Psychia’s Christmas Gifts (Poll Driven Story)

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Philo Hunter
Posts: 644
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North


Chapter One: Archbaroness and Champion Girl

Psychia sat in the Control Room of Freedom Tower, the base of the Megatropolis Amazons. It was from her control console that the sexy Latina superheroine was able to serve as her team’s dispatch and overwatch agent. She monitored both hot spots in the city where her teammates would need to respond and the goings on inside Freedom Tower.

She was flipping through the Freedom Tower’s security feeds, watching the building’s robot servants as they put up Christmas decorations all over the building. The decorations were something the team needed this year more than most. After the disaster of The Gasser’s Halloween attack on Greenway Park most of the team had been left not wanting to get into the holiday mood.

Psychia was determined to change that. She’d always adored the Christmas season and had been none too fond of her teammates’ humbugging of the season’s spirit this year. They just need to be put in a giving mood, she thought as she continued to flip through the security feeds to make sure the Synthomen were putting the decorations up properly.
She stopped cycling through security feeds when she came to one showing Freedom Tower’s gym. It was early morning and her teammates Archbaroness and Champion Girl were getting ready for their morning warm-up session with the team’s physical trainer, Alfie Robinson.

“Alfie works so hard for all of us,” Psychia muttered as she watched the middle-aged British man greeting the two superheroines who had just walked into his gym. “Helps us all ‘keep in shape’ and ‘clear our minds’ with his ‘workouts’,” she added, chuckling at the free use of so many euphemisms they used when describing Alfie’s purpose as a support member of the super team.

Superhumans got their powers through an active Power-Gene but superpowers weren’t the only thing an active P-Gene came with. Once activated someone’s aging slowed. Everyone with powers had a mild healing factor that made them immune to most common ailments. It was a final change that dominated most superhumans' lives, even more than the powers they gained, was the supercharged libido that came with an active P-Gene.

Sexual desire was a constant distraction for anyone with powers. The longer one tried to ignore the need for sexual release the more easily aroused they became. If a superhuman tried to deny their sexual cravings for too long they’d eventually become so worked up they’d begin to lose control. A superheroine who was too horny could become a drooling sex-obsessed thrall by an inappropriate grope of her breasts or by the sight of a hard dick.

But for most superheroines controlling their supercharged libido wasn’t as simple as just making sure they got off enough because the majority of superpowered women had their powers weakened by sexual climax. Cum enough times, or hard enough, and they would end up temporarily depowered.

This meant most superheroines had to walk a fine line between sating the sexual beast that often threatened to consume them, but not indulging too much less their powers be left too diminished for them to be effective superheroes.

Alfie’s main job was helping ensure team members maintained this careful balancing act. Although he was officially the team’s physical trainer the truth was no one on the team needed those actual services. An active P-Gene ensured good health and the way powers, especially superstrength, worked there was no actual need for any of the team’s superhumans to work out to maintain their physiques.

It just made everyone more comfortable pretending Alfie was a physical trainer. All superheroines were at least a little ashamed of how sexual their lives were and did everything they could to hide this from the public. Officially having Alfie labeled as the team’s physical trainer also helped hide his real role from the public, most of whom were unaware of the overtly sexual nature of superhumans’ lives.

And the faux workout sessions are kinky fun, Psychia thought happily as she watched the eager look on Alfie’s face as he greeted Archbaroness and Champion Girl.

Although Alfie Robinson wasn’t a young man he kept himself in perfect physical condition. He had to be able to keep up with the supercharged libidos of a team of oversexed superheroines. He spent his days helping the Megatropolis Amazons “clear” their minds before and after patrols, ensuring their “workout sessions” brought the superpowered women enough sexual pleasure to leave them free of distracting and dangerous lust, while not working them hard enough to depower them.

He’s good at what he does, but I know the man sometimes has to deal with an immense amount of sexual frustration, Psychia thought. He’s a selfless man, thinking always of OUR sexual needs first and never asking for more than we give in return.

Psychia could tell the man was extra horny that morning. He never hid the way he ogled the bodies of the Megatropolis Amazons, there was no reason to. But that morning the man’s eyes were lingering on each of the women’s bodies a little longer than normal.

I have to feel what he’s feeling, Psychia thought. She put her hand on a locked drawer. It scanned her palm before unlocking, popping open to reveal a drawer full of items she didn’t want anyone to know she kept at the command console.

Psychia was, among her many sexual perversions, a voyeur. She got a strong sexual thrill from watching others, especially when they didn’t know she was watching. Her telepathic powers, which allowed her to not just read minds but FEEL what people were or had felt, meant she could experience voyeurism on a level a normal pervert could only dream of. Add in her ability to control people’s minds and she could not just watch and feel what others were doing, but subtly manipulate and control a kinky scene she was watching as well.

Normally her telepathic powers only stretched out a few rooms’ distance from where she was. But she’d had her teammate Lab Rat, the team’s resident tech genius, create a telepathic amplifier that when worn made it so Psychia could use her powers on anyone in Freedom Tower. She rarely dared to use it as the temptation to abuse such power was too great for the deeply perverted woman.

It was one of just many technological treats she’d had Lab Rat create for her to heighten her sex life. And as with nearly all the others once the mousy little genius handed the device over Psychia had used her telepathic powers to make Lab Rat forget she’d made the item for her. Partially this was because Psychia didn’t want her teammates to know just how perverted she was. It was also because she got a sick thrill out of manipulating her teammates and changing or removing their memories was one of the greatest thrills she knew.

The telepathic amplifier looked like two high-tech hair clips, but instead of clipping onto Psychia’s long brown hair they adhered to her temples. As soon as she had them on Psychia gasped, the rush of her powers expanding overwhelming her for a moment. Suddenly she could feel the minds of every living person in the building. If she wanted she could hear all their thoughts, she could even connect to their minds and begin controlling their thoughts and actions…

She focused on Alfie, connecting to JUST his mind. As she got comfortable in his mind she opened another locked drawer full of sex toys. She often played with herself while watching her teammates’ workout sessions, but this was going to be something special. She wasn’t just going to watch on the monitor, she was going to experience it through Alfie, Archbaroness, and Champion Girl’s minds.

And while I’m in their heads I’ll push on their desires and impulses to ensure I get the best show possible…

* * *

Alfie drank in the sight of Champion Girl’s fit, firm young body. The spirited blond’s small, perky breasts and tight, firm ass always got his heart beating. She looks incredible in that skintight yellow costume she wears, Alfie thought, but she looks even better in the black sports bra and tiny sports shorts I have them wear when they come to me. All that firm, well-toned skin… Makes my mouth water. It’s a good thing I don’t need to hide the frequent erections I get from these walking goddesses.

Champion Girl ran her hands through her short, messy blond hair and gave Alfie a flirtatious smile. “You look almost like you’re in as much need of a ‘mind clearing’ as we are today.”

“I can take care of THAT once you’re both on patrol,” Alfie told her. “My job is to take care of you brave superheroines. That ALWAYS comes first. Let’s go to the weight bench, I’ve got a ‘workout’ planned for you.” He waved Champion Girl to a weight bench as he went to it.

“How did you even manage to get this barbel set up?” Champion Girl asked as she lay down on the weight bench. She hefted up the barbel with ease, her arm muscles flexing as she easily lifted weights even a bodybuilder would be hard-pressed to lift.

“I keep a couple of Synthomen in the back room to help out with stuff like that,” Alfie explained as he stepped up to Champion Girl. He placed his hands on her bare thighs and spread her legs open, dropping to his knees and caressing them. “You just pump those weights for a bit, letting your body heat up. Once I’ve taken care of Archbaroness I’ll come back and work you down.”

He stared at her gym shorts, admiring the outline of her vulva through the tight, thin fabric of the garment. “When I come back I’ll cool you off with a little oral through your shorts. Work you up slow to a small climax that will barely drain your powers and leave you clear-headed.”

Champion Girl grunted as she lifted the weights then let out a sigh of desire as she slowly brought them down. “That sounds lovely. You’re such a giver, Alfie.”

After forcing himself to leave Champion Girl behind Alfie went to Archbaroness. The Milf-tastic woman was the team founder and leader of the Megatropolis Amazons. Just as sexy as young Champion Girl, but in completely different ways, he thought as he openly ogled the woman’s full curves.

Champion Girl was narrow and firm while Archbaroness was full and soft. The woman’s large breasts were world-famous while her large meaty ass and killer thighs were nearly just as well known and lusted after. The raven-haired beauty’s plump assets were ones her purple costume showed off, with a low-cut top that showed off an almost indecent amount of cleavage and purple tights that let everyone see the comely shape of her thick thighs.

In her gym shorts Alfie could see FAR more than the shape of her thighs. The things were little more than panties, shaped so they could easily be pulled to the side to allow someone like Alfie to have easy access to the wearer’s privates.

As much as he adored Archbaroness’ thighs it was her breasts that were drawing his attention today. As always they were crammed almost painfully into the sports bra she was wearing, cleavage bulging out the top.

She smirked when she saw his eyes linger on her breasts longer than normal. “And what did you have planned for me today?” she asked, her tone as flirtatious as Champion Girl’s had been.

He pointed her to a purple exercise ball he had prepared for Archbaroness. “I was thinking we would work on core stability and balance today,” he told her. “Come, sit on this. While you work up some heat I’ll stay behind to lead you.”

“And helpfully feel me up to make sure I build heat quick enough for you to get back to Champion Girl?” Archbaroness asked playfully as she sat on the exercise ball.

“Something like that,” Alfie said as he got behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and helped her start moving her body up and down as though he was a real physical trainer leading her in a workout session.

He sensually caressed her shoulders till she moaned softly in appreciation. Then his hands began to wander, snaking down the top of her chest towards her breasts. “I was thinking a little breast play this morning,” he told her as his hands reached her cleavage. “Play with your nipples through the sports bra for a bit till you’re gasping in delight. Then, once you’re worked up just right, I’ll eat you out through your gym shorts.”

Archbaroness shuddered as the man’s fingers found her nipples through her tight top. “And I know from experience you’ll have me worked up just right, that almost as soon as I feel your mouth on me I’ll have a perfectly small mind-clearing orgasm that will leave me ready for patrol.”

“That’s right. And I’ll have young Champion Girl ready to join you before your costume is on.”

* * *

Psychia shuddered as she grabbed her large breasts and squeezed them through her costume, trying to imagine Alfie was feeling her up. She connected deeper with Alfie’s mind, FEELING him play with Archbaroness’ full, heavy breasts. The feel of them compressed tightly into the tight sports bra was a delight. At the same time she connected to Archbaroness’ mind, experiencing what she was experiencing as well.

What a wonderful man, Psychia thought as she let slip a long, low moan. So selfless. He gives and he gives, never expecting anything in return. Oh, he gets to fuck us plenty, but more than half his workout sessions are like this.

She reached deeper into the man’s mind, exploring his memories to see how he dealt with the sexual frustration she assumed these kinds of one-sided sessions must bring on. She was surprised to find there was no frustration. The man got nearly as much sexual satisfaction servicing women as he did getting off in some way.

Through his memories she saw that sometimes sessions like this WERE too much to handle. Once the team members he’d been helping were gone he’d retire to his office and jerk off to release the heat he’d built up.

Well, not today. Today he’s going to get to finish WITH them. Oh yes, today he’s not going to be the one giving. Archbaroness and Champion Girl need to get into the holiday spirit, they need me to make them WANT to give. I’ll just reach into their minds and make a few tweaks… Yes, the WHOLE team is going to get into the spirit of Christmas time and want to give to Alfie, I’ll make sure of it…

* * *

Archbaroness moaned happily. “You’re so skilled with your hands,” she told him, reaching up to caress one of his hands. “You’re such a giver,” she added, running the hand up his arm. “But it’s the holiday season now and I think today, at least, it should be us that give to you.”

She gripped his arm tight enough to remind him that although she had a soft, curvaceous body she could make herself strong enough to easily lift a car. It was a not-so-subtle reminder that SHE was in charge. Of the Megatropolis Amazons. Of Freedom Tower. And of him.

“Come around in front of me,” she demanded with a soft, alluring purr.

She wasn’t sure what had gotten into her but suddenly she didn’t care about clearing her mind before going on patrol. At that moment all she cared about was showing her appreciation to this man, by GIVING to him. It was the first time she’d felt into the spirit of the holidays and suddenly it was all-consuming.

The impulse was so sudden and all-consuming that if Psychia hadn’t been up in the Control Room she might have suspected the woman was controlling her impulses. But she knew that’s where Psychia was and knew it would be impossible for her to use her powers on Archbaroness from that far away.

Once Alfie was standing in front of her she put her hands on his thighs, her fingers just under the seam of his gym shorts. She looked up at him, giving him her best seductive eyes as she ran her fingertips through his leg hair.

“You love my big tits, don’t you?” she asked, snaking a hand up his thigh to caress the outline of the erection not at all hidden by his tight shorts. “Mmm… of course you do. Feel how hard playing with them has gotten you.”

“Is this wise?” Alfie asked after gasping in surprised pleasure as Archbaroness stroked his dick lightly through his pants. “I know how easy it is for you to lose control with a hard-”

“You don’t worry about that this morning,” Champion Girl purred, revealing she’d sneaked up behind the man. She pressed up behind her, running her hands up and over his shoulders then down his chest, dipping them into the top of his shirt to grab and caress his bare chest. “Think of this as an early Christmas bonus,” she added, licking then sucking on the man’s ear as she teased his nipples.

Neither Archbaroness nor Champion Girl found it odd they’d been overtaken by the same all-consuming impulse to shower Alfie with carnal delights. It was the holiday season after all, why wouldn’t they give a little?

Archbaroness took her hand off Alfie’s dick so she could take her sports bra off. She watched his face as she pulled the garment up, reveling in the look on his face when her full, heavy breasts fell free. Her eyes darted down to his crotch so she could watch the pulse of excitement in his cock as he watched them drop and bounce.

“I think this needs to be wrapped up in my tits,” she said, stroking him through his shorts with both hands. “Wrapped up tight,” she added, sliding her hands up and dipping her fingertips into the top of his shorts.

“And I can add a bow once they're wrapped up,” Champion Girl added, dropping to her knees and grabbing his shorts from behind.

The two superheroines yanked his gym shorts down, acting so perfectly in sync that Alfie wondered for a moment if someone was perhaps controlling them. Then his cock sprung free of his tight shorts, flying up and slapping Archbaroness in the face. The sight and feel were enough to make him forget all about his suspicions.

Archbaroness, excited by the cock-slap into her face, grabbed his dick and put it in her mouth so quickly it looked like she’d inhaled it. For a short time she gave Alfie intense, loud, sloppy head. He was almost glad when Archbaroness pulled his dick out of her mouth, knowing he wouldn’t have lasted much longer if she’d kept going.

“There, all lube up,” she said as she used the slimy saliva she’d slobbered all over his cock to stroke it.

The busty superheroine sat up straight and pressed her chest out. At the same time she pulled Alfie into her body, slapping his cock down on her chest. Once she let go of it she grabbed her breasts, pulling them apart then wrapping them around Alfie’s cock.

“Fuck my tits,” she purred. “Pound my chest-meat as hard as you want. Or go slow and take your time. This is all about giving to you. Indulge. Bask in the spirit of Christmas.”
“Merry fucking Christmas,” Alfie moaned as he started moving his hips to fuck Archbaroness’ tits.

He’d forgotten Champion Girl was kneeling behind him but was reminded when she grabbed his ass cheeks and spread them open. “Archbaroness has your cock wrapped up tight, but every present needs a bow,” she told him, breathing warm arousing air onto his asshole. “How about a little rim job as a bow?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, instead shoving her face into his cheeks so she could start eating his ass.

“You tell us when you’re going to cum,” Archbaroness told Alfie.

“We’ve got a special treat for you to end with,” Champion Girl said, pulling her face out of Alfie’s ass just long enough to talk.

“It won’t be long,” Alfie groaned soon. “Almost there…”

Champion Girl abandoned Alfie’s ass, quickly scrambling around to kneel beside Archbaroness. At the same time Archbaroness let go of her breasts and pulled back, allowing Champion Girl to grab Alfie’s cock. Archbaroness grabbed her tits and held them up as Champion Girl, jerking Alfie off, aimed his dick at them.

“Cum for us,” the two superheroines said in perfect unison.

Alfie grunted in joy, no longer able to hold back.

Champion Girl aimed his cock so his thick load shot right into Archbaroness’ pressed cleavage. The girl then let go of his cock, moving as Archbaroness turned towards her to press her face into the older woman’s large breasts. Champion Girl stuck her tongue out as Archbaroness got up slightly and bent over, sending the thick oozing glob of semen running onto Champion Girl’s tongue.

“Merry Christmas, Alfie,” Archbaroness said as she got up and pulled Champion Girl into an embrace. The young girl stood up on her toes as the taller older woman leaned down. Champion Girl opened her mouth to show she hadn’t swallowed his cum. She and Archbaroness then locked lips and kissed. It was a long, sloppy kiss, one done for Alfie’s benefit. They made a show of passing his cum back and forth between them, moaning in delight as they watched his reaction.

* * *

“Merry Christmas, Alfie,” Psychia muttered, making the woman she was mentally controlling say the words too after swallowing the thick gobs of semen and saliva in their mouths.

She kept the telepathic connection with the three people in the gym for a bit longer, making sure the perverse display of passing the cum back and forth was as depraved as possible. Through her mental control over the three she ensured both Archbaroness and Champion Girl had enjoyed showing off for Alfie. She not only ensured Alfie enjoyed the display but also planted subconscious impulses in his mind that would have him jerking off to the memory of the encounter that night as he savored his early Christmas gift.

On pure instinct Psychia massaged the three’s memories of the encounter, removing anything that would make them suspect it hadn’t happened because they’d wanted it.

Even after she’d released their minds Psychia kept pleasuring herself. She’d kept the telepathic amplifier on. She’d discovered recently that if she came while wearing it her powers wouldn’t be weakened. This allowed her to cum as often as she wanted while wearing the amplifier, something she’d been indulging in more and more.

It was something she knew she had to cut back on. It was making her reckless, making it so her mental and sexual manipulations of her teammates were growing more frequent and bolder.

That lack of impulse control was a reminder of why she tried to remain a support member of the team, only leaving Freedom Tower when absolutely necessary. When she went out into the field with the rest of the team she tended to use her powers to control not just her teammates but their enemies, sabotaging them all so they would be “defeated” then sexually used and degraded.

In the end she always made sure they came out on top, but deep down she knew how dangerous it was. She feared that one day maybe she’d get them into a situation they wouldn’t be able to get them out of.

