Hunter of the Amazon #1

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Joined: 16 years ago

Chapter 30 Pages 15-27

Wonder Woman was, once again, lead thru the necropolis. This time naked as the day her mother had formed her from clay, before Zeus had breathed life into her. She felt the well-worn stone beneath her bare feet as she walked. The only sound was of the torches sputtering. They ascended a different set of stairs emerging in the cool night air. The moon was full and the sky clear. Diana felt the cool air against her bare breasts, the nipple rings swaying as she walked, the cool air causing her nipples to harden.
Once again four Swiss guard flanked them and Diana had to keep her attention on the leash between her legs as the young pope walked behind her across the open ground.

Should she lag behind, there was not a lot to her small clit and a stumble or even lagging behind would cause the leash to rip the flesh leaving her in agony and without any female sexual stimulation. What was it with males and leashes anyways? Since her ordeal had started she had worn a bit and bridle, a collar and leash, it must be the male drive to control. So she had to keep her head down looking at the leash to ensure there was a loop of slack.

She was surprised that she was walked openly thru the night air, from the look of it, it was after midnight. Once again naked, the chafing clothing done she walked in silence, in the open where anyone could see her.

Alan smiled watching the muscles of her tight ass work as she walked. He had deliberately passed the leash between her legs so he could “Walk her’ from behind and be treated to the sight of the pagan woman walking with her head down as if in penance, while the moonlight shown the red welts on her shapely ass.

Together they mounted the steps to the chapel. To any who could see, a silhouette of a woman, head bowed, entering the sanctuary. Two guards with Halberds smirked as they snapped to attention, opening the large wooden door. As Wonder Woman stepped in, she felt the warmth within. The smooth marble still had the grit and grime of the feet walking across it she felt on the sole of her feet.

Despite herself she felt the arousal in the anticipation of the coming sex, or more exactly the coming orgasms. If Actaeon was nothing else, he was a well-practiced lover, having made an art of turning a woman’s physical pleasures against her.

The Guards stopped at the inner gate, as The pope walked Wonder Woman under the fresco of the ceiling. Scientists and artists had restored the ceiling where, in the 1700’s nudes had been painted over with fig leaves but now restored to show the nudity as art. Wonder Woman had to admit it was hard to believe that these works had been created by a man…however in every case woman was depicted as BELOW a man…

When they arrived at the altar, she paused, and felt the young man’s hand at her thighs removing the leash. 2 older looking “altar boys” removed the candles from the altar, as well as the white cloth revealing the smooth centuries old wood. Stylized “horns’ remained on the device, to which, in ancient time, an animal would be secured to for sacrifice.

The pontiff gave her a level gaze “not until you show your obedience…” he said with a warning in his voice, what he could possibly do she did not know, and did not think he knew.

She watched him wait expectantly and then with a sigh she went to her knees, staring at his bare, unwashed feet. He had said Magdalen had washed Christ’s feet with her tears…she had no tears, but he expected something some she knelt forward and slid her tongue up from the middle toe up the instep to the ankle. The taste was what she expected, salty, a slight tinny taste, different from Actaeon but in no way unpleasant. More humiliating then disgusting. She quietly began to lap, her palms flat on the floor as she moves her head up and down. She found she could lose herself in her own thoughts as she performed this duty.

He lifted his foot and allowed her to press her nose up between the toes and the ball of the foot, slipping her tongue between the toes to clean them each before sucking each toe. She was becoming so familiar with this she found herself panting and licking harder, running her tongue alone the sole from heel to ball and craning her head like a pet dog to make sure she coated the entire foot with her saliva. She paused to allow him to shift his weight before continuing with the other foot. It really was not at all unpleasant if it had not been for the humiliation. Were this someone she actually loved, she would offer to do it as a gift…but this was required, and it was not a gift but was expected of her with any male, animal or human.

When she finished the second foot, he allowed her to go back to the first and then the second again. Once she had massaged his foot thoroughly with her tongue, she allowed her hair to fall forward and dried them with her dark tresses.

“Get on the Altar Woman” The pope intoned.

This surprised Diana but she did not comment, she sat her bare arse on the smooth cool wood and swung her feet up…laying down “I am to be a sacrifice then?”

She felt his hands on her bare ankle and a cold metal shackle that fit tightly, as her ankle was secured to one of the horns “Think of it more as, a blessing” he smiled pointing up to the center fresco where Adam reached toward God “I figure that if I can do this, and no one stops us, then I am performing in the sight of God. On the other hand, should your…HERA, show up…” he winked taking her wrist and securing it over her head.

Wonder Woman was to be spread like an eagle, on the altar of the Lord. She could feel the young man trembling with excitement as she glanced toward the door, her naked body being stretched taught on the Altar. She hoped to see Flash, or Green Lantern or someone come thru the door and stop this nightmare. But there was no one. No one had come when her virginity was taken…and the area remained silent. It was becoming harder and harder for her to keep up any form of hope. She was pregnant with her enemy and rapist’s children, she was giving pleasure to, not only him but whomever he designated, on an almost hourly basis and she was rewarding with her body the very criminals she swore to defeat doing the very crimes she swore to defend against. And her only refuge was in the unwanted physical pleasures they forced on her.

Allen dismissed the Guard, just as Emmett had told him and now walked around the beautiful bound woman. As the cardinal had said, he had not even touched her and already her body exuded copious amounts of sexual fluid all over the polished wooden altar. Her body shimmered as he moved to each of the cardinal compass points with a pure white candle. One at each dainty bare foot, one at each bound helpless hand. Once finishes he awkwardly fumbled with his Surcoat, tugging at the belt until it loosened and he let it fall to the floor.

Wonder Woman was helpless but to stare at the young man before her. His body was unblemished, a soft alabaster white from being covered. Between his legs his length left a bit to be desired but his scrotum showed a full warm sac full of his seed. He had a swimmers build a bit…scrawny.

The young pope walked over, gazing but a moment on the bound woman before him. He looked up at the image of God and Adam “Lord, if this is not your will, stop me now before the event, but know that I mean only to have this woman as you meant her to be.”

Diana could not even struggle, they had her and there was no way out “What happened to not tempting the Lord thy God” as she gasps feeling his young hands again on her breast”

Allen slipped his left hand up her upper body to caress her throat. Diana could feel the smooth, warm hand, without a hint of a callous, scented with rose. Allen’s right hand cupped her chin, his left tracing her cheek coming to rest on the crown of her head firmly trapping her head in his hands “I do not believe this is tempting HIM…rather, he is testing, me...I ask only his guidance…Now will you be a good girl and be silent while I finish you off?” he smiled down at her.

Diana considered a moment, glancing to the door…no one coming. She looked back and gave a quiet resigned nod.
Almost immediately his mouth sealed hers. His lips were soft and firm, an open mouthed hard kiss, not a soft timid one that made her amazon heart flutter with joy and her belly begin to burn with lust. Still holding her head firmly between his hands he pressed his kiss to her lips twisting his head as he ground his lips against hers, below him his erection firm and hard. Diana could feel the pressure on the hinge of her jaw, he wanted her to open her mouth so he could rape it with his tongue. Almost automatically her amazon lust opened her mouth and met his tongue as it thrust hers aside to explore her mouth she found herself suckling on it firmly; his warm slippery tongue thrust down to the back of her throat.

Diana’s amazon blood rushed to her nipples as the pontiff crushed his mouth to hers in a hard awkward but effective kiss that took her breath away, his tongue running over hers as he ground his lips against her mouth. She did not try to move her head and even began to respond as best she could though he controlled her head firmly, breathing his breath into her mouth.
When he came up for air, he panted and had a wild lustful look in his eye,

“Amazon Harlot…I knew you would bend to the will of a man. He spied her nipples, his mouth moving to them, giving a flat tongued lick that would have arched her back if she had not been trussed like a sacrificial lamb. Tugging helplessly at her bonds, making the, clank and rattle as she struggled, she obediently remained silent allowing him to suckle at her nipples pointing her toes as the sensation caused a fresh rush of her fluids from between her legs, onto the polished wood of the altar and she felt her strength diminish as more of her was sacrificed to a deity other than the Olympians. With as aroused as this man was, she was surprised he took time to coat each of her ripe breasts with his saliva and sample them.

Then she felt him move above her, mounting the altar, his warm body against her’s as he positioned himself to enter her. She gave him a half lidded look into his eyes as she felt him position his hips over hers, his head sliding between her nether lips, the sacrificial dagger poised to thrust into her body. When he arched, he slipped his dagger smoothly into her body, causing her to inhale and close her eyes throwing her head back over the edge of the altar with a bestial grunt as she sheathed him.
When her eyes opened she saw him smiling, she knew from the thick feeling between her legs this had been exactly the reaction he had hoped for. Pausing to grind his pubic bone against hers he began to withdraw and thrust.

“This is all I ever imagined, Amazon harlot…” he punctuated each phrase with a full thrust into her chained body “why do you resist your better” he grunted lifting up and thrusting again hard “REPENT and take you place at the feet of men.”

For Alan this had to be part of the Lord’s heaven. He wanted this and he enjoyed the feel of her slippery flesh around his length. She remained silent and obedient as he thrust, firmly into her, rocking her hard, the chains of her feet holding her as he entered, the chains on her wrists holding her as he withdrew.

This was for him and he knew it. He did not care, for the moment, about her pleasure, he was over 30 years old and had never known the flesh of a woman, how could anyone deny themselves this…this God given pleasure.

Diana felt his body and knew the was going to climax early. His arms sliding around her so her breasts pressed against his chest he ground down into her body and the dam broke. Another male claimed the amazon pussy, on an altar of a rival god…Above her she looked up to see the young unblemished man arching, his eyes closed, his pubic bone pressed against hers as he pulsed deeply within her, fulfilling his boast to have her. He filled her with his milky white seed, with nothing to stop him. Despite her passion she felt so helpless…so USELESS as another rapist took what they wanted from her, doubt began to grow in her mind, perhaps she really did deserve this…even her body betrayed her as she felt the pang of her own growing lust denied as the male above her took his and left her behind.

The young pontiff paused with his length pressed as deep into as he could force it. He allowed the pleasure to wash over him. He was quite surprised that he did not feel regret, or guilt, rather he felt powerful…vindicated, in control. The Amazon whore lay beneath him…her body pleasuring him without regard to what she claimed she wanted, the pleasant sensation of his climax slowly subsided. He felt her warm body, now sticky instead of just slippery. He felt himself beginning to soften. For some reason that was pleasant, he could not thrust into her limp...but he wanted to go limp within her.

Still above her, watching her pant like an a dog, he smiled down “how does it feel my be shown your place? You look like you wanted something more…” she smirked with a condescending voice, as if speaking to a young child.

Playing her part, though part of her was sincere when she looked up at him “Great Her…uh…good lord that is the most

pent up of any man who has…had me…”

Alan looked own at her, enjoying how she was stretched and helpless “You try going 30 years…but then you went several hundred didn’t you…why did you deny yourself this pleasure?

Wonder Woman swallowed, the warm weight of the man atop him “unlike you, who just get pleasure, a woman has to carry a child for 9 months and then provide for it…we…anything else we want to do is…it has to be put on hold while men get to go do what they want.”

The pontiff laughed “such is the will of the Lord, you were MADE that way woman. Perhaps as punishment for giving Adam the apple…you were made from the rib bone of a MAN, you were made FOR man, without use you would not exist…”

If she thought that was going to garner her sympathy, she was disappointed. The Pope began to dismount his human mare as he felt the cool air on his now wet scrotum and cock “You are to bring to birth the men who will run the world for our Lord…even Christ was MALE…” He dismounted the altar, watching her pant, her firm admen moving as his seed seeped between the soft smooth petals of her pussy. HIS seed, he had done that and she could neither stop it nor take it back. He waked around to her head his wet cock dangling in front of her “Yes, it is woman’s penance for having offered Adam the apple without telling him where it came from”
Diana laid back, she could feel his semen on her neathers “she bit her lower lip looking up at him “are we done?”

The young pontiff threw his head back and laughed, his voice echoing off the sanctuary walls before allowing his hands to return to exploring her body “Hardly, do you think I went 30 years for a…what is the expression, wham bam thank you ma’am?” he greedily squeezed her soft breast and ran his tongue up the side of her cheek “we have all night, and you have much penance to do and I do believe this is my reward. But I could not tell from how you asked that question” he smirked nuzzling the Adams apple of her throat as he continued to have his way with her “were you hopeful? Or disappointed?”

Diana felt filthy, dirty, her body shimmering, from the sweat he was putting her in, her ass slipping against the smooth waxed wood, even with Actaeon, she had not felt this…disgusted with herself…with the knowledge that every lewd crude gesture this man did with her, made her that much more keenly aware of her own desire to climax.

The pontiff stepped up to the head of the altar and pushed Diana’s forehead back. Diana was treated to an upside down view of the man’s limp cock and scrotum, still shimmering and wet with her own juices. The scent was pungent, but not unpleasant, Diana had performed oral on most of her sisters back on Thesimiscara, it was a mutual thing, consensual but she had tasted pussy before, the fact that this came from her own sex, was unsettling but, in her mind, it was not much different.

“Get to work woman” the Chief Shepard chuckled “you made the mess, now clean it up so I can have you again, I promise you a reward this time.” He said smugly.

His dangling length filed her vision as he stepped forward, pressing the soft folds of his scrotum against her nose. Timidly at first, Wonder Woman opened her mouth and began to lick the soft scrotum. As his thighs moved and his scrotum swayed she could catch glimpses of the door to the chappal from between his legs. It remained locked, no one came. No Flash, not Huntress, no Green Lantern. She imagined John up on watchtower right now…rutting with Vixen. Almost like being within a dream, she felt her mouth open and with a gentle suckle, pulled the soft orbs of the man above her into her mouth and into her cheeks like a human chipmunk. Once there her tongue began to wash his balls. A gentle suckling as she felt the head of his cock against her chin and her tongue began to gently roll her war, orbs within in her mouth.

Like his feet the taste was, different, but not unpleasant. She had always thought the act of tasting her own juices would be repugnant, deviant, yet now, looking up at the man’s Perineum…her nose pressed against the soft warm fess as it slide across the top of her nose, she felt her mouth water at the slightly sweet tangy taste of her own juices, mixed with the salty sweat of the man. The very taboo of it made her long for a climax as she suckled more firmly, moving her lips along the soft fleshy back to kiss the underside before suckling it gently back into her mouth.

The pontiff was amazed, unknown to him that Wonder Woman had been conditioned by the Cardinal and Actaeon Davies, he felt her bending to his will, the feel of her warm mouth heaven on his scrotum, the feel of her silken cheeks against his inner thighs and the sight of her bare body stretched out before him…he felt his arousal returning. “that’s it woman…serve your master” he said softly sliding his hand again over her bare arms back to her breasts. She was HIS…helpless…but even better, he was taming her, making her obedient to the will of man, and God. His hands slid over her body to again rest on her breasts. Yes he would take his time, let her continue to suckle his balls…His fingers again found her nipples…the harlots nipple rings still present as he slipped his pinky into each ring and lifted the soft flesh, distending the nipples. He found, to his pleasant surprised, that if he tugged, she would wince, or squirm, her mouth hungrily kissing and nuzzling him.

He tried doing what the internet had shown…caressing her, bending over to taste her flesh with his lips, he was learning, when he would kiss or pleasure she would respond with a moan, the most warm breath from her nostrils puffing against flesh that had never felt such a breeze before. Smug and self-assured he wanted to feel this, he stood above her, making her serve him. He had no idea how much time had passed but he was in no hurry.

When he stepped back, he was half erect, her lips leaving the flesh with a soft smack and a thin strand of her saliva connecting her lower lip to the bottom of his sack, as she panted.

For Diana, the princess, this was work, even when she had eaten out her sisters, those had been short intervals, and even though Actaeon had been using her mouth, the tongue, normally used to short bouts of activity, would get tired from the constant licking and suckling, though like any muscle her stamina was increasing the more she used it, it was still work.

Above her she saw the male step back and aim the head of his half erect cock at her face, she knew what to expect and she opened her mouth as he slid his shaft in to the back of her throat. The clean scrotum now mushed around her nose as she relaxed her throat. Actaeon had been training her to deep throat, and she let the shaft slide down the back of her throat, feeling him grip her under her arms to get leverage as he began to face fuck the helpless amazon.

