Orion in the Tunnels

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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Orion_v2_A.png (764.2 KiB) Viewed 494 times
The cover image is by Samsa23 on DeviantArt. This story continues Orion Origins viewtopic.php?t=35752
I'm posting in a separate thread because the heavy sexual action of this one requires it to be posted in the Heroine Dungeon.

Sheila was furious. She found it when she opened up the collection on Monday morning. Someone had left Detective Comics #401 out on one of the tables inside the collection. It was open to the splash page of the second story with Batgirl tied and gagged in an alcove where she was being bricked in—a tribute to The Cask of Amontillado.
Detective Comics #401
Detective401.jpeg (526.1 KiB) Viewed 1275 times
Only she and the janitor had keys to the collection, and the janitor only cleaned once a week on Thursday night. She believed the janitor's denial, but she knew the comic hadn't been out when she closed up Saturday afternoon. She was always meticulous about having everything filed before she left, there was no record of anyone even trying to check out that comic, and she wasn't in the habit of letting even qualified readers look at the fragile comics without supervision. Still, she found a simple electronic access meter and installed it herself the next day, so she could monitor every open and close of the door even with the key.

With the access monitor installed, she relaxed a little, and wondered if she weren't overreacting. The comic hadn't been damaged after all, and her reaction was over the top. She wondered if it was because of Jason's disappearance. Everything about Jason unsettled her. It had been a week, and he said if he didn't show back up after 2 weeks, he wasn't coming back. He had no right to storm into her life like that with his big gentle hands and his dazzling eyes, and his…. She put her palms flat on her desk and held them totally still while she breathed deeply. Maybe she needed to go out as Orion and beat the living crap out of somebody. Finally she closed her eyes for a count of 3, then went back to work, pushing everything else out of her mind.

Wednesday morning it happened again. This time it was Wonder Woman #141 open to where Mouse Man trips Wonder Woman and wraps her tightly, shoulders to ankles, in her own magic lasso. She checked the access log. No one had entered between the time she left yesterday and opened this morning. Still the comic was not harmed, but someone was toying with the collection, her collection! And how did they get in? Enough was enough. Tonight Orion would be waiting for him.
Wonder Woman #141
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After she did her check and closed up, she went into the ladies room and changed into Orion. It had been weeks. She turned, sweeping her cape up and looked back in the mirror, remembering what Jason had said about the men she saved admiring her ass. If the villain comes back tonight, she's going to kick his ass! Then she started thinking about the comics the guy had left out. First Batgirl sitting on her ankles, gagged, and with her wrists tied behind her and then tied to a ring-bolt in the wall while the villain walled her in. Then Mouse Man, tripping Wonder Woman and binding her up as tight as a mummy with her own lariat. This guy was toying with Sheila. Orion would make him pay. She shook her head as she headed back to the collection. Donning her cowl was starting to make her think of Orion as a whole separate person. Was that good or bad?

Astonishingly, by the time she let herself back into the collection, there was already a comic lying open on the table. It was Justice league #17 open to the sequence where Wonder Woman tries to lasso the giant ice creature, but he blows her lasso back around her. The first panel showed her watching the lasso spiral loosely around her and her realizing she was in trouble. The center panel showed her tied from her shoulders to her ankles, so tightly she can barely breathe. In the final panel, the ice creature picks up the end of the rope and completes her capture. There was something she found very arousing about the first panel with Wonder Woman standing awkwardly, awaiting the tightening of the rope, but having no way to escape from it completely immobilizing her in the center panel.
Justice League of America #17
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She took a quick breath and immediately scanned the room, looking and listening for evidence. She had only been gone for 5 minutes at the most. She heard a distinct but quiet click at the rear of the stacks and sprinted towards it. No one was there. Then she saw it, the door to the steam tunnels! No one had used it since the library had remodeled the basement room to hold the Eaton Collection. It had always been locked and was almost hidden between two shelves full of books. Why hadn't she thought of that? It was still locked, but she went to work to quickly pick it—another skill she had picked up along the way to amuse herself. You never knew what you might find useful some day.

