K & Whiff get a job

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“Hey Jordan did you see this?” asked her roommate Ali as she scrolled through the campus website on her laptop. “Local campus bar looks to stock up on Student Athletes this summer, plans ceremonies to honor State U’s sports teams. Did you know about this?”

“Yeah. They discussed it in the meeting at work that you missed last week. Trying to improve our image. Get us in better with the school.” Answered Jordan.

“Do you think any of these girls are going to come?” asked Ali
“Yep. From what I understand the girls who are our top choices won’t have a choice. Their coaches are getting pressured by school administration.”
“Even Donna and Erin?”
“They have been id’d as the #1 additions to the team. They’ll be there.”
“That should be an interesting ceremony then.”
“Daisy Dukes? Why would they be honoring female athletes? They dress their waitresses like country whores.” asked Erin.

“It says here they are trying to beef up their image. They interviewed the general manager of the place, some girl named Rory Andrews. She said ‘We are trying to improve our image in the eyes of the administration at State U. What better way to do that than to celebrate their Athletes achievements by honoring them at a weekly ceremony.”

Coach says we gotta go Erin.” Reminded Donna
Leading up to the softball team’s ceremony Donna and Erin asked around if other girls were going and to their chagrin they were. In fact, some of the girls had been approached about working at Daisy Dukes over the summer.

“All of our girls are going. Coaches orders. Not to mention the Basketball and gymnastics teams have already had theirs” Said Erin in an annoyed tone.
“I think the administration is leaning on them. Daisy Dukes brings in a lot of money on game days for the school. Doesn’t surprise me that they are invested in it.” Replied Donna.
“Yeah but work there? Erika Jacobsen and Summer Brown both said they are starting this weekend”
“They make a ton of money. I can see why.”
“Donna really? Have you seen what they wear?”
“Not my deal for sure, but can’t hate on the ones who do work there. Money is money.”
“Jordan, Ali tonight is very important. Once the ceremony is over, bring Donna and Erin to the vip room for a special toast and dessert. With these 2 our team will be complete”

“On it boss. Make it seem like no big deal, very casual like the other times.” Replied Jordan

“Correct. Once we’ve toasted you take them and condition them for the next phase. I’ll finish up with the celebration.”
“Sure thing. We’ll let you know when everything is completed.”
Daisy Dukes was packed with fans and partiers alike. The State U softball team stood tall yet irritated at the ceremony honoring their National Championship. The girls were all there including Donna and Erin. Both were wearing sundresses and sandals as were their teammates. They were far more covered up than their female counterparts at the bar.

The DD uniforms were of course patterned after Daisy Duke, so they wore cut-off denim shorts, a red shirt that was tied in a knot above their stomachs, red high heels and shiny nude pantyhose.

“Please accept this plaque honoring another historic season for the State U Women’s softball team.” Announced Rory Andrews, the 5’8 red headed General Manager of DD.

Donna strode over to meet Rory in the center of the stage along with State U Chancellor Davis and New Athletic Director Maria Lester. She shook all of their hands, took a few pictures and went to take her place back in line.

“Did she offer you a job D?” snickered the girls.

“We invite everyone to stay for the festivities tonight with 2 for 1 shots, drinks and beers all night long!” announced Rory over the mic to the delight of everyone in attendance.

“You guys gonna stay?” asked Donna
The answers were mixed, but turned into a yes for all when new Athletic Director Maria Lester overheard them discussing potentially leaving. “Ladies, Dukes has spent a great deal of money here tonight and over the past couple of weeks. And in turn, makes the school a great deal of money since it is located on school property. Your equipment, uniforms, stadium grounds keeping? Some of that will now be supplemented with revenue earned by Dukes. It would be rude to leave without staying for a while.”

Erin got furious, but was grabbed by Donna before she said anything. “Erin, don’t get yourself in hot water with the administration.”
“Didn’t the administration just recently recover quite a bit of money thanks to us?”
“Erin come on. Let’s get drunk, I’ll buy”
“Yeah come on Erin, let’s get some shots.” Said a teammate
“Whatever. Fine” she seethed as she stared down the demure Ms. Lester.
A little while later, as the softball girls danced Donna and Erin were approached by Jordan and Ali. “Donna, Erin Rory would like to invite the 2 star players back to our VIP area for a special toast and dessert menu.”
“Nice outfits.” Sneered Erin
“Thanks” said the girls
“Their as dumb as they look. You look ridiculous” Erin said turning to Donna. Jordan and Ali both looked at each other with puzzled looks.
“No thanks, we’re fine out here.” Interjected Donna.
“It will only take a couple of minutes ladies. It would mean a lot to her.” Pleaded Ali
“We’ll come” said Donna grabbing Erin by the arm.
“Excellent, please follow us.”

Jordan and Ali lead Donna and Erin through the bar back into the VIP area into a room full of couches. “This way please.” Jordan was 5’8 and had brunette hair, while Ali’s hair was a little lighter and stood 5’7.

Both Donna and Erin were less than sober. Their sundresses flowed freely as they walked into the room.
“Ladies welcome. Very glad you joined us” said Rory as she welcomed them in. “This will only take a minute. I wanted to propose a toast and have a special dessert with 2 of State U’s premiere athletes.”

“Thanks Rory, but we’ve had plenty of booze tonight. We do appreciate the offer though” said Donna in a sincere voice.
“Understood, but I insist you try our brand new soufflé. We prepared it especially for you.” Responded Rory motioning to the covered plates in front of them on one of the pub tables.
“Fine let’s get this over with” replied Erin grabbing the lid of one of the plates.

