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K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:44 am
by Guest
Been a long while since I posted. Forgive if I'm a tad rusty. Pics to come along with updates as I can.
Thx to SGZ for spit balling this with me. Enjoy:

“Erin, I can’t believe we are in London!” shouted Donna to her best friend.
“I know! It’s awesome” replied Erin as they danced in London’s hottest nightclub.

State U’s All-Americans were in England on Spring Break and were staying at the nicest hotel in London, which also housed its best club called Aura. Their parents surprised them and they were going to live it up.

Aura was downstairs in the basement of the hotel. Anyone who was anyone was there. It was good size and had a very modern décor. Velvet couches lined the walls of the club and a long bar was its centerpiece. It was white granite that had hundreds of signatures from its famous patrons.

“Brad Pitt, George Clooney!” said Erin as she scanned the bar
“Robert Pattinson, Jennifer Aniston. Wonder if anyone famous is here tonight?” asked Donna
“When do we get to sign? We’re famous!” laughed Erin
“Don’t think American Softballers will be invited to sign anytime soon Erin”

The 2 girls were both wearing cocktail dresses. Donna’s was a navy silk sleeveless dress while Erin went with a strapless black dress. Both had on pumps that they called their “Ho” heels. Donna went with a nude colored heel that coincided with her same colored pantyhose and Erin’s were a black patent leather heel that were a dead on match for her black silky opaque tights.

“Come on, let’s go back to the room for a bit and sober up” said Donna and Erin followed her out.

The 2 blonds, 5’9” and 5’4” respectively, giggled as they reached the elevator.
“Let’s find some British boys” said Erin.
“As soon as I get these fucking heels off. My feet are killing…”

Suddenly Donna was cut off as the music stopped and they heard an English accent say over the club's PA “Ladies and gentlemen, a moment of your time.”

“Who’s saying that?” whispered Erin.

Then a poof of smoke appeared and 2 women in black leotards, tights and patent boots emerged. “Right then. We will be needing all your valuables.” Said the short haired red head in an English Accent.

“Go Go Go Erin” pushed Donna as they got into the elevator.
“Who were they?” asked Erin as the elevator raced upwards.
“No idea. But we’ve got to get to our room and change!”
“Come on Donna, we’re on vacation” whined Erin. “And a tad drunk”
“Erin, we’ll find security and see if they want assistance. But as K & Whiff” replied Donna
The girls quickly emerged from their suites in the State U Blue and White Colors.

Donna’s stacked frame filled her tight white/blue pinstriped jersey and her blue eyes were hidden behind a white mask. Skin tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, matte white tights, blue gloves and blue/white trainers completed the ensemble. Donna had a Bold Blue “K” across her chest. The royal blue and white went with State U’s logo.

Being a chemistry major had its advantages for the talented duo…they have created everything they use to fight crime in the school’s lab…

K is armed with 2 satchels of 10 hollowed out softballs. The balls are filled with a potent anesthetic making them extremely light and easy to throw. They have a little charge that is wired to explode when the balls hit their target. The gas is released when the balls explode knocking its intended victim out quickly. When necessary Donna whips them at her victims as if she was pitching in a game. Very fast and impossible to dodge. Her utility belt had assorted tools associated with a super heroine.

The colors were the same, but Whiff’s outfit had a few differences from K’s. Whiff’s tight jersey was blue with white sleeves rather than the white/blue of K and she wore opaque blue tights instead of the white. Her skin tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, blue mask, trainers were the same, although Whiff’s elbow length gloves were white as opposed to blue.

Whiff has 2 large atomizer pistols on either side of her utility belt. Both are filled with a similar spray to what K has in her softballs. The liquid spray instantly turns gaseous after striking its target. Where as K rifles blistering underhand pitches at her victims, Whiff has deadly accuracy with her atomizer pistols. She takes her time before firing. Being a junk ball pitcher, she can hit anything from 45 feet away. And the closer she gets the better her aim. Bottom line, she rarely misses her mark.

“Shit K look!” whispered Erin.
The heroines were stunned to find the entire hotel security staff bound and asleep in their office. Whiff took out her air meter, which is in the shape of a radar gun.

“Traces of a chloroform based gas K” she said reading the gun’s findings.
“Come on Whiff, we’re on our own.” said K.
“Look, the crooks are still there” replied Whiff as she surveyed the cameras in the club, holstering her air meter.
“Let’s go” said K
“K, we are in uncharted water here. Shouldn’t we wait for help? Isn’t there some sort of Heroine Code in different countries?”
“Whiff, we can take these bimbos. And no, there isn’t a code in different countries. Regardless of if we are on campus or not, we fight crime!”
Whiff finally agreed and they made for the club.

The heroines crept through the panicked crowd that spilled from the club. No one even noticed them which was a blessing. They had the element of surprise.

The 2 villainesses were loading up their loot into duffel bags. K & Whiff surveyed the club. It was still pretty smoky from the crooks entrance. They both had satchels on their waists and holstered pistols around their thighs.

“You ready?” whispered K
Whiff nodded as she readied her pistol.
They burst in to the main portion of the club.
“Hold it right there!” ordered K

“What’s this then?” asked the Brunette
“A couple of Yanks? Heroines no less?” replied the Redhead

“American is right. Fortunately, justice is an International Language” said a cocky Whiff as she moved closer.
“Drop your weapons and slowly remove your utility belts” ordered K

“Or what, you’ll throw them baseballs at us” quipped the Redhead
“Do it!” replied K holding her weapon at the ready

“Piss off lassies before you get hurt”
“Yeah ya dosey tarts” replied each villainess.

“Suit yourselves then” said K as she rifled a ball towards the redhead. It struck her in the thigh and exploded into a royal blue cloud of gas. “Fuckin hell” coughed the redhead before collapsing onto the floor asleep.

The brunette villainess immediately retreated away and quickly put her hands in the air. “Hold it” said Whiff “Or you’ll end up the same way as your partner.

“Oh thank you uh, um. Whoever you are” said a tall Brunette wearing a black mini skirt, tall black boots, a black tight t-shirt and silky black tights.

“Happy we could help” replied K shaking the woman’s hand.
“We are K & Whiff, from America.” Said an eager Whiff.
“Ah yes, the infamous K & Whiff, of the American University State U. Welcome to England ladies. I’m Colleen, Manager of Aura. These crooks have been running wild in London, I’m sure the authorities will be thankful for your assistance”
“Is everyone ok? Asked K
“Appears so. Most people had gotten out thanks to you” said Colleen.

