Various Fetishes Explained

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HeroineLegends wrote:Oh Scribbler I was wondering where you went off to. Haven't had an attack from you for a while ;) Missed the arguments!

No one said any particular producer's name at all in this so throwing Alex's name in the mix is just trying to start more crap. Get a life Scribbler seriously. And Alex, no hard feelings, I see your opinions, it's just not very cordial to jump on our threads and trying to tell us what we are doing. Conversation is over and myself and Logan will no longer entertain it. If anyone wants to continue the actual conversation instead of high school pettiness then wonderful, we'd love to continue to chat with you all :)
I don't recall having arguments with you, Kris. Feel free to remind me.

OK, I made a 'guess' cause Logan was arguing mostly with Alex, but if the 'you' is a different producer, then say who it is. Clear it up. Easy enough. Logan's temper tantrum comment that I quoted is an uncalled for, veiled accusation. That's not an attack, that's stating a fact. Anyone can read it...
I certainly don't chime in and question your business practices or your theories on how you treat your actresses (I've heard stories-- no, I will not go in further detail).
the Scribbler

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HeroineLegends wrote:Patty's Back! Shadowgirl 2 is underway! Thanks to your support on Shadowgirl 1, the sequel became a reality! Filming will be complete on this project by next week! :)
Cause their is NO fetish in that. Nope. None what so ever. That's just straight up superheroine-ing right there.

Well you make good stuff. Call it what ever you like.
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Mr. X wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:Patty's Back! Shadowgirl 2 is underway! Thanks to your support on Shadowgirl 1, the sequel became a reality! Filming will be complete on this project by next week! :)
Cause their is NO fetish in that. Nope. None what so ever. That's just straight up superheroine-ing right there.

Well you make good stuff. Call it what ever you like.
You got it. ;)
Alex Bettinger
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Logan: The only reason this conversation has gone on so long is because you are fighting SO hard to deny something that seems very obvious to most of the fans here. Namely, that your videos--which are largely scripted by fetishists, which included fetish elements that fetishists specifically request and pay for, which is marketed directly to fetishists, and sold overwhelmingly to fetishists--are fetish videos.

No one is saying you're bad people, or doing a bad job, or mistreating anyone. No one is saying anything negative about any of your actresses or your crew. But at this point you are SO defensive and SO adamant about denying your videos are "fetish" that it really is starting to seem kind of...weird. Why are you so terrified of that? What's wrong with making fetish videos? Especially when it's clear you make a LOT--probably MOST--of your money from the fetish fans?

It seems to me that if you really did NOT think there is anything wrong with making fetish videos, then, at the suggestion that you make them, you'd just say, "Huh, cool, didn't think of it that way, but cool! Maybe they're just fetish videos after all! Rock on!"

But you didn't. You wrote post after post after post insisting "NO! They're not fetish videos!! How dare you suggest such a thing!" Why? What's wrong with making fetish videos? You make videos full of fetishistic representations at the request of fetish fans and market and sell the videos almost exclusively to those fetish fans. It's not really a matter for debate, the facts are all there. Why not own it?

I mean, listen to yourself:
HeroineLegends wrote:All of these analogies and this entire conversation is pointless. We make Superheroine Films. We include common elements. We allow everyone to buy them. Fetish People buy them. Comic-Con guys buy them. It doesn't matter. To the fetish viewers, it's fetish. To the actors in the project, it's risqué mainstream. It's a matter of perception. Marketing a car to an urban community doesn't make the car ghetto. This whole thread has gone way past stupid. I won't even bother addressing the idiocy that has plagued this thread.
Sounds like you're very upset. Very upset because people are suggesting your movies are fetish videos. As if that very label were an insult. What's so wrong about fetish videos that you have to go to such great lengths to deny it?

The car analogy is flawed, too, and you know it. After all, if a car is made by a company from specifications requested by urban drivers, and full of features urban drivers want or need, and advertised almost exclusively to urban drivers, and sold almost exclusively to urban drivers, then YES, that car can be described as an "urban" car. (Not sure why the term "ghetto" got smuggled into your analogy--were you saying that "fetish" is like "ghetto," i.e., that it's a derogatory term? This is the second time you guys have done this--smuggled in derogatory terms to make it seem like "fetish" is a bad word for you. Why?)
HeroineLegends wrote:Some people are clearly here to start an argument. Defend your fetish. I don't care because no one was attacking it. I don't shoot these films like fetish films. They are shot like mainstream films.
No one is "defending" fetish. We are having a debate about whether or not your movies are fetish videos. You are the one getting so deeply upset about it. Why? And I for one certainly never felt that you were attacking least, not until this last post, where I'm no longer so sure...

HeroineLegends wrote: I market them to fetish fans. Does that bother some of you here? It shouldn't.
That doesn't bother ANYONE here! You SHOULD market them to fetish fans! Because they're fetish videos! :) Why would it bother anyone that you market your fetish videos to fetish fans? Who are you arguing with?