The taste was the same, and she pressed her soft red lips around the base of his shaft, letting him do the work. In her self-despair, her mind continued to work, stray thoughts such as her ability to feel his quickening pulse as the blood pumped up the organ in her mouth. As he thrust down her gullet, she suppressed her gag reflex and swallowed, feeling his nuts softly bumping her nose… in all her dreams and nightmares, she had never pictured herself having this close a look at a male’s anatomy, but there was nothing she could do. The lives of her mother and sister were at stake, she kept telling herself that. She knew she was arousing the man, so he could mount her and rape her again, she hated herself for wanting that…if she didn’t get a climax soon, she would go insane, yet when she climaxed she would make him feel vindicated for all she had done, and likely encourage him to do this to other women. This was an attack on women’s rights…and she could do nothing.

Allen allowed himself to get fully hard, as much as he wanted to experience what it would be like to climax in her mouth…it was what was between her legs that was his prize.

He dismounted her mouth and once again took his spot above her on the altar. “Ready for round two?” he smiled.

Diana raised her head, she was pretty sure now that his cock had been in her mouth, there would be no more kissing. With him in a pushup like position, and her spread like an eagle beneath him, she was helpless but could see his erect shaft pointing between her legs. It had been a long dry spell for him and she watched him take himself in hand, still glistening with her salvia and gently nestle his head once more against her entrance.

His initial edge taken off, the Pontiff could afford to tease her a little. He enjoyed gently rubbing the head of his erection against her soft lips…watching them part and cling to his flesh, feeling the warm moist muscles as he readied to take her again. Her soft lips wrinkled and parted as he slid just his head between them.

Diana trued to lift her hips, the sensations were degrading but maddening. Teasing the pope lifted his hips “ah ah Ah Harlot….do you want something?” he chuckled, lording over her.

Diana felt hatred in her heart for a brief flesh, but her will quickly crumbled…”please…at least…don’t…”

The grinning man slipped the head of his cock out and instead slid the shaft up and down against her clit “That’s not very arousing…perhaps I should…play more?”

Finally a tear ran down her cheek, she knew what he wanted, and she also knew she was going to give it to him “Please…” she said, using his own words “Finish me off…”

Seeing Wonder Woman, the champion of ALL women, an amazon, weeping beneath him, sent the young pontiff’s hormones into over drive “there was that so…” He gritted his teeth and thrust into her viciously “HARD to say?”

With Diana’s motor having been revved for so long, the firm thrust made her world explode in pleasure as she felt her opening filled by a male. Her muscles stretched over her rapist’s cock and as her body went into over drive her mind went idle, all she could focus on was the bestial thrusting above her, within her.

She felt him lay down atop her, his weight pinning her as he slid his arms around her in an embrace. His lips went to her neck as he began to gently nuzzle and nip at the flesh, her pillow like breasts compressed against his firm chest.

Allen set up a firm Rhythm to take this woman…feeling her muscles clench his erection as his hips raised and feeling her relax as he thrust back down. Completely sheathed he began to experiment, shifting his hips left and right, up and down as he held deep within her so that her soft lips smeared her slippery juices over his groin.

As he experimented he found he could learn what she liked, what was even better, where his first lust had been over in less than 1 min, he found he could now continue, fully erect.

Diana’s first orgasm hit them both by surprise. Diana’s eyes flew open completely amazed at the force of her climax, while Alan was caught off guard as the woman’s muscles clenched at his shaft trying to pull it and his seed deeper into her womb.

While Diana rode out her orgasm, Alan was not done by a long shot. Diana began to pant heavily “please…please “she sounded breathless… like a runner who could not go another step. Alan’s reaction was to place his hand firmly over her mouth “Silence woman, a woman is SEEN and not HEARD, you will speak ONLY when spoken I make myself CLEAR” punctuating each statement with a thrust.

Diana’s eyes opened as the soft manicured hand sealed over her mouth forcing her to thru and catch her breath thru her nose. Her breathing became labored her eyes pleading, but the firm hand remained clamped like a muzzle over her mouth. She heard him speak and could only nod…pleadingly

For the pontiff, this was incredible, he could feel the hot breath pulsing against his hand as the woman beneath him trembled and struggled. He was only just beginning, the night young. Hi sacrifice secure, he left his hand in place and continued back to nuzzle her neck, a large red mark appearing each place he suckled on her neck.

For Wonder Woman, she began to grow desperate, she was breathing thru her nose, but it was work in addition to the thrusting she was getting from the male. The domination, like an amazon or a strongman, was driving her to another mind-blowing climax…She had heard from different people, about Auto erotic deaths…where people tried to deprive the brain of oxygen during climax, as it was supposed to make the climax even more intense…about breath control play.

She struggled…this was not equality, this was a woman being used...used as a toy as an object, but the climax was approaching like a freight train and she could not stop it. She tried to thrash her head, but the man’s hand kept her head controlled and her mouth clamped…

She felt him bite her neck again, his thumb flicking a nipple as he thrust again firmly and her climax triggered…she trembled beneath him as her vision began to go black…dark clouds floating in to obscure her vision.

The pontiff felt her second climax…. felt it last longer than the first…. he watched her. Arching up he kept his hand clamped but a moment over her mouth as he watched yer eyes flutter and close and watched her body go limp.

With a smirk he removed his hand and shifted position. Now that she was out cold…he pulled back slowly and SLAMMED his whole weight into her. Her body shook with the force.

Again he drew back And NOW” *THRUST* you WILL *THRUST* learn your PLACE! He trembled, his last thrust as hard as he could into her pelvis and felt his climax erupting…it pulsed again and again as he trembled above her.

Panting, limp but exhilarated. The young church leader dismounted her for the second time. He could see her chest heaving as her body fought to catch its breath. Smugly he struck her twice firmly against her cheek “Wake up harlot, I am not DONE with you yet….

Her head just rocked, as she lay unresponsive. Smiling his hand moved to her breasts, to slap them several times, taking a nipple ring to pull it up and twist. This managed to illicit a grown from the woman, and her back arched briefly “No I am not done with you by a long shot…

Feeling awkward but flushed with righteous victory, Pope Innocent XIV stepped his bare feet on to the marble floor of the sanctuary, feeling the grit and remembering the feel of the woman’s mouth on his feet. The air was pleasantly warm as he stood alone in the famous chapel. He looked up to the fresco painted by Leonardo Di Vinci himself, unaware of the security camera hidden in the ceilings to protect from vandals. He gazed at the centerpiece, of Adam, naked, stretching out his hand to God. And here he stood, naked, like Adam before God, with his… Eve…

The air felt nicely against his most skin, he felt secure that he had not done anything more, then what God had granted the beasts…and after all if this is how God provided for beasts…how much more would he provide for man. The old scriptures were true, about not feeling shame to stand naked before God…the feel of air about him was electrifying, it heightened his senses. He could feel the softest draft against his skin...the cool sensation of the sexual juices of the woman before him on his sexual organ.

Standing before the altar, the pagan princess stretched naked before him, his seed weeping from between her legs, he raised his hands over the prostrate helpless Wonder Woman and gave him thanks, and praise his words and song echoing off the empty chapel.
Looking down, Wonder Woman was still out cold, stretched taught as a bow string, naked as Eve herself on the day of her creation. Softly, reverently, he ran his hands down the length of her body. Caressing her…starting at her wrists…down slowly, enjoying the silken warm feeling of her slippery flesh, to her torso. It was arousing to have her this way, blessedly silent, unresisting, her flesh yielding as his hands found their way once again to her soft udders. His young loins beginning to stir once again as he spread his hands, feeling down the ribs, the ribs from which she was created, FROM man…toward wide hips…child bearing hips.

He thought he felt a slight bulge in her flat, taught stomach…that’s right the whore had said she was with child…that only help assuage any hint of guilt he may have felt, she had been with other men.

Within the Casina Po IV, Emmitt and Actaeon observed the two “lovers” as the young pope slid an open palm up to cup and palm Diana’s crotch openly groping her.

“There you see Actaeon?” The cardinal said “I told you he would calm down… people try to make rape too much about pain and suffering, when really it is CONTROL, my young apprentice is more interested in her beauty and his own pleasure then is seriously injuring her.”

Actaeon observed “That is one pent up pope, I am not sure even in my youth I was that active…but still Diana is performing well...I will need to reward her. So how are you going to topple this Pope?”

The Cardinal smiled “you’re a bounty hunter Actaeon…patience, I figure our young pigeon has one or two more romps in him is all.”
Back in the Sistine Chapel, Alan was getting aroused again, it was fascinating to touch her nether lips unbidden…watching the soft moist skin wrinkle and stretch at his bidding. Fascinated by the bare skin he slid his hands down her legs, to the warm solid iron manacle at her ankle and over her delicate bare foot, wiping their combined juices from his hand against her skin on the way.
Once done, his hands slid back up, slowly retracing his steps, sliding his hands along under her, along her firm shapely ass. That is when the thought came to him unbidden…Now that he had taken some of the starch out of this woman, it was time to really show her her place.

Coming full erect he trembled as he fumbled with the iron key, unlocking the manacles. He shook her firmly. She moans, slowly she was coming to. Allen was no athlete, as he slipped his hand behind her neck and set her up. Her eyes more than half lidded, she say there staring dumbly, her breasts sagging pleasantly with the change in position, a bit of drool running down her chin.
The pontiff smirked as he wrapped his arms around her under her arms and those soft warm breasts “You must REALLY be into this if someone as inexperienced as I, can blow your mind this easily…

Her weight was dead weight, and she was heavy but he lifted her. She was so sweaty he almost dropped her as her feet slid off the altar. With a heave, he pressed her forward face down on the altar, her red stripped ass high in the air.

Trembling with lust and exertion…he had trouble keeping her in place as he wrestled with one Iron manacle around her wrist.
“What is he doing?” The Cardinal frowned.

“I think I know” Actaeon smirked “he got her stretched wrong…that manacle is for her wrist, but the other one is supposed to be for her foot…he’s going to ass fuck her.

Alan managed to get the first restraint secured as Wonder Woman began to stir “no no no my pretty not yet” With the first on in place he was able to grab her other wrist lean back and stretch her to the other manacle. He closed it around her wrist and locked it.

Standing back to admire his work, Wonder Woman was now stretched face first and ass up over the Altar, a beautiful view of her soft sex between the shapely thighs.

As she began to try and sit up, the pontiff quickly grabbed a decorative rope holding one of the veils. Kneeling behind he moved her ankle to one of the altar’s feet and tied it tightly there.

“What…where am…what are you” Wonder Woman tried to pick up her head.

Alan quickly grabbed her other foot and looped the rope around the opposite foot of the altar. Standing up he smiled. Wonder Woman’s ass was spread before him

Diana looked up...she had been taken anal plenty of time, but it was still for the male and uncomfortable for her “you…can’t..” she said craning her neck to see the young man walk up behind her.

Alan smiled running his hands over the bare ass…his fingers drawing lines over the welts and making her head jerk up “A bit sensitive, are we?”

Diana knew what was wanted, she looked back as she felt his finger run gently over the pucker of her opening “That...that is going to hurt…Please don’t use me that way.”

Alan smiled taking his erect length and pressing the tip firmly against her anus “Why my dear…that’s WHY they call it PENNANCE.” He leaned over her and THRUST.

Diana winced as her head came up, feeling his thickness within her “Arrghh!” she cried out as her anus was stretched.
Using his thumbs to spread her ass cheeks, he thrust himself again in, sinking deeper “Besides I didn’t clean myself off so at least you have some lubricant.

When Actaeon and his goons had taken her, they were experienced…giving her time to adjust going more slowly, but in his lust the man behind her was riding her hard, the friction causing her anus to stretch and burn. “AHH!” She said as he lunged, stretched out before him.

She felt him grasp her hair and pull himself home, lodging his length deep in her ass. He began to thrust.

The pontiff smirked…this was tighter than her pussy, and he could bend over her…take her like a dog as he hissed “we call this your, Satan hole for a reason.” Panting he pulled back and thrust again, each thrust causing her to grunt and cry out.

For Wonder Woman’s part, she was finished, she was exhausted, weak… and there was nothing she could do. Again, and again the man behind her pulled out only to ram back in. her feet spread she could only lay there and be used.

As his third time, Alan panted, it felt warm, and glorious…her smooth ass molding against him as he shoved into her again and again. The coupled pair’s grunts echoed off the walls of the sacred chamber as the night wore on. The sputtering candles casting a shadow of a man, riding a woman as one would ride a horse.

Diana lost track of time again, her mouth hung open as her ass relaxed finally accepting the invader behind her. She dimply remembered feeling him stiffen and shove, and a slippery feeling within her bowel…before everything went quiet.
Back in the monitoring room. Actaeon was shaking his head “Emmitt…I can’t have this anymore…he is going to RUIN her AND my training.

The Cardinal raised his hand “Relax Actaeon...look.” On the monitor…the 2 lay on the altar. Wonder Woman, drooling and out cold again, the Pontiff draped over her, cock still in her ass, snoring. “I was counting on this…” he looked at the clock “5 a.m., almost dawn, that much romping takes energy…energy our young pope is not used to putting out…like most males after so much...exertion, he will sleep…Time to spring the trap.”

Somewhere, in the distance, Alan heard a voice…it sounded alarmed…angry?” Something was shining in his eyes. He could hear birds singing. He felt as if he had gotten the best sleep of his life. Opening his eyes and holding up a hand…it was sunlight…but why was it green. It was streaming thru a stained-glass window. The memory came to his sleepy brain, Wonder Woman, the penance…. suddenly he was full awake!

“Your eminence!” The voice sounded appalled, Shocked “Holy Father! WHAT have you DONE?” He stood up, naked his eyes seeking the voice and spotting the Swiss Guard uniform with a smart phone right in front of him.
The Chapel!…Cardinal Emmett had said to be clear of the sanctuary before 5…what had he…” he was still naked, still laying atop a naked Wonder Woman, who was struggling in her chains, and in front of him…the young Swiss guards, were rushing forward with tunics to render aid...each one with a smart phone out…each one filming and photographing him…
“Oh no…”
Last edited by lordgriffin 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 30
Pages 14-27

Wonder Woman was, once again, lead thru the necropolis. This time naked as the day her mother had formed her from clay, before Zeus had breathed life into her. She felt the well-worn stone beneath her bare feet as she walked. The only sound was of the torches sputtering. They ascended a different set of stairs emerging in the cool night air. The moon was full and the sky clear. Diana felt the cool air against her bare breasts, the nipple rings swaying as she walked, the cool air causing her nipples to harden.
Once again four Swiss guard flanked them and Diana had to keep her attention on the leash between her legs as the young pope walked behind her across the open ground. Should she lag behind, there was not a lot to her small clit and a stumble or even lagging behind would cause the leash to rip the flesh leaving her in agony and without any female sexual stimulation. What was it with males and leashes anyways? Since her ordeal had started she had worn a bit and bridle, a collar and leash, it must be the male drive to control. So shehad to keep her head down looking at the leash to ensure there was a loop of slack.

She was surprised that she was walked openly thru the night air, from the look of it, it was after midnight. Once again naked, the chafing clothing done she walked in silence, in the open where anyone could see her.

Alan smiles watching the muscles of her tight ass work as she walked. He had deliberately passed the leash between her legs so he could “Walk her’ from behind and be treated to the sight of the pagan woman walking with her head down as if in penance, while the moonlight shown the red welts on her shapely ass.

Together they mounted the steps to the chapel. To any who could see, a silhouette of a woman, head bowed, entering the sanctuary. Two guards with Halberds smirked as they snapped to attention, opening the large wooden door. As Wonder Woman stepped in, she felt the warmth within. The smooth marble still had the grit and grime of the feet walking across it she felt on the sole of her feet.

Despite herself she felt the arousal in the anticipation of the coming sex, or more exactly the coming orgasms. If Actaeon was nothing else, he was a well-practiced lover, having made an art of turning a woman’s physical pleasures against her.
The Guards stopped at the inner gate, as The pope walked Wonder Woman under the frescos of the ceiling. Scientists and artists had restored the celling where, in the 1700’s nudes had been painted over with fig leaves but now restored to show the nudity as art. Wonder Woman had to admit it was hard to believe that these works had been created by a man…however in every case woman was depicted as BELOW a man…

When they arrived at the altar, she paused, and felt the young man’s hand at her thighs removing the leash. 2 older looking “altar boys” removed the candles from the altar, as well as the white cloth revealing the smooth centuries old wood. Stylized “horns’ remained on the device, to which, in ancient time, an animal would be secured to for sacrifice.