Out of the corner of Donna’s eye she saw a reflection of Ali and Jordan dawning some sort of masks. She then noticed Rory putting one on.
“Erin it’s a trap” shouted Donna
But Erin, being fairly drunk was not her usual quick witted self, lifted the cover off the plate. POP! Hissssssssss
The blonde was consumed in a red gas cloud. “Cough Cough, Donna help!”

Donna kicked the pub table across the room sending the gas spewing desserts sliding across the floor. As she went to help Erin she was grabbed from behind by Ali. Donna elbowed Ali in the gut doubling her over, then dropped her with a karate chop to the back of the neck.

Donna ran over and pushed Jordan away from the groggy Erin who was somehow still conscious. “Erin, get out of here and get help.”
“Whaaat about chew?” responded a groggy Erin
“I’ll be fine now go” said Donna as she pushed Erin towards the exit of the VIP, knowing she was in trouble as she had no weapons and was only wearing a sundress and sandals.

But before she knew it she was spun around by Jordan who tried to punch her. Donna ducked it and countered with a belly shot. She grabbed the doubled over waitress by the arm and swung her around into the oncoming Rory stopping her in her tracks. Both girls writhed on the floor trying to get their breath.

Donna had her chance. She turned to head back to the bar to find Erin and get help. But “MMMMPHHHH”

Donna walked into a face full of a bandana doused in chloroform. Ali had recovered and readied the equalizer in case of emergency and this qualified.

Donna clawed at Ali’s hands, but she had taken such a giant initial breath, was already starting to slow. Her mmppph’s into the cloth began to slow down and her eyes wanted nothing more than to close. Donna hoped Erin had gotten out for help because she was in trouble. Her long legs gave out and she felt Ali grab her around the waist to keep her close. The fumes were too much for the All-American and her eyes fluttered and closed with one last mmmph. Ali released her and Donna hit the floor with a thud.

Unfortunately for Donna, Erin never made it out of the VIP room. Before capturing Donna, Ali headed Erin off.
“Move bitch or I’m gonna kick your MMMMPHHH.” Said Erin
Ali grabbed Erin and applied the tainted cloth to her face. Erin had little strength from the gas she inhaled and could do little to stop her impending nap. She tried to stomp on Ali’s feet, but to no avail. Erin’s head spun from the booze, gas and now chloroform. She wanted to sleep and stopped resisting as her baby blues rolled up and closed. She collapsed to the floor on her side.

“Nice job Ali.” Thanked Jordan helping Rory up
“They are perfect! I mean Donna was outnumbered 3 to 1 and still almost got away.” Beamed Rory “Get them conditioned ASAP so we can begin our 1st task.”

“No problem Rory, we’ll find you when it’s complete.” Said Ali as she began to drag Donna out of the lounge by her bare feet.
Jordan scooped up Erin and threw her over her shoulder.

Donna felt sick. There was something stinging her nose “Smelling Salts?” Her head bobbed. The 1st thing she saw when her eyes opened were her recently painted toes as her feet were side to side. Trying to rub her splitting head, she realized her arms were tied behind her to her chair. “Uhhh”

Erin also felt terrible. Not only had she been chloroformed, she was also partially gassed and hung-over. She too first focused on her feet before realizing she was tied to her chair.

“You guys ok?” whispered Ali “Here drink this” as she offered Donna a glass.
“Untie us right now!” Seethed Donna
“Be quiet Donna or you’ll get us all caught.” Whispered Jordan
“What do you mean? Let us go.” Shouted Erin
“You guys have to shut up and listen or you’ll end up like your other athlete friends Erika and Summer” said Ali
“What did you do to them?”
“It wasn’t us, it was Rory. She is recruiting an elite crew to commit robberies around town.
“What? You are kidding.” Said Donna groggily
“Wish I was. We’ve been undercover here for 6 months. We’d been hearing about students disappearing for a short while only to end up working here at Daisy Dukes. People who would never step foot in here let alone work here.” Explained Ali

“Rory is recruiting an elite team of crooks to commit crimes around town. People like you guys are invaluable to her. Along with Summer and Erika, plus the computer geeks and gymnasts she has, this will be a formidable team.” Said Jordan

“I knew it. There’s no way Erika and Summer would ever work here.” Said Erin shaking the cobwebs out. “How are they convincing them to do this?”

“Mind control. Like we did with you 2, the girls are brought back to the vip room, gassed and taken here to the conditioning room. From here they are returned and never knew the difference.” Said Jordan

“With the exception being that they know work here and spend the nights prowling around town.” Followed Ali.

“Why are you telling us this now? Why not warn us before the ceremony? Why not bust Rory?” asked Donna
“Not safe. Rory was getting you guys regardless if you came or not.” Replied Ali
“But was chloroforming us really necessary? Asked a pissed Erin. “Between that and the gas and booze I’m gonna barf”
“Sorry about the chloroform. But we had to play along to make sure you are safe. We’ll make it as if you are conditioned and let you go. Believe me my neck is killing me from Donna’s chop.” Replied Ali “Besides, this was the 1st time Rory let us condition by ourselves. We weren’t able to help the other girls, but had to help you.”