HeroineLegends wrote: If it does, then there is some deep-seeded shit you need to get a grasp on. Other producers who feel it necessary to put a label on my product need to relax. I don't jump on your threads. I don't label your products. These are things I do not do out of respect. I certainly don't chime in and question your business practices or your theories on how you treat your actresses (I've heard stories-- no, I will not go in further detail).
Wow, sounds like you're the one with issues you need to work through. Which business practices of yours have I questioned? I don't think I have questioned any. Who are you arguing against? It kind of sounds like you have a guilty conscience at this point. Why so defensive? Your defending yourself against charges that haven't been made. Why?

I wonder what "stories" you are talking about? Stories about what or who? You're suddenly very vague, why is that I wonder?
HeroineLegends wrote:I have a great team. Here are some from today:

I can assure you, even though almost every one of them reads these forums, that none of them are making fetish films. They are making Superheroine films that they know some fetish viewers enjoy.
It does indeed look like you have a great team. :) I for one am glad they read these forums. But there you go again, INSISTING that none of them are making fetish films. Why are you so adamant about that? Is there something wrong with making fetish films? You are acting as though it would be very horrible if in fact you guys WERE making fetish films. Why? What's so horrible about it, when in fact you are so heavily involved in making/marketing/selling these videos in fetish contexts?

What evidence do you have that these videos you make--which are based on custom requests from fetish fans, marketed to fetish fans, sold to fetish fans and almost no one else--are not fetish videos, when there is SO much evidence that they are? Hell, this thread BEGAN by asking the fetish fans to clarify their fetishes so that you could BETTER cater to them! Why so terrified of the fetish label all of a sudden?
HeroineLegends wrote: I will not entertain any further debate about this because frankly it's annoying. All of the sudden hot girls are a fetish? Are you fucking kidding me? lol Your use of the word fetish is so loose that it doesn't even have a meaning anymore. And to not use the true definition-- then I have no idea of anything anyone is saying because any possible word you use could mean something completely different than what is stated in the dictionary. That is absurd logic-- dare I degrade the word by comparing.
This sounds very much like gibberish. Not sure who said any movie with a hot girl is a fetish movie, but it definitely wasn't me. Are you defending yourself against a non-existing attacker again?

But the definition of "fetish" that we've been using isn't really "loose" and it definitely DOES have a stable meaning. It means, as I've said, a sexual interest in something that isn't really sex. Like a superheroine being punched several times in the stomach. Or tied up. Or whipped. Or spanked. That's actually the OPPOSITE of a word that is so loose it doesn't have a meaning. It's a word that has a well-known, well-established meaning. The only one rushing to hide behind a much more arcane and clinical sense of the word is you. Again, I wonder why?

I'll say it once more. If you make a video based almost entirely on custom requests by fetish fans, requests you include in your video because the fetish fans requested them and paid for them, and then aggressively market your video to fetish fans on fetish message boards, and even start a thread on one of those message boards inquiring even deeper about the fetishes so that you can better understand them, and then market those videos to almost no one else besides fetish fans, and sell your videos almost exclusively to fetish fans...then you are making fetish videos.

This is not an attack, not an insult, not questioning your practices as a producer...that you rush to the assumption that it is an attack on your business practices seems odd to me. It's not an attack. It's a very neutral description of what seems to be the factual case.

Why does that horrify you so much? Would it really be so bad if these videos were fetish videos? After all, you certainly are treating them AS THOUGH they were fetish videos, in the way you market them here and on other fetish sites. So why all the hand-wringing and teeth gnashing? You could have just shrugged your shoulders...just said, "Cool, maybe they're fetish videos!"...but instead you begin to hysterically defend your "business practices," as though the very label "fetish" were an attack on them.


Alex Bettinger
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Whoops, sorry got carried away there at the end...that evil professor Kevin Sorbo just got to me.
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Alex Bettinger wrote:Logan: The only reason this conversation has gone on so long is because you are fighting SO hard to deny something that seems very obvious to most of the fans here. Namely, that your videos--which are largely scripted by fetishists, which included fetish elements that fetishists specifically request and pay for, which is marketed directly to fetishists, and sold overwhelmingly to fetishists--are fetish videos.

No one is saying you're bad people, or doing a bad job, or mistreating anyone. No one is saying anything negative about any of your actresses or your crew. But at this point you are SO defensive and SO adamant about denying your videos are "fetish" that it really is starting to seem kind of...weird. Why are you so terrified of that? What's wrong with making fetish videos? Especially when it's clear you make a LOT--probably MOST--of your money from the fetish fans?

It seems to me that if you really did NOT think there is anything wrong with making fetish videos, then, at the suggestion that you make them, you'd just say, "Huh, cool, didn't think of it that way, but cool! Maybe they're just fetish videos after all! Rock on!"

But you didn't. You wrote post after post after post insisting "NO! They're not fetish videos!! How dare you suggest such a thing!" Why? What's wrong with making fetish videos? You make videos full of fetishistic representations at the request of fetish fans and market and sell the videos almost exclusively to those fetish fans. It's not really a matter for debate, the facts are all there. Why not own it?

