The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi

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Staff Sargeant
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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi Part 1

Eliza Prince is the mighty heroine Texan wonder. At long last she was successfully in pursuit of her long term arch nemesis, Modesty Blaze. After countless defeats at the hands of the British ebony temptress it actually looked that this time Modesty would be behind bars. The villainess was making her getaway in a Lamborghini, speeding through the streets of Dark City, attempting to escape her the mighty cowgirl powerhouse. Modesty was finally on the ropes. With Eliza getting a grip over her weakness, the ebony villainess’ criminal empire was destroyed. The Texan Wonder had no mercy after she had been previously broken and enslaved by Modesty and her goons. Revenge was on her mind. 

The Texan Wonder saw modesty’s car in her sights. Locking in on her on the vehicle with her invisible saucers targeting system, she vaporised one of the tyres with the craft’s quantum laser beams. Modesty screamed as she lost control and crashed into a wall. Thankfully no civilians were harmed. The Texan Wonder managed to contact the local boys in blue to cordon off the area and create a perimeter. 

Modesty crawled out of the wreckage. A small flame raged behind her. She had been injured in the crash and wore a bloody cut on her forehead. The saucer hovered above. A door opened at the hull and manifested floating steps with the craft’s anti gravity technology. The Texan wonder descended down them as if she was an alien visitor to Earth. 
“You’re done Modesty!” She said as she walked up to her defeated nemesis. 
“You should have vanquished me when you had the chance!” She continued.
“And why would I do that?” Modesty responded in her posh British accent. 
“I enjoyed our time together when you was my slave. But I enjoyed even more this chase between us, and I know you did too! And I guess I can’t win them all” she said as she slowly struggled to her feet. She was wearing a red dress that was now ruined. One of her feet was in a red high heel and the other was bare. She looked a mess, no longer the confident, regal dominatrix queen she once was. 
“I’m happy for you, that you have mastered your weakness, and perhaps I can’t defeat you anymore but there will always be someone else.” Modesty said. 

Eventually the police appeared and took her away to the notorious Fortress Maxima. A state of the art maximum security prison for supervillains. Normally such a facility would be reserved for those with super powers. However Modesty had proven herself over the years. After crushing and defeating the Texan Wonder countless times she was worthy for such an imprisonment. Eliza breathed a sigh of relief. 
“That’s 5-1 to her” she said to herself. “But thank God I got her in the end”
She stood in all her beauty. Hands on hips, wearing a thong in the Stars and Stripes that displayed her peach shaped butt, a bikini top in her state’s colours. Her blonde sunshine hair was shoulder length. She wore blue and white gloves and a golden tiara. Her blue and white high heeled cowgirl books accentuated her feminine strength. Her eyes flashed sky blue, she always considered them to be her best physical attribute. She had the kind of body that would make a man cum on sight. Lean, tall, athletic and busty; yet not in a way that made her look ridiculous and fake. Truly she was not only the Texan Wonder but a gorgeous Texan beauty of the highest calibre. She was definitely gifted with good genes however the powers of Elysium enhanced everything she had to a Goddess level. 
“Thank you boys” she smiled at Dark City’s finest as they took Modesty away. The blonde beauty’s presence alone was very distracting for the police but the Texan Wonder loved teasing them. She knew that in the end they could never have her. 

A month passed and Eliza received a message from the Lighting League HQ informing her that Modesty had publicised her weakness to the world. The 3 months after that was gruelling. Just about every villain that was of the right ethnicity was trying to defeat and capture her in the hope that her racialised fetish weakness would bring her down. They all failed. The Texan Wonder had long since defeated her weakness and Modesty’s plan had failed. The Texan Wonder had taken down the villain Voodoo master, the pirate lord Kraken Khan, Mexican drug cartels, yakuza syndicates and many more. No one could beat her sassy ass. 

Eliza decided that the time had come to pay her nemesis a visit. At Fortress Maxima she had to go through extensive security even with her clearance as the mighty southern belle heroine. Her walk down the aisle of cells meant she was greeted by countless supervillains. Mr Terror stared at her as she passed him by. The evil Lady Punishment gave her a wink. It didn’t matter to Eliza. None of them could sway her focus. Finally she got to Modesty’s cell. 
“How the mighty has fallen” said the Texan wonder. 
“Finally, you have come to visit me, clearly you miss your former lover and slave master” 
“On the contrary. I just thought I’d tell you that your plan failed. I should have known you would publicise my weakness when I finally caught you” 
“Well I was hoping that someone would vanquish your hot blonde sassy ass in my absence, all were a bunch of oafs no doubt” 
“Simpletons. Inferior to my strength and will” 
“Oh don’t worry Texan Wonder, the best has yet to come” 
“It doesn’t matter” Eliza said as she walked away. “I have no weakness”
All Modesty could do was smile to herself.Eliza wondered to herself. “hmmm the best has yet to come…..just what did that bitch mean by that statement?”

Many more months past and the world was suffering from the terrorist activities of the notorious Islamist organisation known only as Iron Jihad. The Texan Wonder had faced the organisation’s goons on a number of occasions during team ups with her friend Lady England and also when battling alongside her colleagues at the Lighting League. Eliza had always wondered whether the organisation had a leader. 

It was on a Sunday morning when the Texan Wonder received the message. Iron Jihad announced it had invaded a beauty contest in Dubai. The terrorist organisation's message was clear. 
“We will not tolerate such sinful events to take place in the Muslim world. The models at this event will be taken as slaves and all other infidels will be executed unless they convert to Islam”
The news outlets were covering the story all over the world. The Texan Wonder was familiar with the way Iron Jihad operated. Taking female slaves and turning them into willing followers of their religion. Eliza decided to waste no time. Jumping into her translucent saucer, it took her half an hour to arrive at the beauty contests’ venue.. The event was supposed to be on one of the upper floors of a tall sky scraper in Dubai’s central business district. Using the quantum technology of the ship she teleported inside. The balaclava masked terrorists immediately opened fire upon the heroine as the beautiful female hostages cowered behind tables. The lean curvaceous cowgirl acrobatically guided her body to safety. It took just one of her punches to send a terrorist thug to sleep. A few others spoke in Arabic to one another as they hesitated. The Texan Wonder took out her magical cowgirl lasso, given to her by the Goddesses of Elysium. As she swung it around her head it created a force shield deflecting the bullets from their AK47s. When she threw it, the lasso ensnared three of the terrorists reducing them to docility. The lasso had many powers, its main one involved the ability to power drain an enemy, and secondly it could induce mind control on the roped foe. Eliza always had natural skills with a rope, having been brought up on a farm and being an expert horse rider with ranching skills. This was during her days as a young high school cheerleader and champion gymnast. 

After a further 5 minutes all the terrorists had been defeated by the beautiful superpowered southern belle. The courageous cowgirl proceeded to contact the local police and stationed US troops to move in and bring them to justice. The Texan Wonder decided to stay to keep an eye on all the terrorists she had rounded up. However her senses told her that someone was spying on her from the shadows. 
“Come out loser! I know you’re there!!” She shouted 
Out stepped an Arab man, unmasked, with a big beard. He wore an Islamic cap and was dressed in traditional wear of the Middle East. He looked quite imposing and strong. Not fat, like a lot of the men in the Gulf, but brutal and muscular in appearance. His eyes traced Eliza’s curves and assets with desire. He focused in on her breasts and he stared with glee at her star spangled thong. This made Eliza feel somewhat uneasy.
“Oh God, perverted and religious….” she thought to herself.
“It is great to finally meet you Texan Wonder. I have dreamed of this day.” Speaking flawless English in a Middle Eastern accent 
“And who might you be ?”
“My name….is the Iron Jihadi!” 
“Not very original is it?” 
“The organisation is named in honour of my strength…..for I have decided to take you as my slave. I will convert you to the truth of Islam myself and you will be my wiling submissive wife and slave” 
“Errr I’ll pass on that. We American women believe in freedom. I’ll be too sassy and headstrong for you” Eliza said in her confident southern accent. 
“Besides… don’t stand a chance and I’m bringing you to justice now…..American justice. You can forget about your dreams of making me your wife in your patriarchal Islamic utopia.”