As often happened Psychia’s mind raced while she masturbated, her brain filling with fiendishly perverse thoughts and ideas that would normally not be there. A plan started to form, a way to help the team get into the spirit of Christmas. Gifting Alfie sexually for all his loyalty and hard work felt amazing. What if this present wasn’t the end? What if Psychia continued to manipulate and control her team of sexy superheroines to ensure Alfie had a Christmas season he’d never forget?

Psychia shuddered in pleasure, cumming as her plan solidified in her mind.


How will Psychia gift Alfie next? (Choose up to 7 options from this poll, whichever gets the most votes happens next!)
Last edited by Philo Hunter 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Philo Hunter
Posts: 644
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North

Chapter Two: Psychia

Psychia, by necessity, never got to brag about just how skilled her manipulations of others were. Even when she went into the field on a mission with the rest of the Megatropolis Amazons and used her powers openly on their foes she most often played down just how skillfully and subtly she could control others’ actions.

She had to. If she didn’t her teammates might have suspected she was using her powers on THEM. Which she was. All the time, more and more as the years had gone by. She’d become so skilled at it and so subtly that her manipulations were rarely noticed anymore.

They HAD been in those early years, but she’d always fixed that problem the same way. A quick wiping of memories. “There’s very little a quick mind wipe can’t fix,” she’d jokingly told herself.

Now that she’d decided she was going to treat Alfie with superheroine sex presents all holiday season that phrase was constantly running through her mind. If her teammates found out? Mindwipe.

But what about Alfie? Surely the man would understand. Surely he’d even be able to appreciate what Psychia had done and was going to do for him. Knowing might even make the treats all the better! If she TOLD him what she was doing she’d get to hear the overjoyed thanks in his voice.

And if he didn’t appreciate it? If he found what she was doing morally wrong? Well, the answer was the same as it always was. Psychia would just wipe his mind…

* * *

It was strange. When on duty Alfie normally kept to either Freedom Tower’s gym or, when called to help with training exercises, to the Room of Dangers. On his off hours he’d lounge in his private apartment or the building’s cafeteria, but he had never taken to aimlessly wandering through the building.

But that’s what he was doing now. He hadn’t even changed out of his gym clothes. The need to wander the building and admire all the Christmas decorations the Synthomen had put up had just taken hold of him.

The floors closest to the ground level of Freedom Tower were mostly filled with rooms that would be used for meetings with or events for members of the public. It was in one of these rooms that Alfie felt inspired to go, his seemingly aimless wandering suddenly not so aimless.

The Synthomen had cleared the normal furniture out of the room and replaced it all with extravagant Christmas decorations. What had once been a mundane meeting room had been transformed into something akin to where you’d find a mall Santa, complete with a huge ornate chair for a Santa to sit on.

“Oh my,” Alfie muttered when he saw the woman sitting on the chair. It was Psychia, but her normal skimpy black costume had been replaced with an even skimpier, slutted-up Santa costume. He’d been a big fan of how much more revealing her recent costume change had been and was even more a fan of the festive get-up the sexy Latina was now wearing.

“You look… incredible,” he said, ogling the indecent amount of dark-skinned cleavage the skimpy red top showed off. The top was low cut and tight, Psychia’s breasts practically spilling over the fur-lined top.

She smirked flirtatiously at him, adjusting her Santa hat as she rose with feline grace from the throne she’d been lounging on. “Thank you, Alfie,” she purred seductively as she stalked slowly towards him.

As she rose Alfie’s eyes darted to the woman’s long, shapely legs. He hadn’t noticed till then that the Santa costume was a dress with a VERY short skirt. It showed off almost all of Psychia’s legs, a sight he normally only saw through fishnets. He licked his lips, feeling a rush of arousal as his eyes ran up her legs to admire her thighs and the way the white fur lining on the bottom of the dress was all that kept the scandalously short dress from revealing a flash of her womanhood.

Alfie’s tight gym shorts grew significantly tighter as Psychia drew closer. The look in her eyes was one he knew well. The woman’s hyperactive libido was raging and she needed sexual attention. But why this get up that was, if he was being honest, more lingerie than costume? Why hadn’t she come to him in the gym so he could take care of her needs in the way he normally did?

“Because, silly,” she purred, stroking his chest as she stepped up to him. “I wanted to give you a festive Christmas gift. A bit early, I know, but I can’t imagine a man more deserving of it.”

The way the superheroine was stroking his chest had him panting with desire, but he had to grab hold of Psychia’s hands and stop her. “You know I don’t like it when you read my thoughts without permission,” he told her, trying to sound cold and disapproving.

He failed. Just as he’d grabbed her wrists the woman had moved closer, raising her knee to gently rub the throbbing erection they both knew she could be seen through his tight gym shorts.

“Never mind all of that,” Psychia cooed, moving her knee from side to side against his shaft. When he moaned he loosened his grip on her wrists. She responded by pressing her knee a bit harder into him, freeing her hands completely from his grip then sliding them up his chest to wrap them around him.

A strange warmness washed over his mind as she did this. He moved his hands to her sides, caressing her mid-section before feeling driven to raise his hands higher. As she pulled him in she shoved her chest out, pressing her large, full breasts into his chest, preventing him from raising his hands. Yet the feel of her dense, firm breasts pressed into his chest made the desire to grab and hold them nearly too strong to bear.

Psychia leaned in, pressing her breasts tighter against his chest. “Santa’s come early for you,” she whispered in his ear, still rubbing his dick with her knee. “But hopefully YOU won’t come too early,” she added, licking then nipping his ear.

Alfie let out a gasp of pleasure, giving in to the dizzying amount of arousal he was feeling. As she pulled back his hands went up her body, shifting to her front to cup then lift and squeeze her breasts.

“There we go,” Psychia cooed, running a hand through his hair and gripping the back of his head. She led him to his knees. “Go on,” she encouraged him. “Pull them out. I know how much you love tits. There we go. Bury your face in them. So soft yet firm. So inviting. Mmmm… yes, kiss my nipples. Lick them, there’s a good boy. Now suck on them. Get them nice and wet and hard.”

Alfie lost himself in the moment. It wasn’t often that he had sexual encounters with members of the Megatropolis Amazons that weren’t dressed up as training exercises in some way. This was unexpected, new, and VERY exciting. Yet as he knelt before the sexy Latina goddess and sucked enthusiastically on her tits he couldn’t help but feel something was wrong.

“I’m not bothering to be as subtle as I normally am,” Psychia said in answer to his thoughts. “I’m pushing on your emotions and tweaking your body’s reactions to me. Making you feel overwhelming rushes of arousal. Making sure all your pleasure centers are lighting up in the most spectacular ways. I want you to be able to enjoy this present as much as possible.”

She put her hands on the top of his chest and firmly pushed him back. He broke the suction around her nipple with a wet smacking sound, feeling compelled to stand back up as Psychia dropped to her knees.

“Please don’t control me like that,” he told he told her, trying for a moment to ignore the way she was stroking his hard member through his gym shorts.

“I’m just helping things along,” Psychia teased playfully as she excitedly ran her fingers up and down his shaft, tracing the outline of his erection through his tight shorts. “You’ve got such a BIG yule log crammed in here that needs to be lit on fire,” she said, leaning in to put her mouth near his dick. She spoke with hot, breathy words that he felt through the shorts.

The heat caused him to shiver in delight, the rush of pleasure making him forget she’d been controlling his actions.

“I bet it feels so warm… so hot,” Psychia purred, stroking his dick through his pants then running her fingers up to the top of his shorts. “I need to feel that heat on my face,” she said, looking up at him as she slowly pulled his shorts down.

His cock, thick and almost painfully hard, sprung free of his shorts. Psychia let out an excited gasp of joy as it sprung into sight. The flash of pure joy in her eyes he saw reminded him of someone opening exactly what they wanted on Christmas morning.

Psychia grabbed his cock with both hands, moaning in desire as she ran her fingers down its length then leaning in to lovingly nuzzle the underside of it. “It’s so fucking warm,” she cooed, moving her lips from side to side on the bottom of his shaft. She kissed it, whispering, “I adore this fucking cock.” After kissing it again she looked up at Alfie and smiled playfully at the man. “It takes such good care of us. You and this cock have been such good boys. You both need to be rewarded with so many sexual gifts this Christmas.”

Before he could answer her Psychia licked up the underside of his cock then inhaled it, gripping it by the base as she plunged it deep into her mouth. She sealed her lips tight around his shaft, taking him nearly balls deep into her. Then, while sucking and slurping loudly, she started to bob her head up and down giving him intense head.

Alfie stared down at Psychia, admiring the sight of the powerful superheroine sucking him off so enthusiastically and with such skill. Her tits, still hanging out of her festive dress, swung and bounced as she moved her whole body to suck him off. The moment was so intense and so unexpected Alfie was surprised he didn’t blow his load right away.

Psychia, lips sealed tightly around his shaft as her head kept bobbing up and down its length, looked up and met his eyes. It’s because I’m keeping you from cumming, Psychia’s voice said as she spoke telepathically into his mind. I told you, she continued, I want you to enjoy this as much as possible. I’m going to work you like you’ve never been worked before, keeping my telepathic fingers deep in your mind to keep you from cumming. Then, when I finally let you, it will blow your fucking mind.

He could feel her doing more than just keeping him from getting off. All his pleasure centers flared. He gasped and shuddered, so overwhelmed with pleasure that he was amazed he was able to keep standing. He suspected Psychia was behind keeping him on his feet, realizing she’d taken near total control of his body.

That’s right, Psychia told him telepathically, I’m in control. I’m ALWAYS in control, you all just never realize it. Because I’m normally very subtle. Because I normally don’t WANT you to realize it.

Something about that was wrong, but Alfie was experiencing too much pleasure to think anything close to a clear thought about any kind of morality.

This isn’t the first early Christmas present I’ve given you, Psychia told him in his mind as she kept giving him the most intense blowjob of his life. That sexy gift Archbaroness and Champion Girl gave you the other day? I did that.

“What?” he gasped, trying to make sense of what she’d just told him. But the things she was doing with her mouth… It was too much. He should have cum minutes ago, but she was keeping him right on the edge. The frustrating building of pleasure that couldn’t be released just kept building. It was so good yet it was maddening as well.

I was manipulating them, controlling them. You too. To spread a little Christmas cheer. To shower you with sexual gifts. I decided it was the first of many you’ll receive. I’m going to spend the rest of the holiday season ensuring you are given sexual gift after sexual gift from the team you take such amazing care of. And I’m not ASKING them, I’m controlling their minds to MAKE them. Each gift you’re given, it’s from ME.

The confession was too much. “No,” he moaned out, wishing he had the willpower to try and push her off his cock. But what she was doing with her mouth… it was just too good. Even if, as he suspected, she wasn’t using her powers to keep him from shoving her off him he wouldn’t have been able to, not till he came.

Still, he was angry. “You can’t just control people like that,” he tried to say angrily, but the words came out as stuttered gasps of pleasure.

* * *

“And I’ll have to tell the others what you’ve done,” Alfie gasped as Psychia took him deep into her throat, holding him there as she fondled his balls. She was in his mind, feeling his pleasure and the growing frustration from his inability to reach the release of climax now so great it was becoming pain. The cruelest part of her was delighted in this, wanting to drag it out.

She knew that if he told the others what she was doing it would be disastrous. Archbaroness might even kick Psychia off the team for manipulating them like that. But Psychia wasn’t concerned, not even a little.

You’re not going to tell the others, she thought as she continued to hold him deep in her throat as she played with his balls and kept him on the edge of release. I won’t let you. But before I alter your memories of this encounter I’m going to have fun playing with the anger you feel at finding out how I’ve been manipulating you and the others.

* * *

Psychia, with an intensely sexy gasp for air, pulled back and let his cock fall free from her mouth. “You’re right, Alfie, I’ve been a VERY naughty woman,” she said, looking up at him with a devious grin that made her look anything but sorry. “I’ve been a naughty woman and I need to be punished.”

She jumped to her feet, making sure his attention was drawn to the way her large tits bounced when she did this. Alfie groaned as the sight of her firm breasts bouncing, falling, then jiggling so enjoyably reminded him of just how frustratingly badly he needed to cum. His cock, dripping strings of saliva after the long and VERY intense oral session, was so hard it hurt. He had to grab it and squeeze his shaft tight just to relieve some of the pain.

Psychia grabbed the wrist of his free hand and pulled him along as she rushed to the throne-like seat she’d been sitting on when he’d entered the room. “A naughty, naughty girl that needs to be punished,” she said when she reached the chair.

She let go of his hand and faced the chair, dropping to her knees in front of it. She bent over the chair, flipping up her short skirt as she did to reveal she had nothing on under it. She grabbed her full, firm ass cheeks and spread them open, exposing her perfectly hairless asshole and swollen pussy to the man.

“A naughty, naughty woman who needs to be punished for the bad things she’s done. You should fuck me. But not in my pussy, that’s too good for me. Fuck my asshole. Come on, Alfie, feel how ANGRY you are with me. You want to hate-fuck my ass. You NEED to do it.”

Alfie WAS been angry, but the idea of punishing this woman by “hate-fucking” her ass? No, he’d never— Or COULD he? Yes, he thought as the anger simmering i
n him suddenly boiled over. Yes, this bitch needs to be punished for manipulating and controlling us! Why, she’s even doing it right now! Making me even angrier than I feel!
“Fucking cunt,” he growled, practically leaping at the woman’s offered backend. He grabbed his throbbing erection and rubbed the saliva-covered tip against her puckered asshole. “Shouldn’t bother easing it in,” he added, pressing into her asshole a bit then pulling back before pushing further in. “Should just shove it in and not care if it hurts you.”
“Do it,” Psychia moaned out, her voice a desperate grasp of greedy desire. “I’m such a naughty fucking woman. Teach me a lesson I won’t ever forget.”

“I’ll do it,” Alfie growled, shoving his cockhead through the tightest part of her asshole. “You’re such a naughty fucking woman,” he added, not aware she was making him repeat back what she’d said to him. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t ever forget,” he added, grabbing her sides and shoving his cock balls-deep into her ass.

* * *

Deeper, Psychia thought while she telepathically directed Alfie. Harder. Faster. Pound my fucking ass. Punish me for being such an evil cunt.

“Deeper,” Alfie grunted, his voice making it clear he was lost in a potent mix of telepathically induced anger and sexual rage. “Going to fuck you harder,” he grunted, slamming harder into her. “Faster,” he added, pumping his cock faster in and out of her tightest hole. “Going to pound your ass till I cum. Going to punish you for being such an evil cunt.”

Psychia gasped and moaned in joy, reaching under herself to play with her clit to increase her pleasure. The savage anal pounding was working her towards climax. It would take time, time she’d enjoy, and time she’d put to good use.

She began massaging Alfie’s memories of their encounter. She continued to keep him from cumming, using that frustration and the rage she’d made him feel at being manipulated to burn away the inconvenient recent memories. As she built closer to release she rewrote his memories, making it so he’d remember this as just an intense sexual gift she’d given him.

Everything would come to an explosive climax when she came. The orgasm would weaken her powers, freeing Alfie of her control over his body and mind. The moment she started to cum she’d no longer be able to keep him from getting off. He’d join her in climax, cumming harder than the man imagined possible.

“Almost there,” she whimpered, delighting in the mix of pain and pleasure the anal hate-fucking was causing. “So… fucking… close…”

* * *

Alfie hadn’t imagined it was possible to cum as hard as he had. He’d nearly blacked out afterwards and as he’d started to recover he swore he’d cum so hard he’d lost some of his recent memories. The insanely intense sexual encounter with Psychia was a blur. How had it begun? How had he ended up fucking her ass so hard?

The confusion eased then faded. He was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the Santa throne Psychia was still bent over. She was gasping for breath, weak after cumming hard enough to temporarily depower herself.

“That was reckless,” he panted, still trying to catch his breath. “You need your powers.”

“They’ll be back soon,” Psychia said between heavy breaths. “It was worth it. Merry Christmas, Alfie.”

“Thank you,” he sighed, amazed he’d been given a second intense sexual gift from these walking goddesses he served. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” he told her, not imagining the sexual gifts were far from over.


How will Psychia gift Alfie next? (Choose up to 11 options from this poll, whichever gets the most votes happens next!)
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Philo Hunter
Posts: 644
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North

Chapter Three: Heleena the Healer and Opal Enchantress

Psychia sat at her control console feeling bored and horny. The team’s main field members, Archbaroness, Champion Girl, and Brickhouse, were all out on patrol. The city was relatively quiet and her duties as dispatch agent were not likely to need her full attention any time soon.

It’s time to give Alfie another present, she thought as she put her telepathic amplifier on. Once she felt her powers enhanced she began flipping through security monitors to look at what her other teammates were up to.

The first feed she brought up showed Lab Rat in Freedom Tower’s armory. The mousy tech genius was busy working on a project Psychia knew she shouldn’t interrupt. I can always make her give Alfie a present some other time, she thought as she switched the display on the screen.

Next she brought up a security feed that showed the building’s infirmary. It was run by a superheroine named Heleena the Healer who had the ability to heal anyone with powers simply by touching them.

For a long time Heleena had run a clinic where anyone with powers could come to be healed. She would never ask questions about how a superpowered individual had gotten hurt, nor would she ask about what side of the law the person stood on. It had taken Archbaroness years but eventually she’d convinced Heleena that offering her services to supervillains was doing more harm than good.

Now that she was a member of the Megatropolis Amazons and her clinic was run out of Freedom Tower the superpowered individuals of Megatropolis knew they could still come to Heleena for healing, they just knew that if they were on the wrong side of the law after being healed they’d end up in one of the building’s jail cells.

Still, there were enough superheroines active in the city to keep Heleena busy most days. This just wasn’t one of those days.

Psychia could see that Heleena was alone in the infirmary looking bored. Let’s help relieve her boredom, she thought as she reached into the attractive black woman’s mind. Yes… there we go. Now Heleena feels the sudden urge to visit Alfie and show him some holiday cheer.

As Heleena left the infirmary Psychia slid down her chair, spreading her legs and reaching down to touch herself as she started fantasizing about what kind of present she was going to “inspire” Heleena to give Alfie.

The image of the woman’s sexy, full dark lips wrapped around Alfie’s wonderful white cock filled her mind. She closed her eyes, rubbing at herself through her costume while implanting the image into Heleena’s mind.

Another image flashed into Psychia’s mind. She saw Alfie standing in the gym, his cock out while TWO black women knelt in front of him. His white meat was sandwiched between their dark lips as both pleasured him with their mouths.

“I need to get Opal Enchantress in on this,” Psychia muttered as she sat up and adjusted Heleena’s impulse to go to Alfie. Before doing that she’d first go and enlist her fellow teammate’s help.

