Story ideas or suggestions

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I'd like to see Sandra in Superior Woman type thing with Captain Marvel flavor. Where Cap has Black Adam who sort of has the same powers, Sandra runs into a villian who duplicates her powers, sort of like the Kendra James Russian character tricking her and having to fight someone exactly dressed like her.
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Regarding Sandra fighting an enemy that is a form of Super-Adaptoid (if you like the Avengers) or a Mimic sort of story (if you enjoy the X-Men instead) that's something we can definitely do. I was just talking to Kendra while I was down in New Orleans on vacation and we were discussing working together again sometime very soon once I coordinate with Vesta about my new financial arrangement regarding the site. I'd love to do something with Kendra and Sandra, as Sandy only lives about three blocks away from me these days. Ideally I could also use my friend Amber, whom I've been having a lot of success with recently.

I also want to do the firing squad/smoking story, but response to that so far has been mixed at best.

The current set of models we plan on working with in Florida for November hasn't jelled together yet. We're still many models short of our budget, but it should all come together in time. I remain hopeful. Cash has a funny way of making models suddenly perk up their ears.
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Sandra as Supergirl slowly been weakened by a kryptonite necklace would be awesome!!!
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I'll talk to her, Ester, and Amber this week and see what kinds of schedules they have available for the month of December. Hopefully we can work something out.
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Hey, Shakeshift: Send me a PM re: the Wonder Woman firing squad scenario.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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I can do that. I'll send you a PM tomorrow night. 8)
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I'd like to see a recreation of the Phantom Zone tar pit scene from Supergirl the movie.

I think it's one of the hottest scenes from any superheroine movie and I'd totally pay to see an extended fetish version.
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Outdoors is tricky enough. Outdoors in November is gonna be next to impossible when you're dealing with wet mud and permeable costumes.
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I don't suppose it could be filmed indoors? :)

I guess I'll can always cross my fingers and hope someone considers making one in the summer.
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No, it can most definitely NOT be filmed indoors.... Unless someone is willing to suspend disbelief by having SG crawl around in what is OBVIOUSLY a kiddie wading pool in the middle of someone's garage or (even worse) carpeted living room. :wink:
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Shakeshift wrote:No, it can most definitely NOT be filmed indoors.... Unless someone is willing to suspend disbelief by having SG crawl around in what is OBVIOUSLY a kiddie wading pool in the middle of someone's garage or (even worse) carpeted living room. :wink:
Shakeshift, that's one of the many things that I truly admire about you. You're not willing to half-ass it; you want to deliver a quality product with high production value. You don't scrimp on details- if you can't logically make it part of the story, then it's out.

Thank you for being "a name you can trust" in this genre. Your descriptions are incredibly detailed and I have never been disappointed in the MANY vids I've purchased from you. And the job you and the ladies did on my custom Spiderwebs is nothing short of legendary.
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Thanks buddy. Your concept was easily one of the finest that I have ever had the honor of committing to creation. It is always a pleasure. :-)
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Looking forward to seeing Ava and Vivian!!!

Good luck with shoots!
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Thanks Bugsy! How are YOU doing these days?

Ava desperately needs the modeling money for some tax problems, so she's aiming to cover as much territory as possible in NC, VA, PA, and MD and just work her ass off. It's just plain nice to work with VIP as well. She and I have been working together for years and years and years and other than the occasional convention or website project I don't get to see her as often as I'd like. 8)
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I see where she has started a Wonder Vivian site!

I still miss Julie Chesterfield
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Julie is still one of my friends, and I usually get invited to her Christmas parties (I am reknowned at her parties for getting drunk and telling some pretty ribald stories about the people of Fetishcon) -- The funny thing is that her sister still does fetish, but she herself can't any more. It's a mixture of personal choice but also because of her current job. She did an amazing job on those early videos from 2005-2009. She has amazing legs and she can RUN and JUMP like a jackrabbit which is something I never got to film. If I ever did them, she'd make the best bionic videos on the planet. That woman can launch herself like a rocket in almost any direction.

I remember we were at the Atlanta Intl. airport on our way down to Tampa one year (2007, I think) and we were late getting in to Atlanta and our transfer to Tampa was getting ready to pull out. We were in Gate A and the transfer was somewhere like... Gate E. We were walking fast and it was clear we weren't going to make it. Mind you this is 8pm on a Friday night so if we miss this transfer we are camping out in the Hartsfield-Jackson terminal until 6am. We started running for the gate but I am built like an Econoline Van and so after about five minutes I was exhausted and couldn't keep up.

Julie barks out "Hand me the tickets!" and after I hand them to her she hands me her $800 Manolo Blahniks and just starts RUNNING in her pantyhosed feet down the middle of the terminal while everyone stares in slack-jawed wonder. She ran like a gazelle. Like an ibex being chased across the African plains by the largest sabre-tooth tiger the world has ever fucking seen. If she were just a teensy bit faster she would've had that Warner Brothers "whoosh" sound effect trailing behind her as she vaulted towards Gate E at the ever-theoretical speed of awesome.

I come shuffling in to Gate E like a gasping zombie about ten minutes later and she has BLOCKED the gate with her outstretched arms and body to keep them from closing off the gate and leaving me behind.

THAT, as they say, is friendship. :wink:
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That is a nice pic!

That was a funny story, I could just see it now!!!

