the galaxy…..I wonder what happened to them” she thought to herself.

All of Stardust’s nerve endings were on fire as she began to gush more of her womanly juices. She couldn’t…..she didn’t…..she came hard. His erotic skills had beaten her, but her mind was still hers even though she could feel a submissive delirium overcoming her imagination. Then suddenly something changed. Stardust could sense something different about her foe as he continued to ravish her down below. She glanced from her position, still bound by the tentacled beast. Her eyes widened in fear at what she saw.
“yes that’s right” Necro said as he flashed his sharp fangs. Vampiric teeth that suited his gaunt aesthetic and blood red eyes. “No wonder he was able to enslave and capture so many powerful women, and no wonder he seemed so odd. His sensual power was unusually hypnotic and had such a powerful effect over me…..he’s a Vampire from the planet Nosferatus!” She thought to herself. She had read about them. Much like her planet, Necro’s was also destroyed by the ruthless Skroth empire.

As Necro went to sink his fangs into her vaginal flesh, the fear woke Stardust from her erotic ecstasy and she immediately felt some strength returning. Closing her eyes, she focused on her cosmic power. A ball of light emanated from her solar plexus, forehead and genitals, causing Necro to stagger back slightly as the illumination stunned his eyes. As soon as she noticed how confused Necro was, she released the energy blast from her body which sent Necro flying backwards and at the same time obliterating the Behemoth’s tentacles causing the creature to moan in pain and retreat back to its pod which had been greatly damaged by the blast. Stardust landed on her feet, ready to fight again, her naked body covered in the Behemoth’s slimy blue coloured blood, and the room was littered with pieces of metal and shrapnel from the Behemoth’s pod. A small fire was burning behind Stardust as she stood up to prepare for battle once again.

