Batgirl - Bride of Penguin

A darker, full bodied blend.
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It was the eve of New Year's Eve. Barbara had been a wreck for the past week. She had called her dad to apologize, but he began to press the issue again over the phone. She needed to get herself together before she could see him again. She was afraid Bruce and Dick would be just as worrisome and possibly even more intrusive than her father. Barbara only left them a message to check in and wish them happy holidays, just enough so no eyebrows were raised.

In the meantime she was able to prep the library for spring semester and at night, crack a couple of skulls of minor muggers. She still wasn't busy enough to stay out of her head, but she felt more powerful as Batgirl. Patrol was usually cathartic, it might be the only thing that could help at this point. There was an alternate Batgirl costume Barbara still had since her other was either lost or destroyed in Penguin's lair. This one was almost identical, but it was all purple save for her utility belt, Bat symbol on her chest, and the inside of her cape. The feel of tight latex on her skin was ironically familiar and comforting.

Riiiiing! Riiiiing! Barbara's civilian phone was going off while she was on the rooftop. It was Stacey, a friend from her honors society group from Gotham U. They were having an early New Year's party tonight at a house just off of campus. Stacey and Barbara had hung out a couple of times throughout the first semester outside of being study buddies. Stacey was quite the social butterfly and genuinely enjoyed Barbara's company. She was always pushing her to shed her wallflower ways and to get out to more social events. Usually Barbara passed on her offers because she was busy with her duties as Batgirl. With all that had happened lately though, Barbara allowed Stacey to talk her into going out this time. It might be good to relax. Try something different.

It was still early on in the night that Batgirl would have enough time to head home and change instead of using her spare clothes she always kept at the library. On the way back, Barbara came upon a liquor store robbery. Her sense of duty wouldn't let her pass by even though she was on a time crunch. The single thug had a shotgun held to the clerk as he was hastily cleaning out the cash register. With the toss of a Batarang the gun fell to the floor. The bewildered crook didn't even see the roundhouse kick to his face coming before he was knocked out cold. The clerk was so thankful he offered Batgirl a bottle of tequila. Barbara first hesitated because as a civilian she had a couple years before she could buy alcohol, but she remembered she was actually on her way to a college party. She also wasn't opposed to the idea of drowning out her brain with a little self-medication.

Barbara met Stacey on campus, and they headed to the party house together. Barbara dressed much more conservatively than her alter ego. Her hair was done up in a ponytail while she wore her signature librarian glasses. She had a yellow dress that covered everything cutting off at the neck, shoulders, and knees with a white belt and white heels. Stacey looked a little more wild in a black leather blouse and matching knee high boots. When Barbara first laid eyes on her she flashed back to being in the clutches of Catwoman. She shivered.

"Ready?!" Stacey asked with enthusiasm. The two made their way into the kitchen through a crowd of drunken college kids dancing in the living room when Barbara pulled out the bottle of tequila. "Whoa! Babs! Look at you party girl! What's gotten into you?"

Barbara smiled mischievously as she tried to speak over the blaring music. "I just thought we'd have a little fun. You know, new year, new me?!" They both giggled. "Cheers!" The two toasted Barbara's first shot and to the "new her." Barbara grimaced. She barely kept her gag reflex in check. Stacey couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Asked a tall, dark haired young man.

"Peter!" Exclaimed Stacey. They embraced each other with a hug. "Peter, this is my friend Barbara! Barbara, Peter." The two smiled and shook hands as Stacey continued on. "Peter is a junior and top in his class. He's also one of our hosts tonight. He's also quite the charmer. Barbara here spends all of her time studying or working...also top in her class."

The two made pleasantries. It was apparent that Stacey was trying to enhance Barbara's experience this evening. Barbara didn't object too much. Peter was handsome and seemed nice enough. After all it was his party, and she didn't want to be rude. After a few more shots among the trio Barbara was really starting to feel the rhythm of the evening. In woo-girl like fashion Stacey ushered everyone to the dance area when her favorite song came on. She pushed the new acquaintances together and vanished to give the two their space.

They smiled awkwardly at each other, attempting to dance even worse when Peter finally suggested they just hang out. Barbara was relieved. They grabbed their amigo Jose. Peter took her hand as he lead her upstairs to his room.

"To Stacey!" he toasted. After more laughter subsided their eyes caught each other. Peter did not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity. Peter leaned in and Barbara did nothing to say his advance wasn't welcome. The kissing became more intense as she returned the favor. One arm wrapped around her back, and the other cradled her head. Eventually they both fell to her bed. Peter lifted off her dress, leaving her undergarments on. Even in her inebriated state Barbara wasn't quite sure if she wanted to go beyond that even if she was enjoying the attention. He started to kiss around her belly button and worked his way up to fondle her breasts. At the same time he alternated between licking her neck and nibbling on her ear.

Barbara was being worked into a frenzy. Her breathing was becoming labored. She could hear Peter's audible "mmmmmms" in between the sound of his tongue caressing her skin. "Say my name," he said. Barbara hesitated. "Come on, Barbara, I want to hear you say my name," Peter demanded this time.

"Oh...Peter," Barbara said.

"Yessss..." Peter replied greedily. "Do it...DO IT AGAIN!"

At this point Peter was grinding against her, rubbing against her clit. Barbara hesitated again. She was getting lost in the attention. Peter was even more impatient. "SAY. MY. NAME." Subconsciously, the orders were turning her on along with the physical stimulation. Barbara was loosing it. Then it spilled out of her mouth.


Before she could climax Peter pulled away bewildered, staring at her. As valedictorian he prided himself on all of his accomplishments. Obviously hearing his name called for praise followed him to the bedroom, and this faux pax was something his hubris couldn't handle.

"What did you say?"

Barbara turned pale in shock. "I...I...said Peter," she stammered.

"No, no you said "Pengy,"" Peter retorted. "What the hell is that?" He looked disgusted.

Barbara was now panicking. Hurriedly, she shove Peter off of her, threw on her dress, and stormed out. She didn't even bother to say goodbye to Stacey as she raced home.

Not too much later Barbara was panting in front of her sink, staring in front of the mirror. She wasn't sure if she was panting from running home or just trying not to hyperventilate. What Barbara was sure of was that she didn't recognize the person in the mirror any more. She chugged a glass of water in an attempt to collect her sobriety. She couldn't take it anymore. The water glass shattered against the opposite wall as Barbara shrieked out of frustration.


Within moments, Batgirl left the apartment.
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Penguin has definitely entered Batgirl's subconscious. Her continued defiance makes her downfall that much hotter.
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BatFan11 wrote:
5 years ago
Oh, I believe you 100%! I just prefer stories where heroines give in as opposed to being mesmerized or brainwashed or what not. For me, the tease and denial is a fun literary device in getting a heroine to submit.
I can see where you are coming from. I love the mind games that Penquin is playing to bring Barbara/Batgirl to his side. This story is great and looking forward to more of it.
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That was a wonderful way to reveal Bab's inner turmoil. Really enjoying the psychology here, BatFan. Thanks for the fun ride.
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Thank you to everyone for all of the feedback. I'm really glad you are all enjoying the story. It always helps with the motivation to keep it rolling. I'll try to get the next chapter or two up soon.
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This is my second go at a story in the forum. My first story was a while ago, "Batgirl's Transformation." A little while after I finished that story I was viewing a video where all the dialougue seemed vividly familiar. It turned out that someone submitted my story as their own script for a custom clip. I spoke with the producer, and he explained the situation. It was a mistake, and he even offered to take it down. I decided to live and let live.

Recently, another clip was brought to my attention that the same scenario has happened, but the character was changed from Batgirl to Supergirl. I have not contacted the producer.

Obviously none of us hold rights to these characters that we right about or watch in clips on here. However, we do the work to come up with our stories. I write for my enjoyment, and hopefully so others can enjoy as well. It is flattering that someone would enjoy my story to order a custom. But it doesn't sit well with me that someone else portrays my work off their own and then someone else gets to profit off of it.

That being said, I am considering ending any more story telling on this board. Thank you.
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I feel that it would be a shame to lose you, a worthy writer to this site, for the transgressions of others that you describe above. If the producer remembers the name of the custom contributor in question, and if that person is a member here, please send me a PM and I will discuss it with that person in private.
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sounds like someone needs a bondage lesson!! Hate to hear people stole your work, I hope you stay and keep posting, I LOVE your stories(and they love me too)

I am sorry to hear people are taking your ideas without your permission. I purchase hardcore SHIP regularly. I must say I have not see any Supergirl movies that are similar to your first Batgirl story about the Joker and Batgirl.
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I had some time to blow off some steam. Bottom line, if you folks are enjoying the story that shouldn't get ruined because of somebody else. Thanks for the support gals and guys. Screw it, let's write some smut...

Penguin was holding court with some underlings regarding territorial issues when a Batarang was lodged into the backrest beside his head. The lights went out immediately. A dirty smile crawled up his face. Penguin could hear the grunts of his goons as they were being aggressively subdued. Crack! Bam! Pow! A scream came out of the dark following the snap of a limb. As the attack went on Penguin was able to hone in on that familiar labored breathing.

Penguin knew she had her work cut out for her. There was a dozen henchmen present for the meeting. All hot heads and easily triggered. Still, Penguin did not hear her stumble. Good, good. She's locked in, Penguin thought. A girl on a mission, that level of focus will benefit her in the future. Oswald had been patient long enough. Batgirl had returned to him. The cumming spectacle would not be one to miss. Showtime!

"ENOUGH!!!" Penguin shouted in synchronicity while he slammed the tip of his umbrella on the floor. It echoed throughout the chamber. Penguin pushed a button on his armrest for the auxiliary lighting to activate. A dim light shone over the throne and another one over the room before his feet. Batgirl had a thug by the collar, ready to deliver the final blow when she looked up to see Penguin on his throne, staring down at her. The look on her face was one of child with their hand in the cookie jar.

She was startled by the imposing figure. Silence rang throughout the hall after Batgirl subconsciously dropped the final thug on the floor, scattered with the other bodies. Barbara was frozen, and she didn't know why. The dim bulb highlighted the smoke pouring out from Penguin's opera cigarette holder. Penguin took a couple more drags to heighten the tension. The criminal mastermind rose to his feet. His monocle glistened, reflecting into Batgirl's face. This caused the heroine to flinch, knocking her out of her mesmerized state.

She gathered herself to face him as he took his time walking down the stairs from the throne. The clacking of his umbrella in between each puff of smoke was like the ticking of an emotional time bomb. Penguin stood on the final step so the two could be face to face. She could feel him staring into her eyes, her soul. In that moment she was naked against the man who had recently broken her will. The man who had brought out a part of her that Barbara didn't even know existed. But she escaped that, escaped him she thought. It's time to end all of this. Batgirl mustered all the bravado she had left.

"It's over, Penguin!" She proclaimed. "You're coming with me!" Barbara pulled out a pair of Batcuffs from her utility belt to slap them on this fiend. Just as she was about to strap on the restraints he blew a puff of smoke in her face. Thrown off guard, Batgirl coughed to expel the dreadful smoke from her lungs.

