Black Widow movie

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Not sure if this is the Guardian getting overly excited about the prospects due to all the beta-male feminists falling all over themselves at their office...or how accurate this really is...but since all it says is that Marvel is finally moving forward tentatively with a script after ten years of director interest, we can still take this with a grain of salt.

Nonetheless I'm sure this is what many Marvel fans (including us, as fans of the hottest Marvel superheroines) have been waiting for. Given that Scarlet Johansson certainly is the biggest star among the Avengers actors, what do you think the chances are that the studio will follow through with an actual Black Widow movie? (which would now come well after the scheduled Carol Danvers one) ... +Today+USA+-+
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They have a great actress and lots of stories to pick from, but Marvel hasn't been willing to do it before the success of Wonder Woman. It depends upon the story if they really go ahead with a solo or se how many characters they can afford to use from the Avengers to prop it up. Almost all of them will be at their end of contractual obligations by the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
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That term "beta male feminists" makes me just roll my eyes at all the chest-pumping and butt-smacking going on.

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Shakeshift wrote:
6 years ago
That term "beta male feminists" makes me just roll my eyes at all the chest-pumping and butt-smacking going on.


Responding to the topic however...

In all seriousness I don't get why this hasn't happened yet? It's actually baffling even from a marketing perspective. Say nothing about the fact that Black Widow is plenty popular among the Marvel watchers... I mean Scarlett Johanson was like the highest paid and highest grossing (I.E. brought in the most bucks of female headliners) actress for like a decade after her first run as Black Widow. Right around the time that one movie about using more than ten percent of her brain was breaking bank at the box office (NO THANKS AT ALL to its plot) was the moment a Black Widow film should have been announced (and was sure to be a safe move from Marvel shareholders as well) NOW that Ghost in the Shell didn't do so well and her name isn't as Iron Clad I'd expect to see more waffling heads than there were in the past.

My only guess is that they wanted to put an actual SUPERheroine on the screen first before going all 'Black Widow: Winter Soldier' on us... so Captain Marvel was selected as 'the first' (then the wasp slipped into the middle there... but she's sharing her movie so it doesn't really count)

In any case, it's BEYOND past time for Black Widow to get her own film... here's hoping they ever get around to it before everyone from the original Avengers contracts expire and their characters kick the bucket.
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Sure, I'm in agreement with all of that. What I meant by referring to the betas at the Guardian was that anyone over there who writes about superheroes and geek culture seems to 'whiteknight' for why there wasn't a female-led superhero movie in over a decade between Elektra & Catwoman and the success of Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman. But there was: both Kate Beckinsale's Underworld movies and Milla Jovovich's Resident Evil movies were very successful!

They're into retro-splaining about how if movie studios weren't so 'sexist' in the 2000s, then there would have already been a Black Widow movie well before Wonder Woman came out. Because it's a convenient, safely feminist stance to have at this point - looking in the rear-view mirror at what could have been but only bringing out certain select examples that prove their supposed point. Instead of just celebrating the fact that, hey, Atomic Blonde did really well last year (just for example) and it's time for action films to star women not just because of identity politics, but because a lot of people will now go see a fit , beautiful actress kicking bad guys' asses in serious fighting scenes.

Anyway, let's just be thankful that the door was kicked open by Patty Jenkins for more films like this, and go from there. I'm definitely looking forward to a Black Widow movie that will flesh out her background in the MCU.
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But... action movies WERE sexist in the 2000's? Dunno that Underworld or the RE's really represent a huge argument for or against this seeing as how they are by and large critical failures, (though I'll admit I do love me some Underworld). Probably not as sexist as they were in the 1950's-2000 sure... but pretty much the further you go back in time the more sexist action movies were. Not saying that like... people were being intentionally cruel about it or anything, sexism doesn't require or necessarily include malice just like ignorance to a speed limit only requires the lack of a signpost. A Black Widow movie WOULD have existed already by now if somebody at Marvel wasn't afraid to make a movie staring a female, that's sexism, benign or benevolent, it represents a difference in the way women are treated. There is an extreme imbalance of male to female lead action films that has existed since film began, the reason for that (even if only financially motivated) is sexism... not necessarily MALICIOUS sexism... but INSTITUTIONAL sexism nonetheless.