The Texan Wonder Wonder charged at the ordinary looking Arab man. She crashed her fist into his solar plexus. It was like punching a wall made of steel. She paused and flinched slightly and the villain backhanded her. 
“Uuugh!” She groaned as her body was sent flying through an army of chairs and tables. Eliza appeared unharmed as she stood up lively. 
“How?!” She said astonished. The villain smiled. 
“I have a message for you” he said as he pulled out a mobile phone. 
“Hello darling”. It was her. The face and voice was unmistakable. The video of Modesty caused the Texan Wonders heart to sink.
“By now I am probably defeated by your own hands and imprisoned. I took this wonderful message in advance. Now I know you will be missing me while I linger in Fortress Maxima and I know that you have finally got on top of your weakness. No doubt countless foes have been vanquished by your power ever since I exposed your weakness. It does seem impossible to beat you” 
Eliza gave the Iron Jihadi a scornful look. Modesty’s video continued. 
“My theory is, your weakness just needs a jumpstart. All you need to do is face a villain that is on your power level and is also the completely opposite of you. The Iron Jihadi was the perfect choice! He is actually more of a terrorist than a super villain so he is new to the game. I managed to collaborate with the geek, and together our scientists created a super serum just for him. He only just adapted to its effects and I assure you they will be quite taxing for your blonde white sassy ass. Have fun darling!!” 
The video ended and the Texan Wonder was overcome with anger .
“What did she mean by ‘complete opposite?’” She asked the Iron Jihadi. 
“Just think about it Texan Wonder. You represent feminist strength, I represent masculine superiority and male chauvinism. You represent democracy, liberty, freedom; I represent patriarchal religious theocracy. You are a white woman, and I am a brown Arab man. You are the proud occident and I am the savage orient. And our power levels are matched!” 
“Look I know where you’re from you are used to dominating women. But where I’m from, women are free. And today you will feel the justice of the Stars and Stripes in my fists !” 
“But your weakness….”
“I have no weakness!! And why would a pious patriarchal religious fanatic such as yourself, collaborate with a sexual deviant villainess such as Modesty? Isn’t that a sin in your religion, to mingle with women?!”
“Hmm it is a means to an end. Anything is permitted when fulfilling the word of Allah! The end result is the purification of the world!” 
“Look….Modesty is using you…..”
“Maybe we are using her, did you think of that?” 
“You underestimate that bitch” 
“Maybe you underestimate me!” 
The Iron Jihadi ripped off his dishdasha exposing a muscular chest. He had a body builder physique and wore military camouflage trousers. 
“You American women are easily beaten. My harem is full of them. The sexiest sassiest American females. All broken and converted! You will be the newest addition and the jewel of my collection!” 

The Texan wonder allowed herself to be consumed with a fiery anger. Charging at the Iron Jihadi she went at him with full force. Normally she would have taken him down. Even the most superpowered foe would be brought to the floor when faced with such a force as the Texan Wonder. This time however, she crashed head first into the iron jihadis chest. It was like bumping her head into a wall. She felt dizzy and slid down his torso and fell to her knees.
“Oooh my head….what is his body made of?” 
“They don’t call me the Iron Jihadi for nothing!” 
The villains hammer fist came down on the crown of her sunshine kissed head.
“Uugh” she moaned as the blow stunned her. 
“You are already beaten Texan Wonder!! As usual! American women are so easy….you are no different..soon enough you will wearing a black hijab and jilbab to cover your modesty whilst you clean my palace like a good wife. And when I want you sexually you will please me!”
“Uuugh n…no!” Eliza defied as she shocked the Iron Jihadi with an uppercut. He staggered back a few steps. The Texan wonder unleashed her lasso binding the Iron Jihadi. 
“So much for you super serum” she boasted. 
The Islamist villain smiled and yanked on her Lasso dragging her towards his through the air as if she weighed nothing. 
“Such strength!!” She said to herself. Strength was an understatement as the villain broke free from what seemed the unbreakable bonds of her lasso. He opened his arms and embraced her in a bear hug. The constricting power greeted Eliza’s body immediately. 
“Uuuuuuuugh can’t…..breathe!” 
The Texan Wonder was suffocating. As she was being smothered she could smell his strong manly body odour and the musky smell of his sandlewood perfume. 
“I will not be beaten by you chauvinist!” she resisted, fighting back with all her will. 
“Why do I feel so weak around him, just what is his serum made of? That bitch Modesty and her friend the Geek have done something!” She said to herself. 

Her thoughts were all over the place. Suddenly American troops came through the windows and ceilings. Police officers burst through the doors, responding to the hostages and handcuffing the unconscious broken bodies of the terrorists. But the Iron Jihadi kept squeezing. He wanted the Texan Wonder to be humiliated in front of her fellow country men. The troops opened fire, but the super terrorist turned his back. The bullets ricocheted off his skin and the soldiers were forced to retreat. Eliza could hear them.
“We’ve got to help the Texan Wonder!” 
It was humiliating for a Superheroine of her reputation to need help from ordinary soldiers. As the soldiers and police could not advance closer towards the hulking Islamist brute, he thought that he would embarrass the Texan Wonder even more. 
“Let’s put on a show!” he said to her.
The Texan Wonder gasped. She felt like a helpless damsel in his grip. Releasing one one of his arms he continued to crunch her body close to his. Even with one arm she struggled to get free. His free hand began slamming punches into her face continuously. Each one weakened her more and more until she was lifeless. Her eyes closed and Eliza easily yielded to the darkness. 
“Hahaha here is your champion” he said lifting her body above his head.
“A woman!! You ask a woman to defend your nation! Women are weak and should never be permitted to do such things, let along dress like a slut! This is how we punish women who break the shariah law and the rules of female chastity and piety ! “ 
The Iron Jihadi crashed the Texan wonders back on his knee for a back breaker. The pain immediately woke Eliza. 
“Uuuuuuugh!” She moaned. The iron Jihadi smiled as he lifted her like a child over his head again. He repeated the move, crunching her back into his knee. Eliza groaned in pain. He did it again and again with cruel speed and power. Any normal human would be dead by now. 
“And one more to make it five! Much like our Islamic prayers! Five times for the sake of God!” He mocked. 
“Come on Texan Wonder! Fight back!” Shouted a soldier who was taking cover behind a table. 
Eliza was fed up of this situation. She was fed up of villains of colour and various ethnic backgrounds trying their mettle with her, attempting to take her down and tame her blonde American spirit. 
“Enough is enough, this gorgeous white Texan woman will not be surrendering to this terrorist tonight !” She said to herself in defiance. Her body had already healed and recovered. The Iron Jihadi had underestimated Eliza’s recovery speed and he was too entertained with the audience and humiliation of the Texan Wonder. It was all a show and performance to him. Clearly he was over excited and had yet to get used to his powers. 

The Texan Wonder was raging with fire and the cheers from her the soldiers were inspiring her. As she lay backwards over the Iron Jihadis back she quickly wrapped her mighty thighs around his neck. She bridged her body into a back flip. Her legs were like two pythons and the villain was thrown like a toy. He crashed through a window of the building and fell many storeys to his doom. 
“We will meet again!!!!” He shouted as he fell. The Texan Wonder knew that considering how invulnerable he was to the soldier’s bullets, the fall would have no effect on his body. She would have to face the villainous fanatic once again. The heroine thanked the soldiers and police officers before diving like a swan out of the building into her invisible saucer. When she landed the vehicle hoping to find the Islamist menace; she was not surprised to discover that he had disappeared. However her intuition knew that it would only be a matter of time until she received an invitation to his nefarious palace. 

Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi Part 2

The Texan Wonder decided to be one step ahead of the Iron Jihadi. Using the technology of her invisible saucer she was able to pinpoint the exact location of the villain’s palace, deep in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. As she scanned the premises from the clouds, she felt that this Iron Jihadi was more like a supervillain than your average Islamist terrorist. It was no wonder, considering his powers were product of scientific experiments conducted by Modesty Blaze’s now destroyed criminal organisation; and the villainous teenage criminal science prodigy known only as the Nerd.
“Sooner or later I need to take care of that little shit!” she thought to herself.