The pontiff gave her a level gaze “not until you show your obedience…” he said with a warning in his voice, what he could possibly do she did not know, and did not think he knew.

She watched him wait expectantly and then with a sigh she went to her knees, staring at his bare, unwashed feet. He had said Magdalen had washed Christ’s feet with her tears…she had no tears, but he expected something some she knelt forward and slid her tongue up from the middle toe up the instep to the ankle. The taste was what she expected, salty, a slight tinny taste, different from Actaeon but in no way unpleasant. More humiliating then disgusting. She quietly began to lap, her palms flat on the floor as she moves her head up and down. She found she could lose herself in her own thoughts as she performed this duty.

He lifted his foot and allowed her to press her nose up between the toes and the ball of the foot, slipping her tongue between the toes to clean them each before sucking each toe. She was becoming so familiar with this she found herself panting and licking harder, running her tongue alone the sole from heel to ball and craning her head like a pet dog to make sure she coated the entire foot with her saliva. She paused to allow him to shift his weight before continuing with the other foot. It really was not at all unpleasant if it had not been for the humiliation. Were this someone she actually loved, she would offer to do it as a gift…but this was required, and it was not a gift but was expected of her with any male, animal or human.

When she finished the second foot, he allowed her to go back to the first and then the second again. Once she had massaged his foot thoroughly with her tongue, she allowed her hair to fall forward and dried them with her dark tresses.
“Get on the Altar Woman” The pope intoned.

This surprised Diana but she did not comment, she sat her bare arse on the smooth cool wood and swung her feet up…laying down “I am to be a sacrifice then?”

She felt his hands on her bare ankle and a cold metal shackle that fit tightly, as her ankle was secured to one of the horns “Think of it more as, a blessing” he smiled pointing up to the center fresco where Adam reached toward God “I figure that if I can do this, and no one stops us, then I am performing in the sight of God. On the other hand, should your…HERA, show up…” he winked taking her wrist and securing it over her head.

Wonder Woman was to be spread like an eagle, on the altar of the Lord. She could feel the young man trembling with excitement as she glanced toward the door, her naked body being stretched taught on the Altar. She hoped to see Flash, or Green Lantern or someone come thru the door and stop this nightmare. But there was no one. No one had come when her virginity was taken…and the area remained silent. It was becoming harder and harder for her to keep up any form of hope. She was pregnant with her enemy and rapist’s children, she was giving pleasure to, not only him but whomever he designated, on an almost hourly basis and she was rewarding with her body the very criminals she swore to defeat doing the very crimes she swore to defend against. And her only refuge was in the unwanted physical pleasures they forced on her.

Allen dismissed the Guard, just as Emmett had told him and now walked around the beautiful bound woman. As the cardinal had said, he had not even touched her and already her body exuded copious amounts of sexual fluid all over the polished wooden altar. Her body shimmered as he moved to each of the cardinal compass points with a pure white candle. One at each dainty bare foot, one at each bound helpless hand. Once finishes he awkwardly fumbled with his Surcoat, tugging at the belt until it loosened and he let it fall to the floor.

Wonder Woman was helpless but to stare at the young man before her. His body was unblemished, a soft alabaster white from being covered. Between his legs his length left a bit to be desired but his scrotum showed a full warm sac full of his seed. He had a swimmers build a bit…scrawny.

The young pope walked over, gazing but a moment on the bound woman before him. He looked up at the image of God and Adam “Lord, if this is not your will, stop me now before the event, but know that I mean only to have this woman as you meant her to be.”

Diana could not even struggle, they had her and there was no way out “What happened to not tempting the Lord thy God” as she gasps feeling his young hands again on her breast”

Allen slipped his left hand up her upper body to caress her throat. Diana could feel the smooth, warm hand, without a hint of a callous, scented with rose. Allen’s right hand cupped her chin, his left tracing her cheek coming to rest on the crown of her head firmly trapping her head in his hands “I do not believe this is tempting HIM…rather, he is testing, me...I ask only his guidance…Now will you be a good girl and be silent while I finish you off?” he smiled down at her.

Diana considered a moment, glancing to the door…no one coming. She looked back and gave a quiet resigned nod.
Almost immediately his mouth sealed hers. His lips were soft and firm, an open mouthed hard kiss, not a soft timid one that made her amazon heart flutter with joy and her belly begin to burn with lust. Still holding her head firmly between his hands he pressed his kiss to her lips twisting his head as he ground his lips against hers, below him his erection firm and hard. Diana could feel the pressure on the hinge of her jaw, he wanted her to open her mouth so he could rape it with his tongue. Almost automatically her amazon lust opened her mouth and met his tongue as it thrust hers aside to explore her mouth she found herself suckling on it firmly; his warm slippery tongue thrust down to the back of her throat.

Diana’s amazon blood rushed to her nipples as the pontiff crushed his mouth to hers in a hard awkward but effective kiss that took her breath away, his tongue running over hers as he ground his lips against her mouth. She did not try to move her head and even began to respond as best she could though he controlled her head firmly, breathing his breath into her mouth.
When he came up for air, he panted and had a wild lustful look in his eye.

“Amazon Harlot…I knew you would bend to the will of a man. He spied her nipples, his mouth moving to them, giving a flat tongued lick that would have arched her back if she had not been trussed like a sacrificial lamb. Tugging helplessly at her bonds, making the, clank and rattle as she struggled, she obediently remained silent allowing him to suckle at her nipples pointing her toes as the sensation caused a fresh rush of her fluids from between her legs, onto the polished wood of the altar and she felt her strength diminish as more of her was sacrificed to a deity other than the Olympians. With as aroused as this man was, she was surprised he took time to coat each of her ripe breasts with his saliva and sample them.

Then she felt him move above her, mounting the altar, his warm body against her’s as he positioned himself to enter her. She gave him a half lidded look into his eyes as she felt him position his hips over hers, his head sliding between her nether lips, the sacrificial dagger poised to thrust into her body. When he arched, he slipped his dagger smoothly into her body, causing her to inhale and close her eyes throwing her head back over the edge of the altar with a bestial grunt as she sheathed him.

When her eyes opened she saw him smiling, she knew from the thick feeling between her legs this had been exactly the reaction he had hoped for. Pausing to grind his pubic bone against hers he began to withdraw and thrust.

“This is all I ever imagined, Amazon harlot…” he punctuated each phrase with a full thrust into her chained body “why do you resist your better” he grunted lifting up and thrusting again hard “REPENT and take you place at the feet of men.”

For Alan this had to be part of the Lord’s heaven. He wanted this and he enjoyed the feel of her slippery flesh around his length. She remained silent and obedient as he thrust, firmly into her, rocking her hard, the chains of her feet holding her as he entered, the chains on her wrists holding her as he withdrew.

This was for him and he knew it. He did not care, for the moment, about her pleasure, he was over 30 years old and had never known the flesh of a woman, how could anyone deny themselves this…this God given pleasure.

Diana felt his body and knew the was going to climax early. His arms sliding around her so her breasts pressed against his chest he ground down into her body and the dam broke. Another male claimed the amazon pussy, on an altar of a rival god…Above her she looked up to see the young unblemished man arching, his eyes closed, his pubic bone pressed against hers as he pulsed deeply within her, fulfilling his boast to have her. He filled her with his milky white seed, with nothing to stop him. Despite her passion she felt so helpless…so USELESS as another rapist took what they wanted from her, doubt began to grow in her mind, perhaps she really did deserve this…even her body betrayed her as she felt the pang of her own growing lust denied as the male above her took his and left her behind.

The young pontiff paused with his length pressed as deep into as he could force it. He allowed the pleasure to wash over him. He was quite surprised that he did not feel regret, or guilt, rather he felt powerful…vindicated, in control. The Amazon whore lay beneath him…her body pleasuring him without regard to what she claimed she wanted, the pleasant sensation of his climax slowly subsided. He felt her warm body, now sticky instead of just slippery. He felt himself beginning to soften. For some reason that was pleasant, he could not thrust into her limp...but he wanted to go limp within her.

Still above her, watching her pant like an a dog, he smiled down “how does it feel my be shown your place? You look like you wanted something more…” she smirked with a condescending voice, as if speaking to a young child.
Playing her part, though part of her was sincere when she looked up at him “Great Her…u…good lord that is the most pent up of any man who has…had me…”

Alan looked own at her, enjoying how she was stretched and helpless “You try going 30 years…but then you went several hundred didn’t you…why did you deny yourself this pleasure?

Wonder Woman swallowed, the warm weight of the man atop him “unlike you, who just get pleasure, a woman has to carry a child for 9 months and then provide for it…we…anything else we want to do is…it has to be put on hold while men get to go do what they want.”

The pontiff laughed “such is the will of the Lord, you were MADE that way woman. Perhaps as punishment for giving Adam the apple…you were made from the rib bone of a MAN, you were made FOR man, without use you would not exist…”

If she thought that was going to garner her sympathy, she was disappointed. The Pope began to dismount his human mare as he felt the cool air on his now wet scrotum and cock “You are to bring to birth the men who will run the world for our Lord…even Christ was MALE…” He dismounted the altar, watching her pant, her firm admen moving as his seed seeped between the soft smooth petals of her pussy. HIS seed, he had done that and she could neither stop it nor take it back. He waked around to her head his wet cock dangling in front of her “Yes, it is woman’s penance for having offered Adam the apple without telling him where it came from”
Diana laid back, she could feel his semen on her neathers “she bit her lower lip looking up at him “are we done?”

The young pontiff threw his head back and laughed, his voice echoing off the sanctuary walls before allowing his hands to return to exploring her body “Hardly, do you think I went 30 years for a…what is the expression, wham bam thank you ma’am?” he greedily squeezed her soft breast and ran his tongue up the side of her cheek “we have all night, and you have much penance to do and I do believe this is my reward. But I could not tell from how you asked that question” he smirked nuzzling the Adams apple of her throat as he continued to have his way with her “were you hopeful? Or disappointed?”

Diana felt filthy, dirty, her body shimmering, from the sweat he was putting her in, her ass slipping against the smooth waxed wood, even with Actaeon, she had not felt this…disgusted with herself…with the knowledge that every lewd crude gesture this man did with her, made her that much more keenly aware of her own desire to climax.

The pontiff stepped up to the head of the altar and pushed Diana’s forehead back. Diana was treated to an upside down view of the man’s limp cock and scrotum, still shimmering and wet with her own juices. The scent was pungent, but not unpleasant, Diana had performed oral on most of her sisters back on Thesimiscara, it was a mutual thing, consensual but she had tasted pussy before, the fact that this came from her own sex, was unsettling but, in her mind, it was not much different.

“Get to work woman” the Chief Shepard chuckled “you made the mess, now clean it up so I can have you again, I promise you a reward this time.” He said smugly.

His dangling length filed her vision as he stepped forward, pressing the soft folds of his scrotum against her nose. Timidly at first, Wonder Woman opened her mouth and began to lick the soft scrotum. As his thighs moved and his scrotum swayed she could catch glimpses of the door to the chappal from between his legs. It remained locked, no one came. No Flash, not Huntress, no Green Lantern. She imagined John up on watchtower right now…rutting with Vixen. Almost like being within a dream, she felt her mouth open and with a gentle suckle, pulled the soft orbs of the man above her into her mouth and into her cheeks like a human chipmunk. Once there her tongue began to wash his balls. A gentle suckling as she felt the head of his cock against her chin and her tongue began to gently roll her war, orbs within in her mouth.

Like his feet the taste was, different, but not unpleasant. She had always thought the act of tasting her own juices would be repugnant, deviant, yet now, looking up at the man’s Perineum…her nose pressed against the soft warm fess as it slide across the top of her nose, she felt her mouth water at the slightly sweet tangy taste of her own juices, mixed with the salty sweat of the man. The very taboo of it made her long for a climax as she suckled more firmly, moving her lips along the soft fleshy back to kiss the underside before suckling it gently back into her mouth.

The pontiff was amazed, unknown to him that Wonder Woman had been conditioned by the Cardinal and Actaeon Davies, he felt her bending to his will, the feel of her warm mouth heaven on his scrotum, the feel of her silken cheeks against his inner thighs and the sight of her bare body stretched out before him…he felt his arousal returning. “that’s it woman…serve your master” he said softly sliding his hand again over her bare arms back to her breasts. She was HIS…helpless…but even better, he was taming her, making her obedient to the will of man, and God. His hands slid over her body to again rest on her breasts. Yes he would take his time, let her continue to suckle his balls…His fingers again found her nipples…the harlots nipple rings still present as he slipped his pinky into each ring and lifted the soft flesh, distending the nipples. He found, to his pleasant surprised, that if he tugged, she would wince, or squirm, her mouth hungrily kissing and nuzzling him.

He tried doing what the internet had shown…caressing her, bending over to taste her flesh with his lips, he was learning, when he would kiss or pleasure she would respond with a moan, the most warm breath from her nostrils puffing against flesh that had never felt such a breeze before. Smug and self-assured he wanted to feel this, he stood above her, making her serve him. He had no idea how much time had passed but he was in no hurry.

When he stepped back, he was half erect, her lips leaving the flesh with a soft smack and a thin strand of her saliva connecting her lower lip to the bottom of his sack, as she panted.

For Diana, the princess, this was work, even when she had eaten out her sisters, those had been short intervals, and even though Actaeon had been using her mouth, the tongue, normally used to short bouts of activity, would get tired from the constant licking and suckling, though like any muscle her stamina was increasing the more she used it, it was still work.

Above her she saw the male step back and aim the head of his half erect cock at her face, she knew what to expect and she opened her mouth as he slid his shaft in to the back of her throat. The clean scrotum now mushed around her nose as she relaxed her throat. Acteon had been training her to deep throat, and she let the shaft slide down the back of her throat, feeling him grip her under her arms to get leverage as he began to face fuck the helpless amazon.

The taste was the same, and she pressed her soft red lips around the base of his shaft, letting him do the work. In her self-despair, her mind continued to work, stray thoughts such as her ability to feel his quickening pulse as the blood pumped up the organ in her mouth. As he thrust down her gullet, she suppressed her gag reflex and swallowed, feeling his nuts softly bumping her nose… in all her dreams and nightmares, she had never pictured herself having this close a look at a male’s anatomy, but there was nothing she could do. The lives of her mother and sister were at stake, she kept telling herself that. She knew she was arousing the man, so he could mount her and rape her again, she hated herself for wanting that…if she didn’t get a climax soon, she would go insane, yet when she climaxed she would make him feel vindicated for all she had done, and likely encourage him to do this to other women. This was an attack on women’s rights…and she could do nothing.

Allen allowed himself to get fully hard, as much as he wanted to experience what it would be like to climax in her mouth…it was what was between her legs that was his prize.

He dismounted her mouth and once again took his spot above her on the altar. “Ready for round two?” he smiled.
Diana raised her head, she was pretty sure now that his cock had been in her mouth, there would be no more kissing. With him in a pushup like position, and her spread like an eagle beneath him, she was helpless but could see his erect shaft pointing between her legs. It had been a long dry spell for him and she watched him take himself in hand, still glistening with her salvia and gently nestle his head once more against her entrance.

His initial edge taken off, the Pontiff could afford to tease her a little. He enjoyed gently rubbing the head of his erection against her soft lips…watching them part and cling to his flesh, feeling the warm moist muscles as he readied to take her again. Her soft lips wrinkled and parted as he slid just his head between them.

Diana trued to lift her hips, the sensations were degrading but maddening. Teasing the pope lifted his hips “ah ah Ah Harlot….do you want something?” he chuckled, lording over her.

Diana felt hatred in her heart for a brief flesh, but her will quickly crumbled…”please…at least…don’t…”
The grinning man slipped the head of his cock out and instead slid the shaft up and down against her clit “That’s not very arousing…perhaps I should…play more?”

Finally a tear ran down her cheek, she knew what he wanted, and she also knew she was going to give it to him “Please…” she said, using his own words “Finish me off…”

Seeing Wonder Woman, the champion of ALL women, an amazon, weeping beneath him, sent the young pontiff’s hormones into over drive “there was that so…” He gritted his teeth and thrust into her viciously “HARD to say?”

With Diana’s motor having been revved for so long, the firm thrust made her world explode in pleasure as she felt her opening filled by a male. Her muscles stretched over her rapist’s cock and as her body went into over drive her mind went idle, all she could focus on was the bestial thrusting above her, within her.

