Catsuits are Forever (

Superheroine Video Reviews By The Fans!
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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Hey gang! How's it going? Sorry I've been away for so long, been trying to help some colleagues get some custom work done over the past couple of months and we finally succeeded in helping them land a deal with two producers. Now we're just waiting to see what the final produce of their ideas become. But after a long hiatus, we've decided to get back into our review work for a little bit.

Peter Graves style voice (clears throat): Good evening fellow agents. We have just recently purchased a copy of one of Ludella Hahn's spy capers with her portrayal of super-spy Miss Booty Galore. (Side-splitting laughter) :lol:

(gets serious again): Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is simple: Observe and study this review. Good luck fellow agents.
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_01.31_[2017.08.12_12.30.24].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_01.31_[2017.08.12_12.30.24].jpg (73.46 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
Summary: Booty Galore is the top operative for C.H.A.R.M. (Central Headquarters for Adversary Removal Missions). With a voluptuous body and heart-stopping looks, this lethal lady has a 'license to kill' and she knows how to use her 'assets' to her advantage in any confidential mission she undertakes. This time, Booty's task is to stop a plot by her long-time nemesis Kitty Tango, who plans to assassinate the winners of the Nobel Prize after party in Stockholm via nerve gas. Booty has received intel from her handlers that Kitty's 'rubber ducky' clones who will be the catalyst for releasing the nerve gas is at a warehouse making preparations for their master's diabolical party-crash. Booty's mission, should she choose to accept it is simple:

-infiltrate the warehouse undetected.
-Eliminate the clones anyway she sees fit.
-Escape residence undetected.

Now the question is, will the voluptuous vixen of espionage succeed or fail in her assignment? (I think she'll succeed...) :yes:

Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Film): While still helping our friend Star5 look for a household name to create her 'Ada Knight' fetish series, my homegirl ran into someone online who told her about a fetish model named Ludella Hahn who does spy capers and sent us a link to purchase this clip. We kinda had our doubts when we first saw it, but after we purchased it and watched it, we were absolutely awestruck at Ludella's eye for detail with this custom request that someone sent her. This film was definitely a homage to the Bond film and spy capers from back in the day, hell even the character's name is a nod to Honor Blackman's character 'Pussy Galore' from Goldfinger.

Ludella really went all out for her customer when she created this, from the Bond-style movie credits to the music to the costumes and so forth. It was like she could read the customer's mind and was prepared to give them exactly what they wanted and I'm sure the purchaser of this custom was satisfied when they got it. My homegirl and I were extremely impressed with Ludella's work and we've decided to drop her name into the hat of people who could help Star5 bring her spy-fetish to reality.


-Well, I'll start first by saying that this vid has some excellent production values. Though they seem low-budget, Miss Hahn made the most of what she had to work with and delivered an excellent quality product. The warehouse setting for this story takes place in what looks like a combination of a studio and home at the same time. So that's a definite one-up for this video.

-Ludella Hahn is absolutely booty-licious with her portrayal of Booty Galore. The lady is just amazing in this! Her movements, her sly-fox demeanor, the way she carries herself and the way she's dressed in that hot catsuit just had my blood boiling. (Not sure about the hairstyle she chose but I'm guessing since this was aimed at the spy capers from the 60s that she wanted a 60s style femme fatale hairstyle for this). But Ludella was an absolute sweet treat to watch in this and, 'we' loved her performance as Miss Galore.
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.23 (the Heroine)_[2017.08.12_12.30.56].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.23 (the Heroine)_[2017.08.12_12.30.56].jpg (69.72 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.43 (Sneaking in)_[2017.08.12_12.32.01].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.43 (Sneaking in)_[2017.08.12_12.32.01].jpg (76.82 KiB) Viewed 3539 times

-Don't know much about her co-star Leila Hazlett, but she did an excellent job playing the part of Kitty Tango's rubber-ducky clones in this. Leila gave a convincing performance in each scene as one of Tango's henchwomen and to show that these were indeed clones, Leila is in several different outfits in the story to simulate the effect.
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.56(Tango Clone)_[2017.08.12_12.32.25].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_02.56(Tango Clone)_[2017.08.12_12.32.25].jpg (91.94 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
-Great audio for the vid, particularly where Ludella is doing her monologue's for the mission. Her voice was soft and sensual and she sounded more like she was speaking her lines, rather than reading them. That was very impressive.

-Excellent cinematography, masterpiece of editing and a top-notch script to boot. Ludella had everything she needed to make this fetish idea a reality for the customer.

-Great costumes and I really loved Ludella's catsuit and boots in this. God, I wish I could have that outfit! It was spicy-hot!

