The Power: The Origin

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Stories seem to flow out of me as of late. Here's another one.
This one is adapted a female character (depicted in the pictures) who only ever appeared in ONE ISSUE in a comic book, ever.
A true "one-off". Which was a shame because I thought the character was rather compelling.

(See if you can figure out which comic it is! Hint: It's DC)

The character became the partial inspiration for one of the heroines in Heroineburgh, but this is the original version of the character from the comic, with a name change. Of course, I wrote her to be more obviously prurient.


Etta Winston was on the run for her life, as deadly bullets whizzed past her ears.

Only an hour earlier, the executive secretary of the Powers Company had been quietly combing through some files in the office of her new boss, Paxton Powers.

She was a petite, mousy woman with a short blonde hairdo and pince-nez spectacles, wearing a professional black and brown office dress with buttons down the front that was somewhat fashionable and didn't quite cover her whole body, leaving her cute navel showing. However, despite the exposure of her midriff, nobody that she worked with thought of her as being particularly attractive. She steered clear of the corporate dating scene, and the tech bros left her alone.

Etta, whom everyone at the company deferently addressed as "Ms. Winston," had been hired by Paxton's scientist father, Derek, for a lifetime appointment as the woman best suited to manage the corporate accounts and keep everything above board and in order. She had been very grateful to Derek Powers for her high-paying job, and was extremely loyal to him and the goals he set for the company, which maintained large holdings in energy and chemicals.

In fact, one could even say that Etta was in love with the powerful Derek Powers, or at least had a considerable crush on the handsome CEO. But because of her professional demeanor and dedication to her lucrative position, she never acted on those feelings and maintained a prim and proper exterior.

However, Etta had been privy to some of the company secrets that Derek Powers had harbored. She was the only one left alive who had assisted him in his secret lab facility, located several floors below ground level on the premises of company headquarters. Only Ms. Winston and two scientists had the codes to the elevator level on which the lab had been located, and those two hapless technicians weren't alive anymore.

Ms. Winston had witnessed the experiments that the brilliant Derek Powers had been conducting in the lab, while she was taking notes and monitoring some of the equipment. Powers had theorized that controlled doses of dark-energy radiation could cause positive mutations which might cure cancer and other degenerate diseases. 

After Powers discovered suddenly that he himself had cancer, and possibly only six months to live, the scientist stepped up the experimental regimen, and one fateful day, he tested the dark-energy bombardment device on himself, in the presence of the two scientist assistants and Etta, who was observing and taking notes behind a protective screen. But something went awry with the dark-energy rays, and the scientists were bombarded with an ultra-lethal dose, melting their skin and killing them almost instantaneously.

Derek Powers reacted differently to the dark-energy mishap, since he had been wearing a protective suit of ceramic armor at the time of the accident. Instead of perishing, he stepped out of the suit to find that his body was glowing green. He had acquired the ability to absorb and emit radiation, which initially seemed like a breakthrough, categorizing him as a new form of mutated superhuman.

However, within days, the radiation had adversely affected his mind, and he began to lash out with his powers, robbing the warehouses and labs of other companies to try to steal the components and materials needed to fashion a cure for his ailment. He dubbed himself the super-criminal called Radion.

Unaffected by the bombardment due to the shielding, Ms. Winston was still Derek's executive secretary, and because she secretly loved him and wanted to assist in his cure, she had no compunctions about helping him to cover up the accident and acting as the secret planner behind the scenes, helping Radion with his many corporate thefts. Her role in the crimes was never discovered, but her hopes eventually came to naught, as the radioactive disease that was slowly consuming Radion from the inside finally caught up with him.

One night in his office, Etta Winston watched in horror as Derek collapsed in agony on the floor. All of his organs gave out simultaneously, and fluids leaked out of every orifice in his body. He never even made it to the hospital, and it was a terrible and tragic way to die.

Etta took some time off and sobbed for days alone in her apartment, but she vowed to honor his memory by also doing what was best for Derek's company. She also gave the orders to dismantle and destroy the lab where the accident had doomed Derek.

Due to her lifetime appointment, Ms. Winston became the living keeper of the Powers Company legacy, which was exactly why she became concerned when she heard that Derek's irresponsible playboy son, Paxton, had jockeyed his way into taking over the company, regardless of the opinion of the shareholders. He clearly wasn't the optimal man for the job.