The last 2 people were girls that were clearly shaken but seemed to be alright. “Under control here?” They asked.
“All set ladies, thanks for asking. Sorry your night was ruined” replied Whiff
“Thanks again” said the strawberry blond girl who was helping her brunette friend to the elevator.

“Now then for these 2, Whiff keep an eye on her while I tie up her accomplice” said K.
“On it” said Whiff
The Brunette was clearly not eager to meet whatever Whiff’s pistol had to offer and already had her hands behind her back when K tied her hands with their trusty sticky athletic tape.
“That’ll do it” said K. “See Whiff, even on Foreign Soil we are a force to be reckoned with” she said as she fist bumped Whiff.

“Right then ladies, I’m going to call the authorities” said Colleen as she went for the phone behind the bar.
“Sounds good. These 2 aren’t going anywhere” quipped Whiff

Colleen went to the bar and grabbed the cordless phone and dialed. K & Whiff kept up their interrogation of the brunette villainess.

“Who are you working for?” asked K as she looked through the weapons and utility belts of their captives.
“Piss Off” she replied
“Wow, British Criminals are just as rude as ours” said K. “This is some serious, sophisticated gear Whiff. Super high tech gadgets, high end weapons. Whoever they work for has made sure they are equipped properly.”
“Not properly enough for our weapons!” laughed Whiff. “Shall I?” as she unholstered her Truth Serum Pistol
“Quite alright there. No need to be hasty” begged the Brunette as she winced.
“Let’s wait for the authorities Whiff. We’ve done enough” replied K. “Like I said, these are high end crooks here. We did our duty.”

She watched Colleen give the thumbs up, “On their way” she mouthed while still on the line.
“Right then. See you imminently” said Colleen as she hung up
“Here shortly.” She said as she joined them. “Your weapon really cooled that one off. What’s in it?”

“Rather not say. Just something to stop people in their tracks” replied K.

“And your weapons?” Colleen asked Whiff
“Not something we discuss with civilians” replied Whiff
“Sure sure, understood” said Colleen as she walked back to the bar “Can I get you a bottle of water girls?”

“No thanks.” Said K
“We are fine” replied Whiff.
“Right. On the job. Got it. Well if you don’t mind I’m going to pop some a couple bottles of our best bubbly to celebrate our acquaintance and the capture of these fiends” said Colleen as she walked back with 2 bottles of chilled champagne.
“We’d love to, but not while we are on duty but by all means enjoy” said K
“Uh-oh, looks like I celebrated too soon. She is coming around” said Colleen motioning to the slumbering villainess.

K & Whiff whipped around surprised to hear she was rousing so soon. But the red head was still out cold. “Nope still out” said K
“My mistake, thought I saw her stir” said Colleen.
“Not a problem. Thanks for the heads up” said Whiff

“If I may girls while we have a moment before the Bobbies arrive, we have a tradition here at Aura of getting celebs and athletes to autograph our bar. Would 2 of America’s famous heroines do us the honor? It isn’t often we are fortunate enough to even have you here on our soil, let alone see you in action” asked Colleen motioning towards the bar

Both K & Whiff smiled and even blushed.
“We’d love to” replied K

“Bloody hell. Can someone get me a barf bag?” yelled the brunette villainess “You 3 should get a room”
“Piss off and shut up” seethed Erin. “Stay right there or I swear it will be lights out for you”
“Piss Off? Nice one Whiff, we’ll shake that American out of you yet” Laughed Colleen as she escorted the heroines to the bar

“Now here are the pens. They are a special ink that won’t rub off of the granite. Make sure you press hard”

Whiff was grinning ear to ear as she leaned over to sign. She gave K a wink, referencing their earlier talk about signing the bar.

“Uh, Colleen the pen won’t write” said K as she shook it.
“Yeah mine won’t either. Are we doing something wrong?” said Whiff as she kept trying to write on the bar
“Sure girls. Click the top of the pen.” smirked Colleen as she clicked the top of the pen she was holding to show them. It was a typical pen and Colleen was giving them a hard time about the gaffe.

“Ah. Well now I feel dumb” said an embarrassed K as she clicked the top of her pen
“Ditto. Leave it to us Yanks!” laughed Whiff as she too clicked the top of her pen

But before they could begin signing “State U Rules!!!” both heroines were blasted in the face with a fine stream of purple gas that was coming from the tip of the pen.

“It’s a trap K” gasped an engulfed Whiff trying to clear the air around her
“GAS! So strong…” sighed K who had also taken in too much of the strong stream pouring from her pen “Whifffff” was the last thing she slurred as she toppled on to the bar, sliding off and landing on her back out cold on the floor.
“K….” wheezed Whiff as she too was quickly felled by the phony fountain pen. She ended up face down on her stomach.

State U’s prized protectors were knocked cold, on foreign soil, and in trouble…

“Fucking hell Colleen, I thought you were going to take them for tea!” yelled the brunette
“Sorry Sara. Had to wait for the right spot.” Replied Colleen as she peeled her mini skirt off to reveal an identical outfit to Sara.

“Had I known you too would be taken prisoner so easily by a couple of Yank Superheroines, I would’ve packed my weapons” Colleen said.

She produced an atomizer from Sara’s utility belt and sprayed it into the red head’s face instantly bringing her to.
“What happened?” asked the groggy red head
“You were gassed by the Yanks Lorrine” replied Colleen
“Right. That’s a bit embarrassing now isn’t it?” replied Lorrine
“Unacceptable! Could’ve cost us everything” said Colleen
“What happened to them?” she asked
“Colleen signed em up” laughed Sara as her hands were cut free
"Stop pissing about and search them. I want those weapons" ordered Colleen

Sara flopped an unconscious Erin onto her back and began searching her utility belt.
Lorrine did the same to the sleeping K. Lorrine carefully pulled out one of K's gas softballs from her satchel but quickly put it back, knowing 1st hand how potent it is.

“Hold it right there” said a voice
“Now what?” asked Colleen. “Ah Christ, British Knight and her little tart of a sidekick Bullseye. Late as usual I see”

2 heroines stood at the entrance of the club who bore a close resemblance to the final 2 party goers who staggered from the club just a few minutes before.

The strawberry blond was in a leotard adorned with the British Flag, red boots, red mask and shiny nude pantyhose while her brunette pony tailed partner wore a solid red leotard with the Royal Air Force Bullseye logo on her chest, blue boots, blue mask and also shiny nude pantyhose. Both were equipped with utility belts.

“You are under arrest” said the blond in her British accent.

“Unfortunately not today dears. Gotta run” said Colleen as she spiked a pellet off of the floor. A smoke cloud dissipated as quickly as it came to be and the 3 women in black were gone.