I mean, listen to yourself:
HeroineLegends wrote:All of these analogies and this entire conversation is pointless. We make Superheroine Films. We include common elements. We allow everyone to buy them. Fetish People buy them. Comic-Con guys buy them. It doesn't matter. To the fetish viewers, it's fetish. To the actors in the project, it's risqué mainstream. It's a matter of perception. Marketing a car to an urban community doesn't make the car ghetto. This whole thread has gone way past stupid. I won't even bother addressing the idiocy that has plagued this thread.
Sounds like you're very upset. Very upset because people are suggesting your movies are fetish videos. As if that very label were an insult. What's so wrong about fetish videos that you have to go to such great lengths to deny it?

The car analogy is flawed, too, and you know it. After all, if a car is made by a company from specifications requested by urban drivers, and full of features urban drivers want or need, and advertised almost exclusively to urban drivers, and sold almost exclusively to urban drivers, then YES, that car can be described as an "urban" car. (Not sure why the term "ghetto" got smuggled into your analogy--were you saying that "fetish" is like "ghetto," i.e., that it's a derogatory term? This is the second time you guys have done this--smuggled in derogatory terms to make it seem like "fetish" is a bad word for you. Why?)
HeroineLegends wrote:Some people are clearly here to start an argument. Defend your fetish. I don't care because no one was attacking it. I don't shoot these films like fetish films. They are shot like mainstream films.
No one is "defending" fetish. We are having a debate about whether or not your movies are fetish videos. You are the one getting so deeply upset about it. Why? And I for one certainly never felt that you were attacking least, not until this last post, where I'm no longer so sure...

HeroineLegends wrote: I market them to fetish fans. Does that bother some of you here? It shouldn't.
That doesn't bother ANYONE here! You SHOULD market them to fetish fans! Because they're fetish videos! :) Why would it bother anyone that you market your fetish videos to fetish fans? Who are you arguing with?

HeroineLegends wrote: If it does, then there is some deep-seeded shit you need to get a grasp on. Other producers who feel it necessary to put a label on my product need to relax. I don't jump on your threads. I don't label your products. These are things I do not do out of respect. I certainly don't chime in and question your business practices or your theories on how you treat your actresses (I've heard stories-- no, I will not go in further detail).
Wow, sounds like you're the one with issues you need to work through. Which business practices of yours have I questioned? I don't think I have questioned any. Who are you arguing against? It kind of sounds like you have a guilty conscience at this point. Why so defensive? Your defending yourself against charges that haven't been made. Why?

I wonder what "stories" you are talking about? Stories about what or who? You're suddenly very vague, why is that I wonder?
HeroineLegends wrote:I have a great team. Here are some from today:

I can assure you, even though almost every one of them reads these forums, that none of them are making fetish films. They are making Superheroine films that they know some fetish viewers enjoy.
It does indeed look like you have a great team. :) I for one am glad they read these forums. But there you go again, INSISTING that none of them are making fetish films. Why are you so adamant about that? Is there something wrong with making fetish films? You are acting as though it would be very horrible if in fact you guys WERE making fetish films. Why? What's so horrible about it, when in fact you are so heavily involved in making/marketing/selling these videos in fetish contexts?

What evidence do you have that these videos you make--which are based on custom requests from fetish fans, marketed to fetish fans, sold to fetish fans and almost no one else--are not fetish videos, when there is SO much evidence that they are? Hell, this thread BEGAN by asking the fetish fans to clarify their fetishes so that you could BETTER cater to them! Why so terrified of the fetish label all of a sudden?
HeroineLegends wrote: I will not entertain any further debate about this because frankly it's annoying. All of the sudden hot girls are a fetish? Are you fucking kidding me? lol Your use of the word fetish is so loose that it doesn't even have a meaning anymore. And to not use the true definition-- then I have no idea of anything anyone is saying because any possible word you use could mean something completely different than what is stated in the dictionary. That is absurd logic-- dare I degrade the word by comparing.
This sounds very much like gibberish. Not sure who said any movie with a hot girl is a fetish movie, but it definitely wasn't me. Are you defending yourself against a non-existing attacker again?

But the definition of "fetish" that we've been using isn't really "loose" and it definitely DOES have a stable meaning. It means, as I've said, a sexual interest in something that isn't really sex. Like a superheroine being punched several times in the stomach. Or tied up. Or whipped. Or spanked. That's actually the OPPOSITE of a word that is so loose it doesn't have a meaning. It's a word that has a well-known, well-established meaning. The only one rushing to hide behind a much more arcane and clinical sense of the word is you. Again, I wonder why?

I'll say it once more. If you make a video based almost entirely on custom requests by fetish fans, requests you include in your video because the fetish fans requested them and paid for them, and then aggressively market your video to fetish fans on fetish message boards, and even start a thread on one of those message boards inquiring even deeper about the fetishes so that you can better understand them, and then market those videos to almost no one else besides fetish fans, and sell your videos almost exclusively to fetish fans...then you are making fetish videos.

This is not an attack, not an insult, not questioning your practices as a producer...that you rush to the assumption that it is an attack on your business practices seems odd to me. It's not an attack. It's a very neutral description of what seems to be the factual case.