You have the pics of her stuffed in the trunk of a car on here some where, what was that from?
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That was from a personal favor for a friend and arguably my most loyal customs guy for the last seven years, my buddy the BINDER. :)
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I think she may be my favorite Wonder Woman!
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Shakeshift wrote:I'm shooting with Caroline Pierce, Vivian Ireene Pierce, Kenna Valentine, Fayth on Fire, Ava Engelbretsen, Mallory Page, Ashley Grace, and Sandra West down in Tampa all this week at a beach house we're renting. I have some new ideas for scripts, and of course we're shooting all our customs at the same time.

Does anybody have any story suggestions for Ashley Grace, Caroline Pierce, or Sandra West? Everyone else already has time booked in full, but these three I have a few hours of dedicated time to shoot, but I've run out of basic story ideas other than throw them (bound) in superhero costumes in the swimming pool and watch them deathtrap themselves into a watery grave.

Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Pics of the three models. I have enough time for about two simple stories. I just wanted to hear if anyone had any type of requests. I've already covered most of the good "bigger concept" ideas concerning VIP, Ava, and Fayth on Fire with Knyght16 (who was generous in his input and his suggestions, thanks.)

Anyone have any suggestions?
Yes! A new villainess appears. She is a very powerful metallic skined cyborg queen with infectious fluid blood! Her name is "Zyzull

With the light pulse from her eyes she freezes her young naïve yet over confident superheroine prey like a statue. Then with a long and ferocious kiss Zyzull injects her blood into her super heroine prey. Then the super heroine is infected; her skin turns metallic like Zyzull, the young super heroine's becomes totally robotic, and totally obedient! She is now a cyborg slave, and her only purpose is to obey and serve her queen, Zyzull.

Zyzull takes full advantage of her in a sexual capacity to feel oneness with subordinates. Zyzull commands her new servant to capture more heroines so she can infect them.
Zyzulls plan is to take over the universe by creating a race of cyborg women and she needs the. Super heroines to do that. Remember, Zyzull sexually overwhelms them so she always have a connection with them.
I hope you can use that if you can its yours just send me a free copy of the dvd. Lol!
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Shakeshift wrote:I'm shooting with Caroline Pierce, Vivian Ireene Pierce, Kenna Valentine, Fayth on Fire, Ava Engelbretsen, Mallory Page, Ashley Grace, and Sandra West down in Tampa all this week at a beach house we're renting. I have some new ideas for scripts, and of course we're shooting all our customs at the same time.

Does anybody have any story suggestions for Ashley Grace, Caroline Pierce, or Sandra West? Everyone else already has time booked in full, but these three I have a few hours of dedicated time to shoot, but I've run out of basic story ideas other than throw them (bound) in superhero costumes in the swimming pool and watch them deathtrap themselves into a watery grave.

Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Pics of the three models. I have enough time for about two simple stories. I just wanted to hear if anyone had any type of requests. I've already covered most of the good "bigger concept" ideas concerning VIP, Ava, and Fayth on Fire with Knyght16 (who was generous in his input and his suggestions, thanks.)

Anyone have any suggestions?
hey whats up this is huphiziah I'm a new member of the furom, and I wrote a suggestion for an idea last nite about a new super villainess called "Zyzull" the sexy silver or metallic skined cyborg queen, with pulsating eyes that freezes her super heroine prey then infects them with a kiss that turns them into mindless robotic slaves. I just hope someone will use that idea for a story. Its something I woud really like to see done. I submitted the idea for the story last nite and I hope you get and like it. I hope you can see my idea the I see it in my head. And I hope you can create something wonderful and sexy from it, using beautiful, sexy, and creative models and actresses. Please shoot me an email if you like it and use it; I only want a free copy of the dvd when its finished is all. Lol!
Thanks for allowing me to give this idea.
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I am shooting with Claire in two weeks, and we don't have anything planned yet for the main storyline other than a few notes which Vesta has thoughtfully provided me with. I did indeed get your submission! I *may* take your idea and run with it, as you suggested. It's hard to say, we have a bunch of small customs to film and then we have some required work that needs to be taken care of, plus I promised Claire that we'd sit down and go over finding her a webmaster and someone to start up a Yahoo Group for her. It's going to be a very busy weekend.

If I do use your idea, I'll make sure to send you a copy. It seems like a very cool idea. Thanks for the submission, by the way.
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Shakeshift wrote:I am shooting with Claire in two weeks, and we don't have anything planned yet for the main storyline other than a few notes which Vesta has thoughtfully provided me with. I did indeed get your submission! I *may* take your idea and run with it, as you suggested. It's hard to say, we have a bunch of small customs to film and then we have some required work that needs to be taken care of, plus I promised Claire that we'd sit down and go over finding her a webmaster and someone to start up a Yahoo Group for her. It's going to be a very busy weekend.

If I do use your idea, I'll make sure to send you a copy. It seems like a very cool idea. Thanks for the submission, by the way.
all man! I'm charged that u like the idea! I truly hope that u make it a reality! Thanks!
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Can you resend to me? I went into my inbox and I can't find your story idea now. I may have accidentally deleted it last night when I was reorganizing. [email protected] -- Thanks!
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Shakeshift wrote:Can you resend to me? I went into my inbox and I can't find your story idea now. I may have accidentally deleted it last night when I was reorganizing. [email protected] -- Thanks!
Yes, of course I just got finished emailing it to you.
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Shakeshift wrote:Can you resend to me? I went into my inbox and I can't find your story idea now. I may have accidentally deleted it last night when I was reorganizing. [email protected] -- Thanks!
Let me now if you got the email if not I'll send it again.
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