Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising

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Staff Sargeant
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark energies rising part 1

Lady England sits vigilant in the command centre of the Lighting League. She is a queen on a throne. Her elegance is unrivalled and she uses her hands to conjure and bring forth the information she seeks, like a sorceress wielding magical energies. The only magic here however are digital holographic images, an interface far more advanced than the simple monitor and keyboard. Her eyes shrouded by a visor helmet that is connected to a large computer and views screen. Her comrades busy with various missions, she has taken it Upon herself to play the role of coordinator today. Monitoring the worlds news feed she focuses her attention on a specific BBC news report, one that could have massive repurcussions for the entire world.
“Today members of the archeological community, science community, and various representatives of world governments and corporations meet at the luxury Golden Orient hotel in Singapore today to marvel at the discovery of an out of place artifact that is supposedly from an advanced ancient civilisation of 12,000 years ago. It is possible that the artifact is even older which does have huge implications for current understandings of human history and perhaps a need to revise our narrative of the past?”
A feminine computerised voice interrupts.
“Lady England sorry for the intrusion but there is a high probability that the meeting in Singapore will be targeted by a terrorist organisation”
“Thank you SARA”
The AI is a tool that has served the interests of heroism for years. An acronym for Strategic Artificial Recon Automaton. Lady England pursues the AIs prompt and focuses here vision upon the videos and files that are presented before her eyes. She analyses them intently as SARA gives a running commentary.
“A group known as the Sons of Freedom has been targeting this event for sometime. They intend to swipe the artifact. Their ideology is a combination of right wing populist, incel, anti feminist, and new age discourses. Some members are blatant neo Nazis whilst others are flat earthers or believe in conspiracies that the world is rule by an elite cabal of Lizard people or Satanic pedophiles….”
“A charming bunch of men it seems…..”
“These men are dangerous and many are ex military or have some military training. The leader is actually from your country, a Dr Smithe Peacock”
“Hmmm unfortunately it seems that I have a more pressing otherworldly threat that I must deal with, despite the threat level this does not seem too difficult a mission. Who else is available?”
“All main members of the Lighting League are busy. We will have to utilise new recruits from the Leagues youth training programme.”
“Show me who is up to the challenge!”
Once again Lady Englands eyes are smothered with videos of possible members. SARA focuses on one in particular and enlarges the screen for her human boss.
“Martial Girl, age 22. Nationality: American. Superpowers: None. Alias : Suzy Jennings. Height 5,7. Martial Girl has a highly advanced mastery of multiple martial arts and gymnastics. She can learn movements quickly with a photographic memory and is also highly intelligent.
Lady England studies her movements, her poise, her energy. Martial Girls has a petite lithe body and is clearly comfortable in her sexy skin. Her breasts are small, but her body Is lean. Her hair is sun kissed and she truly looks golden. If she had not chosen the life of a Superheroine she would have easily become a professional ballerina, gymnast or athlete. Her costume is red and blue, unsurprisingly revealing, her taut torso that is exposed for all to see. Her face is covered in scarlet, a mask across her eyes. The videos show her dispatching countless numbers of armed thugs. Lady England feels that this would be a good opportunity the young eager heroine, she is impressed with the fact that Suzy possesses no super powers and relies on nothing more than her body and will. However her experience tells her that a second graduate heroine would be needed.
“Who else is available. Martial Girl will need a friend”
“I can recommend Fight Doll…. Age 21…..Superpowers: None. Height 5,6. Name Lola Husami. Nationality: Japan. Fight Doll also has high level IQ and virtuoso physical skills like Martial Girl. Unlike Martial Girl, she also likes to use gadgets and weapons.
Once again SARA presents Lady England with examples of Fight Doll in the field. She wears a black body style suit that has the likeness of a costume from some cyber punk sci fi film. It compliments her porcelain skin, exposing her arms, torso and thighs.
“Currently she polices Tokyo and has been most effective in helping with the reduction of crime. She recently defeated a fanatical doomsday cult all by herself”
Lady Englands vision is once again entertained with the movements of yet another hyper agile and super spry young heroine.
“Dispatch them right away!” Lady England orders.

Hours later, Martial Girl and Fight Doll are on the scene. Like perched hawks they prey from their skyward position, standing on the roof of one of Singapores concrete business towers. From their position they spy on the events that unfold inside the Golden Orient Hotel using X Ray and infrared binoculars courtesy of the League. Inside the building the Sons of Freedom strike. Their members are undetectable. Stealth is their way of life. They infiltrated this event had planned their attack for months, perhaps even longer. SOF members disguised as the hotel security easily dispatch any employees of the hotel and seize control of the CCTV. Floor by floor is conquered by them under the nose of the guests and attendees of the conference. Dr Smithe Peacock was attending as himself. The world knows him a distinguished academic, however today he will be revealed as the villainous swine he is. Dr Peacock has the honour of staying in the the hotels grand suite, and he has transformed it into his base of operations.

He is a gaunt, grey man. Formerly a professor, he disappeared some years back after an archeological expedition.
“It was years ago captain Kwame. I stumbled across an ancient Sumerian shrine. Inside the tomb was gateway to another dimension. I walked through and….” As Dr Peacock explains to his right hand man Kwame AKA Tiger Ghost, a man of arms and a mercenary from Mali; he pauses.
“Then what? What did you see” Tiger Ghost asks.
“Perhaps another time……but the experience did grant me some gifts….”
“What kind?”
“My friend……if needs be today you will know what those gifts are….”
“Then let’s hope I never have to find out”
Dr Peacock whispers his expectations to Tiger Ghost who dons his infamous feral feline mask. A wanted man, skilled warrior, marksman and killer, he has been hired by countless villains and terrorists. Today is no different. Just another pay check. Tiger Ghost shouts loud his orders and commands with a growling voice to suit his persona. SOF terrorists swarm the building from Countless rooms. It takes 50 of them to lock guests in their rooms.

The main ballroom of the hotel is holding the event. The presentation of the artifact by leading archeologist Dr Patel, is half way through as the armed SOF fanatics storm the floor. Screams echo as people fall to their knees. What valuable hostages they would all make; government officials, intelligence officers, academics and corporate filth. Dr Peacock enters with a smile on his wrinkled face. His eyes are magnetically attracted to the artifact. It appears to him exactly as he imagined. A purple coloured crystal golem, shaped in the visage of the Sumerian goddess Inanna.
“Tiger Ghost, bring me the crystal”
The armed men close in on the academics on the podium and seize the artifact. Tiger ghost hands it to his employer.
“At last….now to return to…..”
The mastermind is interrupted by a loud explosion above.
“And so they have arrived” he thought to himself. “This is the perfect time to test the resolve of these super heroines!”

Martial Girl and Fight Doll hanglided onto the roof of the Golden Orient hotel building and showered explosives to knock out 7 armed terrorists that had gathered there. As the men fall asleep after inhaling the sleep gas, the two heroines eject themselves from the glider and land on the feet with the swiftness of a cat. Stealthily they hide near the empty bar that is situated beside the pool.
“I never understood why you fight crime barefoot, isn’t it impractical ?” Fight Doll asked her comrade.
“As a gymnast I can move more
Efficiently, in fact my gymnast skills were considered near superhuman and virtuoso, the slightest advantage gives me enormous power, the less I wear the better I fight. I bet I can defeat you Fight Doll, even with your gadgets” the sassy young blonde taunted with a cheeky yet friendly smile. Fight Doll returned the facial gesture.
“Maybe after we clean out the terrorist the trash here, we can have a spar” She winks.
The two heroic partners begin the cleanup floor by floor. Skills combined they fight as if they are one entity, linking arms and leveraging their body weight. Even with their weapons, the armed thugs fall one by one. Smoke pellets of distraction work wonders and Fight Doll makes sure they remain unconscious with her electric knuckle duster or tranquiliser darts.
“That’s why you need to use gadgets!” She says to Martial Girl, sticking out her tongue mockingly. The two young heroines are clearly having fun. It is like a night out for two girlfriends. The two of them move fast enough to prevent the SOFs central command from knowing what has become of their troops on the higher levels of the hotel. And lower and lower the heroic duo descend upon the villains. An army of fifty SOF agents has been reduced to 30. The duo identify a group of 10 on the ground floor. Scurrying through the back passages they make their way to battle this elite squad. Fight Girl sabotages the remaining elevators with bombs to prevent the other guards from coming to the aid of their comrades. Smoke pellets allow the two lithe wonders to strike fast. They decide to fight solo, separating the group into half.
“I’ll take 5 and your get the other 5” Martial Girl says confidently.
Martial Girl is able to tackle each opponent one by one, launching a nerve strike into the neck of one terrorist causing him to fall like a tree. Bouncing off the balls of her bare feet she crashes her knee into the face of another. As if she is levitating, she remains in the air and sends her other foot into the body of another man. She lands on his belly using him as a human trampoline sending her entire body forward like an Olympic gymnast. She flips over another charging terrorist, grabbing his long hair as she lands behind him the momentum gives her near superhuman leverage enabling her to thrown the large man over her shoulders. The man flies like a projectile into another one of his comrades. Fight Doll also enjoys herself. Using her escrima sticks she makes quick work of the thugs. Her movements are like a tornado, spinning the short staff like weapons as if they are propellers of a helicopter chopping her opponents down one by one.

Onward the onslaught continues. Like artists in violence they break bones and bodies, but refrain from dealing in death and murder. The heroines uphold an ideal after all. With speed they finally reach their goal, the ball room. Bursting through the doors, Fight Doll throws her tranquiliser darts and KOs five more armed men with rifles pointing at the helpless hostages that lie face down on the floor. The oriental heroine refused to allow the duo to be restrained by the threat of innocent people and the possibility of their blood being spilt. She hated the SOFs lack of honour.
“Another reason for the gadgets, you didn’t think far ahead did you, I guess it’s true what they say about blondes” her jest directed at Martial Girl.
“Just you wait till after” the golden babe responded half smiling with her hands on hips.
“Focus Fight Doll…..we still have two losers left….”
On the podium next to the display of the artifact, stands Dr Peacock and his right hand man, Tiger Ghost. He whispers in his right hand man’s ear.
“Careful with these two”
“Don’t worry Dr, I’m sure I can handle two little girls. But I’ve heard this Martial Girl is a great fighter, I shall enjoy crushing her…”
“Hey what about me? I have a rep also?!” Fight Doll responds in a half jealous rage.
“The only thing that will be crushed are your balls in the palm of my hand!” Martial Girl defies.

Tiger Ghost leaps towards them, indeed with the agility of a Tiger and fast like a ghostly blur; truly doing justice to his name. The African mercenary lands in between them. One after another the duo attack with uncanny mobility. Tiger Ghost parries and blocks, unmoved, rooted to the ground like a tree. Martial Girl sends her foot flying towards the enemy’s head while he is distracted with Fight Doll’s advances. He quickly turns and punches her foot. Martial Girl cries and retreats with a back flip. He’s strong but she’s felt stronger. She’s ready for more. Tiger Ghost laughs, the kind of manly laugh to say that he has them under his control.

One after another they clash with the forearms and thighs of Tiger Ghost. The amazing blonde beauty is followed by her oriental porcelain partner. The mighty brute takes the blows and then he stops the flow by grabbing the backs of the two young amazons heads. They gasp at the immense grip strength he wields. He sends their heads into one another. Dazed and confused, the duo staggers back. Tiger ghost refuses to allow them to retreat and rest. His big boot slams upon the bare foot of martial girl. She screams in pain as his elbow rams the jaw of Fight Doll. He then wraps his python arms around the blonde ones slim frame and he crushes. Fight Doll comes to the rescue, wacking one of her escrima sticks into his head. As he releases Martial Girl the angry blonde sends a scorpion kick into his face. Her big toe stabs his eye perfectly and he groans in pain. He falls to his knees, blood pouring from where the blow landed as he covers his eye. He tears off his mask, all he can see is red. Red rage and blood. That is his weakness now. He runs at Martial Girl like a rabid dog. She side steps and launches a flying kick into the side of his head, and Fight Doll copies her on the other side, crushing his temples between their feet. His brain rattles inside his skull as he collapses to the floor. The crowd of hostages clap and cheer. Many of them make their way towards the exit of the ballroom and out of the hotel. Outside armed police gathers, escorting them to safety. It’s over, the Sons of Freedom will soon be defeated. However the armed police are hesitant to enter the building. They are well aware that many armed terrorists still remain as well as many hostages.