"Enough my child," he commanded calmly. She took a defensive stance after she finished coughing. "There will be enough time for bondage later, but you must know that you have it wrong. It will be you cumming with me."

Batgirl shook her head. "No, Penguin. You're through! You're going to Arkham where you can't harm anyone ever again."

"Oh Batgirl, you know I never harmed you."

"No, you made me do things...say things I would never do on my own free will." Barbara was starting to tremble in her stance, recalling the vivid memories from not so long ago.

"My sweet, sweet little Bat," Penguin quacked. "I merely opened you up the person you were hiding within. You were not coerced to enjoy or reveal anything to me. You must accept that is who you are. After all, Batgirl, you are right back in my lair. I know the reason why you're here, but do you?"

"To put an end to all of this!" she shouted enraged. Tears began to swell in her eyes.

"An end is right, but not the one that you're projecting," the villainous bird explained. "After all we've gone through Batgirl, you still underestimate my ability to see the real you. I know you, the best version of you, Batgirl. She is meant to be mine. You came here tonight to put an end to your former life. A life where you were bound by falsehoods that kept the real you from seeing the light of day. You had to parade around at night, pretending you are something that you are not...until you found your way to me. You've already shown me, told me who you are Batgirl. You've shown yourself. There is no going back now."

Barbara was now full out crying. Her cowl facing the floor in shame. She didn't want any of it to be true, but Penguin, damn him, always saw through. "The rage, the anger you feel now, are just a step in the process of letting go. You see, Batgirl, I loosened your bonds so that you were able to flee after that telling third station. You had to come back to me on your own. To enter the final step of The Looking Glass, Submission, you must realize you can no longer live in the world as you were. I opened Pandora's...or should I say your box, and it was glorious. You saw the possibilities of what you could have with me. The freedom you would have as my Penguin Girl is something that cannot be unseen."

His hand gently tilted her chin up so that they were once again eye to eye. She was sobbing only slightly now, trying to pull it together. "My beautiful Bat," Penguin was now whispering. His hand was slowly guiding her face toward him. "Let me give you the life you deserve. Join me." Her eyes locked with Penguin's. Barbara was overwhelmed by his mastery over her psyche. She was enchanted, intoxicated with his domineering effect. There was a freedom she felt in letting go, of becoming his. She couldn't fight it anymore. Barbara knew she was Penguin's girl. Their lips were now a finger's width apart.

"Submit," Penguin commanded. Batgirl and Penguin locked in a kiss that seemingly went on forever. When Penguin pulled back they both gazed into each others eyes and knew she was free.
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WOW outstanding story!
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Excellent story! Thanks for continuing it. It is amazing.
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Penguin led Batgirl by the hand down the familiar staircase. He opened the door, and for the last time she stepped through The Looking Glass as this version of herself. Barbara was not fighting Penguin, but she couldn't help but still have this feeling of apprehension...a pit of angst nestled deep within her stomach. She knew that she had given in to Penguin, but this was brand new territory for her.

Penguin leaned on the bed facing her. Batgirl was still at the doorway, creating some distance between the two. Penguin comforted her, "My dear, it's not difficult to see the trepidation within you." Batgirl blushed. She was an open book to him, embarrassed that she could hide nothing. "You must know that you made the right decision. I am here to guide you along your journey of self-discovery. You're not alone, Batgirl."

His hand laid outstretched for her. She approached slowly, but eventually she set her hand in his. Looking at Batgirl sincerely he asked, "Do you trust me, Batgirl." Pausing momentarily she was not able to break his gaze. Trusting a criminal, even if she had surrendered was not coming naturally. Barbara knew she had come this far though. What other choice did she have? An inaudible nod made it's way through her hesitation.

"Very well, my dear." Penguin knew there would be much work to be done, but the most important task at hand was completing the final station of Submission. "Kneel, child."

Batgirl's head tilted in curiosity, but Penguin tilted an eyebrow at her indicating he was not going to repeat himself. She yielded. Batgirl fell to her knees before her new master, her head bowing in obedience. "Now my sweet, I want you to recall all those inner desires you made known to me and you. Remind me of those desires...not in words, but in actions." Penguin motioned to his fly.

Understandingly, she nodded. The mix of disgust she had long felt at an idea like this was still combating her newly discovered lust. Barbara already knew what would ultimately win open. At first she began to remove her gloves, but then Penguin reached out to stop her. "No. This is Batgirl's time to submit. Leave them on." She looked at him unsure, but he rested a hand upon her shoulder. He gave her his own nod of approval accompanied by that familiar smug smile and a quack.

"Yes, Penguin," was all Batgirl could do to reply in obedience. Her hand made it's way back toward Penguin's zipper. It was almost as if she could hear each click come undone as she pulled it downward. Batgirl's pulse quickened from uneasiness and excitement. Verbally she had surrendered, but now...unchained, unhindered, she retrieved Penguin's manhood. As her latex gloved hand made contact with his member it stiffened rapidly. Penguin's anticipation heightened as well. His prize before him, ready to give in. All of his work, his patience was paying.

Now outstretched in her hand, Batgirl closed her eyes. Gently she brushed her nose and lips against it, basking in the glory of his musk. With Penguin before her now Barbara's apprehensions began to fade away. Her tongue protruded from her mouth and made contact in a single long stroke. Intoxicating. The licking continued as Penguin softly quacked in approval.

Eventually Batgirl's ruby lips traced their way from the base of Penguin's shaft to the tip of his head, then leisurely engulfing it. "Quuuuuuuack," Penguin purred. A wicked little smile quickly made it's way across her face. She couldn't help but enjoy the sounds of approval. It only strengthened her resolve. Her pace began to quicken, taking more and more of him down her throat each time. The sounds of him in her mouth and her gags were building momentum that was swelling within Penguin's balls.

"Mmmmm, yes my girl, yes. More." Penguin commanded. Batgirl obliged. The faster she went the more she tried to throw at her master. Her tongue violently swirled while she fondled his sack. Desperately she wanted to please him, to bring him to climax. Barbara needed to know she had done good.

All of a sudden Penguin pushed her back. A look of shock came across her face fearing that she had upset him, but she was quickly able to tell that was not the case. Moaning in delight Penguin grabbed his dick. "Open!" She knew exactly what he meant. Starring up at Penguin, Batgirl was flushed with pure delight. Her accepting mouth opened in a smile. Quacking in ecstasy Penguin came and came all over her cowl, eyes, lips, and the bat symbol that covered her perky little tits.

Knowing she was able to do something right, to get some kind of win with Penguin was euphoric. Her tongue captured whatever cum was possible on her face. Simultaneously her hands smeared the remaining strands all over her cowl and chest. Her latex shined brilliantly, glistening with Penguin's splattered seed. "Yessssssss," she moaned involuntarily. This image of Penguin's new toy was even more satisfying to him than the actual deed itself.

Penguin praised her, "Good, girl." She peered up at him with a smile. "Rise now, my darling."

"Yes, Penguin." Her voice now more sultry and compliant. Batgirl came to her feet. Even though she stood slightly taller than her master she kept all her focus on his beady eyes.

He placed both his hands around her head. His thumbs caressing her cheeks. "Now my dear, that was Batgirl's submission. You've shown me your true self with your words and actions. But now it is time to reveal everything to me. Remove your cowl, my sweet Batgirl."

All of Batgirl's arousal went out the door. She was in shock. Out of everything she had done so far nothing compared to revealing her identity. Barbara knew that if she did this there really was no return. All this depravity would become reality, her reality. Despite all the shame though everything had felt so good. Would it be that wrong to take the next step?

"'s not that simple."

"Oh it is that simple indeed my Bat. You must give yourself to me. The whole you. There is only full submission."


"Tell me Batgirl, your deepest desires, what you really want, who you really are...what are they?"


"Tell me!" He cut her off. She was now shook. Her shame, anxiety, and reluctance to give up her identity was so sweetly confused with the burning sexual desire she was experiencing.

"Batgirl," he stared at her with only one hand under her chin now. ""

Her bottom lip quivered. Tears welled again under the pressure. "I...I want to be yours."

"Yes...what else."

"I...I want to be dominated. I want to be your slut. I want to be your Penguin."

"And you can have all of that my dear. But first you must let everything go. You said you trusted me. Now is the time to put that to the test. Submit to me, Batgirl. Remove your cowl."

Knowing he was right. Knowing she was defeated. She nodded in her final act of submission. Batgirl undid the clasp under he neck and steadily raised the cowl covered in Penguin's cum. It brushed past her eyes then her forehead. Her red hair fell as it let go, as she let go. She opened her eyes to him now, feeling truly naked.

"Quack, quack, quack." Penguin went on like that in delight for several moments. Barbara had never been redder in the face. Tears were still pooling down. "My very own Barbie Girl. You've finally come forward. The commissioner's daughter, an alter-ego as virtuous as Batgirl herself, and now you have both succumbed to me." Barbara's head hung in defeat. "My dear Barbara. This is no time to mourn. Yes, Batgirl's time has passed, but that has brought us to the birth of the new you. The best version of you. Now is a time for celebration."

Penguin now sat atop the bed. Patting the space next to him he let out another commandment, "Join me." Hesitantly she climbed up next to him. "Now look at me." Their eyes connected. There was something always so reassuring when she was caught in their trance. "You're now mine." Penguin leaned in, kissing her aggressively. She squeezed on to him tight, returning the passion. His tongue penetrated her mouth. His swirled against hers. Despite her efforts his was clearly mastering their dual.

Once she had an opening she pulled away. Barbara went straight for his neck nibbling, panting, licking all the way up to his ear. He threw her down to the bed. She grabbed his purple top hat and flung it across the room. Now on top of her he pinned both of her wrists so he could sample her neck in return. Satisfactorily she moaned. Eventually he swallowed those moans in another kiss. He pulled back, "Tell me now, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, who do you belong to?"

"I'm yours!" sounded throughout the room echoing.

"Whose girl are you?"

"I'm Penguin's dirty little girl!" It was evident all the euphoria had returned.

"Now my dirty little Penguin Girl, what do you want?"

Her eyes filled with lust there was one last part of her to submit to Penguin, her virginity. "I want your dick, Master Penguin."

"And you shall have it!" She hastily removed his pants, his top still on. Still in her full costume save for her cowl, Penguin unzipped her crotch. Barbara's wetness was pouring out as her nether lips were released to the open air. She was ready for him. He flipped her over, Barbara now on her hands and knees.

"Please, Penguin! Please give me it!" At that moment the only man to ever enter Barbara Gordon did so for the very first. "OOOOOOOO!!!!!" Barbara squealed in shock and delight. Penguin quacked in approval. It was no longer time to be gentle. Penguin thrusted hard only to get harder. Pain and pleasure mixed for Batgirl.