“Damn” said the Brunette.
“Come on Bullseye, let’s help them out” said the blond

The blond strapped an oxygen mask to each unconscious heroine. Within seconds they were awake.
“Ohhh. What the hell?” groaned Whiff
“Who are you?” asked K as she came to from her gas nap.
“I’m British Knight and this is my partner Bullseye” said the blond

“Who were they?” asked a groggy Whiff
“A super elite crime circuit. The one who posed as the manager is Colleen, their leader.” Said Bullseye. “You too ok?”

“We’re fine, embarrassed more than anything else” answered K.
“Can’t believe we fell for that” said Whiff “That gas was super strong K. We didn’t have a chance”

“Colleen and her partners are the most cunning and slick crew we’ve gone up against” said British Knight
“Well thanks for helping us out.” said K “By the way I’m K and this is Whiff. We are...” but K was interrupted.
“No need for intros ladies. Your reputation precedes you here.” Said BK
“Well, thanks but that was some first impression we made” said Whiff
“Please, it happens to the best of us girls” said Bullseye “We’ve been on the receiving end of Colleen’s knock-out gas several times before.”
“Well can we return the favor?” asked K feeling a little better that their new acquaintances had met similar fates in the past. “We want to help you catch these crooks”

The 2 English Heroines looked at each other. “Normally we wouldn’t do this, but we stand a better chance against them together.” Said BK knowing that the famous K & Whiff would be a huge help in apprehending Colleen and her gang “Like Bullseye said, we’ve been close many times, but they seem to always get away.”

“Then it’s agreed. We’ll assist you in any way possible.” Said K

“Come on then, we're off to our headquarters” said BK as she lead the new 4some out of the vacant club.


Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:19 pm
by Caniac89
Bravo sir, glad to have ya back and writing

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:10 pm
by SGWriter
Good start D, happy to help.

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:06 pm
by Guest
“Nice wheels” said K admiring the Porsche PanAmera they were about to climb into.

It was colored very similarly to British Knight’s Uniform, proudly sporting the British Flag on its hood. As they approached all 4 doors popped open and the engine started.

“So cool” said an impressed Whiff as she plopped down in the backseat
“Cheers, we’ve done a lot of work getting this thing finely tuned.” Said Bullseye
“How does it know to open the doors and start the engine?” asked K
“Motion Sensors throughout the body of the car. If it was just you too, not only would it not open the doors, but it puts up a force field so you can’t even get near it.” Explained BK
“But since we are with you it ID’s us and knows it’s ok” said BE
“Well it’s pretty awesome ladies” said K
“Yeah, we need one of these” laughed Whiff

They peeled out of the hotel’s private lot and were streaking through the streets of London in no time. People waved at the heroines’ recognizable car as it screamed down a long street. The display inside was all touch screen and looked very cool. K & Whiff were trying to read all the little panels but they were way too many.

“What’s the plan?” asked K
“Off to our HQ. Can brief you on what we are up against and where they might strike next.” Answered BE
“Where is Headquarters?” asked Whiff
“Unfortunately Whiff, that is information that we do not share.” Replied BK
“How far away is it?” asked K
“We’ll be there before you know it girls” replied BE as she pressed a button on the car’s completely digital dashboard

“Ah” shouted a startled Whiff
“Hey,” blurted out K “what the fuck was thattttt”

Both heroines’ heads slumped forward unconscious. Each had been pricked by a small needle from each one of their headrests, activated when BE pressed that button.

The PanAmera came to a stop in BK/BE’s HQ. BK pressed the O2 button on the digital display and 2 small nozzles dropped down from the roof, coming to rest in front of K & Whiff’s slumbering faces. A hissing sound could be heard and began to rouse them.

“Uhh, what happened?” said Whiff
“Why did you do that?” asked an Angry K

“Sorry girls, no one knows the where abouts of our HQ” answered BK as she began helping K from the car.
“Nothing personal. Just need to be vigilant about security” said BE

“Couldn’t you have just blindfolded us?” asked an annoyed Whiff on rubbery legs
“Or given us some warning?” said K trying to shake the cob webs out
“Easier this way girls.” Replied BE

“Between the gas and whatever you injected us with I feel like shit.” Said K
“It’ll pass, don’t worry. Come on let’s get you something to eat, we’ve got work to do”

BK & BE’s headquarters resembled a NASA Control Room. Monitors surveying the entire city of London, a massive touch screen computer, multiple plasma TV’s with various news outlets from all over the world playing. This place had it all.

“This is pretty impressive ladies” said K
“This is where we keep watch over our fair city” replied BK
“Where did you get all of this stuff? It’s incredible” said Whiff
“We’ve got a good connection with one of England’s Government Agencies.” Replied BE “We work with them and share information”
“We help them out and vice versa” said BK
“We’ve got to negotiate some of this with State U Whiff” said K in awe of the place


What K & Whiff didn’t know was that British Knight AKA Nicola Waters was the daughter of Special Agent Tommy Waters, Acting Chief of The MI5, UK’s counter-intelligence and security agency.

Nicola wanted nothing more than to follow in her father’s footsteps, but he would not allow it. In fact he went as far as forbidding her to enlist, telling her it was too dangerous. Nicola fought him tooth and nail, but he would not give in. Finally when she finished high school, she moved out of the house and began her heroine career. Now 23, she has honed her skills to be a top notch heroine and do what she has always wanted, to fight crime.

Unfortunately, her father does not appreciate British Knight’s involvement in the security of his country. He has openly campaigned against them and has gone as far as to call them criminals.

They have had several run-ins, but BK has always slipped away before he could get close enough to possibly recognize her. It is a very dicey thing and sometimes BK wants to tell him who she is, but is too afraid he will be upset and end her heroine career.

The Government Agency “connection” Bullseye AKA Annabel Aronsen, 5’7” 23, referred to was her sister, Evie who also worked for the MI5. She was head of technological advances and feeds BE & BK whatever equipment they need under the guise of research.

Evie, 5’8” 30, joined after their mother was killed by a criminal. She quickly rose throughout the ranks and was in charge of the Country’s Technological Security Dept. Annabel told Evie about what her best friend Nicola was doing and that she wanted to join her. But they needed some help getting off the ground. Evie came up with a research program that involved some of the most advanced technology in the world. She always had back-up equipment made in case of emergency. Mr. Waters was not happy about the extra cost, but understood the need for a Plan B. So Evie would then send the equipment to BK/BE’s HQ and they are set up with virtually the same resources as the MI5.

They were at Aura celebrating Evie’s recent promotion when Colleen and her gang struck. Nicola was feigning being woozy when they saw K & Whiff step in to stop them.