Why does that horrify you so much? Would it really be so bad if these videos were fetish videos? After all, you certainly are treating them AS THOUGH they were fetish videos, in the way you market them here and on other fetish sites. So why all the hand-wringing and teeth gnashing? You could have just shrugged your shoulders...just said, "Cool, maybe they're fetish videos!"...but instead you begin to hysterically defend your "business practices," as though the very label "fetish" were an attack on them.


Too much to reply to here. Too many inconsistencies and incorrect info. The issue I have is that I am the only one who can say what type of films we make.

I don't agree with your irrational explanation of why you think we make fetish films. I make them. I tell you what I make, not the other way around.

And it's not anger, it's annoyance. What seems like 100 posts of the same thing. You may make fetish films. I make Superheroine films. Doesn't matter who buys them.

Do I think making fetish films is bad? No. Rapture is all fetish. My PG offering is not. If you don't understand that, you never will. Bottom line. Sorry, but trying to make people think I make something I don't doesn't benefit either party. Just drop it.
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And I'm sorry, you do NOT get to decide whether your movies are fetish movies or not.

If I insist that my most recent movie is NOT a fetish movie, NOT an adult movie, I'd be wrong. Plain and simple. I don't get to just "say" whether my movie is fetish or porn or not. It is what it is. If I insist over and over again that my movie is not fetish, I'd be wrong. Just like you're wrong now.

The fact that you insist on an obviously flawed principle--"I am the only one who can say what type of films we make"--pretty much proves you've lost the argument. Your principle is obviously incorrect, easily disproven. You have no facts on your side, or at least you've adduced none. Flawed principles, no facts. Yep, those are what you usually find when someone wants to "just drop it."

So yeah, I'd say this debate is over. I recognize your white flag. Was fun.
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Alex Bettinger wrote:And I'm sorry, you do NOT get to decide whether your movies are fetish movies or not.

If I insist that my most recent movie is NOT a fetish movie, NOT an adult movie, I'd be wrong. Plain and simple. I don't get to just "say" whether my movie is fetish or porn or not. It is what it is. If I insist over and over again that my movie is not fetish, I'd be wrong. Just like you're wrong now.

The fact that you insist on an obviously flawed principle--"I am the only one who can say what type of films we make"--pretty much proves you've lost the argument. Your principle is obviously incorrect, easily disproven. You have no facts on your side, or at least you've adduced none. Flawed principles, no facts. Yep, those are what you usually find when someone wants to "just drop it."

So yeah, I'd say this debate is over. I recognize your white flag. Was fun.
Lol whatever you say, Alex. ;)
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HeroineLegends wrote: Lol whatever you say, Alex. ;)

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I still want to know which Arrow episode(s) has these...
Arrow has a throat lift, low blows, crawling, belly punching, unmasking etc - are you saying that is fetish as well?
This is of course if this is applied to a female character. If not, then nevermind.
the Scribbler

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Alex - with all respect as a fellow producer, please stop commenting on our threads. We can have a mutual understanding to disagree, but to continually and sarcastically comment and trying to make us look bad to maybe gain yourself followers is just bad form. We don't jump in on your threads and try to have our two cents because frankly, as a non-buyer of your product, we don't need to have a say in what you do because it doesn't effect us. Why our films/views and threads effect you so strongly that you feel the need to back talk for an entire day is beyond me. We disagree and that's that. Now, we wish you the best with your project that you may film as you see fit and view it as you would like and we ask you to respect us as fellow filmmakers and allow us the same courtesy. Let's act like adults and not enemies with no reason. Thank you.
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Sure thing, Kristina--though for what it's worth, this wasn't a thread devoted to your products, but to the topic of fetishism more generally. "Various Fetishes Explained."

If I start a thread on this site about some general topic like that, then you should absolutely feel free to chime in! Everyone should! :)
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How can you help but be drawn to such a pretty mushroom cloud?! X-)
A rather entertaining thread.

99.9% of superheroine "fetishes", which in reality are kinks, are related to powerplay in at least some part. Meaning the person "in charge" changes. Be that from strong heroine to damsel or sometimes vice versa. Look at your entire list of fetishes with that in mind, and you should be able to work out something people will like.


Anyway, to the argument at hand. I would suggest crew and acting talent who generally work on mainstream content working on fetish content could be a negative in many cases. Particularly an issue when you pay people with essentially IMDB credit.