“But we aren’t conditioned and aren’t playing along.” Said Donna. “Untie us”
“Donna, trust us. You need to pretend to be conditioned cuz if Rory suspects otherwise, we’re all gonna end up that way.” Pleaded Ali
“Do you mean like work here play along?” asked Erin
“I mean everything. Working here, going along with the night moves. Everything.”
“You are fucking nuts. Why don’t we just go to the campus police?” asked Erin
“We’re not sure how deep this goes?” replied Jordan
“How deep? Like the school police are involved with Rory?” Asked Donna
“Not sure. We think at least the administration has something to do with it.” Answered Jordan
“Why would the administration care about Daisy Dukes?” asked Erin
“It’s like Maria said, this place brings in a ton of money for the school. Any extra cash could make its way into someone’s pocket, to let them stay around.” Said Donna
“Donna’s right. In fact that is who we work for.” Answered Ali
“The administration?”
“Correct. We’re hired by a high ranking school administrator. They’ve told us that you know how to get a hold of K & Whiff. We’re hoping between us and your friends we can bring Rory down.”
“We don’t know K & Whiff. What school administrator?” asked Erin
“Can’t tell you that just yet. But it is someone high up.” Answered Ali
“What organization are you with?”asked Donna
“We are independent security personnel.”
“But you go to school here?” asked Erin
“Yep. Trained by our fathers who were CIA.” Said Ali

“Let me ask you something, why not take Rory yourselves? You can obviously handle yourselves in a fight” said Donna
“Rory is very shifty. And we need her arranging and carrying out a couple of crimes to make this stick.” Said Jordan
“Plus we aren’t equipped to take anyone down in these outfits.” Answered Ali. “We don’t have our guns on us when we’re at Dukes. Just in our lockers.”
“You took us down” quipped Erin
“Barely.” snapped Jordan

“We have to wrap this up. Can you get to K & Whiff and fill them in?” asked Ali
“We do not have a cell for them if that’s what you’re asking.” Snapped Erin
“We’ll leave word for them. But about us, we are not coming to work here” said Donna
“You have to. Otherwise Rory will send someone else to get you in which case we can’t protect you. Right now working at Dukes is your best option.”

Donna looked at Erin. They needed to speak in private but couldn’t. She knew K & Whiff could catch Rory no problem, but pretending to be mind controlled and committing crimes was something else. Not to mention working at Daisy Dukes. But if what Ali and Jordan were saying was true, they didn’t have much of a choice.

“Fine. We’ll do it. But we are not committing any crimes. We’d lose our scholarships if we’re caught” said Donna
“WHAT?! No way. Are you nuts Donna? Let’s go to the police, or coach. How do we even know they’re telling us the truth” Shouted Erin
“Erin, I don’t but it’s out best bet right now. We need to find K & Whiff and let them know what is going on here. Should only be a couple of days.”
“Erin, trust me on this. I believe Ali and Jordan”
Erin shook her head in disgust “A couple of days until we find K & Whiff. That’s it”

“Let’s get you out of here and go see Rory.” Said Jordan
“WE just act normal? Inquired Donna
“Yep. The conditioning allows Rory to control everyone without trigger words. They think they are supposed to come here and do her bidding. Just do what she says and she’ll suspect nothing.” Responded Ali as she untied Donna
“What if she does?”
“Then we’ll step in. But only as a last resort”
“uhhh, guys. What are the trigger words?” asked Erin
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that” smiled Jordan

“Alabama is the trigger to go to the back room for instruction on your missions. Mississippi is the trigger to come in if you are not already at the bar. Montana is the trigger that someone is on to us and needs to be conditioned.” Explained Jordan

“There are only 3?” asked Donna
“As of now, yes. Rory wanted to make it simple” answered Ali. “You guys got it?”
“What do you mean by someone needs to be conditioned?” asked Erin
“If someone like a friend, coach, acquaintance figured this out, they will be conditioned. But don’t worry, we won’t let that happen.”
“You guys good?” asked Ali
Donna and Erin looked at each other and nodded.

“Rory. They are ready” said Ali as she lead Donna and Erin into her office.
“I am so glad you guys decided to come and work here. We have so much fun working here don’t we ladies?” said Rory as Ali & Jordan nodded in unison. “Now here are your uniforms. You start tomorrow night”

Erin and Donna took the uniforms and thanked Rory for the chance to work at Dukes. Ali and Jordan escorted them out of her office.
“So far so good guys. See you tomorrow.” Said Ali
“How do we get a hold of you if we need to?” “Asked Donna
“Or while we are at work?” followed Erin
“At Dukes, just say you have a run in your pantyhose and that will signal us” said Jordan
“And text this number if we are not at work” replied Ali
“You guys have 3 days.” Said Donna in a stern voice
“We know.”
“We look like hookers Donna” said Erin as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“Yeah, these things are pretty short. But doesn't the pantyhose help?”
“Short would be nice. These don’t even cover my ass. And no the pantyhose doesn't help. I can't even walk in these heels. What are people gonna say about us Donna? We should go in as K/Whiff and bust them”
“I’ve thought about that. But like Jordan and Ali said, we don’t want to end up under Rory’s control. Let’s see how the 1st shift goes and figure it from there. We’ll come up with a plan”

Outside of their feet killing them from their heels, Donna and Erin made it through their 1st shift with no problem. As they were tidying up Rory came out and said, “boy it sure must be hot in Alabama this time of year.”

Immediately the girls stopped what they were doing and walked into the VIP area, Donna and Erin included. They joined Erika Jacobsen, Summer Brown State U’s top basketball players, Lila Sherrington who was the school’s top gymnast and Irena Salas who was head of the online gaming community and a computer geek for the ages. Ali and Jordan were also there along with Rory. None of them looked like they belonged in their Dukes outfits, but their conditioned minds did not know any better.

“Ladies tonight is our 1st of many missions. This one should be a lay-up. NO pun intended Erika and Summer. You are to break into the school’s records building and get the blueprints for State U National Bank. Bring them back here. Any questions? Good luck.” Instructed Rory

The girls were given red masks and leotards to wear as their criminal guises. Donna and Erin reluctantly put on much more conservative outfits and followed the girls out. Ali and Jordan gave them a nod as they left the bar.