It took her a moment or two, and she was in. It was a fairly narrow corridor. The water, sewer, and electrical pipes were channeled along the high ceiling. She couldn't hear anything, so she moved fast. She hoped she hadn't missed him. There were no off-shoots, so she didn't have to hesitate. She realized it must lead to a central room under the commons before branching off everywhere else. If she didn't get there soon after he did, it would be blind luck to find him in this maze. As she approached the central junction, she slowed. There was a tall figure with his back to her standing almost in the center of the room. She entered cautiously, but he still didn't turn around. There were 4 tunnels evenly spaced around the room in addition to the one she'd just entered from. All of the 4 had closed doors made out of chain link fence type material. She had him trapped! She took several strides in and stopped about 10 feet away from him. At that point, he turned around to face her.

“Jaso..,” she started and quickly stifled herself. She was Orion now. What the hell was happening? Jason opened a hinge in his large belt buckle and threw a miniature switch that had been concealed inside it. She heard a loud, metallic click, followed by a clang of heavy fencing hitting the concrete floor. She looked back. Apparently the “doors” were actually gates that descended from the ceiling, and the one she came through had just fallen shut. Now they were both trapped. She narrowed her eyes under her cowl, scowling.

“I apologize for everything Orion. You see I wanted to meet you, but the whole secret identity thing makes that difficult. I tracked all your appearances and those I suspected were you, and they seemed to start at the library and spiral out from there. I figured if I created a mystery at the library, sooner or later you'd find me.”

He was monologuing like a supervillain in that sweet, deep voice of his.

“I assure you, I was very careful, and nothing was hurt in the library. I tend to be obsessive, and once I start an investigation, I need to follow it to the end even if sometimes I shouldn't. Even if there no longer seems to be a reason to…. But, as I said, I'm obsessive.”

Some things were making sense, but that didn't help her sort out what was happening. Everything was upside down and chaos. He had wanted to give up his pursuit of Orion, and she had talked him back into it! He had wanted to give up on Orion because he was attracted to Sheila! She felt betrayed, angry, stupid, and paralyzed. Those comics must have been especially picked to intrigue Sheila. He seemed to be able to tap into her fantasies. Was that better or worse?

“Now that I've actually met you, we can both walk away. What do you say?”

She still didn't trust herself to say anything although there was plenty she wanted to say. Who was he kidding? Something this elaborate? He wasn't just planning on meeting Orion. He was planning on acting out a heroine in distress fantasy with her as the victim. It only made it worse that Sheila would have been happy to play the same fantasy out with him, and it made her see red that he seemed to know it and was just using the fantasies Sheila hadn't even told him about to get her to lead him to Orion. But she wasn't Sheila now, she was Orion, and Orion was not playing along.

Orion wanted to end this quickly. She walked closer to him. Jason was still expecting her to say something. She could take advantage of that. She aimed a high, dancer's kick straight for his chin with her right foot. Despite looking unprepared though, Jason was fast. He stepped inside her kick causing her to miss, and grabbed her ankle as it reached the kick's high point. Holding her by her ankle, he grabbed her belt to keep her precariously upright but awkward on her other foot. He unlatched her utility belt and threw it across the room where it skidded under one of the gates and out of reach. Then he pushed her ankle all the way to her ear, making her lose balance and fall. She tucked and rolled with the fall to immediately stand up in a fighting crouch before he could take advantage. Lesson learned, she wouldn't try something that simple again.

Orion approached him slowly and launched a series of jabs at his ribs, alternating hands without any hesitation between blows. Maddeningly he kept blocking every punch. The fury of her attack though prevented him from even attempting a counterpunch. Mr. Martial Arts Dropout indeed! All this was going to do was tire her out, so she aimed a few punches for his chin and face while she surreptitiously raised her right leg to stomp her heel into the top of his foot. Despite his continued success at blocking her blows, he must have seen her tactic anyway. Before she could bring her right foot down, he had executed a leg sweep, knocking her left leg out from under her.

She was careful to keep her hands and arms in, so she didn't break or sprain anything, but she hit hard on the concrete floor. As she started to roll away, she was yanked back by her cape. He was kneeling on it! She reached up to unclasp it and found Jason's hands already around her neck. She managed to release it before he started to strangle her, but it turned out he was aiming for something else. His hand had found the hidden zipper in her costume, and, just before she was able to roll away, he yanked the zipper all the way down to her crotch.