She could not control her constant moaning. "OH PENGY!" she let out routinely. As the motion became more pleasureful she joined Penguin in rhythm. Her greedy little pussy clamped down on him tight, practically trying to swallow his dick. Penguin couldn't remember feeling anything so fantastic in all his life. "Good girl. Yes my girl! That's it!"

His encouragement drove her wild. Here she was, no longer Batgirl, no longer Barbara Gordon, giving everything she had to the mastermind villain, Penguin, doggy-style. She was owned, she was becoming a Penguin Girl, and it felt right. She bucked harder and harder at his hips. He returned the same. Barbara moan's crescendoed first.

"Yes, cum for me my little Penguin Girl! CUM!!!"

She loved it when he ordered her around with such ferocity. It sent her over the edge. "OH GOD!!! OH YES!!! OH PENGUIN I'M CUMMING FOR YOU! YES! YES! YES!!!!!!" She squirted all over them. Both found it sticky, icky, and delightful.

Penguin kept thrusting through the mess as her body seized in orgasm. "Do you want my cum, Barbara?! Do you want my seed?!"

She was still glowing, not having come down yet, "Yes, Penguin! Give your cum! PLEASE CUM IN ME!!!"

He let go in the fiercest orgasm of his life. An enemy vanquished. An ally and lover to gain. This new year belonged to Penguin, and he was most pleased. After Barbara could no longer feel his ropes erupting inside of her they both collapsed on the bed, nuzzling and cuddling. She cooed at his touch. She rolled over to face him. Biting on her lower lip she was trying to hold back a smile, "Penguin...Oswald?"


"I submit."

"Congratulations, my dear. You have made it through The Looking Glass." He kissed her forehead and then rolled over to grab something from under the bed. Before Barbara knew it he snapped a stainless steel collar around her neck, and then injected her with a sedative. "Sweet dreams, Barbara."


When Barbara awoke she could see that she was in another room. It was similarly decorated to other spots in Penguin's lair, so she assumed that she was in the same building. When everything completely came into view she could she was behind bars! And not just any bars! She was in a cage! Barbara tried to stand up, but fell to the floor when the collar chained to the ground grew taught. Her head now on the ground she saw a couple of bowls before her eyes! What was this!?

"Quack, quack, quack," Penguin chuckled in amusement. "Do you like your quarters my dear?"

"Penguin...Oswald! What is the meaning of this! I...I submitted to you, and now you have me cage like some animal! I..."

"Silence!" He ordered. Her protests ceased. "First and foremost, you will address me as Master. Is that understood!?"

"Yes, Master, but..."

"You will speak when I allow it!" Barbara stopped in fear of some sort of punishment. "Now, my little sweet, I understand this may all be a little confusing, but I will have you know it's for the best. Yes, you have submitted, but there is a stark difference between submitting, and being your true self, the Penguin Girl you are meant to be. Under my guidance I will shape you, mold you into your best version, Barbara. Right now you have hesitation, fear, doubt, shame. We will rid you of all of that. You know your true self, but we must get you to embrace her, Barbara. It can't be just moments in between the sheets. This is your life now. One day you will earn your way to be by my side, but right now you are my pet. And all pets need training." He quacked in laughter.

A pang of terror ran through her like lightning. Only one thought resonated in her head. She made horrible a mistake.
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Excellent work here, Batfan11!! Deliciously described and most believable. And now we see how Penguin will go about training his new Bat pet, to turn her from a soaring elusive creature of the night to a land-bound creature that can only waddle around and show its character through puffery and sullen aggression.
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All I can say is Damn!!!!!
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My favorite kind of story. The villain taking a self-respecting, confident heroine and corrupting her mentally and sexually. Especially when Batgirl is involved. Can't wait to read what happens next!
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Wow that was great! I hope there is more. I would love to see Batgirl/Barbara's transformation as Penquin Girl.
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When's the next chapter coming? Waiting for my Batgirl fix lol
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What happened with this story? Is the next part coming or nah?
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Barbara was wrapped in a white catsuit with black gloves and black pointed ballet heels adorned with white prissy bows, bells, and padlocks. Both her wrists and ankles were shackled together. All of the items were the couple's favorite fabric, latex of course. Naturally there was a shiny silver crotch zipper on the catsuit. Her face dawned a black eye mask with white encircling the eyes. The mask came to a dainty point over her nose that was shaded in orange. Her hair was done up in a bun with a diamond headband resting on top. The collar that chained her to the ground was jet black, bedazzled by hundreds of tiny diamonds forming the words, "PENGUIN'S SLUT." Painted sparkling ruby red, Barbara's lips looked like they were just begging for attention...but right now they were only quivering from fear and regret.

She hadn't had time to notice her newest costume. Her own libido had betrayed her. She was now captive to Penguin by her own free will. "Stupid! Stupid!" she thought. "I'm at the mercy of a deviant madman, and there's no one to blame but myself. What the hell does he want from me?" Barbara had snapped out of the sexual fantasy she had been enraptured in and was finding reality to be quite cold and sobering.

Penguin's cane tapped the floor twice. The door to Barbara's cage opened, and the chain to her collar unlocked and dropped to the floor. She stared at him hesitantly, waiting for command.

"Come," he ordered sternly. He pointed to the ground in front of him. Defeated, Barbara crawled to his feet. Her head hung in submission. "At attention. Eyes on me, my pet." Doing as Penguin ordered Barbara now knelt before him. "It's important for any good pet to be able to follow commands. You will learn to obey my orders, my dear Barbara without question. The sooner you figure that out, the better off you will be. Quack quack."

"Now for a few general rules...

1. You will address me only when spoken to. When you do speak to me you will address me as Master.
2. When I enter the room you will come to attention. This means you will kneel with you back straight and your head bowed in my direction.
3. Each order I give will be followed promptly and without question.
4. You will keep your appearance sexy and submissive at all times. You should be ready to serve my cock at a moment's notice.
5. You will not cum without my permission.

Do you understand my pet?"

"Yes, Master," Barbara uttered softly while she was trying to configure what these new conditions would ultimately mean for her.

"Now, rise to your feet." Barbara began to stand, but she hadn't accounted for her new footwear. She stumbled almost immediately. "This was not a request, Barbara. Stand up!" She tried getting up again being more careful and making it a little further. Nevertheless she ended up on the floor again. Penguin reached for the riding crop inside his jacket. He started lightly slapping her tits just enough so there was a little sting.

"There are consequences when you do not comply with an order, Barbara."

"But Master, these shoes..."

Before she could finish he flipped her over giving her perfect round ass three hard thwacks." She whimpered, but realized her mistake. Penguin backed off, giving her room to complete her task. "Last chance, Babs. On your feet."

Barbara summoned every bit of athletic prowess she had put into being Batgirl. With a few deep breaths and the concentration of a former superheroine she stood before Penguin. Pleased, he circled her, examining her body up and down. Barbara remained tense. Penguin stopped behind her. He started breathing by her ear and whispered. "There are also rewards for when you are a good girl." He reached around her waist, pulled her zipper down, and massaged her pussy. Only after a few moments did Barbara began to softly moan. To her dismay pulled away right after.

Penguin walked about 15 feet away to a long curtain on the wall. He motioned for her to join him. Barbara began to dash that way but caught herself before her ambition tripped her up. Penguin quacked in amusement. "Waddle your way over my dear." Taking deliberate, small steps Barbara shuffled her way to her master, her bells jingling the entire way. Once she reached him he launched into another one of his monologues.

"I take no delight in punishing you, my pet. You must be trained though, and you are only going to learn one way. I understand you may be questioning your current predicament. Did I lie? Did I deceive you? Never, my dear. I will deliver on everything I promised, but you will only make it there under my guidance. That is why it's imperative you stop trusting yourself and starting trusting me. Your journey as Penguin Girl is only beginning."

Penguin pulled back the curtain to reveal a full length mirror. For the first time Barbara saw herself as the Penguin's little slave bird. She was taken aback at how striking she was. A ping of excitement reemerged within her. "Yes, Master."
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Very good. I enjoyed it. Now Penquin has broken Batgirl and she now calls him "Master". Looking forward to your next chapter.
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This makes me feel so dirty
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Glad to see this story back on! Can't wait to see how else Penguin breaks Batgirl!
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A few days had gone by. Barbara discovered she was indeed still being kept in Penguin's lair. The room in which she was caged was connected to Penguin's personal quarters. She had been given access to everywhere except the throne room and the club. Barbara was assigned to dusting rooms but the feather duster was sticking out of her perky ass, and mopping the floors with her tongue among other demeaning maid tasks. It disgusted her, and unlike any other time she had spent in captivity, she was not being given any sexual attention for her deeds.

In fact, most of the time Penguin had been away on business, occasionally checking in to deliver other instructions. The normal caretaker of the living quarters, Madame Peacock, insured that Barbara carried out her duties. She was an older woman with a domineering persona. Her dresses were old fashioned, but like her name the colors were bold shades of blue, green, and pink. Aggressive and stubborn, Madame Peacock let Penguin's prize know right off the bat that she would not tolerate any insubordination. She carried a riding crop on her at all times if Barbara seemed to be lacking in her chores.

Barbara was starting to get used to waddling around in her new outfit, which was the only thing she really embraced about her current circumstance. Even though Barbara accepted her new position she still felt slighted by that dirty bird. But damn, he knew how to dress a girl. Every time she passed a mirror she tried to sneak a peak of herself. Every time she gazed at the new costume it was like the latex came alive, tightening its grip on her, making her nether regions moisten. Any time Barbara tried to steal a glance it had to be quick. She found out she was constantly being monitored even when Penguin or the staff weren't in sight. There was a moment when she went to far, starting to self pleasure when the eggs inside of her sent an electrifying jolt. There was a punishment setting on them, and it was not pleasant at all.

She knew she had to ask permission to cum. Whether she wanted to admit it or not the lack of sexual attention was killing her. It was what got her into this mess in the first place, and it was the only reward that made her temporarily forget how weak she was in succumbing to her desires. It was Penguin's overlording presence she subconsciously yearned for, but she would take anything right now. That old hag, Peacock, remained all business. Hell she wouldn't even mind a visit from that vixen, Catwoman.

Barbara was making Penguin's bed when Madame Peacock entered the chambers. "Slut," as she referred to Barbara as Penguin instructed her to do so. "You have been summoned. We will get you cleaned up and presentable. Master Penguin has a very special assignment for you." Barbara looked intrigued. She wasn't sure if she should be terrified or excited.
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Jets of cold water splashed all over Barbara's face and naked body. Her neck, wrists, and ankles remained shackled together. A baby pink ball gag helped reduce the sound of Barbara's wincing and whining. Madame Peacock scrubbed rigorously, especially around Barbara's pussy, ass, and feet. The only part that was remotely gentle was a fresh shave to her twat and legs. It was the spa from hell. Once Barbara's hair had been washed out the overbearing woman shooed her out of the shower, and in front of the vanity.