If it were ALL about finance and chart stability, as I mentioned above, the studio ought to have JUMPED at a Black Widow movie while Scarlett Johanson was headlining chart topping films all on her lonesome. They didn't, only they know why and it doesn't have to have been sexism by any means in this case, but one can't help but eye the decision and at least CONSIDER that the reason was that Marvel still didn't have enough faith that a female lead film could succeed. Which would be sexism.
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The idea there is some conspiracy of sexism is absurd. Its about money. Will a female movie sell? In the past they have been notoriously bad. Except for Wonder Woman there hasn't been any big block busters. maybe Resident Evil but that's more of a niche and those appear to be more for foreign markets. Plenty of male hero movies have failed and no one says its due to sexism.

Also foreign markets are more important than American markets. Will the Chinese go see an action movie with a female hero? Did WW do well in China? If anything foreign markets are going to be more sexist than any American market. There's a reason Last Jedi was essentially turned into an anime.
Marvel still didn't have enough faith that a female lead film could succeed. Which would be sexism.
No its marketing. Greedy people don't leave money on the table due to boys clubs or biases. If monkeys flinging poo was a billion dollar movie idea they would do it. Think Adam Sandler.

And here's the other thing. Where are all those American women stepping up to buy these products for women? Where are all those women buying comic books and movies? They have more spending power than men. Maybe they are the ones who should have a guilt trip shoved on them. Why am I expected to go see a movie with a female lead especially when I am guilted into not enjoying myself cause "how dare straights menz have naughty funz". So i'm supposed to watch a NOT sexy Scarlet being sexually bland cause the MOMENT there's some booty or tits or legs or anything its right away "exploitation of women" like the complaints against Gal Gadot in Justice league (lets ignore the shirtless dudes) and Ruby Roundhouse in Jumanji. Yeah that sounds like fun getting guilt bitch slapped but yeah I'm supposed to plunk down money to go see a movie or I'm a sexist pig. When am I NOT a sexist pig? So basically if we men watch the movie for a hot Scarlet we're pigs. If we don't see the movie we're pigs.... got it.

We American men are stellar. We are not the bad guys and we are not the problem and in general we are NOT sexist. ANY sexism is an edge case. In fact we're the ONLY group that has gone through more than 60 years of gender sensitive training in schools and in media. Claiming sexism cause of failure is the Ghost Busters marketing scheme. If the only way you know how to get men to do things is to guilt trip the fuck out of them then you're not going to win.

Oh my GOD! You might have to be nice to men and let men have some naughty fun and stop beating us up for it.
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Mr. X wrote:
6 years ago
The idea there is some conspiracy of sexism is absurd. Its about money. Will a female movie sell? In the past they have been notoriously bad. Except for Wonder Woman there hasn't been any big block busters. maybe Resident Evil but that's more of a niche and those appear to be more for foreign markets. Plenty of male hero movies have failed and no one says its due to sexism.

Also foreign markets are more important than American markets. Will the Chinese go see an action movie with a female hero? Did WW do well in China? If anything foreign markets are going to be more sexist than any American market. There's a reason Last Jedi was essentially turned into an anime.
Marvel still didn't have enough faith that a female lead film could succeed. Which would be sexism.
No its marketing. Greedy people don't leave money on the table due to boys clubs or biases. If monkeys flinging poo was a billion dollar movie idea they would do it. Think Adam Sandler.

And here's the other thing. Where are all those American women stepping up to buy these products for women? Where are all those women buying comic books and movies? They have more spending power than men. Maybe they are the ones who should have a guilt trip shoved on them. Why am I expected to go see a movie with a female lead especially when I am guilted into not enjoying myself cause "how dare straights menz have naughty funz". So i'm supposed to watch a NOT sexy Scarlet being sexually bland cause the MOMENT there's some booty or tits or legs or anything its right away "exploitation of women" like the complaints against Gal Gadot in Justice league (lets ignore the shirtless dudes) and Ruby Roundhouse in Jumanji. Yeah that sounds like fun getting guilt bitch slapped but yeah I'm supposed to plunk down money to go see a movie or I'm a sexist pig. When am I NOT a sexist pig? So basically if we men watch the movie for a hot Scarlet we're pigs. If we don't see the movie we're pigs.... got it.