The saucer descended from the skies, invisible to any kind of detection. The Iron Jihadi’s base was located in a region of Saudi Arabia that was locked off to foreigners. Eliza wondered why stationed US soldiers had not attacked the base, surely they knew of its existence? The nearest town to the terrorist base was located many miles away. The Texan Wonder decided to visit the town as her alias Agent Eliza Prince. Before arriving in the town she contacted the CIA. She was briefed on what to expect. The town was known as Al-Hashish and she was informed that a MI6 British intelligence agent was already working their undercover and had been trying to infiltrate the Iron Jihadi’s palace. His name was Agent X. She was told to meet him at a cafe.

Eliza knowing that the culture of the Arabian desert was deeply religious and patriarchal, decided to don a black Islamic clothing suitable for a Muslim woman. She wore a black headscarf and a face covering known as a niqab. Underneath she was naked and she wore sandals. Teleporting stealthily near the cafe in an alley way, shhe emerged from the shadows and walked towards the location where Agent X was waiting. As she entered the cafe many heads of the local men turned to look at her. She was confused as she did not look suspicious and her appearance was fully covered. The cafe was full of men playing backgammon, smoking shisha pipes and drinking coffee. She could also smell the scent of hashish in the air and it mixed nicely with the scent of sandalwood incense which was being burned. A voice spoke behind her.
“Its not your appearance that the men are dissatisfied with” the British accent spoke. Eliza had become accustomed with the British accent after her many crushing defeats at the hand of Modesty.
“what do you mean?” she asked.
“This is a traditional Islamic culture, a woman usually needs a chaperone. I would be pleased to help you with that….it is a pleasure to meet you Agent Eliza Prince…..”
“You must be Agent X?”
“Thats right”
Eliza turned to face him and noticed he was a very handsome man. Dark hair and as he stood he was at least 6 foot, only slightly taller than her. It was like a scene from a James Bond film. It was not often that she could feel like a woman and give in to fantasy. She found the encounter exciting. He was disguised in traditional clothing and he blended in more effectively than her.
“We should get out of this place” she said
“I feel we are being watched”
Agent X smiled and touched her on the hand.
“I will let you know when we can leave, I have to meet a contact here”
“But I already know the location of the Iron Jihadi’s base”
“and how do you propose we get inside? The palace is like a fortress, and above all it has a forcefield. Heavens knows how he got hold of such technology. It is possibly alien tech.”
“rumours are that he has been making deals with super villains. That tech could have come from the Galactic Empire of the Skroth who have been known to collaborate with the super villains of Earth.”
“If that’s true it is no wonder why the Iron Jihadi was able to make such a loud entry onto the villain scene and manhandle the Texan Wonder so effectively”
Eliza found those words offensive.
“where did you hear about her…..manhandling?”
“Some US soldiers in the Gulf. She was lucky to win that battle in the end. I always say that a Superman would be a better bet than a Superwoman…..women are the fairer sex after all”
“Thats a bit sexist don’t you think?”
“Its a known fact that the average woman is weaker than the average man”
“It depends what you mean by weak”
“I am sure I could beat you in a fight and there would be nothing you could do”
Eliza enjoyed toying with him.
“I suppose you are right….and I think you would also be comfortable around these Jihadi scum we are fighting….they seem to embody the same ideals you have about women”
Agent X chuckled in response.
“I’m just pulling your leg. You do have the most wonderful blue eyes” he complimented the only physical attribute he could see on Eliza as she was clad head to toe in black. Eliza enjoyed the compliment but kept quiet.
“So what’s next?” she asked.
“I am waiting for my contact. One of our undercover spies within the Iron Jihad network. However he’s late. He had some important information regarding breaching the forcefield. Its possible he’s at the only hotel in Al Hashish”
“Lets go then”
“ok but walk behind me. My face is also quite covered by this scarf” Agent X said as he wrapped himself in the garment.

The two allies travelled to a hotel. It was a lavish looking place with a suitable name, “The Golden Orient”. The town of Al Hashish looked very old but this hotel seemed like a modern intrusion. No doubt it was built for diplomats, government types and would be military personal and spies. Allies of the Saudi regime. Agent X guided Eliza to the elevator as he already had a room booked. The room was relatively luxurious and there was a king sized bed.
“Thank Gods for our allies in the Saudi government. This hotel at least gives us the opportunity to relax.” Agent X said.
“Yes thank our so called allies whose regime is as ruthless as the terrorist filth we are trying to defeat, let alone their abysmal record on women’s rights!” she responded. The Texan Wonder was a powerful feminist sentinel of women’s freedom and liberty after all.
“alas we don’t live in a perfect world my dear” he said whilst lighting a cigarette. Eliza disliked smoking and her facial expression gave that away.
“you really are a clean and wholesome goodie two shoes” he mocked. Eliza smiled in response.

Agent X explained to Eliza that his informant and colleague in MI6 knew exactly where to meet him.
“You know, you can take off that ridiculous disguise” he said. Eliza removed her headscarf and face covering to expose her angelic caucasian beauty. Her Nordic features completed the beauty that began with her blue eyes. Her glorious sunshine hair flowed out of the scarf and fell upon her shoulders. She kicked off her sandals and curled her bare feet and toes. Agent X found the whole scene quite erotic.
“You know there are things we can do to relieve the tension” he said as he moved closer to her slowly. She gazed into his dark eyes.
“like what?” she asked, teasing him. She enjoyed his directness and confidence, something that was missing with a lot of men she came across. The men she had interacted with were either too weak or overly toxic. At the Lighting League, Captain Invincible was constantly hitting on her and challenging her to sparring matches. Sparring matches that she would often win. She found him a loathsome individual and would never let him inside her. Eliza however did have experience with men and women, but since her defeat at Modesty’s hands she had abstained. Now her imagination began to tingle with ideas.
“Perhaps now is the time to test the water again?” she said to herself.

Suddenly there was strange rhythmic knock on the door.
“Its Agent Rasheed! The weird sounding knock was the code” Agent X said, jumping up and walking cautiously to the door. He opened and let an Arab looking man enter. He was dressed in a black suit and tie.
“Good God man! Where have you been?! Do you have the codes?” Agent X asked.
“I apologise… quick…..take this…it is even better than security codes…I stole this tech from their lab. It seems they are building quite the army. This device will open a hole in the force field, anywhere on the premises. Just press the button and aim the beam where you want to” Rasheed said as he handed him a metallic object that looked like something out of a sci fi movie.
“Hold on…are you sure you wasn’t followed” Eliza said, standing up.
“I assure you I wasn’t”
The Texan Wonder’s super senses were right on the money as always. A bullet pierced through the window and struck Rasheed in the head. He fell to the floor lifeless and his blood sprayed Agent X’s face. He was frozen with the shock of seeing his friend killed. Eliza jumped onto the British agent, pulling him to the floor. Bullets continued to rain sideways into the room. A helicopter floated outside the window. Two men flew through the window. They were masked and dressed in black military attire.
Agent X pushed Eliza aside commanding her to hide in the bathroom. The two terrorists were ready and aiming their weapons. It would take only a split second for Agent X to join his friend. However a split second was all Eliza needed. In a bright flash of light she transformed to the Texan Wonder. Zooming past the two foes she had confiscated their weapons. Holding them in her hand, she waved her finger at them like a mother scolding a young child. She punched the nearest foe so hard he flew into the body of the second. The two of them were unconscious. She stood, hands on hips, her blue and white thong and bikini top teasing her perfect feminine attributes. The famous cowgirl boots, tiara, bracelets and lasso made her quite the sight. Agent X was in awe.