Dr Peacock claps at the performance of the amazing duo.
“Well done….I’m disappointed in Tiger Ghost. I was hoping that he would beat you two. Now I’ll have to deal with you myself”
“It’s over old man, just come quietly” Martial Girl advises.
“I suppose your are right” Dr Peacock opens his palms towards them in a gesture that suggests he wants to have his wrists handcuffed and bound.
“You chose wisely” says Fight Doll.
The two heroines walk towards the villain. Cautious but confident. Martial Girl grabs hold of his left forearm, Fight Doll his right. A strange sensation of warmth suddenly vibrates around the heroines hands as the villains arms began to expand and then dissolve into an almost green liquid form. Both Fight Doll and Martial Girls hands are submerged in his arm, wrapped in a sticky and wet goo that was previously his upper body limbs. Tiger Ghost slowly wakes from his slumber,
“So these are the gifts that you spoke of!”
“That’s right my friend. How are you feeling girls? Are you impressed ? Shocked?”
The heroic duo are paralysed in disbelief. The look on their faces shows that they are out of their depth.
“What’s the matter? What happened to all that feminine sassiness ? Like most young women, you need discipline!”
The two heroines try to pull themselves free with all their might but the thick goo from his arms eventually covers both their arms up to the elbow. The green thick slime starts to move, like a jelly fish would move underwater. It’s wet adhesiveness appears to makes sucktion motions. And suddenly the two girls fall to their knees. Martial Girls thoughts trail.
“Uuuuugh I’m feeling weak…….he’s draining me of my strength and energy……just what the hell is going on? I wish I had super powers……I have no strength…….can’t fight back….”
As if they girls were pieces of food, the malformed Dr Peacock spits them across the room causing the two supple young female bodies to crash through chairs and tables. They groan as they struggle to their feet.
“I…..I feel so tired” Martial Girl confesses
“Me too” Fight Doll replies.
Dr Peacock extends his arms out as if they are elastic. They change form into the thick green slime that manifested earlier . The tendrils attach themselves around the ankles of the two unsuspecting heroines. Martial Girl and Fight Doll are swung around the area by the villain who does so with inhuman dexterity. The heroines are helpless and soon accept that there is nothing that they can do. He increases speed, and it soon becomes like a rollercoaster from hell. Eventually both girls lose consciousness and it is at that point that they are finally released. The force of the swing sends them across the entire ball room. Their limp helpless bodies slam against the walls at the very end, and they land in a heap on top of one another, broken and beaten. Tiger Ghost and a few of his recovered men walk towards them. Their unconscious groans are music to their ears.
“Take them” the mercenary commands. One of his men carries Martial Girl in his arms, another throws Fight Doll over his shoulder. It is as if they are mere spoils of war. Tiger Ghost would have words with his employer.
“How is this possible… did you…..”
Dr Peacock narrates to him the story of how he acquired such power.
“When I encountered the dimensional portal in that ancient Sumerian temple, I stepped through. I cannot exactly explain in words or with the rational human mind as to what I experienced but… was as if my consciousness was separated from my body. Before me I saw a hideous creature, it was unlike any insect or sea creature from the depths of our oceans, yet seems to have similar traits of both species. It was black and and almost formless, liquid like, but thick not watery. Instantly I knew I was in the abyssal realm that is mentioned in many ancient Sumerian texts. The creature communicated to me, it promised me great power and knowledge of the cosmos if I sacrificed my body to it”
“I take it you made a deal with the devil then?”
Dr Peacock ignores Tiger Ghost and turns his attention to the artifact.
“Leave me now, I have much work to do and soon we will be busy again with superheroes and security forces or whatever. Luckily we still have enough hostages to buy us sometime. Take those two meddling millennials and do what you want with them”

Hours later a portal opens on the roof of the Hotel. Two slender female figures walk through. One is clothed in white. She is a heavenly sight with long boots, a body suit that exposes her stomach, gloves and a cape shaped like wings. Her ivory colour makes her look like an Angel as the sunlight hits her. She wears a well fitted headdress with no mask and it connects around her neck with a choker that has a diamond in the centre. Her long black hair falls back. She is Asian with well sized breasts, strong thighs and hips that curve like the waves of the sea. Her regal stature and appearance was rivals even Lady England. She stands at 5 ft 9. Her partner is also an Eastern beauty. Somewhat shorter than the lady in white, she is leaner and slim, the body of a gymnast or dancer. Dressed in the red and white colours of the Singapore flag, her costume is even more revealing than her snow coloured comrade. Her breasts are smaller but she has a perfect frame with a musculature of a bikini model. Her body screams sex and is a sirens song personified. Her femininity is the kind that would cause men to immediately fantasise about her, an object to be owned and desired.

This new duo of Superheroines belong to a group of heroines known only as the Order of the Mystic Dancers. They are a secret organisation based in the Asian continent that uses its mastery of the ancient art of what is known as mystic dancing to battle evil. Mystic dancing is combination of eastern martial arts, esoteric abilities and magic. The lady in white is know as Angel Swan, whilst the other one is known only as Singapore Swan.
“Those western Lighting League idiots were foolish to send their depowered younglings into such a dangerous mission! Clearly they have been defeated!” Angel Swan says with certainty.
“Hmmm. The Elders alerted us to location of the artifact. It is omitting immense psychic energy in this building. We must be careful. This Dr Peacock and his Sons of Freedom are the least of our concerns, for the dark one has been spotted” Singapore Swan replies as Angel Swan nods.

Back in the ballroom, the possessed Doctor of archeology touches the artifact and mutters some ancient Sumerian incantations. The crystal statue shines like a purple beacon and a shield envelops around the hotel. It is clear that Dr Peacock lost a piece of himself, or many pieces of himself when he encountered the portal to the abyssal realm at the lost Sumerian temple. He now serves a higher power.
“Now no one can enter or leave this place. Using these so called Sons of Freedom was useful, these humans are a bunch of imbeciles. But now I have enough time to start the ritual, and with the blessing of this artifact the gate to the abyssal realm will be open…..permanently. My Lord will return and the earth will be his playground….”

But in another darker corner of this building of luxury, someone emerges from the shadows, literally. A muscular form, male, dark skinned and wearing only red coloured pants. Darius the Dark Yogi has his own plans. He knows the Mystic Dancers are nearby, arch enemies of Darius and his cult. He has plans for them, and the artifact.

Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Hope you all enjoy this so far, I am just trying to introduce some Asian Superheroine characters. Also for those who noticed Lady England, this is set before she battled Darius the Dark Yogi :)
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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The story is going great, looking forward to seeing more
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Wondering when Lady England is making her entrance and how she is to fare against two villains.
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Im afraid Lady England might be busy with something else :)
Posts: 62
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Great story. Any plans on finishing it?
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Staff Sargeant
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Yes I am. It was next on my list. Sorry about that :(
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising Part 2

Her thoughts swayed between the past and present. She remembered her gymnastics competitions. The Floridian girl was a mere 10 years of age when she started winning medals and trophies. Suzy Jennings was an up and coming athlete, whose physical prowess was animalistic and uncanny. Her proud parents and teachers even wondered whether she was among those born with gifts; abilities that would make her an “enhanced,” a name society gave to those with super human powers. Her dreamy traversing took her to another moment in the past. She remembered her parents and the night they were murdered. She recalled walking down a dimly lit corridor, in her family home, dragging her large stuffed bear by the arm and casting shadows across the worn carpet. She recalled the ominous atmosphere and how the air was thick with a sense of foreboding as she walked closer and closer towards the living room door.

Thunderous noises echoed from the room, as if large objects were being hurled against the walls. As little Suzy clenched the door knob she was hesitant. Gripped by fear, her timid trepidation was almost paralysing. The noises were just so ferocious. But she always remembered her fathers words,
“Never give in to fear, let it come, like a guest at your party, but then let it go, let it leave like the rest of guests…”
Little Suzy knew that what lay behind the door was inhuman but even as a child she was brave, a will power that was cultivated by a loving family and an upbringing in competitive sports. When she opened the door, she could see him….and the red.

Martial Girl awoke from her reverie. Her limbs bound and fastened around a pole, wrists intertwined with Fight Doll’s who remained unconscious. Armed SOF men were scurrying in and out of the room. A menagerie of mayhem scattered along the floor; blades, bullets, guns. The Golden Orient Hotel remained under siege and the conference attendees who failed to take advantage of the heroic duo’s botched rescue attempt; were being leveraged by the Sons of Freedom and the demonically possessed Dr Smithe Peacock. Martial Girl analysed the scene quickly. Her lighting deductive faculties allowed her to assess the level of stress that the armed men and Tiger Ghost himself were under. Suzy feigned unconsciousness. From her stealthy slumber she listened to their conversations. She gathered that three unknown assailants had entered the fray, invading the building and making even quicker work of the Sons of Freedom than Martial Girl and Fight Doll ever could.

Darius was like a slithering snake, slipping through portals, appearing like an apparition of death much to the terrifying dismay of the Sons of Freedom. As they opened fire, he melted into shadow. Three armed soldiers moved with caution, each scouting the area. Darius phased through the floor, and pulled upon the ankles of one of the terrorists, dragging him down through the floor. The man’s body went through some kind of ethereal alchemy and became one with the floor. He screamed as the Dark Yogi’s grip was unyielding. His comrades stood shocked as the floor appeared to have an insidious hunger, like quicksand. Tremors vibrated through them all. As Darius rose up again through the floor like a demon ghost he waved his hand and his victim appeared to solidify and become one with the ground. The agonising death cry caused senses to dull as their friend was severed in two. Flashing forward like lighting the Dark Yogi’s fist tore through an abdomen of another terrorist who was slowly attempting to return to his trigger happy ways. His life ended before he could pull the trigger. The sorcerer’s other hand grabbed the throat of the remaining Son of Freedom. Darius tore his larynx apart. The corridor was painted scarlet and decorated with chunks of dripping pieces of meat and guts.

Many floors above the demonic man from India, and in contrast, were the angelic dancers, pulverising the terrorists with grace. The white wonder known as Angel Swan and the partially red coloured Singapore Swan had felled many terrorists, with faces covered in sleek shaped masks, their movements combined skilled martial arts and acrobatics with magical abilities. Disappearing and reappearing with golden flashes and light, the art of mystic dancing was truly a sight to behold. The mens’ bodies were juggled and flung through tables and against walls. Every blow was perfect and decisive, and one strike per assailant was enough to render them unconscious.
“This is easy….” Said Singapore Swan.
“We still have Darius to deal with Amanda…” Angel Swan responded quickly with a tone of concern in her voice.
“Don’t worry Angel, your energy is strong….”
“That is exactly it……since we entered the building I have felt an unsettling aura in the air, it’s almost nauseating.”
Angel Swan had always prided herself in being a highly moral woman. Janice Chong, a Christian in an ethnically diverse nation; abandoned her family’s Taoist and Buddhist traditions for Christ. She came from a wealthy family and was educated at a good school, but children can be cruel, even in the halls of privilege.

A boy by the name of Anson, had taken a liking to Janice. He lusted after her as the hormones raged through his body. Janice however was something of a school celebrity and with that came a sense of pride and arrogance. Hierarchy in the high school world is always determined by two things: class and looks. Janice had stature in both. Anson was a Nerd and his scrawny body, acne dotted face and glasses really made him the archetype. As a teenager, Janice was not only the high school beauty queen, surrounded by an entourage; but she could also be a cold bitch when she wanted. She wasn’t always the pure pristine super heroine. She loved toying with the horny boys, playing with their horny energy as if it was her hobby, her sport. In that sense Anson was as much a victim as she was.

She knew how much he desired her, and often used him as her lackey. He would bring her edibles from the canteen, even completed homework for her friends. All the while she was promising him a date. One time she whispered into his ear, her words slow and sultry telling him what he wanted to hear. Sordid words of the dirty deeds she wanted to do to him. Of course they were lies. Lies that made Anson cum in his pants, much to the entertainment of teenage Janice’s entourage. But Anson did get his revenge. When Janice stayed after school for gymnastics class, he knew she liked to take an extra long shower all alone when the rest of the girls in the team had left. His ingenuity and stealth combined, hiding in a locker and sneaking towards the steamy warm showers. He risked everything to get his revenge. If he was caught by teachers it would have led to his instant expulsion, and who knows what else would have awaited him as punishment in this strict Asian city state. He didn’t care. Such was his vehement commitment to his personal cause.

His digital gizmos caught her caressing herself. Her hands did more to her body than simply scrub and clean. Rather she rubbed the parts of her body that burned the most. The hot water scorched her flesh inflaming her passion intensely, and her strokes down below became faster and faster. As she came her visage disappeared in a cloud of hot steam, blinding Ansons vision. But he had got what he wanted. He returned to the locker and hid their motionless like a statue. He continued to film through whatever gaps he could find in the rusted metal doors. Using a small gimble camera he continued to shoot her. She was being captured on film as she stepped into her thin white panties. They shimmered with silver lining and were embroidered with images of little angels playing harps.
“How cute…” Anson thought to himself, his lips curling into a sly grin. “What a slut!” He whispered to himself with a viper’s judgement.

The next day he texted Janice. He sent a sneak preview of the porn film he had made with some bonus pictures of her panties. Her heart felt as though it had been swallowed by her stomach causing her to vomit into a toilet bowl. What made it worse was the fact that it was the humid season in Singapore, and she was sweating hard. When lunch break came, she approached the boy.
“How dare you!! Delete it all!!”
“Ok ill delete it….on one condition.”
She made a deal with the devil and his revenge was almost complete. On her knees behind the bicycle shed, she sucked him off. Angel Swan still remembered his warm juices, raining sideways upon her face with all its chlorine scented thickness. But Anson’s revenge continued. Like she did to him, he lied to her. The videos and pictures of her topless wearing her cute angel decorated panties went viral around the school. Emails, texts and notice boards were all alerted with this entertaining news. And like a knife, run deep into an already sore wound; Anson had filmed the marvellous blowjob that she had given him. Placing a camera nearby. He managed to edit out his image quite effectively with his masterful tech and video editing skills.

Janice was destroyed in that moment. Anson could be anonymous and the humiliation broke her spirit as a young teen, she was unable to recover from the scandal. She was too scared to reveal Anson, the ensnaring fear gripped her even now as her thoughts travelled to the past. Angel Swan remembered how as a young teenager, she couldn’t bare the thought of anyone knowing who had filmed her and whose cock she sucked and she also wondered what else Anson was capable of. When her parents found out, she was driven to despair and often felt like ending it all. She dropped out of her school and had to move to another less prestigious one. Her commanding confidence disappeared, until she found Christ. It was her experience that behooved her towards religion and moralism. She took up martial arts and punished rapists, sexual abusers, pedophiles and perverts with her bare hands like a vigilante. The moralistic Singapore press often commended her. This was before the mystic dancers. They recruited and trained her when she turned 19 at University.

Now as Angel Swan she was 24 and still a virgin, her only sexual experience was with the vile boy named Anson. Trauma and repression can always create mutated conditions internally, the psyche becomes a breeding ground for fetishes and dark desires to simmer and boil deep within the body and soul. Despite her power and her inexorable might as a mystic dancer; Angel Swan was no different to other humans, she was soft flesh after all.
“You’ve got this” said Singapore Swan.
“These Western heroines have sabotaged our plans….things have become complicated because of their meddling” Angel Swan snapped.
“Hmmm they have often proven to be a blundering bunch of amateurs. I met the Texan Wonder before…..”
“The Texan slut you mean!”
“that’s a bit harsh…”
“Have you seen the way she dresses?”
Singapore Swan scanned Angel Swans attire with a confused look and then took a twirl herself, on her bare tippy toes sarcastically displaying her well formed physique. Angel Swan retorted,
“Its not just the way she dresses. She is literally a slut, I have heard rumours of her defeats and her weaknesses make her an easy target for villains…I could tell you some stories”
“I don’t want to hear them…..judging fellow women is not something I have time for….”
“Don’t give me that feminist garbage! And she’s supposed to be from Texas…..what kind of Christian is she?!”
“Oh enough of the religion talk”
“Amanda….Purity and a belief in Christ is the only thing that can defeat Darius….”
Singapore Swan rolled her eyes. Amanda had always found it frustrating how people in Asia that turn to Christianity always become so pious and preachy. She often found Janice annoying, but she recognised her skill and ignored it. Amanda was always very intuitive and had a good insight into others. She sensed that something in the past had wounded Janice emotionally and psychologically. But it was more than that. Amanda always wondered how stable she actually was.
“Look we’ve wasted enough time talking theology. Let’s deal with this demon!”
Angel Swan nodded, confidently confirming her resolve.