Opal Enchantress, also a black woman, was the newest addition to the Megatropolis Amazons. Unlike the other members of the team, the power sorceress didn’t reside in Freedom Tower. But her sanctum, the location of which was a highly guarded secret, could be reached through a door Opal Enchantress had enchanted. When the team needed her they could go through the magical doorway and find themselves in her sanctum.

As Heleena went to retrieve Opal Enchantress Psychia thought about how she’d been unable to telepathically manipulate the sorceress at first. When the stunning black beauty had joined the team her mind had been protected by layers of magical wards that kept Psychia from affecting or even reading the woman’s mind.

Slowly, piece by piece, implanted compulsion by implanted compulsion, Psychia had secretly worked her way past them all. She could now manipulate Opal Enchantress almost as easily as the rest of the team, although she did have to be more careful and act more subtly than she did with the others.

Normally even with the telepathic amplifier on Opal Enchantress was out of reach of Psychia’s powers while the sorceress was in her sanctum. But once the enchanted door was open and Freedom Tower was magically connected to the place Psychia would be able to reach her mind.

As soon as Heleena opened the door Psychia was able to feel Heleena’s mind. She did a quick scan to ensure she was not doing something that wouldn’t be safe to interrupt. The woman’s main duty was protecting the city from arcane threats, a task which often required vigilant meditation as she held back demons who often tried to force entry into their dimension.

Psychia happily discovered that Opal Enchantress was not busy, although she did pick up some anxiety about a demon the sorceress always had to keep at bay on Christmas Eve. Psychia made a mental note to not disturb the woman that night.

She grabbed hold of both black women’s minds, heavily influencing the conversation they had once Heleena located Opal Enchantress. Psychia ensured Opal Enchantress would find the idea of giving Alfie an early Christmas present not only a good idea but one that left her sexually excited.

Psychia implanted the mental image of them sandwiching his “white meat” between their dark lips into both their minds. She pushed on their desires, ensuring it was the gift they’d feel driven to give Alfie.

With everything prepared Psychia got comfortable, pulling out a vibrator and preparing to enjoy the show. She brought up all the security feeds in the gym so she could watch things from multiple angles. As always her voyeuristic masturbation session would include more than just video footage, she’d be seeing and feeling things through the perspective of Alfie and the two superheroines being sent to him. And since she’d already be in their minds watching she’d be able to easily manipulate and control them all to make the encounter play out exactly the way she wanted it to…

* * *

Alfie happily hummed along to the Christmas song playing over the gym’s sound system as he busied himself cleaning workout equipment. Although he’d already cleaned up after the “workout” session he’d had with the heroines that had needed his attention before going out on patrol earlier he liked to keep busy by double or even triple cleaning the gym’s equipment.

“Something about this year,” he chuckled to himself when he noticed he’d been humming along to the song. “I don’t normally get into the Christmas spirit like this,” he added with a smile as he looked around at all the decorations spread through the gym. “But damn if these women haven't gotten me into the mood this year.”

He let out a satisfied sigh as he remembered the two times members of the team had given him early Christmas gifts. The memories were enough to make his gym shorts start to feel a bit tight. Alfie wasn’t normally a greedy man. Normally he was a selfless giver. Yet in that moment he found himself longing for more sexual gifts from the women he tended to.

“Stop it,” he told himself in a quiet, disproving tone. “You’ve gotten far more than these women owe you already. Don’t go expecting more. It’s not like one of them is going to walk through that door and offer you up ANOTHER sexual gift! That’s too big of a dream.”

When the door to the gym swung open a moment later he was angry that his first thought was that his dream was about to come true. Besides, it’s not one team member, it’s two, he thought. Both are dressed in their regular costumes, not their gym clothes, so they aren’t here for a ‘workout’ session.

As the two attractive black women approached he took a moment to admire both their figures.

The form-fitting white nurse’s scrubs that Heleena wore showed off the shape of her wide, voluptuous ass and shapely thighs. The woman’s top half was more slender, with breasts only large enough to fill out the scrubs.

As she approached Heleena walked with a bounce in her step that matched the eager smile on her full lips. The way she was walking caused her curly black hair to bounce playfully, making the normally serious and subdued woman look abnormally energetic.

Alfie knew that mood. She only got smiley and bouncy like this when she was horny. Could it be his dream of getting ANOTHER sexual present was coming true? He turned his attention to Opal Enchantress, another woman who was normally studious and looked to be in as upbeat and flirty of a mood as Heleena was.

Opal Enchantress was older than Heleena, although by how much Alfie was unable to tell. Once someone’s Power-Gene activated their aging slowed significantly. The older woman’s body was stunning regardless of her age, and her costume left little of it needing to be imagined.

She was a tall woman with a slender build that had only a little thickness in her thighs and backend. She had large firm breasts that looked only a little out of place on her narrow frame. Her skin was slightly darker than Heleena’s and she kept her jet-black hair chin-length and done in tight braids.

A shimmering, opal-colored carapace shaped like a bikini covered her crotch and breasts. Coral-like growths of this semi-transparent carapace extended out from there, artfully covering her midsection and limbs.

Alfie knew the carapace, which the superheroine could “reshape” at will, had something to do with her powers. When she was weakened, especially by sexual climax, the carapace would start to disappear. He’d noticed since she joined the team that she rarely visited him when some of the carapace was missing, seeming to only indulge in his “services” when it covered most of her body.

They both look happy and horny, he thought as he greeted them with a smile. “What brings you to the gym today?” he asked as they neared. “Surely if you were looking for a workout you’d have been more properly dressed for it?”

“You’re right, Alfie, we’re not looking for a workout today,” Opal Enchantress told him.

Like always she wore no shoes. She used her magical powers to “walk” on air and when she came to a stop she always floated a few inches above the ground. As she floated in place she crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up as she did and smiling when she saw Alfie’s eyes drop to them.

She smirked happily and looked at Heleena. “You know, Heleena, Alfie is normally so ready to take care of our needs but today it looks like HE’S the one in need of some relief.”

Heleena put a hand on her hip and gave the fit man a long, appraising look. “Judging by the slight bulge in his cute little gym shorts it would seem you’re right,” she teased flirtatiously. “See, Alfie, we were talking and decided we needed to pay you a visit while things are slow to give you an early Christmas present.”

Fucking Christ, Alfie thought. It’s happening again! These walking goddesses are incredible! Trying not to sound too eager or expectant Alfie asked, “What did you have in mind?”

The two women smiled at each other.

“What did we have in mind?” Opal asked Heleena.

“I think we’d been talking about being ravenously hungry,” Heleena said. She tapped a finger to her cheek and looked thoughtful. “But what KIND of meat was it we were saying we were hungry for?”

“Hmmm,” Opal said, twisting her face up in mock thought. “I can’t quite remember… Was it maybe white meat?”

“Yes!” Heleena exclaimed excitedly. “It WAS!” She unexpectedly stepped forward, dropping to her knees in front of Alfie. “And I know exactly where we can find some wonderful white meat,” she told Opal as she put her hand on Alfie’s crotch. “Oh my,” she added as she rubbed his dick with her palm, “the meat is already hard!”

Alfie moaned in delight, already turned on enough by the unexpected encounter that he was fully erect. The rush of arousal had come in a flash the moment Heleena had dropped to her knees in front of him. As soon as her face was close to his crotch all he’d been able to think about was how sexy her dark lips would look around the lighter skin of his member. The thought had just appeared in his mind like it had been planted there.

“I can’t wait anymore,” Heleena said, running her hand up Alfie’s shorts and digging her fingertips into the top of them. “Let’s get this tasty white meat out and ready to feast on,” she added, yanking his shorts down.

When his erect member sprung free both women gasped in shock then giggled in delight. He knew they were overreacting to the sight of his dick, but he didn’t care. They were playing things up for his benefit and he was loving it.

“Oh my, this IS an amazing piece of white meat,” Heleena said as she gently grabbed Alfie’s dick by the base and held it up to admire it. “Come get a look at this,” she told Opal.
Opal Enchantress floated closer before lowering herself to her knees, touching down on the ground beside Heleena.

“Have you ever seen a more beautiful white cock?” Heleena asked her. She grabbed the woman’s wrist and pulled her hand to Alfie’s dick. “Here, hold it. Give it a squeeze. Feel how HARD it is for us!”

Alfie let slip a moan of pleasure as the two women squeezed his cock. With both their hands on him, and their faces so near, the image of BOTH their dark lips pressed against his light-skinned member flashed into his mind.

“I’ll be honest,” Opal enchantress began as she lovingly stroked Alfie’s cock. “I’m normally a woman who prefers black men. But this IS a beautiful white cock. And you’re right, he IS hard for us. I think I need to get a good taste of this hard white meat.”

Opal Enchantress pulled his cock towards her as she leaned in. She puckered her lips and kissed the tip, looking up and making eye contact with Alfie before parting her lips and taking his cockhead into her mouth. She moaned in delight as she sucked on his cockhead before pulling back and making a satisfied wet smacking sound with her lips as she broke suction.

“Just as delicious as I thought it would be. Here, Heleena, you get a taste,” she said, sliding her hand down Alfie’s cock so she was gripping Heleena’s hand. Together they repositioned his dick so Heleena could easily suck on it.

They took turns passing his cock back and forth, each sucking on it for a bit. They made a production of loudly slurping and moaning as though his “hard white meat” were a delicious delicacy they were feasting on.

“So tasty,” Opal moaned while Heleena sucked him off.

“Yes, a truly masculine treat,” Heleena said when she passed his cock back to Opal.

“Some truly delicious hard white meat,” Opal told Heleena when she started to pass his cock back to her. “But it’s so good,” she added, pulling his dick back towards her mouth. “I don’t really want to give it up.”

“Then why don’t we share?” Heleena asked. She looked up at Alfie. “Would you mind if we sucked on your hard white meat together?”

“Yes,” Opal Enchantress said excitedly. “Wouldn’t you like us to use our dark lips to make a sandwich of your white meat?”

They didn’t wait for him to answer. The two women crowded in, each putting their mouths on either side of his shaft. They pressed his cock between them, their lips meeting around his shaft as they moaned in delight.

“Good lord,” Alfie gasped as he stared down and saw his fantasy come true. He put his hands on the women’s heads, muttering, “Gods yes, like that,” as they started working their mouths up and down the length of his shaft in perfect unison, their lips locked together around his shaft.

They sucked and slurped and teased his shaft with their tongues as they worked him with their mouths. The two superheroines worked in perfect unison like they were one.
“Dear god, women, I’m not going to last much longer,” Alfie gasped when he felt himself rising towards climax.

The two superheroines responded by working his cock more vigorously. They stopped sucking up and down the length of his cock in sync, instead moving in opposite directions. As one sucked and slurped up towards the top of his shaft the other would work her way down towards the base. Then, when they went back the other way, their lips would meet in the middle before passing each other.

“Can’t last much longer,” Alfie groaned. “Going to cum,” he grunted a moment later. He’d THOUGHT he was about to cum, but his body felt suddenly locked in place at the moment just before release.

“Cum on our tits,” both superheroines said in near-perfect unison as they pulled their mouths off Alfie’s cock.

They made a frantic scramble to expose their breasts. Heleena grabbed her top and pulled it up over her head before tossing it to the side and revealing she wore nothing under it. Beside her Opal Enchantress willed the shimmering opal-colored carapace covering her breasts to shift, moving to her back and leaving her breasts exposed.

Both women knelt before Alfie, holding their breasts up for him to cum on. “Spray it all over our tits,” they begged him, speaking in unison almost as though someone else was speaking through them.

Alfie grabbed his cock and pointed it at them just as the hold on his climax was released. He let out a male grunt of pleasure as his dick spasmed and he sent a thick spurt of semen flying first at Heleena’s small black tits then at Opal Enchantress’ much larger, darker-skinned breasts.

The man stumbled back, feeling weak on his legs. “Fucking hell,” he muttered as he reached behind him to lean on an exercise bicycle for support. Not being able to cum while they’d gotten into position had intensified his orgasm, nearly causing his legs to give out under him when it finally happened.

“Merry Christmas, Alfie,” both superheroines said, holding their tits up to show off the cum he’d splattered all over them.

Heleena looked at Opal and smiled. “Mmmm… Look at all that tasty-looking white cum all over your big juicy black tits.”

“Your little titties look just as good sprayed with white cum too,” Opal told her. “You think our dear Alfie would like to see us lick each other’s tits clean?”

“God, yes,” Alfie moaned.

“Then let’s give him one final present,” Heleena said.

* * *

Psychia sat limp in her chair, panting heavily. She’d conducted the threesome with perverse skill, masturbating to the show and making sure Alfie didn’t cum till she was ready to cum along with him. Now it was over and she sat flush and satisfied, enjoying the sight of her two teammates licking and sucking the man’s semen off each other’s tits as a nice cool down.

She made it so the memory of them licking each other’s breasts clean would be seared clearly into Alfie’s mind. Psychia implanted the impulse to jerk off to the sight at least once over the next day or two, making sure he enjoyed the lewd display to its fullest.

“So much time left before Christmas,” Psychia sighed happily. “So many ways we can treat him. But I think every member of the team needs to give Alfie a present before those of us who have gifted him give him a second one.”

That meant either the mousy tech genius Lab Rat or the hulking, red-skinned brute Brickhouse would be up next. Psychia smiled fiendishly, already thinking up perverse presents for her teammates to give Alfie.


How will Psychia gift Alfie next? (Choose up to 5 options from this poll)
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Philo Hunter
Posts: 644
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North

((This ended up being a HUGE entry that was almost as long as the rest of the story combined, hopefully I'll get the rest of the entries up a lot faster and be able to get the story done before Christmas))

Chapter Four: An Interlude Featuring Psychia and Lab Rat

Although Alfie’s festive gift-giving bonanza was taking up much of Psychia’s extra time she had all her normal duties and obligations to attend to. One of these was her weekly “play date” with her teammate Lab Rat.

The rest of the Megatropolis Amazons had their superpowers potentially drained by sexual release. Not Lab Rat. The mousy girl’s superhuman intelligence was fueled by sexual stimulation, especially orgasms. Even though Lab Rat had ways of helping herself charge her Psychia set aside time once a week to help ensure the girl’s mental acuity was kept topped off.

Psychia had started indulging in these weekly evenings of shared sapphic passion with Lab Rat almost as soon as the shy superheroine had joined the team. At first she’d made the offer to help her fellow teammate keep her powers at their peak ability. Although Lab Rat rarely joined them in the field to fight enemies the team often relied on Lab Rat’s technological creations to act as dues ex machina whenever they faced a threat they couldn’t otherwise defeat.

Over time Psychia had come to look forward to these weekly evenings of depraved sapphic perversion more and more. She’d been able to discover rather quickly that the anxious, androgynous-looking Lab Rat was secretly as fiendishly perverse as Psychia was. The girl had sexual secrets she kept hidden from the rest of the team that she feared would make them look at her not as the superheroine she wanted to be, but as someone too depraved to remain a Megatropolis Amazon.

Psychia thought Lab Rat’s assumptions were right. From the very beginning she’d worked to help Lab Rat keep the darkest of these sexual secrets hidden from the rest of the team. The truth was even Psychia didn’t like to think about Lab Rat’s darkest secrets, not unless she needed to. And this Christmas season Lab Rat’s secrets could remain hidden in the darkest of hidden rooms in Freedom Tower.

At first their weekly fuck sessions had involved Lab Rat taking on the role of cruel dominatrix, a side of herself the mousy girl didn’t let any other member of the team see. But Psychia had quickly grown bored of that. She liked being in control, even if she normally did so secretly through the use of her telepathic control of the people around her.

Over the years she’d done a lot of toying around with Lab Rat’s mind. She’d twisted and reshaped things, gradually transforming their private sexual relationship. Their weekly nights of kinky fun had become an indulgent role reversal for Lab Rat. Her nights with Psychia were the only times she “willingly” took on the role of sexual submissive.

Thanks to Psychia manipulating her mind for years Lab Rat now craved to be sexually subjugated, dominated, and humiliated by the sexy Latina. She wanted Psychia to do the kind of horrible sexual things to her that Lab Rat normally, in secret, made others suffer through.

But even that wasn’t enough for Psychia. She always wanted more control. Always wanted to make the kinky games she played with others more complicated and depraved. Making it so Lab Rat got off on a role reversal with Psychia wasn’t enough. She kept playing with the girl’s mind, making her see what had started as a weekly way to keep her powers fueled as an intensely emotional thing as well. By this point Psychia had twisted Lab Rat’s emotions till the girl felt an unhealthy, very one-sided obsessive infatuation she mistook for love for Psychia.

Although their other teammates knew about some of this relationship none knew the true extent of how intense, unhealthy, and perverse it was. Whenever any of them began to suspect the truth Psychia would use her powers to suppress their suspicions. She viewed them ALL as her toys, but Lab Rat more than most.

Psychia sat in her bedroom, the lights off. She was lounging on the recliner that often played a central role in her weekly play dates with Lab Rat. The sexy Latina had two fingers pressed against her temple, focusing her telepathic powers as she waited to be able to sense her teammate Lab Rat’s approach.

While waiting she thought idly about her telepathic amplifier. She’d thought about starting to wear it out of the Control Room but had stopped herself. She didn’t want anyone to know she had the device, especially Lab Rat as seeing Psychia wearing the device might cause Lab Rat to remember making it.

Psychia played with her long brown hair in the dark, pulling some of it forward to cover the parts of her temples where the device adhered to her skin. Perhaps if I wore my hair differently I could hide the amplifier, she thought. But I SHOULDN’T… It’s too much power. I’ll be too tempted to do terrible things wearing the device outside my control room.

The thought was interrupted by Lab Rat getting close enough for Psychia to connect with the girl’s mind. Psychia focused on Lab Rat, sitting in the dark while telepathically inhaling Lab Rat’s anticipation for their evening together. She closed her eyes, connecting deeper with the girl’s mind to see the world through her eyes.

She saw the hallway leading to Psychia’s apartment. Trailing behind her were the two floating robots the young superheroine was rarely without. Psychia saw Lab Rat, through the girl’s eyes, turn to the two round robots and dismiss them. Their weekly evenings were one of the few times Lab Rat would willingly send her Helper Bots away.

Lab Rat didn’t knock before entering Psychia’s private apartment. She knew the security code to get in, the only other member of the team who did. Once inside the apartment Lab Rat didn’t bother calling out. She knew Psychia would know she’d arrived, having already felt her inside her mind.

Only because I want her to, Psychia thought, grinning fiendishly in the dark. I can easily slip into any of their minds without them knowing, but I make them think they feel it. Of course they rarely do, but THEY don’t know that.

