custom idea

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So my custom idea goes like this...

Batgirl :ybat: is sitting at a computer in the library she works at. She's on a forum site to discuss various custom video ideas she has within a single thread she created for that purpose, as opposed to creating 20 plus new threads for each little idea that pops into her head any given day.

Then the Joker :joker: appears out of nowhere, says something like "Wouldn't it be more fun if I tied you up and had my way with you?" And Batgirl says "Like you'd know what to do with me if you did!" Joker seems offended and says "Oh yeah?! How about this!" Camera pulls back to reveal a really large crate, and when pulled back enough the crate front suddenly opens to reveal Wonder Woman :ww1: (played by Gal Gadot if available), who is bound and suspended spread-eagle, with very tight crotch rope digging deep into her, that's connected to a pulley system operated by a midget henchmen :mario: off to the side.

Batgirl :ybat: smirks, and admits to Joker :joker: that maybe he does know.

Then another recognizable Wonder Woman :lynda1: enters the library and comments on whether she was ever in a scene like this, but admits it woulda been so long ago that she doesn't remember.

Then Harley Quinn :hq: (played by Margot Robbie) appears and wonders why she wasn't invited to the party, and Joker says it's cause she'd probably just mess everything up.

Batgirl :ybat: says "Wow. This gives me a great idea for a custom video." and proceeds to type this up in her custom idea thread, as opposed to creating a brand new thread for each little idea that pops into her head.

The Joker :joker: looks over her shoulder as she types and says "Why don't you create a new thread for this?" Batgirl :ybat: abruptly punches him in the face. Harley Quinn :hq: ROTFLHAO. Then towards the end of her laughing, she tells Batgirl :ybat: that the forum she's on has a sub-forum dedicated to custom videos and her thread should maybe go there and not in the lounge. Batgirl :ybat: looks and sees it, tells Harley :hq: thanks and that she didn't know. Then she throws a batarang that cuts off one of Harley's :hq: ponytails.

Have more ideas about where this goes, but I'll stop now, mainly cause I'm thinking this custom would cost too much. Altho maybe a group custom would work! :cap:
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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Mr. X
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C'mon. Why do you have to be so mean.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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I hate to say it - sometimes you have to be a little mean …. um.. er.. direct with others. That's the only way they learn.

However, I suspect mental illness …..
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At least it makes the place a bit active, been crickets around here for the most part lately.
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