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Great new chapter!
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mcarvalh wrote:
1 year ago
Great new chapter!
I think you will enjoy the ending I have planned!
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another good chapter, looking forward to the next one
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising Part 3

Dr Peacock sat with the artifact on the stage of the ballroom hall, cross legged like some yoga guru in India, but unlike a yogi; peace and union was not his goal. Neither was he completely himself as the entity continued to possess his mind and being, poisoning his mind with the magic the vibrated from the shapely feminine figurine that he held in his hand. As he began his incantations, in a language long extinct; an oval shaped obsidian portal opened up in front of him, slowly growing in stature and size.
“Dr Peacock! We have intruders” interrupted Tiger Ghost.
“Do not interfere!!” He said irritably, “I thought we dealt with those Lighting League youngsters!”
“These are not Lighting Leaguers…”
“Ahhhh…..he is here…..I knew he would come….it has been a long time since we last encountered his filth…”
Tiger Ghost was not easily terrified, but in that moment as he saw Dr Peacock stand, he noticed a dark hollow smoke consume his eyes. The mercenary took some steps back and retreated out of the hall. Tiger Ghost was never into the ideology of the Sons of Freedom, he was a paid merc and all that mattered was his bank balance. He realised however that even Dr Peacock had no time for the dull brained chauvinist populists with their delusions in conspiracies and masculine revivalist notions. They were simpletons to be manipulated and toyed with, to be used by those that are mentally superior to them in every way. People had always been pawns to the Doctor and his secret plan. The moment he was exposed to the otherworldly force during his journey to the ancient temple, something had taken a hold of him. A guiding voice, like some magnetically attractive force, a dark intuitive hand that made everything in his life clear.
“Tiger Ghost! If only you could feel what I feel….the clarity…..and I lied to you by the way….this artifact is older than Sumeria….the imbecile academics that attended this event know nothing! It was from long before that….even before Atlantis….from a time when the world was consumed with primal forces and magic…..we know so little about out past…..we are a species suffering from amnesia. But no more! Today humanity will remember its origins! The human race will remember its beginnings by realising its end.” Tiger Ghost left as he heard those shocking yet illuminating words. He intended to retreat and run, but something stopped him from doing so. He stopped and decided that before he vacated the premises clandestinely, he would do one thing to rectify this mess.

As the Swans swept themselves through the helpless bodies of the armed SOF men, they found themselves in the lounge area. A lavishly decorated arena with a piano and various statuettes and murals displaying the Asian and Oriental aesthetic of the Hotel. Across the red carpeted ground were the doors to the Ballroom. The two of them took strong swift strides to their destination like models on a cat walk. Suddenly they paused, their mission was right in front of them and something compelled them to stop with alertness.
“Can you sense that?” Angel Swan said.
“Yes….I feel it.” Singapore Swan responded.
The Swans keen senses and hyper intuition allowed them to feel the energy around them. Angel Swan was especially attuned with this skill and also with what the Mystic Dancers have called chi, ki, prana or Tao. This enabled her to identity fluctuations and the presence of others. At that moment, she felt a dark baneful energy approach. Janice felt it as a rumbling old steam engine coming to a standstill at a station. Darius wished to make an entrance. He enveloped the area in his dark smoky energy as if they were huge wings of a bat or the devil himself.
“Finally you’re here!” Angel Swan said.
“In the flesh” Darius boasted, taking a bow as he walked out of the shadowy mists he had conjured.
“I knew your elders would send you here….so predictable. I want the artifact and it will be mine. Can’t you feel its power from behind those doors?”
Angel Swan’s eyes were fixated momentarily on his body. She was trying to look for weaknesses and opportunities to attack as she scanned his the long lean contours of his flesh and his muscular shapes.
“Two against one is so unfair!” Darius complained with a humorous sarcasm. Angel Swan replied with silence and clear focused action. Singapore Swan smiled as her comrade teleported in a flash of silver appearing behind the demonic man, drawing her shining blade from an invisible dimensional scabbard. It was as if she had formed the sword from nothing. As she landed upon the Dark Yogi’s back he phased into mist. As he reformed, Amanda flew at him with her two fists striking him. He crashed through a statue of the Goddess Guan Yin and continued to fly through the piano, creating a cacophony of atonal melodies as wood, metal, ivory keys and hammers scattered.

Angel Swan walked cautiously, crossing her high heeled white booted feet over one another. Her sword was shaped like a Chinese Tai Chi sword or Jian, but with an extra long and flexibly tempered blade. It also possessed an unusually long hilt that was white and looked as though it was carved from ivory with shapes of dragons and angelic robed feminine beings. The weapon’s guard was metal but shaped like a lotus, with opening petals from which the blade extended. What added to its uncanny beauty was that the blade itself was pure light, gleaming and glowing a blend of white and blue. It sang like a high pitched Tibetan bell when it was moved with some force through the air. The volume would increase with the intensity of the movement. The weapon was named Chun de, or pure. In English the mystic dancers referred to it, as the Pristine Blade. It was almost as if the sword was alive. Its inspiring presence was testimony to the fact that it was forged by immortals. The elders told Janice that a Goddess had poured some of her vaginal essence into the weapon, a secret ingredient to its power. It appeared light and lively in her hand. Angel Swan had developed her own style to compliment the martial poetry of the weapon. A versatile one, that embraced the nature of the sword. She would switch between two handed and one handed attacks with ease.

Singapore Swan hovered in the air, her arms crossed looking down upon Darius who was on his back. Amanda’s powers were clearly different to her comrade’s. Angel Swan crept closer and closer to her foe with her relaxed two handed grip around the pristine blade.
“I can see this is going to be challenging. Time to level the playing field” He said with a bewildered calm. He clasped his hands together, his fingers made steeples and shapes as he vibrated a mantra like a Mongolian throat singer. Almost immediately the ground burst open and an army of deranged haggard undead foot soldiers emerged, pouring out like ants from an hill. At the same time hostages from the upper levels, ran down the stairs towards the hotel exit, seeing an opportunity to escape after the Swans demolished the terrorists that were holding them. Darius shouted a command, and the Zombies charged at the retreating captives, many of them attendees of the archaeology event or hotel staff.

“NO!” Shouted Angel Swan as she cleaved her way through the brittle bodies, that snarled and spat at her. The pristine blades power was awesome. The hostages ran to freedom, towards the arms of police men and emergency service personnel outside; still hesitant to enter the building. Angel Swans divine weapon decimated the undead creatures, but still more erupted from the volcano like mound in the ground. She jumped back, and cut through the air with the sword. The blade sang as its blazing blue energy sliced apart the top halves of all the advancing zombies. The sword did not even have to physically touch all them, its flashing sharpness was like a strike of lighting, but instead of descending downwards from the heavens it emanated from the weapon and charged sideways in a shimmering pulse.

The bodies continued to come. Angel Swan drove her sword into the ground and began to utter a mantra of her own. The magic came from within her and the sword enhanced the power of her spell as she waved a free hand at the hellish doorway to the underworld. The light consumed the portal from where the crawling dead things emerged, sealing it tight in moments. Singapore Swan was battling Darius, soaring around him like an eagle, striking and swooping in again and again as the sorcerer parried with his dark shields. Circling his hand he opened a small portal to his left. He dived his two hands into it but this time he pulled forth not some creature to aid him, but a weapon, a sword of his own. Angel Swan was busy dealing with the last of the zombies but her eyes felt cursed when she saw his monstrous looking weapon. Shaped like a European broadsword, the blade was dark with a red aura around it, that could clearly be seen by the naked eye.
“This sword belonged to a demon lord that I slayed during my many travels through the nether realms….enjoy its power!” Darius shouted as thundered it over head into the ground. The force was enough to clobber Singapore Swan into the earth.
“Amanda!” Cried Janice.
“Im fine!” She replied swiftly.
“Fine are you? Not for long!” Darius said as he came down on Singapore Swan with the blade. Amanda with her superhuman strength was able to catch the wrists of Darius, following up with an uppercut to his jaw. As he somersaulted backwards to his bare feet, Angel Swan sprung towards him. The pristine blade crashed against the Dark Yogi’s hell forged weapon. Chun de, sung again. The friction created a golden flash sending Darius flying. His back crashed through the doors of the ballroom. The impact was so great that it created a hole that would fit four cars in width and height.

The Dark Yogi used his sword to help him up to his feet. He turned around and saw Dr Peacock upon the stage. Beside him, the portal was increasing in size as he held the artifact in his hand. Around the ball room were scattered chairs and cowering hostages. The remaining SOF terrorists in the room turned their guns on Darius ready to open fire. Many of the terrorists by now were confused but sought solace in switching their brains off and following Dr Peacock’s orders.
“Welcome Darius, finally you have made it to my gala and the end of the world!” the doctor said.

Meanwhile on the upper levels, Tiger Ghost spoke to his men. He ordered the SOF fanatics to other parts of the building as he could hear the noises or a supernatural war being waged below. The room was finally empty. He closed the door.
“Come back to finish the job?” Martial Girl inquired. Tiger Ghost refused to reply and took out his military issue knife. He knelt down to get close to Suzy. He underestimated her, assuming her to be too beaten and bruised. He was aware that both her and Fight Doll possessed no powers but Martial Girl’s abilities were near superhuman, virtuoso at the least. Her legs whipped Tiger Ghost around his head like a scorpions tail, and it stung as his brain crashed around in his skull. She looped her long lower limbs around his arm pit and shoulder, hooking her heels as she began to constrict her muscular thighs.
“aaargh uuuurgh!” Tiger Ghost struggled, his knife was out of harms way.
“I….am…..trying……to…save you!!” the ruthless mercenary pleaded.
“What?!” Martial Girl asked confused
“lets hear what he has to say” said Fight Doll. The petite blonde athlete, released her thighs slightly but still kept him under control just in case he was lying. He gasped for breathe and panted as he was moments away from unconsciousness.
“Dr Peacock is mad!! You must stop him!! And I don’t even believe in these Sons of Freedoms fanatics!! I’m just a mercenary. Release me and I will free you”
“Ok….but I will be watching you…one false move and”
“yes yes”
“my body is more deadly than your weapons”
“I do not doubt it.”
Tiger Ghost proceeded to cut the bonds of the intertwined heroines.

“Ok let’s go” Martial Girl said commandingly.
“I don’t think you understand what you are up against, I am not going with you girl!” replied Tiger Ghost.
“It is the least you can do…if you think you are just gonna waltz out of here you are very much mistaken…You are going to help us or you will have a fight on your hands right here, right now!”
Tiger Ghost could see the venom in Suzy’s eyes as her index finger pointed firmly at his wide barrel sized chest. He realised there were two of them, and this time he did not have Dr Peacock’s inhumanly freakish support. Just thinking of the doctor caused send chills of fear into his heart and soul.
“Ok….I will do my best to aid you…” Tiger Ghost said bewildered. Martial Girl smiled. She saw an opportunity to redeem herself and finally improve her standing in the eyes of Lady England and the high ranking Lighting Leaguers. She did not even consider the possibility that she was out of her depth.

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Hello!! I will be getting on with the next part today. I think this will be a few more parts and then I will start work on my Patreon. I will appreciate your support!
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising Part 4

“So you must be after this!” Dr Peacock said presenting the artifact.
“You don’t even know what you are holding there….you’re just an academic trying to quell his curiosities” Darius snapped arrogantly.
“We’ve met before”
“I would have remembered, you have a strikingly boring grey face”
“We fought in the Nether realms you and I….”
The words instantly connected with Darius’ memory.
“Did you think I would have forgotten, the way you brought dishonour to me!”
Darius did nothing in retort. He smiled cheekily.
“Your charm will be your demise today!”
“I see you are occupying the body of this human, you are in astral form, which means you are still piecing yourself back together after the beating I gave you!” The words stung the possessed shell of Dr Peacock. He lashed out, releasing all kinds of wrathful energies at Darius who slipped through and passed them like some occulted acrobatic. The Swans entered the room, noticing the cowering and screaming hostages, running for cover as the demonically possessed academic raged wildly. Darius realised he was caught. On the one side was a mad man, on the other; the powerful heroines that had already given him a beating. Angel Swan looked intently at Dr Peacock’s behaviour and concluded that what he was expressing was jealousy, she also sensed that he was not fully himself, and that the Doctor’s consciousness was not completely present.
“It is the demon lord Shazarak” She said.
“but didn’t our mystics and elders informed us of his demise at Darius’ hands?” Amanda replied inquisitively.

On the stage, the portal that Dr Peacock had conjured reached 8 feet in size and width. Something was coming. She stepped out slowly, perhaps cautious as to what lay on the other side. She was a pale skinned woman with hair coloured coal, ears sharp as a knife. Her tall body was draped in a blue dress, it almost gave off an azure glow. She was intimidating and impressive, yet delicate in her stature and appearance. The Swans were not fooled by the deceptions of aesthetics as they readied themselves for another fight.

“Zolfina my love come to me” said Darius with the charm of an actor. The woman ignored him and walked to Dr Peacock, speaking to him in a language that had not been spoken on Earth for aeons.
“She’s an Elf” confirmed Angel Swan. Singapore Swan turned to her comrade and she continued to narrate her deductions.
“From what I can see it is clear that something happened in the nether realms between Darius and this woman, who is clearly the partner of Shazarak”
“I was thinking something similar. So the demon lord’s attempt to unleash abyssal creatures to Earth seems to be motivated by some petty jealous outburst”
“what a disappointment. I thought a demon lord would be made of stronger stuff”
“Most demons are motivated by power and dominion….manipulating humans such as Dr Peacock has always been their sport….its like food for them…eventually they can attain enough power to enter the Earth dimension.”
Darius saw an opening, a chance to turn his cornered situation into opportunity.
“Get out of my mind!” Angel Swan scowled internally. The dark yogi was attempting to communicate with her and Singapore Swan, surfing the waves of their minds.
“We must join forces. The only way to defeat the possessed fool up there and Zolfina is to unite….”
“What is to stop us dealing with both of you!”
“You are right….there is enough power between the two of you….but there’s one problem….the creature that is emerging from that portal!”