Out in Psychia’s living room Lab Rat was hurriedly unzipping the grease-stained blue coveralls that served as her costume. By the time she was fully undressed the girl was practically shaking with anticipation, a feeling Psychia telepathically inhaled with greedy voyeuristic joy.

Lab Rat left the living room, entering a hallway lit only by the lights of the room she’d left behind. She stopped at a small decorative table to pick up a leather bondage collar left laying there. The girl put it on with loving care, securing it just tight enough for it to be a bit uncomfortable.

“Are you in here?” Lab Rat asked anxiously as she stepped into the pitch black of Psychia’s bedroom.

A lamp turned on, the sudden illumination temporarily blinding Lab Rat.

Psychia took the moment before the girl’s eyes adjusted to the light to admire Lab Rat’s naked body. She was a small woman, short and dainty to the point of looking fragile. She had an androgynous build that lacked almost any womanly curves, with narrow hips, a nearly flat ass, and an even flatter chest.

Not a stunning goddess like the rest of us, Psychia thought. The anxious little thing is almost sexless when she’s wearing those baggy coveralls. Yet look at her right now. Naked and collared, quivering with eagerness to spend the evening as my sexual slave. So much raw sexuality made all the more impressive because she spends so much time hiding it.

“On your hands and knees where you belong, like the pathetic animal I know you to be,” Psychia said with affected bored indifference.

As Lab Rat eagerly dropped to the ground Psychia invaded her mind, seeing herself through the girl’s eyes for a moment.

She was lounging on a red recliner, leaning back with one leg draped over the other. Her normal revealing costume was gone. She had only the same scant “outfit” she wore during most of their weekly kink sessions: thigh-high black lace stockings with a garter belt and a pair of knee-high black leather heels. The only addition this week was a festive Santa hat, something to help keep her in the holiday mood.

Psychia had positioned herself for this moment, wanting to feel the effects of the reveal through Lab Rat’s senses. She drank in the sight of herself through the girl’s eyes, enjoying how turned on the mere sight of her full curves made Lab Rat.

The pasty-skinned white girl had been taken by Psychia’s dark-skinned Latina beauty since the first moment they’d met. Since then Lab Rat had only grown more obsessed with Psychia’s body, coming to worship her like a goddess in these private moments.

Psychia indulged in consuming Lab Rat’s reaction to the reveal of her body. Soaking in the mental high of feeling the girl’s desire rise as her eyes went down her body. Lab Rat’s eyes lingered on Psychia’s neck as the girl’s mind filled with desire to nuzzle, lick, kiss, and suck on it. Her eyes lingered even longer on Psychia’s large, firm breasts.

The girl loves my breasts more than I think she loves herself, Psychia thought with amusement. And that’s not something I even did to her. She’s always been a lover of breasts. And she knows I know, and that I use them to torment her. One of her rules as my submissive that we’ve established is that she can’t touch them without permission.

Psychia was holding a riding crop, the leather tongue resting on her knee. To draw Lab Rat’s attention away from her breasts Psychia tapped the crop on her knee, hard enough for the fleshy slap to get a strong reaction from the girl. She took only a moment to savor the fear-filled bounce of excitement Lab Rat gave in response before elegantly and smoothly lifting the leg off the other.

When Psychia spread her legs Lab Rat’s full attention fell southward. Psychia felt Lab Rat’s eyes dart past her sex, stopping to drink in the sight of her shapely thighs, before flying back to her pussy. The rush of arousal the reveal brought out in Lab Rat was something Psychia found intoxicating. It was almost enough to command the girl to come eat her out.


These nights are never about hasty sexual release, Psychia thought. These nights are slow burns of desire, humiliation, perverse sexual debasement, and only gradual release. I indulge by making her suffer. And tonight I have more reason than most to drag this out, she told herself as she thought about the fiendishly perverse gift she had planned to give Alfie next. It was a gift Lab Rat would play a central role in, but the thing was so depraved and opposed to what the mousy girl would normally allow it would need a LOT of mental finessing to make happen.

“Back on your feet,” Psychia snapped as she recrossed her leg to hide her sex. “Good girl,” she added when Lab Rat stood, enjoying the way the two words made her shiver in delight.

“Here,” Psychia said, swishing the riding crop through the air to point at the floor near her. “Come present yourself to your mistress as she decides what torments you’ll be made to endure.”

As the girl approached Psychia reached deeper into her mind. It was the girl’s sexuality she needed a closer look at. Before her powers activated Lab Rat had only ever had interest in women. When her powers arrived so had a supercharged libido that had brought along a very much unwanted new attraction to men.

Regardless of their original sexuality most superheroines easily gave in to their newfound bisexuality once their powers activated. Not Lab Rat. She’d fought it nearly every step of the way, doing what she could to avoid situations where she’d have to deal with those unwanted sexual desires.

Of all the team members it was Lab Rat who used Alfie’s “services” the least. Only when she was truly desperate for sexual release would she visit him, and even when that happened she’d rarely make use of his full skills.

Psychia was fairly certain the girl had never had any kind of penetrative sex with the man. I intend to change that, Psychia thought as her plan flashed through her mind. But ‘convincing’ Lab Rat she wants to gift Alfie with what I have in mind is going to take some diligent reworking of her mind… I’ll need to keep her busy and distracted all evening while I implant compulsions and triggers in her mind.

Lab rat went to where Psychia had signaled her to go, standing at attention with her flat chest sticking out and her hands held behind her back.

“Take a step closer,” Psychia demanded as she probed deeper into the girl’s mind to begin her work. Psychia slapped the leather tongue of her riding crop on the center of Lab Rat’s chest. The strike wasn’t hard enough to hurt, only to sting pleasantly. If there was going to be delightful pain she’d make Lab Rat wait for it.

To keep Lab Rat distracted while she went about her telepathic work inside the girl’s mind Psychia caressed the girl’s chest with the riding crop. She moved it slow and light, tickling her skin, moving from near one of the girl’s nipples to the other but never brushing against her small areolas.

The sight of the girl’s small nipples getting hard momentarily pulled Psychia’s focus away from her telepathic meddling. Lab Rat’s nipples were small, but when the buds got hard they swelled in a way Psychia found most pleasing.

“Delightfully hard,” Psychia cooed, sliding the top of the riding crop to one of the girl’s nipples to tease it.

“Hard for you, Mistress,” Lab Rat cooed back as the woman teased her other nipple with the leather tongue of the riding crop.

“On these nights its ALL for me,” Psychia snapped, slapping Lab Rat’s nipple with the crop hard enough to make the girl yelp in pain.

Lab Rat remained standing at attention, her posture almost perfect even after the slap to her nipple. The yelp of pain she’d let out involuntarily morphed into a shuddering moan of delight as Psychia rubbed at her pained nipple with the tip of the riding crop. “All for you, Mistress,” she sighed happily when Psychia slid the riding crop down her front.

Just a little more distraction, then I’ll return to my telepathic work, Psychia thought as she dragged the tongue of the riding crop down and around the girl’s belly button. She kept going downward, pleased when Lab Rat shifted to open her legs. She knows exactly where I’m going, the horny little minx.

She slowed her advance as she got closer to the girl’s sex. “Such a lovely little pussy,” Psychia cooed as the riding crop reached its destination. She lovingly caressed Lab Rat’s pubic mound then worked her way down one side of her outer labia then up the other.

Like everyone with an active P-Gene both women had perfectly smooth, hairless vulvas. It allowed Psychia to caress and admire every curve and contour of the girl’s hairless sex. The blissful cooing and content moans the caressing of leather against sensitive skin caused helped ease Psychia back into her telepathic altering of Lab Rat’s mind.

“On your knees,” Psychia said, allowing herself to function mostly on instinct while her main focus was on what she was doing to the girl’s mind. She held up the foot of the leg she had crossed over the other. “Kiss it,” Psychia barked.

As Lab Rat kissed the toe of Psychia’s leather thigh-high heels the manipulative superheroine began weaving compulsions, implanting ideas and desires the girl would never have on her own. It was delicate, hard work, but she made quick progress. Excited by this, Psychia commanded Lab Rat to lick her boot. “All the way up,” she added. “Towards the inside of my thigh as you get higher,” she said, spreading her legs open.

She spread her legs further open as Lab Rat’s tongue reached the top of her leather footwear. “Kiss my inner thigh,” she told the girl. “Softly, I don’t want any of your pathetic drool on my stockings. There’s a good girl. Now again, a little higher. And again. Keep going, one kiss after another.”

Inside Lab Rat’s head Psychia was weaving compulsions that would lead to the events she wanted to happen the next day. She made it so Lab Rat would come to the rest of the team with her idea for the “gift” she wanted to give Alfie. But the work I’m doing here won’t be all I’ll need to do, Psychia realized. At the morning meeting when she presents ‘her’ idea I’ll have to be in ALL of their minds, massaging their reactions. Without my manipulations they’d all see how unlike Lab Rat the idea is. I’ll just have to ensure they DON’T see that and that they go along with what she suggests.

Lab Rat’s lips had nearly reached the crease between upper thigh and womanhood. “Stop,” Psychia barked. “Tell me you want to kiss my pussy.”

Lab Rat turned her head slightly, deeply inhaling the intoxicating smell of Psychia’s womanhood. “I want to kiss your pussy,” she said, shuddering with desire.

“Tell me you NEED to kiss my pussy.”

Lab Rat inhaled slowly, once more savoring the scent of Psychia. “I NEED to kiss your pussy.”

“Kiss closer, but not on my pussy yet.”

Lab Rat put her small hands on Psychia’s thighs. Her hands shook as she kissed as close to the woman’s pussy as she could without her lips brushing against her outer labia.

“Tell me you love my pussy.”

“I LOVE your pussy,” Lab Rat moaned out.

“Tell me you love me,” Psychia added.

“I love you,” Lab Rat said, voice full of pathetic simpering adoration.

Psychia ran her fingers through Lab Rat’s short, messy brown hair as she delighted in how pathetic she’d made the girl after toying with her mind for so long. “Alright, pet,” she told her as she caressed her head, “you may kiss me there now. Kisses only, but don’t stop. Convince me I’m your goddess and you’re worshiping me by kissing my cunt. Keep kissing till I cum and MAYBE your goddess will reward you.”

While luxuriating in Lab Rat worshiping her with wet kisses that gradually added more tongue Psychia continued to work over the girl’s mind. By the time Lab Rat worked Psychia to climax all the compulsions were implanted into the girl’s mind.

“Did I do good enough to earn a reward?” Lab Rat asked as she nuzzled her face into Psychia’s damp womanhood while the sexy Latina lounged in post-orgasmic bliss.

Psychia lazily stroked the girl’s hair. “Better than you realize,” she sighed happily. “What would my pet want as her reward?”

“Tie me up,” Lab Rat blurted out. “Tie me up to your bed. Clamp my nipples. Use vibrators to orgasm-torture me. Work me for hours till my brain is super-charged. I’ve had this idea for a present for Alfie and I want the brainpower to perfect it before I present it to the team tomorrow morning. I-”

“Hush,” Psychia said as she put a finger over the girl’s lips. “I can wait till you’ve perfected your idea to hear it,” she said, knowing full well what the idea already was. “You’re a VERY good girl. You’ll have what you want. I’m going to spend the rest of the night tying you up, cruelly tormenting and clamping your nipples, and then using powerful vibrators to orgasm-torture you. And we’ll do even more after that.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Lab Rat sighed.

Alfie should be the one thanking me, Psychia thought. The present he’s going to get tomorrow is going to be one that will make him forget all about the last three…

Chapter Five: Lab Rat and the Megatropolis Amazons

“Good morning, Alfie,” Psychia said as she opened the door into the small office Alfie had in the back of the gym.

The man, who had been using his computer to look up pictures of local superheroines’ “wardrobe malfunctions”, hurriedly minimized his web browser. “You caught me by surprise,” he admitted sheepishly.

Psychia flashed an amused smile that confirmed, as he feared, that she’d seen what he was up to. Even if she hadn’t he suspected she would have known regardless. She had a bad habit of reading minds without permission.

“And sometimes people are thinking so loud it’s impossible not to overhear their thoughts,” she told him. “You’re feeling a bit horny today, yes?”

Alfie, flushing slightly, shrugged. “Not just today,” he admitted. He’d been feeling insanely horny ever since that day Champion Girl and Archbaroness had given him that early Christmas present. Since then he’d been given two more sexual gifts and he couldn’t stop himself from hoping there would be more before Christmas day arrived.

“I’m very sorry to hear that,” Psychia told him. “And sorry to tell you I’m not here to help. The morning meeting is going to be a long one today and we were hoping for something a little extra special. Could you be a dear and go to that lovely bakery on sixth and grab us some fancy coffees and some wonderfully delicious treats?” She held her hand out, offering up a scrap of paper with the team’s orders scrawled on it.

“Sure,” Alfie said, standing up and taking the list of requests. Normally they’d call in an order or send a Synthoman to pick something like this up, but he knew the bakery he was being sent to neither delivered nor did it appreciate the robotic men. He didn’t normally run errands like this, but it wasn’t unheard of and sometimes it was nice to be given such a mundane task.

When Alfie returned and delivered the order to the team’s meeting room he discovered the Megatropolis Amazons’ normally long morning meeting seemed to be over as both Opal Enchantress and Lab Rat were already gone.

Although I suppose Opal Enchantress might never have been here, he thought. She often skips the morning meetings unless her presence is required or she has something to share about an arcane threat to the city. But Lab Rat never misses one of these meetings and she’s usually the last to leave. The girl’s infatuation with Psychia ensures she never misses a chance to be around the woman.

“Ah, Alfie, you’re back,” Archbaroness said with a huge smile as she rose from her seat at the head of the large table where the team held their meetings. “Why don’t you put the goodies you brought us on the table so everyone can enjoy them.” She strode towards him flashing a mischievous grin at the rest of the women still sitting around the table.
“How about I accompany you back to the gym? I’ve got something important to talk to you about.”

Alfie, starting to suspect the women had sent him on the treat run as an excuse to get him out of the building for a little while, couldn’t help but wonder if he was about to be given another early Christmas present.

His hopes died when Archbaroness flashed a sad frown at Alfie as they left the meeting room. “I need to warn you that we’ll be keeping you busy today,” she said as though this was terrible news.

“You heroic women ALWAYS keep me busy,” he told her.

“Ah, yes, but today is going to be different. The whole team is going to need intense ‘workout’ sessions throughout the day and after our morning meeting I feel the need to warn you that none of what we need will lead to you being able to get off with us.”

Alfie shrugged. “Ma’am, you know that doesn’t bother me. I-”

Archbaroness held up a hand to silence him. “Like I said, today is going to be different. We’re all in a… mood,” she said as though it wasn’t quite the right word. “We’re going to make it torture as we work you hard today,” she said, the dour expression giving way to a devilish smile. “In ways that will make this a day of torment for you.”

By then they had entered an elevator that had taken them to the floor the gym was on. As they entered the gym Archbaroness told Alfie, “But it’s Christmas time and the whole team has decided to give you a gift to help with today’s torments. Let’s go to your office so you can open it.”

Alfie was shocked by the shape of the large present he found waiting in his office. Whatever was under the wrapping paper was sized and shaped exactly like a person.

Did they get me a sex doll? The idea was a strange one that seemed to pop into his mind out of nowhere. That’s not something I’d ever need or want, he thought as he stared at the person-shaped present lying on the ground. I get to fuck these superheroines more than enough and when I’m frustrated from not having gotten to I can always come in here and jerk off. They all know that, why would they think I need a sex doll?

Unless… Unless it’s something special. Maybe something high-tech and more lifelike that Lab Rat whipped up in her workshop? Perhaps a highly altered Synthoman turned into a Synthowoman?

It was then that he noticed the present was shifting slightly as though the thing inside was breathing slightly. Staring harder at it he decided the person-shaped inside must be female, although not one anywhere as near as curvaceous as most of the Megatropolis Amazons. He also decided it must be positioned face down.

“Open it,” Archbaroness told Alfie, sounding as though waiting to see his reaction to the present was killing her.

“As you wish,” Alfie told Archbaroness, feeling a rush of eagerness to discover what was under the wrapping paper.

He knelt on the floor beside the present and grabbed the wrapping paper to start ripping it off. The feeling of the present was a little shocking. It was softer than he expected it to be. If it WAS a sex doll it was an incredibly REAL feeling one.

At first he thought he’d been right about what it was. Ripping the wrapping paper off revealed a human figure wrapped tightly in a thick layer of plastic wrap. But as he pulled more of the paper off he began to think he was wrong. It wasn’t a sex doll at all. It was a woman, a real living and breathing woman!

And not just any woman. He knew all the Megatropolis Amazons’ bodies intimately well, even those who didn’t use his services as frequently as the others. This was Lab Rat, naked and wrapped up tight as a gift for him!

The first thought when he realized the woman tightly mummified in plastic wrap was one he cared about was to worry about her safety. As he tore the last of the wrapping paper off he went to roll her over, fearing her face was as tightly wrapped up as the rest of her body.

Archbaroness placed a hand on his shoulder. “She’s safe,” the woman reassured him as he noticed she’d been wrapped up with her head turned to the side.

Lab Rat’s head had been wrapped in a way that left her nose and mouth free. Alfie could see that under the thick layer of plastic wrap covering the top half of her head the young superheroine had a blindfold on. He also saw that she was wearing a ball gag making it so she could still breathe easily but not speak freely.

That addition made more sense when he noticed that under the plastic tightly wrapped around her neck was a leather collar. I knew she and Psychia had some kind of BDSM-centered sexual relationship, he thought, but I never imagined I’d be included in it.

“A living fuck doll,” Archbaroness said. “Another early Christmas present for you. One you can use freely through the day to relieve the sexual frustration we all plan on tormenting you with today,” she added as she grabbed the plastic wrap covering Lab Rat’s ass. She tore it open, exposing the girl’s ass and upper thighs.

Archbaroness leaned in close to Alfie, close enough to remind him how attractive the milf-tastic superheroine was. “Don’t unwrap her further,” she said, making her voice breathy as she spoke into his ear and caressed his arm. “It’s part of the fun for her. She wants to be dehumanized, she’ll get off on it. When you need relief you come in here and use her like a sex toy, fucking her from behind like her cunt is just a masturbation toy you’re draining your balls into.”

Alfie shuddered in surprised arousal at how crude the woman was being. He’d done a lot of weird, kinky things with the Megatropolis Amazons over the years, but this was by far the weirdest, kinkiest thing yet.

“Now come on,” Archbaroness said as she got to her feet. “Leave your present alone for now, you should be getting your first visitor soon.

* * *

Psychia sat at her control console sipping her fancy coffee and nibbling on one of the treats Alfie had brought from the bakery. Everything is going exactly as I orchestrated it to go, she thought, thinking about how she’d rushed to the Control Room to get her telepathic amplifier on as soon as Alfie and Archbaroness had left the meeting room.