She felt him lay down atop her, his weight pinning her as he slid his arms around her in an embrace. His lips went to her neck as he began to gently nuzzle and nip at the flesh, her pillow like breasts compressed against his firm chest.

Allen set up a firm Rhythm to take this woman…feeling her muscles clench his erection as his hips raised and feeling her relax as he thrust back down. Completely sheathed he began to experiment, shifting his hips left and right, up and down as he held deep within her so that her soft lips smeared her slippery juices over his groin.

As he experimented he found he could learn what she liked, what was even better, where his first lust had been over in less than 1 min, he found he could now continue, fully erect.

Diana’s first orgasm hit them both by surprise. Diana’s eyes flew open completely amazed at the force of her climax, while Alan was caught off guard as the woman’s muscles clenched at his shaft trying to pull it and his seed deeper into her womb.

While Diana rode out her orgasm, Alan was not done by a long shot. Diana began to pant heavily “please…please “she sounded breathless… like a runner who could not go another step. Alan’s reaction was to place his hand firmly over her mouth “Silence woman, a woman is SEEN and not HEARD, you will speak ONLY when spoken I make myself CLEAR” punctuating each statement with a thrust.

Diana’s eyes opened as the soft manicured hand sealed over her mouth forcing her to thru and catch her breath thru her nose. Her breathing became labored her eyes pleading, but the firm hand remained clamped like a muzzle over her mouth. She heard him speak and could only nod…pleadingly

For the pontiff, this was incredible, he could feel the hot breath pulsing against his hand as the woman beneath him trembled and struggled. He was only just beginning, the night young. Hi sacrifice secure, he left his hand in place and continued back to nuzzle her neck, a large red mark appearing each place he suckled on her neck.

For Wonder Woman, she began to grow desperate, she was breathing thru her nose, but it was work in addition to the thrusting she was getting from the male. The domination, like an amazon or a strongman, was driving her to another mind-blowing climax…She had heard from different people, about Auto erotic deaths…where people tried to deprive the brain of oxygen during climax, as it was supposed to make the climax even more intense…about breath control play.

She struggled…this was not equality, this was a woman being used...used as a toy as an object, but the climax was approaching like a freight train and she could not stop it. She tried to thrash her head, but the man’s hand kept her head controlled and her mouth clamped…

She felt him bite her neck again, his thumb flicking a nipple as he thrust again firmly and her climax triggered…she trembled beneath him as her vision began to go black…dark clouds floating in to obscure her vision.

The pontiff felt her second climax…. felt it last longer than the first…. he watched her. Arching up he kept his hand clamped but a moment over her mouth as he watched yer eyes flutter and close and watched her body go limp.

With a smirk he removed his hand and shifted position. Now that she was out cold…he pulled back slowly and SLAMMED his whole weight into her. Her body shook with the force.

Again he drew back And NOW” *THRUST* you WILL *THRUST* learn your PLACE! He trembled, his last thrust as hard as he could into her pelvis and felt his climax erupting…it pulsed again and again as he trembled above her.

Panting, limp but exhilarated. The young church leader dismounted her for the second time. He could see her chest heaving as her body fought to catch its breath. Smugly he struck her twice firmly against her cheek “Wake up harlot, I am not DONE with you yet….

Her head just rocked, as she lay unresponsive. Smiling his hand moved to her breasts, to slap them several times, taking a nipple ring to pull it up and twist. This managed to illicit a grown from the woman, and her back arched briefly “No I am not done with you by a long shot…

Feeling awkward but flushed with righteous victory, Pope Innocent XIV stepped his bare feet on to the marble floor of the sanctuary, feeling the grit and remembering the feel of the woman’s mouth on his feet. The air was pleasantly warm as he stood alone in the famous chapel. He looked up to the fresco painted by Leonardo Di Vinci himself, unaware of the security camera hidden in the ceilings to protect from vandals. He gazed at the centerpiece, of Adam, naked, stretching out his hand to God. And here he stood, naked, like Adam before God, with his… Eve…

The air felt nicely against his most skin, he felt secure that he had not done anything more, then what God had granted the beasts…and after all if this is how God provided for beasts…how much more would he provide for man. The old scriptures were true, about not feeling shame to stand naked before God…the feel of air about him was electrifying, it heightened his senses. He could feel the softest draft against his skin...the cool sensation of the sexual juices of the woman before him on his sexual organ.

Standing before the altar, the pagan princess stretched naked before him, his seed weeping from between her legs, he raised his hands over the prostrate helpless Wonder Woman and gave him thanks, and praise his words and song echoing off the empty chapel.
Looking down, Wonder Woman was still out cold, stretched taught as a bow string, naked as Eve herself on the day of her creation. Softly, reverently, he ran his hands down the length of her body. Caressing her…starting at her wrists…down slowly, enjoying the silken warm feeling of her slippery flesh, to her torso. It was arousing to have her this way, blessedly silent, unresisting, her flesh yielding as his hands found their way once again to her soft udders. His young loins beginning to stir once again as he spread his hands, feeling down the ribs, the ribs from which she was created, FROM man…toward wide hips…child bearing hips.

He thought he felt a slight bulge in her flat, taught stomach…that’s right the whore had said she was with child…that only help assuage any hint of guilt he may have felt, she had been with other men.

Within the Casina Po IV, Emmitt and Actaeon observed the two “lovers” as the young pope slid an open palm up to cup and palm Diana’s crotch openly groping her.

“There you see Actaeon?” The cardinal said “I told you he would calm down… people try to make rape too much about pain and suffering, when really it is CONTROL, my young apprentice is more interested in her beauty and his own pleasure then is seriously injuring her.”

Actaeon observed “That is one pent up pope, I am not sure even in my youth I was that active…but still Diana is performing well...I will need to reward her. So how are you going to topple this Pope?”

The Cardinal smiled “you’re a bounty hunter Actaeon…patience, I figure our young pigeon has one or two more romps in him is all.”
Back in the Sistine Chapel, Alan was getting aroused again, it was fascinating to touch her nether lips unbidden…watching the soft moist skin wrinkle and stretch at his bidding. Fascinated by the bare skin he slid his hands down her legs, to the warm solid iron manacle at her ankle and over her delicate bare foot, wiping their combined juices from his hand against her skin on the way.
Once done, his hands slid back up, slowly retracing his steps, sliding his hands along under her, along her firm shapely ass. That is when the thought came to him unbidden…Now that he had taken some of the starch out of this woman, it was time to really show her her place.

Coming full erect he trembled as he fumbled with the iron key, unlocking the manacles. He shook her firmly. She moans, slowly she was coming to. Allen was no athlete, as he slipped his hand behind her neck and set her up. Her eyes more than half lidded, she say there staring dumbly, her breasts sagging pleasantly with the change in position, a bit of drool running down her chin.
The pontiff smirked as he wrapped his arms around her under her arms and those soft warm breasts “You must REALLY be into this if someone as inexperienced as I, can blow your mind this easily…

Her weight was dead weight, and she was heavy but he lifted her. She was so sweaty he almost dropped her as her feet slid off the altar. With a heave, he pressed her forward face down on the altar, her red stripped ass high in the air.
Trembling with lust and exertion…he had trouble keeping her in place as he wrestled with one Iron manacle around her wrist.
“What is he doing?” The Cardinal frowned.

“I think I know” Actaeon smirked “he got her stretched wrong…that manacle is for her wrist, but the other one is supposed to be for her foot…he’s going to ass fuck her.

Alan managed to get the first restraint secured as Wonder Woman began to stir “no no no my pretty not yet” With the first on in place he was able to grab her other wrist lean back and stretch her to the other manacle. He closed it around her wrist and locked it.

Standing back to admire his work, Wonder Woman was now stretched face first and ass up over the Altar, a beautiful view of her soft sex between the shapely thighs.

As she began to try and sit up, the pontiff quickly grabbed a decorative rope holding one of the veils. Kneeling behind he moved her ankle to one of the altar’s feet and tied it tightly there.

“What…where am…what are you” Wonder Woman tried to pick up her head.

Alan quickly grabbed her other foot and looped the rope around the opposite foot of the altar. Standing up he smiled. Wonder Woman’s ass was spread before him

Diana looked up...she had been taken anal plenty of time, but it was still for the male and uncomfortable for her “you…can’t..” she said craning her neck to see the young man walk up behind her.

Alan smiled running his hands over the bare ass…his fingers drawing lines over the welts and making her head jerk up “A bit sensitive, are we?”

Diana knew what was wanted, she looked back as she felt his finger run gently over the pucker of her opening “That...that is going to hurt…Please don’t use me that way.”

Alan smiled taking his erect length and pressing the tip firmly against her anus “Why my dear…that’s WHY they call it PENNANCE.” He leaned over her and THRUST.

Diana winced as her head came up, feeling his thickness within her “Arrghh!” she cried out as her anus was stretched.
Using his thumbs to spread her ass cheeks, he thrust himself again in, sinking deeper “Besides I didn’t clean myself off so at least you have some lubricant.

When Actaeon and his goons had taken her, they were experienced…giving her time to adjust going more slowly, but in his lust the man behind her was riding her hard, the friction causing her anus to stretch and burn. “AHH!” She said as he lunged, stretched out before him.

She felt him grasp her hair and pull himself home, lodging his length deep in her ass. He began to thrust.

The pontiff smirked…this was tighter than her pussy, and he could bend over her…take her like a dog as he hissed “we call this your, Satan hole for a reason.” Panting he pulled back and thrust again, each thrust causing her to grunt and cry out.

For Wonder Woman’s part, she was finished, she was exhausted, weak… and there was nothing she could do. Again, and again the man behind her pulled out only to ram back in. her feet spread she could only lay there and be used.

As his third time, Alan panted, it felt warm, and glorious…her smooth ass molding against him as he shoved into her again and again. The coupled pair’s grunts echoed off the walls of the sacred chamber as the night wore on. The sputtering candles casting a shadow of a man, riding a woman as one would ride a horse.

Diana lost track of time again, her mouth hung open as her ass relaxed finally accepting the invader behind her. She dimply remembered feeling him stiffen and shove, and a slippery feeling within her bowel…before everything went quiet.
Back in the monitoring room. Actaeon was shaking his head “Emmitt…I can’t have this anymore…he is going to RUIN her AND my training,

The Cardinal raised his hand “Relax Actaeon...look.” On the monitor…the 2 lay on the altar. Wonder Woman, drooling and out cold again, the Pontiff draped over her, cock still in her ass, snoring. “I was counting on this…” he looked at the clock “5 a.m., almost dawn, that much romping takes energy…energy our young pope is not used to putting out…like most males after so much...exertion, he will sleep…Time to spring the trap.”

Somewhere, in the distance, Alan heard a voice…it sounded alarmed…angry?” Something was shining in his eyes. He could hear birds singing. He felt as if he had gotten the best sleep of his life. Opening his eyes and holding up a hand…it was sunlight…but why was it green. It was streaming thru a stained-glass window. The memory came to his sleepy brain, Wonder Woman, the penance…. suddenly he was full awake!

“Your eminence!” The voice sounded appalled, Shocked “Holy Father! WHAT have you DONE?” He stood up, naked his eyes seeking the voice and spotting the Swiss Guard uniform with a smart phone right in front of him.

The Chapel!…Cardinal Emmett had said to be clear of the sanctuary before 5…what had he…” he was still naked, still laying atop a naked Wonder Woman, who was struggling in her chains, and in front of him…the young Swiss guards, were rushing forward with tunics to render aid...each one with a smart phone out…each one filming and photographing him…

“Oh no…”
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Chapter 31 Pages 1-22 (Complete)

Comments desired at [email protected]

And check out the story from the beginning at ... riffin.htm

Princess Diana slowly became aware. The last thing she remembered was being tied over an altar, the cold shackles biting into her wrists and ankles and a warm burning tearing sensation in her ass. Then a silly looking yellow and blue striped man with a cloak. As her mind cleared, she was next aware she was lying face down on some warm hard surface, her firm breast pressed beneath her; silk between her and the hard surface. She could feel herself naked, her arms by her side and the scent of roses.

Her ears picked up the sputtering of candles, her eyes focused on a shadow on the wall dancing to the candle light. From the cool feeling she was as naked as the day she was born, and she felt large firm hands on her bare ass, spreading her cheeks. A spark in her felt outrage as the hand, unbidden and without permission slipped over the loose soft opening of her anus. The finger had something slippery and cool, and she lifted her head slightly as the finger invaded her body to the 2nd knuckle, spreading the cooling gel over her abused anus. The feeling was at first slipper then cooling, like menthol.

She gave a very un-princess like grunt and arched, acting more like an animal than a princess, as the finger worked in and out and twisted in her rectum. Then she heard a familiar voice.

“Easy Diana” the cultured British accent said. “I am so very sorry you had to go thru that…this should help.”

Diana lifted her head to look over her smooth alabaster shoulder. She was on an ornate table, in a warm room. Aroma candles and the sound of fountain water soothingly and above her stood her “master”, Actaeon Davis, with a genuine look of concern on his face. The arm she had dislocated was out of the sling and his hands, glistening with an oily salve, moved to sooth the burning stripes that the pope had put on her ass.

She was mildly surprised to see he did not have medical gloves on, his finger had entered her unclean anus to sooth it, or maybe to get a rise from her and he was now soothing the burning on her firm cheeks.

“That would heal a whole lot more quickly if you just gave me my golden girdle…my powers would heal me…” she said laying her other cheek on the soft white silk

Actaeon shook his head “I know Diana…but you have to get used to this...” He gazed down on the smooth skin of her magnificent naked body. The continuous naked girl flesh was revealed to him, from her scalp to her toes without a thread to obscure his view. Just gazing at her was getting him hard.

“Get used to what?” she asked “Humiliation? The pain? Being ass fucked?” she said softly, without bitterness. She was pleased to see her crude term had surprised the rapist.

Actaeon blinked, that was the first time he had heard her use vulgarity unbidden, and a sign she was changing. He smoothed the slave over her glistening firm ass, kneading it with his hands before taking a towel and wiping them. “Yes Wonder Woman, you have to get used to taking it up the ass, your pregnant now so between your legs and in that mouth of yours and don’t worry, soon you won’t call it humiliation…soon you will crave it, you won’t be able to get aroused without it. Not be much longer, you will get your strike three and I will have to auction you off to the highest bidder.

As he finished Diana rolled onto her side to face Actaeon, watching as he went to a bowl of water and soap to wash his hands. Normally she would have cocked her upper knee to hang over her groin and obscure a view of her mound, but she knew Actaeon wanted her exposed as much as possible so she reversed this, leaving her upper leg straight as she bent the lower leg at the knee and used her elbow to set up like a feline reclining on the table. Her breasts sagged toward the table top, “Strike three? I have done everything you have asked, including laying here like a whore house wench. What makes you think I will get your, strike three?”

Actaeon finished soaping his hands and took a fresh towel to dry them looking at her reclining on her side, exposed and at ease “You still think you’re in control Diana…You will go back on our deal when I am ready, then you will be auctioned off and I will have my retirement account. I will be one of the richest men on the planet, I will have the son you carry to train as my heir, I will have a beautiful Island with all the amenities and all the women I want until my old age. After which, your own Hades has promised me a place in the Elysian fields. Selling you will be the final jewel in my career. The sale of you will close my career and you will spend the rest of your life at the feet of your master, placing his pleasure before you own.”

Something in what he said, bothered Diana and she felt a chill; she did not want believe him, she would see to it that his “strike three” never happened. She would never allow him to completely remove Wonder Woman, or the Amazon nation, from the earth. She noticed Actaeon looking at her body, the tenting in his breeches. Knowing her rules, she nodded toward his groin “you want some help with that?” She would have to put him to sleep if she were to help her sisters, even if it cost her.

Actaeon, surprised and smiling., looked down to where her gaze was locked on his groin. He felt himself blush, he had not blushed in a decade. He walked to the front of the table, watching the beautiful amazon roll back over on her stomach and move her shoulders over the edge of the table so her soft breasts pressed own on the hard surface “Why yes…thank you for noticing.”

Diana let her elbows off the edge of the table, arching her back to keep her head out and deftly reaching out to pull down the man’s zipper. With a practiced ease that bothered her, she slipped her fingers inside his breeches. She felt his firm hard phallus and easily spread the soft fabric of his briefs to fish the long fleshy member out. The bow familiar organ was just as she remembered it, firm, warm, slightly musky with the soft foreskin just covering he head.