When she resumed her fighting stance, it was hard for her to not be distracted. The tightness of her spandex suit kept her breasts covered, for now, but any quick move might well expose them. As they circled each other slowly, she started warily removing her gloves making sure not to give him an opening. She knew she couldn't pull her zipper back up with her gloves on, but she had to be ready to abandon the attempt to pull them off at the first sign of an attack by Jason. Surprisingly, he let her succeed without trying to take advantage and attack. Before she could do anything else however, she saw him launch himself towards her. She held her hands to her sides in order to catch him and throw him over her by using his momentum against him when he got close enough. As his high-spirited charge got closer, she started to raise her hands for the throw, but, instead, his hands swept underneath hers and snapped something around each of her wrists, pushing them high over her head before the rest of his body got within range for a throw. That left her with no counter move as he slammed her backwards, full force, into one of the gates, completely knocking the wind out of her.

By the time she could catch her breath, she found that her wrists were fastened, spread above her head in a Y, to the gate behind her. She didn't know how he had done that, but her arms were now out of the fight. Out of desperation, she pulled herself up and knotted her ankles around his midsection, hoping to push the air out of his lungs. Instead of gasping for breath, however he calmly removed one boot then the other and forced her ankles apart. He was too strong. As he grabbed one leg and pulled it to her side, she tried to kick him with her other one, but the angle was all wrong, and her attempt was useless. He snapped another something around her ankle and then fastened it to the gate. That left it easy for him to repeat the process with her remaining ankle.

She tried to move and was only rewarded with a dull vibration in the gate. She was now securely spread eagled, belt-less, glove-less, and barefoot with her suit unzipped all the way to her crotch. The great Orion was now totally helpless. Meanwhile he was standing so close that breathing pushed her breasts into his chest. Worse, she could feel his thumbs wrapping underneath the fabric of her suit where the zipper used to connect it. She braced herself as he slid his hands down, pulling the suit further open, but she still gasped as his thumbs ran across her rock hard nipples. His hands continued their course down her ribs and stomach until they came to rest outside her thong. He left one hand there, forcing it between the bottom of her costume and the thin fabric of her thong, not pushing but making sure she knew it was there. Every move she made now, even every breath, only managed to rub his hand against her sex. His other hand reached up under her chin and tilted her head up to face him, “I told you we could have just walked away.”

Immobilized and unwillingly pressed against his chest and his hand, her breathing heavy, and her heart pounding and not just from the exertion, but from his body against hers, she was now forced to look into his eyes. What she saw there wasn't lust as she expected, but a puzzled look.

“Sheila? I'd recognize those eyes anywhere! Oh, now it all makes sense.” He eased her cowl over her head in one smooth motion. With no need to keep her voice silent anymore, she opened her mouth but found she had nothing to say.

“I'm going to do something now that I wanted to do from the moment I first saw you,” he said and took advantage of her open mouth to kiss her. It started gently at first, but then got more forceful as their tongues twisted hungrily around each other. Even though her body was helpless, her tongue wrestled his for dominance, but his was just as insistent. Her hands tensed into fists and strained at her restraints, but it was just a jolt of electricity going through her whole body as they tried to take each other with just their tongues. Finally they pulled their lips away, neither having given an inch, but they stayed only an inch apart.

“I've never been kissed like that in my whole life,” Sheila said softly.

“Neither have I,” Jason replied. He removed his hand from her thong and slowly eased back from her, freeing her breasts from his chest.

Sheila didn't know what he was going to do, and didn't know what she wanted him to do, as she stood there, helpless, locked against the fence, her breasts exposed and heaving from her heavy breathing, her eyes drifting down to the bulge in his pants that could hardly be hidden and then back up to his eyes. Her whole world was not making any sense at the moment, maybe never again. He reached up to her left wrist and freed it from the fence, then backed away. They stared wordlessly at each other's eyes for a minute, neither sure, it seemed, of what would happen next. Finally, she drew her wrist in front of her to examine it. There was a tight, round silver band around it, with no seams that she could easily find. It had 3 holes in it, each fitted with a jump ring. Those must have been what attached her wrist to the fencing. She looked up at her right wrist to confirm it. She watched as she tried to pull her right wrist free. The jump rings looked thin and flimsy, but the physics made them fiendishly effective. She reached up with her free left hand and managed to pry open then spiral the jump ring off the fence, freeing her right hand. She never could have done that with her gloves on, she thought, distractedly.