Once got it on she’d been able to watch them not just through the security cameras spread through Freedom Tower but by invading their minds to see and feel their thoughts and emotions as well. Once she was inside their minds she had started subtly manipulating them, increasing some emotions while suppressing others. She implanted ideas, making the reveal of Lab Rat all the more titillating for all involved but especially for her as she watched.

There were multiple monitors in front of Psychia. Most of them showed the normal displays she kept up throughout the day that showed potential hot spots around the city needing the team’s attention. Two of the screens weren’t like the others, having been set to display the live security feeds from the gym and inside Alfie’s office.

Psychia watched the feed showing the gym. Archbaroness had just left, leaving behind Alfie who was anxiously awaiting the first visitor he’d been told would soon arrive.

Brickhouse first, Psychia thought. She’ll be an interesting way to start this. Psychia got comfortable, taking a sip of her drink as she eagerly awaited the beginning of the perverse play she intended on spending the rest of the day directing and voyeuristic enjoying.

* * *

When Brickhouse entered the gym Alfie was unsurprised to see she was wearing the black leotard that served as the woman’s costume rather than the skimpy gym clothes the rest of the team usually wore when they visited him.

The hulking, red-skinned woman didn’t like to be out of her costume. Mostly this was because of the special sports bra she always wore. The garment was infused with special technology Alfie didn’t bother trying to understand. Lab Rat had made it for Brickhouse and most devices the girl made were infused with super science that were as good as magic to him. As far as Alfie knew Brickhouse never willingly took the bra off unless she was in the privacy of her private apartment.

Like many superhumans her body had gone through some physical changes when her powers activity. For most women this was limited to an increase in curves or a change in hair color. But for some, like Brickhouse, the changes had been more extreme.

Most thought those physical changes were obvious. Before her P-Gene activated Brickhouse had been a tall, beautiful black woman with an athlete’s trim, well-toned figure. As her dark skin had turned a vibrant red her body and muscles had swelled till she was what some viewed as a hulking monstrosity, although compared to the way many superhuman males buffed up after their powers activated she still had an easily recognized feminine figure.

Brickhouse had another major physical change she kept hidden from the public and as much of the rest of the world as she could manage. Her breasts, which while she was wearing the special bra looked no bigger than the average superheroine’s, were actually gargantuan in size.

Alfie had only seen her without the bra a handful of times and each of those times he’d been awed by their size. Each massive breast was at least the size of Champion Girl’s whole torso. Once, when Brickhouse hadn’t been present and Archbaroness had been teasing Champion Girl about this, she’d overheard the superheroine joking that Brickhouse had only developed her immense super strength so she could support such large breasts.

He’d always been a little sad Brickhouse was so ashamed of her breasts. Although there was something repulsive in their monstrous size there was something deeply erotic about them BECAUSE of their grossness.

What made Alfie even sadder was how repressed Brickhouse’s sexuality was, especially compared to her teammates. The woman had dealt with her supercharged libido far worse than most, and from what he heard some of the things that had happened to her after being defeated by their enemies had left her psychologically scared. He knew she needed frequent counseling sessions with Psychia to keep mentally stable enough to remain an active member of the team.

Unlike the others Brickhouse tried to deny her sexual needs till they were impossible to ignore. And even when she did come to visit Alfie she only asked him to do the bare minimum needed to help her “clear” her mind before going out on patrol. She rarely had any kind of penetrative sex with him and most often just had him use his mouth or fingers on her pussy to help her out, and often she chose for him to do even that through her costume.

“Good morning, Alfie,” Brickhouse greeted him. “I’ve come by for a quick mind-clearing before heading out on patrol,” she explained. The superheroine, who towered over Alfie, pointed to a weightlifting station designed specifically for her. “I was thinking I could get a quick workout while you helped me?”

Alfie smiled and nodded. “Of course,” he told her. Going down on her through her costume while she lay on a bench lifting weights was what she most often did when she came to the gym. If it wasn’t for what Archbaroness had told him about the day nothing about the request would have seemed out of the ordinary.

No, he thought as he followed Brickhouse to the lifting station, I would have at least thought something was off with her. There’s something about her tone of voice and how flirty she’s being… She doesn’t FEEL like her.

His mind jumped to Lab Rat. The early present she was giving him felt off too. If it had been one of the other team members, perhaps Psychia or Champion Girl, the kinky set up might not have felt so… wrong. But Lab Rat? The idea she would want a man to objectify her and use her this way felt very much NOT something she’d ever want to do.

Alfie stopped, his eyes losing focus as his mind went blank.

“Uh… you okay?” Brickhouse asked when she noticed the man standing still and staring into nothing. She waved a red hand in front of him. “Hello?”

Alfie blinked. “What?” he asked, looking confused. “Sorry,” he said a moment later, rubbing his temples. “I was just… I don’t know,” he muttered, unable to remember what he’d just been thinking about. “I’m sorry, I know you need to get ready to go out on patrol. Let’s get you started.”

Soon Brickhouse was lying on her back lifting barbells so heavy ten of him wouldn’t have been able to lift.

Alfie knelt at the end of the bench between Brickhouse’s legs. The black leotard Brickhouse wore was legless and sleeveless, meaning his face was surrounded by bare red skin. The sight of her massively muscled thighs on either side of his head had him already worked up. He was a lover of women of all shapes and sizes and he found muscular women, even ones as inhumanly sized as Brickhouse, just as sexually exciting as a curvaceous milf like Archbaroness or a tight, fit youngster like Champion Girl.

“I’m ready,” Brickhouse grunted as she huffed the barbell up. “I’m warmed up and need you to lessen the pressure I’m starting to feel,” she huffed while slowly lowering the barbell.

Alfie took a moment to admire her bulging biceps then leaned in to put his face by her womanhood and begin his pleasurable work. As she’d got into position and then started lifting the weights the crotch of Brickhouse’s leotard had become wedged in her vulva.

The sight of the camel toe sent a rush of arousal through Alfie that took him by surprise. It was a sight he always admired in a superheroine, especially as almost none of them wore any underwear under their costumes so a camel toe was even more revealing on them than most women. But why was this working so much for him right now?

He stopped wondering, feeling a sudden need to get his mouth on that mouthwatering camel toe as soon as possible. He’d eaten the woman out through the costume hundreds of times and knew exactly what he needed to do to help her clear her mind.

And today I feel like I’m going to enjoy every moment of it more than I normally do, Alfie thought as he pressed his lips onto the woman’s sex and breathed heavily through the thin fabric. It was made of a high-tech fabric designed to survive rough battles, yet thin enough to make exactly what he was doing feel amazing.

When Brickhouse moaned appreciatively he breathed into her sex again, moving his lips as he did. This was how they always started, slow and arousing before properly eating her out through the fabric. He’d work her up to a small orgasm that would ease the distracting, dangerous sexual pressure built up inside her. It was a task he’d done countless times and one he’d perfected over the years. Alfie would give her exactly what she needed and be happy doing it.

* * *

He knows exactly what I need, Psychia heard Brickhouse think while she listened to the superheroine’s thoughts. And listen to that wonderful man moan, he’s enjoying this far more than he normally does today.

“Because of me,” Psychia whispered as she watched the kinky game masquerading as a workout session.

It was a small thing she was doing here, a subtle way to start the day. She planned on building heat and frustration throughout the day. Starting with Brickhouse having Alfie do something not outside of what he normally did was a good start. Still, Psychia couldn’t keep herself from dialing up the heat of the encounter. She worked Alfie’s mind, ensuring the clothed oral would leave him too horny not to do something about it once he was done.

Besides, Psychia thought, after today Brickhouse will be the only team member that hasn’t given Alfie a present. I wouldn’t want her doing anything too extreme today. I’ll save something big for when she gifts him, which will be the next present he receives.

She finished off her coffee and peeled her eyes away from the screen to glance at the drawer where she kept her sex toys. Do I want to masturbate as the rest of this plays out? No… No, I should pace myself, it’s going to be a long day and this, although titillating, isn’t vibrator worthy.

After a mental pause she decided to unlock the drawer and keep it open. But what happens AFTER Brickhouse leaves might be masturbation worthy, she decided. I just need to make sure Alfie is worked up enough to want to go make use of his Lab Rat-shaped fuck doll once Brickhouse is gone…

* * *

As soon as Alfie led Brickhouse out of the gym he rushed to his office. He’d done that to her so many times… Why had it left him so worked up this time? It didn’t make sense, but he knew he had a very special gift waiting for him in his office that he could use to relieve the sexual tension he felt, one that he only had one day to make use of.

Lab Rat was right where he and Archbaroness had left her, still mummified in plastic wrap, her backend exposed and waiting. He dropped his gym shorts as soon as he had the door to his office closed, his eyes never leaving the girl’s bare backend. By the end of his “workout” with Brickhouse he’d been painfully hard and still was, his aching, throbbing manhood demanding he make use of his present.

Thanks to the position Lab Rat was bound in, and how thin she was, getting his cock in the girl’s pussy would have been easy. But the moment he’d come in the door and looked at her he knew that he wasn’t going to fuck her pussy, not now. Later? Almost certainly. But not now. Now he needed something else.

The girl’s butt had always seemed rather flat and unimpressive to Alfie, especially when compared to her teammates’ stunning backends. But at that moment Alfie had never seen something so sexually appealing. He couldn’t help but think about how the shape of her bare ass reminded him of Brickhouse’s camel toe. As he’d eaten her out he’d fantasized about pulling his aching cock out and pressing it into her slit to hump it through her costume.

With that thought running through his mind Alfie rushed to Lab Rat, sitting on the girl and slapping his cock down between her little ass cheeks. He lifted his member up, spitting into Lab Rat’s ass crack. After dropping his cock into the moisture he pressed her small, soft cheeks around his throbbing member and started hot dogging her ass.

Normally he’d NEVER think about another woman while he was with someone. But it didn’t feel like it was Lab Rat under him. He remembered how Archbaroness had talked about her. He was using her like a sex toy. She was just a thing for him to use to drain his balls.

The wrongness of the thoughts nearly pushed him over the edge. His mind followed that track as he grunted in pleasure while humping Lab Rat’s ass. Using one of the Megatropolis Amazons like a masturbatory device while fantasizing about fucking another member of the team was one of the “wrongest” things he’d ever done. And that wrongness brought more shame-filled heat than he could handle.

He slid forward, squeezing her little ass cheeks harder around his member as it quivered and spurted out a thick load of semen up Lab Rat’s plastic-wrapped back. A moment later he sighed in relief, amazed at how good it had felt lessening all that sexual pressure that had built up in him.

“I should clean up,” he muttered. His office doubled as a storage room for the gym, meaning there were plenty of rags and spray bottles of cleaner nearby. As he grabbed some he thought about how cleaning up the plastic wrap mummified girl would feel exactly like cleaning a piece of exercise equipment after a workout.

The thought made him feel like he was further dehumanizing Lab Rat. He remembered that Archbaroness had told him that was what Lab Rat wanted so as he cleaned her off he explained how dehumanizing doing this felt, talking not to Lab Rat directly but as though he was speaking to himself, as though she wasn’t a person to be spoken to but rather just a thing in the room with him.

* * *

So humiliating, Psychia thought, shoving the thought into Lab Rat’s mind. So hot, she added, pushing on all the girl’s mental pleasure centers. So hot to be dehumanized like this. Just a thing he used like a masturbation toy and now just a piece of equipment he’s cleaning, like you’re nothing more than an exercise bike that needs the sweat wiped off it.

Psychia had ended up pulling a vibrator out and using it. As she’d made sure Lab Rat enjoyed the humiliating ordeal she had reached climax. With her telepathic amplifier on she didn’t need to hold back, cumming as hard as she wanted without having to worry about her powers being drained.

With as deeply connected to Lab Rat’s mind as she was her orgasm partially transferred to the girl. Lab Rat had shuddered and moaned as Alfie wiped her lower back clean. From her perspective it would seem like the humiliation had pushed her over the edge, allowing her to cum without the aid of any sexual stimulation.

And this is just the beginning of the day, Psychia sighed happily as she turned the vibrator off and set it on the command console next to her keyboard.

The “team” had planned the day’s festivities out in advance, each member of the team agreeing to what order they would come to Alfie for a “workout” and even planning out what times they’d go so his torments were spread evenly through the day.

Champion Girl next, Psychia thought as she looked at the time. She knew she’d be eagerly watching the advance of the clock, already impatient for the next encounter to begin.

* * *

“It’s just about time for me to go on patrol,” Champion Girl said as she strutted into the gym from the changing room.

Alfie took a moment to admire the young blond’s slender, fit body. The gym clothes she wore, a skimpy sports bra and a bottom that was more pantie than shorts, left little to the imagination. Not that he needed to imagine her naked body, he’d seen it more times than he could remember.

But there’s something special about peeling a woman’s clothing back to reveal her most intimate places, Alfie thought. Like opening a present. Even if you already know what’s inside there’s still excitement in the reveal.

“What kind of ‘workout’ do you require this morning?” Alfie asked Champion Girl, knowing whatever the girl would ask him for would be chosen to tease and torment him.
“Hold on,” Champion Girl said, looking suddenly distressed. “Is it hot in here?” she asked, dramatically fanning her chest in a manner that made it clear the girl wasn’t actually over heated. “It is,” she said as she grabbed her top and pulled it off.

After tossing it onto the floor she stretched, pressing her small perky breasts out. “That’s MUCH better,” she sighed, delighted as always at the way Alfie’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at the reveal of her breasts. She knew that no matter the size Alfie was ALWAYS excited to see a pair of naked breasts. He loved them all, no matter the size, shape, or color.

“I think I need to do my morning workout topless today,” Champion Girl told him. “It being so hot in here and all,” she added playfully.

She then put her hands on her lower back and stretched as though her back muscles were tight and sore. As she pushed her chest out, delighting again in the happy eager look on Alfie’s face as he stared at her tits, she said, “I think a regiment of stretches is what I need.”

Alfie led Champion Girl to a nearby mat. He instructed her to sit down then knelt beside her, telling her which pose to begin with.

Champion Girl interrupted him, smiling mischievously at him. “You know, I’m having a hard time remembering how that pose goes. I think I’m not going to be able to remember ANY pose today. I’m going to need you to show me,” she said, grabbing his hands and pulling them to her body. “Use your hands to position me. I don’t want your hands leaving my body, not till I tell you we’re done.”

“As you wish,” Alfie said eagerly. He knew this game, it was one the sexy women played often with him. Their supercharged libidos were easily awakened which meant feeling them up, especially with skin-to-skin contact, almost always got their sexual engine heated. Although he’d be pretending to lead her in stretches in reality his hands would be stroking, caressing, and doing all they could to turn her on.

As Alfie led Champion Girl’s body into different poses the girl let out exaggerated moans, pressing into his hands as he felt her up. He’d always enjoyed the young girl’s cute, indecent moans more than most and soon Alfie was as worked up as Champion Girl was pretending to be.

“I’m still so hot,” the young heroine moaned lewdly as Alfie helped hold her in a position that left her back arched. “My nipples are especially hot,” she sighed dramatically, arching her back a little more and pressing her small breasts towards Alfie’s face. “Perhaps you could cool them down by sucking on them a bit?”

In a flash the man’s lips were locked around one of the girl’s small nipples. He flicked his tongue across it, moaning lewdly as he enjoyed the feeling of the nub hardening in his mouth.
“Now the other,” Champion Girl told him. “Yes, like that. You’re so fucking good with your mouth,” she cooed.

While he sucked on her nipples, moving back and forth whenever she told him to switch, she twisted her body so she could rub his crotch with her knee. “Why, Alfie, you’re so very hard,” she said in mock surprise. “What a shame we’ve vowed not to do anything with you that would require using your dick today. This must be TORMENT,” she said with a fiendish smile as she stroked him with her knee through his shorts.

“You’ve got me so hot and worked up,” she added with a dramatic sigh. “I just can’t go out on patrol like this, much too dangerous. I’m going to need you to work me down from all this heat.” She spread her legs open and nodded down. “Face on my pussy, NOW,” she said, the cute and bubbly girl she normally was gone now that her sexual needs were front in her mind.

“As you wish,” Alfie said, both eager to have his face pressed into her wonderful young snatch AND to get away from the knee she was still teasing him with.

Champion Girl was laying on the mat on her back, propped up on her elbows to watch Alfie as he got on the ground between her knees. When he pulled her gym shorts to the side she sighed loudly. “The cool air feels so good on my hot body. But your wet mouth on my pussy would feel a lot better.”

But when he moved to do as she wanted Champion Girl barked for him to stop. “No,” she said shaking her head, “not like that. Reposition yourself. Get on top of me like we’re sixty-ninning. I want to feel your mouth from that position. Normally I’d tell you to take your shorts off so I can return the favor while you go down on me but you’ll have to keep them on today. We decided you’re not allowed to get that dick inside ANY of us today.”

Alfie suspected what the devious girl intended to do. As soon as he was in position and started eating her out his suspicions were confirmed. While he went down on her Champion Girl wrapped her arms around his body and pulled his crotch into her face like she was going to “return the favor”.

She pressed her open mouth against the outline of his shaft then breathed heavy moist air through his shorts. It felt amazing, causing Alfie to moan into her pussy. Champion Girl returned the moan, biting down lightly on his shaft as she did.

This is torture, Alfie thought as the girl teased him through his shorts. And distracting, he added to himself. This WAS a game for them today, but he still had a job to do. He had to work Champion Girl to a slow, soft climax that would leave her mind clear but not drain her powers. It was something he could normally do with ease, but with the girl distracting him he felt very off his game.

Distracted as he was Alfie managed to get Champion Girl there. “I might need a second one,” she said, speaking into his crotch. “Keep going.”

As he did she repositioned her head, biting the top of his shorts and pulling them down. The feel of his cock falling free and pressing into the warm flesh of her face felt better than it had any right to. He was so worked up… So god damned horny and in need of release.

For a few glorious moments as the girl nuzzled her face into his throbbing member he thought she was going to abandon their game and suck him off to show thanks for going down on her so well. She turned her head to the side, opened her mouth, and sealed her lips tightly around the side of his shaft… And then she bit it. Not hard, just a playful nip. It was something that felt amazing, but also shocked him a bit.

“Alright,” Champion Girl said, shoving the man off her and sending him tumbling to the floor beside her, “I’m all done.” She jumped to her feet, righting her shorts and stretching. “I feel amazing,” she sighed happily. “In the perfect mood to start my patrol,” she added.

