super girl fight in the night club

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Super girl awakens in a dark prison; she attempts to move but finds her hands chained; she struggles to free herself; she hears three men approaching; they switch on the lights.

The boss takes a seat and welcomes Super girl to his nightclub, where she will fight for her life in order to escape. the businessmen have paid a lot of money to watch her.

He hopes she won't let them down. He removes her chain's and Super girl clutches his neck but is unable to lift him. He laughs and informs her that everything in the nightclub has been coated in Kryptonite and that she will fight powerless to make the fight's fair. The boss takes out his phone and says, "Get the people ready, and tell the businessmen the show is about to start." He informs Super girl that there are a few individuals

that will take pleasure in bringing her down, so put on a tremendous performance He unlocks the door and wishes Super girl luck. She exits and walks down a dark hallway, where she hears party music and sees lights flashing.

She enters the middle, looking about and preparing herself for anything, when five individuals wearing masks and with shock sticks rush down and circle her.

Then they assault her. super girl managers to fight off three of them with a few punches and kicks to the face and body while the other two circle behind her. They shock her and then start punching and kicking her down. They watch her crawl on the floor and then start kicking her down.

Super girl pulls herself up against the wall and faces them as they slowly approach her. As they reach her, she hits two of them.

She fights the other two, struggling but managing to shock them down. When she sees the final one, he attacks her, attempting to kill her.

super girl deflects his strikes and knocks him down to his knees, shocking him so much that he passes out. She then throws the stick and exits the room.

She is still in agony from the shocks, she is struggling. But keeps moving and swallows the pain. She enters another room and is immediately attacked by a strong masked man. She hits him in the face and body with a few punches, but he ignores them. He grabs her by the neck and swings her around, then bangs her into the walls hard. She knees his dick and strikes him. She gets behind him and tries to choke him to sleep. He moves and backs her hard against the wall three times, then bear hugs her slowly crushing her. She gives him a strong headbutt and backs away, attempting to recover. The masked man rushes up to her and knocks her down; he then begins ripping her outfit apart; she stands up while the masked man holds up the remnants of her outfit.

She tells him to come get me asshole, he runs at her, she grabs a chair and beats him around, he knocks the chair away and grabs her

He punches her in the face and knocks her down, then choking her with his knee on her neck. She bites his leg hard, then shifts her leg and knocks his legs out from under him, knocking him down. She wraps her legs around his neck and chokes him. She fights to hold on while he tries to remove her legs, but he eventually slows down and passes out. Super girl is severely injured, but she recovers.

and begins going, reminding herself that no matter what they do to her, she would not be defeated. She walks down another corridor and opens a door, seeing nothing but knowing that someone is waiting for her.

She walks in and feels something, then a powerful pain strikes her head, causing her to scream and struggle. She shakes it off and is startled to see Doomsday and Death stroke approach her. She hears a noise behind her and turns around to see Solomon Grundy and Bane standing there, greeting her. Super girl assumes a fighting stance.

However, she begins to hear more individuals and notices Scarecrow and on her left and The Joker and Harley Quinn on her right approaching her.

super girl begins to hurl her punches and kicks some of them, but they are simply toying with her, enjoying her effort to fight them, and they all begin to beat the bloody hell out of her.

They start punching her about, then kicking her against a wall a couple times. She tries to fight back, but Bain grabs her and puts her over his shoulders, crushing her body. Then back breaks her The joker pulls out his crow bar and hits her about then Harley hits her in the face and body with her bat.

and Upper smacks her pussy, then strikes again hard in the face, causing her to bleed. Bain pulls her up and throws her into the tables, and they laugh.

As Super girl slowly rises, her face bloodied and her body brushed and cut, she walks over to them and says, "Is that all you got?"

Doomsday and Solomon Grundy, step in between her and bear hug her, pressing her so hard that she feels her body breaking down.Supergirl screams furiously and manages to break them away from her. She grabs Doomsday and swings him around,

she slammed him against the wall very hard then Solomon Grundy attacks her with strong punches, knocking her down. Super girl returns the punches, pounding him back, and then kicks him in the face,

She kicks him in the face a few more time's and then stomps him down, knocking him out. She then sees Death stroke and The Joker approaching her. The joker smacks her across the face.