Now that she had both hands free, she checked to see that Jason was still just standing there, watching her with that unsettling stillness of his, then she examined the bracelets more closely. They seemed completely smooth with no way to remove them. At least no way that she could figure out. Giving up on that, she bent over at the waist, stretching her arms wide and reaching each ankle with her corresponding hand to release them simultaneously. She smiled at the stifled gasp the move had drawn from Jason. She had made the move with that in mind. “You want to see my ass? Take a good look, Buster,” she thought.

Now free, she didn't bother fixing her costume to cover herself. She just walked slowly towards Jason, swaying her hips slightly. When she got close enough, she ripped his shirt down the center, sending buttons flying. Next she grabbed his belt, unbuckled it, and yanked it totally free of his pant loops. His slacks fell to the floor, revealing a pair of camouflage colored boxers. Not too bad. Then she grabbed both sides of his open shirt, pulling him towards her. And kneed him in the balls as hard as she could.

With a huge groan, he crumpled to the floor. Orion turned to face the gate that led back to the library and fiddled with Jason's belt buckle until she found the latch. With the buckle open, she attempted to throw the mini-switch she had seen Jason use to close the gate. The switch resisted all her efforts to move it back to its original position. She looked it over carefully to see why it didn't move. Finally she realized she had to pull up on the switch to release it from its locked position and then she could push it to its original position. She did and heard the satisfyingly loud click of an electromagnet sliding a mechanism home. But the gate didn't retract. It didn't move at all! What was she doing wrong, she thought, and then, at the back or her mind, realized this was taking too long.

Before she could react, her costume was pulled down off her shoulders, further exposing her breasts and pinning her elbows to her waist. Then a blow to the back of her legs sent her down onto her knees. She felt Jason grab her wrists, and she tried to push herself up and away from him. She didn't get far before coming to an abrupt halt. He had attached her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs! Her momentum reversed, but she didn't make it all the way back onto her ankles because Jason had inserted his thigh between hers, so she tried pushing up more deliberately this time. That move was met with Jason's large hand engulfing both her breasts, and she gasped in response at her darkest fantasy coming to life. She leaned back to find herself sitting with her pussy lips spread against his naked thigh. Before she could even respond to that sensation, Jason's other hand grabbed her at the crotch, inserting 2 fingers into her under her thong while his palm rubbed against her already engorged clit. She could feel his fingers sliding easily in and out of her moistening pussy while his other hand forced her back into his chest and continued to play with her breasts. He would occasionally release his grip on both breasts only to play with the nipple on one then the other. She was gasping for breath between moans as he assailed one of her sensitive feminine spots after another, sometimes multiple ones at once. She couldn't stop him from doing anything he wanted to her, and the things he was doing were driving her body beyond her own control. She could feel herself start to build to a climax. Nothing else but what her body wanted mattered anymore, and what her body wanted was him to take her completely. She threw her head back against his shoulder and screamed, “Oh, fuck me! Please, I need you to fuck me! Shove your cock into my cunt and take me!” What was left of her rational mind couldn't believe what she was saying, but she wanted this man like she never had anyone else.

Not stopping his two-handed assault, he whispered into her ear, “No.”

“What?” she squealed almost incoherently. She was panting now, faster and faster.

“I'm going to make you come on my hand,” he continued and grabbed her ear with his lips as he moved a third finger into her and began rapidly rubbing her clit with his thumb. That was too much for Sheila, and the orgasm burst over her, leaving her whole body spasming with release as Jason now just held her firmly in all her vulnerable places. Finally all her muscles relaxed at once, and she collapsed like putty. Lost in post-coital bliss, she was only dimly aware of him pulling her uniform back up and gently repositioning her.

When her awareness fully returned, she found herself on all fours, her ankles and wrists now attached to small ringbolts on the floor, her uniform now back onto her shoulders but still unzipped.


“Try not to move. I don't want you to accidentally get hurt.”

She felt something metal touching her left foot. Then the fabric of her tights where it went under her arch parted. She was in no position to go anywhere, and this was starting to worry her. She looked back to see Jason neatly slicing her tights along the outside of her calves, then thighs, then up around her hip to the small of her back, slicing the thong strap as he went.


“Please stay still. I don't have any bandages.”

“That's not comforting! What are you doing?”