Their mental telecom was put on hold as the Swans attention were ensnared by the sight of the ever growing portal a distance in front of them. Its size had reached that of a truck, or tank; and it was clear to their intuitive deduction that something evil was making its way into their dimension. It came through with great effort, challenging the walls of the portal like a babies head stretching the mouth of a mother’s vaginal opening. Its thick, powerful tentacles were sickly xanthic with an amethystine glaze to them. The squirming grotesquerie seemed to be never ending. Its abyssal size challenged the imagination and its body appeared infinite. As it struggled to slither itself completely from the bowels of the portal; the Swans and Darius wondered if they would ever witness the entirety of its shape. Their eyes could not make out where the creature began or ended, where its head was situated and whether it possessed a tail at all. The terrorists looked at one another as if their ideological worldview had been obliterated. One SOF foot soldier aimed his rifle at the tentacled behemoth and foolishly opened fire. Although thick and slow moving, it was quick with its response. The tendril swiped at the man, removing his torso from his lower limbs. As blood was spurted in multiple directions, the other SOF terrorists fell into shock, some falling onto their backs, others screaming.
“Do not attack it you fools! Quick, dispose of them” Shouted the demonically possessed Dr Peacock, gesturing towards Darius and the Swans.
“Do not listen to him!” Angel Swan commanded.

Zolfina could see that her ethereal lover, encased in the body of the human academic; was too busy maintaining the integrity of the portal. It was time for her to intervene. She took a breathe and exhaled with an expanding burst of energy, a spell that clouded the minds of those that were susceptible to anxiety and fear. Darius and the Swans easily resisted her magic, but Zolfina’s main targets were the SOF members.
“Serve me my slaves! Deal with them!”
“Yes mistress” they responded in a monotone unison.

The battle began with the Swans being overwhelmed by the immensity of the creatures multiple tentacles. Darius intervened, attempting to aid his enemies but soon found himself surrounded by sharp gleaming projectiles, forged from Zolfina’s power. She smiled at him.
“My love, you are so cruel!” he said with a cheshire cat grin as they began their dance. Dr Peacock/Shazarak was not distracted enough to notice their flirtation and it irked him greatly. The mind controlled drones of the SOF turned their guns on the distracted Swans. Before their fingers reached their triggers, a spinning weapon clobbered three of the soldiers, sending them to sleep. A bolo whip trapped the ankles of another terrorist as the fist of Tiger Ghost crushed his face into the floor. Martial Girl followed Fight Doll’s weaponed attack with her most dangerous weapon, her bare feet. Capoeira and acrobatics destroyed the capabilities of the remaining assailants. The young Lighting Leaguers quickly saw an opportunity to help the hostages. Even Tiger Ghost joined in, shielding them from the debris of the battle of Gods and demons that waged above them.

One of the terrorists awoke from his mind controlled stupor. It was as if the beating he had received from Martial Girl had shaken off the magical effects of Zolfina. He pulled out a hand gun and aimed in a brainless frenzy. A mother and child were caught in the deadly eye of the barrel. The terrorist chose to focus on the larger target. All he had left was his fanatical idealism, in his confusion he could at least channel the essence of his hatred. He could see the mighty heroines that had beaten him, and the flying heroines around him battling the creature. They are the enemy he thought to himself, superheroines….women. Thats all he had left, an irrational gynaphobic chauvinism.

Instantly Suzy remembered what she had lost as a child, the memory was bonded to her actions as she intervened swiftly to save the mother. Two shots echoed. Her attack spared the life of the woman as they continued to run. Martial Girl pummelled the conspiracist madman with her bare fists. The second bullet however had pierced through the torso of Fight Doll. As Martial Girl moved away from her bloodied semi conscious corpse, she turned to look at her friend. Lola stared blankly at Suzy as a few tears of blood began to flow from the wound. She collapsed into the arms of Tiger Ghost and for a moment the confident Martial Girl had no idea what to do.

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Another interesting story, looking forward to the next chapter
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valugi wrote:
11 months ago
Another interesting story, looking forward to the next chapter
Thank you. I am starting on the next chapter very soon :)
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 5

Tiger Ghost carried the wounded Fight Doll. She truly had become a doll, an inanimate one, leaking a red trail behind her as the African mercenary ran towards the exit, shielding her from harm. Martial Girl was indecisive and her mind unable to think fast as she normally did. She was so used to victory. In her mind, this mission had been an utter failure, beginning with her capture and now, Fight Doll……will she survive? Is her friend at death’s door? These were the questions spinning in her mind, blocking the synapses of her brain. Her thoughts were muddy and no longer with her militaristic efficiency which was comparable to an operational marine soldier.

Her body was hunched, slouched, standing there in her colourful spandex, barefoot, unconfident. She seemed sheepish, like a dormouse; and the hawks were looking for prey. Zolfina saw an excuse to exit the battle with Darius as Dr Peacock/Shazarak had completed his workings. The portal was maintaining its integrity and ever growing to allow the abyssal monstrosity to enter the Earth realm fully. The Swans continued to battle the behemoth’s tendrils. Large ones, small ones, long and sharp leathery slipperiness. Angel Swan’s pristine blade sang as it split apart the vine like appendages. Singapore Swan showed incredible agility, gracefully manoeuvring her body through the wriggling chaos. She swooped and twirled, avoiding its wild attacks. She finally decided to wrestle with one of the largest tentacles, for her intuition drew her to it. Her powers were unique among the mystic dancers, as was her mastery of aerial combat. Taking a deep breathe she wrapped her arms around the slithering menace, with a burst of strength and an inner power she began crushing it with all her might, grappling it into submission. The huge slug thrashed and twisted, trying to break free from her grasp. Singapore Swan was relentless in her determination. This allowed Angel Swan to deal with the horde of snake like attackers that cut through the air at them like swords. Angel Swan returned the favour with Chun De, swinging the unusually long blade in circles, like a propeller, shredding the tentacles in the smaller pieces. Amanda was free, free to squeeze the life out of the one with the most serpentine girth. It mattered not to her how many times it crushed her in the walls or ceilings, she was unwavering and durable; a deadly combo for any foe.

Martial Girl was unsure as to what her next move would be. Should she follow Tiger Ghost? No. Fight Doll was in good hands. Or was she? It was not long ago that he was an enemy. But what of the mission, the task that Lady England set her? She could not ignore that. Turning to face the battle in the air, she was in awe of the Swans and the battle they waged. She heard of the mystic dancers, and magic users such as Darius. Suzy looked at him intently, she felt somewhat out of place when it came to super powers and magic, a part of her unconfidently acknowledged her physical inferiority. Another part of her had always beaten back any negative thought patterns. Martial Girl’s skill was her ability to always find a way to defeating her opponent, and she learnt that when confronting magic users; there were always limitations. Superpowered villains were another matter. Her experience taught her that as long as an enemy did not posses the super strength level of Lady England, Captain Invincible or the Texan Wonder; there was always a chance for her to emerge victorious. She was so young and already had attained the optimum capacity of a human being in the realms of fighting and physical prowess. Could she surpass even that, she thought to herself. It had always been a personal development project of hers. She never wanted powers, and always had a suspicion of magic. But Suzy always wondered if there was some kind of natural way a human being could surpass physical limitations, for it was clear to her that most humans only use a small percentage of their brain and mental capabilities.

Right now her brain was fixed on the lean masculine visage of Darius whose body was locked in combat with the possessed Dr Peacock. The doctor’s clothes were completely desecrated exposing his inhuman flesh that he displayed earlier with the beating he had give Martial Girl and Fight Doll. The dark oozing flesh, that could morph at will as if it was a lethal plasticine or clay. His tendril attacks were not unlike the abyssal creature that was still trying to completely emerge from the portal. Martial Girl wondered if they were from the same dimension. She gazed at Darius as he hovered in and out, ducking and meandering his body with inhuman flexibility. He was a master of dark yoga after all.
“Asanas are still important in the dark arts it seems, and magic aside, his flexibility and mobility rivals my own.”
Martial Girl found it difficult to resist herself. Her imagination wandered. An image projected inside her mind.
“What would he be like if he was a hero? The dark path does seem to suit him and I wonder what he is like in….”
Suzy had to shake herself back to reality. She remembered from the Lighting League files, they narrated how Darius possessed tantric powers. Was she falling for his magic or was this instantaneous attraction authentic? In her bewildered state, Zolfina saw Martial Girl as prey. The youthful heroine was experiencing overwhelming feelings of defeat, disappointment, loss, indecisiveness and now attraction. The snow white skinned Elven maiden could sense it as she floated down from the air and walked towards Martial Girl with vicious intent.
“You’re quite strong willed for a mortal, but doubt clouds your mind” She said as she strutted towards her with an absolute feminine dominance that made the younger Martial Girl feel less womanly. Zolfina’s maturity in her female corporeal form however was in the centuries.
“What’s a matter my child, is this the first time you have witnessed a real woman? I am a beyond a milf as you humans call it… a meta milf” she said with a laugh. Martial Girl almost found her charming. She backflipped away, but Zolfina unleashed a glowing blue orb that was shaped like a hand. It plucked Martial Girl out of the air and dragged her towards the sorceress.
“let me go!!” Martial Girl shouted. Zolfina responded by stroking her chin with her long slender finger. She felt the sharp tip of her nail. Suddenly Martial Girl remembered Madame Nox’s advice during training.
“When facing magic users, remember that many of them might not be physically durable. Overwhelm them with an onslaught of blows and they won’t be able to use their magic. Then put them to sleep.”
finally the adrenaline and excitement returned, vanquishing her doubt. She loved experimenting with ideas in the field. Martial Girl remembered Bruce Lee’s teachings in his book on Jeet Kune Do. For street fights he recommended all kinds of dirty tactics, from eye gouging and hair pulling, to biting. Her teeth snapped at Zolfina’s index finger, gnashing away, as she cut them into the Elvish sorceress’ skin.
“AAAAAAARGH!” she screamed.
“Good she feels pain….Madame Nox was right” Martial Girl thought. The shock was enough to cause Zolfina’s mind to go blank. Like a bolt of lighting she launched a foot snap kick to the Elf’s face from her restrained position. The blue gripping orb disappeared and Martial Girl charged forward like a rhino thrashing its horn, as her forehead forced its way into the ridge of Zolfina’s nose. Her screams continued as Martial Girl was all over her. But the young fighter was aware that Elves were stronger than the average human but she knew that the average Elf like Zolfina, will still find it extremely difficult to win in straight combat with the near superhuman level of fighting ability that Martial Girl possessed.

Meanwhile Darius found himself in a sticky situation. His body submerged in the gooey sludge that had extended itself from Dr Peacock/Shazarak’s body.
“Finally you are mine now……and your life will end by your essence becoming a part of me….I will use your power to rebuild my body anew.”
As Darius found himself completely dissolved in a black sticky ooze, Dr Peacock laughed victoriously. Zolfina could not focus on her battle, distracted by the perilous situation Darius had found himself in. Just who was she loyal to? She had turned her head for a mere 3 seconds which was all the time Martial Girl needed to floor her with a barrage of combos. Darius in the meantime was submerged and appeared to be drowning in the suffocating extension of the Doctor’s vile skin. Was he done for? was he resisting? Or was this part of his plan? Darius had always been a shrewd manipulative conductor. He always knew his limits, especially when battling superpowered foes and enemies that were clearly stronger than him. Dr Peacock/Shazarak was no different. The dark yogi managed to free one of his hands. The cool air was welcoming as he stretching his fingers. The artifact seemed to respond to his action, wobbling and then shooting into Darius’ hand as if it was entrapped in a magnetic field. As soon as he touched the artifact, Dr Peacock found himself obliterated in an explosion that gave off a purple and green flare which tore a chunk out the flesh suit that the demon was occupying.
It was unclear as to whether his piercing scream belonged to Shazarak or Dr Peacock. The sound was raw, and guttural filled with unbridled pain. The human carcass twitched and glitched on the floor. His torso was soaked in blood and looked as though wild animal had taken a part out of his side. As blood continued to foam at his mouth, the possessed Dr Peacock choked his last words.
“ugh……the demon….is gone……I….am free!”
“I hope you can hear me Shazarak, as your consciousness returns to your realm. Did you think I had not prepared for this battle? The artifact belongs to me, I forged it long ago to act as a conduit between realms…it always obeyed my commands and you could never wield it in the way I can….remember who beat you again..”
It was in the eyes that the dark yogi could see Shazarak’s fading consciousness. There was venom in the way he locked eyes with Darius, and frustration at the fact that he could do nothing about his situation as he felt Dr Peacock’s corpse fall into a deathly darkness.

Darius analysed the situation. The Swans continued to be occupied by the creature which he knew could be used to his advantage. He could focus his attention on the youthful athletic heroine in all her sunshine haired glory, a truly blonde barefooted beauty, and he did possess a fetish for white caucasian women. Martial Girl towered over the fallen Zolfina whose head was spinning. But Darius was impressed. He wondered how a mortal was able to defeat a dark elven sorceress. He simply could not resist himself.
“Another heroine to conquer” he said to himself licking his lips.
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hello! Almost finished with part 6!
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 6

The Swans were valiant in their battle against the squirming mass, yet the portal continued to vomit more and more of its vile immensity. Singapore Swan’s grip was unwavering. There was a loud snapping noise followed by a groan that sounded like a song of a whale vibrated from the creature’s body. Amanda was a very powerful member of the mystic dancers. It had been only a few years since she emerged victorious from the trials of Niim. Niim was a dimension of Gods, immortals and monsters that mirrored the cultures of Asia. The victor of the trials was granted the power of the Zen force. As she crushed the wailing beast’s thickest tendril, it wasn’t just the immense superhuman strength that was given to her that made her will power unbreakable, but it was the sheer brutality of the trials that hardened her inner strength.

The trials would assess which female warriors were deemed worthy to be gifted with the powers of a mystic dancer. This meant that they would manipulate the elements, and use chi to attain superhuman abilities. They were also blessed with magically enhanced weapons. The Zen force was something different. Many of the immortals and elders of the mystic dancers even believed that Amanda could even defeat Lady England in battle. Amanda Tan still had no choice but to undertake the martial arts training of a mystic dancer like everyone else so she had the fighting ability to rival Martial Girl, and the superhuman powers to challenge Lady England. The female leadership of the Lighting League had always sought to recruit her. She was a fan of the Western heroes, she always found them curious. Life as a mystic dancer was sometimes strict and there was a ruthless emphasis on discipline, which Angel Swan seemed to fit into quite easily due to her conservatism. Amanda had always felt that this rigidity contained limitations. She was however disappointed in the Texan Wonder after witnessing her defeat at the hands of a mere wrestler and henchman of Darius sometime ago. She was confident that she could beat the Texan Wonder as she sensed that the American superheroine possessed a great mental weakness and self doubt, even though her power level was also phenomenal. It was Lady England that fascinated her. She admired her and wondered if she could beat the legendary heroine. The power of the Fay versus the Zen force. In her imagination it was like some fantasy Manga or anime crossover battle that would never happen.