It does depend on the production house you're looking to work with, although I'll put it this way - my mainstream showreel has no fetish content in it.....
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theScribbler wrote:I still want to know which Arrow episode(s) has these...
Arrow has a throat lift, low blows, crawling, belly punching, unmasking etc - are you saying that is fetish as well?
This is of course if this is applied to a female character. If not, then nevermind.
Season 2 ep 20 "Seeing Red" Roy grabs Thea by the throat and lifts her off her feet. I don't recall the other stuff happening clearly. Oh and in ep 19 Sara makes a flying leap and Deathstroke just catches her by the throat, holds her for a few seconds, then tosses her across the room.
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Tuathal wrote:
theScribbler wrote:I still want to know which Arrow episode(s) has these...
Arrow has a throat lift, low blows, crawling, belly punching, unmasking etc - are you saying that is fetish as well?
This is of course if this is applied to a female character. If not, then nevermind.
Season 2 ep 20 "Seeing Red" Roy grabs Thea by the throat and lifts her off her feet. I don't recall the other stuff happening clearly.
Didn't Huntress get unmasked in season one while tied to a chair?
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Mr. X wrote:
Tuathal wrote:
theScribbler wrote:I still want to know which Arrow episode(s) has these...
Arrow has a throat lift, low blows, crawling, belly punching, unmasking etc - are you saying that is fetish as well?
This is of course if this is applied to a female character. If not, then nevermind.
Season 2 ep 20 "Seeing Red" Roy grabs Thea by the throat and lifts her off her feet. I don't recall the other stuff happening clearly.
Didn't Huntress get unmasked in season one while tied to a chair?
I think you are right
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Like I said Arrow had many Fetish elements but it was not a Feitish Production. Just like the original WW series had a ton and was not a Fetish producton. And eventhough Spartcus was a mainsstream Series I think that was a Fetish production At least it's producers were pushing to make it mainstream.
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Bert wrote:...Many of the sounds and facial expressions of a woman in battle, particularly if she is losing, are very similar to the sounds and expressions during sex.
This. I sometimes wonder if I witnessed my parents having sex at a very early age and thereby confused pain and pleasure and that was what influenced everything else afterwards.
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It is very clear that Logan and the actresses he works with feel there is a stigma attached to the term fetish. They appear to be concerned that being connected to films that are classified as fetish films is demeaning and will have a negative impact on their reputations as serious performers and producers.
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viking wrote:It is very clear that Logan and the actresses he works with feel there is a stigma attached to the term fetish. They appear to be concerned that being connected to films that are classified as fetish films is demeaning and will have a negative impact on their reputations as serious performers and producers.
That is completely untrue. I don't care if you call them fetish films. It's simply not what we call them. We don't shoot them like fetish films. We shoot them like mainstream films.

The term fetish is used all day long on our set though we don't classify the films as fetish films to ourselves even though we know it is the better portion of our intended market audience.

Fetish is not a scary word. It is clearly a part of what we do. But that is not how we classify our films, even if you do-- and that's totally fine. Again, it is in the eye of the beholder. The perception of the film is 100% on the viewer.

True Blood is not a softcore porn. But to me, it is. It's just an opinion.
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HeroineLegends wrote:True Blood is not a softcore porn. But to me, it is. It's just an opinion.
In reality, the status of True Blood is not a matter of opinion, but of legal fact. HBO will have numerous contracts in place (with talent, sponsors and third-party broadcasters/distributors) which have to state exactly what True Blood is. If any of those parties discovered they were involved in pornography - or even something widely perceived to be pornography - there would an enormous shitstorm which would bring production to a halt.

If you ever succeed in your quest to break into TV, you will have to accept that the definition of content isn't something you and your cast/crew can decide over a coffee.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:True Blood is not a softcore porn. But to me, it is. It's just an opinion.
In reality, the status of True Blood is not a matter of opinion, but of legal fact. HBO will have numerous contracts in place (with talent, sponsors and third-party broadcasters/distributors) which have to state exactly what True Blood is. If any of those parties discovered they were involved in pornography - or even something widely perceived to be pornography - there would an enormous shitstorm which would bring production to a halt.

If you ever succeed in your quest to break into TV, you will have to accept that the definition of content isn't something you and your cast/crew can decide over a coffee.
That is completely untrue as well. There is no such clause in any television production that states whether a production is or is not pornographic in nature as defined by a category as narrow or broad (depending on the use) as fetish. It is certainly a matter of opinion. Cinemax offerings are not stated in any contract as pornographic either, but EVERYONE knows they are soft core porn.

I deal with these contracts on a daily basis on many levels from New Media to Low Budget SAG as well as with my actors of whom I am a talent manager for. I read these contracts all the time with our entertainment attorney and not once has the status of whether something is considered pornographic ever outlined-- and various films have been shot that border on that status.

I find it funny that people who are not in the industry think they can state opinion as fact. I'm in this industry-- I work both sides of it. We cross-market (which is what our PG content is all about) and I can assure you everyone here who thinks they can label a project with a specific title or grouping is completely wrong if they feel it is true because they THINK it is. The perception is subjective. It is ruled by MPAA and other agencies as to the status and rating of a particular project-- and that said project is submitted BY THE PRODUCER with a predesignated title.
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Of course there's regulation of pornography! Just try hiring someone aged under 18 to star in one of your blatant fetish videos and see what happens.
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Heroine Addict wrote:Of course there's regulation of pornography! Just try hiring someone aged under 18 to star in one of your blatant fetish videos and see what happens.
Sexual content, yes. Straight pornography, yes. But fetish is something that is labeled by the producer. It is the content AND how we shoot it. We do not film "fetish videos". Hate to tell you, but these are Superheroine films that do contain elements that fetish viewers like. That's it.