“D, we can’t do this. If we get caught we are screwed.” Whispered Erin
“I know but I have an idea.” Donna replied

As they arrived to the records building, Erika easily jumped and covered the camera in front of the door with a towel. Irena Salas knelt down and plugged a cord into the door and began punching away on her laptop. The numbers on the screen were rifling through combos to open the door, finally finding one and popping it open.

Lila Sherrington took a run and tumbled her way through the front hallway avoiding the cameras. She landed behind the front desk and quickly disabled the cameras allowing the rest of the girls to enter.

Donna and Erin stayed outside to keep watch as they told the girls. “Ok what’s the plan?”
“I’m gonna pull the fire alarm”
“Good idea, we’ll have to split before they find anything.”
“Right. Ok I’m off.”

Donna went into the building and found the fire alarm. She quickly pulled and then bolted back outside.

The rest of the team joined them and they took off. “What happened?” asked Summer Brown.
“Not sure. Did we set the alarm off?” asked Erika
“No way. The cameras were disabled.” Answered Irena

Just then they heard the fire engines.
“Fire alarm. How did this happen?” asked an annoyed Rory.
“No idea. We disconnected everything Rory.” Answered Irena
“Obviously you didn’t because the fire alarm went off. And you didn’t get the plans for the bank. Tomorrow there better not be any more mistakes. See you tomorrow.”

The girls disbanded and left the bar. The next night had similar results, but this time the band of coed crooks did manage to get the plans for the bank before Erin restarted the alarm system in the records building.

Donna and Erin texted Ali and Jordan to talk. They agreed to meet in the middle of the night.

“You guys did great. Pulling that fire alarm was genius.” Smiled Ali. “But did you ever get a hold of K and Whiff?”
“We exchanged texts. Said there is enough evidence and should apprehend Rory at once.” Answered Donna
“Excellent. We’ll make contact with our administration person and will take her down tomorrow night when you are out on mission.” Said Jordan
“By the way, K and Whiff need to know who your contact is.” Asked Erin
“Fair enough, it’s Maria Lester.” Answered Jordan
“Really? She hired you?”
“It’s funny because she made us stay at the ceremony even though we wanted to leave.” Said Donna
“Hmmm. Guess she was trying to help us with the case.” Said Ali. “You know about that Jordan?”
“She gave us this speech about how Dukes is good for the campus and revenue for the school.”
“She was playing the good soldier. Putting up a front ya know? Well no matter. We’ll meet with her tomorrow during our dinner break. K and Whiff should be at Dukes at midnight. Rory will be by herself and the 4 of us will take her down.” Explained Ali.
“Ok if anything changes let us know tomorrow.” Said Donna.
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Story General
Story General
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D, great story so far. Like the undercover portion and the DD uniforms are easy on the eyes (at least the mental ones :-D ) Erin and Donna's gassing and chloroforming were sweet as well.

Looking forward to more.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

A couple of files of our undercover waitresses
Undercover Jordan in her Daisy Dukes outfit
JOrdan.JPG (21.38 KiB) Viewed 5781 times
Undercover Ali in her Daisy Dukes outfit
Ali.JPG (17.37 KiB) Viewed 5781 times

Donna and Erin as themselves at the ceremony honoring State U's Softball Team.
Donna.jpg.JPG (19.1 KiB) Viewed 5767 times
Erin.jpg (16.56 KiB) Viewed 5766 times
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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Nice story, so far dubber! But I sense wrinkle coming! Can't wait to read more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes

The next night Ali and Jordan filled Athletic Director Maria Lester in on the mind controlled athletes, bank heist, contacting K & Whiff and their plan to arrest Rory. Maria was pleased and congratulated them on a job well done.

“Well done ladies. By this time tomorrow Dukes will be shut down.” Said Maria as she walked Ali and Jordan to the door of her office.
“Thanks Ms. Lester.” Answered the girls. “We’ll let you know as soon as Rory is apprehendddddd uhhhhhh”

Ali and Jordan began convulsing uncontrollably thanks to the 2 taser guns Maria had pressed to their necks.
Both dropped to the ground still shaking. Ali’s heart was racing and tried clearing the cobwebs.

“No need to let me know ladies, since Rory won’t be apprehended tonight. Or any night for that matter.” Said Maria slyly.
Jordan was also trying to recover from the stun gun attack. “What the hell are you doing Maria?”
“Protecting my investment and retirement fund. Rory and I go back a long way. Daisy Dukes did not land on State U’s campus by accident.” Said Maria as she waked over to her desk.

Jordan and Ali tried desparately crawling to the door. They left their weapons in their lockers at work, not figuring they would need them.

“Come on Ali. We gotta get out of here.” Pleaded Jordan as she tried to help them both to their feet. “Oooof”

Maria kicked them both onto their backs, “Enough talk for now, time to get you two ready for conditioning.” She said as she knelt down.

Jordan and Ali were both defenseless as Maria pressed the chloroform doused rags over their faces. They could hardly mmmppph in protest as the stun guns zapped their strength and soon both welcomed their forced slumber. Jordan’s brown eyes tried to stay open, but much like her partner’s they could not.

Satisfied, Maria removed the rags and walked back to her desk where she placed a call leaving the undercover agents where they were.
“Hey. You may want to come by. You’ll never guess who is out cold on the floor of my office.” She said. “Jordan and Ali. No, I’ll explain later. More importantly, you are being paid a visit tonight by none other than K & Whiff. We need to be prepared.” Maria hung up and produced several coils of rope from her desk. She quickly propped up Ali onto a chair and tied her to it. Jordan got the same treatment. As she finished 10 minutes later, Rory walked in.