"Out there, slut!" Her voice was shrill and forceful. "Over to the chair! Now, I said now! Can't you do anything right, slut? Now sit down!" Meekly, Barbara tried to do everything she was ordered as fast as she could. She had not interest in testing Peacock. Barbara yelped through her gag as her scalp zinged in pain. No knot in her hair would out stubborn Madame Peacock. Barbara could see through her eyes in the mirror had a razor sharp intensity. The rougher she was with Barbara, the more satisfied the Madame looked.

Finally the ruby red locks were untangled and dried. This bought Barbara a few minutes of respite. "Now slut, you know that you are a whore. Master Penguin's whore to be exact. But we must paint you as a whore to reinforce this." Despite Madame Peacock's dried up persona, her name and the way she dressed definitely represented her as a exceptional stylist. And she did not disappoint.

She started with smokey eyelashes that popped. Surrounded by icy blue eye shadow that shimmered in glitter. Her ruby red lipstick had the same tantalizing effect. Peacock used pink blush, almost a bit excessively to accentuate Barbara's femininity. Both sets of her nails were also ruby red but with a waxy shine rather than the glitter sparkle on her face. Barbara was mystified by her work. She looked enchanting. Why had she never done herself up like this before? Was she even capable of sculpting a work of art like this?

"Up!" Madame Peacock ordered. Barbara snapped out of her trance and rose to her feet immediately. Madame Peacock reminded her that she would not tolerate any funny business while dressing her. Any sign of struggle or escape would result in her being tazed into submission. Barbara nodded in compliance. Besides, she was too wrapped up in her image to think about anything as crazy as making a run for it.

Peacock adjust the shackles as necessary. The penguin suit came back on as beautiful as ever. Once the entire outfit was back on Madame Peacock reset the shackles back in place. She dawned a pair of medical latex gloves and applied lubricant to the entire Penguin suit to give it an extra shine. Instead of the rough nature Barbara had been dressed in this was much more...sensual. Slow and deliberately, Peacock ran her hands up and down the Penguin girl with a occasional squeeze of her ass here and pinch of her tits there. The Madame could not help but admire her own handiwork. Barbara knew she was a just a product to Peacock. Still, Barbara felt gratitude, like she hard almost earned the approval of this woman who had treated her so poorly. She was conflicted but happy.

"Now, slut," cooed Peacock. "Follow me." A leash was attached to Barbara's dazzling collar, and she tiptoed and jingled along. Madame Peacock led Barbara from her quarters through the halls and finally stopping in front of the doorway to Penguin's throne room. Madame Peacock removed the leash and circled behind Barbara. She pulled the Penguin eye mask out of her purse and delicately secured it around its rightful resting place. Peacock then set both of her hands on Barbara's shoulders, and like a lover she whispered in her ear.

"Court is now in session. Master Penguin has some very special guests in attendance today. You see, the Master wants to show off his prize. You will be obedient and delighted to serve for whatever your Master calls upon from you. It is of the utmost importance that you show your complete embrace for him during your performance. I've put in a lot of hard work to make you beautiful for this occasion, slut. Now don't fuck it up, or there will be consequences."

Barbara shivered at the warning, but also the unknown she was walking into. Who was going to see her like this? What was she going to have to do for Penguin, or even worse, for the guests? Could she bare anymore humiliation or pain? Madame Peacock opened the door. Barbara was blinded by the light shining through it. All she could hear was satisfied quacking in the distance.

"Come here my beauty. Come here my Penguin Girl."
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batgirl1969 wrote:
4 years ago
This makes me feel so dirty
You always have the most delicious feedback my little bat. Quack! Quack! :evil:
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Trying to squint through the spotlight that shone directly upon her, Barbara followed the sound of Penguin's voice. "Come to me, my Penguin Girl!" he quacked smugly. Disoriented, she waddled her way towards Penguin's throne. Penguin's chair sat on a layer of steps. It gave a lording over affect to the rest of the room. His normal henchmen had seats on the main floor that were spaced between the throne and the auditorium seating behind that were currently concealed in darkness.

There were hoots, hollers, and cat calls from the audience as she came into view. They were all like dogs, drooling at the sight of red meat. Being humiliated in the presence of Penguin, Catwoman, or Madame Peacock was one thing. It was close, personal, and behind closed doors. To be in front of the crowd was a much different sensation. A wave of embarrassment washed over her. This was so public. It was new territory that scared her to say the least. The thoughts were running through her mind at a million miles per hour, but one point stuck out above the others, "Do they all know who I am?" The jeers only continued.

"Hey over this way, doll face!"

"That's a baaaaaad, bad birdie!"

"Shake those titties you little whore!"

Some of the goons even pawed at her when she made her way by them. She squealed through her gag in disapproval. Between the light, her thoughts, and dodging all the greedy hands Barbara lost track of what she was doing. Before she knew it she tripped over the first step at the base of her master's throne. The crowd chuckled at her strife.

"Order! Order!" quacked Penguin. The echo from Penguin's cane stomping the floor resonated throughout the room at the the laughs and murmurs subsided. "Enough fun and games. Come kneel before your master, Penguin Girl." The spotlight died. Barbara picked herself up, and gathered herself. She did as commanded, gingerly making her way up the steps and placing herself head down in front of Penguin's feet as he sat in his mighty throne. Penguin addressed the court.

"Gentlemen, colleagues, my friends. Tonight is a very special night. It is the start of a new beginning. As you can see I have fetched myself quite a ravishing toy. But she will become much more than that. This little pet of mine is the key to a bold new future, a future where entrepreneurs such as ourselves no longer hide in the shadows. We will live in a city where our brilliance can come out of the shadows. Light will shine on the underworld, and we will be the leaders of Gotham! Quack! Quack! Quack!"

"Rise, my Penguin Girl! Let my court gaze upon our beautiful future!" Barbara wasn't sure what Penguin was referring to in his speech. It frightened her that Penguin cast this importance upon her, like she was a shared prize, a tool for the scum of Gotham to use. But why would she be so important? Regardless, Barbara had not forgot Madame Peacock's warning. She stood with perfect posture, and presented herself towards the crowd. She even gave a small curtsy to the audience to appease her master.

Instead of the roaring applause that the Penguin was going for there was an awkward silence. Of course Barbara was a sight to behold, but what Penguin was alluding to was a total paradigm shift for the criminals of Gotham. There had been many a villain that planned to take over the city with some elaborate scheme to be thwarted in humiliating fashion by Batman and co shortly thereafter. These gangsters thrived in the shadows, and business was actually booming right now. The collective feeling was it was much better to enjoy their lot and not rock the boat rather than fly too close to the sun and watch their collective empires burn. An elder small time gang leader towards the back of the crowd was the first to speak up.

"Penguin, you've got one fine piece of ass there, but why the hell is she so special? And what the hell are you talking about? Criminals running Gotham? You must've lost your marbles, Penguin."

Another thug got the courage to chime in. "Things have been purty good for us! What kinda Loony Toon plan do you have that's any betta than the rest of these mugs haven't tried before?"

Head nods and rumblings of confirmation infected the room. The doubters continued. "Let's not go upsetting the apple cart here, boss! We gots a good thing goin'!"

"Yeah, it's not like the Bat and the police are just going to hand over the keys to the city!"

Penguin let his people air their grievances, but this was enough of the upheaval. He slammed his cane to regain order. Once silence set in again he carried on. Pointing out to the last man with intense authority he barked out, "That's exactly what they're going to do!!!"

"Oh yeah!? How's that!?"

"Quack, quack, quack." Penguin's voice dropped to a much more sinister octave. "I thought you'd never ask." He rose from his throne and began to circle his Penguin girl like a shark going in for the kill. One hand traced along her shoulder line. It sent a chill down Barbara's spine. She had no idea where this was going, but it had an ominous feel. Gently, but just as eerily, Penguin undid and removed Barbara's ball gag. She would have enjoyed the sensation of her jaw being freed if it weren't for the tension in the room. Barbara didn't dare speak.

"Feast your eyes, gentlemen. This beautiful bird I have before you was not one of us too long ago. Rather than a bird, she was a bat!" Most of the descent in the room audibly turned to shocked. The whispers started to run rampant. "That's right, Batgirl, the righteous heroine whom many of you have had an unpleasant encounter or two with has willingly submitted to me. She has shown her true colors. Batgirl is my little sex pet. She is my Penguin Girl!"

Just as much shock rolled through Barbara as it did to the spectators. Batgirl on display as a slave of a villain. Out in public in front of hundreds. She took a deep breath to calm herself. It occurred to her she was only being presented as Batgirl...which means they don't know she's Barbara Gordon...yet anyways. She quietly sighed in relief for the time being.

The current inquisitor would not give up. "Prove it! That could be any dame under there! We didn't even know who the broad was in the first place. Smells fishy ta me, Penguin."

Without even addressing the man Penguin unlocked the shackle around Barbara's right wrist. He whispered in her ear and handed her an object. "Yes, master." Barbara replied loud enough to make sure the audience could hear her compliance. The thug starred at her, confused. Before he could bat an eye his top hat flew off his head and was pinned to the beam directly behind him. He turned around to retrieve the hat. Though it was another object that caught his eye. He plucked it from the beam. Hushed in astonishment, he held it high above his head for all to see the Batarang.

"Quack! Quack! Quack! Now. Let's talk business."
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"For those of you that it is not painfully obvious, my dear Penguin Girl here will be of great assistance to us in taking down the Bat Family," Penguin explained while he put Barbara's wrist back into its bond. "One by one we will neutralize the nuisances that are the caped crusaders. Using Batgirl's inside knowledge we will exploit them where they are most vulnerable."

Barbara almost gasped at Penguin's words. Getting into this mess was all her fault, but she never though there would be any collateral damage. She felt like a fool. She was too busy exploring her own sexuality and selfish desires to think about any real fallout that could hurt the ones she cared about the most. Barbara knew she could defy Penguin, but the most honest part of herself wondered how long she could really hold out. Batman, Nightwing, and Robin were all at risk now because of her foolishness.

Another goon piped up from the crowd. "OK, boss. This is getting good. I can dig it. But how do you know she's just not playing you? What if this is all a con for the Bats to come closing in and shut us down for good?"

"Quack, quack, quack," Penguin shook his head as if a child had asked him some sort of outlandish question. He even cracked a smile. "Oh ye of little faith. For you to understand this girl's loyalty to me I would have to take you down a journey of self exploration that would break your feeble mind. Make this clear!" His cane slammed down. He had the mobsters' full attention. "This is a new path for all of us. I understood there would be questions, but there is no room for dissenters. After this meeting you are either on board with me or you are not. If you are not, I highly suggest that Gotham is no longer the town for you."

"But I am a man of logic and reason. I am happy to give a little demonstration of my pet's loyalty." Penguin returned to his seat. "Slut, kneel before me, and worship me."

Barbara shuddered. This villain is going to publicly objectify her in front of all these criminals that want to do away with her friends. Her stomach churned. Sex with Penguin was like nothing else, but he kept pushing her in directions she didn't know she was capable of. How much more could she take? She hesitated only for a moment. The crowd waited with bated breath to see if the holier than though Batgirl would actually comply with her master's command. A couple of tears swelled in her eyes. If she wanted to survive, if she wanted any chance of saving her friends Barbara knew she had no other choice.