I can hire someone under 18 for project. We are SAG, part of several unions, licensed and bonded, etc and the films are classified as "racy" by everyone who matter that we deal with for business. Except viewers expressing their opinion on this board.

Anyway, call them what you want for the sake of you wanting them to be that way-- it's your opinion, not fact. ;)
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Since I'm not going to create a new thread to share this, here's a fun Behind-the-Scenes video from today :)
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HeroineLegends wrote:Patty's Back! Shadowgirl 2 is underway! Thanks to your support on Shadowgirl 1, the sequel became a reality! Filming will be complete on this project by next week! :)
Samantha :love: and her INSANE body is a fetish unto itself :)....................yeah I'm not really sure what that means either.
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You all can no longer deny the power of Sam and her butt,you know you all want to spank that!! :)
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Guilty :closedeyes:
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Logan- If you admit your content is fetish, and you say your videos are really successful why do you pay models less than half industry rates? I heard a model say she worked a 13 hour day for you for a crazy low price (I won't say because that's between you and the model). And I know the price because you have contacted me several times using different names, company names or going through other models ( you will probably deny this but I save ALL of my emails)...people don't realize that models talk. Maybe you would have a better reputation with models if you paid them at LEAST bottom barrel industry standard...if your videos sell well why not pay your models fair rates? There might not be nudity but fighting is hard sweaty work, it's still fetish and from what I hear really long days. And you are making a ton of money right???

As a veteran/retired super heroine I am suggesting that if you pay models fair rates, models will want to work for you like they WANT to work for Alex and Rye ( who both pay models very well).

Not meaning to start a fight but just giving some good advice. If a model says no, don't contact her through other models and fake names. Also pay your models fair rates. Unless you are shooting SAG movies (which I know you are not). Buy less Coronas and pay your models. Stop telling them you are making a Hollywood movie. Be honest that what you shoot is FETISH. PG or not.

You guys can hate on me, but this guy has a shady rep for a reason. If he is a talented producer and as successful as he says he can at least pay the girl min industry rate. This is for the new ladies. Lowest industry standard for ANY fetish is 100/hr. Don't get low-balled, this is fetish not a Hollywood movie.

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pariskennedy wrote:Logan- If you admit your content is fetish, and you say your videos are really successful why do you pay models less than half industry rates? I heard a model say she worked a 13 hour day for you for a crazy low price (I won't say because that's between you and the model). And I know the price because you have contacted me several times using different names, company names or going through other models ( you will probably deny this but I save ALL of my emails)...people don't realize that models talk. Maybe you would have a better reputation with models if you paid them at LEAST bottom barrel industry standard...if your videos sell well why not pay your models fair rates? There might not be nudity but fighting is hard sweaty work, it's still fetish and from what I hear really long days. And you are making a ton of money right???

As a veteran/retired super heroine I am suggesting that if you pay models fair rates, models will want to work for you like they WANT to work for Alex and Rye ( who both pay models very well).

Not meaning to start a fight but just giving some good advice. If a model says no, don't contact her through other models and fake names. Also pay your models fair rates. Unless you are shooting SAG movies (which I know you are not). Buy less Coronas and pay your models. Stop telling them you are making a Hollywood movie. Be honest that what you shoot is FETISH. PG or not.

You guys can hate on me, but this guy has a shady rep for a reason. If he is a talented producer and as successful as he says he can at least pay the girl min industry rate. This is for the new ladies. Lowest industry standard for ANY fetish is 100/hr. Don't get low-balled, this is fetish not a Hollywood movie.

I have not contacted you through any fake names. I contacted you once through Model Mayhem with an offer. I pay what I feel is fair. It's up to the model to accept the rate and work the job or not.

I don't believe $100/hour is fair. I don't work on hourly rates because it is not my responsibility to pay based on how fast you can learn choreography and get a scene done. I have actresses that can get the entire film shot in a 6-hour day. I have others who take much longer to film - I should not have to pay them more because it takes them longer to film. I work on a day rate pay scale. If you're not comfortable with it, then you don't accept the gig. Which is perfectly acceptable.

If another model has contacted you about working the project, then that was through them exclusively and has nothing to do with me other than a potential conversation that may have been had on set.

There are no shady business practices. Everything I do is 100% legal and I am upfront and honest about pay, expectations, and time. Not paying what you want to make is not "shady"-- it is disclosed upfront.

Also, if I was running such a "shady" operation, then tell me: why have I had the same core group of actors for coming up on 3 years? Do you honestly think that many people would stick around to be part of such a "shady" operation for such a long time? If you don't want to start a fight, then don't jump on a public forum and try to attack me-- anything pertaining to the project could have been handled via email or direct personal message.
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What's shady, Logan, is that you're hiring "mainstream" actresses, making fetish videos with them, not being honest with them about how what they're really shooting is fetish porn (which explains why you are so desperate to deny the "fetish" label here, even as you're marketing your videos to fetish fans), and paying them a small fraction of what actual fetish models get.