Maria briefed Rory about how her two top waitresses came to be tied up in her office. She told Rory how she hired them to have an inside source as to when and if anyone was suspicious of their operation. Rory was not happy about not knowing Ali and JOrdan were undercover but let it go as it turned out that saved their bacon.

Rory quickly began the conditioning process. She needed Jordan and Ali back at the bar to help her deal with K & Whiff’s supposed surprise visit.

Meanwhile back at Dukes, Donna and Erin were relieved to finally see Jordan and Ali come back. Almost at once, Donna bent down and purposely snagged her pantyhose with her pen. “Dammit. I ran my pantyhose. Need to get another pair from my locker.”

Donna went back into the employee dressing rooms and was met by Jordan.
“All set for tonight?” asked Donna as she quickly removed her damaged hose.
“Yeah. K & Whiff should be here at midnight after you guys take off. We’ll meet up with them and take Rory down.” Explained Jordan not showing any sign of recently being placed under mind control.
“Great. We’ll catch up after it’s all done. Good luck.” Said Donna as she slid on her new pair of hose.
“Thanks. See you later.” Said Jordan.

Around 1130, Rory came out and gave her hot in Alabama speech thus summoning the mind controlled waitresses to the back. The plan was to take down the bank tonight.

They all changed into their red leotards and masks and made their way into the night. Donna and Erin nodded as they left, acknowledging that K & Whiff would be back.

After they had left. Donna and Erin peeled off from the group to change into their costumes. “D, we need to stop them before we take down Rory. We can’t let them go through with it.”
“You’re right Erin. Alright we have to move.”

In a snap they had changed from their revealing bank robbing outfits into the blue and white of K & Whiff.

Donna’s stacked frame filled her tight white/blue pinstriped jersey and her blue eyes were hidden behind a white mask. Tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, white tights, blue gloves and blue/white trainers completed the ensemble. Donna had a Bold Blue “K” across her chest. The royal blue and white went with State U’s logo.

Being a chemistry major had its advantages for the talented duo…they have created everything they use to fight crime in the school’s lab…

K is armed with 2 satchels of 10 hollowed out softballs. The balls are filled with a potent anesthetic making them extremely light and easy to throw. They have a little charge that is wired to explode when the balls hit their target. The gas is released when the balls explode knocking its intended victim out quickly. When necessary Donna whips them at her victims as if she was pitching in a game. Very fast and impossible to dodge. Her utility belt had assorted tools associated with a super heroine.

The colors were the same, but Whiff’s outfit had a few differences from K’s. Whiff’s tight jersey was blue with white sleeves rather than the white/blue of K and she wore opaque blue tights instead of the white. Her tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, blue mask, trainers were the same, although Whiff’s elbow length gloves were white as opposed to blue.

Whiff has 2 large atomizer pistols on either side of her utility belt. Both are filled with a similar spray to what K has in her softballs. The liquid spray instantly turns gaseous after striking its target. Where as K rifles blistering underhand pitches at her victims, Whiff has deadly accuracy with her atomizer pistols. She takes her time before firing. Being a junk ball pitcher, she can hit anything from 60 feet away. And the closer she gets the better her aim. Bottom line, she rarely misses her mark.

They quickly caught up with the Dukes crew before they reached the bank. Because time was of the essence, they moved in aggressively.
“I’ll take Summer and Erika, you get Lila and Irena” whispered Donna.

K moved in from the front and confronted the 4 mind controlled coeds. She already had one of her rigged softballs in her right hand. All 4 stopped in their tracks. She heard them discussing what to do. Knowing they were not themselves, K knew they would want to fight.

Whiff with her sleep pistols drawn, flanked them and moved in. She too knew that they needed to take them quickly before they got hurt.

Whiff whispered “psst, hi guys” to get their attention away from K. Erika and Summer charged K but were quickly felled by 2 gas filled softballs that exploded upon impacting their chests. Whiff easily doused Irena and Lila with her blue sleep spray. Both ended up on their backs.

K and Whiff quickly tied their hands behind their backs with their athletic sticky tape and dragged them behind the Physics Building. They then tied them sitting Indian style to each other so there was no way they could get out.

“They'll be out for a while. Once we take care of Rory, we can come back and free them” said K looking at the 4 unconscious controlled crooks.
“Rory will need to release them from their mind control. Boy are they not going to like how they are dressed.” Replied Whiff.

The hot heroines quickly made their way to Daisy Dukes where they were met by Jordan and Ali.
“IS she inside?” asked Whiff
“Yeah, back in the VIP area.” Answered Ali. “Where are the other girls? Did you guys catch them?”
“They are secured behind the Physics building. Once we’re done here we’ll go back for them and release them from the hypnosis.” Answered Whiff

“Where are your guy’s weapons?” asked K
“Didn’t have time to grab them. Rory was going to leave and we had to stall till you got here.” Answered Ali
“No matter. We can take her, but really could have used your weapons.” said K

“From what Donna and Erin told us Rory has access to knock-out gas and chloroform; is that true?” asked Whiff
“Correct. Anything that is covered on a plate is rigged to explode with knock-out gas as soon as it’s opened. As far as chloroform, we’ve only used that on Donna and Erin.” Answered Jordan
K & Whiff both remembered the latter well as they exchanged glances. “Any other booby traps or the like?” asked Whiff
“That’s it. It’s like we told Donna and Erin, the other 4 girls were easy for Rory to catch. So there is nothing too elaborate.” Said Ali

