What would you do?

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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I think its safe to say that most of us hear enjoy seeing heroines in peril. We fantasize , write, watch videos, discuss, and even roleplay about it. This made me wonder what i would do if in Real life there was an actually super-heroine and i had the means and opportunity. I find the answer to be more complicated than i imagined it would be. What about you guys? What would you do if you had an actually super-heroine in real in front of you?
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Which heroine is it, for one thing?

Mind you, the only reason I'm asking is so I can decide between "send her on her way immediately" and "invite her to stay for a snack before she leaves". I'm no villain IRL, and the thought of someone actually doing what fictional villains do to a woman in reality makes my stomach turn.

Omega Woman wrote:Which heroine is it, for one thing?

Mind you, the only reason I'm asking is so I can decide between "send her on her way immediately" and "invite her to stay for a snack before she leaves". I'm no villain IRL, and the thought of someone actually doing what fictional villains do to a woman in reality makes my stomach turn.

Im inclined to agree with you. Harm to any girl in reality is a big no-no. But would a powerful super-heroine who happens to be well known change your thinking at all? She wouldn't be a weak victim. I know part of me would at least be tempted but i doubt id actually put her in peril. It just got me curious because all of us enjoy seeing it so it begs the question what would we do actually given the chance.?
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Having the heroine lose is only fun in the realm of make-believe, because it's a cultural standard that in idealized phantasies evil is not supposed to win. I mean, I think that's the explanation in my case for the interest in the subject.

Given the chance irl, I'd whoop some serious villainous butt alongside with her. :cool:
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Hurm, the very question, with it's implication that fantasy transfers to reality, makes me a touch uncomfortable. I have zero interest in the reality of any of this - just as I have zero interest in genuine war even though I enjoy war stories. The closest I would get to this would be roleplaying with a partner a scenario where we get really into it and pretend it is real - but it would still just be fantasy. My moral compass gets pretty black and white with regard to real-life abuse.

I think in reality I would just be in stupefied awe of a real super-heroine... Followed by fighting the temptation to question her about how she could ever be trusted as a sole-arbiter of justice, and if perhaps she should just do something acceptable like join the police. After all, the context of reality changes all the fantasy wrapped up in just about everything - not just the kinky bits.
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I agree with Void and the other posts. But I like to see myself as the hero in these fantasies anyway, helping to save the heroine in trouble (I realise that's a minority view) so I would hope for that in real life to.
But let's not lose sight that these are fictitious female heroines not women in real life that suffer these traumas , and I wouldn't wish it on anyone
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Darkdestroyer17 wrote:I think its safe to say that most of us hear enjoy seeing heroines in peril. We fantasize , write, watch videos, discuss, and even roleplay about it. This made me wonder what i would do if in Real life there was an actually super-heroine and i had the means and opportunity. I find the answer to be more complicated than i imagined it would be. What about you guys? What would you do if you had an actually super-heroine in real in front of you?
With a superheroine trying to take me down,I'd overpower her while she's in her seamless pantyhosed feet
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A big problem for the superheroine in the "real world" is the abundance of CCTV. With face recognition software becoming more easily obtained who could maintain her secret identity for long. Even a mask is no barrier to the FBI's software, and a version that stitches together multiple images using a tracking algorithm is used by large shopping centres [English for malls] to form the evidence used against hoodies. Short of wearing a burka [like the Pakistani character the Burka Avenger] or the full hijab, I cannot see how any real superhero would be able to maintain their cover for long - and yes I know there have been some amateurs in recent years.
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It's very reassuring to see pretty much everyone agreeing our kink is okay only as fantasy.
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I'd probably shake her hand for putting her neck out for the rest of us. Maybe ask her out if there was a spark.
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Disclaimer: Liar is not actually a serial killer and does not wish to be one. He has made the previous comment in jest. Liar does not condone the killing of women, nor recommends it. If you happen to kill a woman, Liar cannot be held accountable. In order to cleanse your mind of any violent thoughts please think of a baby koala. This baby koala also cannot be held accountable for the violent murder of a fictional or nonfictional woman. It has, however, been held accountable for several violent murders of both fictional and nonfictional men. If this baby koala appears to you anywhere other than your mind, call the police immediately. If a phone line is unavailable, try to find an apple. As we all know apples are the only natural predator of the koala. If the apple does not work your only option is to run. Hiding is ineffective because of the baby koala's ability to smell fear. Wait, what was that? I just heard something at the door. Hello? Oh my God! There's blood everywhere. I gotta call the police. Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Oh no... It cut the phone lines. Someone help me. I live at 135 Sycamore Road in Gainsville, Ohio send help noisnhfchnicfeifnhecicnhfehinhcfenihecf
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Id like to think I compartmentalize my fantasy / reality boundaries quite well and if I were to somehow come into possession of some power robbing secret or "thing" Id probably advise her so she could defend against it or dispose of it ....but if she ever felt the need to try some bondage to come over and visit sometime!
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Last edited by Razerriddick 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Nobody said it, but I'd offer: If I saw a real superheroine in front of me, I'd ask her out on a date. I mean, why not?
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LOL I said it.
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I'd fake an illness/injury so she'd come tend to me. (Picture Kevin James basketball scene in 'Grown Ups').....THEN ask her on a date. LOL!
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Well i would invite her back to my place for coffeee tea or me!! I would start out with some small talk over drinks and then as I discuss how envious and amazed I am by her....would use my hypnotic charm to seduce her with a kiss ..followes by introducing her to a whole new world.....
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