Horny heroines take over the SHIP.

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How do you feel about superheorines consenting to sex and are not experiencing peril? The superheroine is willing giving her body to her partner. This person could be a victim, politician, coworker, sidekick, or villain. Furthermore, the superheroine wants the sexual experience and does not deny it. She may gain something in addition to fulfilling her sexual desires. Superheroines are people as well and want sex just like everyone.

Here is a list of examples.

1. A superheroine such as Batgirl or Supergirl is in jail after being falsely accused of a crime. The heroine seduces a cop to escape. She could easily leave after he opens her cell but she goes all the way before escaping.

2. A superheroine is charged with a crime for practicing vigilantism like The Guardian from the Supergirl TV series. She seduces a person of authority such as the DA, mayor, governor, etc. She offers a sexual experience in exchange for dropping the charges and giving her legal authority to fight villains.

3. An example, a superheroine captures a thug, and seduces him to get information from him. The heroine is fully consenting herself. She doesn't need to use her body to get the information. She has the secret desire of having sex with this guy. She uses him for all of her needs. Another option is the heroine doesn't need to capture the thug at all. She could just confront him and seduce him for the information.

4. For example, a charming villain seduces the superheroine. She totally gives in to him without resisting him. He's the bad boy that no one can say no to.

5. Dr. Dominator9 told me about a story of Supergirl capturing a thug and letting him have sex with her because she is really horny. The guy surely does not pass up on the offer. She continues the sexual affair at the end of the story. If you have the link to the story then please share it.

6. A terrorist has hostages, and the superheroine offers her body to the villain in private. She could easily defeat him with her super speed, but decides to use her body. The hostages safely leave the build, but the heroine decides to stay to continue the sexual experience.

7. Another example is supehreroine's weakness is sexual simulation. The superheroine struggles to resist sexual temptations because her body is easily aroused. A villain with or without this knowledge tempts her sexually and she totally gives in without wanting to resist. She feels amazing and is getting sexual relief. She enjoys the sexual experience at the cost of temporary being de-powered.

I think these scenarios are very sexy. However, I understand many people in the SHIP community (not just this site) enjoy superheroines in peril. These ideas may not be for everyone, and I respect that.

Well, I don't know about heroines 'offering their bodies' in some of the ways described here. I think it is quite sexy to imagine a woman being so self-possessed that she'll have sex if she feels like it for her own purposes, with no feeling that she's being slutty or anything. I'm imagining a lady full of braggadocio and swagger - like a corsair.

As for number 4, I've explored this in a couple of my stories. At one point Enhancegirl enters a consensual relationship with a villain, although - as is my wont - I end up deconstructing the kind of state of mind a person would need to have to want to be in, and stay in, that kind of relationship, assuming that the villain's villainy isn't just skin deep
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A lot of those scenarios go against the grain in terms of the superheroine being a role model, exuding that superheroine persona that includes a wholesome, moral, upright, chaste, good citizen. You present some solid, interesting, mitigating circumstances in which the superheroine would under the right circumstances give in to the villain however. In my mind, in order for a story of that nature to really work you need to work hard to establish the superheroine's existing moral compass, and also make clear her extreme reluctance to succumb or agree to debase herself to that level. It can't be just a throw away line or a single comment uttered in passing. In my opinion a story or film that does not contain adequate reluctance and the establishment of her moral compass will come off as a conventional, run of the mill, cliché , porn flick with a porn star dressed up in a superheroine costume.

bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
A lot of those scenarios go against the grain in terms of the superheroine being a role model, exuding that superheroine persona that includes a wholesome, moral, upright, chaste, good citizen. You present some solid, interesting, mitigating circumstances in which the superheroine would under the right circumstances give in to the villain however. In my mind, in order for a story of that nature to really work you need to work hard to establish the superheroine's existing moral compass, and also make clear her extreme reluctance to succumb or agree to debase herself to that level. It can't be just a throw away line or a single comment uttered in passing. In my opinion a story or film that does not contain adequate reluctance and the establishment of her moral compass will come off as a conventional, run of the mill, cliché , porn flick with a porn star dressed up in a superheroine costume.
What is a superheroine's moral compass? Not every person shares the same sexual morals and beliefs. Sexual opinions are far different than universal morals such as "do not steal" and "thou shalt not murder". A superheroine may be open to wild sexual adventures. One of my best friends is very open to sexual adventures and had more partners than the average guy. He's open to new experiences and he was single by the way. He wasn't causing any problems or harming anyone.

Let's back away from sex for a moment. Batman doesn't like to kill. However, we have seen Superman from Injustice completely change his moral compass and believed killing villains is okay. He murdered the Joker after the Joker tricked him and killed Lois.