For Actaeon, this never got old, feeling someone else’s fingers handling his cock. He enjoyed the distinct feeling of superiority, as he did not have to use his own hands to touch what was unarguably the filthiest part of his body. He stepped up and watched the champion of all women open those warm soft ruby lips and openly suck his unwashed cock into her mouth.

Wonder Woman’s wrapped her lips around the fleshy organ, using her lips to slide the foreskin back, which, despite her conscious mind knowing the humiliation, now felt like nothing more than one would suck on a finger or a thumb. It extended to the back of her throat as she moved her hands to the man’s hips to take the stress off her lower back and to help him thrust up. She felt his hand on the back of her head pulling her face into his crotch firmly, with a practiced ease.

Actaeon stepped in, so her nose pressed into his fly allowing himself to enjoy the view of the top of her head which was becoming a more welcome sight then her face.

Diana used her tongue to lick along his frenulum again and again using the flat of it to tease his glans. She hated how her body responded, her mouth, watering so much she drooled down her own chin, the musky taste of salt, welcome.
Actaeon felt the flush of his lust, he had been so worried about the plan and the pain she had suffered, he had not realized how pent up he was.

Now looking down at the top of the amazon’s head, her face obscured in his pants, he did something he had not done since he was twelve. He came in under 1 minute.

Diana could also feel how pent up Actaeon was. She had no choice but to hold still as the father of her child face fucked her, the firm flesh of his abdomen warm against the bridge of her noose as his soft scrotum snuggled warmly against her chin.

His thrusts were quicker and when he climaxed, there was more cum then she had gotten from him in the past. The warm milky fluid filled her mouth, the salty slightly bitter taste spreading thru her mouth as she opened her throat and began to swallow him down still suckling on the spurting organ.

He was right though, she HAD to get free, she had to make a move because, as she felt his thick seed sliding down her throat and realized how hungry she was, how thirsty, she realized how this man’s seed now made her feel…satisfied.

Actaeon groaned, feeling a half dozen warm, firm pulses into the defeated heroine’s mouth…his greatest triumph…no one had ever brought Wonder Woman down and now she lay here…helpless, controlled obedient, she was even responsive.
He felt her pause as she swallowed expecting him to pull out, but the thought caused him to harden again and he held her still, this time letting her do the work, reveling in the sensation for a much longer time, until he climaxed again giving her a second load right down her gullet.

Now satisfied, he stepped back and watched as she arched again to put his cock away. She licked her lips and smiled up “Thank you master…”

Actaeon Davis sat down looking bewildered “you are VERY welcome Diana” he smirked caressing her chin gently, affectionately “where did THAT come from?”

Diana sat up now, the burning on her ass dull as she hopped off the table to kneel at her “master’s” feet
“I was hungry.” She paused “I was VERY hungry. But don’t flatter yourself…I do this for my sisters. I know your trying to manipulate me to pleasure you more by threatening to make me use my final strike with you…but I swear to you I will never let you harm my sisters.”

A sad smile tugged at Actaeon’s lips “It will be over soon Wonder Woman, but I promise you, once it is over, you will be happier and more satisfied then you have ever been in your long life.

Diana knelt before him, her bare heels against her bare ass, knees spread widely, chest out head down, hands palms up on the back of her knees, the popes semen still leaking from her cunt. “What now master?”

Actaeon smiled “Now you are going to address the college of cardinals. You are going to say you came here to meet with the pope. You tried to seduce him but then said no and he would not stop… he raped you. However, you respect them and due to the efforts of Cardinal Emmitt you will not press charges so long as they remove Pope Innocent as the pope.”

Diana felt her stomach turn in revulsion “Making me look like a whore and leaving the path to Emmit’s dream of becoming pope clear.”

Actaeon nodded “yep and opening the door for the salve sale, the same sale where you will be sold Diana.”
“Not if I keep our bargain…right?”

Actaeon nodded offering her Golden Girdle. “True, now let’s get you healed and dressed Wonder Woman…the college awaits.”

The full College of Cardinals was in session having gathered while the Holy Father was “resting” in his chambers. One elderly cardinal, from Russia stood up.

“What are we going to DO about this? The Holy Father…a sodomite? Raping a woman on these grounds?”
The Cardinal from Spain shook his head “No, no. no Seňor, there is no Canon law for the laicization of a sitting pope…once he is confirmed the appointment is for life.”

Still another of the Cardinals stood “We HAVE to do something with all the scandals of priests being...improper, with boys and allegations of papal cover up, if this, Wonder Woman, goes to the authorities, it could topple the entire Catholic church.”

Cardinal Emmitt smiled to himself as a lifetime of work was coming into fruition as the Dean of the College of Cardinals, he raised his arms calling for silence “My brothers, as you know we have long been debating the wisdom of celibacy within the church. The church once SPONSORED brothels and even our beloved St Paul and St Augustine advocated for unmarried unattached women to serve the church and allay these desires. Even our wedding vows state a woman’s place is to love, honor and OBEY her husband.”
Outcries immediately followed

“But we are talking RAPE and SODOMY! Crimes by which every country in the world has prison terms for.”
“But we are ABOVE law, We have GOD’s Law, we are placed here to GUIDE man BACK to the Law”
“But we have not DONE it yet!”

Emmett raised a hand again, calling for silence “My dear brothers, I have prayed and I think the lord has shown an opportunity to further the father’s work and have it viewed positively by our flock.

The room went silent Cardinal Etchegaray, from France gave a skeptical look “tell us of this, Holy vision…”

Emmet smiled and waved to the Papal guard “show in the harlot….”

The doors open, and there, in her red white and blue scandalous garb, stood Wonder Woman in all her glory. She hid her discomfort as she advanced under the prudish hypocritical male stares. Each one of them would have loved to see more of her. Her boots echoed across the room as she strode forward trying to ignore how the tight uniform now chafed her skin and the golden eagle’s wings that formed her bodice, rubbed and aroused her nipples until they threatened to poke thru the fabric. She took her heroine stance in front of the lecherous Cardinal Emmett, fists on her hips legs slightly spread.

Emmett stood with all humility “I see your, shall we say, MAGICAL belt has healed you. I trust you understand you have the Churches’ most…SINCERE apologies and every courtesy has been shown to you?”

Diana glared at them “and you think that makes things all better?” she scoffed, placing her fists on her hips ad striking the classic “heroine” pose.

“Most assuredly not” Emmett said, making a good show of being uncomfortable. “however, I think I have something that may. I see you have your, golden lasso…would you tell us all how it works?”

One of the other Cardinals objected “I think we all know…”

Emmett interrupted “Indulge me…please, for the sake of the church. Please Wonder Woman, if you would”

Diana plucked one of her most powerful weapons from her golden girdle “it was forged by the god, the GREEK god Hephaestus, as a girdle for my mother’s sister. When she…went rogue, it was re forged into this lasso, those encircled by it must tell the truth, and must do as commanded.

Emmett held his hand out “May I?”

Wonder Woman handed him the golden loops

Emmett smiled “Would any like to try it out…perhaps on me…” he strode to his chief rival and held out the golden strands “you perhaps, place it around me and ask any question you like.”

The man recoiled from it as if it were a snake about to bite him “I think we are all aware of the witchcraft, even if the woman has used it for benevolent purposes.”

Emmett smiled “I like how you put that” he turned to Wonder Woman “would you consent to us putting this on YOU, for um…benevolent purposes?”

Wonder Woman knew what the dark cardinal was trying to do and took a step back “I….”

“Oh come now Wonder Woman, we are a COLLEGE of CARDINALS…in public…and we do want the TRUTH do we not?”

Trapped, she nodded “very well.”

She stood as the scarlet garbed man placed the loop around her waist, and felt the effects of the lasso take hold.

“Now Wonder Woman,” Emmett began, carefully remembering how they had scripted the questions, for this WOULD compel Wonder Woman to speak the truth “Please relate to these men, what we discussed when you awakened.”

Diana felt the lasso’s power over take her, she cursed, he had not asked her why she came here, he had asked her to relate what they told her to say.

“I came here to discuss, with Pope Innocent, the churches return to a non-celibate state. Being a pagan myself, I should to seduce him, willingly…I suppose that because of a life of celibacy, he could not help himself and after he got me out of my uniform, he bound me and raped me.”

Emmett began to put down the lasso when his rival spoke up “not so fast, I want to ask her a question.

Diana’s heart skipped a beat, the dark Cardinal could not refuse now, and if this man asked her any of a myriad of ‘right questions” she could expose him. She saw Emmett hesitate, then hand the end of the lasso to the other Cardinal.

The other cardinal took it and looked at her “Tell me Wonder Woman…is there any way you would make this up? A way that override this…things power…to mislead us?”

Her heart fell…she was forced to answer “No.”

Satisfied, they released her. She coiled the golden line and replaced it on her belt.

“So…what is it you want the Wonder Woman…”

“I want him removed, now…”

“We can’t just remove him…he’d have to resign…

Diana nodded, reciting her script “Cardinal Emmett offered a solution I would accept. I am prepared to compel him to do just that.” he patted the golden rope again “He will think it is the right thing to do.”

There was a brief outcry “That would not be RIGHT, not sincere!”

One of Emmitte’s friends spoke up “Gentlemen...if God has given us this…tool...and it is a return to his values…”

There was a murmuring of agreement. After a pause Emmett stood “All opposed?” there was not a sound. “Then it will be so.”

Cardinal Bradley nodded “Cardinal Emmett, your service will not be forgotten.”

Wonder Woman Turned and walked out to the thunderous applause of the entire college…but it was not for her…it was for Emmett.”

Emmitt tans Davies relieved Wonder Woman of her lasso, and she was made to stand outside, at attention while the 2 entered and “spoke with” the young pope. It took several hours, by which time, even with her belt, she was trembling with effort to remain head erect, shoulders back, feet at a 45 degree angle, back ram rod straight. Finally, Actaeon had emerged, hung her lasso on her belt, and wordlessly walked her to her own invisible jet.

Once out of the Vatican Wonder Woman was required to surrender her clothing, which was chafing anyways. She was flown back to Washington DC. Once in the mansion, much had changed. Shayera met them, her abdomen now starting to form the round ball of the 2nd trimester with her master’s, Brad’s child. The once warrior woman now smiled happily, and slowly caress her lower belly, her fingers frequently dipping down to part her soft folds as she fingered herself.

Actaeon seemed to lose interest in Diana, except as a display for others of his ilk who held privilege and power. Diana was still required to spend her time naked, but now, with her own pregnancy confirmed, Actaeon made her thighs “open for business” and she was required to service the entire staff now. Nothing was off limits.

The rapes did not bother Diana, not after thousands of years of life, but she had been a virgin, and now, the sex was getting addictive, though her nipples were always cold which made the rings in them stand out.

Actaeon lived to the letter of their agreement. Each week, Diana would heat to the NSA, to see Daniel, who continued to treat her as an agent, as she acted as his secretary.

It took about 4 months before Daniel noticed. “Diana…what is going on, that’s not weight gain…Are you…pregnant?” She hated the look of hurt, as if she had betrayed him on his face.

“Daniel I…” she began.

“Diana NO” he said raising his voice “Don’t evade me further. I have helped you at EVERY turn. This is not like you. The entire office knows about you, and half of the staff going into the back rooms.” He went silent and crossed the room taking her hand. “Diana…your pregnant. Please tell me what is going on.

And just like that, the dam burst. Diana felt herself slipping into Daniel’s arms, sobbing “Danial… I am being blackmailed, I can’t say by whom.”

Danial embraced her, his heart racing as he felt her warm breasts pressing against his chest, the hard bulge of her abdomen against his groin “Then you have been raped? Diana you don’t have to do this alone Mr. Fox…”

Diana looked up suddenly, feeling warm in her friend’s embrace “Mr. Fox is IN on it. Oh, Daniel I wanted to tell you, but hundreds, maybe thousands of woman’s lives DEPEND on it.” She was thinking of Thesimiscaria but did not say it. She lay her cheek against his chest feeling in control for the first time in over a year, listening to his heart beat in his chest.

Daniel looked shocked. “It’s the white slaver’s then. The case you have been working.

Diana looked up with newfound admiration in her eyes “you knew?”

“I am an agent Diana, YOU helped train me. Diana I am sorry you got raped…I will get Internal Affairs…”

Diana pushed away “NO! Daniel you don’t know what is at stake…Half of internal affairs have been…”

“But Diana, we CAN’T just let you do this alone…”

The raven haired woman slipped her arms around her friend’s waist “I...Am not…listen, They have President Perino, They have Hawk Woman…I need proof…I am already pregnant, they can’t make me MORE pregnant…if I am going thru this I want it to be for a reason.”

She swallowed hard, deciding she could trust him, she HAD to trust SOME body “They have all my passwords, all the access to my accounts…I have seen Mr. Fox meeting directly with these people. They are planning a mass auction. An Auction of PEOPLE…of WOMEN and stolen goods…I just have to find out when…and where. They think I am broken. Get the agents you can trust, and alert The Flash.”

Diana, if it is proof you need…we could surveil…I have friends I trust…you could wear a wire…”

Diana looked up at him, it renewed her faith, her trust in people to have this man on her side “Danial…they don’t let me wear…ANYTHING.

The young agent looked confused a moment, and as realization dawned on him her pulled her close again. “oh Diana...what have they made you do…”

Princess Diana stood in her own office, and enjoyed the warm embrace and sympathy. Now more than ever she knew she had to act. Even if it put her sisters back on Tesimiscria at risk, even if she lost, she could NOT live like this, not allow women to be like this.

Out of gratitude, Diana felt her hands drop from Daniel’s waist, to the warm tight tuck of his ass. She felt his back and then exactly what she wanted, began to stiffen in his breeches as her hands slid down over his tight firm ass.

Daniel took a sharp breath in surprise, gripping her upper arms and pushing her back “Diana…Please…You don’t have to do this…”
She stepped back and placed a finger on his lips “shhhhhhh” and slowly advanced on him. The young agent slowly backing into the back corner of his office. When she had maneuvered his back against the wall…she leaned in and whispered “Please Daniel…I have been forced for over a year. Please let me do this one thing because I WANT to…because I want to be with a friend.

She could feel his heart racing, feel his arousal against the firm bulge of her belly, as she leaned in. When their lips touched, his were firm, while hers were velvety. Like rose petals. She moved one hand up to the back of his neck and pulled him in closer, firmer into the kiss deepening it as her tongue found entry into his mouth.

Diana felt pride in her gender flood back into her, no man could resist an Amazon who set her sights on him. She turned her head sideways ad ground her thigh against his flank coaxing his tongue into her mouth so she could suckle on it and play with it in her own home.

It took a while but gradually Daniel responded…there was only so much a male can take as his hormones raged. She gripped his ties and moved him toward the chair behind what used to be her desk, a sultry smile on her lips as she led hhim like a dog on a leash intending to…the door opened…and there stood Mr. Fox.

The elder man stared like a child who had just walked in on mom and dad actively making him a little brother. Then his face hardened “Ms. Prince, may I see you in my office…NOW.

It had been nearly 5 months since Wonder Woman had performed for the college of cardinals and she could no longer hide the firm bulge growing in her abdomen from Mr. Fox. Diana stepped into his office, knowing what was coming .

“Diana” he said with mock concern “YOU are…pregnant!”

“Yes Mr. Fox” She replied looking down at her feet with a deep sense of shame.

“Diana, what you do on your own time is none of my affair but I have to know who the father is, this could open up a security risk…”
“I don’t know” she could feel the blood rush to her cheeks.

“What do you MEAN, you don’t KNOW? You do not know about the risks?” he asked.

“I don’t know who the father is” she replied as Actaeon had directed her, the princess of truth, forced to lie.
Mr. Fox opened an envelope…and tossed a set of pictures on the desk inside were more than 50 photographs of Diana on her knees giving different men blow jobs.

“I can understand why you can’t figure out who the father is Diana, I am beginning to wonder how you worked your way to the top…Diana…I…we can’t have this in the office. Diana, are you SURE everything is ok? Are you in danger? Do you need help?”
This was the trap, Diana knew…Fox was in on this, she knew it, he had to know all about her, and Actaeon, she had seen him at the Mansion many times, if she asked for aid now, he would report right back to Actaeon “No Mr. Fox…I just…well I have had more than one…”

Fox stood up “MRS PRINCE!” he quieted and calmed himself “Ms. Prince, take a paid leave of absence until after….”