"Yes, master." She pushed through the embarrassment and knelt between Penguin's open legs. She looked up at him as if waiting for permission to begin. His eyes returned her look and told her it was time. Slowly, Batgirl undid his zipper. The howls from the crowd returned. Gently she retrieved Penguin's cock from his pants. Penguin's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he let out a quiet moan. Barbara's delicate touch and the feel of latex combined with the power he exhibited in displaying his new pet were highly satisfying.

She started softly with long licks up his shaft. It didn't take long for his member to cum to life. As he stiffened she traced out the base of his head with her tongue. The bird man couldn't help cooing. Barbara couldn't help but be gratified by the sounds exiting her master. The more she worked his cock the more she got trapped in his scent. The noise, the smell, they isolated her from all her other feelings. It felt like ages since she had sexual contact with her master. The further she went on the more it felt right.

Before she knew it Barbara was taking Penguin inside her mouth. Just the head to start out. She sucked and teased, stimulating all of his finer nerve endings. Intermittently she would stroke and fondle his balls to confuse his brain with different sensations. Penguin quacked in approval. Just as her was getting used to the teasing Barbara really began to mean business. Her head bobbed further and further swallowing even more of her master's cock. Penguin's hips involuntarily thrust in agreement. The choking sounds delightfully ensued.

She was getting all of him now. Her throat was full. Her lips bounced bounced on and off of the base of his shaft. The moaning continued, not just from Penguin but from Barbara as well. Her motions became for vigorous, even greedy. He could tell that she wanted his cum. She wanted her reward for a job well done. He wasn't going to let her have it just quite yet.

Penguin withdrew from Barbara's mouth and pushed her forehead away. "Up! Up! Up!" he ordered hurriedly. Operating on instinct, Barbara was quick to follow suit. Standing between his legs, Penguin grabbed her hips, spinning her forcefully around as if she were a doll. He caught her so that she was facing the crowd. Penguin reached between her legs pulling back the zipper to reveal Barbara's pussy. A bit of her desire spilled onto his fingers as he opened her up. She couldn't help but moan. Barbara was being handled, controlled like a puppet begging to be mastered.

Penguin continued to pull her strings. He picked her up by the hips and threw her directly on his cock, impaling her immediately. The moaning was no longer soft and intimate. "OOOOOOO!!!" Barbara's head pointed up towards the sky. She was full, and she loved it! The crowd egged the couple on. They could see the look on Barbara's face, and there was no longer a doubter in the bunch. Batgirl was in fact Penguin's sex slave.

"Do you like, my little slut?! Do you like your master's cock!?" Penguin belted out for all to hear. He was already thrusting close to full speed. The sound of the two lovers slapping together filled the room.

"OOOOHHHHH YESSSSSS!!!!! YES MASTER I LOVE IT!!!!!" Barbara's inhibitions were temporarily out the window again. Her public admission only pushed Penguin to drive harder. He was now on the edge. Her voice got higher, and she continued to squeal. "PLEASE LET ME CUM MASTER!!! PLEEEEEEEASSSSSE!"

As much as Penguin's instincts told him to satisfy the gorgeous young redhead riding his dick he knew this was a demonstration. He had to show restraint, control, and power. Before he erupted he lifted her off. "Not now, slut! You are here for your master's pleasure. Down on all fours!" As disappointed as Barbara was she remained horny and obedient. She looked up at him from her hands and knees like the perfect pet, waiting for instructions.

"Hold that tongue out, and accept me, join me, and be baptized as one of Gotham's criminal underworld, Penguin Girl!"

At this point Barbara didn't care about her master's words. It his cum, her validation for her master's sexual pleasure she cared about, and it was gloriously painted all over her mask, eyes, nose, and lips for all to see. Still yearning for release she swallowed what landed and her mouth and licked off the rest of her face that she could reach.

"Mmmmmm," she purred.

A standing ovation ensued. They were all believers now.
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I'm really enjoying the turn this has taken, moving it into a long-term plan to have Batgirl work with Penguin to undermine the dynamic duo and help the underworld of Gotham come out into the light. And that demonstration of Batgirl's/Penguin Girl's fealty to the King of Quack was the icing on the cake, so to speak. Nice work, BatFan!!
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"As you can see, gentleman, I have things quite in control." Penguin went on with his speech as Barbara now traced her fingers over her cum covered face, bring it back to her mouth so she could savor every last drop. "Now, as my plan unfolds more will be revealed in time. The primary reason you are here today is to know that the winds are changing, and you must be prepared when the time comes. When we rise to power in Gotham it is not the politicians, law enforcement or vigilantes that will be a threat. We will remove and control them as necessary. It is the common citizen that we should fear."

"Those institutions are only important as symbols. The law and the government are a beacon of hope to the citizens of Gotham that there is justice and order, that this society can be civil. When we rise to power it is the people that will need to be convinced it is us who deserve to be there."

More questions ensued. "But boss, why do we care about what some average schmucks think? If we're the ones at the top of the food, we just smack 'em into line, or we could just take 'em out."

"Quack, quack, quack. Yes, we could rule with an iron fist. But how long would that last before the federal government would get involved? When would the Justice League come knocking at our door? More importantly, we would really thrive in a city that despised us? No. We must be champions of the people. Our strength is what will help us rise to power, but our popularity is what will cement our place."

"We're criminals, boss. How the heck are we supposed to become popular?"

"There will be two fronts. My part, and all of yours. The most important thing you can do now is to become seemingly legitimate as possible with your respective businesses. If you do not have a front for your operations, get one. If you have a front, clean it up. I want that laundry squeaky clean. Even more importantly, I want you giving back to the community. Charity, outreach, local events. You all need to become pillars of your neighborhoods to support the society we are building. The biggest and most important thing you can do right now is build credibility withing the community. The Gotham Criminal Empire will become the most respected part of this city, and the people won't even know it."

"As for my part, you will know what I deem necessary when the time comes. For now, you have your orders. You are dismissed." The crowd made their way towards the exits. It a matter of minutes they all managed to shuffle out. Penguin turned to his pet. She had licked herself clean. All the cum was finished. Still horny, she waited for him, kneeling in her standard submissive fashion.

"That was quite the performance my little pet. Quack, quack. A job well done."

"Thank you, Master." Barbara cracked a small smile. She always appreciated praise.

"That was a big step tonight, performing out in public. How did it make you feel, my dear?

At first, Barbara stuttered to find the right words. She did not want to say anything that would displease Penguin, but she still wanted to be truthful. Between her libido and any hope she had to help her friends she dare not bring up her friends. " was first. Everyone looking on was...intimidating. But...but as soon as I started worshiping you I felt...right. Then instead of the crowd being scary the cheers became more of a...rush."

Penguin looked down at her adoringly, stroking her red mane. "Quack, quack. Well I am sure it wasn't easy for you. But you made me very proud today, my little Penguin Girl."

"Master, this has all been very exhilarating. May I...may I cum, please?"

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" Penguin laughed hysterically. "Such a little slut! Madame Peacock has been training you well. We will see my dear, but that all depends on you. For you see, the night is not over." Penguin snapped his fingers. The lights to the auditorium seating in the back of the room came on. Sitting in the back was Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, The Mad Hatter, and Catwoman. Joker's maniacal laugh filled the room. Barbara's pupils dilated in complete shock and horror.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" Penguin couldn't help but giggle at her surprise. The crop of criminals approached the front row of the room. "I believe you are acquainted with my friends." Barbara with her mouth still gaping did not respond. "Now don't be rude. Let's go greet our guests." He gave her a gentle tap on the ass to indicate she would be crawling. She slinked down the stairs of the throne with her master her guiding her along the way. The group of villains pulled up their chairs to encircle their former nemesis. Barbara knelt in the center of the nightmare.

"Great job, up there Batsy!" Harley giggled. "I LIKE this new you!"

"Mmmmm, yes. So so tasty," added Ivy in her sultry voice.

"I guess we all have different sides to us," said Two Face.

The Hatter chimed in, "I have to give you credit, Penguin. This is mighty fine work. Especially without any mind control!"

Catwoman approved as well, "You've cum a long way, Batgirl. That was purrrrrrrrrfect."

Still laughing Joker manage to compose himself enough to taunt the former Domino Dare Doll too. "Oh Batgirl! Why didn't I think of this before! I could have had you all to myself! Alas, you are the bird's now, but at least you're one of us!" Harley shot him a little look of jealously.

One of us? The worst criminals in Gotham. Barbara didn't like the sound of that at all.

Penguin grabbed a seat for himself. "All are present for this session of The Sinful Seven! Let the real meeting begin!"
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Now Batgirl begins to see just what she's gotten herself into here, a seemingly helpless pawn in the throes of lust for that dirty bird Penguin and in service to the Sinful Seven. And then, to even undermine and possibly help overthrow the Dynamic Duo? Say it isn't' so you naïve little Bat waif! The horror of it all. However shall she regain herself and help justice prevail. I fear for the welfare of Gotham itself. Pray, write on dear Batfan, you have me deeply hooked!!
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"That was quite the show you put on there, Penguin," Ivy cooed. "You almost had us cheering like the rest of those buffoons. Mmmmm, that performance by your naughty Bat was just the cherry on top."

Barbara remained frozen. At this point she had no idea what could happen. Gotham City's worst had her surrounded. She could easily think of a dozen worse fates at their hands that she feared more than the discipline of Madame Peacock. Deliberately, she took deep breaths to calm herself. Slowly her breasts moved back and forth. As she gained some semblance of focus Barbara knew one thing; she had to be on her best behavior. If she wanted to make it out of this room to fight another day, she could not step out of bounds.

"Quack, quack. Some of our gangsters may be a little simple, Ivy. But they are necessary to our plan. I spoke the truth. As we dismantle the Bat family and work our way up the ranks of the Gotham political spectrum, we will need the people's support. They are ambassadors to our regime. Quack, quack, quack. Ask my llittle pet here. I am a fair ruler. I reward good behavior, and I punish the undisciplined. I just built them up. For those who fail to meet our standards, they will be dealt with properly."

"That's quite fair," acknowledged Two-Face. "But we have yet to hear the inner workings of our side of the plan. Naturally, Batgirl must have some sensitive details regarding her caped crusading companions. I have no doubt that you have or will be extracting that information. But where do we go from there?"

"Excellent question!" the Hatter exclaimed. "I would be happy to put the remaining Bats under my...I mean our control once we are able to snuff them out. Might we even have them step through that Looking Glass that I helped you design?"

"No, no, no. You have your assignment already." Penguin continued to lay out the plan. "We will exploit each Bat with the team that will make them the most vulnerable. That way we will shape them to our liking, so they are able to serve us and our cause."

"What!?" asked Harley, shocked. "Ya mean we can't just drop 'em and be done with 'em once and for all?"