By doing so, you *might* very well be ruining any chance they have of having a really successful mainstream career. I'm sure already there are movie producers who would refuse to hire one of your actresses because of the weird superheroine porn they make.

But hey, I'm sure you sleep well at night. As long as you're making the money, why should you care, right?

I for one would never do what you do. Never.
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Alex Bettinger wrote:What's shady, Logan, is that you're hiring "mainstream" actresses, making fetish videos with them, not being honest with them about how what they're really shooting is fetish porn (which explains why you are so desperate to deny the "fetish" label here, even as you're marketing your videos to fetish fans), and paying them a small fraction of what actual fetish models get.

By doing so, you *might* very well be ruining any chance they have of having a really successful mainstream career. I'm sure already there are movie producers who would refuse to hire one of your actresses because of the weird superheroine porn they make.

But hey, I'm sure you sleep well at night. As long as you're making the money, why should you care, right?

I for one would never do what you do. Never.
Lol you just don't pay attention, Alex. You are trying to make yourself feel better? You want to look like the cool guy here? Relax and let it go.

I have told you numerous times-- my actresses read these forums. You think they can't google their own name and find themselves here? They use screenshots of this forum on their own facebook walls. They know what they are doing.

Quit making shit up and posting it to this thread when you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You do your business and I will do mine. I don't give a damn what you do - you and I have absolutely no correlation with each other so why do you childishly insist to be the schoolyard bully on a forum board? Go shoot some films and mind your own business. Please.
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This business IS my business. And believe it or not, I do care very much about the talent. They're the stars of the show, and should be compensated as well as possible.

And trust me, if you read over this very amusing thread, you'll see just who needs to relax, lol.


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Alex Bettinger wrote:This business IS my business. And believe it or not, I do care very much about the talent. They're the stars of the show, and should be compensated as well as possible.

And trust me, if you read over this very amusing thread, you'll see just who needs to relax, lol.


Your Schoolyard Bully
lol MY actors are not YOUR concern. Period. End of story. Trust me, they are doing just fine. And no, this entire business is not your business. Step down off your self-made pedestal and again, mind your own business. I'll end this thread now. Say what you would like (since you always have to have the last pointless word)-- I won't be responding. Have a wonderful day! :)
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Logan, you would have far fewer arguments on this board if you could discuss the Superheroine Peril genre more broadly, without constant reference to your own products. I get that you're in business and you need to earn a living. Also, it's fine to use your own experiences as a frame of reference when relevant. However, in my opinion, your posts often come across as trying to sell superheroine videos, rather than discuss superheroine videos. This very thread has been used to post off-topic promos. Given the amount of threads you have active in different parts of the forum, is it really necessary to promote your work in an ostensibly broad thread which has become very active (for the wrong reasons)?

Do you ever take an interest in other producers' work from the perspective that it might be something worthwhile, rather than as "inferior" competition to your own videos? Do you ever discuss your own interests, influences and indeed fetishes, rather than this constant investigation into what makes fetishists open their wallets?

There are plenty of producers here who promote their own stuff appropriately and join in discussions without even mentioning their own work. I think you would have a much easier time if you took off your Producer hat every so often and posted as an SH Peril enthusiast who just happens to produce videos.
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Heroine Addict wrote:Logan ... I think you would have a much easier time if you took off your Producer hat every so often and posted as an SH Peril enthusiast who just happens to produce videos.
HeroineLegends wrote:...there are a lot of fetishes/likes that I do share and definitely see the appeal for-- and when I enjoy them myself, it's easy to communicate to an actress on how to do it right. It's all for making better films. :)
Hey Logan, care to share with us one or two superheroine-related "fetishes" that resonate with you? You started the thread, after all. But if you don't want to share, that's ok. I don't mean to put you on the spot. I just think it would be kind of interesting to hear your take on this, that's all.
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decendingskulls wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:Logan ... I think you would have a much easier time if you took off your Producer hat every so often and posted as an SH Peril enthusiast who just happens to produce videos.
HeroineLegends wrote:...there are a lot of fetishes/likes that I do share and definitely see the appeal for-- and when I enjoy them myself, it's easy to communicate to an actress on how to do it right. It's all for making better films. :)
Hey Logan, care to share with us one or two superheroine-related "fetishes" that resonate with you? You started the thread, after all. But if you don't want to share, that's ok. I don't mean to put you on the spot. I just think it would be kind of interesting to hear your take on this, that's all.
There's an honest question :)

I guess to start, it's important to note that my understanding of the word fetish is not the same as the vague usage of the word here. That being said, I don't share most of the fetishes that many viewers do. The defeat of a woman is not my cup of tea, though I do see the appeal in many KOs after defeat.

If we use the word very vaguely to just mean "appeal", then there are most certainly certain things I like to see. Certain costumes that outline or define a woman's shape is very appealing to me. There's something about a mask that I really like-- it accentuates the eyes and reminds me of the movies of the 40's where the eyes were clearly the defining detail of a woman's face in film.

Well-done fight choreography is an attraction for me as a martial artist-- especially if she can show strength while showing finesse. Certain hair styles are key too.