We American men are stellar. We are not the bad guys and we are not the problem and in general we are NOT sexist. ANY sexism is an edge case. In fact we're the ONLY group that has gone through more than 60 years of gender sensitive training in schools and in media. Claiming sexism cause of failure is the Ghost Busters marketing scheme. If the only way you know how to get men to do things is to guilt trip the fuck out of them then you're not going to win.

Oh my GOD! You might have to be nice to men and let men have some naughty fun and stop beating us up for it.
Didn't call anyone a sexist pig. That's reactionary mumbo jumbo. I'm sure there are many who will, that's not my beef. Institutional sexism is entirely different from misogynist 'I hate women' sexism... which along with TRUE 'I hate black people' racism I think probably IS edge case... but it doesn't help victims of racial or sexist culture to simply ignore it just because 'hey its the culture that's wrong not me?' Just cause somethings not your fault doesn't mean you can't acknowledge that somethings off. I'm not calling men a waste of space or endorsing being cruel toward nor treating men poorly. I'm not even saying its ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Cause it's not, its our ancestors and histories fault. I'm Simply pointing out that what you're describing is a difference in treatment toward female lead properties that favors men over women. NO MATTER the reason, that's still sexism, it only exists because of a continued and ingrained culture that has existed since before any of us were born. A difference in anything that favors one sex over another IS a sexist something. Everyones a little sexist somewhere. MY response above was simply to note this as a previous post was indicating a lack of sexism in action films, which was absurd, so I expressed why it was not with no ill will toward anyone involved.

You can't honestly subscribe to the conspiracy theory that 'women don't actually want a movie about Black Widow or they would pay to see one' over one that some genuinely feel they live in a world that's been sexist since the dawn of time. If that latter is all conspiracy, then the former must be a fun house gag. Women are a big portion of the Superhero film audience, I get the argument that maybe we aren't as involved in the comic book scene, but film? Nothing makes a billion dollars without female assistance. I already pointed out why if it was ALL financially motivated SOMETHING involving Scarlett Johanson ought to have been made already by Marvel, I'm not saying the primary reason was even sexism, the numbers at the time of Scarlett was mainlining number one hits at the box office were solid. An entirely objective system based solely on marketing information at that time would have greenlit a BW movie. Again not saying it HAS to be sexism that was the primary reason, but if one of the reasons was simply 'that it stars a female lead' then one of the reasons was sexism.

I'm getting that you don't subscribe to the idea that any treatment toward one gender that favors one gender over another is sexist just so long as there are other factors involved, but you're wrong. Institutional sexism is still there or it wouldn't matter to the marketplace whether a lead was male or female and just because you can point out several other factors doesn't invalidate this one. Things can be two things. A movie doesn't market terribly just because it was poorly funded. That's just a film that was BOTH marketed terribly AND was poorly funded (this doesn't invalidate either that one can be the effect of/cause of the other either... but both things are true regardless)
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Femina wrote:
6 years ago
I'm getting that you don't subscribe to the idea that any treatment toward one gender that favors one gender over another is sexist just so long as there are other factors involved, but you're wrong.
There are more men in prison than women. Is that due to institutional sexism conspiring to throw more men on prison (or deny women the experience of being in prison) or is it an indicator of the differences between men and women and that men merely commit more crime than women due to male nature.

Parity due to social construct is not only a fallacy but its a lie. There is no patriarchy conspiracy in the west. Men and women make different choices because men and women are different.

Men die 13 times more on the job than women. Is that institutional sexism? Or is that choices both genders make. We treat women routinely far better than men in western society. Women serve less time in prison and less harsher sentences. Women get the majority of welfare. Single moms are the #1 recipient of welfare. Women use the health care system much more than men. Women are less accountable than men for the same flaws. Women have control over reproduction and the fetus. Women have 80% of the spending power. Women dominate many areas like school teachers. There are way more female school teachers, veterinarians, doctors, nurses etc than men. There are more than 60% of college attendees are women. Some colleges have more than 66% female attendees. So is this all institutionalized sexism cause there are more women than men?