She looked down at Alfie as though she’d forgotten he was there. “Oh my,” she said, frowning at the man lying on the ground at her feet. “You look a bit flustered and frustrated. I suppose it’s a good thing you’ve been given a sexual stress relief toy to use for the day.” She waved him off, “Best rush to your office and use it before someone else shows up demanding your attention.”

* * *

Psychia grabbed a different vibrator from her drawer of sex toys and prepared to use it. She’d made herself hold off, only lightly playing with herself with her hands as she watched Champion Girl teasing Alfie. But now that the young blond was gone Alfie was rushing to his office.

She was, of course, in his mind making his sexual frustrations worse than they would have otherwise been. She pushed hard on him, making the need to fuck and get off so strong it was all he could think of.

As she watched him throw the door to his office open she used the vibrator to start masturbating properly. She didn’t just watch him through the monitor, she was in his mind seeing and feeling the world as he was. She mostly let him control his own actions, only pushing on some impulses to make the show she was jilling off to more exactly to her liking.

“Her tight cunt might be a little too dry,” Psychia moaned as she saw Lab Rat’s exposed backend through Alfie’s eyes. “Wrapped up like that, alone since you were last in the room… Can’t tell how turned on she is. But you’re so horny. No time to get her wet by playing with her pussy for a bit. Spit into your hand and stroke yourself, that will be enough lubrication to get you in her. After that? Well, you know superheroines. Once a hard dick is inside them they get more than wet enough, no matter whether they want it or not.
Because once we get going we ALL end up wanting it.”

As she rambled madly she made Alfie hear the words in his mind, but in a way that he’d think the thoughts were his own. He spit in his hand, stroked his painfully hard member a few times, then fell on the plastic-wrapped girl on the floor, shoving his cock into her pussy.

“Fuck her harder,” Psychia gasped as the vibrator helped her rocket toward climax. She was in Alfie’s head, feeling what he was feeling. Feeling how good his cock felt in Lab Rat, feeling her getting wetter with each stroke. Hearing the girl’s gag-muffled moans both through the security feed and through Alfie’s perception of the world. It was all making it so she’d get off soon, but she could tell that she’d get there before Alfie.

That wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted them to cum together. Not just her and Alfie, but Lab Rat too.

Psychia frantically connected to Lab Rat’s mind, pushing on all her pleasure centers to ensure she was enjoying what was being done to her as much as Alfie and Psychia were.
It still wasn’t enough, Psychia was still going to get off before they were. If she connected more deeply to their minds she could make it so her climax forced them to climax as well, but that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to feel them getting off as she did, not forced by her but cumming along with her naturally.

Psychia fought back her rising pleasure, hoping if she slowed herself they could catch up to her. She eased up on the vibrator, loosening her connection to their minds so she didn’t share as much of their pleasure.

“Still not enough,” she groaned in frustration, able to tell she was still going to get off before them. “Need something to push you both along faster,” she rambled as her mind raced.

Inspiration hit her as it often did while engaged in sexual stimulation. “A fantasy,” she gasped. “I’ll make them both fantasize about something shame-filled and wrong. THAT will push them along and then we can all cum together.”

Psychia made Lab Rat fantasize that Alfie was a supervillain who had sneaked into Freedom Tower and captured her. Now that she was defeated he was doing what villains always did when they had a superheroine at their mercy: fucking her. It was something the mousy girl tried to avoid more than most superheroines, and indulging in the fantasy would fill her with shame. Delicious shame that would have her rocketing to climax…

Inside Alfie’s mind she placed a similar fantasy. The man knew what happened to superheroines when their foes defeated them. He also knew they often used that as a way to turn the tables, that their sexuality was as much a weapon as their superpowers were. Still, he’d never been comfortable thinking about these powerful women he served so loyally taken that way. It was something he NEVER fantasized about.

Psychia forced the fantasy into his mind. With Lab Rat wrapped up and helpless he could so easily imagine he was one of the Megatropolis Amazons’ foes. She was defeated and helpless and now he was taking advantage of her. Taking her by force, punishing her for failing…

Indulging in the fantasy felt immensely wrong to the man. He felt guilty about it even as he found himself unable to stop. Shame mixed with all the built-up sexual pressure and soon he was rocketing towards climax.

Psychia had orchestrated the moment perfectly. The three of them began to cum in near unison. As they all came she connected their three minds, letting them all feel each other’s orgasm to intensify all their pleasure.

Afterwards Psychia had to do a little telepathic cleanup. The connection at the end had been too obvious and Alfie and Lab Rat had, momentarily, been aware of what she was doing. But a quick altering of their memories ensured they didn’t remember anything inconvenient.

Alfie’s mind needed a bit more work than Lab Rat’s. The shame “his” fantasy caused was far greater than Psychia expected it to be. She had to ease the memories of that too. It was a reminder that not everyone was quite as depraved as she was, a thought she usually didn’t like being faced with.

That, however, allowed her to reaffirm to herself what she was doing was not just okay but morally right. Didn’t a man who felt THAT guilty about a sexual fantasy deserve the kind of sexual gifts she was giving him? Of course he did. So she was going to keep going, keep pushing on the depraved heat of the encounters to give him MORE joy, even if it was joy she had to partially erase from his memories.

Her eyes flicked to the monitor where she saw Alfie staring at Lab Rat, the look on his face making it seem like he was trying to decide something. She connected with his mind to understand what he was pondering. She discovered he was watching his semen trickle out of her pussy, debating how best to clean the girl up.

Don’t, Psychia thought as she gripped hold of his mind. Don’t clean her up this time. Leave her messy and cum filled. It will help ensure she’s wet the next time you need to use her. And she wants this humiliation, she mentally added, making him remember what Archbaroness had told him that morning. She’ll delight in feeling your cum leaking out of her and pooling up in the plastic wrap.

Psychia then reached into Lab Rat’s mind and made sure the girl felt what she’d made Alfie think she felt. Wallow in it, Psychia commanded. Savor the feel of his seed leaking out of you. Luxuriate in how humiliating it is.

With that taken care of Psychia turned her attention to the next encounter. “Opal Enchantress next,” Psychia whispered eagerly.

* * *

“I think I must have slept wrong,” Opal Enchantress told Alfie, placing her hands on her lower back and stretching as though she was in pain. “My back hurts and all my muscles are tight and sore. I think I need some stretching today.”

The fiendish smile on the beautiful black woman’s face made it clear to Alfie that Opal Enchantress felt fine and was just making up her ailments. He was okay with that. He was enjoying this game these women were playing with him, even if it had gotten so intense some of the day was already a little hard to remember.

Opal Enchantress was another member of the team who came to him not dressed in the gym clothing the rest of the team wore during their “workouts”. Thanks to her magical carapace she never wore any clothing. It kept her breasts and crotch covered, with the rest of the coral-like stuff stretching out in artistic patterns across her limbs.

He knew the woman could will the carapace to shift and move about her body. As long as she wanted someone to be able to touch her body she’d ensure the point of contact was bare of covering.

As he began leading her in some stretches she made it clear she wanted to feel his hands on her body. The carapace spread apart no matter where he touched, even revealing her most intimate places as he used the excuse of helping her stretch in various lewd positions to feel her up.

“I’m feeling worked up from having your hands all over my body,” Opal Enchantress moaned as Alfie led her into a position where she was on her back with her legs spread in a t-pose.

Alfie was kneeling at her base, hands on her thighs helping her hold her legs in position till she grabbed her ankles to hold the pose on her own. As the superheroine spoke her carapace shifted, something that till that point had only happened when his hands were moving. His eyes went to the movement and watched as the shimmering, semi-transparent covering over her womanhood peeled away to reveal the fleshy folds of her pussy.

“Perhaps you could provide a little help burning up some of this heat in a way that won’t drain my powers?”

Alfie smiled at her, lovingly caressing her thighs. “It is my fondest wish to bring you women the relief you need to better protect this city,” he told her.

“Remember you said that,” Opal Enchantress said with a fiendishly evil grin.

Before Alfie could respond he felt invisible hands grab him. A moment later he was bent over, his face shoved into Opal Enchantress’ pussy. He went to work at once, knowing the woman was already worked up enough that he didn’t need to tease or build up heat. The use of the invisible magic hands was a dead giveaway, the sorceress only used them when she was horny to the point of being greedy for release.

He’d give her what she needed, but not as quickly as her impulses would want. A quick, hard orgasm would drain her powers. He had to use his skill to slowly coax a small climax from her, using mostly his mouth, but his hands would help as well.

Opal Enchantress breathed in deep then let out a long, lewd moan as he ate her out. “Use your fingers more,” she told him, using one of the invisible magical hands to grab the hand Alfie was caressing her thigh with and move it towards her pussy. “I need to feel some part of you inside me,” she added with a growl of greedy desire.

Alfie’s shorts were suddenly yanked off. Startled, he started to get up, but more magical hands pushed his face back into her pussy.

“No one told you to stop,” Opal Enchantress barked. She then let out a long, dramatic sigh. “If only I hadn’t vowed not to do anything with THIS,” she told Alfie, the invisible magic hands grabbing his dick. “Oh my,” she cooed as two, then three, then four invisible hands touched and stroked Alfie’s member, “you’re so very hard! Does eating me out get you that excited? How flattering!”

One of the invisible hands gripped the base of Alfie’s dick tightly then stroked firmly up it while a second hand teased his cockhead. “And so much precum,” Opal Enchantress cooed as one of the magical hands, shimmering for a moment to make it visible, delivered a precum-covered finger to her mouth. She sucked it clean, moaning indecently as she did.

“I’m sorry,” she said a moment later, “I’m not supposed to be doing that.” With a heavy, sad sigh she made the magical hands pull his shorts back up. “Naughty me so cruelly teasing you when you’ve been told your dick is off limits today. I’ll do better, I promise.”

It was a promise Alfie knew would soon be broken. It wasn’t long before she used the invisible hands to yank his pants down and tease his cock some more. She then apologized for losing control once more, pulling his pants back up.

The next time she yanked his pants down other invisible hands formed all over Alfie’s body. They grabbed him and pushed his body as though trying to force him to thrust his cock into Opal Enchantress’ pussy. But just as the tip touched her moist womanhood he was pulled back.

“So sorry,” Opal Enchantress said, sounding not even a little sorry. “You’re just so good at what you’re doing… I keep wanting to feel you inside of me. But not today,” she added with another dramatic sad sigh.

Alfie hadn’t thought it could get worse than nearly getting to be inside the woman, but he was wrong. As things went on she began doing more than tease his dick when she pulled his shorts off. The invisible hands began jerking him off, working him up to the edge of climax before Opal Enchantress would use her magical powers to alter his level of arousal, denying him an orgasm.

She did this multiple times, but not just with invisible hands. One of the times it was an invisible mouth sucking on his cock. The magical mouth brought him right to the edge of climax before Opal Enchantress used her powers to cruelly deny him an orgasm. After that it felt like his dick was inside an invisible pussy, and once more just before getting off the sorceress used her power to deny him another orgasm. It was like being edged but far, FAR worse. There was no work down of sexual pressure, only cruel and instant orgasm denial.

After one final torment-filled orgasm denial just as Alfie managed to work the superheroine to climax she told him she was satisfied and done. “Poor Alfie,” Opal Enchantress sighed as she got up and shifted her shimmering carapace back in place. “You must be so frustrated right now… Good thing you have that present in your office to go use.”

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek to reassure him that no harm was meant by all the teasing and torment. Instead of pulling away from his face she brushed her lips along his cheek to whisper in his ear. “While I was having my fun I wove a little enchantment on you,” she confessed. “A little virility spell so you can make the best of the rest of not just this day but the month ahead. You’ll find you can get hard as much as you want, no matter how many times you cum. And each time you do you’ll find yourself ejaculating a full load as though it’s been a week since you got off.”

As she pulled away she stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. “Who knows, maybe I wove the enchantment with enough skill that the effects will last for weeks, maybe even years. And after it wears off perhaps I should just enchant you again, that way you can better service us with every part of your body no matter how demanding we’ve all been.”

With that she left, leaving Alfie behind frustrated, hard, and in desperate need of release.

* * *

Psychia was already furiously masturbating by the time Alfie reached his office. The man had pulled his clothing off on the way there and had hold of his cock as though the thing was paining him.

“Yes,” Psychia gasped as she watched Alfie fall upon Lab Rat with animal abandon. “She’s so wet from all the cum you left in her,” the woman gasped, deep enough inside Alfie’s mind to feel what he was feeling. “It’s so nasty using your cum as lube to fuck her, and that makes it all the better. Fuck her hard and fast and add to the mess you’ve left inside her. Opal made it so you’ll have plenty of semen to pump into her this time.”

On the screen she was watching Alfie grunting and thrusting hard into the plastic-wrapped girl under him. With as worked up as he was he wouldn’t last long. He knew it. Psychia knew it. Even Lab Rat knew it even though she hadn’t seen HOW Alfie had gotten so worked up.

With a little telepathic coaxing Psychia ensured the short bout of wild fucking was as depraved as it could be. Alfie wasn’t fucking Lab Rat, he was using her for relief. A little mental push and he wasn’t even thinking of it as using the girl for relief. In the moment, in his mind, she was just a thing. A moist hole to drain his frustration and balls into.

He came with an animal roar of release. It was a sound that was far more relief than pleasure. It hadn’t been about the joy of orgasm, it had only been about all that frustrating pressure that had been built up being released into the plastic-bound girl.

“Don’t clean her up this time either,” Psychia said, making sure Alfie heard the words as his own thoughts. “You want to see how big of a mess you can make her by the end of the day. She wants that too, or she wouldn’t have agreed to do this. She wants to be used, humiliated, and covered in sticky filth when she’s cut free at the end of the day.”

Psychia connected to Lab Rat’s mind as well, ensuring she thought the same thing. By the time Alfie left his office Lab Rat was whimpering and moaning as she wallowed in the semen leaking out of her pussy. The girl was delighting in being used like a thing, in being wrapped so tight she couldn’t move. She was savoring how turned on it left her and savoring even more the torment of not having the physical freedom to so much as touch herself to enjoy how turned on she was.

Psychia, connected to Lab Rat’s mind and feasting on a sexual feedback loop of forcing the girl to feel desires and then her getting a sexual high from feeling her feel them, continued to masturbate. She went till she got off, making her connection with Lab Rat strong enough so that the girl came with her.

She took a few minutes to cool down and clean up her control console. Then she checked in on all her real work. Brickhouse, Archbaroness, and Champion Girl were all out on patrol. All were busy but safe. Police chatter was minimal with no hot spots in the city that might need their attention. As far as she could tell there was nothing that needed her attention and it should be fine for her to slip away from her station for a little bit.

Psychia got up and adjusted her costume. Enough time for me to go down to the gym’s locker room, put on some gym clothes, and have a little fun tormenting Alfie firsthand. And a perfect time to test how well I can keep this device hidden from others, she added as she adjusted her hair to hide her telepathic amplifier.

* * *

“Are you sure you put the right set of workout clothes on?” Alfie asked with an amused smirk as Psychia strutted up to him. He let his eyes run slowly up and down her body, admiring all the dark skin the skimpy outfit left on display. The sports bra-like top was comically too small and tight, leaving the majority of the sexy Latina woman’s large breasts bulging out the top.

Psychia looked down and grabbed her breasts. “You know, Alfie, you might be right,” she said, groaning slightly as though in pain. “There’s a small chance this might be Champion Girl’s. Well, I better just take it off,” she sighed, pulling the too-small top off and letting her large breasts fall free.

She grabbed her breasts, squeezing and lifting them as she moaned in relief. “That’s so much better,” she sighed, letting go of them. She smiled happily as she watched the response their drop and bounce got from Alfie.

“Let me guess,” Alfie said when he pulled his eyes away from her tits and met her gaze. “Didn’t sleep well? Muscles sore and tight and in need of stretching?”

“Oh, no, not at all,” Psychia told him, running her fingers through her hair as though adjusting it to ensure her temples were covered.

Alfie thought it was an odd thing for the woman to do, especially since she normally kept her long, dark hair pulled back behind her shoulders. But before Alfie could wonder too much about it Psychia continued.

“I’m in need of some cock-lust training today,” the superheroine told him.

“Ah,” Alfie said, normally more than happy to help a member of the team with any training they wished but after the day he’d had so far hesitant to give her what she wanted.

“Why, Alfie, you normally LOVE this kind of training!” Psychia paused, cocking her head to the side. “But I suppose with the day you’ve had…” She trailed off, eyes running down his body and stopping on his crotch. “So many sexual torments and frustrations,” she sighed.

Alfie groaned, her gaze causing him to get so hard so quickly it hurt him. “Did you do that?” he asked Psychia, grabbing himself and squeezing his shaft to try and bring it some relief.

“I’d NEVER do something like that without permission,” Psychia said innocently. “You must be eager to help me with my training,” she added as she looked around. “We’ll do it here,” she said, pointing to some nearby exercise equipment she could sit on. “Come along,” she added, unexpectedly yanking the front of Alfie’s shorts down so she could grab his dick and lead him after her by grabbing tight hold of his shaft.

As she sat down she continued to grip his cock, pulling him close. “You’re going to stay right here,” she told him, pulling him closer so that his dick was inches away from her face. “I’m going to practice controlling my cock-lust. That means you’ll need to keep hard, but no touching yourself,” she added firmly. “So I’ll help with that,” she added, putting two fingers to the side of her head and closing her eyes to concentrate.

Alfie groaned. “What did you do to me?”

“Just made it so you can’t go soft till you get off,” Psychia told him with an evil grin. “That way no matter how long I need to practice resisting your cock you can stay hard. All you need to do is stand there, hard cock in my face, while I play with myself and resist the desire to suck on your dick.”

As she spoke she spread her legs and slipped a hand into her shorts to start touching herself. “And what a beautiful, desirable cock it is,” she moaned lewdly as she stared cross-eyed at the dick inches in front of her face. “How nice it would be to suck on it,” she added, grabbing one of her breasts with her free hand and squeezing it as she moaned even more lewdly.

Psychia licked her lips and stared at Alfie’s dick with so much desire the man was left moaning in despair. She WANTED his cock, he could see that. He also knew how superpowered women were. If he just moved closer… Just brushed it against her lips… She’d open her mouth and start sucking him off, unable to control herself.

But this was training for her. This was her practicing to resist such urges. He COULDN’T take advantage of the situation, no matter how good it would feel. He could see her fingers doing things inside her shorts. Knowing the sight of his hard member was enough to make her masturbate made the desire to shove his cock into her mouth all the harder to ignore.

This is training for her, he kept telling himself, falling back on deeply learned instincts that made him forget the woman was TRYING to torment him.

“I’m struggling,” Psychia told him with a lewd moan of frustration. “I just need to touch it,” she added, letting go of the breast she’d been playing with so she could reach for his member. She lightly wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft, giving it a gentle, almost loving squeeze.