“Ok you guys go back in as per usual. She needs to think everything is normal. We will sneak into the VIP and surprise Rory. But be careful if we start using our weapons. You’ll be no use to anyone it you get caught in the crossfire.” Said Donna
“Got it. See you in there” said Ali and Jordan

K readied her softballs, while Whiff checked her supply of gas in her pistols. “You would think federal agents would have weapons at an arrest.” Whispered Whiff
“No kidding. But I’m glad they stalled Rory or we would have had to wait until tomorrow to catch her. Which means another day of work at Daisy Dukes” smiled K
“No way. Bitch is going down tonight.” Said Whiff

Our heroines
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New State U Athletic Director Maria Lester
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I thought I smelled a double-cross in there somewhere! Let's hope K and Whiff are prepared for what awaits them...or not! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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D looking forward to the ambush, good work with the dress program!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

Figure 8 months is enough time to go by without an update:

About 10 minutes later, the softballin superheroines made their way through the dark bar. It was empty. They carefully approached the VIP area. Peering through the door they saw Rory pacing back and forth but there was no sign of Jordan and Ali.

“Where are they?” whispered Whiff
“Not sure. We told them to keep Rory occupied. “Answered K.
“Maybe they went to get their weapons?” asked Whiff
“Nahh. Something’s not right. She seems totally nervous. Get ready” whispered K preparing to kick through the doors.

But before they moved in, they saw why. Rory walked to the far corner of the VIP room, bent down and began dragging something. As she came from behind the booths, K and Whiff saw what was being dragged…Jordan!

“K it’s Jordan!” whispered a shocked Whiff. “How’d this happen? They were only in here for a few minutes before us!”
“Damn it. Rory must have caught on to her.” Answered K, hoping Ali did not meet the same fate. But as soon as she saw Rory go back around to where she retrieved Jordan from, she knew Ali had been caught as well.

Rory dragged Ali next to Jordan. They were both on their backs as Rory began searching them. Rory removed one of Ali's heels and found her ID tucked inside and said “I knew it, FBI. Well they’ll make an excellent addition to the team with their connections around town. Just need to get them conditioned” as she ran a finger across the bottom of Ali's hose encased foot.

K looked at Whiff and whispered, “You ready?”
“We gotta go now before anything else goes wrong.” Replied Whiff
“OK we’ll flank her. Watch out for her, she is obviously way more crafty than Jordan and Ali bargained for.
“Let’s do it”

They burst in weapons drawn.
“Hold it right there Rory.” Ordered K.
“Well if it isn’t K and Whiff. Can I buy you 2 a drink?” asked Rory in a condescending voice.
“Not a chance Rory. You’re under arrest. We know all about this place being a front for a crime ring around town. Ali, Jordan led us right to you.” Explained Whiff

Rory feigned shock as she looked at the sleepy Ali and Jordan. “You bitches, I was going to share everything with you.”
“And you can add assault on federal agents to your list of charges.” Said K as she motioned to the asleep agents. “Now turn around and place your hands behind your back”
“OK, OK calm down.” Said an irritated Rory.

K holstered her weapons and approached and turned Rory around and began wrapping her wrists with their patented sticky athletic tape. “Whiff check on them”

Whiff quickly holstered her weapon as well and tried reviving the 2 agents with no luck. “They’re out cold. What did you do to them Rory?” asked Whiff
“Just offered them something to take the edge off. They’ll be good as new” replied Rory
“For your sake they better be” Said K as she turned Rory around.
“Look for yourselves”

K and Whiff turned around to see Jordan and Ali on their feet each pointing a pistol at them.
“Slowly drop your utility belts” said Jordan

“Jordan what the hell are you doing?” asked K
“Drop your utility belts or else” said Ali cocking her pistol
"But you were both out cold?" said a surprised Whiff
“I’d do what they say ladies” said Rory

K and Whiff looked at each other.
“NOW!” yelled Jordan cocking her weapon

K undid her belt and slid it down her hips and long legs on to the floor. Whiff followed suit. Ali pushed K and Whiff away from their belts and then went and cut Rory’s hands free.

“You see Jordan and Ali are under my control as will the 2 of you. We lured you into this trap and are now going to be part of our team.” Said Rory rubbing her hands where they had been taped.

“You’ll have to kill us first.” Said Whiff
“Now that won’t be necessary Whiff. We’ll give you a little something to help with the process. You won’t feel a thing. Bring them over.”

Ali and Jordan nudged K and Whiff over towards one of the booths. Waiting for them were two covered plates exactly like the ones they tried to get Donna and Erin with.

K knew if they were gassed it meant being mind controlled but she had no ideas. Having almost taken all 3 down in her alter ego before, she knew they could take them in hand 2 hand. Whiff was also racking her brain but drew a blank.

“Surely you’re both familiar with knock-out gas? Breathe normally and leave the rest to me” said Rory. “Ali, do the honors”

Ali set her gun on the table and grabbed K’s arms. She forced her head down to the 1st covered gas rigged dish and told K to pull the lid off. K resisted but Ali began twisting her arm. K screamed in pain. “DO it now” ordered Ali.

K reached for the lid but instead bent her head down to her knees and nailed Ali with a roundhouse kick from her left leg.

The distraction allowed Whiff to quickly elbow Jordan in the face staggering her and sending her gun sliding across the room.

Rory went for Ali’s gun on the table but was met with a stinging kick to her mid-section from K. Ali recovered and jumped on top of K’s back but was quickly flipped onto the floor.