As Darius hovered towards his fallen lover, she struggled up and collapsed into his arms, her lips melting into his immediately, noticing that Shazarak’s presence was gone. Martial Girl’s feelings were a mix of annoyance and curiosity at the same time. Darius knew the opposite sex well. There was a powerful weakness that the feminine spirit possessed. For centuries men had always asked the same question, “what do women want?” Darius had answered that long ago, and knew how to exploit it. The answer to the question in his mind was easy but his understanding of women highlighted the often confused duality of an overly feminine woman. The dark yogi knew too well that on the one hand women desired sovereignty over their lives; yet on the other hand their ultimate weakness was not an alpha male; but rather jealousy of other women. They felt an incredible attraction to a man who has many women. All women were weakened by this, even if they were super powered or super heroines. Only a highly conscious, aware and strong willed female mind could resist this. Throughout his history Darius had often used this to his advantage being a masculine manipulator. If his lust magic and tantric touch did not work, he could always rely on psychology.

“Can we please get on with this!” interrupted Martial Girl.
“She’s too strong for me” Zolfina whispered into Darius’ ear. “Can you deal with her for me?”
The dark yogi quietly walked towards the youthful blonde. Suzy raised her guard and walked in a cautiously circular motion. Martial Girl wasted no time and immediately attacked. It was a perfectly timed strike. For a mortal opponent. Her naked foot felt a gust of wind, the villain was gone, vaporising into a dark mist. Unbeknown to her, it swirled and unfolded behind her. As he materialised she could sense his presence, the warmth of this body. She fired a scorpion kick. As her leg lifted, her foot passed over her shoulder, but of course Darius was unlike her previous victim, Tiger Ghost who fell to the scorpion sting of her feet perviously. The dark yogi ported again, and Suzy was so frustrated at how she was unable to read his movements.
“Goddamit!! I hate magic!” She thought and regretted not learning more from Madame Nox. She was always ignorant of using gadgets and magical trinkets that could help her. She launched precision strikes with her hips, a reverse round house and then a side thrust kick. If not for his teleportation abilities, Darius would have enjoyed a number of crushed ribs as her toes and feet would have pierced through his firm torso. Perhaps in another reality that happened, but not this one.

The sorcerer materialised around her already fully committed leg that was extended. He locked his arms around her long limb, flashed his evil eyes at her and placed his hands around her foot. He began squeezing with his palms and pressing his fingers into the ball of her bare metatarsalgia. Being bare footed had brought great freedom and benefits to Suzy’s crime fighting career. But today, it had become her greatest weakness!
“UUUUUUUGH!” She groaned. His fingers applied unbelievable pressure in her foot, she could feel the crushing pain but at the same time it was pleasurable. Slowly she began to feel her muscles in her entire leg releasing to gravity, becoming heavy yet light at the same time, she felt the fragility of her limb which normally was a powerful weapon. Before she could think of a way to counter Darius’ touch, Zolfina spidered her fingered around the sides of her head. Martial Girl suddenly found her mind overwhelmed with thoughts and images of sex and submission, Darius wrapped his arms around her and she was trapped in his iron bearhug. The magic from both of them was too much for a mere mortal, even one as powerful as Suzy. Doubt and despair was taking hold of her mind, her confidence was being sapped and eaten away. At the same time she felt an irresistible urge to submit to lust.

Angel Swan looked down at the young victim of Darius and his lover as she stood atop one of the worming tentacles, bouncing and prancing from one to another. She wanted to aid Martial Girl but the abyssal creatures were too powerful, and she knew that the thing had to be contained.
“We cannot allow this horror to move outside!!” She shouted to Singapore Swan who was slowly coming to her strengths limit as she continued to squeeze the creatures largest vine. Darius laughed and he opened his mind to the Swans allowing them to hear his thoughts.
“Don’t bother to help this blonde beauty, she’s mine now, and you Swans are much too occupied….Oh Amanda…..just to let you know….that tentacle you are attempting to crush to death…’s not a tentacle!”
Singapore Swan was flooded with a feelings of disgust and embarrassment. This caused her to loosen her grip slightly. At the same time the tip of the tendril began to morph into the head of what clearly looked like a phallus. Her confusion allowed the creature the fling into a wall. Recovering fast she pounded her fists into its long and thick shaft. Angel Swan’s resolve was also effected by this new revelation as she failed to keep up with the attacking tentacles. Her job was to shield Amanda from them, with the mighty pristine blade. A number of smaller tendrils managed to slip passed her awareness. As Amanda punched the thick rubbery skin of the the abyssal cock, she was distracted and unaware of the smaller tentacles that swiftly tightened and binded her limbs and torso.
Angel Swan was distraught at hearing her friend’s peril. Another large tentacle suddenly emerged from the portal, it raised itself above Janice. She looked up.
“Could it be…..another…?”
There was no time for her to think straight as it swatted her like a fly, burying her body underneath its slimy mucous skin, sending Angel Swan into the ground.

Normally Singapore Swan would have burst free but she was tired from the arduous wrestle with great abyssal phallus that towered over her. The smaller wriggling worms had roped their way around her limbs and torso, she could barely move. Amanda wondered, just what kind of creatures existed in the realm it came from.
“Im afraid Im just not the right size for you” She said with a smirk on her face. Amanda was biding her time, waiting for her energy to come back in full force. The creature on the other hand had plans of its own. Singapore Swan noticed a thick droplet of white liquid escape the tip of the shaft. Amanda was wide eyed and hesitated for a moment, before realising what was about to happen. She pulled on the slippery lively bonds but to no avail, she still needed more time and it was clear that this monstrous demonic phallus was after revenge. As it erupted from its body, the slow falling liquid’s scent was putrid.
“NOOOOOOOO!” she screamed as her body was completely washed in the deadly lingham’s juices. Amanda suffocated in the overwhelming heaviness of pale transparent ooze. Falling to her knees she could feel the noxious fumes fill her nose, disorientating her sight, causing instant dizziness.
“This…..shouldn’t….effect me….” She thought to herself. She looked at Darius and Zolfina, his arms wrapped around the poor young Martial Girl, and Zolfina, lavishly licking Suzy’s hard torso. It was the last thing Amanda saw before she collapsed into darkness. The tentacles lifted her defeated body from the ground, and began forcing their way inside her costume, clearly seeking to taste her body.

Zolfina enjoyed violently lapping the toned torso of Martial Girl, kissing her way down and down. The young blonde heroine felt weak in Darius’ arms and a part of her enjoyed his strength and power over her. She was confused as to whether it was her authentic desire or his power, or both? Zolfina’s sensual attacks were viciously sublime as she forcefully pulled the heroine’s pants off. The Elven maid had no time for niceties or soft slow teasing. She mauled Suzy’s pink morsel with her mouth, tearing away at her, whipping her clit with her tongue. The mad sorceress ruthlessly sucked her and pulled at her sexual flesh with the intent to harm and pleasure her at the same time. Martial Girl was helpless to resist, and could do nothing to stop herself getting wet. As if it was second nature to her, her attention turned to the throbbing cock of Darius, which was eager in the way it stabbed her anus, pressing and prodding through the tightness of his pants.
“uuuugh…..just….take me” Martial Girl whispered to him as Zolfina continued to slurp and suck her down south. The Dark Yogi obliged, disrobing his throbbing man meat and then plunging it deep inside her. Her tight body writhed, she reached onto the balls of her feet, lifting her heels, tip toeing in ecstasy, the sound of her breathe muffled by the sexualised lamentations that came from her vocal cords.

The penetrations came from his hips, thrusting her from behind, an upward motion, grazing her drenched pad in a rhythmic allegro. Eventually her feet levitated off the floor as Darius pressed his hands into her hips and lifted her like a toy. Suzy was inexperienced, the feeling was like nothing she had experienced before. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she yielded and surrendered, she loved the feeling of being a doll and being used. She wanted more. Zolfina finished her meal and stepped back to take a look at the heroine in all her sexualised glory. She smiled and then returned to the threesome, lifting up her bra and gorging on her pink and perky nipples. She then looked up and caught Darius’ eye over the shoulder of the defeated heroine. They joined their lips, tantalising one another. The couple then focused their primal union on Martial Girl, her face was devoured by their mouths, uniting with her soft shapely lips.

Singapore Swan was immobilised. The hard leathery tendrils were grabbing whatever flesh they could as they edged closer and closer to her feminine goods, struggling to fight the tightness of her costume which slowed their movements. It was enough time for her to recover. She opened her eyes and could smell the stench all over her. Her attention quickly turned to the mauling snaking creatures that were roping their way around her body. Anger flashed between her eyes. The burst of violent physicality from her body was enough the tear her free from their grip. Amanda turned her vision to Martial Girl expressing a strong urge to aid the poor young petite heroine, but like a golf club getting ready to launch a champion swing, the squirming towering lingam behind her spitefully struck the distracted Singapore Swan, and with such venomous intent that she was sent through the many floors of the hotel, eventually crashing through the roof and landing in one of the luxurious swimming pools. Like a lifeless raft she floated face down, suffocating in chlorine waters.

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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 7

The pressure was driving Angel Swan’s willowy body deep into the ground, her muscles tense and her face contorting with agony and strain. The heaving behemoth’s shiny unwrinkled skin had smeared its sludge and muck all over her. It warbled as it attempted to crush the life out of her and break her body but Janice fought back with a resolute spirit as ever. Sweat and slime glistened off her forehead, face and thighs, the only parts of her body visible under the thick leathery blanket of the creatures second phallus. Her body trembled under the unyielding weight, and her strength was waning. Despite this dire situation, Angel Swan was well acquainted with near death experiences. Utilising her mastery over her chi she created a bubble of resonate vibrating energy that relieved the immense weight of the creature which murmured deeply in response.

“UUUUUUUUUUGH!” The heroine mewled, as a part of her almost surrendered completely to her peril. She turned her head to one side as her eyes were greeted with the sight of lust and lovemaking. The poor Martial Girl’s body was fully sexed by the horny demonic wolves that were ravaging her, and she appeared to be enjoying it. Then she saw it. The pristine blade, buried under some rubble. Janice focused her attention on the weapon, her brow furrowed in strife as she activated her chi this time transmuting it into a telekinetic force, attempting to pull the hilt into her hand.
“I….I can’t….” She panicked, tears almost escaping her wet eyes. But like a true zen master or monk, she regained her composure, like a rider pulling on the reigns of a raging fear. Closing her eyes, she drank the heavy air and exhaled pushing the sword away from her. She flashed her eyes at Martial Girl, sending her aid, a package of chi that would energise and wake her from her sexualised slumber. Suzy noticed and locked her eyes with the white clad angel that was floored by the beast. The pristine blade flew at Martial Girl, unknown to the distracted Darius and Zolfina who were lost in a hypnotic horniness.

Angel Swan smiled with relief at what she saw next. Martial Girl gained a second wind and took the sword by the hilt, plucking it from the air. As a martial arts virtuoso, weapons were also part of her repertoire. The slash was quick as it tore through Zolfina’s elegant azure dress, ripping its material and her flesh, expelling her purple coloured blood. The Elvish sorceresses fell to her knees before Martial Girl.
“Noooooo!” Darius screamed as her unsheathed his cock from the young heroine. He threw her aside like a used doll and rushed to his lover’s assistance, cradling her feeble bloodied body in his arms.

Angel Swan laughed at Darius and wanted him to hear her. She predicted his next move. Hovering onto the stage with Zolfina in his arms, he took the artifact and recited an ancient mantra. The idol burst into shards of shimmering crystal that rained upon Zolfina’s torn flesh. Immediately her wound began to close, but so did the portal. The beast let out a primal scream as the portal doors guillotined its body in two. The remainder left in the dimension from whence it came. The two lovers were covered in the density of its gushing dark blue blood, and like lighting the wiggling mass of tentacles collapsed to the ground devoid of life. Angel Swan bench pressed the slobbering slug whose pressing force had dissipated. She ran towards Martial Girl who staggered weakly to her bare feet. Janice was quick to retrieve her sword from her.
“You ok?”
“Yes…..thank you….”
Janice smiled. “Its not over yet.”
Martial Girl was aware and quickly slipped her red and blue pants back on.
“I have always admired the mystic dancers……I even wanted to join one time….” She said to Angel Blade like some embarrassed Otoku fan.
“We can talk about that after….but for now….we have these scum to deal with…”

Meanwhile atop the roof of the building, Amanda Tan AKA Singapore Swan was drowning. Water had already entered her mouth and nose, her lungs filling with water, a life bringer on planet Earth but in this moment was destroying. Amanda had many powers, but breathing underwater was not one of them. Her stamina however was uncanny. Her body awoke intuitively, like an alarm clock, gesturing her consciousness to come back online. She found herself on the edge of the pool, coughing, spluttering and vomiting water from her mouth. The water had at least washed off the creature’s secretions from her body. She wobbled her way to an upright position as her thoughts turned immediately to Angel Swan and Martial Girl. Springing from the balls of her naked feet, she dived into the hole she had left from the impact her body had made after the blow she had received from the abyssal creature. Like an olympic diver she soared downwards, a bird of prey with a focused attention on the Dark Yogi.

Landing like a glorious Goddess from the skies, she could see that Martial Girl had Zolfina on the ropes. Darius and Angel Blade were locked in both martial and magical combat. As Martial Girl used her foot to pummel the gorgeous face of the Elven beauty, the villainess saw a split second that she could take advantage of. She had taken enough beatings from Suzy to finally read her movements. She whipped up a gust of wind. Like a baby tornado, the elements moved at her command, cold air entangling Martial Girl, throwing her from the podium. Singapore Swan quickly caught her in her strong reliable arms. The blow had knocked Suzy unconscious.
“You fought well…..For a blonde with no powers you’re tough….way tougher than the Texan Wonder” she said as she put her down in a safe corner away from the battle. She turned towards Darius and thundered back into the fray for what she thought would be the final round. The finality of the battle would have been certain had it not been for Darius’ devious quick thinking. Holding hands with his lover, the two united, waxed their free hands across the air, as if to draw a curtain across a window, a shining blue barrier was erected trapping Angel Swan inside a large unbreakable bubble. As Singapore Swan struck her fist against it, the impact of her blow was rebounded back on her. She had never felt the power of one of her own punches and it was strong enough to stun her, knocking her into a senseless sleep. Angel Swan was distraught as she could do nothing for her friend who lay unconscious behind the transparent prison she had found herself in. Armed with her sword she turned her attention to the dark duo.