"Now, now my Harley," said Joker as he tried to calm her down. "I'm sure Ozzy here has a fine plan. And after all, wouldn't you Love to have a new Bat Toy to play with like the one before us? It would be such a waste of fun and resources if let them off the hook that easily." It wasn't hard for Joker to win Harley over. She smiled and clapped her hands at the prospect of all the devious deeds to be done to the Dynamic Duo.

"Quack, quack, precisely Joker. Not only will all of you get your spoils from are victory, but these bats will also prove as useful tools in our new empire. Which leads me to our assignments. Two-Face, you will be my right hand men in overseeing the operations of crime families that have already been dismissed. I know you run a tight ship, so I trust that these gangsters will have no problem falling into line. More importantly I want you to make the occasional appearance for charity events that arise. You will be the face of giving back to the community. It is of the utmost importance that we restore Harvey Dent's reputation."

"I can play both those parts as perfect as you planned, but it will make no difference if I look like a monster," Two Faced argued.

"That will not be a problem," said Penguin. "I've already contracted with Clay Face to sculpt you out a prosthetic mold to return you to your former self...on the outside anyways. Camouflage will not be a problem."

"Joker and Harley, you will both be in charge of handling Robin. He's practically the same age here as my beautiful Batgirl, it should be fun to have another young mind to mold. Something tells me he could use the right kind of parental figures in his life. There's no doubt you will both have plenty of fun, especially you, Harley. Quack! Quack! He is the least essential of our plan but still an important one to remove from the board. If you grow tired of toying with him once he has served his purpose you have my permission to get rid of him for good. Although I highly doubt you will run out of good times. Quack! Quack! Quack!"

"Nightwing has grown into a very fine, strong, man. He is much more independent of Batman now. That will make it much easier to isolate him. A few years older than my dear Bat, it will take a real woman to whip him into shape. Ivy, your feminine wiles have no equal. You will seduce like no man you ever have before. I know you've been looking forward to this." Ivy's lips curled upward in devious delight. Penguin was spot on as usual.

"Finally, as promised, the Bat will be the possession of the Cat. Selina my darling, you've waited a long time for this. You have been a trusted and valued ally in helping me build this master plan. You already know what needs to be done."

A round of gentle applause followed. The villains were more than excited to get underway. Penguin quacked in delight, and they all joined together for an evil cackle on the dawn of their new empire. "Before we depart though," Penguin said courteously. "It would be a shame as a host and leader that I wouldn't offer you some refreshment. Now keep in mind, my Penguin Girl is truly and forever mine, so she is very dear to me. I and only I, Penguin, own the two holes beneath her waist. However, she would be delighted to treat you in other manners. Slut, don't be rude!" Penguin gestured towards the Joker.

It took Barbara a moment to catch on. She was bewildered at the thought her friends' collective downfall. Penguin's grasp was tightening on every part of her real life before this. The thought of helping her friends and possible escaping this hell were becoming bleaker by the minute. And now her master was lending her out as an object to be used by others. Barbara felt so out of control of her actions. This was something she was trying to prepare for, but it didn't make her feel any better.

Penguin Girl crawled towards the Joker. His legs were spreading. The Mad Hatter and Two Face pulled up chairs on both sides of him. The collective pull of their zippers rung in Barbara's ears. Each one of their cocks now exposed, growing to life. Her head approached Joker's. Penguin could see was much more hesitant to other men. He actually found it a little endearing. A satisfied little smile flashed across his face. He figured he would need a little warming up. He flicked a switch in his coat pocket. Batgirl's egg came alive, only at the low setting though.

"Good girls get rewards," Penguin reminded.

Barbara's head approached Joker's. The egg startled her as it began to work her back into a frenzy. This was it. Not only was she a slave to Penguin, she was submitting to the Evil Gotham Empire, The Sinful Seven. It was terrifying, and yet it was highly arousing. Each time she was conquered in a new way it felt right. It didn't make any sense, but the prospect of being forced to do something wrong excited her to no end. The egg kept building up. She couldn't hold it in any more. Her submissive nature kicked in.

Unlike Penguin, there was no sensual buildup. She attacked his member like a lollipop on Halloween night. She dove deep and dove fast. Her tongue swirling, her lips sucking. Joker was a different flavor all together, but still delicious. She was developing quite the craving for cock. Barbara couldn't help but be turned on servicing the villain. With her increased enthusiasm the egg kept notching up in intensity. She really was being rewarded!

"Let's allow everyone have some fun, shall we, my pet?" At Penguin's suggestion Two Face and Hatter inched their chairs closer. Barbara momentarily withdrew from Joker to lubricate the other two fiends. Greedily she took them both in her mouth, only to get a taste. Before returning to Joker she spit on the other two cocks. Now fully lubricated she was sucking Joker off while she had a hand on Hatter and Two Face. Penguin quacked in delight. His depravity knew no bounds.

In another room the action's of the former Batgirl were being telecast for an audience of one. Bound and gagged, the man felt deeply remorseful for the plight of Batgirl and her current circumstance. On the other hand, Commissioner Gordon had always found Batgirl to be extremely attractive. He could not but help getting a raging hard on while forced to stare at the soft glow of the monitor through the dark.

Barbara's egg ratcheted up again in agreement with her actions. Wildly she was going at all three cocks at once when Ivy and Harley came from each side to fondle the poor girls tits.

"Treat my Puddin' reeeeal good," ordered Harley, "and he might give you some puddin' of your own! I saw how much ya liked it with Penguin, you dirty little birdy."

The teasing of her nipples, the egg buzzing inside of her, basking the crotches of villains. All of it was becoming too much! Catwoman leaned against Penguin. Seeing what was happening they both had a hearty laugh.

Commissioner Gordon still looking on, he couldn't take it any more either. He hadn't had a hard on like this since puberty! The tingling was growing from his toes to his tip. The damsel in distress was doing it for him so much he let go. Exploding into his pants! There was no mistaking the mess he made. It was like this is what his captor had wanted.

"Quack! Quack! Quack! Now time for the true key to our plan," Penguin proclaimed. Barbara was still hard at work. She could barely make out what he was saying. "As I have told you, my pet here is the true key of bringing our empire to fruition. Now feast your eyes why!" Penguin ripped the Penguin Girl eye mask right off. Barbara withdrew from the cocks immediately. Her greatest fear was now reality. Her identity was there for all her enemies to behold.

"Meet Barbara Gordon, the police commissioner's daughter, former Batgirl, turned servant of The Sinful Seven, slave of Penguin!" The dastardly fiend quacked in triumph. The three men were already there before Barbara removed herself. Each one exploded, bathing her in cum. Baptizing her into The Sinful Seven. Distraught as she was she had still not come down from her heightened state. Catwoman reached for Penguin's control and pushed to maximum on the dial of the egg.

Arousal, shock, fear, desire. It was all mixed. The egg sent her body into to overdrive. Barbara moaned uncontrollably that crescendoed in a high pitched scream. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her pussy squirted relentlessly until she was completely exhausted. Barbara lay on her knees covered in cum and juices in front of her greatest foes in a mix of bliss, shock, and catatonic.

Commission Gordon wept at the monitor in shock, shame, and disgust.
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oh god!!! I fucking love this....I know its not lady like to talk like that but this is so fucking hot....damn
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Fantastic chapter. Batgirl brought to quite a new low here. Penguin has penned her in and his plans seem to be coming together very nicely. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

Neophyte Lvl 3
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Love how her identity was revealed here. Batgirl has definitely reached a new low. Is it bad if I say that I love it every bit of it? 😏
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Am loving this story! Great stuff. Can't wait to see how she betrays Batman. I also like how you have her still conscious of what she is doing and grappling with that, but also unable to resist Penguin. It would be fun to see her impregnated by Penguin with the corresponding horror of what she has done settling with her or watching the demise of a fellow hero/heroine while thumping up and down on Penguin, horror and ecstasy mixed.
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Next chapter coming soon?
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Barbara’s moans and yelps of ecstacy echoed about the aviary structure atop Penguin’s palace. The magnificent glass building was perched above the crime boss’s quarters. The fogged windows overlooked the bright yet glazed lights of Gotham. The waves from the pool sloshed about as Penguin perpetually penetrated the prized pussy. The suction from the water was a different, but welcome sensation for Barbara, but combined with Penguin’s tongue attacking her aerolas, it was most overwhelming.

“Yes, Pengy!, Oh God!” Her exclamations were becuming commonplace throughout the lair. Nonetheless it was still music to the dastardly devil’s ears. Penguin pinned Barbara up against the ledge of the pool. The newfound leverage allowed him to increase the intensity of his thrusts. Barbara’s eyes started to roll back into her head, loving every second of it. Growing greedier, the fowl bird enveloped almost the entirety of Barbara’s right tit. Mashing his tongue and prying his teeth against her flesh, the girl could not take anymore of the assault without yielding.

A master of her body, Penguin could feel her sensations heighten. He brought his thrusting to a crescendo. The conquered heroine could not take anymore. Her head being slumped over the shoulder of her lover, snapped back. Her drenched, red lochs flew over the ledge and cracked on the concrete floor. Penguin released his seed inside of Barbara, letting out his own series of satisfactory noises followed by several satisfied “quacks.” The redhead beauty cooed as well while she gradually came back to earth.

This had been going on the past couple months for Barbara. Reckless shagging throughout her master’s complex. The bedroom, the court room, the kitchen, the dungeon playroom, even one of the dining tables in the Iceberg Lounge (during off hours, of course) were all play places for the unlikely couple. EVERY. NIGHT. Same Bat Time. Same Bat Crevice.

The nightly rendezvous had been different from any of Barbara’s previous sexual encounters with her new master. Ever since her episode with The Sinful Seven there were no toys, no fancy costumes or lingerie, and most noticeably, no games. It was pure, raw, naked passion each time. Kissing, fondling, fucking. The only prerequisite was that Barbara come willing and ready. The negative consequences vs the positive rewards for her cooperation made this a nonissue.

It just wasn’t the sex that had changed though. Barbara’s burden of days spent with Madame Peacock had become much lighter. The caretaker’s demeanor slightly softened along with the work load. Barbara’s daily chores and tasks were less demeaning and more domestic. Yes, there was still cleaning involved but the girl much preferred dusting and vacuuming opposed to cleaning the bathroom floor with her face. Madame Peacock would even play music throughout the day making the experience more relaxing, almost enjoyable. Barbara would even catch herself humming along while she performed her duties.

Madame Peacock didn’t even require the girl to wear her maid’s uniform any longer. Whether it was out of familiarity or subconscious enjoyment, Barbara elected to still dawn that outfit when carrying out her duties. It came natural to her and it just felt right. It gave the Madame a sly hint of satisfaction how well this had been ingrained in her subject.