He knocks her down with his crowbar and prepares to finish her off with a big hit, but Super girl grabs the crowbar and smacks him in the face, knocking him the joker sits up and super girl holds the crowbar up and hits him knocking him out. Death stroke draws his blades as Super girl clutches the crowbar as they circle each other and strike. Some of his strikes are deflected by Super girl.

But he manages to land a punch and a kick before cutting her arm and leg. She falls back, clutching the wall, and waits as he approaches, swinging his swords.

Super girl kicks his swords into the wall, shattering the handles and throwing him back, she punches him over and over, he throws a kick but Super girl blocks it and spins him. He fall's down

She sits on his back, puts the crowbar around his neck, and chokes him. She rises up and sees three more left She throws down the crowbar and shouts, "Who's next?" Bane comes forward and starts punching her as hard as he can, then grabs her and pushes her against the wall.

He twists her around and punches and kicks her, and she begins to spit blood, yelling, "Is that all you got, you worthless asshole?"

he takes a big swing and super girl moves around him, grabbing his arm and pulling it back, Bane gasps in pain and backs away when she breaks it.

Super girl raises her hand and says, "Bring it, Bane," he attempts a kick. She grabs his kick and strikes it breaking a bone. He crawls on the floor She grabs his head and smacks it against the wall a few times before knocking him unconscious with one large smash. She hears the Scarecrow approaching and ducks as he attempts to spray her face.

She kicks him back and knocks him down; he then gets the crowbar and smashes her leg with it, then twists it in her stomach, causing her anguish.

He then slaps her in the face, causing her to stumble back and hit the wall. He continues to attack her, breaking her arm. He then laughs and goes to spray her face.

She pushes the crowbar into his face, knocking him down and yanking his mask off, saying, "Let's see how you enjoy your own gas."

She sprays his face. He screams and struggles all over the place. Super girl takes the crowbar and tosses it in his face, knocking him out. She is then attacked in the back by Harley Quinn, and kicks her in the face, sending her back.

Then Harley spins, kicking Super girl in the face and straight in the chest, pushing her against the wall and grinding her bat on Super girl's tits.then grind's super girl's pussy

Harley hopes she loves it and calls her super slut. Harley shoves her to the floor and climbs on top of her, punching her in the face.

Super girl becomes enraged and shoves Harley off, grabbing her and punching her in the face; Harley grabs super girl's tits and clutches and claws them, inflicting immense anguish on her; Harley kicks her off; super girl begins to crawl. As super girl struggles to get up, Harley kicks her three times across the floor. Harley then takes a chair and breaks it over her back.

Harley gets another chair, lifts it up, and slams it down on her. She dances, laughs, and can't wait for it to be over as harley has something for her.

She takes a little bomb out of her bag and hopes for a wonderful super girl explosion. As Harley see's super girl get up and struggle's to keep standing she goes for a flying kick, Super girl takes a chair and strikes Harley hard in the air, injuring her. She grabs Harley and smacks her face around and kicks her back.

Harley takes a swing and super girl catches it and smacks her every time she tries to strike her. She grabs Harley and smashes her against the wall, then super girl throw's her into the tables

Harley slowly rises to her feet and sees Super girl with her bat saying "lights out, Harley!" and striking her. She spins around and slowly falls hard onto a table knocked out Super girl, brutally beaten and clutching the bat, sees the bomb and moves it to a table; she sees doors open and the businessmen and the boss walk in he tells her how exciting it was to witness her face deadly villains; they all believed she wouldn't make it, but she proved them wrong.

Super girl activates the explosives and sets the timer for 10 seconds. The boss informs her that they earned a lot of money and that she put on a fantastic show, but he has something to tell her.

He lied about letting her go because he knows she'll come after them all he can't have that He takes out a revolver loaded with Kryptonite shells and apologises, but business is business. Super girl laughs and says it's not over yet. She throw's the bomb on the wall it blow's and knock's the wall on them

The businessmen are critically hurt the boss crawls and He sees the gun and attempts to grab for it, but Super girl places her boot on his hand and pulls piece of the wall away from him.

She grabs his neck and informs him that his nightclub is closed and that he and his business partners are all going to jail. She wishes him a long stay in prison.

She smashes him against the wall and punches him in the face, knocking him unconscious. She grabs his phone and calls the cops, they are on there way super girl grabs one of the businessmen's long jacket and puts it on she will need to leave to heal from her injuries. And walk's out of the room the end.
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A long and difficult night for SG. Thanks for sharing this.
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