For Derek's sake, however, Etta had remained dedicated to Paxton, allowing him to get settled in his new role at CEO. But the arrogant Paxton had vast underworld contacts, and she always suspected that underhanded tactics were at play under the new regime of the Powers Company, although she could never find any proof...until today.

Right in front of her eyes about an hour ago were some documents she had found accidentally in one of Paxton's desk drawers. These were pending bills of sale for much of the company assets, which Paxton had apparently decided to sell under the nose of the employees and shareholders to a Chinese conglomerate with connections to the criminal gangster Triads.

Paxton had accrued a considerable amount of casino gambling debt overseas in his playboy jet-set lifestyle, and this was his attempt to clear his ledger, leaving enough for a nest egg where he could travel overseas permanently and leave the States behind forever. However, the deal cut out all of the employees and shafted the shareholders, leaving everyone else with nothing, and so Paxton didn't want anyone to find out about his duplicity until the deal was consummated.

Apparently, Paxton had taken precautions as to Ms. Winston finding out a bit prematurely about his cash-out scheme, and a few minutes after she read over the corporate transfer papers in shock, she discovered his backup scheme. Underneath the stack was a Post-it Note, stuck to the bottom of the final paper by Paxton himself, which read, "You shouldn't go around snooping, Ms. Winston. Your time here, looking over my shoulder on behalf of my dead father, is at an end."

Walking down the executive corridor to find Paxton and demand that he explain his creepy, threatening note, she heard the armed Powers security force running towards her on the orders of Paxton himself. The closed circuit cameras in the building had caught her investigative action, and he was mustering his response against her.

"Secure Ms. Winston and restrain her in the conference room!" he barked at the officers. "And make sure that she doesn't talk to anyone. Nobody at all, you hear me? If she tries to flee, use whatever force you have to, including lethal!"

Etta couldn't hear exactly what Paxton was shouting because he was too far away, but she got the gist of his anger, and she realized there was serious trouble coming. Sure enough, she was on the money - as soon as it was clear to them that she was fleeing, the guards began shooting past her with their guns, possibly just to wound, but just as likely to kill. She was astounded that Paxton would go that far to squelch her vital role in the company!
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But having worked there for many years, Etta knew the layout of the building like the back of her hand. Keeping her wits about her, she remembered that there was a little-used back stairwell behind the executive suite. Trying not to trip in her high-heeled shoes, she grabbed a metal broom handle from the janitor's closet, burst through fire door and jammed it shut from the other side, so the guards couldn't follow her. Then she clambered quickly down the steps, her heart pounding in her chest from the adrenalin rush, as well as the fear of catching a bullet in the back.

Etta exited the stairwell out of breath from her flight, emerging several floors down into a deserted corridor where employees didn't often go. It was the "Hall of Fame" of the company, featuring a row of golden plaques, each with a previous CEO's name on it and listing his various accomplishments.
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At the end of the hall was a golden plaque with the name of Derek Powers, the secret love of her life. She staggered over to the plaque, exhausted and leaning on the wall for support, and spoke in a plaintive voice.

"Oh, Derek!" she exclaimed with romantic admiration in her tone. "I wish you were still here to tell me what to do next! How am I going to escape Paxton's goon squad? I think they intend to kill me!"
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Of course, she didn't expect him to answer, but very surprisingly, he did! A tape recording suddenly played from behind the plaque, and the message was in Derek Powers' own speech, which she instantly recognized.

"Ms. Winston! Or should I say, Etta? If you are hearing my voice, it means that your distress call, from some kind of dangerous trouble Paxton foisted upon you, has triggered this recording, which I installed in this corridor before my death, which I knew was inevitably coming. Etta, I know you were in love with me..."

"Oh, Derek!" she repeated, not knowing what else to say. He was speaking directly to her, from beyond the grave!

"..but I could never reciprocate, especially with the toxic nature of my powers as Radion which would have endangered your life had we gotten close. But you should know, now and forever, that you have my love, my admiration and my respect..."

Etta smiled broadly as he went on, transfixed by Derek's voice and forgetting all about the fact that armed men were tracking her down somewhere in the building.