Janice was boiling with confidence, she knew that with her skills and the pristine blade she could take both Darius and Zolfina down. It would not be an easy task but her martial perception could see all possibilities, all movements and all counter movements; magical or otherwise. She knew that she would have to attack first as her tag team lover opponents were clearly communicating between themselves telepathically.
“I have been studying this one for sometime” Darius said to his companion.
“I can imagine, you always enjoy the most pure and virtuous of superheroines”
“And this one is a literal virgin would you believe”
“you really have done you research this time!”
“It is for a reason…..Angel Swan is skilled enough to give me a rigorous workout…..after facing Lady England in the past I must be on my guard”
“Ah yes we can’t forget your infatuation with her royal regalness”
“She will be mine soon enough”
Zolfina chuckled. “If it wasn’t for the fact that we Elves are naturally polyamorous I would be jealous.”
“ENOUGH!!” Angel Swan bellowed unaware of their communications, but aware enough to notice their shadowy scheming. She moved with such speed it was as if she was in two places at once, slicing her blade through the air as Darius and Zolfina melted into a translucent ethereal mist, hovering like ghosts. As they evaded the pristine blade’s fatal attacks, they continued their conversation.

“So tell me lover, what’s the plan?”
“I thought you’d never ask! Angel Swan has one weakness…..her past!”
As Darius materialised into solid form he opened a portal of black oily liquid. Its dazzling darkness unfolded and a figure stepped through. It took one glance from Janice’s ebony eyes to steal away all of her confidence as the memories of torment and humiliation returned. A weakness that was not based on any defect in the heroine’s powers, a weakness that was not brought on by any magic spell; it was psychological, a very human weakness.

The figure that stepped into the light was her past high school stalker and bully, Anson!

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next part will be out in the coming week!
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 8

Throughout her career, the mighty Angel Swan had faced some of the most formidable opponents any super powered or enhanced heroine could ever hope to face. She was known for her indomitable spirit, and was feared by those that would seek to cause suffering to the planet. And yet in this moment, she was paralysed, her strength had melted away from her and she felt utterley alone. It was as if she had forgotten to breathe. Anson was smiling and he had acquired much bulk since his days as a skinny high school nerd. He wore the attire of a Japanese high school student, as if he had just come from a cosplay convention. It reminded her of his otaku fetish and love for hentai and anime. Janice was his first experience at manifesting his disgusting desires, the desire of imposing his black mail and humiliation fantasies on the hottest girl at school.

Angel Swan continued to be frozen to the spot, as if she was immobilised, as if her body had been stunned by some kind of petrification process. In her state of confusion, staring at her former humiliator; all her techniques and moves had left her mind and body.
“It has been too long slut….I hope you are happy to see me?”
The words cut through her soul causing her to bleed self esteem. Her mouth dropped unaware to her former conscious discipline.
“My master the dark yogi tells me you’re still a virgin?”
The words continued to stab deeper into her essence, this time twisting like a blade causing more self doubt.
“No….no…..why would he know that??” she thought to herself. She also wondered why he referred to Darius as his master.
“what a beautiful reunion this is between old friends!” The Dark Yogi said loudly as Zolfina giggled. There was something truly cruel and evil in the way the duo enjoyed the suffering and spiritual destruction of their victims. It excited them both, and they got off on it.
“I propose a game!” he continued. “Angel Swan, if you can finally beat your former bully and tormentor into a pulp, I will bring down the shields. We will leave you be. The hostages are safe now and the artifact is destroyed so your mission is a success. However I will also allow you to keep your life, and I will spare your friends too, it doesn’t seem they are doing too well….”
Janice turned to look at the defeated bodies of Singapore Swan and Martial Girl. She knew that she was the only one left, she had no choice but to fight. But her fight wasn’t simply a physical one. If only it was.
“I…..I can beat him…..he’s just a puny pathetic man with no powers…I don’t even need the sword….”
It was as if her rational and logical faculties had returned, and with it, a raging river of confidence roared through her body. She drove the pristine blade into the ground.
“I accept your challenge dark one!”
Darius was pleased. His eyes noticing quickly the discarding of her weapon.
“why are these heroines so foolish and predictable my love?” He telepathically communicated to Zolfina.
“It turns them on…..they love being imperilled…..I think they are so powerful as women, it gets boring….they want to lose…they want to be conquered…I remember when I was a queen……an indestructible sorceress and ruler….Then you came and claimed me as yours” she smiled.

Anson walked towards his former victim who now stood even more angelic and desirable than ever before, clad in her shining white and tight costume and long heeled boots. Angel Swan struck a fighting stance, her body long and right hand out taunting the young man to attack first. Darius’ new servant however was un phased, his face showed a complete lack of fear. Janice was somewhat cautious, and yet she could not feel any unusual vibrations from his body or chi.
“He is just a human…..” she thought, but almost faster than her thoughts was Anson’s fist that thrusted its way through the air towards her face. She blocked, and the two of the exchanged blows with more parries and feints before creating space.
“Impossible! Even if he trained in the martial arts since we last met, he still should not be able to keep up with me, with my powers!!” she thought to herself again.
“I may have made some additional improvements to my new follower….” Darius said.
Janice saw scarlet red flash between her eyes as she attacked again this time landing a hefty side thrust kick to Anson’s solid solar plexus. His firmness also surprised her. Calling the sword to her, the pristine blade responded swiftly allowing her to slash the former high school boy, cutting him upwards mercilessly. He took a slight step backwards raising his head to the sky. The blade separated his jacket in two. Anson was unharmed and timed the movement well. Angel Swans eyes were wide and bright with shock. He slowly removed his shirt but not before taking out a small wooden box from his tattered jacket. Janice barely noticed the item, she was focused for a few seconds on his physique. He displayed abs and a rippling torso to rival Bruce Lee himself.
“I see you like what you see!” Anson jested arrogantly.
“damn you!” was the heroines only response.
“Let me share something with you…..something from our past…I was your first boyfriend after all”
“How dare you!!”
Anger made her sloppy, tempered emotions always guided her movement and fighting. Her victories had often been flawless. Today was a new experience. Anger consumed her, clouding her thought process. She charged at him and Anson easily danced around her but staying close he grabbed her, twisting one of her arms, locking her up and pulling her close to his body with her back against his front. He took the opportunity to rub himself against her shapely butt as he manhandled her.
“I see you still dress like a slut!”
“Let me go!”
Janice’s sword arm was locked but she refused to let go of the pristine blade.
“Let me show you something” Anson said presenting his one free arm, the wooden box in hand. He flicked the lid open with his thumb, and she saw it. The sight of it drained her again, weakening her resolve and returning her body and mind to the state she was in when she first saw him step out of Darius’ portal. Her white panties gleamed with the decorations of angelic cherubs playing harps.
“I haven’t washed it once since I took it from your locker…I like to take trinkets….taking something from you and making you mine!” The pervert said.
“Here take it!” He said as he smothered her face with her panties as if to chloroform her with her own age old vaginal scent.
“MMMMMMMPHF!!” she struggled as his other hand groped her left breast. The pristine blade made a loud clang against the ground as her finger released its grip of the weapon’s hilt.
“Its over Zolfina……we have won!” Darius said with iron laced conviction.

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I will try to get part 9 out this coming week :)
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Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 9

He took her breathe away, and not in a good way. Anson’s hand was everywhere it shouldn’t have been, groping and grabbing, exploring and invading. Janice had never felt so helpless, not since the day he had exposed her flesh to the internet and made her body evident to her entire school. He stuffed her panties inside her mouth and the launched a kick against her butt sending her to the floor, disgraced. He laughed but sting of humiliation revived some of her resistance. She turned and attacked with a sweep, tripping him to the floor. Then she saw her chance, mounting the vile pervert. The two grappled like amateurs and Darius laughed.
“Its as if she’s forgotten how to fight!”

Eventually the two opponents stood face to face. Angel Swan noticed how weak she was, but was unaware that her feeble state was a product of the energetic blocks that had suddenly arisen in her psyche. Anson proved to be a great fighter. Blow after blow found its way past Janice’s defences.
“uuuugh!!” she yelped as he struck her side.
“ooooh!” she yielded as he hit her jaw.
“aaaaargh!” she screamed as he hammer struck her alongside the chin. She was seeing stars as he continued to obliterate her torso. Before she knew it she was curled up like a ball, with the bully mounting her, grounding and pounding into her back.
“No….how….can I win?!”
Years ago, as part of her mystic dancing training, she studied with Master Wulan, the greatest teacher in the art of wielding Kundalini energy. She was never the best student and he was a hard tutor. He was tough with her because he knew of her potential to release massive amounts of energy in the most dire of times. Often he would put her through brutal trials and situations of peril that would challenge her in mind and body. No matter how many times she would feel humiliated and beaten , she could always push through, for every blow that was dealt her way it always seemed inferior and lighter compared to the sharp scathing pain that Anson had delivered to her in her teenage years. Master Wulan was always trying to awaken her potential, a potential that would instantaneously release her truth and heal that scar.
“You are a little princess! Thats your problem!” His words from the past rang in her ears like a clanging bell. She remembered, standing on a long pole atop a mountain, frozen in a posture that required her leg to be held aloft, her foot higher than her head. Statically still she remained for hours in this pose, as the cutting winds stung her skin and all the while, the Master of pain would lash her with the skinny tip of a whip. She maintained a strong stiffness, which came from a place of sassy stubbornness within her spirit, but still the kundalini would not awaken.
“You are stubborn…..this is not the way… must surrender! The Surrender is internal!!”
She had created many walls within her; energetic and emotional barriers that hindered her progress. Her acceptance of the christian faith was intertwined with this repressive blockage. Despite her greatness as a mystic dancer, heroine and warrior; her true potential and power was never attained. The trauma unleashed by Anson, had made her closed.

The former nerd continued to pound the helpless Angel Swan mercilessly, as the blows got harder and harder. She tried to regain her body position to at least give her a fighting chance, but every time, Anson demolished her resistance with martial ease. He was stronger and a better fighter. Darius had gifted him with abilities he would never have attained.
“He nullifies all of your abilities, there’s nothing you can do…….he humiliated you before and now you have failed again! Just acknowledge your defeat and submit!” Eventually Angel Swan lay flat down on the ground as Anson had her pinned, his knee on her back and her armed ruthlessly yanked in a lock.
“Submit to the master!!” Anson demanded.
“Nev…aaaaaaaargh! She screamed as her armed was broken and dislocated by Anson’s sheer fighting malice. Tears escaped her eyes, as she felt herself yield to despair and failure. Next she felt his hands around her head and her brain rattled as her skull crashed into the ground. Angel Swan’s eyelids became heavy, giving way to gravity, bringing blackness to her vision, and a sleepy defeat. Anson cheered, celebrating by posing for his mobile camera, taking selfies with his foot on top of the conquered heroine.
“I did it master!! I beat one of the most powerful super heroines around, if not superhero!!”
“Well done slave!”
Anson continued to entertain himself with his unconscious toy. He unzipped her long white high heeled boots.
“May I keep these master?” he pleaded.
“yes yes…..for the love of the Gods….do what you must…” Darius turned to Zolfina.
“What a pathetic man he is” he said.
“Indeed….a disgusting letch of a boy” she replied in agreement.
The disgusting letch, unzipped his pants and lowered his garments to the ground exposing a well hung vein and extended to 8 inches, worthy of a porn star.
“As I said….I gifted him with many enhancements” Darius continued rolling his eyes.
“Its what he wanted.”
Zolfina did nothing but sigh in return.
“I suppose it is worth it, to vanquish the great Angel Swan. Now she is ours! We can begin the working!”

Anson assumed that he could enjoy his toy further, his grabby hands pulling at her tight almost silvery pants.
“What are you doing boy?” asked Darius.
“errr….I…I thought I could….”
“You presumed too much!! If anyone would get to vanquish her with his cock it would be me!! Bring her to me now! You can ride her when I am done if you are lucky, although when we are done with her she might be somewhat changed.”
“ok master” Anson said in a low tonality that sounded like disappointment.
“I suppose our Anson can be a cute and soppy pet” said the Dark Elven mistress.
“Ok alright then!! By the breasts of Kali! You may join us, we shall make it a foursome of some kind” said Darius half annoyed and half empathetic.
“When I first found him, he was a loser, alone, depressed and on drugs. He was probably a day away from suicide. The time he humiliated Angel Swan at high school was probably the best day of his life, and his greatest achievement. Academically gifted but a complete waste of a human being in life. He had pictures of his victim all over the wall of his room… Janice and Angel Swan. Clearly a stalker who had realised that he could never attain his obsession and hearts desire again….until now”
“Don’t you mean dicks desire……he has no heart my love..”
“true true. He is testimony to the majority of the worthless species that is the human race”
“Aren’t you human yourself?” Zolfina smiled.
“I left the human race long ago….”
The bickering and negotiations between the evil lovers and their sycophant slave had given Angel Swan time to recover. In her slumber she remembered Master Wulan’s last lesson.
“Release verbally and physically and the energy body will follow…”
Those were his last words before he died. The last words he spoke to her before he was killed. It was when she was a mere student of the mystic dancers, training with other raw rookies at the academy of the elders. The school was attacked by the the notorious Devlish three and their Blood Moon cult. The trio comprised of the terrifiying Vampiress Mistress Kuntilanak, Master Dongfang a blind Taoist sorcerer who had sold his soul to the ways of dark magic; and finally Demon Swan, a former mystic dancer who had succumbed to the magical transmutation and lust magic of Darius himself. In the battle, Demon Swan was destroyed, but it cost Master Wulan’s life who did what he could to protect the students. When Janice found him, his life was gradually leaving his body. His final words were spoken as he passed in her arms. There were few among the mystic dancers who had mastered the energy of the kundalini shakti. The only one among the mystic dancers who managed to master it was the sorceress Blazing Swan, one of Master Wulan’s greatest students.