The helicopter had disappeared and Agent X checked to confirm that Rasheed was dead.
“he’s gone” he said sadly. She put her hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at her.
“I knew you was familiar….It is truly an honour to be teaming up with the mighty Texan Wonder” he said.
“The pleasure is all mine darling” she replied.
“Lets make our exit. I will call my invisible saucer to make its descent. We can clamber onto it from the window here” she continued. Agent X watched curiously as if analysing the technology. The Saucer opened its door just outside the massive hole in the window. The two of them entered the craft just as the hotel security kicked down the door. They looked around to find a dead body and two unconscious terrorists that they quickly restrained. They looked up and saw Agent X and the Texan Wonder disappear into an empty space as the translucent door closed behind them. The craft then ascended to the skies, floating quietly, no louder than the sound of a soft breeze.

Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi Part 3

The Saucer landed in a green oasis at night some distance away from the Iron Jihadi’s palace. From there, Agent X and the Texan Wonder conducted reconnaissance. Lying stomach down, Agent X analysed the fortress through the lens of his night vision binoculars.
“The entrance is guarded by 10 armed terrorists” he said.
“I could have told you that” The Texan Wonder replied.
Agent X turned to look at her and she smiled.
“Super senses darling”
The gorgeous blonde belle was removing her boots.
“Now is not the best time to relax” he said.
“Well if we are going to get our hands dirty soon I may as well enjoy this untapped oasis, the cool desert night breeze and the starry night sky above us”
“You’re quite the romantic I see….”
The Texan Wonder waded her feet in the water. Agent X sat next to her.
“I suppose it is a beautiful night. But as beautiful as it is, it does not compare to your visage…”
Eliza smiled.
“You do have a way with words. A bit of a seducer then are you? Like James Bond?”
“are my charms working on you?”
The Texan Wonder felt quite safe around Agent X. She was superior in strength and power after all. She felt that her mental defences were slowly melting and she did not mind being more open with him and bringing down her walls.
“Maybe he can bring my walls down for me…..or break them down..” she thought to herself. She wanted that touch again. From someone that she admired, not a villainous wretch like Modesty who had taken her apart and tamed her against her will. Or was it really such a terrible experience? A part of her knew deep down that she enjoyed some of the sexual destruction that Modesty unleashed on her body.

“Whats that?” Eliza said startled interrupting Agent X’s attempt to escalate his seduction. Out of the thicket of trees a terrifying creature came forth. It was a spider, yet the size of a car. Agent X took out his gun and began firing. The water of the lake also began bubbling. Tentacles emerged wrapping themselves around the feet of the Texan Wonder pulling her into what would be a watery grave. Luckily for her the Texan Wonder’s super human lungs enabled her to survive under water for a time. She looked and noticed the creature was an overgrown squid. Its tentacles began mauling her breasts and another slipped inside her pants.
“Oh Gods! A horny giant squid!”
She felt her clit being covered by something slimy. It was one of the tendril’s suction cups, and suck it did, like nothing the Texan Wonder had felt before.
“uuuuuuuuugh…….must resist……if it climaxes me I will be weakened!” she thought to herself.
The tentacled terror smothered her entire head and face with another tendril, whilst binding her arms powerfully with another.
“ugh….no!…..I can’t get free!…..its too strong!!”

Meanwhile on dry land, Agent X escaped the arachnid creature. Running away from the beast he dived into the waters in the hope of rescuing the imperilled Texan Wonder. As he descended to the bottom of the lake, he saw her bound and helpless. His vision was blurred by the waters but he had extensive training with the British SAS. He took out a small pen shaped device from his belt. Pressing a button unleashed a red beam that burned the tentacles of the squid like creature. The Texan Wonder broke free and tore her fist into the brain of the beast ending its life. However the exhaustion of the fight and the stimulation of her body caused her to black out. Her body floated lifelessly in the abyss of the waters. Agent X quickly swam towards her and held her amazingly sexy body in his arms as he took her to the surface. He dragged her towards the land and then carried her on his back to safety. He lay her down.
“Hmmm not much of a heroine…..more like a damsel…” he said. Then with the speed of a thought, the spider sprung at him as he was distracted. He rolled back flinging it over head with his feet. The creature readied itself to attempt to consume its prey again. He stood between it and the unconscious Texan Wonder behind him. The spider spat webs from its orifices. Agent X could do nothing as the sticky substances turned him into a cocoon. He fell to the floor, trapped. The Spider made its way towards him ready to sink its venomous fangs into his soft human flesh.

It was at that moment that the Texan Wonder intervened. Finally awake and recovered, one blow was all she needed to send the spider into the waters where it sunk and drowned. She attended to Agent X, ripping the webs with her hands.
“Whose the damsel now” she said to him with a smile.
Agent X stood to his feet and thanked Eliza. Her body was wet and she looked a mess. She lifted her arms up and tilted her head back and with a blinding flash of purple light she appeared dry, with a brand new costume, still barefoot.
“I think I preferred you all wet and messy” Agent X said cheekily.
The Texan Wonder smiled again. Then she suddenly felt a dizziness take hold of her.
“uuugh, I feel a bit woozy” she said as she fell over faint. Agent X caught her in his arms.
“Oooooh, my head……Must have been the venom from the spider….some of it must have got on my hand when I punched it”
“So even the Texan Wonder has weaknesses”
“you have no idea…..don’t worry I recover fast being super human”
“How convenient”
“you can put me down now”
“I like you in my arms”
She smiled as he lowered her legs to the floor, his hand touching her lower torso. Her upper body was still supported by his other arm.
“No interruptions this time” he said as his hand grabbed the back of her neck. His hand slipped down to her pants. She gasped as he kissed her lips. The Texan Wonder felt so taken and as he kissed long and slow she became wet.
“you think you can take me when I’m all weak and woozy?”
“oh my dear…..Ive broken your walls of resistance long before that”.
He continued to kiss her and his hand slipped inside her pants. She could feel her strength and power return but she loved how confident he was, she surrendered to the desire as he danced his fingers inside her whilst kissing her. She moaned and came in moments.
“I see that despite all your power, you lack sexual stamina….”
“I assure you I am as strong as ever…I let you do this”
“really? Then resist me”
Agent X began brushed aside her bikini top and began sucking her glorious pink nipples.
“I….uuugh…….feels so good”
“Guess you’re mine now” he said as he kissed her neck.
“oooooh I so love having my neck kissed” she thought to herself. Her pants were drenched. Agent X removed them as the two bodies lay down on the soft grass beside the cool waters of the lake. He entered her soft flesh with his cock, raw. A breeze brushed over them as they remained lustfully enjoined.
“Now tell me how weak you feel…” He said as he thrusted back and forth inside her. He pinned her wrists to the ground overhead. She knew she had her power still, but even if she wanted to, the experience was too overwhelming, she simply did not want to resist at all.
“Im… weak for you” the Texan Wonder said as she whimpered. It had been so long, she needed this so badly. She came again and allowed him to ejaculate inside her. She was amazed at his stamina, considering he was not enhanced like her. When he removed his cock he was still hard as a rock. Eliza was willing to pleasure him. She admired him, and wanted to show her feelings. Kneeling down she took him inside her wet mouth. Her tongue drove him mad, as did her submissiveness. Maybe it was the idea of seducing the gorgeous Texan Wonder and adding her as a notch to his belt of conquered females; because Agent X couldn’t last long. He unloaded another shot of his juices deep inside her mouth and she swallowed all of it, enjoying his manly flavours.

The two of them lay quietly on the bank of the lake. The Texan Wonder felt like a damsel in his arms, and she loved being weak for once.
“That felt wonderful” she said
“I can tell you had a lot of frustration, and with the intensity of what we had been through together I wanted you more than anything” he replied.
“It had been a while……I just needed to forget who I was for a moment….release all the responsibility and submit to someone who could magic it all away. So thank you for that…Agent X…What is your real name?”
“Charlie…..Charlie Thorne”
“Pleasure to meet you Mr Thorne. Just what in the hell do you think those monsters were?”
“a product of mutated experiments by Iron Jihadi and his organisation. There was intel that such operations were being conducted. After this experience we have further proof that the scum is working with super villains. When a terrorist fanatic with political ambitions attains super powers and advanced tech; that’s always been our biggest fear at Whitehall”
“Good thing you have me. Anyway, that’s enough rest lets get going!”
The naked Texan Wonder stood up. Placing her hands on hips she released another blaze of purple light. Once again she was fully costumed and wearing her famous high heeled cow girl boots. A purple glow remained at her lower abdomen for a few moments more.
“Whats that?” Agent X asked
“oh just something to make sure none of your potent sperm fertilises me. Its way better than the pill” she said with a smile and a wink.
“Your powers really are magic!”
“well….they are more cosmic than anything else and within the laws of the universe. If you want magic then you’ll have to talk to you fellow Brit….Lady England. Her powers are all about the magic”
“hmmmm I would love to learn more…but for now we have a super powered terrorist to take care of!”