" the days before my demise, in between our final raids on our competitors' warehouse, I managed to perfect a treatment in the lab, working alone, even without your knowledge. It was by no means a cure for my sorry condition, but it was a perfection of the bombardment dose, allowing a single person to acquire some sort of powerful abilities by the application of the dark-energy ray. Completely beneficial, without suffering any ill effects..."

Ms. Winston's eyes went wide with surprise. She had no idea that Derek had arrived at a solution to the problem posed by the accident, and she listened on, very intrigued.

"Etta...this is the legacy I want most to leave to you. There's no one who deserves it more than you, my dear. Are you ready to receive the dark-energy ray's unique blessing?"

The executive secretary nodded her head vigorously, even though she knew Derek couldn't see her. She was excited to find out what he had planned. He really did love her!

"Then, please prepare yourself. Simply stand about one meter in front of this plaque, with your feet planted firmly on the floor, and your arms in the air. That should assure maximum dispersal of the dosage. The treatment begins in ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven..."

Etta anchored herself in the position that she heard Derek describe on the recording. Her heart beat faster again with anticipation, as she didn't know exactly what to expect. But it was a loving gift from Derek, and her heart soared to receive it.

"...four, three, two, one...good luck and best wishes, my love for eternity!"

Ms. Winston couldn't see the invisible dark-energy ray emanating from a projector behind the plaque, but she could feel a pervasive warmth imbuing her, causing an electric tingle to spread rapidly across her nervous system. Her eyes began to inexplicably glow with a verdant hue.
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"Ohhhhh, this dark energy feels great," Etta said as her eyes continued to shine bright green, and then the change began, with her short blonde hair turning into a brownish color. She removed her pince-nez glasses, as she didn't seem to need them anymore - her eyesight was perfect, even though she no longer had distinct pupils within her eye sockets.

Although Etta didn't know it yet, her facial features were becoming more attractive, but at the same time more fearsome, as the green fire burned fiercely in her eyes. Her lips grew more full and plump, and her teeth straightened up as she became a perfect physical specimen above the neck.
But that was only the very beginning of her metamorphosis.

The slight secretary, barely measuring in at five-foot-five, felt a burning sensation in her arms and legs, and then across her abdomen, as the mitochondrial production of her cells exploded with energy. Her muscles began to expand and grow denser, augmenting her biceps and triceps with striated tensile mass. She flexed her arms and felt the strength potential increasing in them, while her skin also became tougher and more resistant to impact.
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Etta's thighs, too, experienced phenomenal tissue growth, becoming thick and wide like tree trunks, and meanwhile, her abdominal muscles expanded and hardened, forming a rock-hard six-pack like that of a female bodybuilder.

But unlike a typical muscle-woman, she did not retain a flat torso. Rather, her chest muscles strengthened and thickened, thrusting her breasts outward as they grew larger and rounder, accentuating the hourglass figure and widened hips of a broad-shouldered Amazonian creature who was quickly surpassing six feet in height.

With all of her physical expansion, Etta might have naturally ripped right through her office dress, leaving it in tatters on the floor and exposing her naked body beneath. But this was not the case. Instead, the dress gradually morphed into a tight spandex suit which beautifully contained her massive new figure.

The top half of her uniform was black, and the bottom half white, and it covered all of her body like a second skin. The outfit also included a pair of reinforced white gloves, and a black mask, which covered the lower half of her face to keep her from being easily recognized.
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Apparently, Derek had intentionally programmed into the dark-energy ray a distinct costume pattern which he believed that Ms. Winston would be happy to accept. Having worked closely with her for years, he knew her preferences quite well, and Etta was quite delighted. She ran her gloved hands up and down her novel superhuman body, reveling in the touch of the smooth spandex, and feeling the stimulating sensation of the stretchy fabric against her crotch. 

The suit was not just aesthetically pleasing to her - the experience of wearing it was actually making her horny. Derek was expressing his desire for her from beyond the grave in the only way he could, by making sure that Etta experienced sensual bliss from a device of his own making. His plan for her costume had worked to perfection, as she groaned with pent-up desire for the man she had adored for so long.