“Shh,” he whispered in her ear, having repositioned himself in front of her and starting to slice her costume at her left wrist. He sliced neatly along her forearm, her biceps, and behind her shoulder to the back of her neck. She tried to control her breathing in worried silence as he repeated the process on her right side. Then, he positioned himself between her legs and one quick slice slit the back of her costume from her hips to her neck. It fell to the floor, leaving her suddenly and completely naked. Instinctively, since she couldn't move away or cover herself with her manacled hands, she moved forward, trying to push her now naked breasts against the floor to cover them. She never got that far. He had secured her wrists and ankles such that her elbows almost touched her knees. That position meant she couldn't actually force her torso to the floor. Not that it mattered, because as soon as she came close, he pushed his body against her butt and grabbed each breast with one of his hands. When she instinctively pulled back, he held her breasts in their current position, holding her tightly by her nipples until she had to relent and push her breasts back into his grasp, and he released her nipples only to completely swallow her tits with his big hands. She pursed her lips. Great, now she was not only naked, but, because she was bent forward, she had her naked ass and pussy waving high in the air in front of him.

“Bastard!” she spat out.

“You mispronounced Master,” he retorted with infuriating calm and confidence. “You're mine now. Maybe I'll sell you to a slave market.”

He wouldn't! But, given her predicament, she couldn't stop him if he really wanted to.

“Of course, I'll have to mark my property for safekeeping.”


“Maybe a brand, a discreet JT on the inside of your right thigh?” and he moved his right hand back to search out the designated spot.

She shivered, feeling the both the painful, burning procedure and it's lasting aftermath in her imagination. A permanent mark of his ownership on her thigh from this man who had already stripped her naked and shackled her and was even now holding her left breast and right thigh tightly and possessively! She was frightened that she could feel her body's aroused response to the suggestion. She wanted him to move his hand from her thigh up to her pussy. Oh fuck, she wanted him in her cunt. “Stop talking and just fuck me!” she heard her mind silently scream. But he wasn't done yet.

“Actually I think rather a tattoo,” and he began to trace on her body with his fingers while his thighs between hers forced them wide open. “A Chinese dragon with his face staring up between your breasts, his long whiskers tickling your upper ribs. Two talons would enclose each breast,” he continued, encircling the base of each breast with his fingers to her shivering response, “and the last talon would find it's way up and push your nipple into you.”

She moaned as he demonstrated with his fingers, then he moved on.

“His torso would wrap around yours, and his tail would wrap tightly 3 times around your thigh, just brushing your cunt with the thickest part as the rest spiraled down your leg,” he continued, dragging his fingers around her sensitive thigh, “One of his claws would cup your right ass cheek, spreading out to grasp it firmly.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. They were almost rolling back in her head as she felt his hand enact the dragon's grip on her ass.

“His last claw would have one talon on each thigh and the third sunk deep into your cunt while the base of his claw pushed against your clit.”

This time she screamed in forbidden pleasure as he enacted the last scenario with his hand. She seemed to actually feel the dragon molesting her, his rough talon pushing deep into her instead of his finger while another talon dug into each thigh.

“Even if you escaped, the dragon would always be under your clothes, fucking you 24/7, “ he said, pushing his finger in and out of her. “You'd sit there in your tight white blouse and feel the dragon under your bra and inside your panties, keeping you in constant arousal.

“Oh God!” she moaned.

“Now that we've settled that, I seem to remember you making a request. What was that again?”

“Fuck me,” she breathed as his hands continued enacting the dragons rear claws on her ass and cunt.

“What was that? Did you want someone to do something? Who would that be?”

She was panting wildly now and squirming in his lascivious grasp, “Fuck me! Fuck me, Master! Please, ram your cock into my cunt. Take me! Take me now! Please?! I need your cock in me!”

She gasped as he pulled his finger out of her pussy. Then his hands forced her thighs wide, and he covered her cunt with one hand, spreading her labia with his palm, teasing her entrance as he squeezed her clit with 2 fingers. She gasped and trembled as his hand moved away, and she could feel the head of his penis slowly work it's way into her. She tried to push back against it to get his whole cock inside, but he was holding her by her thighs, controlling even her ability to respond. Sheila hung her head, realizing she had absolutely no control and was now his little fuck toy to be used any way he wanted. The bastard owned her body completely, and she wanted it that way! Her hands were balled into useless fists, her toes were curling, and she quivered and moaned loudly at every change in touch. What was left of her conscious mind resented this, but her body shook with electricity, wanting more, wanting his hands covering every inch of her body and his cock rammed into her cunt until she had to scream.