“I told myself I was just going to hold it for a second, but now that I am…” Psychia shuddered dramatically, gripping Alfie’s cock more firmly and pulling him closer. “No,” she said at the last moment just before she’d pulled his cockhead to her full lips. “Not that, can’t give in and suck on it.”

She didn’t let go of him. Instead she pulled down on his cock, pointing it towards her chest. “But I need something to hold me over, something to help me fight my cock-lust,” she said, swinging his dick up then slapping it down into the meatiest part of a breast.

Alfie’s eyes were drawn to the breast so he could witness the moment of impact. The feel of his hard member being slapped down into the firm yet soft flesh of her large breast felt amazing, but the sight of all that tit meat jiggling after the impact was even more enjoyable to him.

“That helps sate the cravings,” Psychia moaned, slapping his cock into her tit a few more times. “But only for so long… I need more,” she whined, arching her back and pressing Alfie’s member into the densest part of her breast. She rubbed his cockhead from side to side then, turning and twisting her body, dragged it towards her nipple. “Mmmm…. Yes, so good,” she said as she rubbed his cockhead against her nipple.

The precum leaking from the tip made the motion silky smooth while the hardening of her nub against his cockhead left Alfie moaning in delight.

“I can’t help it, I need more,” Psychia said suddenly, sounding as though she was losing all control. She grabbed Alfie, pulling him around and hugging his body to hers so that the underside of his member was pressed against her chest. “I need your cock, need it now. Can’t take it in me, but what about a titfuck?” she asked as she pressed her breasts tightly around Alfie’s throbbing member.

Then, just as Alfie was ready to start humping her chest, the woman shoved him away. “Alright,” Psychia said, standing up and brushing herself off, “that’s all the training for me.”
Alfie stood in confusion, cock standing erect and longing to feel the softness of her breasts wrapped tightly around it again. Slowly he realized it had all been part of the cruel game the women were playing with him, more teasing that had left him groaning in frustration.

Psychia strutted away, swaying her hips enticingly as she waved over her shoulder. “What a good thing you’ve your present to use to relieve some of that built-up sexual frustration,” she told Alfie as she left the gym.

* * *

Alfie stumbled into his office, feeling a bit disoriented. He remembered Psychia leaving the gym but after that things got a bit blurry. Had he stood there unmoving as if waiting for something? Why would he do that? He thought he remembered it happening but… But it just didn’t make sense. He felt as worked up and frustrated as though Psychia had JUST left.

He could figure it out later. He needed to fuck something, needed to get off and work out the built-up sexual frustration the encounter with Psychia had left in him.
With lust-madness in his eyes he stumbled towards the plastic-wrapped girl lying face down on the floor. He fell on her, slapping his cock down between her ass cheeks. The feel of Psychia’s amazing breasts wrapped tightly around his member was still seared into his memory and Alfie wanted desperately to pretend Lab Rat’s ass cheeks were Psychia’s tits.

Lab Rat’s small, rather flat ass just didn’t have enough meat on it. Alfie growled in frustration, so overwhelmed by it that for a moment he couldn’t think of what to do.

* * *

Psychia had rushed to the locker room to get her costume back on then rushed even faster back to the Control Room. The whole time she used her powers to keep Alfie in a silent, unmoving stasis so she didn’t miss a moment of what would happen once the frustration she brought about was unleashed on Lab Rat.

As soon as she was in the chair at her control console she released the hold on Alfie, massaging his mind to make him not think too hard about why he’d been standing unmoving for so long. She also doubled the sexual frustration he felt, pushing him into a wild sexual rage.

His attempt to use Lab Rat’s ass to imitate her breasts added to his frustration, just like Psychia had intended it to. She pushed hard on his mind, making his frustration overflow, turning it into anger. Psychia connected even deeper with his mind as he angrily shoved his cock in the girl’s pussy, feeling what he felt as he pinned her down and savagely fucked her.

It’s not enough, Psychia told him telepathically. You’re too angry, to frustrated, her pussy isn’t enough. But now that your cock is wet after being in her you’re all lubed up. You’re going to pull it out and fuck her asshole. THAT will make you feel better. Hate fuck the little slut up the ass, pound all your frustration and anger out. Do it. NOW.

While she directed Alfie she shimmied out of her costume so she could masturbate. Knowing she would goad him into fucking her teammate up the ass Psychia had pulled out some anal beads and worked them into her ass. Now she was fingering herself, waiting for the right moment to begin slowly pulling the beads out of her ass to heighten the climax she planned on having when Alfie came.

Just before Alfie came she pulled them out, the anal stimulation pushing her over the edge. She connected her mind to Alfie’s enough to make it so their orgasms were shared. As an afterthought she connected their minds to Lab Rat’s as well, making sure she came with them too.

Afterward Alfie’s mind needed a little massaging to make him feel less guilty about “losing control” and so roughly fucking Lab Rat in the ass. Lab Rat’s mind needed some massaging too to ensure the encounter was something she’d remember enjoying even though in the moment the confusing, and a bit painful ordeal, had been something she very much had NOT enjoyed.

The day is getting late and there are only two left, Psychia thought as she basked in post-orgasmic bliss. Heleena the Healer first then Archbaroness to finish off the day.

* * *

“I’m in need of your assistance more than I normally am,” Heleena the Healer told Alfie as she entered the gym.

Alfie’s eyes were drawn instantly to the woman’s breasts. “I can see,” he told her. Normally Heleena had smallish breasts, but when she used her powers to heal a superhuman they swelled in size and remained enlarged till the milk they filled with was drained.

“Perhaps you shouldn’t have put on your normal workout clothes,” Alfie said, trying to hide how aroused the sight of her enlarged breast crammed into and bulging out of the tight sports bra was making him.

The wet stain revealing where her nipples were leaking milk didn’t help. He found lactation in women VERY sexy. There was something so womanly and natural about it, a reminder of fertility that got his carnal engine revved up.

“Archbaroness got back from her patrol pretty roughed up,” Heleena told him. “She needed a lot of healing, something that was extra important today since she’s got a charity gala to go to later tonight. She needs to be free of all bruises and look her prettiest to help raise as much money as possible. So…” she trailed off, looking down at her enlarged breasts. “This,” she said with a weary sigh.

“Champion Girl and Brickhouse will probably need some healing when they get back, too” Heleena went on. “And you know that, aside from getting uncomfortable as they grow, my ability to heal starts to fade as they get bigger. So I need a good draining before they get back to Freedom Tower.”

She held her arms up high above her head. “This thing’s a bit tight, could you take it off?”

So it begins, Alfie thought, eager to begin enduring her teasing. “As you wish,” he told her, going to Heleena to take her too-tight top off her enlarged breasts.

“They are so sore,” Heleena whined as he neared. “Before you take the top off will give them a nice, long, firm squeeze to help ease their aching?”

“As you wish,” he said again, happily grabbing her breasts and giving the woman what she wanted. He shuddered slightly, indulging in groping her breasts. They were crammed into the top, the tight fabric compressing their denseness, while the bits bulging out the top of the tight garment were left feeling deliciously soft in comparison. He also enjoyed the way each squeeze left the wet patch on the front growing more damp as the gropes forced more of her milk out.

“Mmm… such relief you bring,” Heleena told him. “Now get it off and drain my tits.”

He locked his eyes on her breasts as he pulled the top off, letting out a little moan as her breasts were released. The sight of the beautiful black woman’s enlarged breasts dropping then bouncing brought him immense joy, as did the little squirt of white milk that came from her dark nipples as they bounced.

“One moment,” Heleena told him, taking a step back. “That bounce felt so GOOD. The weight and pressure that builds up in them is maddening,” she told him, dramatically grabbing, lifting, and squeezing her enlarged breasts. “You can’t imagine what it’s like… And the strangest things bring relief.” She let go of her breasts so she could put her hands behind her back then started moving to bounce her tits up and down. “It’s surprising how good something like this can feel,” she said, the grin on her face making it clear this was something she was doing to drive him wild.

It’s working, he thought as he watched the woman’s dark-skinned breasts bounce up and down. Each time they fell down a little milk squirted from them, something that just added to the growing arousal building up in him.

“Alright, Alfie, come drain them,” she told him. “But there’s no time for you to get a breast pump. I need relief NOW. You’ll have to use your hands and mouth to milk me.”
“As you wish,” Alfie said eagerly.

* * *

Psychia sat at her control console, her tits hanging out of her costume so she could play with them while she watched the scene playing out in the gym. “The milk makes you so hot,” she muttered, putting the thought into Alfie’s mind. It was already something he felt, but she was doubling his arousal at milking Heleena.

“Milking her makes you so hard,” she rambled madly, squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples as she imagined SHE was Heleena being milked. She connected to the woman’s mind, feeling what she was feeling to help the fantasy feel more real. “Need him to milk you. Need to milk her.”

She gasped, feeling the pleasure Heleena was feeling. Having her breasts milked always felt amazing, and the process of draining her breasts always left her insanely horny.
That was something Psychia was having to control. Normally the woman would be left needing Alfie to relieve the need for sexual release, but that wasn’t the game they were playing with Alfie today. “You’d rather masturbate, knowing not using Alfie for release will help torment him,” Psychia mumbled, reinforcing the thought in Heleena’s mind.

She returned her telepathic focus to Alfie’s mind. “Milking makes you so hot. So hard. Need your cock milked. As soon as you’re done you’ll need to drain your balls. Need your present, your fuck toy in your office. Need to use it to milk your cock…”

* * *

Alfie threw the door to his office open, growling like a monster. He’d lost all control and was lost in a sexual rage. “Need my cock milked,” he growled, rushing to his sex toy.
Once more he pinned the plastic-wrapped girl to the ground, pounding her cunt hard and fast. He came almost at once, grunting out in joy, “MILK MY COCK DRY!”

After rolling off her to lay on the ground panting he felt immense shame. “This is wrong,” he muttered. “This whole day is wrong. What is going on? Why am I treating a woman like this?” He started to sit up, planning on cutting Lab Rat free and apologizing for treating her like a sex doll.

Suddenly he froze. His expression went blank as his eyes glossed over. He stared into nothing for nearly a full minute then blinked, looking around in confusion.

It took him a few moments to remember where he was and what he was doing. As the confusion faded his memories of his last sexual encounter returned, altered so it was something he was more okay with. The guilt was gone, only good memories of what had happened remained in his mind.

He patted Lab Rat’s bare ass. “This has been an amazing present,” he told her. “And it’s almost over,” he added sadly as he got up to find where he had abandoned his clothing. “Just a visit from Archbaroness left.”

* * *

“I’m a little surprised to see you coming to me in costume,” Alfie told Archbaroness as he greeted the busty woman with a smile. “After the day I had I was expecting to see you in your workout clothes, prepared to give me one final, extra intense torment. But with your circlet so well shined and her hair so nicely done up it looks more like you’re just about ready to head out to your charity gala.”

“That’s exactly what’s going on,” Archbaroness told him, the sly smile on her face suggesting there was more going on than she was admitting. “But I need one little thing from you. You know how these charity events work, yes?”

Alfie nodded. “Oh, yes. Superheroines like you attend knowing people will pay big bucks to show up and get to interact with you. Rich creeps who want to ogle you in person and maybe, if they let you know just how much they’ve donated, get away with a little grope of your ass or quick grab of a tit that you’ll politely ‘not notice’.”

“Exactly,” Archbaroness said. “Which means I need all eyes on my best assets, and although some would say that’s my ass most are drawn much more to my tits.”

“I see you’re wearing a costume tailored to be a bit lower cut than normal,” Alfie said, staring at her exposed cleavage. “Low enough that I can see a glimpse of areola peeking out. No chance you could fight someone in that, you’d be sure to have a ‘wardrobe malfunction’.”

Archbaroness nodded, grinning sheepishly. “And if that were to happen tonight there’d be sure to be more donations,” she told him, winking mischievously. “So I need my tits to draw as much attention as possible should they ‘accidentally’ fall out.”

Alfie had been so distracted by her breasts that he’d failed to notice till then that she’d been holding a hand behind her back. She pulled it out, showing him that she had been hiding a large bottle of oil. “I need you to oil up my tits till they are vibrant and glistening in a way that will ensure all eyes in the room remain locked on them.”

“Happily,” he said, taking the bottle from her.

Archbaroness carefully pulled her top down, letting her large, heavy breasts fall free. “Be careful not to get any of the oil on my costume,” she said, arching her back and pressing her chest out.

“I’ll be most careful,” he told her, pouring a healthy helping of the oil into his hand then setting the bottle down nearby.

“Don’t just oil them up,” Archbaroness told Alfie as he began rubbing the slick oil onto her breasts. “Play with my tits a bit. Get me nice and worked up. It helps if I go to these things a bit frisky. Gets me more flirty, and if I’m horny enough I might even give some old rich creep a private encounter that will leave him in a good enough mood to donate a small fortune.”

Alfie lost himself in the joy of oiling up and playing with Archbaroness’ perfect, milf-tastic tits. He paid special attention to her nipples, enjoying the way she moaned lewdly as he teased, rubbed, and played with them. By the time he was done he was as worked up as the woman was, glad he’d have the plastic-wrapped girl in his office to offer him release one last time.

But Archbaroness wasn’t as done tormenting him as he thought. She looked down at her tits after telling him they seemed oiled up enough. “Almost TOO well-oiled,” she sighed sadly. “I think you used a bit too much, it’s a little obvious I’m trying to draw attention to them. If only there was a way to get some of the extra oil off. I know! Alfie, kneel down.”
He did as he was told, not sure what fiendish torment she had planned.

“Now hold still,” Archbaroness said. She leaned forward, dangling her tits in front of her face. She moved her torso so they swung heavily back and forth, a sight that left Alfie moaning and grabbing his throbbing erection through his shorts.

“Don’t move,” she said, shifting so that her meaty breasts began slapping into his face. “If I spend enough time tit-slapping your face all that extra oil is sure to rub off,” she told her.

By the time she stopped Alfie was practically drooling.

“Now go use your sexual stress relief one last time,” Archbaroness told him as she pulled her costume up and adjusted her breasts. “And Alfie, merry Christmas from all of us!”

* * *

Psychia had arrived at the gym just as Alfie finished using his present one last time. Since the man was physically and emotionally exhausted after the day it didn’t take much telepathic manipulation to convince him he needed to head to bed early.

“Merry Christmas,” she told him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as he shambled past. He’ll need a little telepathic soothing in the morning, she noted. I took things a little too far during parts of today and he’ll need the memories of the day smoothed out. And all the little meddling I did through the day will need smoothing out as well, or the memories will seem suspiciously disjointed. But I can do all of that tomorrow. Besides, that kind of work is EASIER to do once the memories have had some time to settle in his mind.

Once Alfie was gone Psychia turned her attention to Lab Rat. She’d “volunteered” to be the one to cut the girl free at the end of the day. It’s what she would have wanted if she’d actually wanted all of this, Psychia told herself. The girl is so infatuated with me that she’d only have ever chosen to do this as part of a kinky game done for my sake. And now I need to go and ease her memories of the day and use my powers to convince her that’s exactly what happened.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” Psychia told the girl after cutting her free. Lab Rat looked exhausted and overwhelmed by her ordeal throughout the day. It had been nearly more than she could handle. Looking through her memories Psychia could see there had been times during the confusing day that it had been a kind of living nightmare for the girl.
I paid too much attention to Alfie and not enough to her. There were too many times I let go of her mind and she was able to decide she didn’t want to do this, but gagged and alone there was no way she could tell anyone and with no superstrength she was trapped in the plastic wrap. But that’s nothing to worry about, a few selective memory wipes and she won’t remember this as something she didn’t want.

Even with that mental manipulation Lab Rat was shaken by the day. “You need aftercare,” Psychia cooed comfortingly, helping build the illusion this had all just been a complicated BDSM scene they’d played with the whole team. “How about I take you to the locker room and help you shower to clean the day’s filth off you?”

Lab Rat smiled weakly. “That would be nice.”

Psychia smiled back, knowing the girl wouldn’t understand why she was so happy. Everything had worked out perfectly. All the mental manipulation had gone uncaught. Alfie had been given a present he’d remember for the rest of his life.

The only thing she felt guilty about was Lab Rat. The dazed look in the girl’s eyes showed how fried her brain was after having it so heavily played with all day. She’ll need plenty of physical, emotional, and telepathic soothing tonight, Psychia told herself. And after what she did today she deserves a treat.

“You were such a good girl today,” Psychia told her. “How about after that shower I take you to my apartment and I let you sleep there?”

“In your bed with you?” Lab Rat asked, sounding surprised.

“Yes, in my bed,” Psychia told the girl.

“But you NEVER let me sleep with you!”

“Think of it as an early Christmas present,” Psychia told her. “And a thank you for giving Alfie such a good present today.”

As she helped Lab Rat up Psychia thought about what would come next. Brickhouse is the only one left needing to give Alfie a personal present. But I’ll give it some time before I make sure that happens. Let him come down from this sexual high before giving him another. And after that it will be almost Christmas. Once Brickhouse has gifted him they’ll be time for only one or two final presents. Perhaps I’ll save them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day…


How will Brickhouse be gifting Alfie? (Choose up to 3 options from this poll)
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Philo Hunter
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Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North

Chapter Six: Brickhouse

Psychia sat at her control console watching the security feed in Brickhouse’s apartment. The hulking red-skinned woman was sleeping, but her alarm would be going off soon. Psychia knew her morning routine well. The first thing the woman would do would be to put her special bra on, the one that compressed her grossly over-large, gigantic breasts to hide their comically indecent size.

She knew from being in the woman’s mind that by the end of the day her colossal breasts ached from being compressed for so long. Still, it was only begrudgingly that Brickhouse took the bra off at the end of the day, and only when she was in private. By morning her breasts would no longer ache and although putting the high-tech garment on was a struggle and a somewhat painful ordeal Brickhouse did it happily. Only by wearing the bra could the deeply mentally troubled woman handle being seen by others.

Psychia then thought about Brickhouse’s mental issues. The growth of her breasts had always disturbed the woman. She’d only been able to handle being a superheroine with the public eye on her because she’d joined the Megatropolis Amazons where Archbaroness had Lab Rat make the special bra for her.

Once she had the bra and could handle being in public her powers had quickly gone to her head. Brickhouse had LOVED feeling as strong as she was, and she’d loved the feeling of invulnerability she had gained even more. Although she COULD be hurt, the hulking woman could survive far more than most. She could take a rocket to the face and walk away only dazed.

She’d begun her career as a superheroine thinking nothing she faced would provide a challenge. She’d been wrong, VERY wrong. The world they lived in was a perilous one for superheroines. Aside from their own sexuality, which was always waiting to betray them, there were countless fiendish, perverse devices that could defeat even the strongest superheroine in a flash.