They quickly went and changed into their heroine guise and were shocked to see K & Whiff in trouble when they returned.

British Knight and Bullseye relied on their advanced equipment to fight crime. Bullseye had a pistol sized, hand held crossbow that fired different kinds of arrows. From knockout gas, to grappling hooks, she was deadly with it. BK used the Knight Stick which was a weapon with several secondary weapons on it. She could press any number of buttons to help in any situation. Both had numerous gadgets and gizmos on their utility belts and had extensive training in hand-to-hand combat.


“Alright so what do you know about Colleen and her gang?” asked K as she munched on a sandwich
“We’ve been after her for about 2 months now.” Said BK as she activated the tablet and began scrolling through various news clips and videos of the criminals in action.
“They have no real pattern of when and where they strike. Like tonight was totally random. NOT a big score by their standards, but they got away none the less.” Said BE

“You said you’ve come close to catching them a couple of times. How’d you get their trail?” Asked Whiff
“Sometimes luck, other times tips from our Government contact. Actually had them in custody one time” said BE
“What happened?” asked K
“We had them in a jewelry store and were searching them, but Colleen has this thing” said BK as she motioned to the giant computer screen.

K & Whiff watched a video from a surveillance camera in the jewelry store showed BK/BE frisking the handcuffed crooks. As the heroines began searching the crooks utility belts they had laid out on one of the display cases one of the compartments exploded into a purple cloud of smoke that dropped the heroines almost immediately. The crooks managed to find the keys for the cuffs, got their loot and left.

“Oh guys.” Said Whiff as she saw what happened on camera
“Careless mistake by me. Colleen had a fingerprint failsafe on her utility belt that was activated when my prints didn’t match” said BE
“Looks like the same gas Colleen used on us” said K. “Strong stuff”
“For sure. You can see we were out in a split second.” Said BK

“That was 2 weeks ago. And I for one am ready for another crack” said BE.
“Let’s get some rest and regroup in the morning.” Said Whiff
“Good plan, let’s meet in the private lot of the hotel again” said BK
“Sounds good.” Said K.

“Thanks for taking us on guys, we know it’s not easy to take on help”
“We’re honored you want to work with us K. Hey what you guys doing here anyhow?” asked BK
The question caught them both by surprise. “State U business. There is an extension program here in London that we are looking in on” said Whiff, impressed with her bullshit skills
“Ah, that’s right, which opened up last year.” Replied BK. “Well let’s get you back into the city”

“Wait does that mean we get put out again?” asked K
“Rules are rules ladies” said BE
“I’m pretty done with being knocked out today” said K
“Come on let’s get it over with.” Said Whiff as they started for the car

They buckled up and and both BE and BK leaned in to each door “Sorry about this gals.”
“No, we understand Bullseye. Is there another way besides the injection though? My neck really hurts still.” Asked K
“Sure. This is a much less invasive way. Ready?” asked BK as she pressed the gas button on the display.

A Plexiglas partition went up as the same two nozzles dropped from the ceiling right in front of K and Whiff. A pink stream of gas sprayed them sedating them quickly. The nozzles then reversed and sucked the gas from the backseat of the car. The glass partition dropped back down.

K & Whiff were again brought around with the same refreshing Oxygen nozzle.
“You ok?” asked BE helping her up from the car
“Yeah thanks. Just a little woozy from all the gas tonight.” Said a groggy K

“Well get some rest and we’ll see you in the morning. Cheers girls” said BK. The PanAmera sped off and K & Whiff returned to their suite.

“I am beat to hell Donna” said Whiff as she plopped onto their bed
“I know Erin that was a hell of a night. But I do like British Knight and Bullseye. We are going to catch Colleen and her gang”
“Their HQ is incredible! And that car”
“So cool. But we have to hit the hay. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.” Said K as she headed to her room in the suite.

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:20 pm
by Guest
The next night, K & Whiff met BK and BE in the private lot. They hopped in and began patrolling the city. It was getting close to 10pm when a call came into the PanAmera.

On the display was an attractive Blond who was startled to see 2 heroines in the backseat. Evie flashed at the bottom of the screen “Who are they?” she asked
“This is K & Whiff, the heroines we told you about. We have teamed up to bring down Colleen and her gang.” BK replied “And don’t worry Evie, we trust them.”
“Ah, right then. Thanks for helping us out then girls” the girl said
“NO problem” said K

“Just picked up an alarm at the Covington Art Museum. We followed up and there is a maintenance crew in the museum. We are tied up with the Queen attending the Soccer Match tonight so wanted to see if you could check it out”

“We are on it Evie. Will report back with what we find” said BE
“Thanks gals, be careful” replied Evie as the call ended

“What do you think?” Whiff asked
“It’s not like Colleen to go back-to-back, but since last night was cut short, maybe she is frustrated.” Said BK
“Let’s hope it is them and we have the element of surprise!” said BE

The PanAmera came to a stop at the rear of the building.
“There’s the maintenance truck” said BE
“Let’s have a look” said BK
The 4 heroines quietly approached the truck. British Knight motioned for Bullseye to check the cab. She popped up on the step and shook her head as no one was inside.

K & Whiff went to the rear of the truck, and with Whiff covering her with her pistol K slide the back door up. 4 unconscious men were inside tied up and gagged.

“It is them British Knight” whispered Whiff
“Well then ladies, let’s get em” smirked BK “They’ll never be expecting us”

The 4 decided against splitting up as it may alert the crooks of their presence so they stayed together.

Using a small hand held tablet, Bullseye tapped into the surveillance system. “Shit, they’ve jammed it” she said
“Let’s head to the manuscript and statue gallery. You know how Colleen is obsessed with pens” whispered BK

Along the way the heroines encountered 3 unconscious security guards and a cleaning lady all tied up. As they stealthily approached that part of the museum, they could clearly hear Colleen, Sara and Lorrine were.

“OK how do we play this?” whispered K “Do we all go in, using outnumbering them?”
“Yes. IF we split up then we are the outnumbered ones. Let’s go in hot. Bullseye you and Whiff take out Sara and Lorrine. K & I will deal with Colleen.” answered BK

Whiff and Bullseye were looking into BE’s tablet once again. She had a clear picture of the gallery thanks to the telescopic camera that was extended from the tablet. The galley housed priceless manuscripts from authors, poets, government officials as well as countless ceramic sculptures and statues of historic British Figures. As British Knight thought, Colleen had found the display case with over 100 pens from different periods of time. This part of the gallery was pretty cluttered between the sculptures and display cases, there was not a lot of room to navigate.