Whiff went for her utility belt but was grabbed by Jordan who spun her around and popped her on the chin. Whiff was dazed and then left breathless as Jordan kneed her in the stomach. Jordan had 5 inches on Whiff and was having her way with her.

K made it over and kidney punched the controlled agent dropping her to her knees. But K was quickly grabbed by Rory from behind. Ali got off a gut shot before K kicked her in the chin.

Whiff had recovered enough to fend off Jordan’s next attack. Her belt was across the room so she fought on. Jordan tried a kick but Whiff grabbed her right pantyhose encased leg. While hopping on her other leg Jordan jumped up and nailed Whiff in the back of the head sending her to the floor. Jordan hopped on top of her with a choke hold.

Whiff, already seeing spots from the vicious kick to the back of her head, had her air supply cut off. In a last ditch effort she grabbed one of the waitresses’ drink platters and connected it with the top of Jordan’s brunette head. She fell back on her butt. Whiff was coughing but had regained the advantage. Jordan had gotten to her feet. Whiff picked up the drink platter and swung it nailing Jordan in the chin spinning her around and dropping her unconscious.

Whiff was still regaining her breath when she saw Rory applying a bear hug to her partner. Ali was landing gut shot after gut shot on K. Whiff approached from behind and nailed Rory in the back with the drink platter. K fell to her knees gasping for air. Whiff then caught Ali with the drink platter as well.

Whiff ran and grabbed her pistol from her utility belt. “Alright enough. Get up slowly” she instructed Ali and Rory. “You ok?”

“Yeah, thanks” said K as Whiff helped her to her feet.

Ali and Rory both dazed from the brawl wearily stood with their hands in the air.

“Ah nice work K and Whiff” said a voice entering the VIP room.

The heroines spun around and saw Maria Lester, State U’s AD walking towards them. Her high heels echoed in the rafters of the room.

“Ms. Lester. You gave us quite a start” said K going to meet her.

“I heard from agents Ali and Jordan that this was going down tonight. I see that you apprehended Rory. Well done” said Maria.

“Yeah but Ali and Jordan came under hypnosis and attacked us. That is why we they are in custody along with Rory” said Whiff as Maria stood next to them.

“I was wondering about that. Is Jordan alright?”
“She’ll be fine” answered Whiff

“All this being said, State U owes you two a big debt of gratitude K and Whiff. Now don’t let me hold you two up. Please finish up, would you like me to summon the authorities?” asked Maria

“They’d be a big help Ms. Lester. I do not want to leave my partner here alone with them” said K.

“No problem, I’ll call them on my cell” she said digging through her purse as she sunk back towards the middle of the room.

But Maria did not produce her cell phone from her purse. As K was cuffing Rory via her sticky athletic tape, she saw Maria sneaking up behind Whiff.

“Whiff behind you!”
“Ughh” was all that the heroine could muster as her arms flailed and she fell to the floor out cold. Whiff had been cold-cocked from behind by State U’s athletic director.

K charged Maria Lester but stopped in her tracks as Maria pointed her gun at K. K looked down at her fallen partner who was lying on her stomach. “Sorry K, but this bar and its dealings are going to make me wealthy and keep me in total control of the University’s finances. Grab her.”

Ali immediately grabbed K’s arms and held her. Maria went over the table and motioned for Ali to lead K to her. “Now to finish what we started”

“You will never get away with this Maria. I swear to…”
“Enough talking K” said Maria as she lifted the lid to the covered plate. K was struggling for all she was worth but was halted when the gas sprung from the covered plate and into K’s face. She coughed a few times, swooned and passed out into Ali’s arms. Ali dropped her to the floor in a heap.

State U’s prized protectors were in a good deal of trouble.
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Great update D! Excellent fight with plenty of double crosses!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I second that emotion Dub! Thanks!
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I've been getting more into the stories on this board. I really liked this one!
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WOW excellent story!!! K and Whiff are becoming favorites of mine. Hope there is a deathtrap waiting our masked maidens!!
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Welcome back Dub!! Great update! Look forward to the next segment or any of your brilliant stories. Hope we don't have to wait another 8 months. :D =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

So I can start up a new K/Whiff needed to tidy this thing up. Not sure if I like it or not. LEt you guys decide. Cheers!

"Are they ready?" asked Rory.
"Yes Rory." answered Jordan and Ali as they finished checking the bonds that secured K and Whiff.

They were tied to chairs and were slowly coming to.

"Glad you 2 could join us once again" whispered Rory

K's vision was blurry from her gas attack. Whiff was not doing much better. She had been cold cocked by Maria's gun and had a massive headache.

"Good, at least we don't have to hear any of your 'You'll never get away with it' crap" said Rory. "You two are going to be my biggest acquisitions yet. Having you under our control will ensure we never get caught by school authorities, yet can also use your skills to keep our crime spree top notch."

"We will never help you Rory" seethed a groggy K.
"Unfortunately ladies there is no choice." said Maria Lester. "GO on Rory get started."

Rory began waving a medallion in front of the groggy heroines. Ali and Jordan held their heads to make them stare at the medallion. "A few more minutes and State U's Prized Protectors will be mine." Thought Rory.

Just then Summer, Erika, Lila and Irena came back into the bar.
"Where have you been?" asked Maria
"They got us" said Summer motioning to K & Whiff
"Well we got them, so they will be on our side from now on." instructed Maria
All eyes were trained on K & Whiff as their eyes began to gloss over. Ali & Jordan no longer needed to hold their heads as they were now at attention. Summer motioned for them to come over.