The newest edition to Barbara’s repertoire was in the evening. Under the guidance of Peacock, she was responsible for preparing dinner for Penguin. It was to be ready promptly each night for her master’s return to the living quarters. Barbara would change into “normal” clothing that was provided to her that would be described as 1950’s chic. She would be dolled up in her choosing of some glamorous dinner gown, and be waiting at the dining table for Penguin with their meal prepared. At this point Peacock would exit. The criminal mastermind and his willing captive would wine and dine carrying on into deep conversation into the night until it was time to ravish one another. More mornings than not, Barbara had found herself waking up in Penguin’s quarters than her own.

Barbara didn’t question these odd, albeit pleasant changes. She felt like she was being rewarded for her obedience overall and her performance for The Sinful Seven. In a way, she was partially right. Penguin was reinforcing her behaviors that he desired, but unbeknownst to her he was grooming her for bigger plans. It was imperative that their bond become stronger for her to complete the tasks that lay ahead.

Penguin had used plenty of stick on the former Batgirl, but it was time she got the carrot. She was still serving him, but she was enjoying it, even grateful for her new living conditions. During their conversations he would take time talking to her, asking her questions, probing, and listening to her experiences. It was imperative he discover the ways in which she ticked and all of her desires. At times he would even give nuggets of his own most inner thoughts and memories to build trust. It was paramount that their relationship was not only built on Barbara’s sexual desires. Penguin needed her to have a human connection to him, and it was working.

Throughout this time Barbara’s disposition evolved from frightened and meek to happy and humble while her subconscious still aimed to serve and please. She was delighted to spend time with Penguin as much as she enjoying being with Penguin, in the biblical sense anyway. Penguin knew though that in building a strong relationship with any human being, nothing was more powerful than sharing an experience. Through his stamina, discipline, and expertise he made sure each night ended in a simultaneous orgasm. He always made sex magnificent for Barbara, but to secure that bond nothing was more crucial than their shared climax.

The two stepped out of the pool. Penguin dried Barbara off with a plushy, white towel. Her wrapped his own towel around his waist. Hand in hand they took the spiral staircase down to his bed chambers. Barbara sat upon the bed while he took both of her hands in his, and stood there gazing into her eyes. She was in a towel, but her soul felt naked. Barbara knew he could see right to the very core of her. This wasn’t the first time she experienced this sensation, but it was the first time she was not troubled by it. Things were changing, and she knew there was nothing she could hide from her master any longer.


“Yes, master?”

“I need to ask you something very important.”

A tiny bump of adrenaline took her out of her post coital glow. “Yes, master?” she asked almost with concern.

“Barbara, I think it’s time you leave your quarters…and move in here with me, permanently. Would you like that?”
Barbara went from worried to thrilled. Penguin could see her eyes light up.

“Oh, yes Penguin! I would LOVE that!” Penguin chuckled at the fact she couldn’t hide her enthusiasm. “Things have been wonderful lately. I couldn’t imagine being happier, but somehow you managed!” She flashed him a cheeky smile.

“That’s excellent to hear, my girl!” Penguin quacked. “I would love nothing more, but there is one thing you must do before when can together every night.”

“Ok?” Barbara was confused.

“Do you recall the night you met my comrades, The Sinful Seven?” Her stomach sank. How could she forget servicing the most notorious criminals in Gotham…and then having her identity revealed to them! Barbara nodded cautiously. “Well if you remember, my dear, my friends and I need your help regarding some of your former colleagues. Gotham has run amok with vigilantes and criminals sparring throughout the city. Both parties wreak havoc and chaos for the innocent citizens that get caught in the crosshairs.”

“Since I’ve met you, Barbara, I’ve long told you that I had a vision for who you could be. It’s a vision who we could be, together. I’m a man of order, a man of business, Barbara. The chaos in this city must end. You and I will be the people who usher in a new era of prosperity. If you want to join me, Barbara, I need to know the identities of Batman, Nightwing, and Robin. I assure you, my sweet. They will not be killed. Just the same as these lowlife gangsters though, they need to be removed from the street. They must be controlled. For their safety, and the safety of Gotham, Barbara, will you help me?”

Just when she thought he got his hooks into her before, Penguin did it again. He always asked more of her because he knew he could always get it. Her head dipped in dismay. She didn’t want to betray her friends, but she couldn’t go back to the way things were. She could be rewarded or she could be punished, possibly severely. Barbara knew Penguin would get his way eventually too. Wanting to rationalize, she did know there was some truth in what Penguin said. If there was a way to make Gotham better and Penguin planned for her to be apart of it, being on side would be the best way she could help her friends or make a change. Barbara knew she truly belong to Penguin now. She could not raise her head.

“Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson. Jason Todd.”
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Looks like Batgirl has finally cracked. Can't wait for next chapter!
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Thanks for the update. The Penquin has totally brainwashed Batgirl and is now his sex slave. Very good.
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LOve this story so far. However, would love to see a bit of trepidation on BG's part that she knows what she did was wrong and feel some serious reluctance (but still unable to resist Penguin) that she has betrayed her pals. Great story!
Neophyte Lvl 2
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wow, this is one of best stories i've read. love that she is doing this voluntarily, but with regrets. please keep it going!
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Penguin gently tilted her chin up to see the tears rolling down her eyes. The helplessnees on Barbara's face made him grim. He knawed on his opera length cigarette holder just a wee bit harder. He spoke softly with his register lowered.

"My sweet, little birdy, you have done very well. Congratulations on your graduation to the next level of your training. Quack! You have passed the domestication portion of your training, and this display of loyalty show you are ready for more."

"On your way to becoming my perfect Penguin Girl you will be spending much more time with me now." Barbara gave a little smile. She wanted to show that she appreciated Penguin's praise, even in this conflicting moment. She also liked the idea of getting to spend more time with her master.

"You will be learning the business of my empire. To have you ready to rule by my side you will need to know the inner workings of my plan for the New Gotham. You will be by my side from now on in the board room and the bedroom. I am counting on you my dear girl. Soon you will see how important you are, and what a fierce leader you will be."

Barbara nodded im acceptance. "Master, may I be excused?"

"Very well. But only briedly. Fly, my dove. Meet me in the throne room soon. We have work to do."

Barbara was sick to her stomach. Her emotions was so turn they manifestes themselves physically. She scurried to the bathroom. On her knees, hovered over the toilet she began to vomit out pieces of her soul. She seemingly went on forever, practically to complete exhaustion.

When she finished the former Batgirl felt severed from the angst and the conflict. It was like she was wrapped in a concoon of numbess. Barbara fully embraced it. Her path was set, and there was no going back.

She stopped by her wardrobe on her way to Penguin. He was alone, making preparations at his desk when he heard the click of Barbara's heels as she entered. The fowl bird filled the empty room with quacks of delight. Standing confidently, Barbara once again dawned her Penguin Girl outfit. She purred cheekily.

"Where do we begin, my love?"
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Glad to see another new chapter here, after a long break. Despite it being short, it's good to see the further fall of Barbara as she's fighting against her own sense of loyalty. A bit more pathos inserted there before things progress.

Thanks for writing all of this!
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At four in the morning Dick Grayson aka Nightwing, opened the secret entrance to his luxury flat. He had been running himself ragged for months searching for any lead on Barbara. It wasn't unusual for a member of the Bat family to go silent for periods of time, especially if one of them was working a sensitive case. However, there was absolutely no trail that pointed to Batgirl's whereabouts. Dick had remained in contact with Bruce and Jason, but they were having an equal amount of luck.

Despite the few years difference between Dick and Barbara, he always had a soft spot for her. He was always a little flirtatious with Barbara, but now that she was in college he thought he could finally make a move after all. More importantly she was a friend, really more like family, and he was direly concerned. Dick had spent yet another night pummeling thugs and shaking down snitches. He was grasping for any piece of evidence that could point him in the direction of Batgirl.

Late Gotham winter was unforgiving. The weather had been sleeting all night. It didn't take long for the wet Nightwing uniform to land in the wash and for Dick to fire up a hot shower. Within minutes the the bathroom filled up with steam fogging the mirrors. The water eased the tension in Dick's battered muscles. He let out a sigh of frustration into the empty apartment, "Barbara, where are you?"

His head tilted back as he ran his fingers through his hair. With his nose in the air he smelled something...odd. It was somewhat flowery, like something a woman would shower with. Dick didn't recall setting off a bath bomb. He turned the valve off to the shower. Drying off he carefully surveyed the flat. "Barbara?" He called. "Is that you?" No one was to be found though. He shrugged it off and figured the scent must be coming from a neighboring residence.

Dick retired to his room. He threw on a pair of boxers and brooded out the window overlooking downtown Gotham. Finally he figured it was time to get a bit of rest. This whole process was going to start again tomorrow. As he laid down something reached out quick and fiercely restraining his wrists and ankles. He was caught, spread eagle. "What the hell!?" Dick yelled out as he thrashed to loosen his bonds. It was no use. "Who's there!? What is going on?"

A feminine silhouette emerged from the bedroom door. Dick always thought it may have been fun to be tied up like this with Barbara, but the reality and danger of his current predicament was quite unsettling. "Barbara, is that you? This isn't funny!"

"Ooooooh no, my dear Nightwing," cooed a voice.

"Oh shit." Thought Dick to himself. "She knows who I am! Who the hell is this, and why do they know I'm Nightwing!?"

"Different redhead," the voice cackled evilly. The flowery scent from before was much stronger, filling the room.

"Oh fuck," he let escape out loud.

"Don't you worry, we'll be getting to that...Dick!" Once again the voice taunted him smugly. The porcelain goddess stepped into the moonlight shining through the windows. There Poison Ivy was in all her glory. Beautiful, flowing red hair with lipstick to match. Her patented latex forest green opera gloves and one piece body suit with no leggings and matching ankle high leather boots popped against her deliciously milky skin, even in the pale moonlight. She stood before Dick, the personification of sex.

"How the hell did you find me?! What do you want, Ivy?" Dick demanded.

Ivy crawled onto the bed in between Nightwing's outstretched legs. In a playful voice she answered, "Let's just say a little birdy told me about your secret." She gently tapped the tip of his nose with her index finger. She started tracing the same gloved finger down his bare chest towards his nether regions. "As for what I want..." She bit her bottom lip, making eye contact with her captive. That same finger circled around Dick's manhood. He shook in defiance as much as he could under the vines holding him down.

"You'll never get anything from me, Ivy!" He protested.

She gave him a pouty face. "Oh we both know that isn't true." Her finger was still teasing his cock. "We already know I'm starting to grow on you...or should I say you're starting to grow on me!" She threw her head back with the same taunting laughter. "Now don't be a poor sport my captured caped crusader. Let Mommy ease the tension for you. You just need to relax." She blew into the palm of her hand. A cloud of pink pheromones danced around Dick's head. Disoriented he was consumed in that flowery scent. Unable to string together a coherent sentence he babbled shortly before he could only gaze at Poison Ivy. In this fog she somehow became more vibrant. Her words rang through his head like a hypnotic echo.