Bullseye and Whiff gave each other a nod and burst in. Whiff fired and a stream of royal blue liquid nailed Sara right in her ample chest. The liquid quickly vaporized into a blue gas engulfing the brunette. And after a couple of coughs she dropped unconscious.

Bullseye fired 2 arrows from her crossbow hitting Lorrine once in each of her tights clad thigh. She staggered into a display case and on her way down knocked the statue off shattering it into a million pieces.

“Freeze Colleen” shouted British Knight as she and K stood confidently before her.
“Bloody hell. How did you find us?” asked a stunned Colleen
“You’re getting desperate Colleen and this time we have back-up” said Bullseye
“Ah you’ve brought the yanks along have you? Alright then ladies, have a good nap then last night” said Colleen
“Laugh it up Colleen” said K

“Slowly put your pistol on the ground and slip off your utility belt” ordered BK
“Know I can’t do that” responded Colleen
Whiff and Bullseye were ready with their pistols, K had a gas softball and BK had one of the compartments on her belt at the ready
“We’ve got you outnumbered Colleen, don’t make this harder on yourself” responded K

It was a tense standoff. K was thinking they should just take them out and be done with it. She didn’t like how Colleen wasn’t budging.

Colleen looked at her defeated team across the gallery and knew she was done. She reluctantly removed her pistol and slid it across the floor with her boot. She unclicked her utility belt and it slid down her long legs to the floor. She kicked it over as well.
“Careful with that one right British Knight?” she said smugly
“Don’t worry, this will be out of commission soon enough” said Bullseye
“And so will you” said K as she rifled a softball at her. Colleen was struck in the chest with it and was soon engulfed in a royal blue cloud of gas. She fell into the wall behind her and slid down onto her butt and closed her eyes.

“Nice shot K” said BK.
“Great job guys. Finally have them” said Bullseye as she fist bumped her partners as they stood all in a row admiring their work.
“Whiff you and Bullseye go help the security and maintenance workers and we’ll clean up here” said K
“No prob.” Said Whiff as she and BE left the gallery

BK and K began tying up Colleen and the gang. British Knight texted Evie letting her know what happened.

After a minute or so, she said “That’s weird”
“What?” asked K
“Evie hasn’t gotten back to me.”
“Well she said they were slammed tonight”
“She never takes this long”
“I’m sure she is just busy British Knight”
She grabbed Colleen’s ankles and dragged her to the center of the gallery. K had Sara and Lorrine each by a foot and dropped them also.

“Ok let’s go see how Whiff and Bullseye are doing” said BK


K and British Knight turned into 2 rags laced with chloroform. Whoever had them had a very strong grip. K fought but had inhaled a lot of the sweet smelling fumes. British Knight was stunned to see who was chloroforming them. Her FATHER!

Tommy Waters, head of MI5 had the rags clamped over the heroines’ faces. K was fading fast as her legs began to give out and stumble. British Knight couldn’t believe her own father was doing this. She was clawing at her father arms but to no avail. Her head was racing with thoughts, but she too was passing out. They fell into a display case and knocked over a statue which shattered when it hit the marble floor of the gallery.

As K’s eyes rolled and closed, so did British Knight’s. Her last thought was why is he doing this? They both hit the floor hard on the backs.
“Enough of you meddling in my business” he said as he looked at the unconscious heroines.

Whiff and Bullseye heard the shattering sounds in the gallery. Whiff said, “I’ll go. You help her” referring to the tied up cleaning lady.

“Ok who broke what?” said Whiff as she entered the gallery.
“What the” she said in shock as she saw her partner and British Knight on the ground.
“K, British Knight. Wha….MMMPPPH”

Tommy Waters clamped the rag over Whiff’s face as she knelt to check on her friends. He easily picked her up and had her feet kicking the air. His grip was locked in and was not moving. Whiff knocked a statue off and broke on the floor. Her movements slowed. Her vision was blurred and eyes began fluttering. With one last mmmph, her baby blue eyes closed behind her mask. As Tommy removed the rag to make sure she was out

“Freeze. What the hell did you do to them?” asked Bullseye. Her pistol was aimed at Tommy’s back

He dropped Whiff onto the ground and turned around. Bullseye was stunned to see Tommy Waters staring at her, dressed in a black suit and tie.
“What had he down to British Knight. His own daughter.” She thought

“What did you do to them Agent Waters?” she asked again
“The same thing my associate is about to do to you Bullseye”
“U must think I’m an…UGH”

Bullseye was clocked from behind. She wasn’t out, but was seeing stars.
Agent Waters she’s not out” said a female voice
“Then finish her off” Tommy instructed whomever nailed Bullseye.
“How. I’m not a field agent Tommy.” She said
“I gave you an order Agent Aronson” he said as he flipped her his chloro rag.

Bullseye couldn’t believe what she heard. She thought Tommy had said Agent Aronson. She tried to get off of her stomach but was too woozy. She was flipped onto her back by Agent Waters and that’s when she saw her sister Evie wearing a black skirt, emerald green blouse, black high heels and black tights.

Before Bullseye could say anything Evie jammed the sweet smelling rag into her sister’s face. She didn't want to give her a sister to say anything.

In her stunned state, Bullseye didn’t have much fight but still tried to break Evie’s grip. Evie was not a field agent, but still had little trouble keeping the rag tight.

Much like British Knight, Bullseye couldn’t believe what was happening. But soon enough her brown eyes were slamming shut behind her mask.
Evie kept the rag there because she couldn’t bear to see what she had done.
“I think she’s out Evie. Thanks for the help there.” Said Tommy

“Why did we do this Tommy? They are part of our country’s security!” seethed Evie
“They are criminals who obstruct our affairs and endanger the country. Thank you for coming Agent Arronson, your work here will be noted. Now come on, let’s get them out of here.

Evie carried her sleeping sister in her arms to their vehicle and gently placed her in the trunk. Then K, Whiff and British Knight were also dumped in the trunk. Colleen and her gang were dumped in the back seat.

Tommy started the car and drove away, and Evie tried her best to hold back her tears, how to explain what had just happened and figure out how to get them out of this mess.


Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:23 pm
by Caniac89
liking all the fancy gadgets, please continue

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:25 pm
by SGWriter
Man there should be some standardized rules for all this hideout stuff, I mean all the gassing LOL. The surprise of having British Knight and Bulleye's family there was nice. Great set of updates D.

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:33 am
by DF2SC
Great Story so far Dubs! Glad to see your back in action!!! Look forward to the next part!

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:12 am
by Guest
“How am I going to get out of this? Once he removes their masks, Tommy will know everything. Which will be bad. Can’t believe he didn’t recognize when he chloroed her. That’s as close as he’s ever been to her as her alter ego. He will freak out when he sees Nicola is British Knight and my sister is Bullseye.” Thought Evie. She decided to go on the offensive.