“Thank you Mr. Fox” she said quickly.

In the outer office Danial met her “Diana…”

Diana stopped him “I am on maternity leave.”

“Diana, why don’t you stay at my place?

She shook her head “Actaeon will require me there, and he can’t do any more damage for now… I am sure they will soon reveal when and where the new Auction will be. This is bigger than both of us…I have to see this thru.”

Diana: she said softly “Diana I will make sure our plan works...I promise and if you need someone to care for you…and your child…
She smiled and nodded. As she heard a familiar stern voice “Mr. Boone…get in here.”

Daniel was still in getting reprimanded for his…indiscretion in the office with her when Diana had cleaned out her desk. Two security guards, under the guise of “helping her” escorted her from the grounds.

Wonder Woman wandered the streets of Washington DC just trying to think. While she walked, the weight of the child in her abdomen, caused her to lean back, her hands often lifting her own belly to keep the weight off the small of her back. With no job, once she returned to Actaeon Davie’s Washington DC mansion, she would not be free again until she had delivered his child. Her best home right now was Daniel. She could not stay out forever. When she finally arrived, she looked up into the huge glass front to see Actaeon Davies in the executive office, a glass of champagne in hand, standing with another bearded man in a business suit looking down at her and smiling that smug smile. Actaeon was taking animatedly and pointed down at her, raising his glass to her.

When she walked in Diana passed the stuffed trophy of Sheena’s lioness mother in the foyer, Sheena’s mystic necklace hanging openly in the dead animals snarling jaws. Diana slid her hand over her own abdomen, feeling the hard lump that was Actaeon’s child, despite the circumstances, she could not bring herself to hold any thoughts against the child, it was not the child’s fault. Deep down, this caused the Amazon princess to know true fear, her body’s hormones were already adapting, hijacked by the new life growing within her. This must have been what her own mother felt, after her rape by Heracles. She could feel her maternal instincts taking hold, along with the morning sickness, her breast tissue growing, her areolas stretching with the golden loops thru the nipples themselves, getting ready to lactate. Her nipples were becoming SO sensitive, her body’s way of giving her an unwanted reward for reproducing.

With a sigh, Diana walked past the lioness, admiring the exquisite work Actaeon’s taxidermist had done to make it look exactly like Sheena’s adoptive animal mother. She walked into a servant’s room, a roman mosaic on the floor depicting Acton’s transformation into a stag by the Goddess Diana. Diana knew what was required of her, and she detested it. Every time she did it, it felt like defeat, worse a surrender…something foreign to an Amazon and yet, her body was anticipating the contact.

The old Christians had a saying, “It is easier to be a slave then free.” She removed her shoes and her nylons, feeling the smooth ceramic tile and the grit upon it on her bare feet as she began to disrobe. She began to understand that saying, she had no life or death decisions, so long as she obeyed, she had her needs cared for, the food was exciting, her mind was pleased with all manner of delight from exotic places to exciting people, and the sex…several millennia of abstinence, and now, powerful mind numbing climaxes, with absolutely no consequences. No stigma, no concern about raising the young, all that taken care of by others, and all she had to do is obey. Debase herself for the pleasure of others. To bring joy and pleasure to others with her own self-sacrifice.
She unbuttoned her coat, and the blouse, feeling the warm humidified air on her bare breast, she could not resist sliding her hand under the heavy gland, feeling it’s weight her fingers played with the nipple rings, rolling her turgid nipples slightly and enjoying the feeling of pleasure. The thought made her very wet and aroused, and that frightened her…if she fell into that trap…to give in…she could NOT let that happen, that would be the beginning of the end…acceptance of being a slave.

Folding her blouse with the nylons, to go to the laundry, her hands moved to her hips, removing her skirt. It had been at least a month since she was able to see her own Quim without a mirror. Her belly was too large now. She closed her eyes slipping her fingers between her bare nether lips to gently slip in and out of her sex, pleasuring herself as she circled her clit, panting gently. Her belly was so heavy she had to use one arm to steady herself while her other used her fingers to delight herself. Wearing no undergarments made the laundry much lighter but it bothered her that the feel of air against her bare skin, no longer seemed unusual. Actaeon had removed all except her clit ring, and her nipple rings and she took advantage of the moment of privacy to pump her fingers within her own sex, her juices running down her legs and soaking her hand. Actaeon felt now that he could claim her child, there was no reason to restrict her sex, and his staff were VERY good at pleasuring his women.

Diana continued to work her fingers within her sex until she felt a gratifying shudder, she could have gotten any one of the staff to pleasure her, with no worry about the outcome, but doing this for herself felt like at least a small victory. Finishing herself off, she began to move out of the room, the cool tiles gave way to the hard wood floor in the kitchen, where Diana picked up a solid platinum tray of leaded crystal goblets full of wine, heading toward the door to Actaeon’s private study.

The door swung silently open and Diana walked into a smoke-filled room. Actaeon sat in a black leather over stuffed recliner in front of the huge wall windows overlooking Washington D.C. and the Potomac river, Diana could see the people walking by, should any look up, they would clearly see the 2 naked pregnant women serving the men. Across from Actaeon, sat a man Diana thought she knew, though not personally, Vandal Savage, the nemesis of the Thanagarians, he had been hunting Shayera and her mate, Hawkman, Carter Hall, for generations and so far, was 4 for 4 in managing to murder Carter, their spirits re inhabiting new bodies thru time as the two Thanagarian lovers searched for each other. Savage had thus preventing the two Thanagarians from marriage and having children of their own, but had never managed to violate her himself.

Shayera herself knelt naked as a jaybird, before her nemesis, head bowed, a dog’s leash connecting her throat to Vandal’s hand as he smiled lustfully down at her. Shayera knelt with her back to the huge windows, naked and squatting on the balls of her feet, her smooth ass cheeks resting on her heels and her knees spread wide to give any who looked an unobstructed view of her soft fiery bush and the soft sex nestled between her thighs. Except it was now mostly hidden by the full bulge of a woman’s belly in its last trimester. Shayera had been permanently tattooed in a Hawk motif. Her legs were yellow, looking scaled to her knees as well as her arms to her elbows, then a soft feathery ventral side, while her ventral side matched her wings, whose primaries currently bent against the plush wool carpeted floor.

Shayera knelt with her back was ramrod straight, her chest out, breasts pouting softly. Diana paused to consider how much bigger Shayera’s breasts and areole now were, laden with milk and ready to be suckled. Diana noticed the nipples were as turgid as they could get, gold rings dangling from them and her clit same as Diana. Her eyes on the ground 2 feet in front of her; face framed by her flaming red hair and her hands rested on her knees, palms up as if in supplication.

“Ahhh Diana” Actaeon’s rich British accent says “don’t just stand there gawking, serve us. Now Vandal you were telling me about Shayera?”

Diana moved to do the “bunny squat”, a technique used by Playboy bunnies so as not to be obscene when serving in the older clubs, the whole thing may absurd by her state of nakedness. to offer the tray of Napoleon brandy to the dark man. Diana’s irritation with the villain increased as her soft breasts were right in front of him, and he did not even look, he was so distracted as he spoke, that the back of his hand rubbed against her nipple as he blindly reached for a goblet. “

Savage swirled the smoky liquid and sipped at the snifter “Yes, I was High priest to Egyptian Prince Khufu, I was the one who discovered that Catar Hall and his bride to be” he smiled and pointed to his shoe, causing Shayera to eagerly lean forward and begin licking his feet “and his Bride to BE…Shayera here were Thanagarians and that I could feed off his spirit and make myself immortal”
Actaeon frowned, taking a snifter of brandy for himself as Diana knelt beside him, spreading her knees as he felt Actaeon’s warm gentle hand on her head as if a loyal dog, stoking her mane. “Mr. Savage, as you know, I am not a fan of murders and brutality…:”
Savage smiled as he reclined, placing his other foot on the top of Shayera’s head to push her face against the top of his shoe, her tongue wetting the smooth black leather “Come now Mr. Davies, brutality is hardly how it would be applied, the birds of the sky are ours, no different from wringing a chicken’s neck or shooting a deer. I dispatched Prince Khufu with a potion taught to me by the minions of Set, in his sleep so that I could drain the spirit from his body. I really do thank the ancient Egyptians, I would never have discovered the spells needed for the spirit draining.”

Actaeon listened as he rocked back, using a slippered foot against Wonder Woman’s bare ass to nudge her toward the enthralled Shayera, “Mr. Savage, I realize how formattable you are but, if you are asking me to give or sell you Shayera so you can feed off her, the answer is no.”

Diana moved next to her friend, anything to get her to stop washing her enemies’ foot with her tongue. Actaeon’s answer surprised her as she gripped Shayera’s smooth shoulders and drew her into a deep French kiss as the 2 women lay on the floor between the two men. Shayera responded opening her thigh to bring her pussy lips against Diana’s. The two woman’s swollen bellies pressed against each other as the two scissored for the men’s pleasure.

Savage chuckled and took an ungentlemanly gulp from his brandy snifter, his eyes locked on the naked winged woman who’s leash he held “I am afraid you misunderstand Mr. Davies, I cursed Katar Hol to be my prey thru ought time. I know that the media like to paint the vigilantes as geniuses, but these two BIRD brains are not very bright, as befitting prey. To date I have discovered his soul in 4 different incarnations. I hunted the bird, dispatched it, drained it of blood for my ceremony. I have yoked his strength and nobility for myself and currently his wings and helmet adorn the wall of my study and each of his cadavers resides as a mummy in my tombs, but the one thing that has eluded me is having his woman.”

Actaeon watched his two women before him watching them pant as they ground their pelvises and abdomens together at his command, for his pleasure. He did not like this Murderer sitting before him, but the thought of him wanting to control Hawkwoman and watching these two women, previously paragons of virtue now scissoring openly in front of a huge glass window, was driving his lust to highest he had not experienced since he was 14. “Do you want to yoke her love for her lover?”

Vandal smiled, the lust evident in his breeches as he leaned forward “In the past her love has been such that she either died fighting me, or committed suicide rather than serve at my feet. “My sources tell me that you have the ability to reprogram birdbrain here, as easily as one programs a computer…”

Acteon listened “It is not quite that easy, and besides the society has its rules, the property must be auctioned off…so EVERYONE has a chance to bid.”

Savage leaned forward “Some now Mr. Davies, every time I have cornered her, she has eluded me. I have recently dispatched the latest incarnation of her prince, and I cannot wait to feel the princesses tongue without the leather of my shoe in the way. With the ancient Egyptian treasures, I have access too I can out BID anyone, but waiting for the auction will give her yet another chance to elude my lust. I am willing to pay you AND your organization TOP dollar I WANT her NOW Mr. Davies”

Actaeon leaned back steeping his fingers “Is that a threat Mr. Savage?”

Vandal took a deep breath and leaned back “No…I am not going to fall into infighting amongst ourselves, but I am sure you can see my point.”

Actaeon considered “there would have to be a few conditions.”

Vandal grinned widely “Name them!”

“Ok, first off the cost is one billion dollars’ gold...”

Vandal frowned “what about priceless art?”

Actaeon considered “If I like it I will purchase it out of my own funds and make up the difference. Next, I cannot give her to you for another month, she is pregnant and I get the child.”

Vandal laughed “That is not a problem, sooner or later she will die and her wings will adorn my wall beside her lovers’ and her soul will need a new vessel, however I want to SEE her reprogrammed to my specifications and I want access to her.”

Actaeon smiled at the two sweaty wrestling women on the floor “Agreed, one more thing, you have knowledge of the Egyptian gods and goddesses do you not?”

Actaeon was gratified to see this cause Vandal’s attention to leave the two struggling women “Be careful what you ask Mr. Davies, you speak of great power.”

Actaeon nodded “Would I be correct in assuming that, due to the Judeo-Christian / Muslim god, they are somewhere, comatose, with perhaps a guardian?”

Vandal completed the sentence “awaiting a time for more worshipers... what are you getting at?” his eyes narrowed.”

Actaeon smiled “Wonder Woman and these…mortals are just a start…there will come a day we will surpass the gods…”

Savage’s eyes glanced at the two sweaty, panting females, their groins glistening with their own juices “you seek to put Sekhmet and Isis under your foot?”

Actaeon blinked in surprise his hand going to his chest “Me? Good heavens no…I dare say from what I hear of Sekhmet, she would not only use her claws to drag out my entrails, but she would use my soul as her personal litter box, besides I am retiring with the money I will get from these two animals”. He nudged Shayera’s bare ass with a foot…but I hope to raise my SON,” he nodded to Wonder Woman “I hope to have some…ambition, when that time comes, and as, unlike you, I am not immortal, I would like my son to find a friend in you.”

Vandal say back taking another deep breath “You ask much, but I like how you think…that’s a plan worthy of me. But you are right, it will take a generation to plan. Very well, I will mentor your son, but he has to seek me out, I will not just volunteer the effort, and if he is not ambitious enough, I may move on them myself…”

Actaeon smiled “then we have a deal.”

Vandal cast a lustful eye on his prize “I won’t let her get away again Actaeon, I want her…”

Actaeon smiled back “Diana…you are going to help Mr. Savage ‘finish off’ Shayera for good…begin now please, then come over here and serve me before I explode.”

Diana had listened to everything, she could not make up her mind if she was ashamed because Actaeon had successfully ‘trained’ her to be aroused against her will. Shayera was a wet dream come true and she had been lusting after the woman for years. Pressing their naked bodies together in a lesbian embrace, was something Diana would have considered abandoning her vows for, or worse, angry that the 2 of them had spoken so openly in front of them as if they did not exist.

As the naked amazon helped the hawk woman to her knees, Vandal frowned “is that wise Actaeon? The amazon has her own way of escape and ruining other’s plans.

Actaeon smiled “Not to worry Vandal, in order to realize my plan, Diana has sworn obedience, I have to…convince her to go back on her word to succeed.

With Shayera kneeling and looking apprehensive, Wonder Woman went to the wall of the study, caressing the phallus of the bas relief of a faun caused the wall to rotate revealing a plethora of female bondage equipment. Diana picked a 3-strand single twist rope knowing it would be scratchier and a man like Savage would like that. She also chose 2 black leather arm binders.
Returning to Shayera, she noticed that despite John’s conditioning of her mind, Shayera knew the seriousness of what was going to happen, and did not want it. This man had kept her a virgin and away from her lover for generations, just so he could have her.
Diana came up and gently caressed the warm feathered wing, folding it up against its wrist joints.
Hawk Woman looked up “Diana…what are you doing? I am not sure I...I want to do this, I mean I know master said to…but…that’s Vandal Savage…”

Diana slipped the butter soft leather over the wing and began lacing it so that Shayera would be unable to extend her wings. “I am sorry Shayera, we…I have no choice, believe me I can assure you, he IS going to pleasure you…it won’t hurt” Diana hated herself as her own arousal had her justices running down her legs, she would have to clean the rug in the morning.

Diana restrained Shayera’s other wing, and picked up the sisal. Diana ran her arms down Shayera’s shoulders down her well-muscled, warrior’s, arms and pulled the wrists together over the top of Shayera’s wings. Taking the hemp, having been used on her many times, she began to tightly wrap the chafing rope around both of Hawkwoman’s uncrossed wrists. She stopped to snug the turns and make sure it was tight…before beginning to wrap the rope between the wrists to find a kind of chinch cuff, then began weaving the line up the arms trapping Hawkwoman’s vaunted wings beneath her arms.

Next she took another rope, walking in front of the bewildered woman and began to Frogtie” her. Wrapping the rope around the squatting woman’s upper thigh and ankle before reversing again to make another chinch. She bound each leg individually so that Savage, could part her knees, but otherwise Shayera’s soft red bush and petals within, were not completely unprotected.
Diana considered, and decided on a leather penis gag. Considering it, the leather would taste sour, she had had it in her mouth enough herself, but the warm sand within would both fill her mouth and allowed her something soft to bite into. As she came up Shayera looked bewildered “D…Diana…something tells me this…this is something, I can’t come back from…I don’t wanna do this…are you going to put that in my moufffphs….”

Diana pressed the black leather into Shyara’s moth until it reached the back of her throat, still hating herself but there were more lives here at stake…she WOULD make them pay and would rescue Shayera…somehow. “I’m sorry Shayera, but I don’t think he’s interested in talking.

