What is Your #1 factor in purchasing SHP Films, Model, Website, Story, or Something Else?

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I was having a conversation tonight with someone about SHP films. The model/actress was a very important factor for him, it seems almost above anything else. I differ in that for me it is the story followed by the quality of films historically put out by the website (also the previews). If I am borderline on whether or not to purchase a film, the actress or model could be the deciding factor in whether I buy the film, but overall, I am not one of those people who will purchase practically anything that a performer will put out. I am not saying that the model is not a factor at all, just that it is not as important for me as it may be for others. That's just me. I would like to know for the people on this forum what are the most important factors in purchasing a video.
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No 1 has to be the model
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Visually appealing model who knows how to act is #1. Fantasy not reality is the secret ingredient.
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Her are my most important factors:

1. superheroine character

2. Beauty of the actress/model

3. Type of video ... more superheroine peril (preferred) or porn (ok as long as the costume stays mostly on)

4. Past history or Director/Producer/Website

5. Cost
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Model is important!
Story is up there!!!
I can only speak for myself but content is important!

I admit I can be quite nitpicky!! If Wonder Woman belt is upside down it bugs the heck out me!!!! I can't even answer why!! So I guess detail is important!!!

The model, type of sexual content, and video quality are my three most important factors. I would say most stories have been reused in the industry and there are very few new stories. If there is a new story and it is amazing, then that would be great. Story would be ranked number two.

Ranked #1
Hardcore Sexual Content
Video Quality

I need to find the model attractive to enjoy a hardcore movie. I can't enjoy hardcore sex if the model is unattractive in my opinion. The purpose of sex is to arouse the viewer and some models don't do it for me. Thankfully, SHIP has many beautiful models so this is rarely an issue for me.

A video's length is very important to me. I feel fully satisfied with full featured films, and my standard is a movie must be at least 35 minutes long. Full featured films typically have longer stories, longer sex scenes, and more fetishes add in the movie. Short movies never leave me happy because there is so many missed opportunities. Sorry but a sex position for one minute is not hot.

Ranked #2
Bugsy wrote:
4 years ago

I admit I can be quite nitpicky!! If Wonder Woman belt is upside down it bugs the heck out me!!!! I can't even answer why!! So I guess detail is important!!!
I have the same feelings about Wonder Woman's tiara being upside, and it happens often.
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I don't think in terms of factors, but in terms of content -- specific visuals, emotional beats, and themes. There are a few that are powerfully positive, and a few that are powerfully negative; several that pique interest, and several that evoke disinterest.
I also think in terms of execution -- it's not that the model is more or less important than the costume or the scenario, it's how each compares to the average or standard.

Maximize positive (hot) points, minimize negative (cold) points. Score high enough and I'll jump.

Story is cheap. It doesn't take much to be serviceable, which is good because there's seldom more than that in the genre. By contrast, good storytelling is harder to come by and more highly valued... if it's supporting the specific visuals, beats, and themes of interest.

Some of my positives are provocative costumes, stilettos, voyeuristic/objectifying/closeup shots, non-beatdown reversals of fortune, overwhelming physical arousal, nuanced performance, unusual sets/locations; some negatives are pantyhose/tights/catsuits, block heels, standard hotel rooms or beige living rooms, wrestling matches, scenario/performance that seems like roleplay, direct lighting or dull/no color grading. And while I don't expect much story and don't mind most well-worn genre tropes, the heroine-destruction-livestream trope challenges my suspension of disbelief more each time I see it.

All that said, truly exceptional work is sometimes compelling even if it's not my bag, baby. Try something really different and I'll check it out, just for the art and craft of it.

But mostly it's about getting a really good omelette that's not burnt, with plenty of ham and cheddar and not too much of any other ingredients, and absolutely no damn cilantro.

And if you hate omelettes and could die for a stack of buckwheat pancakes with butter and powdered sugar, I truly hope the genre remains healthy enough that we can both be regulars.

Ignoring Imagineer's reprehensible slander of the noble cilantro, I think for me the number 1 factor is the peril elements it contains, then the attractiveness of the model, then the video quality. Good storytelling is a plus, but it's so rare that it'd be like only ordering oysters at a seafood restaurant if the oyster has a pearl in it. You're pretty much never going to eat oysters if that's a hill you're gonna die on. Everything else is merely a potential bonus, but wouldn't sway me too far either way.
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Number one for me is the model(s) in the video. The more attractive the model to me ... the more interested I am in purchasing.