"Things are changing in Gotham, my darling." Ivy continued to tease Nightwing's cock as it stiffened as she spoke to him with an exuberant amount of sympathy. "You see, all this chaos of vigilantes vs villains, running around, battling on rooftops and in alleys, wreaking havoc on this dear city you work so hard to about to come to an end. They will be order and peace." Now straddling Dick's waist, Ivy squeezed his biceps playfully. "There won't be the need for you to come home bruised and battered every night. You won't have to fight so hard. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Dick nodded as if he were a zombie. The pheromones were made him suggestive to Ivy's whim, but her enchantment and fixation on her was purely authentic. He was still able to stammer just a bit. "'re evil."

"Shhhhhh," she pressed her finger against his lips. "Oh no, no, no, no my sweet, silly Nightwing. There won't be any more good or evil. There will just be order. I am going to be a part of that order. I am giving you is a chance to be a part of that order too. What you see is that I need partner," she giggled. "Well really, more of a servant. Someone I will be able to trust. Someone to help me run my end of this new order. But the best part in all this deal for you, is that I need a lover too, Sweetheart."

Poison Ivy was now face to face, eye to eye with Nightwing. His pulse began to quicken. Her female charms were overwhelming. She was pushing every single button he had, melting his resolve faster than a hot knife through butter. Maybe if he knew what he was up against, if he had time to prepare like he did with those rubber lips oh so long ago he may have stood a chance, but Ivy had taken him by surprise, on his own turf nonetheless. Intimate and unexpected, part of him just wanted to give in. Not just the part that wanted to worship her flawless form, but the other part. The constant struggle tore away at him daily. Would it be so bad to find a haven with this ginger goddess?

"So let's skip all this unnecessary heroic banter where you'll never see my side of the story," Ivy continued. "I know you've always been attracted to me...Dick." She was so close now he could feel her breath from each word he clung to. "We could truly be together now in a harmonious Gotham. How does that sound? Let me be your Queen. Just one kiss, my love. One kiss for these luscious lips, and you will surrender yourself to a lifetime of happiness. What do you say, hero?"

Dick could resist no longer. He pressed his lips against his new Queen's lips. A smile briefly curled on her lips then her tongue plunged into his mouth. Dick responded by dueling his tongue against her while her toxins flooded his veins. Ivy now had a permanent neurological on Dick Grayson. He was still the same person, just now hers.

Nightwing's lust continued to grow. His surrender and now having him under her control only turned on Ivy as well. She finally accomplished something that had alluded her for so long...obtaining her own little bat slave. Dick put his arms around his goddess, pulling her closer to him when his new mistress yelled out a command.

"Stop! Down boy." Without thinking he let Ivy go and knelt before her in submission upon the bed. "You chose wisely, my sweet boy. The first thing you must learn first though is that my needs ALWAYS come before yours. You want to make your Mistress happy, don't you?"

Dick nodded like a puppy looking for approval. "Yes, Mistress Ivy!"

She happily clapped her hands together. "Good boy!" She unzipped the crotch of her one piece, and laid back, her pussy exposed to him. "Now put that tongue of yours to work."

Once again Dick did exactly what he was told, diving head first into his mistress's superb pussy. His lapped, plundered, and twirled to the rhythm of Ivy's moans. He would suck on her and nibble on her lips. His enthusiasm never wavered, even in the moments where he was running out of breath, suffocating in between her folds. It was heavenly. Finally, Ivy was brought to a crescendo. Her cum squirted uncontrollably. Dick tried to drench as much of his face in Ivy's cum as he could. This was his baptism into her service.

When Ivy's legs finished shuddering she stood in front of the bed, her new pet still kneeling before her. "Well done," she complemented while she stroked Nightwing's head. "But we have so much more to do and so much more fun to have." She snapped her finger and another vine appeared, wrapping itself around Nightwing's neck. Her struggled to breathe for a moment, but the vine stopped strangling him once it was firmly secured. Ivy took the other end of the vine as a leash. She pointed at the floor. "It's time to go, pet." Nightwing crawled alongside his new mistress out the apartment door.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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wow, what an nice surprise. i kinda thought that last entry 4 months ago was gonna be the end of the story. this is one of the best stories i've read. please keep it going.

do you have a link to other stories you've written? i really like your writing style. thanks
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Keep going this is so hot!!
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VROOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! The Batmobile echoed off the buildings as it rushed through downtown Gotham. Bruce Wayne was a man on fire. Batgirl had been missing for months now without any leads. Now there was no word from Nightwing in several days. The Joker and Harley Quinn had been spotted in the area, and Bruce would be damned if their maniacal mischief didn't have something to with the Bat family's recent circumstances.

"There! Batman!" Robin pointed out from the passenger's seat. Jason Todd had been on edge too. With everything Bruce had done for him, The Batman was not always the most approachable individual. There were times the sidekick leaned on Dick and Barbara as confidants for hero-ly advice. With Bruce seeing red, the tension was palpable in Wayne Manor.

Three blocks ahead Batman could see a havoc inducing convertible joy riding through the streets, citizens diving out the way, news stands being plowed through, and the like. Bruce kicked the thrusters into high gear. A flame erupted from the tail end of the Batmobile. Bruce swerved and veered through the chaotic trail left behind by the Clown Prince of Crime. In moments the winged car was ramming the back of the stolen vehicle.

Joker cackled when their guests of honor had arrived. Harley turned around in her traditional black and red latex jester outfit, mockingly blowing the pursuing caped crusaders a kiss. The stolen car zig and zagged its way towards the warehouse district. Traffic thinned out in the run down neighborhood. The Batmobile breathing down their necks, Joker took a hard, unexpected turn down an alley. Harley bailed from the car and made her way into a deserted building as Joker kept speeding down the road.

With the Batmobile still running, Bruce popped the top open. He pointed out the building that Harley disappeared into and bellowed to Robin, "FOLLOW HER!" He was normally much more protective of his protege, but Bruce was desperate, not willing to give up either lead. Besides, this was Harley. Not the big bad Joker. This is something his sidekick should be able to handle. Robin ejected from the cockpit and dashed after the psychotic psychiatrist.

The high speed, high stake continued, but Joker was making his way back downtown. Batman tried to deploy some of the Batmobile's offensive measures to end the pursuit here and now, but Joker's evasive maneuvers kept things going. The route Joker was taking was starting to become very familiar to Bruce. It occurred to him that this was his route to work just as Joker busted through the gate to the underground parking garage for Wayne Tower. An overconfident grin appeared on Batman's face. "You're on my turf now," he thought.

Joker recklessly parked in front of the entrance. He deployed some laughing gas smoke bombs to gain some separation. The Batmobile screeched to a halt behind the stolen car. Avoiding the laughing gas Batman tapped into his car's computer. The garage ventilation system activated, dissipating the gas. By the time Batman made it through the only active elevator had made its way to the penthouse. Batman was slightly confused how Joker had bypassed the elevator security to get to that level, but he was not unused to a few tricks from Joker. Fortunately, he had some of his own.

Bruce diverted from the main elevator to the Bat entrance to the penthouse. Batman found his way to the hidden door in the janitor's closet. Stepping on the platform, the pressurized tube shot him to the top level in a matter of seconds. Stealthily, he slid open the secret bookcase entrance. Joker's back was to him, holding his tommy gun waiting for the elevator to open. POW!!! A flying kick to the back sent the Clown Prince of Crime careening into the wall. The weapon falling from his hand, spraying a couple rounds of random fire about the room. As Joker rose to his feet to face his nemesis a barrage of Batarangs pinned him against the wall.

"WHERE ARE THERE?!" Batman screamed with his roughest interrogation voice. The Joker cackled uncontrollably. "ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES, JOKER! WHERE ARE THEY?!"

Joker's tone abruptly changed to ominously solemn. Staring him deep in the eyes, his pupils widened. "No worries, Bats. You'll be seeing them soon...Bruce." It was like lightening had just struck Batman, but he had no time to react. He was left speechless because a whip was now strangling his neck. As Batman struggled for breath his hands reached to his neck to attempt to break free.

"Heel boy!" commanded a sultry voice. The whip yanked in a downward motion. Batman fell to his knees. The sultry voice issued another order. "Alfred! Luscious! A little help?" Another shock went through Bruce as he struggled when he saw two of his closest confidants help Joker free. A shiny black catsuit appeared in front of Bruce. Selina Kyle bent over so the two were eye to eye.

"We're going to have so much fun breaking you, Brucey," Catwoman purred. She gave the side of his face one long, tantalizing lick as Batman passed out.


Robin flung the door open to the warehouse. Abandoned, the natural lighting left visibility to a minimum. The Boy Wonder decided to proceed more cautiously when he heard Harley's cackling echo throughout the building. Normally Robin was pretty composed, but the recent events and the fact that he knew he was solo had his nerves shaken even though he didn't want to admit it to himself.

"Come out, and face me Harley! Let's make this a fair fight!" He shouted into the darkness. More laughing followed.

"Now where would the fun be in that?" she replied. Robin's head remained on a swivel looking up at the rafters as Harley continued to giggle. "No, no, no little birdy! You're playing my game now."

Small explosions popped up around Robin's feet. Acrobatically he flipped and dodged nonstop. The bombing stopped just in time for him to catch a breath when a spotlight shined directly in his face. Temporarily stunned for a moment was a moment too long. Harley's mallet met Robin's head leaving him unconscious. "Lights out, birdy...".

An hour passed when Jason groaned as he came to in the same warehouse. There was now a small amount of light to illuminate his person and the immediate area around him. The windows of the warehouse had now been blacked out. His ankles and wrists were locked in metal manacles. Harley appeared front of him. Her hands on his as her taunting began.

"Oh Robin! I bet ya head is a throbin! And don't find it odd, we know ya name is Jason Todd. But it won't be long, before that identity is gone! It's gonna be ya pleasya to serve the jestyas! Teh hee!"

"Ughhhh...I won't be doing anything for you," The Boy Wonder retorted groggily. "And...and how do you know my name?"

"Oh Robby!" She pulled his head into her bosom then rotated her chest in a motor boating motion. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about Any! Of! That! We have much bigger plans for you." Robin's face was still smothered, drowning out any reply he could offer. "You see me, and Mistah J have had some great times. But ya know, ery know and then ya gots change things up to keep it spicy. So you know what we decided to do!?" Harley laughed at another muffled response. "No, silly! As a couple we decided we're gonna adopt...a little slutty slave! It's time for us to be a mommy and a daddy! And the perfect little bird just landed in our nest."

Harley pulled back her chest and popped a big red ball gag into Robin's mouth. She secured the gag and continued explaining to Robin, "You're gonna have so much fun with us Robby! Ya might be cranky now, but we've got just the attitude adjust ya need." She slapped a metal helmet on his head and pressed a button. The machine secured Jason's eyelids open and images began to run on the screen inside the metal dome. "Enjoy ya programmin'! Courtesy of the Mad Hatta!" Harley clapped her hands with glee. Her laughs were drowned out over the sights and sounds in the helmet took over Robin's senses.
Posts: 4
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👏👏👏 Brilliant, thanks!! Looking forward to the next chapter already. Will batgirl help to bring the batman down?
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Very good. I loved it.
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