As Etta, she hadn't had sex with any men in a long time, but she knew very well how to please herself. She began rubbing her glove against her clitoris under the suit, to release her raging libido created by the incredible transformation. She felt so deeply loved by Derek, as she imagined that he was still by her side, guiding her into the creation of her new altered persona. It was easy to put her erotic fantasies in motion.

"Ohhhhh, Derek, I still love you!" she moaned, picturing his handsome face to help bring her pleasurable experience to climax, as she kept furiously stroking her pussy and thanking her good fortune. "What have you made for me? What have I become? Ohhhhh! All I know is that I feel so strong, so sexy. This beautiful new incredible body....I'm so massive...there's so much power inside me....ahhhhhh!"

Etta orgasmed, arching her back and screaming with wild abandon during her sexual release. She felt a patch of sticky moisture spread across the tight white crotch of her outfit - she had squirted at least a half-ounce of fluid directly from the gland above her G-spot.

This ability to ejaculate was a new experience for her, and Etta felt a bit embarrassed to have already soiled her brand new costume, until she noticed that the stain was quickly disappearing, and then suddenly, it was all gone. Derek had apparently built an absorptive function into the suit, as well. He predicted her sexual proclivities that precisely!

Immediately following that, the former executive secretary arrived at an important life-changing decision. Derek had believed in her, and she must reciprocate. "That orgasm was incredible! Never imagined I could feel anything like it. But I'm not just the company secretary anymore, and I can't call myself Etta in this form."

"I must become what Derek envisioned me to be, in order to take down Paxton and his minions. He desired to make me a woman of great power, and so he has. I have to live up to that expectation for him, for myself, and for the future of the Powers Company, which will inspire my codename. I will henceforth be known as....THE POWER!"

The superheroine formerly known as Etta Winston flexed her large biceps and admired them, letting the contextual significance of her new moniker sink in. Then she heard clattering footsteps drawing closer. Very soon, five men with automatic weapons, military helmets and black armor turned the corner - Paxton wasn't taking any chances of letting her live. But the guards were very surprised at what they encountered.

"Hey, boss! This is Jackson. I'm on the Hall of Fame floor," one of the guards radioed down to Paxton. "I thought we were supposed to go after that little secretary girl. But she's not there. Instead there's a bulked-up six-foot-four woman in a white-and-black superhero costume, glaring at us. Did you hire some kind of super-powered mercenary to help us in the search for Winston?"

Paxton paused on the other end for a second, then suddenly realized what had transpired. "No, Jackson, of course not! That woman doesn't belong there, so she must be Etta Winston! Somehow my father must have figured out a way to induce a mutation in her - a serum, a ray, a spider-bite. It'd be just like him to turn her into a freak like himself to satisfy his perverted desires. But that doesn't matter. We can't take any chances. Eliminate her immediately!"

Displaying her imposing figure, The Power barely got out the words, "Hey, guys! Why don't we talk this out...I'm sure we can..." before the five men all opened fire on her with their machine guns. RAT-A-TAT-TAT! RAT-A-TAT-TAT! RAT-A-TAT-TAT! All of the bullets bounced off The Power's nearly invulnerable skin, not even making any holes in her specially designed impenetrable costume.

She was unscathed, but with all the ammunition ricocheting around the corridor, one of the company mercs was hit in the face with a stray bullet and it exploded inside his brain, killing him instantly. One down, four to go, Etta thought to herself.

"Fools!" she shouted with contempt at the four remaining officers. "You have no idea what you're up against. I am the woman who cannot be stopped. I am The Power! We could have talked this out, but you tried to kill me, and now I will show you no mercy!"

The muscular superheroine rushed forward and engaged her enemies. Each armored guard tried in turn to grab her, but it was like trying to stop a charging elephant - she dwarfed them in both size and strength. She picked up one man by the neck and tossed him roughly against the corridor wall, CRACK! breaking his spine. Another officer tripped and fell in the confusion, and she simply stomped on his body CRUNCH! imploding his rib cage. 

The two remaining guards decided to rush at her from both sides with hunting knives drawn. "Gut her like a fish!" one shouted to the other.

Big mistake - before they could even reach close enough to stab her, The Power lifted both of them into the air by their heads, one man in each of her gloves, and twisted them like bottlecaps CRICK! CRICK! snapping both of their necks. She tossed them aside like ragdolls.