Over the years Brickhouse had learned all too well how easily defeated a woman as strong as her could be. And some of the things she’d faced after being defeated had been truly horrifying. There was one traumatic event where she’d ended up captured by a race of subterranean monsters that had used her to breed a whole generation of monster men that still plagued the city’s underground to this day.

She’d come out of that event with her mind shattered, Psychia thought as she remembered the intense telepathic counseling Brickhouse had undergone after the incident. The ordeal had mentally broke her. She’d come back to the surface insane. She heard things that weren’t there, her breasts singing at her to mock her. I should have never cleared her to return to the team. But hit the extent of her trauma, telling Archbaroness her mental damage could be healed and that she could be a full member of the team after a few intense telepathic counseling sessions.

Perhaps Psychia could have cured the woman, but she hadn’t wanted to. Over the years as she’d “repaired” Brickhouse’s increasingly fractured psyche she’d been making it weaker and more easily broken. Always in ways Psychia could quickly repair, but every time Psychia fixed the superheroine’s mind she made sure Brickhouse was more likely to have crazed psychotic breaks the next time she faced some kind of humiliating sexual defeat.

It was a highly amusing game for Psychia, but one she knew she had to indulge in sparingly. Push the woman too hard and there would be no repairing her mind.

She needs to feel safe in Freedom Tower, Psychia told herself. I have to be careful what I make her gift Alfie. Nothing too far from what she’d offer on her own, nothing close to what I made Lab Rat give him. That means something with her breasts is right out the window. I could think of so many things to make her ‘give’ him involving them… So many wonderful, degrading, humiliating things… But I just can’t. It would be too much for her.

Still, there were things the woman COULD give Alfie that would be special but not so far out of the norm it would endanger her fragile psyche.

She almost never has penetrative sex of any kind with Alfie, Psychia remembered. But if I make her horny enough, and put her into the right kind of giving mood, I could get her to offer up her red pussy on a platter to the wonderful man.

With her mind made up she waited for Brickhouse to wake up. As soon as she did Psychia would start implanting impulses and ideas into the woman’s mind, all while making her increasingly horny and in need of a good hard fucking.

* * *

Alfie smiled as Brickhouse entered the gym. “A little ‘workout’ before heading out on patrol?” he asked the hulking brute of a woman.

“And a little more,” she told him, her voice breathier than Alfie was used to.

He paused, looking at her face more closely. It was hard to tell with her skin tone but was there a flush to her dark red cheeks? And her eyes… slightly hooded. He glanced at the rest of her body, taking note of her posture. More relaxed, more feminine than the woman normally stood in. And standing closer to me than she normally does, he thought. She’s hornier than I’ve seen her in a long time.

“You’re in need of a good mind-clearing?” he asked her, already knowing the answer. He squawked in surprise and alarm when she grabbed his mid-section with her huge hands and lifted him into the air as though he weighed nothing.

“What I’m in need of is a good, deep, hard dicking,” Brickhouse told him as she held him up so he could look the towering woman in the eyes. “And since it’s nearly Christmas and I’m in a giving mood you’re going to give it to me.”

She set him down. “Right here,” she said, dropping to the ground and lying on her back. “Right now,” she growled as she spread her legs. “Get your dick out and get it inside of me,” she went on, pulling the crotch of her costume to the side to expose her sex to him. “I’ve been fantasizing about you inside me since the moment I woke up and I need it, NOW.”

Alfie had no idea what had gotten into Brickhouse, but he wasn’t about to turn the woman down. Besides, it was his job to give these women what they both needed AND wanted. He kicked his shoes off, dropped his shorts, and pulled his shirt off. “As you wish,” he told her as he got on top of Brickhouse.

The sight of the woman, who had rarely allowed him to have any kind of penetrative sex with her, laying and waiting for him to take her had him instantly hard. When he reached under himself to line his cock up with her pussy he felt, even before he started to press into her, that she was sopping wet.

“Fuck me,” Brickhouse gasped as he slid easily into her. “Slam that cock into me as hard and fast as you can. Pound me till you cum in me. I want to feel it leaking out of me while I’m on patrol. I want to think about this all day,” she gasped as Alfie went to town on her.

* * *

Harder, Psychia thought, pushing on Alfie’s mind to make him more aggressive than he normally was. Faster. Pound the living shit out of that huge red-skinned slut.

She furiously masturbated as she watched the two fucking like animals on the gym floor, watching through both the monitor and their minds. She had a tight grip of both their minds, making both of them wild with lust while also clamping down on how quickly they moved towards climax.

For Alfie this was to help make him last. This was a Christmas present after all, she wanted him to enjoy it as long as humanly possible. She couldn’t make him last indefinitely, but she could prolong his pleasure quite a bit.

Although most superheroines weren’t fully aware of it, Psychia knew that orgasms that came from vaginal penetration were almost always more power-draining. And she knew that the faster and more intense climax was reached the more draining an orgasm would be. A wild, hard fucking like this was certain to make Brickhouse cum, and normally it would make her cum so hard she’d have her powers drained enough to make patrolling in that state dangerous.

So Psychia was having to carefully control Brickhouse’s rising pleasure. She couldn’t have her cumming too hard or too fast. Alfie’s wild, frantic pounding had to work her slowly to a relaxing, calming climax.

To help make that possible Psychia made Brickhouse go limp. She forced the woman to lay unmoving on the ground, moaning and grunting in pleasure as she luxuriated in being taken by the man. She tweaked Brickhouse’s normal desires, allowing her to loosen her normally tightly wound sexual hang-ups to enjoy what was happening far more than would be normally possible.

Ease into it, Psychia told the woman as she clung tight to her mind and body. Ease into it and cum before he does. Don’t want you cumming at the same time, might make you get off too hard. And then after you get off you’ll lay and enjoy it a bit more.

When Brickhouse neared climax Psychia had to let go of her mind. The temptation to cum with her while their minds were connected was too tempting. That would only intensify the woman’s orgasm and make her climax too hard.

But I’ve got Alfie’s orgasm to join, Psychia thought as she connected more fully to his mind. It was a good thing she did. If she hadn’t the tight clenching of Brickhouse’s vaginal muscles as she came would have surely pushed the man over the edge. She forced him to slow down, sliding slowly and softly in and out of her while she came then keeping up that pace as she allowed him to ease into his own climax.

Together, she thought, letting herself cum with Alfie. She felt his orgasm along with her own, letting him feel just enough of her sexual climax to intensify his.

Afterward Psychia put away the sex toy she’d been thrusting in and out of herself. With a heavy, satisfied sigh she went limp in her chair. Smiling happily at the screen she watched Brickhouse get up, right her costume, and tell Alfie merry Christmas before leaving the gym.

“Almost Christmas,” she whispered. “Alfie deserves more gifts. One Christmas Eve, one Christmas morning, and something special Christmas day. But what are we going to get him now?” she thought, beginning to plan out the rest of Alfie’s Christmas gifts.


What “gift” is Alfie going to get Christmas Eve? (Choose up to 2 options from this poll)
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Philo Hunter
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Chapter Seven: Christmas Eve

Before bed Christmas Eve the Megatropolis Amazons would all gather in their private lounge. It was where the team went for private, relaxed gatherings in a place reserved just for members of the team.

As such Alfie was rarely invited into the space and knew if they were doing something there his services would not be needed for the rest of the evening. Alfie retired to his apartment, planning on heading to bed early. Christmas days in Freedom Tower were always hectic and he had no idea what to expect the next day, he just knew a good night’s sleep would do him well.

Late that night Alfie was startled awake by the feeling of his blankets being lifted off him. He knew right away that it was the middle of the night, but any concern for the exact time was forgotten as he felt two warm, naked, female bodies enter the bed to either side of him.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Champion Girl whispered to him, wrapping a leg around one of his legs and pulling him into her naked body.

“Neither could I,” Psychia whispered, doing the same as Champion Girl had done. She turned as she tried to pull Alfie away from the young girl on the other side of him, pressing her body into his naked body so that one of her large breasts rested on his chest.

“We’re both just so excited for Christmas morning,” Psychia went on.

“I always stayed up late waiting for Santa,” Champion Girl said with a girlish giggle. “Parents always told me Santa would only come once I went to bed. Now that I’m older I can’t go to sleep till I cum.”

Psychia chimed in, continuing the conversation as though both the women’s minds were connected. “I feel the same, can almost never get to sleep unless I cum first. Especially when I’m excited about tomorrow. And I’m VERY excited about tomorrow.”

“Me too,” Champion Girl said.

As the two women talked their hands caressed, teased, and explored Alfie’s naked body. They would both work their way down his front, playfully brushing his member before pulling away.

“We need a distraction before we can fall asleep,” Champion Girl told Alfie.

“Something to help us work out all this frantic energy we have tonight,” Psychia said, hand running down his front. This time instead of teasing Alfie’s dick she ran her fingers up the top of his shaft, cooing happily when she found him hard. “Something like this could help,” she whispered in his ear as she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock.
“Yes,” Champion Girl said as she grabbed his dick as well, wrapping her fingers around the top half of his shaft. “This would be perfect.”

“It could be another present for Alfie,” Psychia told Champion Girl as the two women squeezed his cock playfully.

“And it could be a present for ME from him,” Champion Girl replied.

“I can make that happen,” Psychia said, chuckling to herself as though she’d just delivered the punchline to a joke neither of them would understand.

Alfie tried to say something but found he couldn’t talk. He couldn’t move at all. He started to panic but the panic melted away, replaced with warm calmness that spread through his unmoving body.

Psychia slipped her hand off his cock and snaked it up the front of his body. “Relax,” she told Alfie as she caressed his bare chest, her telepathic fingers caressing his mind. “This is another Christmas gift for you, you and your wonderful cock being gifted to Champion Girl.”

“I’m not expected to do anything tomorrow that will require my powers to be fully charged,” Champion Girl said as she let go of Alfie’s member. She sat up and yanked the blankets off him, giggling in excitement at the shrouded sight of his member sticking straight up in the dark room. “And if you’re being given to me as a gift I know exactly how I want to use you.”

Alfie groaned as he felt his dick, already hard, grow harder and stand more erect. He wasn’t sure why this had been happening so much lately. He’d get these sudden rushes of arousal where he’d be painfully hard and grow suddenly so horny all he could think about was sex with whatever woman was closest to him.

Perhaps it was the spell Opal Enchantress had put on him? No, he thought, it started before then. The first time it happened was that day Archbaroness and Champion Girl gave me my first early Christmas gift…

“Shhhhh,” Psychia said, massaging his chest and mind to make the thought fade away. “Just lay there, relax, and let Champion Girl have her way with you. She needs her sleep tonight and we all know a good, far too-strong orgasm is the perfect way to knock a superheroine out.”

“You know what that means,” Champion Girl told him. “You know what my favorite is, what makes me cum the hardest.”

Alfie did know. Champion Girl, like most superpowered women, had a specific sexual act that she loved more than others but often had to avoid indulging in because it was too likely to make her get off in a way that would depower her.

“Where’s that anal lube we brought along?” Champion Girl asked, voice shaking with excitement.

“I’ve got it here,” Psychia replied, sitting up and leaning to reach for something she’d left on the nightstand. “Why don’t you get on top of Alfie and bend over so I can lube you up?”

“Mmmm… That sounds lovely,” Champion Girl cooed. She climbed on top of Alfie, sitting on his stomach, then bending over so her face was nuzzled into the man’s neck. She licked, kissed, and sucked on it while Psychia squirted anal lube on the girl’s ass. “Feels amazing,” Champion Girl moaned into Alfie’s neck as Psychia played with Champion Girl’s asshole.

“Gotta get you warmed up,” Psychia said. “Get this tight little hole stretched out,” she added as she fingered the girl’s ass. She reached a lube-slicked hand down and patted Alfie’s thigh. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you last longer once you’re in her. I know her tight young asshole milks men dry pretty quickly, but with me in your mind I can help you last a LOT longer.”

“I’m ready,” Champion Girl whined impatiently.

“Then let’s get this cock in your ass,” Psychia said.

Champion Girl sat up and lifted her ass off Alfie, moving back a bit to hover over his cock. Psychia grabbed both his dick and Champion Girl’s butt, helping them line up cock to asshole in the dark.

“Ease it in,” Psychia said, keeping a tight hold of Alfie’s member and leading Champion Girl to slowly impale her ass on the man’s rigid member. “Down a bit, then back up, then down a bit more. Work him in SLOWLY.”

“I know how to take a cock up the ass,” Champion Girl snapped. “It’s my favorite thing in the whole world,” she moaned lewdly as Alfie’s cockhead slipped past the tightest part of her asshole.

Once past she was able to easily slide down his cock, but Psychia grabbed the girl and held her back. “Slowly,” she told her firmly. “Down a bit, then back up, then down a bit more. Make this last or he’ll cum far too fast.”

“But I want to feel him balls deep in me,” Champion Girl whined, sounding like a petulant little girl and not the powerful superheroine she was. “I want to fuck him hard and fast so I can cum myself to sleep and pass out, all so Christmas morning can get here sooner!”

“Alright,” Psychia said with an amused sigh. “I’ll help you along.” She used her hands and her telepathic powers to help the two move in perfect sync while playing with their minds to help them reach climax at times that would heighten both their pleasure.

Although Alfie was still unable to move his body he felt himself grab Champion Girl and support her as the young blond rode his cock. He’d have been mad about Psychia puppeting him that way if it didn’t feel so good.

The sexy Latina was doing more than puppet his actions. Her hands were all over both their bodies. She caressed and teased. She fondled Alfie’s balls while rubbing Champion Girl’s clit. She reached deep into both their minds then connected them, letting them both feel each other’s pleasure.

“This is amazing,” Champion Girl gasped as she rocketed towards climax. “You’re so good at connecting us like this,” she gasped, slamming her body down Alfie’s shaft. “Like you’ve done it hundreds of times before.”

Psychia chuckled. “If only you knew,” she said, voice oddly sinister.

Alfie barely heard her. With their minds connected he and Champion Girl were nearing climax at the same time. They were going to cum together while feeling each other’s orgasms. The moment was like nothing he’d ever experienced, or at least that he could remember. He had no idea men and women experienced climax in such different ways and feeling BOTH at the same time was almost too much to process.

Champion Girl came so hard she screamed out a lewd howl of pleasure Alfie was sure could be heard outside of his apartment. Her howl turned into a silent shudder, the scream becoming so intense her voice gave out. She sat on his cock, convulsing in pleasure as she enjoyed the feel of her in her ass as she came. The intense, power-draining orgasm sapped the young girl of all her strength. With a final happy whimper Champion Girl passed out and collapsed.

“There we go,” Psychia cooed. She grabbed Alfie’s cock and helped pull it out of Champion Girl’s ass, waiting for his semen to dribble out of her ass onto his cock then gently pushing the young superheroine off him.

Alfie groaned, amazed he was still hard. “Now it’s my turn,” Psychia told Alfie, greedily shoving the unconscious Champion Girl further out of the way so she could get on top of Alfie.

She mounted Alfie facing the man. “Feel how wet I am?” she asked him as she grabbed his dick and lined it up with her opening. “You’ll just slide right in, especially with your cock deliciously covered in the cum that leaked out of Champion Girl’s ass,” she said with a shudder as she lowered herself onto him.

“God I love your cock,” she told him as she braced her hands on his chest and started riding him. The woman moved her body with slow, precise thrusts, pinning him to the bed under her with both her hands and her telepathic powers. “You’re the perfect man to keep around to be used like this.”

Alfie started to say something, but the thought slipped away like a rub pulled out from under him.

“Don’t talk,” Psychia snapped. “Just enjoy your gift. Enjoy being our fuck toy. Let me ride you slowly, building my pleasure till I can cum myself to sleep.” She kept moving her body, working herself slowly up and down his length as she moaned softly.

“The two of us will slowly fuck ourselves to sleep,” she moaned out. “Champion Girl and I will sleep here with you, another Christmas gift for you. And in the morning we’ll gift you a little wake-up sex. How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Alfie gasped as he found himself able to move. The man used the freedom to reach up and grab Psychia’s thick sides. Running his hands up her sides allowed him to delight in her perfect body. He could only see the outline of her in the dark of the bedroom, but that didn’t matter. He knew every inch of her. Knew where to caress. Where to grab.

“Higher,” Psychia told him. “My tits, grab them. Just hold them as I fuck you.”

Alfie did as he was told, not fully sure if he was choosing to do so or if Psychia was telepathically controlling him. Part of him wondered how often she WAS controlling people around her without them realizing. Not just him, but the others.

“Stop thinking so loud,” Psychia snapped.

Alfie felt his mind go blank. All his suspicions faded away till all that was left was the pleasure of Psychia’s body. The soft yet firmness of her breasts in his hands. The amazing feeling of her messy, sopping wet cunt working up and down his cock.

Psychia was in total control and he was just her plaything. It was a sexually thrilling thought yet one that was a little scary. He’d fade to sleep when she wanted him to. Before then he’d cum when she wanted him to. And he’d stay hard even after cumming till she was ready to fall asleep. Everything that was happening was what she wanted, all of it for HER.

“No,” she told him. “It’s not all for me, this is a gift for YOU.”

Alfie felt a moment of confusion. What had he been thinking? It had been something erotically thrilling yet a little scary. Whatever the thought was it had slipped away as though it had been stolen from him.

“This is a gift for YOU,” Psychia told him firmly.

“Yes,” Alfie moaned happily. “A gift for me.”

“I’m going to fuck you to sleep,” she moaned softly.

“Yes,” Alfie moaned back. “Fuck me to sleep.”

“Good boy,” Psychia whispered. “And tomorrow more presents,” she added. “Now no more talking, just pleasure…”


Aside from the morning sex Psychia and Champion Girl will have with Alfie what gift is he going to receive Xmas morning? (Choose up to 3 options)
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Philo Hunter
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I'm hoping to get the story done by Christmas, two entries after this one!
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Philo Hunter
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What ended up being the final chapter of this story (which was another really long one) isn't getting posted anywhere from free. I don't normally do that for my poll driven stories (normally I leave them up for a while before taking them down and publishing them as ebooks) but I really wanted to get this story published before Christmas day.

You can find the full story on Smashwords here:

You can also become a supporter on Patreon to get access to the whole story through a password protected webpage. Also if you back at the 3$ level or higher you'll get a coupon code for the ebook.
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Good luck! Agreed, it's a Christmas book so you have to get it published now or wait until next year.
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Philo Hunter
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DonShip wrote:
5 months ago
Good luck! Agreed, it's a Christmas book so you have to get it published now or wait until next year.
Hope you're Christmas book is/will sell good!
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