Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever (Marvel, 2022)

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First trailer out now.

Lots of appropriation here in this trailer. You could dwell on how Namor isn't Central American; or how Wakanda steals the Tifinagh alphabet without giving any credit to the Berbers; or how Letitia Wright is literally just keeping the costume warm because of the fear of besmirching Boseman's legacy 'too soon.' could just enjoy the movie, which is fine, too. It comes out Nov 10/11.
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Oh no. Not appropriation!

Afrofuturism vs fishy lads looks like a hoot I suppose. I presume they're just going to slap each other around then be friends at the end. Expectations pretty low though because it's a background movie, not a main event. And frankly the quality has been dipping. Endgame had its moments but it's been a problem since then. I think they're over-saturating and it's lowering the quality. Also when you start embracing time travel and multiverse shit you're always going to lose a certain amount of quality, because that shit is nonsense.

Think it's introducing Ironheart which will cause people to rage in hilarious ways.
Sargeant 1st Class
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How about Atlanteans being Aztecs too? Pretty funky seeing Namor in that Aztec swag! :O
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Suppose it makes more sense for Atlanteans to be Aztecs than Greeks, given they'd have a lot more ocean to disappear into. All feels a bit Aquaman-y though, which I suppose is inevitable.

Wonder if the plot will be like the last one, dudes with legitimate beef show up, have ludicrous plan, get squashed.
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It doesn't make any more sense for Atlanteans to be Aztecs or Mayas than Greeks.
In fact, it makes the most sense for Atlantis (if it ever existed) to be in the Aegean during the early Bronze Age.
Think about the historical and geographical placement in both time and space.

Atlantis supposedly was an ancient civilization that disappeared before the Mycenaean period (1750 - 1050 BC)
and thus entered proto-Greek myth around that time.
If there was an actual event which influenced the creation of the myth, it was probably either the Minoans (3000-1050) on Crete who underwent a catastrophe and thus their civilization went under, or some smaller Aegean island like the Thera/Santorini eruption in 1650 BC.

In Plato's writings, "Atlantis" is a Greek word meaning the island of Atlas, and according to the fictional account (which of course, did not happen)
it was an island in the middle of the ocean which sank 9,000 years ago.

Not only were both the Mayan and Aztec civilizations way way way after that - Mayan cities were 750 BC to 900 AD; Aztecs were 1300 to 1521 AD -
but they were located way across the ocean where no ships had probably ever come from Europe, and so news of such collapses would never have reached the shores of Europe anyway.

Not that this has anything to do with either the DC or Marvel versions of Atlantis, which are both clearly ancient submarine civilizations of merpeople (Namor's name is simply "Roman" backwards). But making them "Aztec" doesn't cut it.

DC made a point of creating an original undersea culture and world for the Atlanteans. Their city, their garb, everything about them looked unique and original. There was a powerful Ocean Master; a very sexy Mera (never mind the actress). All of this came straight from the comics.

Marvel, on the other hand, went the easy route of simply virtue signaling Meso-American culture and (if your report is accurate) even being lazy enough to randomly blend a bunch of elements from both the Mayas and Aztecs, just like Wakanda blended random elements from North Africa,
West Africa, Central Africa and South Africa. Marvel knows full well that they'll get brownie points for turning a major character "Latinx".

That's not to say this won't be a fun and entertaining movie. Maybe this version of Namor will catch fire with the public's imagination. We'll see.
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Word of mouth on this one is not good. Apparently it's kind of a big mess.
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This movie is incredible! Its a wild ride! A roller coaster of action and adventure. The use of imagery and action is amazing. A fantastic color palette and an amazing musical score. The main character being just like they were in the other movie. This is just like that other movie. A grand addition to the movies this studio is putting out. A special effects extravaganza. I loved the interaction between the characters. High stakes and high action. A must see.
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I suspect the usual suspects won't like it and everybody else will, same as usual.
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Half thinking about going to see it, but honestly I haven't watched anything MCU since Endgame, just burned out on the genre at this point. Didn't even bother to see Black Adam even though I love The Rock. It's just hard for me to get excited about anything Marvel is doing right now because none of it seems to live up to the pre-Endgame stuff. I really enjoyed the first Black Panther, but almost wonder if it's going to be too hard to make it work without Boseman(RIP) as the main character. For his part, Michael B. Jordan was a great Killmonger and stole the show a bit, so my two favorite characters outside of M'Baku aren't even going to be in the sequel which is kind of a bummer.
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I think Black Adam is worth watching. No real world building but I liked it. I liked Hawkman as well. He was pretty bad-assed.
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I was genuinely surprised by how good Creature from the Black Lagoon actually is.

They did a really great job of creating a threat with the Gill Man without showing too much of it too soon.

Plus, the costume worked surprisingly well underwater, with a champion swimmer in it.

And double plus, Julie Adams. Woot.
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