Five limp, lifeless bodies lay on the floor of the hallway, and the superheroine formerly known as "Ms. Winston" came to a realization. Each time that she ended a man's life by directly exerting her superhuman strength, she felt a strong twinge of sexual pleasure. Not quite an orgasm, but enough to stoke her desire to keep fighting until the skirmish was over. Derek had apparently programmed that tendency into her physique to motivate her battle mode, and the sensation had hit her exactly four times during the melee.

Derek's technology had transformed her into a vengeful machine of destruction and mayhem and sexual desire! It felt thrilling and transgressive, especially for a former timid executive secretary who hadn't hurt a fly in years, or gone on a date, for that matter. His secret plans for her turned out to be exactly what she needed to bring out her hidden assertive qualities.

"I was definitely willing to kill when I needed to," she remarked to herself. "Derek created me to be ultra-violent, so that I could win conclusively against these company thugs. But now, I have to take my fight directly to Paxton up in the penthouse suite. He's going to be surrounded by dozens of combat veterans in his inner sanctum, but I'm not scared of any of them. I will defeat them all, for I am The Power!"

One thing had to be taken care of first, however. The Amazon strode over to the golden plaque which read "Derek Powers" and ripped it cleanly out of the wall. Behind the plaque in a shallow cavity was a motion sensor connected to a small speaker, which had conveyed Derek's final words to her. The miniaturized version of Derek's dark-energy projector, which had transformed Etta so dramatically into The Power, was also inside the nook.

She tore the devices from their moorings and crushed them CRUNCH! like paper between her white gloves, tossing several clumps of unrecognizable metal debris down a nearby garbage chute. There would be no tangible evidence of how she acquired these powers. No one else would be following in her superheroine footsteps to challenge her physical supremacy.

Thanks to Derek's brilliant dark-energy breakthrough, she knew that she could transform back and forth between her two forms at will, but The Power would remain exclusive to her alone. She made sure of that!

With a moment to reflect, Etta daydreamed about a possible near-future. She envisioned a scenario where Paxton was no longer in charge of Powers Company, and she became the brains behind the operation, expanding it into a financially successful worldwide empire.

By day, she would remain the petite, timid Ms. Etta Winston that everybody knew, serving as the power behind the throne of whatever new CEO the company's Board of Director appointed to take it over. As before, she would keep corporate operations humming like a well-oiled machine.

But on selected nights, under cover of darkness, Derek had ensured that she would always remember his love. All she had to was find a private location and think of Derek's handsome face. Slipping one hand beneath her panties and touching herself for only a few seconds would be enough to trigger her desire to change. Etta would once again undergo her extremely pleasurable Amazonian transformation back into The Power, ready to strike fear into any enemies of the company who might threaten business as usual.

And if all was quiet on the home front, The Power could venture into the city at large, and establish herself as the world's first superheroine, shutting down crime and corruption. She could commit righteous, devastating violence on behalf of the cause of justice without any consequences, and it would thrill her to do so. Every time she killed a criminal, she would get an erotic charge - the best motivation possible.

And then, there was the potential for amazing sex, which Derek had knowingly built into her new body. She didn't know if she could easily have intercourse with normal men as The Power without hurting them, but it was certainly worth an experiment or two. She imagined night-time visits to gyms where handsome hunks worked on their musclebound physiques, and she would seduce them for her needs. She could ride these Atlases to climax, and they couldn't resist her incredible strength, even if they wanted to!

But, hey, if that approach proved untenable - and she hoped it wouldn't - there's always the astounding orgasm she could attain from just getting herself off in that tight spandex costume. She had never experienced anything like that, and she was certainly going to repeat it as often as she could. Either way, little mousy Etta Winston was also going to be The Power, and she was planning to be in charge of all aspects of her life, going forward.

But first, there was the little matter of deposing this asshole who thought he could measure up to his father, the love of her life. He definitely couldn't hold a candle to Derek, and with The Power on the prowl, that weak, pathetic excuse for a scion and his laughable minions were not long for this world.

"I'm coming for you, Paxton!" she shouted up the back stairwell, and then bounded up the steps, leaping five at a time with her super-strong legs, and eventually disappearing from view.
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Good story looking forward to the sequel
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