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Lady England vs Iron Jihadi next/soon?
Or against Agent X if he turns out to be a bad guy or double agent?
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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi part 4

The device that was given to Agent X by Rasheed worked. Its beam cut through the forcefield like is was as thin as paper. The Texan Wonder recommended making the entry from the side of the palace and she used her Quantum bracelets to protect them in an invisible cloak that would give them the stealthy edge. The Palace was opulent to say the least and it was swarming with terrorists. After their experience in the oasis, who knew what other threats they may face.
“Its not necessary to take out all the guards. We can just apprehend the Iron Jihadi and be done with it. In fact, I recommend we eliminate him!” Agent X said.
“I would prefer that he is brought to justice” the Texan Wonder replied firmly.
“you do live in a fairy tale world, my dear Texan Wonder”
“Its just how it has to be. Killing should be a last resort. But we should knock out as many guards as possible”

The two intruders proceeded to render unconscious the Iron Jihadi’s men. With the stealth of invisibility and the Texan Wonder’s immense power they were able to do so with the utmost efficiency. Agent X used some vials in a hypo spray, which contained potent paralysing chemicals that kept the guards in a long state of slumber. The Texan Wonder carried them out of sight, leaving them in a heap outside of the forcefield.
“According to Rasheed’s earlier intel, I know exactly where the Iron Jihadi is located” Agent X said.
“Lets go” the Texan Wonder replied. She was eager to defeat this scourge of the Middle East, once and for all.

The duo raced upstairs and Agent X led the way. Together they entered a room and they were greeted by an entourage of women dressed in full Islamic dress. As was expected of them, their hair and face were covered.
“This must be the Sheikh’s Harem” Agent X explained.
“Sheikh?” Eliza inquired.
“Yes, it’s a title of leadership. According to Islamic law he is allowed to have four wives not including concubines”
“These must be the concubines then?”
“I heard he captures women and forces them to convert”
The Texan Wonder felt the need to be the all American feminist saviour.
“You’re free! Gather your things and I will help you get out of here!” she shouted. The women seemed unmoved and one of them flashed her eyes at the Texan Wonder. Even under the niqab, the blonde heroine could tell that her face was angry. The woman said something in Arabic.
“what did she say?” The Texan Wonder asked Agent X.
“He called you a dirty American infidel slut. I don’t think they are victims here…”
Suddenly the women brandished weapons. Blades of all kinds. They fell upon the duo, shouting and screaming like banshees.
“So not only are they pleasure slaves that enjoy their subjugation, but they are also committed members of the Iron Jihadi’s army” The Texan Wonder deduced.
“You would be right” Agent X replied as the two of them launched into battle. Agent X did not find it too hard to manhandle and disarm the would be henchwomen. The Texan Wonder found it even easier. One by one they fell to the floor until the sunshine haired beauty was surrounded by a heap of defeated females clad in black Middle Eastern attire. Agent X led the way forward towards another door in front of them. The Texan Wonder assumed that this was where the Iron Jihadi was located. Suddenly a trap door opened beneath them and the two fell. The Texan Wonder found herself falling through a serpentine tube. After some moments with gathering speed she landed on her high heeled cowgirl boots that made a loud clumping sound as she hit a stone floor. She noticed that she had been separated from Agent X. As she walked forward she noticed she saw a large hall decorated with Islamic calligraphy. Her eyes closed in on the figure in front of her. It was him! The sheikh himself! The Iron Jihadi was finishing his Islamic prayers on a carpet. As he finished reciting, he stood slowly, removed his prayer cap and rolled up his carpet.
“Now I am ready to attend to you Texan Wonder” he said as he removed his shirt exposing his torso. She remembered how he was built like a tank.
“Its over Iron Jihadi. All you henchmen and henchwomen have been taken down….its just you and me.”
“hmmm. Today is the day that you submit to me and convert from your infidel ways.”
“I don’t think so. I noticed your many concubines and wives earlier”
“yes and unlike the other super villains your have fought I didn’t even have to use mind control on them. I can take four wives and as many concubines as I wish. You will be my fourth wife when we finally have our marriage before Allah! But not before I have broken you physically for it is permitted for a man under the sharia to discipline unruly disbeliever women. I can see that you will not turn willingly….”
“you are right about that Jihadi scum…..”
“Well good thing I am prepared for that!”
The Texan Wonder ruminated on the meaning of his words for a while, until her thoughts immediately turned towards Agent X.
“Do not worry about your boyfriend…..he is my prisoner….no harm will come to him….for now!” The Texan Wonder flashed her angry ocean blue eyes at the brute. She charged forward ready for battle, she knew what happened last time and how she underestimated him in Dubai.
“That won’t happen again!!” She said to herself

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And she charges him again? Does she never learn? Maybe she has some tricky maneuver in mind instead of "Hulk is the strongest there is". Hopefully the Iron Jihadi also has something more imaginative in mind than endless backbreakers this time as well. I suppose he just ignored Modesty's advice about taking down The Texas Wonder since Modesty is just an infidel woman after all.
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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi part 5

The Texan Wonder remembered how, the last time they jousted she crashed feebly into his indestructible chest. To be beaten by his unmoving anatomy was embarrassing. This time however as she thundered towards him she wanted him to think she was about to do the same thing.
“Let him think I am an arrogant sassy blonde American feminist” she thought to herself. As she closed into his space the Iron Jihadi was unmoving. She flipped over him landing behind him, launching an elbow into the back of his head.
“aargh” he cried as he fell to his knees. The Texan Wonder followed with a round house kick to his head which sent his body rolling across the large room. As she attempted to pounce upon her prey like a Tiger, he stood up and threw his arm at her like a clothesline. The Texan Wonder blocked with both her forearms, then grabbing his extended arm she threw over head with a judo technique.
“You are a great fighter for a woman, but I am stronger!” The Iron Jihadi said as he slowly stood up ready for another tussle. “Strength is one thing but let’s see how your stamina is!”

The back and forth battle raged for at least a few hours. The two behemoths clashed their fists together causing the sound of a thunder storm to break out inside the palace. The very foundation of the building was being shook. The Texan Wonder was slowly starting to sweat and breathe faster. She noticed however that the Iron Jihadi was as fresh as ever. Eventually the two locked hands, pushing on one another with their phenomenal strength.
“A test of strength then!” he said
“Yes….and you will yield to me” she demanded.