How many women die in coal mines? On oil rigs? In combat? Fighting fires? Shot as police officers? Die on construction sites? Men die 13 times more than women on the job. Conspiracy? Institutional sexism?

I'm not your bad guy and I refuse that role. Your problems are your fault. Accountability gap is yet another area that favors women.
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Do all threads on mainstream movies, TV shows and comics have to be political shitshows now?
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Lets keep the posts about the movie from now on
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It's quite possible that it'll be a virtue signalling Mark Ruffalo approved cringe-fest, but we don't know that yet. At worst, it'll probably still have a few good scenes.
IMO ScarJo Black Widow is pretty awesome, and i'm pretty hopeful about this. Also Black Widow is a relatively human superhero, so IMO the fight scenes, peril etc is generally more tangible and watchable.
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Prolly shouldn't get our hopes up. I don't think this movie has been officially greenlit? It was just an article saying like 'the time is niiiigh!' or something right?
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Guys let's keep this relatively apolitical please. The only reason I even brought up the Guardian betas was because the guy had to start his article about the proposed Black Widow by virtue-signaling how sexist the movie industry was in the 2000s. I didn't want it to go further than that, and I think Mr. X (although I do respect your opinion, sir) is taking it a bit too far.

And no, this movie hasn't been officially greenlit. Sure, it would be great if there was a mainstream movie where a beautiful woman in a tight costume was featured in furious combat and maybe some dangerous peril (other than of course, the ones I've mentioned like Resident Evil, Atomic Blonde, Underworld, and don't forget the gorgeous AEON FLUX!!). Perhaps we're all getting more prematurely excited about it than we should be :) But hey, that's the forum.

Let's keep on the Black Widow topic. It'd be great to know, for example, what Miz Scarlett herself thinks of the prospect.
Is she excited? Or is it ho hum just another payday call my agent.
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I'm all for a Black Widow movie, though I'm curious who her costars will be. When Avengers first came out, I was hoping for a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie, as the actors had chemistry, and the characters were a couple in the early days of the comics. Plus, they're both on roughly the same playing field as far as raw super-powers go.

But the movies seem to have moved past a point where that would really work, with Clint being secretly married and Natasha making passes at Bruce Banner.
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Black Widow movie started filming as of late May in Norway and the UK. Looks like it's going to be PG-13.
Not clear whether it's a prequel, or if she was revived by the Infinity Stone (possibly by Captain America).
Director is Cate Shortland.
Scarlett Johansson is getting $15 million.
Other stars of the movie including her spy nemesis Florence Pugh (first female vs female headlining fight in the MCU?)
as well as Rachel Weisz, David Harbour, and O.T. Fagbenle.

Here is one of several sites publishing leaked photos from the Black Widow set. Go ScarJo! ... et-photos/
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very possibly a prequel sequel. Natasha could have been resurected 'five years ago' by the present timeline and been working quietly since in order to prevent the complications of there being two Nats.
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There are plenty of good stories that take place before Infinity Wars that they can use. They don't have to keep being sequels.
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It's about time Scarlett Johansson finally gets her own stand alone film as Black Widow, totally awesome! She's a gorgeous, talented actress and master of the fight action scenes! Can't wait to see this!
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It's a prequel they can't kill a character off, state multiple times that She Is Dead She Can't Come Back and then have her come back.
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In the world of eternal franchise dead doesn't mean dead.
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wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
5 years ago
It's about time Scarlett Johansson finally gets her own stand alone film as Black Widow, totally awesome! She's a gorgeous, talented actress and master of the fight action scenes! Can't wait to see this!

scarlett-johansson-black-widow-wallpapers-22.jpg ... QLqKzpYeUk ... apers.html
MCU should have given Johansson the first Solo female feature