Going hand in hand with this is the superheroine costume. In terms of quality, it doesn't have to be blockbuster film worthy but definitely above Halloween rack levels in its believable nature . In terms of style, I like the leotard more than a bodysuit but to each their own.

Ranking number three is the content of the video. We all like certain things and dislike certain things in this genre. If the ones I like are in the video (for instance groping of the heroine is very high up on my list), I'll gravitate towards the video and even tolerate some of the things I dislike to a point.

Number four is the story. Hey, I love a good story to go along with the action but I will not hold out to get one. I see it as a nice bonus to the video.
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How well done the costume is it top. The beauty/acting ability displayed in ad clip.
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Not in order but.....
1. Superheroine character - I fully admit for some reason I actually only really enjoy Wonder Woman in bondage peril videos. You can have the same model that I like do another character like Batgirl, Supergirl, or an original character (and I have seen those vids where one of my favorites take on a new character), but it doesn't turn me on at all (or as much). That doesn't mean I'm not open minded to another heroine in peril, but I clearly have a preference.
2. Costume correctness - a great, believable outfit can make or break the vid. The costume being correct and look great on the model is extremely important and perhaps overlooked by most because 'this is the best I can do or find."
3. Beauty of the model and actual acting ability!!!!! - *sigh* there are thousands of models out there, but realistically only a few actually have acting ability. It does take a person out of the vid when there's bad acting, or worse, laughable acting. Also, the model has to at least appear like the heroine in order to be effective (Cathy Lee Crosby blonde Wonder Woman never worked, kids. Brunettes only - sorry blondies).
4. Content of vid - *sigh again* superheroine fight videos suck - over a half hour of a woman getting smacked around, kicked, punched is REALLY boring. Especially since there's a diarrhea load of these kinds of vids out there to buy. Why buy the same stuff over and over? Do something different (It also reeks of abuse toward women - you now, that guy that smacks his #1 girl around because 'life didn't go my way, so I need to hit somebody.") Girl/girl vids are not for me - I'm am actually shocked that producers do not know their audience. You produce vid after vid of 'girls at play' and you're not making money. Would you like to know why? Because your target audience is mostly straight men that buy your vids - it's not women or gay men. I fully realize models probably ran into a lot of jerks in their careers or eventually want to produce vids themselves, so straight men are a turnoff. However, if you really want to make that $$$$$$$ …… Also, superheroine bondage peril vids mostly turn me on (obviously). Everything else is nothing to me - not worth my time or money.
5. Story - the above dovetails into story. I enjoyed writing my second custom because I wanted to do a storyline the second time around. I think people enjoy 'the buildup' more when there's a story to it. I would love to continue to write a good story for the masses, but customs are an unnecessary expense. Also it seems, as my favorite producer but it, "I'm only doing the rare and high cost custom." This statement translates to the foot fetish guy that's willing to pay thousands of dollars for a really simple vid. Why? Because all of us (yes, I'm including myself in this) go to the download sites to even see if the vid that you're interested in is even good enough to buy - and why buy when the vid is right there for free (risking viruses and malware there, friends). The industry has changed where, if you have a good story and feel it might sell, the producer says "It's good and I would do this. But, people are going to steal my hard work. I'm not going to make money which is the purpose of the doing the vid in the first place." So back to foot fetish guy that 's willing to pay thousands for his one vid. Also I will painfully and shamefully admit that, at this point, if the video sells well for my producer I also would like to make some money (a small percentage) off it (this opens Pandora's Box on the subject matter - too many thread, so I'm closing it now).
6. Duration of vid - this is flexible. Again, over a half hour of a model getting punched only is BORING!!!! If you have a story and pace it out it's good.
7. Cost - $50 for a video where 2 people are just fighting. Nope - I'll keep my money. $30 for a video that offers a little bit of everything (fights, bondage, pleasure, etc.) - yeah, I'll buy it. Some vids outprice themselves.
8. Director/producer/website - We all have our individual tastes. If you look around long enough, you'll probably find that you'll enjoy vids from certain producers because they are doing work that you enjoy. My favs - superheroine and non-superheroine : ZFX shockwave video, Powershotz, Hardcore Abductions, TBFE, The Rye, and Alex David. Yes, I'm open to others. But these are the pervy boys and girls I enjoy best.