The powerhouses were at an impasse. The enhanced chauvinist Islamist tightened his grip.
“uuugh…'re strong Iron Jihadi! Stronger than I remember! But I you owe beating!” The Texan Wonder declared. The contest was grinding. Eliza could feel his vibrating power, through the muscles in her arms and bones, all through her skeletal structure causing her feet to ground hard into the floor. Her Cowgirl boots began to crack the floor leaving a dent.
“What’s the matter Texan Wonder!?” The Iron Jihadi taunted.
Eliza could feel it. Sweat was dripping from her brow and other parts of her body. Despite her revealing attire, her flesh was getting hotter. She was really feeling a workout with the Iron Jihadi. 
“Is he stronger than me? Can I win this? No! I can’t have doubt in myself!” She said to herself. But he was stronger. The Iron Jihadi, twisted his hips to the side, and tossed the Texan Wonder to the floor. 
“Beaten again infidel slut!” He boasted. The Texan Wonder stood and fired punches each one landed, but with each punch that was launched she noticed his body was getting more and more durable. Either that or she was losing energy. 
“What’s going on? Does he have the power to drain my strength?!” She thought. Eliza backflipped to the side to recuperate. Brute strength was clearly not going to win this battle. The iron Jihadi decided to take advantage of her exhausted state. He charged towards her like a bull. The heroine was one step ahead. Clanging her quantum bracelets together released a bolt of purple blazing lighting that stunned the villainous terrorist blasting him across the stone floor. The Texan Wonder unfastened her lasso and easily caught the Iron Jihadi. This time, weakened by the power of the quantum bracelets he could no break the bonds. 
“I call upon the lasso to drain you of your strength !” She cried. The Iron Jihadi fell to his knees weakened. Eliza strut slowly to him, clicking her sexy cowgirl boots on the hard ground with each step. It took her one punch to knock the terrorist’s lights out. She won. 
“That’s what you get for your bigotry and treating women like second class citizens!” She said. She revelled in her victory as she panted hard. Suddenly she heard a noise behind her. It was Agent X! 
“Darling, thank God you’re fine” he said in that sexy British accent which melted her every time. The Texan Wonder embraced him. She felt like a little girl around him. No longer the powerful heroine, and it felt good and right. They kissed long and passionately. 
“How did you get free?” She asked
“I’m resourceful” he replied. “I see you vanquished the brute” 
“He was tough but it will take more than him to break my American spirit” 
“And a sassy spirit it is indeed. Would take a lot more to break it” 
“Damn right” 
“Would this do?” 
Eliza looked down and noticed they Agent X had injected her left breast with a drug. She suddenly felt limp and her vision became blurred.
“Uuugh, noooo, why?!” She gasped. 
“Don’t resist. This concoction was made especially for you!” 
She fell unconscious in his arms. Agent X lifted her off the ground. Her neck hanged back over his forearm. The Iron Jihadi slowly came to his senses and stood up, still bound in the lasso. The two men spoke Arabic.
“So you finally decided to show?” 
“Well I thought you’d be able to take her down. Clearly you couldn’t and needed my help” 
“The deal was you would let me break her, marry her and make her my sex slave for a while. Then after a time I would hand her to you” 
“No deal. You failed to bring her down by yourself”
“You British spy types are always distrustful. An agency of snakes, something I should expect from your infidels” 
“This infidel just saved your arse!” 
“I’m afraid I cannot let you leave with her” 
“Hmm ok. Calm down. You fanatics are indeed a scummy bunch” 
“Insulting me will not help you” 
“I know you want to break her. Tell you what, I will help you fulfil your dream. If you succeed you can have her. If you fail, I will take her into our custody” 
“Your shadowy clandestine organisation has another agenda I can tell”
“You’ll never know. I’m the end you get what you want. I’d love to see it myself. I’ll take my hat off to you if you break this blonde all American Texan, take her purity and convert her to the fold of your religion.” 
“I’ll let you watch. Maybe you will have something to learn from me” 
“Perhaps I will Mr Iron Jihadi, perhaps I will” 
The villain and the traitor shared a laugh. It was clear that further punishment was in store for the gorgeous Texan Wonder. 

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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi part 6

The Texan Wonder awoke with slight vertigo. As her eyes fluttered and focused, the light from a chandelier above her caused her to squint. She heard a muffled conversation in the background between two men. As she got up to her feet she noticed her cowgirl boots had been removed.
“At least those fiends allowed me to keep my costume…” she thought. Then she noticed that her bracelets and lasso had been taken away. The Iron Jihadi and Agent X finally entered the room. It was a lofty hall, no doubt still part of the terrorist villain’s palace, the kind of hall suitable for a gala or ball. There were book shelves, bottles of wine and a grand piano on one side. The doors were closed and the Iron Jihadi’s armed guards stood at every exit.
“How dare you strip me of my lasso and bracelets!”
“Calm down princess” Agent X said.
“You scum! I can’t believe I fell for your tricks!”
“all you women are the same….even a superheroine like you, none can resist my mental seduction skills, if I had a superpower that would be it”
“but why?!”
“Im afraid many government agencies have grown tired of you super heroines and your activities. We have formed a group called Project Defeat. You are the latest victim. Soon all super heroines will be captured and controlled”
“no one is controlling me! And I see that your Project Defeat has stooped so low that it works with super villains?”
“it is a means to an end”
“And where the hell are my cowgirl boots”
“Ive taken them as a trophy, also I want you to fight barefoot”
“You sick bastard!”
“You will fight the Iron Jihadi once again, at his request. This time with no bracelets or lasso. His goal, as you know is to break you and take you as his wife. I feel that is consistent with Project Defeat’s goals. With you out of the picture as his slave, we can proceed to vanquish the other heroines. Of course if he fails I will take you captive to Project Defeat’s HQ where you will be broken and mind controlled ever way”
“The only thing that is going to be broken are the two of you! Let’s get this over with please!” She shouted.

“By the will of Allah, you will be my wife tonight” the Iron Jihadi interrupted.
“After I have beaten you and broken your will, our in house Imam will make you my wife” The Iron Jihadi said. A skinny grey man with a long beard, dressed in Islamic garments, wearing glasses walked forward. He almost looked like an evil scientist. Then she remembered from the CIA files, his name was the Mad Imam. She began to wonder if the CIA was also involved with Project Defeat.
“Perhaps they are just rogue elements of the intelligence that have joined forces with super villains to form Project Defeat?” she thought. Her thoughts were cut short. The Iron Jihadi wasted no time. He was always a disrespectful fighter especially when it came to infidel women. He whacked Eliza to the carpeted floor with his mighty forearm.
“oooooh my head…..I wasn’t ready! You’ll pay for that!” she cried.

This would be their third and final battle. Time tumbled past, as the advantage shifted from one opponent to another, neither gaining the upper hand. Furniture was thrown like projectiles, the blonde avenger used the piano as a weapon breaking it to pieces over the villains head. Eventually, the went to the ground. Like Gods they grappled. The Iron Jihadi attempted to smother her with his weight and chest, but the Texan Wonder was too fast and explosive. The two bodies wiggled around for some time. And then she felt it again. A tired sluggishness overcome her body. Her blood and flesh became warm, and she started the sweat again like their previous battle. She found it confusing. The Texan Wonder had resolved her weakness long ago. It was what enabled her to beat villain after villain; especially those of various ethnic backgrounds who hoped to take advantage of her sexy fetish for domination at the hands of a black or brown villain or villainess. The epitome was of course Modesty Blaze, who she finally brought down by her hands not long ago.

As her mind trailed elsewhere, the Iron Jihadi caught her in an iron gripped ankle lock.
“Submit Texan Slut!”
The pain was real as she winced. He really was strong, and a part of her mind finally accepted that he was superior to her in strength.
“As a blonde woman I can’t hope to beat this Middle Eastern terrorist brute!” she thought. Then she back tracked and could not believe what she was thinking. She had not played with such ideas for a long time.
“what is going on?” she wondered. Eliza had no time to ponder what was happening to her mentally and physically. In a moment she would either have to tap out or suffer a broken limb. The Iron Jihadi then showed his depravity by plunging her foot into his mouth. He sucked her sensually. So much for religious piety.
“oooh…..” she moaned. It was as if her strength was being drained from her foot. The Texan Wonder almost felt like tapping out. A part of her always had poor endurance, a very feminine part of her being. But since her training with Power Cat she refused to surrender. Rolling with the Iron Jihadi’s ankle lock she kick him in the face with her other bare foot, then backflipping to safety with the flexibility of a ballet dancer.