1. Johansson much bigger star and can act far better than Larsen.

2. Captain Marvel has never been a popular character
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Dazzle1 wrote;

MCU should have given Johansson the first Solo female feature

1. Johansson much bigger star and can act far better than Larsen.

2. Captain Marvel has never been a popular character

For whatever reason MCU chose Brie Larson first, it was definitely worthwhile, the Captain Marvel movie is undoubtedly a complete success. Brie's fans numbers have skyrocketed after her amazing performance. Now it's Scarlett Johansson's turn to rock as Black Widow! It's great how brilliant actresses are standing up to be superheroines, more the better!
:) :yahoo:
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wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
5 years ago
For whatever reason MCU chose Brie Larson first, it was definitely worthwhile, the Captain Marvel movie is undoubtedly a complete success. Brie's fans numbers have skyrocketed after her amazing performance. Now it's Scarlett Johansson's turn to rock as Black Widow! It's great how brilliant actresses are standing up to be superheroines, more the better!
:) :yahoo:
Yep. Brie's fantastic in Captain Marvel. Really good in Endgame, tho her role took a backseat to the original Avenger's cast; was primarily their movie.

Here's hoping Black Widow, ala Captain Marvel, also grosses over a billion worldwide. I wonder what surprises they'll throw in, will Hawkeye be in it, Captain America, other cameos, something Stark related. We'll see.

Looking forward to both Wonder Woman 1984 and Black Widow in 2020. And the Eternals. Birds of Prey I'm lukewarm on, maybe they can win me over with decent promos later this year.
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I'd just like to see a comic book movie where the superheroine fights a supervillain and his/her minions. Like have her fight a million AIM goons in the beekeeper suits. That would be perfectly OK.

I'm curious as to what characters they will choose to be her sidekicks, just so that she has someone to share exposition with.
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Well not that it necessarily represents hard truth or anything......... but Larson's got an Oscar for acting, which Scarjo's yet to pull off... and while I don't mean this as any knock against Scarjo... Brie Larson is REDICULOUSLY talented... like the sort of talented you only get when you're a spectrum introvert whose turned all their efforts toward stardom. She can sing, she can dance, she's got an Oscar, she's got range just on the four or five different things I've seen her in.

You can hate her all you like for a few things she said once so as to not jeopardize your street creed if you've just gotta, you can argue that Captain Marvel wasn't her best showing, but just being annoyed with someone and a single performance don't make them a better/worse actor than someone else...

And just for the record, before Black Widow entered the MCU she was no more popular than Captain Marvel. That sort of argument is the sort of thing which would have ensured we never ever got a Guardians of the Galaxy film and why we are drowning in Batmen.
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Here is the trailer:

Not bad! Not bad at all.
Looking forward to watch it.
It was time that Marvel gave my favorite non-masked Marvel heroine her own movie.
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I'm more than fine if they continue to pile on the 'men get fat' jokes that started out with Thor (Red Guardian is normally supposed to look as ripped as Captain America) as long as we get to see three Black Widows in their actual costumes.

However, from the looks of the trailer and from Cate Shortland's proclivities, I'm guessing we might not? Hoping I'm wrong, but we'll see.
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Maskripper wrote:
4 years ago
Here is the trailer:

Not bad! Not bad at all.
Looking forward to watch it.
It was time that Marvel gave my favorite non-masked Marvel heroine her own movie.
I agree, Black Widow should have been the first female led Marvel movie
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Maskripper wrote:
4 years ago
Not bad! Not bad at all.
Looking forward to watch it.
It was time that Marvel gave my favorite non-masked Marvel heroine her own movie.
I agree, Black Widow should have been the first female led Marvel movie
I actually haven't said that Black Widow should have been the first female led Marvel movie.
I like the Captain Marvel movie and the order in which Marvel are making them isn't very important to me.
As long it isn't about a Spider-Gwen/Spider-girl movie....then I would get very impatient.
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I thought the trailer looked meh and the whole, "I can't run away from my past" line that seemed key to the trailer is really out of place in what is essentially a prequel movie about a character who is already canonically dead.

Also seriously, do these folks not have any other jokes other than fat jokes now?

Maybe it'll be good but I'm just not into it to be honest.
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Dogfish wrote:
4 years ago
I thought the trailer looked meh and the whole, "I can't run away from my past" line that seemed key to the trailer is really out of place in what is essentially a prequel movie about a character who is already canonically dead.

