WW: The Pied Piper scene re-write (WW vs Carl)

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NOTE: Trying my hand at re-writing "missed opportunities" in the series. Of all the CBS episodes, I have always felt that this particular episode had the most missed opportunities of all. In one scene of this episode, the henchman had WW in a bearhug for a while. An erotic scene for sure, but one that could have ended up way differently.

A version has also been posted here:
https://www.deviantart.com/tonguenonene ... -973504330

Wonder Woman vs Carl scene re-write.

As Wonder Woman pursued Hamlin Rule, she stepped out of the recording studio, her heart racing with determination. Suddenly, her path was blocked by a towering henchman named Carl, standing at an imposing 7 feet tall. His presence alone exuded an air of danger.

With a deep voice, Carl questioned her, "You're the real Wonder Woman?"

"Don't make me prove it," she responded, her tone confident and defiant.

Without warning, Carl lunged at her, but she skillfully countered his attack, sending him crashing against the wall. As he struggled to get back on his feet, Wonder Woman stood there, hands on her hips, a smirk on her lips, thinking she had the upper hand. She began to reach for her lasso to interrogate him about his boss's plans.

Before she could unclasp her lasso, Carl made a surprising move. He rushed at her with incredible speed, grabbing her around the waist and pinning her arms to her sides, lifting her effortlessly off the floor. Caught off guard, Wonder Woman found herself trapped in a crushing bearhug, his powerful arms constricting around her.
piper (31).png
piper (31).png (1.29 MiB) Viewed 1120 times
Her breath hitched as she struggled to break free, but Carl was relentless, shaking her from side to side, denying her any chance of escape. She felt the pressure building, her strength waning as the bearhug tightened around her.

Wonder Woman fought back with all her might, but the suffocating grip was overwhelming. Her vision blurred, and she was on the verge of losing consciousness. Despite the dire situation, Carl wore a twisted grin, clearly enjoying seeing the mighty heroine at his mercy.

As Wonder Woman struggled to breathe, Carl's powerful bearhug had her firmly trapped, and she could feel the pressure mounting on her body. Her strength was starting to wane, and Carl couldn't help but notice the effect he was having on her. It thrilled him to think that he was close to victory over the mighty heroine.

Feeling aroused by the situation, Carl's cock throbbed with anticipation of what he planned to do to her once she was defeated. He reveled in the softness of Wonder Woman's body pressed against his arms, and he grew cocky, allowing one of his hands to wander from her tightly gripped waist down to her soft, tempting butt.

His eyes then locked on her ample breasts, now jiggling as she struggled against him. The sight was intoxicating, and he couldn't resist turning his face towards them, his eyes so close to her breasts that he could almost taste her.

Unable to contain himself, his lips found her cleavage, relishing the soft, smooth skin of the Amazon warrior. Wonder Woman was taken aback by his audacity, but in that moment, she saw an opportunity. As he slightly loosened his grip, she swiftly freed her arms, finally able to use her strength to push him back.

Carl was stunned but quickly regained his composure, fueled by the lust in his eyes and the confidence that he could still overpower the determined heroine. He prepared to attack her once again, his mind consumed with thoughts of dominating her completely.

Undeterred by his previous failure, Carl made his move once more, grabbing Wonder Woman by the waist and lifting her off the floor, aiming for the familiar bearhug. But this time, Wonder Woman was prepared. She skillfully avoided having her arms pinned to her sides, her confidence growing as she realized her superior strength could turn the tables.

Carl sensed his grip was slipping, desperate to maintain control, his hands finding the belt of her costume around her shapely waist, attempting to hold on tight. In a last-ditch effort to weaken her, Carl smashed her body against a solid wooden door. The impact splintered the door as they both crashed onto the floor of the adjoining room.

As they rolled on the floor, the magic belt, the source of Wonder Woman's powers, accidentally slipped from her waist, ending up in Carl's grasp. Wonder Woman was shocked to see her belt in his hand, realizing she had lost her powers in that moment.

Subconsciously, she ran her hands over her waist to double-check, confirming the dreadful truth. Carl noticed her distress and realized he had just stumbled upon the secret of her great strength. With a taunting smirk, he mocked, "What's the matter, Wonder Bitch? Not so cocky without your belt?"

His face filled with lust, he continued, "What do you say we remove the rest of your costume too?" The situation was dire, and Wonder Woman tried to bluff her way out, putting up a brave front. But it was too late; Carl had already uncovered her weakness.