She felt so tired and weak as she knelt on the floor, breathing hard face down. Eliza was confused as the Iron Jihadi stood up ready to battle again. He seemed unaffected!
“Allow me to explain” Agent X spoke.
“The serum that courses through his veins was created by none other than Modesty’s scientists and the Nerd”
“I know that already!” The Texan Wonder snapped.
“yes well…..what you don’t know is that my agency also collaborated with them, offering the highest levels of government research and facilities. The serum was a product of deep analysis on your sexual juices, which Modesty collected and kept from the time she enslaved you” he continued to explain. Eliza’s eyes widened with alarm.
“Basically, the serum was designed to reignite your weakness which is triggered by your racialised fetishes. However the serum alone was not enough” Agent X said. The Iron Jihadi butted in to finish the explanation.
“What Agent X wants to say is that, they needed to find the right subject, the most perfect one, one who is the complete opposite of you and perfect for reviving your weakness typical of a blonde white western woman!”
“what the hell do you mean?!” The Texan Wonder demanded to know while she remained knelt on the floor.
“The serum would work most effectively with me! Because I am your complete opposite in every way! You are a woman, white, pure, represent American, Texan Christian, Western democratic values! I am a man, Arab, muslim, a chauvinist and patriarch committed to creating an Islamist dictatorship where women are subjugated and enslaved! My very identity makes you feel weaker and inferior, mentally and physically thanks to the effects of the serum! When I am close to you, your body weakens, by now you at half your strength! And slowly your body will weaken more, and eventually your mind will follow suit and naturally submit to the effects of my serum, the Iron Jihadi power!” The villain boasted.
“Thats why I felt myself tiring during our previous battles, it's why I feel weaker right now, and why his body seems so durable…How can I possibly win? In front of this Super Jihadi….I…..I’m not much of a Texan Wonder at all!!” Eliza said to herself as doubt and despair consumed her soul.

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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi Part 7

The Texan Wonder stood up. She took a breathe and then psyched herself up.
“Enough of this doubt, my will is undefeatable. I beat him once before, and I can do it even without my bracelets and lasso!” she said to herself. This time she took the time to allow the terrorist brute to come towards him. Unfortunately for Eliza she had miscalculated her weakened state. The Iron Jihadi walked closer, and with every step that he came into her private space she could already feel drained of what strength she had left. She felt brittle. But the Iron Jihadi wasn’t just stronger than her, he was now faster. Before she knew it, he zoomed in front of her. He stamped on her bare foot with his booted heel.
“uuuuuuugh!” she winced. He followed with a blow to her chin which caused her to black out for a split second. The villain immediately grabbed her blue and white star spangled bikini and pulled on it as if he was pulling on the collars of a shirt. The Texan Wonder’s nipples were exposed slightly but this was the least of her concerns. She kicked his legs, and punched his torso to no avail. Her hands and shins felt the pain. She had never felt so mortal and de-powered, not since her massive crushing defeat at the hands Modesty.

The Iron Jihadi pulled her close to him, lifted her up off the ground and began to lay blows into her face. One after another, her brain rattled inside her skull. He let go of her bikini and she collapsed to the floor, her face in her hand, she shook her head trying to shake off the concussion. Lucky for her, her body still had a level of invulnerability and regeneration. The Iron Jihadi and Agent X knew this and therefore saw an opportunity to punish her brutally. The Iron Jihadi repeated his previous move. Lifting her again by her bikini and landing the blows.
“ugh……ugh…….ugh” one, two, three, they left her seeing stars. She collapsed again. He repeated the humiliating beating again and again, dropping her to the floor over and over. Sometimes he would slap her instead, or backhand her.
The Texan Wonder decided that she had to go all out. Using all her remaining energy she attempted to grab the villain’s torso in an attempt to take him down. Normally she would have been able to throw him around like a pillow. He laughed and struck her upper back with a hammer sending her to the floor again. There she was greeted by his boot as he stamp on her as if she was an ant.
“aaaaaaargh!” she screamed in pain.

One last time, still with the belief she could win; the Texan Wonder stood up to fight again. The Iron Jihadi decided the time had come to end the battle. He slapped both hands into the sides of her head, like a cymbals clashing together. She absorbed the blow silently sending her into a daze. She remained standing her arms limp and her body swaying.
“Finish her!” Agent X shouted.
“I do not serve you infidel!” The Iron Jihadi replied.

He took his time. Punch after punch, blows to her beautiful breasts. Agent X almost felt sorry for her, seeing the powerful woman he made love to, and her body being broken and destroyed. A final blow struck her stomach. As she bent over he launched a chop on the back of her neck. She fell deep into a slumber sliding down the Iron Jihadi’s body. He held her sunshine coloured hair in his hand. She was beaten. She looked rough, but did not have one bruise on her body or face thanks to her invulnerability. The only superpower that remained. However, Eliza still felt the pain of this defeat.
“Its about bloody time man…..” Agent X complained.

The Iron Jihadi lifted the beaten Texan Wonder over his back.
“Now we begin her breaking” he said. What ensued after this was many days of torture. The Iron Jihadi was determined to break her mind and mentally she was on the ropes after her physical defeat. Just being in the presence of the Iron Jihadi made her more and more submissive. His power over her was clear, but a part of her still would not yield. The Islamist brute would force her to fight him, and he would defeat her time and time again. Slowly she would submit but not to the level of the Iron Jihadi’s desire. As the Texan Wonder struggled in his bear hug she had to admit that she could not win.
“uuuuuuugh, Iron jihadi! Please stop! you are too strong and mighty for me!” she pleaded.
“Then you must convert to my religion now, so that we can be married”
Time and time again the Texan Wonder refused. But she was cracking. Defeat had put the heroine into a constant trance that made her feel dazed, woozy and weak willed. But with this one thing she could not yield. The Iron Jihadi and Agent X decided to move to sexual torture.
“If I cannot break her to the point where she will convert, then in the meantime I take her as a sex slave and concubine as permitted to me by the religious law. The sexual torture should break her completely and I am convinced that she will convert after that!” He said.
“The Islamic law is errr, very convenient for you, or at least your interpretation” Agent X replied.

The Texan Wonder was taken to the basement levels of the palace. There she could see that it was a place where “infidels” were tortured. However the villain had something special in store for Eliza. When she awoke she was bound eagle spread on an X cross and she noticed that she was wearing her red cowgirl boots once again. She was confused that a purist religious fanatic would be into BDSM, Agent X also agreed and could not resist at making a snarky comment.
“I never expected an righteous Islamist man like you to be in BDSM”
“You mock me?” The Iron Jihadi replied
“Well I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The Catholic church enjoys buggering little boys. Religion is so full of nasty contradictions”
It was clear that Agent X was gradually growing more and more impatient with the Iron Jihadi. He walked closer to the Texan Wonder.
“Im sorry my darling but this has to be done.” He injected her with a drug of some kind.
“This will make you even more willing and malleable” he said to the Iron Jihadi. Suddenly the mad Islamist took out a knife and cut her costume to shreds revealing her perfect sized breasts. She was finally completely naked before the man who defeated her. One of the few men to defeat her. Her massaged her breasts and sensually caressed her skin with his knife.
“uuugh, no, stop….please!” Eliza begged. The Iron Jihadi laughed.
“I want her boots kept on. She will remove them willingly after I have broken her” he said. Agent X left the room muttering to himself,
“what a kinky bastard.” However Agent X watched through a screen. The Iron Jihadi then walked over to a table and pulled out a vibrator.
“If pain won’t work on you, or the threat of death, then pleasure will end you” he said to Eliza.
“No please…..look… have beaten me and I admit defeat….isnt that enough?” she pleaded again
“No! As an infidel you must convert to Islam and then become my wife! It is my desire!!”
“I….I….cant do that….”
“Then the torture will begin”

The vibrator was no ordinary vibrator. It was enhanced by the League of Evil; an organisation of supervillains which Modesty Blaze was a part of. They had been working with the rogue government agents of Project Defeat to devise new ways to capture heroines. As he switched the device on, the extreme tantalisation began. Every nerve ending on the Texan Wonder’s clit was on fire and the power of the machine even electrified her G spot, inside her wet hole. The tool stunned her entire central nervous system, going all the way up her spine to her head.
“uuuuuuuuugh!!” she moaned as her poor weak wet spot down below secreted its juices. She couldn’t speak or think, and she knew that this was the perfect time to break her mind completely and utterly.
“hahahaha! Now yield Texan Wonder! Convert to the truth!”
Agent X watched in disbelief. He was amazed, almost inspired by the Texan Wonder’s “American spirit” as she called it.
“This oaf is a complete bungler when it comes to mind control. The buffoon should stick to suicide bombings and such lark. He’s a complete twat!” Agent X thought to himself.