To be continued
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

Stardust: Intergalactic Avenger - Stardust vs Necro part 3

Necro finally revealed his true form. The top half of his black uniform had been obliterated leaving his pale skinned torso exposed. He flashed his fangs again and gave Stardust a predatory stare.
“I will taste your blood this day” he declared.
“Not likely Necro……I am slowly recovering and getting to full strength. We already know who is superior in and power, even with your Vampiric abilities” she responded.
He pressed a button on his belt and multiple pods above and around the two opponents opened, each releasing steam, a cacophony of hisses echoed around the room. Hands and bodies slowly revealed themselves and one by one agile bodies dropped down, landing like cats, surrounding Stardust. All of them were women…..naked….female Vampires. Finally Stardust realised that this was the explanation for the missing enslaved females. Necro had turned them all into his Vampire minions. Clearly this was the fate he had intended for Stardust.
“WE WILL OBEY, MASTER NECRO” they said in unison.
“As you can see, it would seem you are outnumbered. My slaves are quite obedient. I toyed with each one before turning them. I was hoping to enjoy the same experience with you, but by far, you have been the most powerful prey. I should have just turned you immediately. But that is my weakness…I am a connoisseur of strong, powerful heroic females” he grinned.
Stardust looked around. There were at least 100 of them, and she could recognise some. One of them was a member of the Galactic Rangers. Another was Zaria, a warrior and champion from the fighting pits of Voldaar. On her left, she could see one of planet Earth’s super heroines; Ms Virtue.
“Yes my dear, it is indeed an all star cast. I only savour the best the galaxy has to offer when I search for my slaves…..the most powerful and strongest willed females are my delight, and their blood tastes divine….yours will be a true vintage” Necro explained.
Stardust was confused, unsure as to how to move next. Should she attack and attempt to kill these women? Can they be saved and turned back? Before she knew it the crowd smothered her. She fought with all her might, but the sheer numbers overwhelmed her. Multiple blows fell upon her body. A blow to her head and a clean shot to her jaw brought the naked heroine to her knees. It was over. Many of these enslaved women were former warriors, some enhanced. Two of them dragged Stardust before Necro. He cupped her chin.
“You did well my dear, but now you shall become one of us”
“I will find a way out of this, and I will free these women from your hypnotic grasp” She spat.
“Im afraid they are long past being freed. They have been turned…..permanently. There is no cure for their transformation. But look at them! They love being under my power! I have been around for centuries now. Some of my victims are as old as me….we are immortal…” Necro boasted. “In the beginning I must confess it was simply a matter of enjoying the enslavement of powerful women across the galaxy….but my army has grown. The time has come to strike. I shall send my female Vampiress army across the galaxy. They can live….undetected amongst the population of multiple planets…..from there they will obey my commands. Slowly infiltrating and turning the right players to our species….we will bring down governments and whole civilisations for we live forever….we have all to time build the new Galactic Vampire Empire! I will have my revenge on the Skroth Imperium and rebuild my race into the most powerful force in the universe!”
Stardust shuddered at his plan…..and there was nothing she could do…..Accept for plan that immediately came to her mind. It was her last chance as Necro drew closer to Stardust whilst she was restrained by his slaves. He flashed his fangs and was just about to drink from her essence.
“Necro!” Stardust cried out. “You have defeated me! I submit to you completely and utterly” she knew from her earlier interaction with him that his perverted obsessions could be exploited. “As is the law on my planet, once a female warrior of Galatea has been beaten, she can be taken as a slave….to the victor goes the spoils…..”
“I have not heard of this law…” Necro said suspiciously.
“Does it matter?” Stardust said as she knelt before him and slowly caressed the area of crotch.
Necro was immediately turned on. His desire for her blood was overpowered by his kink, to see Stardust submit before him willingly after being defeated by his might, and then to sexually conquer in that context, would be a great satisfaction. He simply could not resist. Necro unclipped a belt on the lower extremity of his black coloured suit. His pants dropped, revealing a hard yet long erected veiny, pale skinned phallus. Stardust immediately went to work. She sucked and pleasured him and proved to him that she could be submissive. Necro truly felt that he had conquered her mentally, and he did not even need to use mind control or turn her with his Vampiric bite.
“I now live to serve you master…..I cannot hope to beat you….take me as you slave.” Stardust said in between the sounds of her sucking. His cock grew even taller and wider. It was indeed impressive, but Stardust had him just where she wanted. If she had to play the role of a submissive whore she would do the deed. She would suck him, if it meant that her life could be saved, for this sensual distraction was all she needed. As she sucked him, her eyes rolled back into her head so as to show to her new master how ecstatic and submissive she felt. Of course this was all an act but it worked. Necro was so excited, rock hard. He simply could not control the explosion of his juices. Before Stardust knew it, she was covered in his spunk and she could hear Necro groan like a demon. The other slaves watched with enjoyment, the sexual performance excited them all. Necro felt a high overcome him, and then relaxation. He was breathing deeply and a smile decorated his face. He was completely engrossed in the experience. Even Vampires had endorphins it seems. In the end it would be his lust, his kink that would save Stardust’s life. As he was about to open his mouth and speak, Stardust leapt upwards holding a sharp piece of shrapnel from the Behemoth’s damaged pod that lay on the floor amongst other debris from the destruction. Stardust noticed it earlier in the moment she decided to entice Necro with her submission. She plunged the would be blade into Necro’s chest. As an Intergalactic Star Ranger, she had to study and research all the weaknesses and methods to deal with all kinds of creatures and species that she may encounter. Vampires from the planet Nosferatus were no different.

Necro screamed in pain, staggered back a few steps before falling to his knees. Slowly his body began to dissolve. Eventually his skin hardened and crumbled into a dust that blew into the air leaving nothing but his skeleton behind. Stardust ran towards his remains and delivered a decisive kick which separated his skull from his neck and spine. It was over. At least, it would have been over, had it not been for the presence of Necros Vampiric harem. The slaves screamed with anger, mourning the death of their master. Stardust knew she was in trouble. Her ploy had led to Necro’s destruction finally, but would it now lead her to her death at the hands of his slaves?

One of the vampiress slaves attacked her, Stardust shattered her jaw like glass. She lifted another one of Necro’s playthings and used her as a projectile, throwing her at group. Even in her weakened state, she attempted to pull all the strength she had to survive this terrible ordeal. Stardust saw a chance to retreat. She ran towards the automatic doors, and found herself back in the area where Necro first had her bound and captured. The hungry group of bloodsuckers were racing towards her like a tsunami. Stardust identified an escape pod but she hesitated, “I must destroy this place once and for all with all of these creatures, even if it costs me my life” she thought to herself as she sped towards the other side of the room where she disappeared behind another set of doors. Her legs thundered down a corridor towards an elevator, her pursuers were 10 metres behind her. As she entered the elevator doors she quickly pressed the button of one of the lowest levels. Her experience with the Intergalactic Star Rangers gave her knowledge of ships and space stations. She deduced where the engine and generator rooms were located even on such a strange monolith. As the doors closed, one of Necro’s minions reached her arm inside. Stardust quickly broke it at the elbow joint, whilst avoiding her sharp claw like finger nails. The vampire’s arm retreated back as the doors finally sealed. There was a moment of quiet…..Quiet but not peace.

To be continued
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