He pushed into her slowly and steadily until she was completely filled. God, he was hard! Then he drew his dick almost completely out and then back in with maddening slowness. Finally he started to pick up speed, slamming so hard enough against her that she could feel her breasts tremble and wobble in response to each thrust. He finally released her thighs and reached one hand under to grab her breasts. As her moans became constant and louder with each thrust, he started rubbing her clit rapidly with his thumb. The orgasm that had been building in her shook her to her soul, but before her body could let go, yet another orgasm rolled through her like a huge wave knocking her over on a beach somewhere as he kept a firm grasp on her clit. “Did that just happen?” a small part of her brain asked before all her muscles gave out, and she collapsed as much as possible given her restraints.

He left his still hard dick in her, not moving it as the last of her trembles subsided. He moved so that now he had one breast in each hand and began to pump his cock into her again. Somehow she realized that he hadn't come yet as he began fucking her again. It was different this time. She realized now how solicitous he had been of what was turning her on, but now he was totally focused on just getting himself off. He was gripping her breasts as if they were just convenient handles to give him leverage. She was just an object, a convenient receptacle for his prick to jack off into. Shockingly she found that the thought of being treated as nothing but a sex toy was turning her on! She was just his toy now, grateful to be played with. When he finally exploded into her, she came again as well. As he pulled his shaft our of her, she hung her head. She was fucked, in every way imaginable.

After a few minutes rest, he released her from the ring bolts in the floor, and she laid her naked body on his. Eventually he rolled her over and lifted her right hand. He put thumb and forefinger on opposite sides of her bracelet, then did the same with his other hand dividing her bracelet neatly into quadrants. He squeezed all 4 digits towards each other at once and the bracelet suddenly expanded, revealing an inner core that opened up and released its hold on her wrist. He did the same with her other wrist, then let her do it herself on her ankles.

“A neat piece of engineering if I do say so myself,” he said, showing her how the now open bracelets could be easily pushed closed completely concealing what was inside and how to open it. He opened it again and asked, “What do you think?”

“And there's no way I could have gotten it off my own wrist because you need 2 hands. That's diabolical! Have you ever thought of becoming a supervillain?”

“Not sure what I was tonight,” he replied, “but I think Orion finally appreciated me.”

“I think Orion eventually accepted being put in her place, but Sheila Hansen is completely undone. If you go away again, I will send Orion to hunt you down!”

Jason leaned into her, meeting her lips and cradling her neck in his arm as he lowered her to the floor while engaging in another long, powerful kiss for several minutes.

“Kiss me like that, and I'll follow you anywhere,” she gushed as they pulled their lips apart, “Don't ever not kiss me like that.

“But we're not done yet,” she added, her eyes gleaming as she rolled him onto his back and sat on his thighs.

“I don't think I'm ready...” he started.

“You will be,” she smiled, twirling his balls around her fingers while sliding her other hand over his hairy chest to his labored breathing. She lifted his left hand, placed it on her breast and started to gently massage it, to her own soft coos of pleasure. She took his thumb and forefinger between hers and used them to squeeze her nipple. She was making herself gasp, and moved her hips forward to feel his now erect prick rub against her. Without stopping, she lifted herself up and slid smoothly and greedily all the way down onto his cock wiggling a bit to make sure he fit in to her satisfaction. Before pulling back, she moved his other hand and grabbed her clit with it. “Don't you dare let go, of anything!” she ordered as she began to ride up and down on his cock. Each upward thrust to pull her cunt up on his cock was restrained by the hold on her clit that he had to squeeze hard to keep from losing his grip. As she slid back down on his dick, she bent herself backwards straining her nipple against his fingers, the alternating pain and pleasure driving her crazy. She started bucking wildly with incoherent shrieks as she threw her hands back in ecstasy. He needed no more encouragement, and she could feel him redouble his hold on her nipple and clit making it absolutely clear she wasn't going to get free until they both came. She rocked herself from side to side as well as up and down pushing both of them to their limits. This time he came first, but her orgasm didn't follow by much as she could feel his cock still spasming inside her when her body let go. She hung her head in exhaustion, and he moved his grip from her nipple to hold her whole breast gently but firmly. Weakly, she pulled herself off his cock as he released her clit. She lay down on his chest feeling like she was made of rubber as he released her breast and wrapped both hands tightly around her ass. Moaning in delight, she let her head fall into his shoulder. She sighed and tangled her fingers in his wavy hair.