The Texan Wonder’s body melted into a shuddering state an ecstasy. As her body twitched and shook to the movement of the device she fell into unconsciousness. Agent X could not longer stand it. He burst out of the his room and walked right up to the Iron Jihadi.
“You fool! You used the highest setting immediately! You need to ease her into it from the lowest to the highest setting! And what the fuck was that? The worst mind control hypnotic commands I have ever seen! Again you must slowly ease her! Clearly working with a super villain and a terrorist is the difference between working with an artist and lug headed numskull!”
The Iron Jihadi starred at Agent X and his men walked closer and pointed their arms at him. The Texan Wonder was half conscious and could hear what was going on.
“Is he trying to save me?” she thought.
“I am taking her now to the bedroom, that will finish her!” The Iron Jihadi said. He released the heroine from her bonds and carried her to one of his palace bedrooms. As he left he told Agent X that he can watch from one of the camera rooms on the same floor. He loved dominating western women in front of western men.

He threw her limp body on the the bed. She could do nothing to fight back. Her weakness was ignited. The villainous knave touched her clit and began stimulating her already sensitive folds of skin.
“Now Texan Slut, you will give your body to me” he commanded. He knew that the superserum in his blood stream caused his body to give off pheromones that continued to weaken and defeat her, there was little she could do. She knew she had been taken down by this super villain of Arab origin, and it turned her on immensely.
“My weakness! Not again……I can’t resist his touch at all!” Eliza thought to herself.

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The Texan Wonder vs The Iron Jihadi part 8

The dastardly villain began conquering the Texan Wonder by plunging his face into her sex. As if she wasn’t turned on already, to know that this savage knave was slurping and sucking away at her snatch made her go wild with passion. She didn’t even feel ashamed of the fact that she was being dominated by the enemy. As expected he wanted to fuck her from behind, turning her over ruthlessly, he shoved his hard stick deep inside. No matter how many orgasms he gave her she refused to agree to his demands even though she had no problems submitting to him in other ways. 

As Agent X watched intently from the camera room he noticed that the Texan Wonder, despite being defeated, was resisting his demand to convert to Islam and marry him. Although her weakness had kicked in, it only made her submit. Somehow after her mental resistance training with Power Cat she could maintain a semblance of her identity. 
“At least I must keep my American spirit even though he has crushed me. I will submit to his strength, as I have no choice as I am powerless to fight, but I will submit as an American woman and former American Superheroine” she thought to herself as the Iron Jihadi went to town on her body. 

Agent X was frustrated. If the Texan Wonder did not convert to his religion and marry him, the deal he made with the Iron Jihadi would be affected. 
“This could go on forever!” He thought to himself. Then it clicked. His mind focused it’s attention on the heroine’s lasso. 
“Her lasso has the power to drain anymore of their will power. Combined with her weakness and sexual defeat, we can utilise the lasso and that should break her completely and utterly” 
Agent X had been keeping the lasso close to him. He took it and entered the room as the Iron Jihadi continued to ravage the Texan Wonder. 
“What do you want?! How dare you interrupt me!!” The villainous terrorist shouted.
“Calm down. I have a solution to your problem.” Agent X replied 
“What is it? The ruthless Islamist replied whilst he continued to pound a dazed and confused Texan Wonder. Agent X immediately shoved the lasso in front of his eyes. The villain smiled. 
“Bring her up” Agent X suggested.

The Texan Wonder was standing up but continued to be rammed from behind by the villain. Her body shaking like a rag doll. The Iron Jihadi had her arms locked together in his grip and was fucking her standing up. This enabled Agent X to slip the lasso around her slender waist. He then proceeded to bind her arms and wrists. 
“Uuuugh!” Eliza whimpered as she felt the power take hold. Agent X looked deep into her eyes and held a vibrator on her clit just to make sure. 
“I call upon the lasso to drain all of your will power and mental strength!” He said. 
“Now! Say what you will” gesturing to the Iron Jihadi. The brute bent over and whispered on the Texan Wonders ear.
“Now Texan Wonder, you will convert to my religion and become my wife”!
The overwhelming stimulation blew her mind. She moaned and wailed as she came on his cock and the vibratory. Eventually she managed to speak some words and answer the evil fundamentalist. 
“Finally!” The Iron Jihadi said as he released his warm white liquid inside her. He released his cock and threw her to the ground. 
“Bring the Mad Imam! Let us get this wedding ritual done!” 

Sometime passed and Eliza stood before the Mad Imam and the Iron Jihadi, dressed in black Islamic traditional wear, with a headscarf and fave covering. Some Islamic rituals were conducted and the deed was done. The Texan Wonder had been destroyed. She was starry eyed and fully obedient, almost robotic as her ocean blue eyes peered through the veil. She had no sense of self anymore. She would live through her master and husband, the iron Jihadi. 
“So it’s done then…excellent! I guess she can come with me then, to the Project Defeat HQ?” 
Agent X asked. 
“No….she is not a Muslim woman now. She must spend some time with me before we give her up, furthermore, as a Muslim woman it is haram, a sin for her to spend anytime with another man. Let me consult the Mad Imam and see what we can do” the Iron Jihadi replied.
“You are fucking joking!” Agent X shouted. “We had a deal! You get your stupid fucking wedding and then you hand her over!” 
“I promised nothing” the fundamentalist brute responded 
“This is what happens when you work with ideological fanatics!!” Agent X continued lambasting his would be business partner. His hand went into his jacket and he pulled a handgun on the Iron Jihadi. 
“I thought we could have been partners…I thought wrong” 
“You must know that your guns will not work on me, and after this act, you will not leave the palace alive!” 
“Well that’s where working with super villains is always so useful. In developing your serum, do you think we didn’t have a fail safe?” 
The Iron Jihadi frowned. Agent X pulled the trigger. The bullet left the chamber and passed straight through the fanatics head. He collapsed to the floor like a pile of weights being dropped into the sea. Agent X walked to his body and towered over him. 
“These bullets are laced with a chemical that was designed to neutralise your powers with fatal consequences. We knew you could not be trusted. Ideology and religion are simply inefficient” he said. 
He pointed the gun at the Iron Jihadi once again and unloaded the gun three more times in his face. The Iron Jihadi was not so iron anymore. He was mere bloody flesh and bone. Suddenly, the Mad Imam ran into the room shouting in Arabic. Agent X liquidated him quickly with the same gun. He knew that it would only be sometime before the other terrorists would suspect something. Using the Texan Wonders lasso he wrapped it around Eliza’s neck.
“You will obey me!” He commanded. 
“Yes” Eliza replied. 
“Undress and put this on” he said as he threw her Texan wonder costume at her feet. In moments she was once again the mighty heroine. Fully booted, wearing her bracelets. Agent X however had taken her lasso to make sure she stayed in a submissive robotic state. He also realised that she was still depowered. With a strong backhand across the Texan wonder’s jaw, Agent X knocked her out unconscious. He caught her in his strong arms and lifted her, sweeping her feet off the ground. He took out a small device. Earlier when he was aboard the Texan Wonder’s translucent saucer, he managed to infect the ship with a nano bot virus, technology that was a product of a collaboration between the League of Evil and Project Defeat. The virus allowed him to take full control of the ship. 

Pressing a button on the device activated the saucer’s transporters. It was too much of a risk to use earlier with the super powered Iron Jihadi around. But now that was no longer an issue with the fanatic dead. Agent X disappeared in a flash of bright colours with the defeated and unconscious Texan Wonder in his arms. Eliza’s torment would continue amongst new enemies. 

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Good to know that now instead of being in the hands of an oppressive, misogynistic, terrorist, she's going to be in the cozy and comfortable hands of a ruthless bureaucracy.
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Cosy? I dont know about that lol
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Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. If anyone wished to discuss ideas for future Texan Wonder or Lady England stories you can dm me or email at [email protected]! I also can do custom stories with these characters. I will have more stories coming with some interesting perilous situations for everyones favourite super powered American Cowgirl and regal English avenging aristocrat!
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The story was very good, congratulations for the work Sensual Barbarian
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