Angel Swan’s face was buried in the cold surface of the floor. She whimpered and slowly came to her senses before finally speaking.
“I….I submit….” she said, holding onto her broken arm, turning her body eagerly, and kneeling before the three villains that had defeated her.
“I surrender…” she said confidently, which seemed a paradox in itself. She noticed Anson’s smile and his hanging phallus. The sight repulsed her. What really caused her senses to be overcome with disgust was the fact that of all the things he asked Darius to give him, he asked for the most shallow of gifts. A body, a hung cock, and the super strength and ability to challenge and man handle a superheroine. Darius walked towards her. She once thought of him as a formidable opponent, with an elaborate mind, but as she saw him naked, with a fully erected vein, she felt pity for him.
“In the end he is merely a more complex and advanced version of Anson…..a personification of that conquering energy…..the will to possess everything” she thought to herself.

“So you surrender to me?” he said with a calmly animalistic savageness in his eyes. His slow gaze lowered as he knelt down and then cupped her chin as if she was a mere child.
“Yes…..I surrender..” she spoke as she closed her eyes. Her muscles relaxed, her body giving in as she felt herself become soft and limp. She repeated again as if she was a broken record player.
“I surrender…”
“I am glad that you have accepted a new mantra but you need not say it a hundred times.”
Finally Angel Blade, had surrendered herself more deeply than she had ever done so before. Internally she began to touch the surfaces of her subtle body, her essence. Darius stepped back as she saw her body glow with a light that shone with a colour blue to rival the most radiantly azure oceans.
“I surrender” she repeated. Zolfina was concerned with the amount of energy emerging from Angel Swan. She felt a hot tingling energy circulate at the base of her spine, shooting like a rising comet upwards and then it exploded in her chest and forehead causing her body whiplash and her back arch violently.
“I SURRENDER!” she shouted as the energy cascaded from her body blinding the villains. When they finally could open their eyes again, in place of her visage of submission, was a powerful entity, a primal force to the reckoned with. Her arm had healed and her skin had turned blue, whilst her eyes shone white. A third eye opened upon her forehead which glowed like a star.
“Go Boy! Deal with her! You can use it now!” Darius said as he pushed Anson to the front. The boy was relieved but also in awe of the sight of feminine beauty that stood before her. Angel Blade encouraged fear in his heart but the boy began a transformation of his own before her eyes. Skin changing, his muscles and bones contorting and twisting. As a skinny nerd, he had always dreamed of being big, he always yearned to gain a more masculine frame that he had felt he lacked, a lack that had caused great inferiority in his psychological complex and that prevented him from being good with the opposite sex. Now he had all the size he ever wanted. He appeared a ridiculously hulking oaf, with muscles and veins that made a fully roided bodybuilder look puny. Over 7 feet tall, every part of his anatomy was so enhanced and disfigured that he was no longer recognisable to her. His phallus had increased in such size that it almost dangled at the length of his knee. What woman could ever want him, Janice thought, and when she look deep into his eyes should could feel the boy’s pain. The kundalini energy had healed her trauma, expelled it from her body like an exorcist throwing out an unholy possession. The energy also enhanced the users ability to see another individuals emotional experience, from their perspective.
“I am Big!!” He screamed, beating his chest, but all Angel Swan could see was the pain and suffering. His only flaw was that his ego had consumed him completely and utterly, but he clearly lacked the sheer destructive narcissism of Darius. She called the Pristine Blade to her hand and appeared ready for battle, but she could see that Darius had underestimated the nature of her newly acquired power. As the hulking oaf charged towards her with full force, it was like a freight train rumbling towards a willow tree.
“Enough!” she said in a commanding yet sensual voice. Her armed reached out and her two blue fingers tapped his forehead as her bare toes hovered some feet above the ground. Anson was stopped in his tracks as if he had hit an indestructible wall, he collapsed on to his knees and slowly reduced his stature and form to his previous shape. He continued to transform, shrinking to the state he was in when Darius found him. A skinny, sickly looking drug addict and manic depressive. He was naked and quite pathetic as Angel Swan’s energy pulsated through his body, filling him with her mercy and love.
“Its ok now…..” she said. He looked up at her, truly humbled by the powerful energetic explosion electrocuting his central nervous system.
“I….am sorry……what a waste….” he said as tears rolled down his eyes.
“what now?” Zolfina said to her lover.
“just prepare the concoction” Darius replied.

Anson stood to his feet and walked weakly towards the blue goddess in front of her. Darius suddenly unsheathed his ebony coloured shadowy blade from a small portal and immediately attacked Angel Swan. As the blades clashed, the force from the Pristine Blade was vastly superior. The mystic dancer’s blue energy was consuming her weapon, and eventually the force was so great that it cut through his weapon, hacking it in in two. Darius crashed to the floor.
“The world has had enough of you!” Angel Blade wailed as she came down upon him with the final blow like a blazing meteor from the sky. He had no defence and in his weakened state he did not have the time to project protection or attacking magic. Zolfina was busy, playing with a small vial of strange liquid. It hovered between her hands as she activated it with her darkest energies, she looked on helplessly, unable to do anything for her lover. Darius did however have once last thing that would save his life. Using his telekinetic ability he was able to acquire a suitable shield. As the pristine blade attempted to destroy its target, it cut through Anson’s body. Darius smiled.
“What have you done Angel Swan? You….murderer!” he said with twisted intent. Janice was overcome with grief and shock, she dropped her weapon and held her former bully in her arms, his torso sliced open, his blood smearing her skin and costume.
“I’m sorry” were his last words as he quickly passed, his eyes rolled back into his head. Angel Swan slowly lost her ability to focus and control the kundalini force. The blue energy dissipated and her third eye closed. She returned to her original form.
“Now my love!!” the Dark Yogi commanded. In her state of mourning and distraught emotions over her accidental killing of Anson, Janice was completely unaware of what the duo had prepared for her.

Zolfina threw the vial at the barefeet of Angel Swan, its purple liquid melted into a mist as the glass shattered. It swirled around her like a tornado.
“We only have a few of these vials……it takes a long time to concoct and its rare ingredients can only be found in the most harshest regions of the nether realms. But within this potion is a destructive spell of transformation, one that only works on mystic dancers such as yourself….” Zolfina explained.
This mist was flowing around her, pulling her up into the air, filling her mouth, her ears, reaching deep inside her body.
“Nooooooooooooooo!” she screeched and choked at the same time. Janice attempted to reactivate her kundalini energies, maintaining the blue form for a split second, then attempting it again and holding it for slightly longer. The dark lovers looked with concern.
“That could interfere with the transformation” the Elven sorceress said with concern.
“Just a while longer…” Darius assured her.
The flickering of kundalini energy was simply not enough. Angel Swan had failed to maintain it as she did earlier. The spell's onslaught could not be stopped. She could feel its power enter her skin, muscles, bones, blood and then her mind, spirit and soul.
“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!” she screamed a death cry, and perhaps something within Angel Swan had indeed died. When all was done she lay immobile on the ground.
“Arise” Darius said.
“Arise my Demon Swan!”
When she stood up her skin was pale, with black veins, her outfit obsidian in colour and the iris of her eyes were blood red.

Singapore Swan slowly came to her senses, and she felt a sense of failure consume her at what she saw. Her friend looked like a force of death and chaos, and woe paralysed Amanda’s spirit as she saw Janice smile and take the hand of what seemed to be her new master, the Dark Yogi.

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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great chapters, this story was very interesting, looking forward to the final part
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

valugi wrote:
10 months ago
great chapters, this story was very interesting, looking forward to the final part
Thank you friend, it will soon be finished, and it will lead into many other interesting stories :)
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

Singapore Swan and Angel Swan in Dark Energies Rising part 10

“Its worked” Zolfina said with excited glee.
“It had been some years since the last time we used the concoction on a mystic dancer. I had hoped we could have subdued her and used it in a more comfortable setting, however with her kundalini power and the distractions it proved difficult, also we needed time to activate its energy, the heroines proved an annoyance. No matter…..she is ours now” Darius said as he looked into the former Angel Swan’s scarlet eyes. She presented the pristine blade to her master.
“Thank you slave…I shall begin converting the weapon as well”
Zolfina walked towards the new Demon Swan, inspecting her appearance, stroking her torso as she passed her. She simply could not resist. Grabbing the back of her neck she plunged herself into her lips, sucking her saliva and dancing with her tongue. Darius drove the sword into the ground and stood between them and began his love symphony. As they moved over one another’s body, the lust evoked a swirling smoked that sought to choke the sword. Slowly the pristine blade accepted the energy. Darius sought to increase the power, pulling Demon Swan’s tight revealing pants aside exposing her drenched hole. It did not take long for her body to respond to the full potential of his lust magic. It was either that, or the years of sexual repression that Janice had imposed on herself.

The dark yogi slid his snake inside her warm sheathe whilst Zolfina gorged upon her red mound. His hands took liberties by grabbing her breasts from under her armpits. She sang the song of a sexualised siren, releasing more and more. The harder he pumped her, the more ethereal energy poured out from Demon Swan’s body. The pristine blade was trying to fight, as if it was a living being, battling to maintain its original form and purity. Martial Girl slowly awoke, and quickly responded to what she saw was Angel Swan’s plight.
“No!” shouted Amanda but it was too late. As Martial Girl threw herself into a fully committed flying kick against the energy shield, the force rebounded clobbering the young blonde athletic heroine back into unconsciousness.
“Why are blondes so dumb!” Amanda thought to herself. She felt powerless, and a mere voyeur at the sight of her friend being pulverised by the dark yogi’s sexual might. She could tell that Janice was a virgin and would probably cum fast from the years of repression. She was right. Darius outlasted her by far and did not even get the chance to unload his juices inside her when she came, crying out like an overly sexed soprano. She more than compensated for Darius’ lack of ejaculating as she gushed a fountain of repression, her liquified frustration showered all over Zolfina.
Her body jolted and spasmed involuntarily as Darius held her. Then the dark yogi decided it was his turn. He pumped her again, faster and faster whilst Zolfina teased her clit with her fingers looking directly into her eyes.
“You serve us!” she declared. Another orgasm took her fast, and Darius released groaning and growling inside her. Demon Swan laughed in ecstasy. As her orgasm decreased, he pulled out as her tight slit overflowed with his thick discharge. Suddenly it evaporated, and a purple vapour squirmed itself out of her sex, extending and stretching itself in the air, hovering above the sword.
“Soon the pristine blade will be as sullied as you” Darius said to Demon Swan.

Amanda needed to think fast. Although she had succeeded in the trials to attain the zen force, in the past she had failed in proving herself worthy of the pristine blade. It was Angel Swan who took that honour. She did however come close, and a 1000 year old elder of the mystic dancers by the name of White Phoenix always saw her potential with the sword.
“It was not your karma to wield the sword for now, but if ever Angel Swan falls, and you still live; you would be next in line.”
Focusing her Zen force power she reached her arm out. The Pristine Blade ripped itself from the ground, escaping the clutches of the the arcane energies that sought to transmute its light into something vile. The sword burst its way through the shields, shattering it like a child’s football tearing through a window pane. Flying across the hallway it made its way to a new owner. Singapore Swan caught its hilt in her hand and took a battle pose. The shields collapsed but just as she readied herself to attack the ceiling blue open and two figures unleashed themselves.
“More enemies?” Amanda thought to herself, but she felt her spirits lift high when it became clear as to who they were. Lady England landed gloriously, dressed in her white tight costume, long high heeled boots and the red cross branded on her chest. Behind her the sunshine Southern belle heroine, the Texan Wonder appeared, jumping to the hotel ballroom floor, her red cowgirl boot heels stabbing themselves proudly into the ground, standing strong in all her revealed flesh, blue, red and white, star spangled glory.
“We came as soon as we could, I hope we are not interfering?” Olivia said to Amanda with a smile. Singapore Swan was quick to welcome her for she was an admirer of Lady England. The Texan Wonder ran to Martial Girl who slowly awoke.
“you ok darling?”
“I….am fine……I am a bit out of my depth here…..good thing I used the emergency communicator in my costume before I was knocked out earlier”
“Sorry we took so long….but we were both busy with other missions. You stay back, we’ll take care of this.”
Eliza gave Suzy one of her signature reassuring smiles, the kind that allowed sunshine and hope to radiate inside her. She was always nurturing in that way. The young Martial Girl however always found Lady England an amazing leader but she had a more strict school headmistress vibe about her which at times she found intimidating.

Demon Swan looked at Amanda, her former friend. Her gaze then turned to the other three heroines and then back to Darius.
“Destroy them for me!” He commanded. The concoction that was used on Janice was made from the most sparse ingredients in the known universes. Long ago the dark yogi embarked on a journey throughout the multiverse and the nether realms to attain such rare substances. A destructive and violent quest, to find the constituents necessary to transform his mortal enemies, the mystic dancers; into his slaves. Unfortunately the concoction could not be used on other super heroines and heroes, let alone himself. The concoction would allow the user to access the most darkest and violent of energies, weaponising them to great effect. The former mystic dancer, the most purest of warriors focused her raw primal force into her body, her black veins pulsated strongly, growing in size and were very prominent against the pale dead colour of her skin. Her battle cry was like a non human creature from the shadowy reaches of beyond, the night lands or the stuff of nightmares. She plunged herself into the centre of the four heroines. They were unaware of her immediate primal power and the extent of its savagery.
“What is this power I am feeling… is an immense level of lust, violence and malice…..I have not felt it in sometime” Zolfina asked.
“I call it the nightmare fury, but our new Demon Swan will not be able to maintain for long. However it is clear that the heroines have underestimated her as they outnumber her 4-1, and the current extent of her power level is unknown to them at this moment” Darius replied with a smile. “Now my love, witness their obliteration!”
“Get out of here!” Texan Wonder said to Martial Girl. The cowgirl powerhouse looped her glowing lasso around Demon Swan hoping to restrain her in a merciful attempt to hopefully transform back to Angel Swan. The former mystic dancer, stared into Eliza’s soul and pulled out her weaknesses as she grabbed hold of the lasso. The golden glow evaporated and became consumed by a blackness, it was as if the weapon forged by the Goddesses of Elysium died in her hands. Suddenly the energy infected the Southern belle superheroine.
“UUUUUUUUGH!” The Texan Wonder groaned as a dark aura took her body.
“Tex!” Cried Martial Girl. She felt helpless in her inability to come to her aid.