She was in heaven. It seemed like all her darkest fantasies had been made real, and his firm grip on her ass as she lay exhausted on his chest reminded her of that. Eventually she started to stir, but he seemed reluctant to let go of her ass, and she wiggled it seductively in his grip. “Where did you come from?” he almost whispered at her as she raised her face to his.

“I could ask you the same. But Mama never told me there'd be days like this.”

“I don't think there ever have been. I think we could get arrested for doing the kind of things we did tonight.”

“As long as they lock me up in the same cell.”

“My sentiments exactly,” he said, grinning, as he slid one hand gently along her back, making her murmur in pleasure and tingle all over. He finally reached the back of her neck, and she leaned into his soft grasp to look up at him, smiling. The back of her neck was one of her most arousing areas. He bent his head up to kiss her while he continued to hold her ass firmly with his other hand.

This kiss was even longer and more passionate than the last one if that were possible, and his hand greedily holding her ass while they kissed, made her squirm in delight. When they finally let go of each other's tongue, she said, “My God, you evil sex fiend, I think you've ruined me for anyone else.”

“Good,” he said, “I don't want to ever give you the temptation to find out. You are absolutely perfect Miss Hansen,” he replied, “You little slut,” he added, winking.

“You're not going to sell me into sex slavery?” she asked, tilting her head teasingly.

“I could never afford to part with you. You are the perfect woman.”

“You're repeating yourself.”

“Do you mind?”

“No,” she said, chastely pressing her lips against his, “A girl likes to be told.”

“We should however see about getting you home,” he said, rolling her gently off his chest with his arm around her shoulder.

“I've got nothing to wear,” she chuckled, holding the remnants of her costume. “Literally.”

He lifted her to her feet, and slowly and deliberately looked her up and down. When his eyes came back up to hers for the second time, she tossed her hair and turned around slowly, enjoying the thought of him raping her with his eyes. “Well that might be a problem, Sweet Cheeks” he said, “but I think I have a solution.”

He picked up her cape, wrapped it around her, and gently fastened it at her neck. It covered her nicely to just below her knees. “Oh, one more thing,” He went to the gate, bent down and, with a grunt, hoisted it up until it locked in place, retrieving her utility belt. “The magnet only releases the lock, the gates don't have any motors.”

“So I couldn't have gotten away, no matter what?”

“Well, they're pretty heavy, and fit as you are, I don't think you're quite strong enough,” he said, pushing aside her cape to wrap the utility belt around her hips.

“You thought of everything, you villainous fiend.”

“I'm sure you would have found a way out eventually. You're too smart. I just didn't give you that much time. By the way, I owe you for that knee to the balls.”

“Oh, I think I've repaid you for that. Besides you really deserved it,” she replied, grinning.

“I suppose so,” he said, picking up the pile of rags that had once been Orion's costume, “We shouldn't leave any evidence lying around.”

“Yes, and you owe me for that, by the way.”

“Bill me.”

“Don't think I won't.”
After she unlocked her front door, he backed her up against it and said, “Well good night Sheila, my beautiful, sexy librarian.”

She smiled and twisted her shoulder at him. He kissed her gently this time but slipped his hand inside her cape and grabbed her pussy, holding it tight. She broke the kiss, pursing her lips to suppress any sound, “Mr. Taylor, the library has fines for such things.”

“Add it to my bill,” he said, pushing a finger into her. “I never have and never will meet anyone remotely like you. This isn't over.”

“A threat?” she asked demurely.

“A promise.”

“I'll hold you to that, and don't think I won't,” she replied, her eyes boring deeply into his with a mixture of determination and desire.

“I would expect nothing less. I'm counting on it.”

“Now go, before we scandalize the whole neighborhood,” she said, letting herself in and immediately leaning her back on the door she had just closed.

“Don't forget to lock up,” she heard through the door, and she slid the deadbolt home, hearing his steps slowly walk away.

She sighed and slid her back down along the door to the floor. She heard a clink when her cape settled around her. She looked in the pocket. He had put the bracelets in her cape. Oh boy! Mama really never told her there'd be days like this.
Wonder Woman #141
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Justice League of America #17
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