Also seriously, do these folks not have any other jokes other than fat jokes now?

Maybe it'll be good but I'm just not into it to be honest.
Is she canonically dead though? I'll wait until the end credits scene of this to let myself feel to comfortable with that idea. BW got what amounted to a 'shrug' of the shoulders sendoff in Endgame that was honestly kind of INSULTING when weighed next to what Iron Man got. To me it felt like 'Robert is leaving so we are going to send him off' more than we were sending off Tony Start

By THAT measure, Natasha's sendoff was... she didn't even have a photo at the end funeral? Now it COULD be that they just plan for this movie to do that for Scarjo.... but until we actually SEE it, my movie senses are a little bit tingly that such a storied member of the Avengers death was treated as hardly a blip on the radar... makes me feel like the movies didn't make a big deal out of it because maybe there wasn't a big deal because she's still going to be around in future films?

After seeing this trailer though... wouldn't be surprised if we wind up with Blonde Widow going forward. Lots of possibilities here.

I found the trailer disappointing. Why can't they make a standalone BW film instead of piling on the superhero costars? SJ is a big star and BW is a well known character in the franchise, so why not trust that she can carry a movie? Feels like Marvel hedging their bets by turning it into another big team effort.
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Iron Man 1 and 3 were the closest to a successful solo hero movie after the Hulk failures. Marvel wants to minimize risk with team movies and increase their chances to find spinoffs.

Even the first Captain America movie brought in Howard Stark to prop it up.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
I found the trailer disappointing. Why can't they make a standalone BW film instead of piling on the superhero costars? SJ is a big star and BW is a well known character in the franchise, so why not trust that she can carry a movie? Feels like Marvel hedging their bets by turning it into another big team effort.
The problem is they put off making the Black Widow movie so long that the character isn't relevant any more, so they had to add more characters to the line up. If they'd made it around the time of Winter Soldier, no question she could carry a solo movie, but now it just comes across like a footnote. They downsized the character into being essentially Cap/Bowdude's sidekick, then killed her off, and meanwhile she was replaced in her role as 'The Token Female Avenger' by three vastly more dynamic characters in Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Valkyrie, all of whom are way more interesting at this point than Black Widow, because of how poorly she was used by the old execs.

Feels like this is just going through the motions, but I hope they manage to make it good. The character deserves a good send off.
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Taskmaster was always one of my favorite villains! :)
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Agreed, Taskmaster will be great - he's almost the perfect antagonist because he's impossible to defeat. I wish they could also feature Finesse, the very cute, short-haired female member of the Young Avengers who has the same powers as Taskmaster..she would be great as his assistant, but unfortunately it's probably too early in that timeline.

Femina - there are three Widows technically, so we could wind up with any of them. However, the Youtuber YoungRippa59 (Eric July) made a good point in his reaction video to the Black Widow trailer: his favorite comic book of the past year (mostly unheralded) was the Black Widow mini-series written by the Soska Sisters, where the character is actually a clone of the original Natasha. It's possible that if they don't use a new actress as Black Widow moving forward, they could use the clone backdoor instead to bring back Scarjo. Just a possibility.
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A couple of popular youtubers commenting on the trailer...

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good to see her and her sister interact with each other...always makes life more fun and interesting to have a little sister into the same things that you are!!!
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shevek wrote:
4 years ago
Agreed, Taskmaster will be great - he's almost the perfect antagonist because he's impossible to defeat.
He's not impossible to defeat. His power is that once he sees a move, he can do that move. So he has a tremendous repertoire of action moves available to him. He can literally do anything he's ever seen anyone do.

But Captain America beat him in the comics every time, because having all those moves and knowing the right one to use in any given situation are two different things. :)

Still... I was always fascinated by his power and it's potential applications. :)
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This Super Power Beat Down trailer was created in celebration of the release of the Black Widow and Birds of Prey trailers.
Not a huge fan of how they analyze their own video to death, and the results are a little bit dark in the lighting department,
but otherwise pretty solid and very hot actresses. If only the movies were going to be like this! :)

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