Eliza had not felt this feeling for some years. It had been too long. The surge of burning uncontrollable lust consumed her, it was so great that all her nerve endings were charged and her mind was aflame with fantasies of erotic defeat. Demon Swan had ignited her weaknesses once again. Before she knew it, the dark banshee of a woman was upon her, pouncing on her body like a black widow on its webbed prey, but instead of tearing the Texan Wonder’s weakened flesh to shreds; Demon Swan seized her lips in a violent kiss, her hand slid through her tight costume grabbing her full breasts. Lady England saw her friend collapse into Demon Swans arms.
“uuuuuuuuuuuugh……..cant……fight….” she said as she dropped her dead lasso.
Lady England and Singapore Swan attacked immediately. The sheer speed of Demon Swan’s lustful attack had took them by surprise.
“Unhand her fiend!!” Olivia demanded as she swung blows at Demon Swan, fully charged with the nightmare fury. She swam around her strikes, blocking with her one free arm, her prize, the defeated, and sexually enflamed body of the Texan Wonder in her other arm. As Lady England continued attacking Demon Swan danced around her making space, giving her time to enjoy Eliza’s lips again. Singapore Swan would attack and the same would happen again, they simply could not touch her at her full primal power. The two heroines engaged in combat noticed something. The more the Texan Wonder remained in her arms, the weaker she was becoming. Demon Swan was draining her lifeforce. Her yellow sunshine hair turned grey, and her perfect skin became wrinkled. Demon Swan tore off Eliza’s bra and began sucking her mammaries like a ravenous baby wolf suckling its dying mother in the wild. The fullness and perfection of the Texan Wonder’s hardened nippled breasts weakened, they deflated more and more, before becoming saggy and skinny, and still the Demon Swan continued to suck, causing Eliza’s beauty to become withered. She was a dying rose in the winter. Crumbling and hardening, and succumbing to a brittle existence.

“We have got to act fast Lady England, your friend does not have long to live!” Singapore Swan warned Olivia.
“I can magically sense that weapon of yours, it can help?” Lady England said eying the Pristine Blade.
“Yes” Amanda replied swiftly.
“Ill take care of Demon Swan, you help my friend!”
“Don’t kill her, there’s a chance we can change her back!” Amanda pleaded.
The words fell upon deaf ears as Lady England zoomed towards the possessed mystic dancer. Her strikes were brushed aside by Janice’s skill as the frail Texan Wonder remained powerless in the villainess’ grip. The lustful siren did not even have to focus on Lady England, she could simply feel her energy, parrying and blocking as she continued to steal the Texan Wonder’s lips, sapping her of what was left of all her strength and power.
“She does not have long, the stupid slut should hurry up, the nightmare fury won’t last forever!” Darius said with concern. Amanda had taken full advantage of the situation. The sword was driven into the earth, mixing her Zen force power with the weapon a golden beam of energy travelled at the speed of light, catching Demon Swan and the Texan Wonder in its grasp. She wailed in anger, Darius and Zolfina attempted to intervene but it was too late.
“Remember who you are Janice, you are Angel Swan” Amanda shouted. The words echoed in the former heroine’s mind as her hands smothered the sides of her head, dropping the weak carcass of the Texan Wonder to the ground. The energy Demon Swan had taken from the golden haired heroine, was sucked out of her and transferred back to Eliza who slowly regained consciousness. She rolled to the side and Martial Girl helped her to safety.
“what are you doing slave!!” screamed Darius as they attempted to enter the battle. A confused and dazed Demon Swan stood and reached out her arm. Amanda noticed that she slowly began losing her grip of the sword.
“No!” She said as she strained to keep it in her hands. Eventually it was yanked from her grasp and as Zolfina and Darius flew down Demon Swan turned to slash at them. The Elven sorceresses head was removed from its body much to the dismay of Darius. Amanda smiled assuming her friend had returned to her senses. Instead using the last of her hyper charged nightmare fury she drove the blade into the ground and released an explosion of dark matter and blew Lady England, Singapore Swan and Darius aside. The energy chained them to the ground with invisible bonds with immense restraining power. It was clear that she could not hold them forever but the possessed Janice had one last thing to do. She pulled the essence and consciousness of Zofina from the decapitated body and imprisoned her inside a small metal box. Janice then opened a portal.
“Come forth, I have them for you!”

As the portal opened, he stepped out, malformed, half solid and half ghostly. It was Shazarak. His true form, still incomplete after his essence was separated from Dr Peacock. Demon Swan handed him the box. As he walked towards the bound Darius, he spoke.
“Your own plan backfired it seems……and now the rest of your life will be one of pain for the insults you have given me!”
The reunion was suddenly interrupted by the blonde duo of the Texan Wonder and Martial Girl.
“Round 2 darling!” shouted Eliza as she attacked Demon Swan slugging her full in the face. Martial Girl attempted to contribute to a tag team but was easily swatted like a fly by the stiff forearm of Demon Swan. She was knocked out again as she fell to the floor. The Texan Wonder gave her all, eager to avenge herself, attacking this time with caution. Eliza’s movements were improving, as Demon Swan’s nightmare fury started to wane. In strength the two opponents appeared matched, however Janice had one thing to her advantage: superior martial ability. Demon Swan deflected a hook from the Texan Wonder, locked her arm in a way that exposed her side. She was quick to tear into her obliques and ribs with such pernicious devastation to her superhuman body that it caused the heroine to wince. Eliza refused to yield, swinging wildly, thinking that her super strength would be enough against her opponent. Demon Swan wrapped her arms from under the heroic cowgirls feminine frame. She squeezed and the Texan Wonder felt a something crack inside her.
“uuuuuuugh! no!”
It was too late. Her face showed panic as her blue eyes almost begged for mercy from Janice’s locked gaze. The magnificent body of the super southern belle was taken off the ground, her red high heels hurled into the air. Demon Swan arched her back with ease, contorting her way into a suplex cracking Eliza’s head into the ground.
Lady England and Singapore Swan could do little as the dark energy continued to bind them. Demon Swan pressed the Texan Wonder’s stunned body overhead. She tried desperately to regain control but failed. She could do nothing as the powerful and nimble villainess pile driver her into the ground. The insidious female was not through with the Texan Wonder, as she, repeated the move again, then again, and one more.
The repeated pile drives left Eliza incapacitated.
“oooooh………can’t…..move….need time…..”
Time was something Demon Swan refused to give her. She ruthlessly took her lasso and wrapped it around the Texan Wonder’s neck.
“Now bitch……tell me how you feel? Can you fight on…?”
“do you admit defeat……have you lost yet?”
“I……yes……admit defeat……you’ve crushed me….”
“Why don’t you fight on slut?!” She screamed, rage was burning in her eyes, black veins pulsing from her face and the sides of her head.
“I…..I’m….scared” Eliza said timidly. Disgusted by her reply, Demon Swan stood up and football kick the Texan Wonder’s face with her black boot, she instantly went to sleep. Meanwhile the Demon Lord sought to wreck his revenge on Darius but the dark yogi never yielded as easily as the blonde heroine. Demon Swan was done with the Texan Wonder. She walked to the remaining two heroines and commanded the dark energy to smother their faces, suffocating them in negative energy. But Janice was unaware, distracted by her devilish ecstasy, that her unlimited dark power was waning. Her ability to restrain Darius, Singapore Swan and Lady England; was weakening. Darius saw an opportunity and tore his way out of the energetic bonds. He opened another portal and flung himself at Shazarak’s feeble excuse for a body. The two of them disappeared into blackness of the void, with Zolfina’s entrapped essence included. Amanda called to her friend.
Demon Swan turned to face her former comrade, she grinned like a demented madwoman, as if to indicate that a part of her was still Janice, but that she was enjoying this new energy inside her. Looking to the skies, she took off bursting through the ceiling with the force of a catapulted missile. Singapore Swan felt too drained to pursue her.

Lady England helped the the worn and tired Texan Wonder to her feet. The beating had completely crushed her spirit and even for a heroine as powerful as her. Demon Swan with her full fury was simply too much for Eliza's abilities.
“Useless! This is the second time I have found you beaten and broken!” Singapore Swan shouted, clearly angered by the blonde heroines inability to aid her successfully in saving her friend. The Texan Wonder could do nothing but stoop in defeat.
“Now hold on there, its not as if you was on top of things….you was flat on your face earlier…..we are sorry about your friend…..but perhaps we can help…”
“sorry Lady England…..I respect you but this is something that concerns the mystic dancers” Amanda responded. She turned and walked towards the exit, finally leaving the building, hovering overhead an army of journalists and video cameras that had gathered outside.


Police, army and emergency personnel flooded the hotel. The Lighting League members remained on sight to be of help where they felt necessary.
“Come with us Suzy, we’ll give you a lift back home. My translucent Quantum saucer is hovering above” the Texan Wonder asked in a concerned a loving voice.
“No its ok…..I need to figure out what happened to Fight Doll”
“Sometimes we lose battles…..but the war is never over…” Lady England said to her placing her hand on her arm. As the two heroines were teleported onto the saucer, they reflected on the mission.
“At least no hostages were harmed……Martial Girl is too hard on herself. The mission was a success” Lady England said. Eliza was quiet.
“what’s wrong lovely?”
“I got my ass handed to me…..its happening too often….”
“That Demon Swan handed us all of or arses so don’t take it so personally…”
“but she humiliated me more than once…..I almost died…..and she exposed my fear with the lasso…..this is something I need to deal with…..I have decided to enter myself for the trials of might”
Lady England gave her a worrisome look.
“are you sure? Do you not think you are over thinking this?”
“ok….but no heroine has succeeded. Only male heroes have passed them and not many. They will test your body and will the to extreme and don’t forget…..Captain Invincible will be overseeing the trials”
“I don’t care…..beating the trials of might will assure me an enhanced inner strength, you should join me Olivia”
“I am confident I can win, but entering the trials means complete distraction, what if I am needed elsewhere. Besides I endure enough trials in the field and I sense that more are coming my way. If you truly want to do this, then I support you….but for a period the world will be without one of its superhero powerhouses, so I need to be available and ready”
“I won’t be gone for long…..don’t worry.”
However, Lady England was more than worried. She wondered whether the Texan Wonder, a super powered woman who in past was defeated by an ordinary human named Modesty blaze; would be able to win the trials at all.

Back on the ground, Martial Girl had managed to slip out of the building without leaving through the lobby of the hotel. She found herself walking lonesome on a beach, the night wrapped around the sky with some visible stars. Dressed in civilian attire she wore tight jean shorts and a crop top T shirt with flip flops. The humidity of Singapore was welcome and since she had been in the country her skin had slowly been turning a lovely golden brown. But despite her angelic appearance, a strenuous cloud was cast over her mind. Her thoughts centred on Fight Doll, her limitations as a non super powered heroine, and what she felt was a complete failure as a rookie in one of her most important Lighting League missions. Despite the fact that no hostages were harmed, all she could feel was her powerlessness as Darius defeated and ravaged her body, how weak she was against Demon Swan and the forces of magic.
“Ive got to become more powerful…..stronger…..or I may as well just be a bimbo cheerleader or worse…an Instagram influencer”

Suddenly Martial Girl was surrounded by a group of shadowy figures. Each of the five men were dressed in black with masks much like a stereotype ninja.
“Listen guys, Im not in the mood. Leave me be or I will not hold back.”
The men in black failed to heed her advice and were punished accordingly. Martial Girl saw an opportunity to unleash her anger and frustration. In the past she had rarely succumbed to such raw emotional passion when fighting. The five bodies lay around her on the beach and Suzy felt a sense of catharsis. As she looked at the moonlit sea she could see a figure emerging from the waters, a dark, tall figure.
“You must come with me”
“err let me think about it…..I think Im going to pass, there’s something about shadowy men that emerge from the sea”
Martial Girl immediately threw a whiplashing round house kick. The mysterious opponent raised a forearm and it was as if she had struck her shin against a bamboo tree. She continued to attack but it was like fighting a block.
“He’s clearly enhanced!” Suzy thought to herself.
“You fight well……almost perfectly….if only you had supernatural” the man from the ocean said. He charged at her with his shoulder, she was unprepared for his speed and sheer power. The force flung her slim frame backwards and away from the sea, she felt her back crash against the barrel chest of another man. His python arms wrapped around her tiny waist as he lifted her up from the ground and he squeezed.
“hello my dear…..we meet again!”
She turned to get a glimpse and noticed the mask. It was Tiger Ghost. Her mind became clouded again. Where did he take Fight Doll? I saved Tiger Ghost’s life, how dare he attack me? What is going on? What are his plans and who is this man he is working with? The questions were like blurry thoughts passing through her brain. It was enough to obfuscate her fighting intelligence.
“Uuuuuuuuuuuugh” she groaned as the last of her oxygen was depleted and her body slumped limp in Tiger Ghosts arms. He threw her over his shoulder.
“Finally….she will make good money for me in the pits” he said.
“whatever… can have your fun” the man from the sea replied.
“you will provide me with the information I require regarding your past clients…”
“a deal is a deal”
“Good…..the surface world must pay for its crimes!”
Tiger Ghost was disturbed as his ears caught the man’s voice suddenly transmute into a very clear female voice. The masculine frame of his would be partner also morphed into a woman’s physique, albeit a very strong and athletic one.
“I clearly have much to learn about the gender identities of your race….” he said.
The man/woman laughed. “We are like the sea…..ever fluid and ever changing…..the true rulers and overlords of this planet…”

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
Joined: 12 years ago

Another good story, looking forward to the next one
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks again :)

More stories will be on the patreon. I will post here once in a while but the story arc will continue there
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

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Hello fellow villains and heroine hunters!

I am very excited to announce that I have finally got all my content together and I am happy to announce that I am launching my Patreon - Primal Tales!

If you have enjoyed my stories and content documenting the adventures of Lady England, the Texan Wonder, the Mystic Dancers and many others, please do support me and I will promise to continue the saga and story arcs with plenty of delicious defeats of your favourite superheroines! Expect these gorgeous, sexy, powerful, sassy, iron willed females to be mentally, physically and erotically challenged in the most devious ways possible.

But what do Patrons expect to get for the pledges?

1. New stories and adventures with the main arc updated weekly

2. short stories involving established and new characters updated weekly or bi weekly 

3. fan fiction involving popular characters such as Wonder Woman, Batgirl and others

4. Original Images and art work based on my characters and inspiration

5. curated images and art that have inspired my work

6. customs will receive an additional charge
7. Interaction with me, a real life super villain! Let me know what you would like to see in my content!
8. I shall be playing with the idea of a photo comic book based on my own photography
9. I hope to be working with artists such as Angelic Kitten and Kerbcrawler.
10. I also have a discord so that I can communicate with you all in a more user friendly setting. There I will promote the patreon, have updates and more important be able to communicate with you all more efficiently, and get to know your opinions better. The Discord link is -

So finally here is the link for the Patreon : ... =join_link

Do let me know if there are any problems!
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