"What'd we miss Ali?" asked Summer
"We had a big fight but Ms. Lester saved the day." answered Ali
"They are almost conditioned" said Jordan.
"Cool. Hey guys let me show you what we got

Summer motioned over to Ali "Guys we're gonna see what we got from the bank? Join us?"
Jordan and Ali both nodded and told Maria and Rory. THey agreed to let them go and they went into the back supply and liquor room of the bar.

As Lila and Irena knelt down and opened their satchels, Jordan and Ali looked on in anticipation.
"How much do you think we...?"

They were surprised when the bags all they saw was K & Whiff's utility belts and weapons.
"Huh? Guys where is the ugghh..." grunted Ali
"Ohhhuaa..." moaned Jordan

Both girls clobbered from behind with empty vodka bottles by Summer and Erika.
Summer grabbed the guns and cuffs from the unconscious and mind controlled agents. "Quickly cuff and gag them. Erika we have to get back out there. We don't have much time."

They made their way back into the bar and met Maria who was running towards them. "What was that?"
"Oh Jordan and Ali knocked over some recycling when they saw how much dough we got from the bank." Said Erika
"Well I'm glad everyone is excited but it disturbed Rory's control session. She had to start all over. I'll go and tell them to keep it down." said an irritated Maria.
"Maria we already told them to keep quiet." said a concerned Summer.
"I want to see how much we got in the heist. Stay here" said Maria as she walked off.

"You stay here and distract Rory, I'll go with Maria" said Summer.

Summer quickly followed Maria. She stopped when she heard "Freeze. What the hell is going on here?"
"Shit. Uhhh think Summer. What would K & Whiff do?"
"Slowly get up and turn around. I will shoot you if you aren't careful" ordered Maria. "Are you guys co.....mmmph" said a surprised Maria as Summer jumped on her from behind clamping a chloroform rag over her face.

This was how Summer was caught along with the rest of the girls. The fumes were impossible to miss. Rory had showed them where her supply was and Summer was now hanging on for all she is worth.

Maria held her breath after the initial surprise and flipped Summer off of her. Irene and Lila charged her before she got her bearings back.

These girls were not heroines so Maria was able to fend them off even if she was a little stunned.

Summer got back to her feet, grabbed the rag and again jumped on Maria. This time she was not letting go. Maria began staggering and Irena grabbed the gun from her. She dropped to her knees and fell back into Summer's arms.

"Holy crap that was scary." said Summer
"Awesome job guys, K & Whiff would be proud" said Lila
"I hate that bitch" said Irena nudging State U's unconscious AD. "Come on help me"

They grabbed her and placed her next to the slumbering Ali and Jordan and tied her up.

Meanwhile Erika was driving Rory crazy. She kept talking and interrupting the conditioning. K & Whiff were very groggy from the starting and stopping, not to mention from their attacks.

Finally Rory said "Erika if you don't shut your mouth I'll shoot you" as she puilled out her weapon. "All the noise in the back and your yapping is driving me crazy"
"OK sorry" said Erika as Rory put her gun on the table behind her.

Erika was relieved to see Summer, Irena and Lila walk back into the room. Nodding they took out Maria they now had to stop Rory.

"Ror, mind if I watch behind you?" asked Summer?
"Just keep your mouth shut and its fine" said a pissed off Rory.

Summer walked over behind Rory and stood quietly.
"Rory, want to see how much we got from the heist? Maria sent this out as a little sample." asked Summer
"Whatever, this is taking forever. If I look will you leave me alone?" yelled Rory as she turned around to face Summer.
"Yep. Maria's orders"
"Where is she by the way?" asked Rory looking over Summer.
"Counting the money with Ali and Jordan" said Irena
"Really, under a covered plate?" asked Rory
"Again, Maria thought it'd be fun this way" answered Summer
"Alright" said Rory as she picked up the cover from the plate

Rory never saw it coming. There was no money under the plate. It was one of her gas-rigged plates. It engulfed the leader of the Daisy Dukes gang. She coughed and tried to clear the air but was for naught. The fiery redhead stumbled and dropped to the bar floor out cold.

Summer threw down the smoking plate and rushed over to K & Whiff. They were slowly coming to when they realized what had happened.

"Guys are you OK?" asked Summer as she untied K.
"What happened?" asked Whiff
"We woke up near the bank and had no idea how we got there. We were dressed in this ridiculous outfits." said Lila
"There was a note pinned to me saying to call the police and send them to Daisy Dukes signed by you guys. It explained what was happening with us, Rory and Maria Lester." said Erika
"The cops wouldn't believe us so we came back to see what was going on?" said Summer

"I guess after we knocked you guys out, it freed you from the mind control Rory had you under" said K as she got to her feet.
"Where is Maria Lester?" asked Whiff. "I owe her one"
"Come on" motioned Summer

"Shit! Nice work ladies" said Whiff as she looked at Maria, Jordan and Ali tied up in the supply room.
"We have to call the CIA and let them know about Jordan and Ali" said K
"Uhhh they are CIA?" asked Erika
"Are we in trouble for hitting them?" asked Summer
"Not a chance, they were under mind control" responded K.

"Good thing for us that you guys came back or we would have been under Rory and Maria's control. Thanks ladies." said K and she shook each girls hands.

"I was getting kind of used to this heroine thing" said Summer. "But we'll leave that to you guys"
"Right. Plus you guys need to get back to practice. State U needs a new AD" laughed Whiff.

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Just re-read the whole thing with your finishing post D, great story. I think the ending works out well. Great work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Really do like these two chicks!Let's hear more from them in the future. =D>
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Bravo Dub! =D> =D> =D>
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