Buckling the device firmly around Shayera’s head, the woman was now muffled. Diana turned to see the panting villain.

“Are you going to get undressed?”

Vandal smiled “Amazon bitch, don’t make me do the work…get to it.”

Diana blinked…and then realized, they were going to make her complicit in the act. Walking over, the air felt hotter, and she noted her body shimmering with sweat….her rebellious nipples aroused as she knelt before the smug villain, he reached out to play wither nipple rings “You are wondering why your so aroused at helping me with your friend, but Amazon’s have always had a dominance fetish” he chuckled “I was THERE when Heracles RAPED your mother. Now do not keep me waiting.”

Diana reached up, at least they were allowing her to use her hands, not her tongue. Gripping the top of the man’s waistband her finger pulled down the brass zipper on his pants. Next she slipped her fingers within.

Both men chuckled as Diana had to try and figure out how the opening on his briefs worked. She fumbled for 2 or 3 minutes. She could feel his hard anatomy, but how did the fabric open. Finally, her fingers found the seam and she moves the right way, feeling the inner seam. She hooked her finger around it and was finally able to feel Vandal’s bare firm skin.

She had to take a moment to explore, as she could not see within his breeches. The emotions on her face were visible, much to the two men’s amusement. The first was mild surprise, not unexpectedly Vandal was hung like a moose. For some reason, the Gods had a cruel sense of humor; heroes, even her Steve Trevor, tended to be hung like mice, while the villains had both the hardware to do business and the skill to use it. Vandal Savage was no exception. Once her fingers figured out how to part the cloth, the man’s thick impressive, uncircumcised erection was revealed. He was warm, and slightly moist and his black pubic hair was silken. Several months ago it would not even have occurred to her that pubic hair had different textures. As much as this man was a misogynistic rapist, Diana had to honestly admire this man’s equipment.

Diana felt a tap on her head as Vandal smiled “See anything you like?” He smiles smugly down at her, “I am waiting, you can explore and admire later.”

Diana blushed and suppressed her urge to wipe the smirk off his face, and began running her fingers up his shaft. Even before he had emerged she could feel his flesh, heavy and pulsing, and with a gentle tug, she tugged the ridged member completely free.
Shayera, bound and helpless, the sacrifice for this male Adonis, stared at the firm spike of her centuries old nemesis realization, as the Amazon moved back behind her, slipping her smooth arms around the Egyptian queen, her soft grey wings trapped against Diana’s body the shapely arms dipping under her gravid belly, that there would be no further escape from this man. Shayera began shaking her head no as she was lifted, her eyes locked on his erection, a snake, seeing a warm cave in which to spit his venom, D
Diana lifted her by her belly, the younger woman’s wings and back against Diana’s chest and began walking towards the waiting Vandal.

Diana was still in top form, and lifting Shayera’s was easy…the woman’s head shook no faster and faster and she made little whimpers, as Diana lifted her open thighs over her enemy’s cock, Hawkwoman facing her adversary and Diana whispered
“I am sorry Shayera, but I can’t stop this….” Diana leaned the trussed woman back for the predator and her other hand came around to gently part Shayera’s sex. “Besides it’s not like you haven’t had this done for you before.
It sounded lame, even crude, but she did not know what else to say. Diana braced a knee against the arm of Vandal’s chair and began lowering his pretty victim onto his waiting cock.

Vandal Savage smiled triumphantly, his hands beginning the mystic ancient ritual he had so long sought to complete, With Katar dispatched so recently, the strength of his soul still fresh in his own…Vandal felt the amazon lower the princess on his stiff length.
She smoothly lowered Shayera, and could not look away as the man’s length spread the soft bare lips and slipped into Hawkwoman’s body, the woman’s eyes beginning to flutter as the exprirenced man thrust up and pulled down on her shoulders to set himself firmly with her body.

Savage arched and murred “Finally!” he smiled, holding the bounde gyptian queen and beginning to thrust with short bestial thrusts that Diana knew would drive a woman crazy. “Had you consummated your bond with Katar, I would not have been able to do this…but now I will bind your soul to mine as a Master to a concubine”

Diana backed away toward Actaeon, as she released Shayera’s pussy lips the woman arched her back, the 2 soft moist petals closing around her nemesis’s length like an obedient puppy. “What does she mean?” she asked, watching the bonze bearded male bury his face between Shayera’s swollen breasts “The man is impressive, he has no modesty, he not only cares if he has unaudienced, it seems to…excite him all the more.

Acteon smiled and pointed to an emerging pattern on the floor, a pentagram, and above it, on what might be calls the astral plane, an image of a naked, pregnant Shayera appeared, a single silver strand emanating from her heart toward a distant figure…the soul of the pharaoh who sought her. Standing, slowly rotating. Then 2 figures walked into the image. One even more masculine then the rutting Savage. “Aries” Diana said with distaste. “What are YOU doing here?” she said with disdain.
The Greek God smiled and bowed “It is my turn to guard the God’s sleeping on Olympus. I am just…stretching my legs, and... helping a friend get the sweet revenge we all wish to see him get.

Back in the real world, the reincarnated Egyptian priest too his ways with the helpless bound queen, thrusting inly into her firm round belly, his male serpent thrusting seeking to shoot its venom over her unborn child. Shayera’s eyes fluttered as her body was assailed, her juices now flowing freely over her forced lover’s groin.

Above, Aries ran his hands freely over the figure that simply hung, unable to respond. Shayera’s soul. He felt the weight of her turgid breasts, with no more respect than feeling a cow’s udder. Another shape entered the portal. Sinister, and feline “Cheetah” Diana scowled. “What are you…”

The Goddess smiles, one cawed hand running over Aries’ leather armor, the other revealed a set of silver sheers.

“The Abhorred Shears of Atropos…No!” Diana stared in shock.

The what?” Acton asked, watching Shayera’s nipple rings dance as Vandal savage thrust and bounced her in his lap, observing how, each time he pulled the tattooed woman down so that the vulnerable soft flesh of her sex wrinkled against his won skin.
“The Abhorred Shears of Atropos, the sheer’s the dates use to measure and cut the thread of a person’s soul.”

“that’s right” the feline purred “I took them from her myself…don’t worry, I’ll return them…but first….” With a lick of her lips. Cheetah took the silver cord connecting Shayera to her Pharaoh, to Katar…she measured it out…the cord that bound them as soul mates…and with a simple snip.cut it.

In the physical world, Hawkwoman reacted with passion, moaning, as she drooled down her own chin, her body responding to the rampaging man within her.

Diana watched with fascination, as Aries and Cheetah on the astral plane, reached inside Shayera’s swollen abdomen and withdrew a second silver thread, that of her unborn daughter, and future vessel for Shayera’s own soul. Weaving them together in a single cord, Cheetah wrapped it around Astral Shayera’s neck in a perversion of the heart string, now more a dog collar.

Then, walking with feline grace…she took the severed end slowly toward the rutting mortal…and slowly slipped her hand into his chest, securing Shayera’s heart string, her soul to Vandal “Now…all we need is the heat of passion to weld these two together, as master and slave…for eternity.

Vandal felt the warm body as he penetrated her, leaning up to lick the side of her face and rewarded as he saw moan into the gag. “That’s it” he panted, now sweating with exertion and passion “That’s JUST how I like you my Queen, silent, stupid and drooling” her grunted.

Diana could only watch open mouthed as the 2 approached their passion. To Vandal’s credit, Shayera was first, her body clenching around the male’s proud member as her body shuddered. The Pentagram flared, and Siana saw the silver cord, weld itself to her bare throat.

The Triumph pushed her master over the edge. Pulling her body against him, her climaxed deeply wothin her body. Centuries of stalking, paid off as the Pentagram flared…welding her soul to his heart as he glazed her unborn daughter as one would glaze a doughnut.

The Pentagram, and the 2 deities vanished, the ritual complete, it was a long, slow climax. Shayera continued to shudder…even Diana had never witnessed a multiple climax in a woman. Shayera danced on his cock…squirming as her body convulsed over the next 180 seconds.

Vandal fared no worse, the flush of victory so long denied, extended his own climax, pulsing seed deeply into the helpless heroine until he was over flowing, his milkly white seed forced from around his thick member to drip on the ground beneath.
Diana stared breathlessly “by Aphrodite...”

Acteon nodded “Impressive…isn’t it” he chuckled, smacking Diana lightly on her bare ass.

When the couple finally stopped moving, Shayera sat atop his spire looking dazed. Her fiery red tresses plastered wetly against her glistening sweat covered body, her swollen abdomen against her master’s stomach.

Vandal Savage heaved a sigh of relief, leaning back as he began to undo his toy’s bondage “Finally…” he breathed, removing the ball gag last “Now…my little concubine…worship your master.”

As if in a dream, he made Hawkwoman lift herself off his own erection, the serpent now soft and falling from her wet entrance. She stood before him, eyes down and slowly knelt, arms out palms forward...respectful...compliant and desirous.
Leaning back on the throne his legs open he said simply “Clean your mess…”

Shayera leaned in, hands behind her and began to lick submissively at his scrotum, licking their combined juices up. Diana lost sight of her face between Vandal’s thighs as she bent to her duties and Vandal retrieved an item from beside the chair he sat. It was a mockery of a falcon’s good and Shayera’s face. Around the collar at the base was a simple loop made of nth medal engraved with “Vandal’s Hunting Hawk”

Diana was treated to the sight of Shayera’s winged back, bent over Vandal’s groin, her silken red hair falling into his lap. Her bare feet arched as her smooth bare ass rested upon it and she lapped like a hungry kitten for cream.

“By the Gods…HOW...” Diana stared as Vandal savage became erect again “not even might Zeus himself…”

Taking Shyera’s head in his under her chin on her throat the other on the back of her head, he guided her face over his ridged member again “A gift from Cheetah” he chuckled “I said SUCK wench!” and thrust his length down Shayera’s throat.
Shayera reached gagging on her master, her hands went to his knees but she did not fight him as he ground her face into his groin gently “Shhhh…don’t fight it, you’re going to have PLENTY of time to get used to it” he said as the woman began to adjust and nurse.

Diana’s warrior heart ached for her sister, but she could do nothing but watch the man sheath himself into her adoring throat…
“Let’s give them some…alone time” Actaeon smiled “they will join us in what was formerly “the bat cave” momentarily.
The last thing Diana saw as she waddled out, her own belly growing heavy, was Shayera hungrily serving between Vandal Savage’s thighs and the man arching…feeding his concubine.

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Chapter 32

Hunter of the Amazon
Chapter 32
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Comments desired at [email protected]

And check out the story from the beginning at ... riffin.htm

Diana stirred, she rose bare naked, from the bed she was forced to share with the bounty hunter, Actaeon Davies, her “master”. It was fall outside, the leaves were changing colors, it was cool against her flesh. For Wonder Woman, life had become a, not unpleasant routine. As she suspected, no one came to avenge Vandal Savage’s defilement of Hawkwoman. Shayera’s nemesis enjoyed her body with a complete and utter abandon and no end of personal satisfaction and there was absolutely nothing Wonder Woman could do about it. Hawkwoman now served the pleasure and at the feet of the man who she had once opposed. It bothered Diana how watching the winged woman on all 4’s worshipping the man’s feet as he stood above her, had begun to stir arousal…and it was no less that she herself was required to do with any male who wished it.

Both women had now been sans the slightest stitch of clothing for months now; with men, complete strangers, coming and going freely, it was open season on their bodies. Most of the men did not even bother to care about the women’s pleasure, though Diana had trouble getting the sound of Shayera’s throws of passion as Vandal took advantage of her.

Wonder Woman and Hawk Woman were sex toys, completely objectified. Nothing was off limits, their mouths, their anuses, even their pussies. As pregnant as both women were, Actaeon and Vandal did not seem to care if they were just used for pleasure. In fact, most of the men seemed to be completely turned on both by the knowledge that these were famous heroines and the fact that they were fucking pregnant women. Diana had never dreamed she would have 10 different men between her legs, let alone 10 a day.

Diana waddled down to the mansion’s large gymnasium using her hands to support her gravid belly. “Master” enjoyed having her fit, though her workouts had to be less intensity now that her belly bulged with his child. The air caressed her skin as she considered that she was still forced to share Actaeon Davies’ bed. He showed no signs of finding the relationship or her body less appealing due to familiarity. She hated that he had been so confident of his control of her, that he stated what she already knew. Diana slid her hand over her taught belly, feeling the child kick, Actaeon’s child. She wanted to have the child, her mother’s instinct giving her pleasure at the thought. She was also disturbed that she had begun to look forward to the sex with Actaeon, simply because he cared about her pleasure and it was a distraction from her otherwise dull day. She had even begun to enjoy it when he bound her, or took her anally. She hated herself, an Amazon warrior, made to serve as a pleasure giver to a male. She shuddered.

Diana had never been this naked for this long. Back on Themyscaria, her sisters had often gone naked, played with each other…but that was always with consent. Here, anyone who wished not only groped her, sliding their hands into any of the most intimate places, they had full sex with her. She had believed over time these men, many simple guards who knew who she was, would summon help. But she, Hawkwoman and Tigra, were the world’s best kept secret. She had even tried to ask some of the nicer guards for help. That bought her a night in “Master Davies” walk in deep freezer, bound and sprayed with water until she emerged the next morning, her body blue. That day she had apologized to him, and the worst part about it was, she genuinely meant it. He was breaking her.

After a brisk trot on the tread mill, sweating, WonderWoman passed Shayera’s confinement. When not being used, or performing duties. Shayera knelt naked in a bird cage. Her body now fully tattooed like that of a bird of prey, and sporting a tufted falcon’s hood, with ball gag in the shape of a beak, belled and jessed, in the center of the bird cage like structure. The bars arched inward to hold her neck, so her head stuck above the bars. Her ankles crossed and tied together, her wrists likewise crossed and bound behind her back to her own feet, her pregnant belly taught as she knelt; body and wings trembling with effort.

Diana placed her hands in the small of her own back and winced sympathetically, the growing child upset the center of gravity, Shayera’s back had to be aching. The expectant birdwoman could not even massage her own abdomen.

Sweaty, her body shimmering, she ascended the stairs, walking past Actaeon’s
Trophy Room”; her uniform, her costume, on display in the center behind armored glass. Her panties in the center of the wall behind along with all the others of Acteon’s Conquest.

“You look pensive” the familiar voice of her so-called master came from off to her right. She looked over and the bounty hunter stood clad in a red knit wool sweater and pair of jeans.

Wonder Woman put her eyes down on his feet “Sorry master I was just…”

Acteon reached out to lift her chin with the crook of his finger, gently, so she could look into his eyes. He gently leaned in and put a full moth kiss on her, slipping his hands around her smooth slippery waist and pulling her firm stomach with his child to his own body as his tongue pressed in to the back of her throat. She did not resist and felt her sex get moist and begin running down her thighs. He took his time kissing her deeply before he broke the kiss and finished her sentence.

“Your upset you have begun to enjoy what is being done to you. The frequent sex, and climaxes, seeing your friend submit… and I never required you to cast your eyes down, my proud mare.”

Diana found herself confiding in her tormentor, as there was no one else

“Broodmare is more like it. You have had me suck so many cocks, I do not even find it distasteful…it’s like sucking on my thumb…even the semen…”

Actaeon chuckled “It’s an acquired taste. Don’t feel bad, I have spent 40 years of my life learning how to tame women…put them in their place, mold them into what I want them to be.” He moved over to cup her right breast, lifting it, petting it, stroking it as a milky white drip formed on her nipple. “And now you’re finding out I spoke the truth, while you would not have volunteered, it is NOT such a bad process after all.”

“That’s what I like about you master, your modesty” she replied, her arms hanging at her side, not responding in the slightest to his intimate touch, but deeply resentful as she felt her nipple harden, then desperation as she saw the drop of breast milk. She knew she was in her last Trimester, her breasts had gotten even heavier, her nipples more sensitive as her body prepared for the birth of his child.

Acteon chuckled, leaning in to slide the flat of his tongue against her warm turgid nipple, and begin to suckle on her areola right in the middle of the room. He was rewarded with a rich, sweet creamy milk. He felt the woman’s arm come up to gently cradle his head, and press his face into her soft flesh. He took his time, drinking deeply as his hands wandered her sides, and her smooth ass. When he came up for air, he smiled “Milk…were almost at the end Diana…I will finish my conquest of you, you will give me a child, and your sale will set me up in luxury for life.”