-Excellent use of props: one clones is working on assembling a toy gun and Ludella has a gadget in her possession called 'Pretty Poison', a special lipstick that when applied to the lips becomes a special sedative. All the user needs to do is press their lips against the unsuspecting victim and kiss. (quivers with excitement)

-Ludella really captured the feel of a secret agent with the way she creeps through the villain's warehouse and takes each of her target's by surprise before she subdues and disposes of very sensual ways I might add. A kiss and then she tape-gags one clone's mouth and nose asphyxiating them to death, another clone she handgags and subdues via neckpinch before smothering her to sleep with her amazing cleavage and the final clone she gets into a catfight with before she rubs the girl's cleavage to stimulate her and then take her by surprise. Then, Booty gives her and up close and personal explanation of how the lovely spy got her namesake...with her ass on her face! :yahoo:
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_08.28_ (Tape gagged)[2017.08.12_12.37.11].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_08.28_ (Tape gagged)[2017.08.12_12.37.11].jpg (51.08 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_15.40 (Sat into submission)_[2017.08.12_12.44.22].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_15.40 (Sat into submission)_[2017.08.12_12.44.22].jpg (74.04 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
There's even some limp-play to go along with the scenes to stimulate that the target had been 'terminated'. And the best part, with each execution, Booty maintains her gorgeous if not mischievous smile, showing no regret or remorse. From Miss Galore's facial expressions, it kinda looked like she was enjoying these executions also. For her, it's just an assignment, nothing personal. Plus, she knows that the Tango clones are not really human, just expendable targets created through genetic engineering.


-Just a few, nothing too serious. I wasn't really feeling that hairstyle that Ludella had for this. But as I said, she was recreating a 60s feel for the story, so I'll let that slide.

-Leila's outfits could've used a little work. Plus, while she made an interesting henchwoman I feel that Ludella could've used someone with a little more of a voluptuous physique like her.

-Though Booty's monologues really moved the story, it would have been nice to hear Ludella speak to the clones a little bit. She gives a nice 'pre-mortem' one-liner to one of the clones before she finishes them off. So that was one saving grace for the lack of interactive dialogue.

-The kiss could've used some work. Ludella just pushes her lips against Leila's and doesn't really try to make-out with her.

Diagnosis (What can be improved)

-Give Booty some more gadgets to play with.

-Let her do some more sexual stimulation or play on the clones before disposing of them. She does squeeze the cleavage of one of the clones, but that's about it.

Final Outcome:

I'll come right out and admit, that this was a very impressive fetish vid that Miss Hahn put together. For years we've been looking for someone who does spy capers and I must say, Ludella may have found a pretty impressive sale for this particular series. I'd definitely try to purchase another chapter of this story.

Final Score for 'Catsuits are Forever': 10 out of 10! :thumbup:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it is simple: if you enjoyed what you saw, then purchase this vid at this link: ... D+1280x720

Thank you. This review will self-destruct in 30 seconds... :cool:
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

'For Your Eyes Only' (More screencaps from our special dossier)
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_03.31 (Quiet as Mouse)_[2017.08.12_12.33.13].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_03.31 (Quiet as Mouse)_[2017.08.12_12.33.13].jpg (54.35 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_06.06 (Lipstick)_[2017.08.12_12.34.46].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_06.06 (Lipstick)_[2017.08.12_12.34.46].jpg (43.66 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_07.25 (Unsuspecting Target)_[2017.08.12_12.35.49].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_07.25 (Unsuspecting Target)_[2017.08.12_12.35.49].jpg (91.56 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_07.33 (Kiss me quick)_[2017.08.12_12.36.14].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_07.33 (Kiss me quick)_[2017.08.12_12.36.14].jpg (105.26 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_09.35_ (Big Surprise)[2017.08.12_12.38.22].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_09.35_ (Big Surprise)[2017.08.12_12.38.22].jpg (69.07 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_09.45 (Hang-gagged)_[2017.08.12_12.38.47].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_09.45 (Hang-gagged)_[2017.08.12_12.38.47].jpg (56.25 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Joined: 9 years ago
Location: Wesker Laboratories

And a little more for your Eyes Only...
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_10.06 (Fluffy pillows)_[2017.08.12_12.39.27].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_10.06 (Fluffy pillows)_[2017.08.12_12.39.27].jpg (75.25 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_10.36 (Limp Play)_[2017.08.12_12.40.09].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_10.36 (Limp Play)_[2017.08.12_12.40.09].jpg (54.58 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_11.00 (Squeeze Play)_[2017.08.12_12.40.39].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_11.00 (Squeeze Play)_[2017.08.12_12.40.39].jpg (52.66 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_15.40 (Sat into submission)_[2017.08.12_12.44.22].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_15.40 (Sat into submission)_[2017.08.12_12.44.22].jpg (74.04 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
You can find this vid here as well as order your own special custom from Ludella at these following sites.
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_17.23_[2017.08.12_12.46.24].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_17.23_[2017.08.12_12.46.24].jpg (53.04 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_17.27_[2017.08.12_12.46.35].jpg
Catsuits are Forever.wmv_snapshot_17.27_[2017.08.12_12.46.35].jpg (53.3 KiB) Viewed 3538 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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