In a malicious move, Carl tossed the belt behind him, out of Wonder Woman's reach, taunting her to retrieve it. With her powers gone, she was no stronger than an ordinary woman, and she knew it. Her heart raced as she faced the daunting challenge of confronting her formidable adversary without her divine abilities.

"Come and get it, Wonder Woman!" Carl's daring taunt echoed in the room. Powerless without her belt, Wonder Woman knew she was no stronger than an ordinary woman, and desperation fueled her. She made a futile attempt to run for her belt, but Carl easily caught her, gripping her roughly by the waist. The bulge in his crotch pressed against her backside, reminding her of the threat he posed.

Her struggles proved useless against his brute strength, and he chuckled at her apparent helplessness. Taunting her further, he leaned in and planted kisses on the soft skin of her bare shoulders, savoring her vulnerability.

With ease, he tossed her over his shoulder, relishing her futile resistance. She squirmed and fought, but without her powers, she was no match for him. Carl decided to enjoy the moment, giving a few playful taps to her behind, his dirty talk escalating.

"You have nice legs!" he said, his hands greedily groping her soft, shapely thighs. The helplessness and violation overwhelmed Wonder Woman, fearing what he might do next.

His hands moved to the hem of her costume, and he began to grope her ass under the tight fabric. She could only cringe, feeling humiliated and defenseless against his advances. Carl reveled in the power he held over the once-mighty Amazon warrior.

With one arm firmly clutching her magic belt and the other confidently holding her over his shoulder, Carl carried her off as a prisoner and a trophy of his conquest. "The boss will be pleased," he declared, a malicious grin on his face. "But why don't you and I have a little fun first?"

Wonder Woman's heart sank at his words, knowing there was little she could do to resist. Stripped of her powers and at Carl's mercy, she could only hope that a glimmer of her former strength would somehow help her escape this dire situation.

to be continued (?)...
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Very nice Story!
Elder Member
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infogeek247 wrote:
10 months ago
Very nice Story!
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:

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I just loved this story! This was the Wonder Woman of my youth, the Wonder Woman I had fantasies about, and you just created another indelible and memorable fantasy. Thank you. I loved that you inserted that original image of Carl boldly grabbing Wonder Woman in that bearhug just to give us folks a visual reminder of the original context. What I have always loved about the belt removal aspect of superheroine peril is that reversal of fortune moment when the tables are turned and Wonder Woman realizes she has been rendered powerless. You wrote to that detail exceptionally well. Well done sir, and please tell me there is indeed a part two.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
10 months ago
I just loved this story! This was the Wonder Woman of my youth, the Wonder Woman I had fantasies about, and you just created another indelible and memorable fantasy. Thank you. I loved that you inserted that original image of Carl boldly grabbing Wonder Woman in that bearhug just to give us folks a visual reminder of the original context. What I have always loved about the belt removal aspect of superheroine peril is that reversal of fortune moment when the tables are turned and Wonder Woman realizes she has been rendered powerless. You wrote to that detail exceptionally well. Well done sir, and please tell me there is indeed a part two.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this. While I do have a continuation, I am not too satisfied with it yet so I chose to leave this one as a cliffhanger for now. Maybe I will go back to this later.

I am really enjoying writing alternative takes on existing episodes and I do hope to post more soon.
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:

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brdiy wrote:
10 months ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
10 months ago
I just loved this story! This was the Wonder Woman of my youth, the Wonder Woman I had fantasies about, and you just created another indelible and memorable fantasy. Thank you. I loved that you inserted that original image of Carl boldly grabbing Wonder Woman in that bearhug just to give us folks a visual reminder of the original context. What I have always loved about the belt removal aspect of superheroine peril is that reversal of fortune moment when the tables are turned and Wonder Woman realizes she has been rendered powerless. You wrote to that detail exceptionally well. Well done sir, and please tell me there is indeed a part two.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this. While I do have a continuation, I am not too satisfied with it yet so I chose to leave this one as a cliffhanger for now. Maybe I will go back to this later.

I am really enjoying writing alternative takes on existing episodes and I do hope to post more soon.
Have you considered doing an alternative take on the Bushwackers episode, the one where she is out riding her horse and gets pulled over by the corrupt cops and unceremoniously thrown in the cop car and subsequently thrown in jail? I look forward to more of your stories.
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I haven't really looked into the Bushwackers episode yet. Maybe I'll take a look at this in future works. 😀

I am looking at what I believe are missed opportunities from the CBS episodes at the moment like:

The Man Who Could Move the World
Death in Disguise
The Murderous Missile
Fine Art of Crime

I like to focus on re-writing specific scenes rather than whole episodes and would love to share a few here soon.
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:

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