To some it all up, there are a lot of factors involved.
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Peril scenes

Must have well acted chloro scenes

Good camera work

Lots of sex
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Peril elements I like

But if doing much wrong, anything on that list can be a dealbreaker.
Hey, check my artworks, featuring Batgirl facing a very brutal villain:https://hborges77.deviantart.com/galler ... or-rematch
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1. Peril elements. There are many different peril elements that I like. But at least some of them have to be there.

2. Actress. There are certain actresses who can do no wrong in my eyes. Sometimes I wind up disappointed if the peril isn't right, but seeing Olive Glass, Ashley Lane, Paris Kennedy and Eve Ellis back in the day, all have a huge effect on whether I will buy something or not.

3. Nudity. I'm not 100% focused on nudity. There are some videos I really like that don't have it. (For example, Overconfidence starring Lana Rhoades has no nudity, but it has forced sex and crying)
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1. Beauty of the model
2. Costume and sh character (mostly SG, then WW, then lookalikes)
3. Hair well done, make-up, nails polished.
3. Peril

I don't like tattoos at all. I know its silly what I am saying, but I really like the model to look decent. I hate how how most of them have done augmentation to their lips. I must be almost alone in this preference. And I don't mean to be rude to anyone; if I am, I apologize and will delete this message is asked to.
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pablob wrote:
4 years ago
1. Beauty of the model
2. Costume and sh character (mostly SG, then WW, then lookalikes)
3. Hair well done, make-up, nails polished.
3. Peril

I don't like tattoos at all. I know its silly what I am saying, but I really like the model to look decent. I hate how how most of them have done augmentation to their lips. I must be almost alone in this preference. And I don't mean to be rude to anyone; if I am, I apologize and will delete this message is asked to.
I absolutely agree with you on tattoos. Even though most of the heroines are scantily clad they are in theory supposed to project a wholesome image, and tattoos in my opinion are not consistent with that image, especially if one has one of those more garish tattoos. I saw a SHP film once where an actress had tattoos up and down both arms and it was very distracting, it took away something from the superheroine persona that the actress and film director was trying to get across. Another factor to consider is that if a superheroine has a distinctive tattoo, that in their civillian life, would that not increase the likelyhood that someone could put two and two together and figure out the superheroine's secret identity? I guess you could spend time covering it up everyday I suppose. That is just my take, perhaps I am just old fashioned and out of touch.
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I completely agree, not a tattoo fan! Although I think for me it's about the whole story!! What I mean is alter ego! If a Superheroine has tattoos people would recognize them in her civilian guise!!! Just my thoughts on it!!!
Sargeant 1st Class
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I have to agree too. Not a tattoo fan. Not even outside SHIP. I can take a small tattoo, but overly done is not attractive at all. Sorry ladies.
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Tattoos are the kiss of death for any model trying to work the superheroine fetish. Wonder Woman cannot be inked up, and obviously not Supergirl. Even Batgirl and other characters who use catsuits ruin the aesthetic appeal as soon as you peel the costume off and see all the hideous graffiti. There are a few models who can achieve success with tattoos, but for every one of those who succeeds, there are a dozen or more who fall by the wayside when they get inked up. Those are universally bad odds.

Add to it that most models can't act very well like their comic characters and you have an environment where you have a woman who is not only a bad fit for the work creatively, but she also distracts from the character itself by having tramp stamps, and makes it so that the best way to utilize them is as a supervillain instead of as a heroine. Many models however DO make very good villains, and I've worked with quite a few who do that job nicely provided that they take some advanced direction from me.

It's all about knowing the ins and outs of your genre. You can't make a priceless diamond, you have to know where to dig for them and how to find them and how to properly cut and polish them.
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A hot petite tight white blond.....that does it for me everytime!!!
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1. Tattoos are the Kiss of Death
2. The Character / Costume has to be a. Wonder Womanish, b. Supergirlish . c. Have Great cleavage (ish )
3. The costume should be kept on. Its not a Superheroine fantasy as soon as the costume is removed !
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