“Tommy, all due respect, you’ve made a mistake here. British Knight and BullsEye finally did what we haven’t been able to do, catch Colleen and her henchwomen.” Said an irritated Evie. “Plus, you took out 2 of America’s finest heroines, K & Whiff. The Yanks will come looking for them!”

“They won’t want any part of them Evie. I’m going to spin it that British Knight and BullsEye were in cahoots with K, Whiff, Colleen and her mates. They’ll all be out of my way and we can get back to MI5 running this country’s security. Plus, the US has their hands full with the mess in their own country. They won’t bat an eyelash once they see what K & Whiff were part of.” Said Tommy

“Part of what Tommy! Your lies? You are putting both our careers on the line here. I’m not about to lie and get these 4 heroines in trouble. Besides what are we going to say about the security footage? It was all on hard drives…It will show everything.”

“Was on hard drives Agent Arronson. Was” Said Tommy as he held up several flash drives. “These drives have the security footage.”

“Shit.” Evie thought to herself. “Tommy, I’m telling you mate you’re wrong. Give British Knight and Bulls-Eye a chance. They are on our side, plus…”

Evie was interrupted by Tommy’s speakerphone
“Director Waters, need you over at Parliament at once. Bit of a situation that needs your attention” said a male voice
“Right. En route. Waters, out” replied Tommy

“Shit, ok Evie drop me at Parliament and take the prisoners back to HQ. Go thru my secret entrance and transfer the prisoners to holding. Not a word about this until I return.” Ordered Tommy

“Tommy, I’m not comfortable with…”
“That’s an order Agent Arronson, unless you’d like to be relegated to designing new cleaners for the loo. Am I clear?”
“Understood” Evie reluctantly said

She dropped Tommy off at Parliament and arrived back at HQ. She quickly placed the still unconscious Colleen, Sara and Lorraine in holding. The great thing about Tommy’s secret entrance was there were no cameras. Tommy was the only one with the code and now that Evie had it, she had a bit of an advantage to try and figure out a plan.

She popped the trunk and began trying to rouse her sister and her partners. Evie popped O2 masks on BE and BK and slowly brought them to.

“Uh” moaned BE. Finally awake she said “Evie what the fuck? Why did you do that?”
“Sorry sis, boss was there and didn’t want to compromise us.”
“You should’ve let me take Tommy out. We could’ve gotten out of there safely” said a pissed BE
“No, this was the best way to ensure our cover Annabel”
“I can’t believe my dad did that to me” moaned BK “What is his deal?”
“You guys know, he thinks you too are trouble. He is going to pin this on all of you.” Replied Evie
“”WHAT?” said BE/BK in unison
“K and Whiff too. We need a plan and fast. Tommy is at Parliament, but should be back soon.”
“Well let‘s bring K and Whiff round.” Said BK

“Uhhhh” said Whiff. Who was that guy? He was so strong?” said a groggy Whiff
“Me dad” said BK sheepishly
“What?” said K now sitting up “Your dad just chloroformed us. After we caught the largest criminal circuit in his country? What the hell?”
“I know guys, he thinks you are all trouble. He…” Evie’s phone buzzed “Shit, Tommy is on his way back. Texting him I’ve got Colleen, Sara and Lorraine in holding and now moving to you guys”
“WHO are you?” asked a sleepy Whiff
“Right, sorry. K/Whiff, this is Evie Arronson Director of MI5 Technological Security Dept.” said Bk
“And me sis” giggled BE as she gave a quick hug to Evie.
“So this is your government contact.” Said Whiff slyly
“Nice touch” said K

“OK, we’ve got to move. Any ideas ladies?” asked BE
“Let’s take him down. He has committed several crimes today. Can’t we go into MI-5?” asked Whiff
“No one will believe you. Besides, he’s my daddy. I know if I can show him, he will understand what we are trying to do which is help him.” Said BK
“I agree, he needs to see us in action” replied BE
“Uh, he did and promptly knocked us all out first chance he got, to put us all in jail” replied K.
“What if you all helped him out of a tight spot.?” Said Evie
“Go on” said BK


Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:15 am
by Guest
“How about he comes back. Finds me tied up. I tell him you had come to and when I opened the trunk you got the jump on me. He’ll totally buy it. I’m not a field agent.” Said Evie. “He will be ticked, but can turn his attention back to Colleen. We should leave Colleen’s weapon on her so she can pull it on Tommy when goes to interrogate them. You guys could then burst in and save the day.”

BK and BE both grinned. “Think it could work?” they asked of K & Whiff
“I like it all except giving Colleen a weapon. She is dangerous.” Replied K
“Right, agreed. We can leave her utility belt on. Empty out the lethal stuff, but leave her with a gadget or 2. maybe a sleep pellet and handcuffs? Again, rookie mistake by me for not removing it.” Replied Evie.
“But isn’t her belt loaded with failsafes.” Asked Whiff
“Good point Whiff” said BK
“We can use Colleen’s hand. We have it right?” said BE smiling

“I’m in” said BK. “Daddy will finally see we are here to help MI5”
“K? Whiff?” asked BE
K and Whiff weren’t thrilled, but nodded.

“Cheers ladies. Ok let’s move. Evie show Bullseye and Whiff where Colleen and her gang are. We will rig the scene here for when daddy, uh I mean Agent Waters returns” said BK

Evie looked at the monitor and saw no movement from Colleen, Sara and Lorraine.
They slowly entered the room. Whiff and Bullseye had their weapons drawn, in case any of the villains came to unexpectedly.

Here, hold this and shoot if they move” said BE as she handed her crossbow pistol to her sister.
BE slowly used Colleen’s finger to open each compartment of the utility belt, and carefully emptied out the contents. She left 1 gas pellet figuring that could not do too much damage.

“Ok, this is good to go. Left one sleep gas pellet. Even she gets it off, we’ll be there right away to help” said BE after emptying out all the lethal gadgets from Colleen’s utility belt.
They quickly locked the door and went back out into the garage.

“Hey Evie, you searched them right?” asked Whiff as they jogged back
“Of course. We took their weapons from them before loading them in at the museum” replied Evie

“Done” said Whiff as they approached BK and K
“BZZZZZ” Evie checked her phone “He’s asking me where I am?”
“Don’t answer it. Will make for a better timeline. He’ll never suspect anything once he finds you” said K
“Right. He is minutes away according to his GPS tracker” replied Evie
“OK Evie, here’s what we’re gonna do” said K.


Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:16 am
by Guest
Tommy was dropped off and came through his secret entrance into the garage. “Agent Arronson? Evie?” he whispered.
He pulled his pistol and slowly approached the car. He could hear pounding from the trunk. Tommy gave the inside a quick once over and saw it was empty. Pistol drawn, he popped the trunk.

“MMMMMPPPPH” protested Evie. She had her hands tied and a gag in her mouth.
“Evie, are you ok? What happened?” asked Tommy as he helped her from the trunk and removed her gag.

“Uh, not sure Tommy. I loaded Colleen, Sara and Lorraine into holding. Got Whiff put in separate holding and when I came back out of the building someone grabbed me and put me in a choke hold. Next thing I know I come to in the trunk. Really sorry Tommy.”

“Dammit Evie, how’d you let this happen?” asked an upset Tommy
“I had no chance.Tommy. They got the jump on me. Remember I’m not a field agent, I’m not trained for this.”
“I ask you to load 7 unconscious prisoners into holding and you muck it up. Guess that’s why you’re a tech geek. Dammit, I can’t believe they got away. Really wanted to see who British Knight and Bullseye really are.”
“Well you know where I stand on that. We were going to have a major problem if you were going to ask me to lie about them” said Evie, her heels echoing through the garage as they approached the building.
“Are Colleen and her gang still in holding?”
“OK, let’s go.

The 4 heroines watched Tommy and Evie enter the building on Bullseye’s tablet. She had tapped into the feed and was monitoring. “It worked” whispered BK
They were watching just around the corner from the holding room so they could quickly spring into action.

Tommy and Evie arrived in the holding room . Tommy put his weapon in the locker in the room. He pressed a button on the touchscreen.
“What’s he doing” asked K
“Oxygen. Bringing them around” said BE

The 3 villians began stirring and Tommy again pressed the button and the fresh air stopped.

“Ladies, so good of you to join me” said Tommy as he walked in
“Ugh, my head. Where are those Yank bitches?” said Colleen
“Right, I want to…”
“Enough bitching. Listen up.” Tommy said interrupting lorraine. “I want you 3 to track down and bring me British Knight, Bullseye, K and Whiff.”
“You want us to do what?” asked Sara rubbing her eyes
“You heard me. Bring them to me, alive” replied Tommy
“And what do we get in return?” asked Colleen
“Freedom. I will make it so you don’t have to steal from anyone again. Come, join me in my office”

Tommy, Evie and the villains made their way to Tommy’s office. The villains were discussing what they just heard as they lead the way. “Straight ahead” Tommy instructed.

As they walked into his office, Evie said “Tommy are you nuts? You can’t really…” as she carefully watched Colleen. She was stunned at what Tommy was offering, but had to keep focused on Colleen. Fortunately, she was so groggy, she had no idea her utility belt was on.
“Well ladies? Do we have a deal?” Tommy said pouring himself a drink from the carafe of Scotch on the bar in his office.

The 3 crooks, looked at each other in a stupor. They were all groggy, just was invited into the Director of MI5’s office and thought they were hearing things.
“We bring you those dosey tarts , and we get rich.” Asked Colleen
“And as importantly, go free” replied Tommy taking a sip.

“Tommy can I have a word please?” asked Evie “You cannot do this. This is crazy. You know what would happen if this got out? We’d all go to jail”
“You’re right Evie” said Tommy
“I know I’m right, so let’s stop this rubbish and move on!”

Tommy returned his attention to the villains. “My apologies ladies.

Meanwhile, the 4 heroines kept watch on BE’s tablet. Unfortunately there was no sound so they could not hear what Tommy was offering.
“Look, Colleen noticed her belt. She is going for it” said BK

Evie noticed it as well. She was standing next to Tommy and was ready to move out of the way when she was startled by what Tommy said “So do we have a deal Colleen?”

Colleen was surprised by the question, she realized her utility belt was still on and was thrilled to find one of her potent sleeping pellets still in 1 of the compartments. But now she was being offered the deal again, 30 seconds after Agent Waters agreed with his collegue.

“I thought it was off” replied Colleen, ready to launch the pellet.
“It is off” said Evie sternly still facing Colleen, not wanting to be in the path of her impending attack.
“No, it is quite on. I can assure you.” Replied Tommy as he produced a needle and jammed it into Evie’s neck, emptying its contents.

“Ahh, Tommy whaaaat waaaaaaaaaaasss thhaaatttt……” mumbled Evie as she staggered and collapsed to the carpeted floor unconscious.
“Something to take the edge off Evie. Found it in your lab. Powerful stuff love.” Replied Tommy taking another sip.

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:25 am
by Guest
The heroines were stunned at what they saw. Both BK and BE’s blood boiled and they bolted towards his office, despite the protests from K and Whiff.

“Despite my now slumbering colleague’s objections, the offer stands.” Said Tommy.
“Deal” said Colleen, “Now we just need our weapons back and will get this going.”
“Not a problem ladies, not a problem at all. Just need to get them from my car”

“No one is going anywhere!” said British Knight as she burst into the office. She was furious at her father and knew this was it.
Tommy whirled around and began drawing his pistol but had it kicked from his hands by BK.

Bullseye went to check on Evie who was out cold on her side.

“Whiff, be alert, they are not thinking clearly and this could go bad quickly” said K as they burst into the office.

K & Whiff were last to arrive, but first to see Colleen throw her gas pellet towards BK and Tommy.

“British Knight watch out!” yelled K. She pushed Tommy out of the way and the pellet landed squarely where they were standing and exploded into a purple cloud of gas. The fresh air in Tommy’s office was circulating so it dissipated quickly with no harm done.

Sara went for Bullseye who was trying to bring Evie around and tackled her. K & Whiff went to take care of Lorraine and Colleen.

Tommy pushed BK off of him. She jumped up ready to fight.

Bullseye tumbled across the floor and hopped up, but was met by another tackle by Sara. Sara picked up the winded Bullseye and nailed her with a punch to the gut, which doubled the brunette heroine over. Sara then nailed BE with her tights clad knee in the forehead almost flipping the heroine over. She landed with a thud and was pounced on by Sara. She put both hands around BE’s neck and began squeezing. BE was seeing stars and was passing out as she unholstered her crossbow pistol. Sara noticed and released her grip and the 2 began struggling for the pistol. Bullseye held on and was trying to push it towards Sara and vice versa. Sara rolled onto her back with BE now on top and the pistol was between both their stomachs. They kept struggling when Sara got her index finger on the trigger. BE knew she was in trouble. Sara pulled and the pistol fired it’s crossbow dart into Bullseye’s stomach. Bullseye winced, knew she’d be out cold in seconds, turned and saw her unconscious sister dropped on top of Sara.