Diana considered “if I oppose you a third time…”

The bounty hunter considered and nodded “True, if you are obedient, I could keep you as you are now, forever, I do think that would be pleasant, but I told you, I have spent 40 years studying your vulnerabilities…you will take your shot… even when you call me Master, you don’t mean it, I can hear it.” He held up his hand “I am not punishing you, no one likes to acknowledge they are inferior.” He smiles slipping an arm around her waist and guiding her to his study.

Diana moved, stepping into the luxurious study, watching Davies pick up a remote and sit down on a soft brown suede leather couch, pointing condescendingly at the polar bear skin rug at his feet. Diana was forced to kneel there as she had been informed, without clothing, because of her gender, if she sat on the couch naked, she would leave a wet spot. So, she had to sit on the floor like an animal.

“You don’t actually BELIEVE that stuff, do you?” she asked, “Women are inferior?”

Acteon turned on CNN as he sat back. Feeling her breast as she leaned against his leg “the problem is, YOU don’t believe it…but you will.”

As he turned up the volume, Diana leaned against his leg, curling her arm around his calf to begin massaging it with one hand, as she tried to discreetly wipe the copious fluid running down her thighs with the other hand, she knew the role she must play.

The announcer caught her attention as an Israeli woman Stood in her costume, her REAL Costume. “Master…may I hear this?”

Actaeon smiled “I thought this might interest you.” As the volume rose Zain Asher was interviewing Gal Gadot...

“…Yes Zain, there has always been more than one “Wonder Woman” Much like the Olympics, I unseated the Wonder Woman you knew as Princesses Diana, in single combat, and she has returned to our homeland to resume her rule and for a well-deserved rest…”

The attractive black anchorwoman smiled “So that’s why she was absent these months…well congratulations, and What of the Justice League? Are you a member?”

The Svelte woman smiled as Barry Allen, dressed as the flash, walked onto the set and set down next to the new Wonder Woman. “Wonder Woman is now the SENIOR member of the JL, with Batman, Superman and Supergirl in retirement, and, were announcing our engagement...”

“Well!” Smiled “I thought an Amazon…”

“Lost her powers?” Gal finished, and Diana’s skin crawled as she seemed to be looking thru the camera right at her “Only when BOUND by a man, that was an old male chauvinistic tale, I don’t think The Flash, will be tying me up much”

Barry smiled “well certainly not the boss” The audience laughed.”

Zain blinked “well…this certainly seems to be a day of firsts, your engagement to The Flash, Green lantern’s Marriage to Vixen, some would see this as an attempt to further make hybrid humans, supers marrying supers…how do you respond to that?”

Barry Allen slipped an arm around “Wonder Woman” “In accordance with the law, each member of the JLA has become deputized and have been placed under the direct control of Mr. Jake Fox, President Perino’s Director of the NSA.”

Diana Seethed, Mr. Fox Again! “you put one of your bimbos in my uniform?” she said fighting to keep her voice calm and even.”

Actaeon Davies stroked her soft thigh with the toe of his foot, teasing her wet sex before offering the wet toe to her lips “Not me, that would me the client who hired me. Miss Gadot is a natural submissive, she eagerly agreed to submit in exchange for the lead role in your movie, a chance to have The Flash in bed, AND to become the REAL wonder woman.”

“So now, everyone thinks I am home, on my own secret Island, and they have a real-life Wonder Woman, complete with all my powers and the backing of the JLA…you really went out of your way to make sure your finishing me off for good…no one even knows I am gone…How in the world did you get Barry to agree to marry her?”

Actaeon smiled as he nudged his wet toe to her lips, and she began to lick her own juices from it “Oh it goes much deeper than that. You see Ms. Asher? That nigger is tamed, you know we have what you used to call “The Bat Computer” and your JLA friends have been getting a steady diet of secret subliminals. And Ms. Gadot…is only Wonder Woman when we SAY she is Wonder Woman.

“And where did you find Ms. Gadot?” she asked, as her placed his foot back down”

“Same place my client found Tom Cruise, The Church of Scientology…oh and that Leah Remini? That bitch will be tamed shortly as well.

Wonder Woman began to realize, just how isolated she was, and felt something she had never experienced before, the cold chill of fear up her spine…

Actaeon caught her expression “Your beginning to understand, aren’t you? We’re not just some secret society of melomaniacs, throwing out random ideas to increase our own petty desire. I see a world for my great grandsons, where women KNOW their place, where sex is taken freely, enjoyed by both, and men resume their rightful place as care givers to the female gender.

Diana looked down to her abdomen, and slid her hand over the taught flesh. His Great Great Grandson, HER Great Great Grandson…she was snapped back to the present as Acteon turned up the volume.

“…and Flash, how has the JLA been responding to all the gun violence…”

“Well, as you know, Zain, even the JLA has been overwhelmed. We agree that it is not PEOPLE that hurt others, it’s the guns themselves…People wouldn't be nicer, but perhaps but without guns, people would be forced to use more diplomatic ways to resolve disputes."  

"You mean like knives?" Zain suggested.

The scarlet speedster rolled his eyes with a smile.…so we have been advocating for the repeal and replacement of the 2nd amendment.”

“Well then Flash, this is a historic day…” The background cut to President Perino, clad in a Business suit and tie that hid all the permanent cow marking that Diana knew marked her body, she even wore a pair of black calf skin gloves, as the screen cut to her in the Oval Office, flanked by Mr. Fox and Mr. Ping, signing the first constitutional amendment in centuries, repealing the 2nd amendment.”

The TV abruptly cut off…” Well that was the last piece, now China will slowly weed guns out of those who would resist them…I think in the next few months you will see a story of the president, caught in a perverted sex scandal, with her tattooed as a cow of course, and the Chinese, not the Russians, will help elect the next democratic president…”


Diana was forced to bide her time, listening to the meetings between Mr. Fox and Actaeon Davies, about the “Sale” at Madison Square Gardens. Pope Innocent, as emit now went by, suggested Christmas day. In the meantime, Wonder Woman and Shayera’s abdomen grew steadily. They both received the best prenatal care that money could buy. Of course, Dr. Mengele’s “fee” was to have full blown sex with her and Hawkwoman, and neither had a chance to close their thighs. They were well known on the dark web, as Brad and even Actaeon, took selfies posing with the naked heroines posting their trophies that they, of all adversaries and not only succeeded in defeating and raping the two heroines, but they had actually impregnated them

Diana watched Vandal savage go at Shayera like a crazed rabbit, and though she knew it was rape, she was having trouble feeling sorry for Shayera, as Vandal threw orgasm after mind blowing orgasm into her over and over. With Hawk Man gone, he took her with a wild abandon.

By mid-November, Diana could barely waddle along herself, let alone help Hawk Woman. The two of them stood naked at a sink, dutifully washing the dinner dishes like two completely domesticated house women. Diana washed while Shayera rinsed, and dried.

“Diana” Shayera said “Vandal wants to put me under their computer…use their nanites on my brain to turn me into his perfect idea of what I should be.”

Diana paused, her abdomen pressed against the cool granite sink so she could get close enough to the soapy water “Shayera I….”

The naked avian woman placed a finger to Diana’s lips and leaned in to kiss her, stretching those warm, soft wings lovingly around her friend. Diana wanted to pull away, but the flaming red-haired woman was so attractive, so…desirable. Even before Actaeon, Diana had masturbated endlessly to the image of having sex with the beautiful flame haired winged woman. She knew she shouldn’t, but she leaned in, their two stomachs pressing against each other, as Shayera placed a smoldering hot kiss on the amazon’s lips. Diana felt her soft talon like fingernails gently slide along her flanks up to her bare ass, and then up to cup her heavy breast and she stopped fighting it, leaning in to reciprocate.

Diana’s tongue was in Shayera’s mouth in a heartbeat, the 2 tongues slipping along each other, their red lips pulling at each other as their hands roamed the smooth flesh freely, building the passion. Diana found herself panting into the other woman’s mouth, using one hand to caress her own breast, as she cocked a leg in order to rub her own wet pussy against Shayera’s gravid belly.

Diana’s hand moved to cup the hawk woman’s breast, rolling the pink nipple, causing a healthy bead of milk to form. Diana leaned in to suckled the turgid nipple, and felt Shayera cradle her head, the sweet milk filling her mouth as Shayera closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

As abruptly as it began, it ended, leaving Diana bewildered “Why did you…”

Shayera bit her lower lip “Diana, they want you to help finish me off.”

Diana’s anger flared, her arousal abruptly denied her “I will never…”

Shayera Cut her off “Diana! *I* want you to help them…”

Diana was stunned, out of control of her own emotions that were like a runaway train

The pregnant woman looked up “You know why Diana. You have felt the pleasure. I have fought my whole life…multiple lives, reincarnated over and over only to have Master Kill Hawkman again, and eventually me. Then we start all over again, Brad may be a teenaged computer genius, but he did what no other has, fathered a child by me, and I find I like it.

“Shayera, that is the…”

“The brainwashing speaking? Yes, Diana it’s the brainwashing talking…so what? I know how I feel RIGHT now…and I have never felt FREER in my life….and if you oppose this YOU will join me in my slavery…you AND all your sister amazons, Strike three remember?”

Diana clenched her fists, glancing around to make sure there were no guards, the water running incase there were any listening devices “Free? Shayera you’re a slave they had sex…:

“They raped me Diana” she said standing as casually naked as if they were in the Watchtower Satellite discussing the stars “They raped me, and it is NOT a bad word…”

“Not a bad word?” Diana stood stunned “Shayera they have taken away your dignity, your free choice…rape...”

“Set me free Diana…You felt it, how many times have you felt this level of pleasure, and without the slightest guilt. It was not MY fault I got raped, I was not a “bad girl” because I liked it.” She ran her hands over her own taught stomach “I do not even have to worry about the children, they will be provided for and given a better then fair chance at life, and NOT as a sex slave. Actaeon will make sure they are both nurtured and free. By all the Pharaohs Diana, if all I have to do is spread my legs and enjoy the warmth of a few men, wash a few dishes and get on my knees and suck a few cocks…that is preferable to the humiliation of going back, knowing I got my tail handed to me, and going back to constantly fighting. Damnit Diana, I do not even mind the taste of the semen any more…hell look it up on the internet its GOOD for us…”

Diana stood stunned…not sure what to say in the face of this adamant woman.

“If you help me…help them” Shayera smiled sinking to her knees before Wonder Woman, sitting on her heals looking up at Diana’s gravid belly.

Diana’s mind screamed, she knew what Shayera was going to do, knew the other woman was likely not in her own mind...but when she felt the soft warm wings extend around to press against her bare ass…Diana felt herself shuffle forward, her legs spreading and watched Shayera disappear under her belly.

Shayera’s lips were heavenly, as they sealed over Diana’s exposed pussy. Diana had not showered since Actaeon had enjoyed her last, but Shayera took care of that as Diana felt the firm suckling of the fresh cream pie that Actaeon had left her with, Shayera sealing her lips over Diana’s entire bald pussy and moving her head back and forth to…get comfortable.

Shayera used her wings to gently turn her partner so Wonder Woman’s bare ass pressed back against the sink and her hands to swing Diana’s legs over her shoulders but beneath her avian wings. She then gently used her chin to snuggle her nose right against the other heroine’s pubic mound and used her tongue to begin separating the soft bare labia.

Diana gasped as she felt Shayera’s warm breath so deep within her…Shayera was not being timid with her tongue as Diana felt Shayera penetrate her as deeply as she could, licking hungrily, driving Diana’s arousal.

Beneath her, Shayera held her legs over her shoulder and her tongue was sliding in and out, licking Acteon’s cum from within her cunt…suckling firmly as she swallowed it, cleaning her friend.

A long low moan escaped Diana’s mouth and she felt her hands go to her partner’s soft, silken, fiery mane and pull it up, grinding her sex against Shayera’s face.

Shayera let Diana take control, the woman above pumping her groin against Shayera, washing her face.

If Wonder Woman was one thing…she was wet…and Shayera continued to suckle the salty male seed along with the sweet slippery nectar out of her partner as the two-pregnant woman coupled.

When she had Diana on the verge of climax. The woman who was once Hawk Woman pulled back, and Diana let out a cry of frustration. Feeling betrayed as her partner tore her red hair from Diana’s grasp.

Diana panted “W…why…”

Shayera leaned back looking up at her naked partner and using the back of her arm to wipe the clear amazon sexual juices from her chin. Shayera slowly, deliberately took Diana by the shoulders and gently turned her to face the sink “Swear to me Diana...Swear to me on your amazon honor, as a sister, when they put me on that machine…you will help them…I am tired of this fighting…”

Diana panted as she felt Shayera’s firm pressure...urging her to bend over the sink. “Shayera, you’re not in your right mind…I... I can’t.”

Shayera smiled at the smooth amazon ass that now presented itself, soft yet firm, sliding a hand up the cleft so her fingers teased the anus. Then she slowly knelt behind her sister, placing soft warm kisses down Wonder Woman’s spine, slowly moving toward the cleft of Diana’s ass.

Diana’s heart raced, she should not do this, she knew what Shayera intended, it was filthy, it was perverted…but it felt...She gasped!

Using her thumbs to part the smooth firm ass cheeks and reveal the tight pink pucker of the anus Shayera leaned in to nuzzle the firm smooth cheeks.

“Promise me Diana…give me that I won’t be the cause of them attacking your homeland”

Diana shivered in both horror and arousal, as she felt Shayera’s warm breath on her anus. “Shayera I ca..UNNHH!”

Her words were cut off s she felt the flat of Hawkwoman’s tongue slide over her anus leaving a cool wet feeling in a place she had never felt before. Shayera’s soft face cheeks pressed softly between her ass cheeks. Diana could feel her friends nose pressed against the base of her spine, inhaling and exhaling with excitement.

Shayera used her nose to run the length of Diana’s perineum and over the soft pucker before sealing her lips to Diana’s anus, pointing her tongue and pressed gently into the amazon in a deep French kiss.

Diana’s muscles complied easily after the months of anal sex and Shayera suckled, French kissing Diana’s anus.

After a moment she pulled back. She smiled, a Hawk circling her prey “Promise…SWEAR!”

Diana had her eyes closed trembling…No I…”

Shayera ran a sharp nail very gently over Diana’s hood, and clit, drawing small soft circles over the sopping wet labia “Promise” she said softly, wearing a smirk before running her tongue between the soft folds and up the perineum before pressing her face between Diana’s ass cheeks again making an air tight seal. Shayera extended her wings in front of Diana pressing her back onto Shayera’s face, as the winged woman used her hands to push the amazon’s ass cheeks together against her face. Shayera locked her lips around the amazon anus and extended her pointed tongue as deeply as she could, her chin moving as she licked again and again within the helpless amazon.

Diana could not prevent her back from arching, and she cried out so loudly the guards came running in, only to see Hawkwoman rimming her friend with a wild abandon.

Shayera stayed there...teasing her victim, keeping her on the edge of climax as her finger teased Diana’s clit.

“Shayera PLEASE…I…” she shivered “Oh by Great Hera I PROMISE…I SWEAR I will help them finish you off for good! Just please Shayera…”

Hearing the oath Shayera plunged one set of fingers into the amazon cunt, and the other set into her own pumping in and out furiously as she continued to French kiss Diana’s anus.

Diana felt her abdomen contract and felt a Gush of water as her climax slammed into her. At the same moment Shayera climaxed….and another flood of water escaped her Thanigarian sex…

In a Daze, her ears ringing and her head swimming from the climax, Diana felt a sharp pain in her abdomen… she felt dizzy…and she heard the guard on the radio” …were they yelling?

“This is 117, Get Mr. Davies and Dr. Mengele! Their water broke! They are going into labor! Their water broke.”

Shayera finally broke the rimming kiss on her fellow crimefighter and set back on her heels, a dazed look on her face, a line of thick saliva connecting her lower lip to the amazon anus.

Standing behind the defeated Hawk Woman, invisible and unseen by anyone in the room. A feline figure stood smirking, naked, her yellow fur contrasting black rosettes over her body. The Cheetah smiled with a smug satisfaction placing a bare foot on Hawk Woman’s shoulder and leaning her weight down. As Cheetah spoke, the Dazed’ Hawkwoman…her puppet mirrored her words “Thank you Diana…this is my choice.”
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