Thinking about adapting Ms. Marvelous to video

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Hey y'all.

I'm trying to write something and am a little overwhelmed with options. Thought I'd take the idea to this room and see what people think.

So I'm writing a custom video (to be ordered, likely from TBFE since that's who I'm used to working with, but might try someone else). The main concept is a live action adaptation of Stephen Bell's Ms. Marvelous stuff over on dangerbabecentral.

But I'm not exactly sure what story to tell. The options that I've come up with currently are:

Option 1 - Focus on the general plot points of the very first story on the site, Ms. M vs. The Reapers, pulling in some elements from Ms. M vs. Bullets (since Bullets in the main villain of both).

Option 2 - Focusing on the general plot points of Ms. M vs. Prince Lomac, pulling in some elements from all of the other stories featuring Lomac --- and probably rewriting the ending, since the video realistically can't take place on a dock, where they both plunge into the lake.

Option 3 - Ms. M vs. Louie The Bone, since that's a fairly straightforward standalone story with 1 villain that takes place within a single indoor setting (and was a good one). This is probably the option where I could stay most true to the source material.

Option 4 - I'm also just toying with the idea of writing an original story starring the same characters and maybe putting in lines of dialog and action sequences from a bunch of the stories. I think I would go with something like Ms. M fighting Lomac and being defeated, captured, and delivered to Don Refrain who then hosts a "public execution" televised event where people can bid to dictate how a bound Ms. M is pleasured to death (like a donation results in anal beads being used and additional donations have them insert another bead... or turning up vibrator settings, etc.). --- Normally not a fan of death endings, but would probably be fun to see the sartek get the best of Ms. Marvelous in a non-cannon alternative universe story.

Option 5 - Something else?

I know a lot of people here are fans of the Ms. Marvelous stories. If any of you could see a live action version of it... what story would you want?(being considerate of actual shooting/budget limitations. It probably needs to be 1 indoor location, probably can't do two higher paid female stars, so sadly no Elle Mental, and probably a max of 3 male actors)? Maybe Jack and Jill + Blue Boy? Johnny Hawkeye?

Also, any suggestions on who I get to play Ms. Marvelous? I'm thinking it needs to be an athletic pretty blonde actress that does heroine stuff.

Any suggestions are welcome, though not as interested in ideas for the original storyline idea. More interested in what scenes/villains/moments from the Ms. Marvelous universe people think would be fun to see acted out.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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I liked the android "brother and sister" act on her!
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If you're not doing them in order...

I rather liked "the Death of Ms. Marvelous".

The heroine is overcome... and killed, but it turns out to have been a body double heroine with similar powers and weaknesses. She returns at the end to put things right and defeat the bad guys.

Since the two heroines are suppose to look a like so much you don't need a second model, and she can more or less do double duty as two different heroines. It's a nice story plot to feature multiple heroines while keeping to a modest budget since you only need one actress.
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I kind of like the idea of doing the death of ms. marvelous. It'd need to be a fairly loose adaptation, though. So much of that one takes place in a pool, which I don't think would be doable, and there are a lot of villains, so I'd need to scale back (would probably have to cut out Nev Refrain). But could still follow the general plot points, the pacing of her demise, and use a lot of the lines of dialogue and stuff.

That might work. And while you're right about the two heroines being able to be played by the same actress, I also wouldn't need to reveal that it wasn't really Jodi in the costume. That could be something that those of us who have read the stories just know.

That could work!
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I love the idea of using SHIP stories in a SHIP film. Bell was a great writer, there is a lot of material there to choose from. Please keep us updated, this seems like a great idea.
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Elder Member
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Just as a courtesy you might want to drop bell a note and get his blessings and maybe input on the idea.
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I definitely would but I don't think he monitors that old email address anymore or engages with the community at all. I don't think anyone has heard from him in years. I have an email address from a reply to an email he sent me 15 years ago, but he doesn't list that one on the website anymore so I suspect he doesn't want people to use that (if it's still even active).

I did this once before with a story by DM Shadow and I got his buy-in for it (he was actually super excited about it, which was fun). The inability to contact Bell is what's prevented me from doing this up until now. I've had this idea in the back of my mind for years now. But I feel like it's probably been long enough where it's safe to just do it. I don't think there's been any new content and nobody has heard from him in over 10 years.

If I catch wind that he doesn't (or wouldn't) like this kind of thing, I definitely won't do it. But I kind of suspect most people either wouldn't care about someone doing a fan video of something they don't work on anymore OR think it's kind of cool. So I feel reasonably comfortable moving forward.
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