Whiff had Lorraine and Colleen at bay with her pistol. K was behind Colleen cuffing her.

BK squared off against Tommy, but quickly felled him with a taser from her Knight Stick. While Tommy was writhing on the ground, BK looked over and saw Sara throw Bullseye off of her. She quickly fired Bullseye pistol nailing Whiff in the right ass cheek with a drug tipped dart. Whiff’s reflexes kicked in and as she staggered she accidentally fired her pistol. Colleen saw the whole thing happen and dove out of the way. K was nailed with her partner’s sleep pistol in her ample chest and quickly engulfed her in the royal blue gas.

“Whiff, ohhhhh?” she mumbled as she dropped onto her back out cold. Whiff took a few faulty steps and collapsed onto her side dropping her pistol.

British Knight was in trouble. She drew her Knight Stick and sent a net towards Sara that ensnared her nicely. The more she struggled, the tighter the net became.

Lorraine had uncuffed Colleen, and had picked up Whiff’s sleep pistol. BK, flew out of the way off the first stream of spray. Lorraine flanked BK. Colleen moved in

“Right then British Knight, drop your weapon.” Said Colleen
BK knew she was done. “OK Colleen I surrender.” Said BK as she lowered her weapon to the ground.
“I mean how easy was this. We captured you Bullseye and the Yanks in 5 minutes. Now we go free and are rich.”
“What?” asked a startled BK
“Tommy said if we capture you he pays us handsomely and we go free. Done and done.”

British Knight was stunned, how could her dad sell them out like this? She reached for her weapon, “Might as well go down fighting” she thought

”Figured as much. Well good night then” replied Colleen as she pressed the trigger

BK pressed a button on her Knight Stick and she was catapulted into the air from a spring in her weapon. The royal blue stream of gas hit the toe of her boots, but the brunt his Lorraine, who was closing in from behind BK, in the chest. She tried clearing the air around her but was useless. She passed out quickly.

Colleen was shocked and didn’t see the flying kick from BK’s boot as she descended from her jump. Colleen landed with a thud and was dazed when she landed. BK kicked the pistol away from her.

“looks like you are the capturee Colleen” said BK
Colleen tried shaking the cobwebs.
“On your feet, hope you have a hobby cuz where you’re going you’ll need one” said BK
“Hope you have some aspirin cuz where you’re going you’ll need way more than one” replied Colleen as she got to her feet
“And where exactly am I going that I’ll need this aspir”


“To sleep love” replied Tommy who’d recovered from his taser attack to crush British Knight from behind with his Scotch Canter. BK dropped to her knees and onto her stomach unconscious.

“Thanks Agent Waters. This was much easier than I could’ve imagined”said Colleen as she began to unwrap Sara from her net cocoon.

Tommy rolled British Knight onto her back. “Finally I’ve got you. Let’s see who you really are British Knight.”

As Tommy reached for the mask, he noticed a tiny mole on her shoulder, then one on her neck. He stopped, “Oh no, it can’t be”

“Everything alright Tommy?” asked Colleen pointing Bullseye’s pistol at him.
“Yeah. Uhh. Right. No problem. Put that thing down. A deal is a deal. You delivered and I will too.”
“Just want to make sure you remember our deal”
“Of course. Cash ok?”
“The best”
“Ok, safe is in the fridge”
“Open the fridge”

Colleen and Sara went over and opened the fridge door in Tommy’s office and it revealed a safe door.
“Very clever Agent Waters. Combo?”
“012288. 5 million in there, it’s yours. Another 5 end of day, 10 total.”
Sara and Colleen grinned ear to ear. “Wait till Lorraine wakes up and sees this.” Said an ecstatic Sara.

“Gotta hand it to you Tommy, you’re a man of your word.” Said Colleen as she pushed the combo on the keypad. “Ready Sara? 012288.”

Sara was on her knees next to Colleen waiting in anticipation. As Colleen pressed the last number, they were both blasted in the face with a white cloud of smoke.
“It’s a trap!” yelled Sara
“Uhhh, gas. Tommmmmyyyyyyyyyy…” said Colleen as she tried to get to her feet.

But to no avail, Sara quickly passed out. And Colleen staggered a few paces before dropping out cold.

Tommy was completely oblivious “I can’t believe my Nicola is British Knight” whispered Tommy as he removed her mask to reveal her face.

He began to cry when the realization hit him as to what he almost had done. No wonder BK was so good, she was his daughter. It then hit him, that Bullseye was Annabel and Evie had also must’ve been in on it as well. He had done this. They were all sprawled out cold in his office because of him.

Tommy cradled his daughter in his arms and sobbed.
“Oh Nicola, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
“My head hurts”
“I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me”
"How'd you catch Colleen?"
"Gave her the emergency code for my safe. Your birthday"
“You’re a real jerk sometimes Daddy” said a groggy BK
“I know sweetie. Come on, let’s get you up.”

“SO you’re sure Nicola. Your dad is on board with you being British Knight.?” Asked Donna
“Yes Donna. He apologized a million times over. And now will be part of the MI5 team” replied Nicola
“But as British Knight and Bullseye.” Replied Erin
“Correct” smiled Annabel
“And me too!” said Evie
"Ugh you Brits are tough to understand" said Erin

“No more trying to capture you guys?” laughed Donna
“Under strict order to not knock me or any of my team unconscious again” snickered Nicola

“Can’t thank you girls enough. You are welcome here anytime” said Nicola

“Thank you guys too. Albeit one of the weirdest adventures we’ve been on, it was fun” said Donna
“Hey you guys should come visit” said Whiff "Show you some American crooks"
"Ooo, I’d love to see your lab where you make you weapons” said Evie
“Deal” said Whiff

The girls all hugged and waved as Donna and Erin climbed aboard MI5’s private jet.
“I need a vacation from my vacation” said Erin
“You’re telling me. You also need to some shooting practice. Remember same team right? I owe you one” Laughed Donna
“Come on Donna, wasn’t my fault, I was drugged. Give me a break”
“Sure it wasn’t a little revenge for riding you too hard during our trip?”
“Well maybe a little”

They giggled all the way down the runway and into the sunset.


Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:41 am
by sign4deaf
Very good story. I admit I was never a huge K and Whiff fan but this adventure made me appreciate them more. And I really enjoyed British Knight and especially Bullseye. I've got a thing for cute sidekicks. :^) Hope to see more of the British Bombshells soon.

Re: K & Whiff in Pip Pip Cheerio

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:10 pm
by SGWriter
Great stuff, British Knight and Bullseye are some fine additions to your character pool. Always happy to see K and Whiff too.