Last week Supergirl broke into a government facility to steal government property (evidence and Lex's documents). She stole Lex's documents (now government property) to give the documents to Lena. Supergirl broke the law to get a journal to help Lena get closure (Lena Lied). Supergirl went above the law and stole important evidence.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
A lot of those scenarios go against the grain in terms of the superheroine being a role model, exuding that superheroine persona that includes a wholesome, moral, upright, chaste, good citizen. You present some solid, interesting, mitigating circumstances in which the superheroine would under the right circumstances give in to the villain however. In my mind, in order for a story of that nature to really work you need to work hard to establish the superheroine's existing moral compass, and also make clear her extreme reluctance to succumb or agree to debase herself to that level. It can't be just a throw away line or a single comment uttered in passing. In my opinion a story or film that does not contain adequate reluctance and the establishment of her moral compass will come off as a conventional, run of the mill, cliché , porn flick with a porn star dressed up in a superheroine costume.
What is a superheroine's moral compass? Not every person shares the same sexual morals and beliefs. Sexual opinions are far different than universal morals such as "do not steal" and "thou shalt not murder". A superheroine may be open to wild sexual adventures. One of my best friends is very open to sexual adventures and had more partners than the average guy. He's open to new experiences and he was single by the way. He wasn't causing any problems or harming anyone.

Let's back away from sex for a moment. Batman doesn't like to kill. However, we have seen Superman from Injustice completely change his moral compass and believed killing villains is okay. He murdered the Joker after the Joker tricked him and killed Lois.

Last week Supergirl broke into a government facility to steal government property (evidence and Lex's documents). She stole Lex's documents (now government property) to give the documents to Lena. Supergirl broke the law to get a journal to help Lena get closure (Lena Lied). Supergirl went above the law and stole important evidence.
I suppose it's possible for a superheroine to have universal morals and be open to wild sexual adventures and I bet the dichotomy of that would make a good TV show but I would argue that the SHP genre operates on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the point where the heroine exhibits her superheroine persona, stance, attitude and presence, whereas 1 is when the superheroine is being banged 6 ways to Sunday and is utterly humiliated. If our adventurous superheroine comes into our scenario single and ready to mingle then she is starting at 5 maybe 6 instead of 10. The fun of SHP is the fall from grace, the descent from 10 to 1 and if you fall from 5 to 1 you lose some of the elements of that descent. In regards to Superman and Batman, my response would be much in the way of how a good Christian should behave. There are rules and laws of behavior, as well as values instilled that guide good Christians/Batman/Superman but we often do not follow the good book or rules, laws, regulations. That makes them sinners and fallible human beings (ok, not Superman) not hypocrites. Regarding Supergirl's break in (kudos for them addressing it at the end of the episode) there are people on this site that have made the argument that superheroes have their own code of conduct, that if they have to violate the constitution to achieve a greater good, as long as it does not violate their own code, then it is ok.
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Meh, I plan on mixing it up in my stories between SHIP material and having my Heroine in sexually compromising position. Both are have great potential in the hands of great writers.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
How do you feel about superheorines consenting to sex and are not experiencing peril? The superheroine is willing giving her body to her partner. This person could be a victim, politician, coworker, sidekick, or villain. Furthermore, the superheroine wants the sexual experience and does not deny it. She may gain something in addition to fulfilling her sexual desires. Superheroines are people as well and want sex just like everyone.

Here is a list of examples.

1. A superheroine such as Batgirl or Supergirl is in jail after being falsely accused of a crime. The heroine seduces a cop to escape. She could easily leave after he opens her cell but she goes all the way before escaping.

2. A superheroine is charged with a crime for practicing vigilantism like The Guardian from the Supergirl TV series. She seduces a person of authority such as the DA, mayor, governor, etc. She offers a sexual experience in exchange for dropping the charges and giving her legal authority to fight villains.

3. An example, a superheroine captures a thug, and seduces him to get information from him. The heroine is fully consenting herself. She doesn't need to use her body to get the information. She has the secret desire of having sex with this guy. She uses him for all of her needs. Another option is the heroine doesn't need to capture the thug at all. She could just confront him and seduce him for the information.

4. For example, a charming villain seduces the superheroine. She totally gives in to him without resisting him. He's the bad boy that no one can say no to.

5. Dr. Dominator9 told me about a story of Supergirl capturing a thug and letting him have sex with her because she is really horny. The guy surely does not pass up on the offer. She continues the sexual affair at the end of the story. If you have the link to the story then please share it.

6. A terrorist has hostages, and the superheroine offers her body to the villain in private. She could easily defeat him with her super speed, but decides to use her body. The hostages safely leave the build, but the heroine decides to stay to continue the sexual experience.

7. Another example is supehreroine's weakness is sexual simulation. The superheroine struggles to resist sexual temptations because her body is easily aroused. A villain with or without this knowledge tempts her sexually and she totally gives in without wanting to resist. She feels amazing and is getting sexual relief. She enjoys the sexual experience at the cost of temporary being de-powered.

I think these scenarios are very sexy. However, I understand many people in the SHIP community (not just this site) enjoy superheroines in peril. These ideas may not be for everyone, and I respect that.
Number 7 MOST presses my buttons. 3 & 6 are also inviting.

Basically for me, rather than SHiP, I prefer SHiSP ... in sexual peril.
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I've done consensual sex by a superheroine. In my Synne City series, Ms Amazing is seduced and becomes the girlfriend of the man who is secretly head of the Russian mafia in town. He doesn't know about her secret identity, but wants to possess her, her wealth, and her power so slowly breaks her down sexually, making her more submissive so that she more easily succumbs to her other enemies.
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