As for moves, I'm a big fan of girls who can do high kicks. It's extremely appealing to me. Defiance is also sexy during a fight. Especially even when knowing the odds are against her.

Crawling and flaunting sexuality is of corse hot, especially when used to taunt the opponent. But as this thread stated in the first post, most wrestling moves do nothing for me so they are harder for me to understand. Whipping make me cringe, foot stuff is not my thing, low blows neither.

My appeal has to do with the sensuality and femininity of the woman-- her defeat can be part of the storyline-- I do honestly hate that most films require the girl to win just because she's a girl. So that's a fun angle to get to shoot.

Symbolism is awesome too-- while I'm typing this, we just had Luna uncape Violet then added in for her to show Violet her own cape and make a remark about how it's like "defiling her"... Fun touches. There's a choke out going on right now. With the fight-back, it's entertaining. Uh oh, a scissor head lock.... Aaaaaaand neck snap. Nice.

By the way, Heroine Kombat films are very fun to do-- even if they take much longer to film. :)

So there you go-- likes and dislikes...
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HeroineLegends wrote: As for moves, I'm a big fan of girls who can do high kicks. It's extremely appealing to me.
Me too....Image
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mrestfla wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote: As for moves, I'm a big fan of girls who can do high kicks. It's extremely appealing to me.
Me too....Image
Lol nice. :)
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I hope listening to me :) I always public ideas about how will be the movies about superheroines, the superheroine should be defeated with her costume, my fetish is there "the costume" and I think a all in this forum will say yes, come back to the movie they will end when the superheroine is defeated after the combat with her enemy and little by little she lost her powers, so many producers make a this kind the movies, personaly i don´t like see naked, porn or the superheroines win her battle. Its my opinion .
ahh another thing I loveee when a superheroine is put face down over the floor hehehe , how I say is my opinion .

PD: sorry for my english , I speak spanish
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Xk1ra wrote:I hope listening to me :) I always public ideas about how will be the movies about superheroines, the superheroine should be defeated with her costume, my fetish is there "the costume" and I think a all in this forum will say yes, come back to the movie they will end when the superheroine is defeated after the combat with her enemy and little by little she lost her powers, so many producers make a this kind the movies, personaly i don´t like see naked, porn or the superheroines win her battle. Its my opinion .
ahh another thing I loveee when a superheroine is put face down over the floor hehehe , how I say is my opinion .

PD: sorry for my english , I speak spanish

I agree.
I'm personally not buying these videos to see full nudity, the heroine winning or other kinks such as debooting/tickling, etc.
For me the fetish itself is the costume. I like seeing the costume all dirty and dishevelled after the heroine has suffered a horrible defeat. I just love the contrast of how the heroine looks/acts before and after a brutal ordeal.
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HeroineLegends wrote:...So there you go-- likes and dislikes...
Thanks Logan. I got a very clear picture of your interests from that. Your interests are almost purely visual and aesthetic and I can relate to that. I would guess that you were the kind of kid who would go into a comic book store, see a sexy superheroine on the cover, and be really into that visually (as most were), and enjoy the sexy action and combat poses, but you never had any sort of overwhelming urge to see them defeated (as a number of us in this forum did). This seems to place you somewhere in the periphery of the SH peril genre color wheel so to speak as it relates to this forum.

This is the part where you say "I come in peace" :tongue:
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Funny how when we talk about "fetishes",everyone(almost everyone) gets so upset.We all have them,enjoy them or fight them within yourselves,as long as you're not hurting anyone just let it be.That sounds a lot like LET IT GO......LET IT la la :)
On a side note LOVE the videos Logan,just to damn expensive sometimes(I know I know)..............Hi Samantha!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Some behind-the-scenes shots from 2 upcoming films! :)
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Back to the original question Logan:
3. Lifting / Carrying. Okay, this one can be easily interjected into nearly any scene assuming the actors/actresses are physically capable of doing so. Unfortunately, the biggest request is for one female to do it to another. Very slim chance of that happening-- especially in high heels. But more importantly, I don't get the appeal of it. What about it is "Sexy"?
The other ones I'm not really into myself but the carry is all about the beauty of a sleeping woman and as for the ots carry its for the ass and leg fans(like me)Seeing that ass flung over the shoulder and the desire to spank it(gently) is overpowering.The look of her hair and arms as she's swaying side to side while carried around,its basically like the chloroform fetish,the control of it and the sheer desire to witness and "control" a beautiful woman.Just take in the whole picture.This is where Samantha :love: comes in...........I gotta see that ass flung over the shoulder man!! :) The films I buy have those elements and are greatly appreciated by the way,not just from you but from any producer.Right or wrong this is my fetish.Again just a s long as you are not REALLY hurting anyone,go for it.And after all a beautiful woman should be admired for the work of art they are.
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Here's some more fun Behind-the-Scenes from today :)
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There is one other great type of scene and that is the situation when the heroines' mind is "taken over" again the power thing.There have been great videos that have had a heroine taken over and saying"My"