O-girl in 'Stream of Consciousness' (j.w. productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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Plot: In the heart of Capital City, there's been a rash of unexplained art thefts occurring, leaving police and detectives furious when they can't find a single clue as to who the perpetrator is or even how they're breaking and entering without leaving a trace. As it turns out, these art thefts are being committed by none other than sultry seductive cat burglar Miss Felina and while inside the Capital City customs warehouse she has just found and laid claim to her latest conquest: a priceless Maltese cat statue!

However, the purple crusader known as O-girl is not far behind and when she corners Miss Felina, she lets the crafty cat burglar know up front that while she found the prize, she's not gonna keep it. Agitated with O-girl's constant interference in her theft plans, Miss Felina is determined to stomp out this 'purple pest' once and for all...but she may not find that quite so easy...

(then again, this is O-girl we're talking about here so...maybe her defeat will be easy...it usually always is...) :coffee:
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.22_[2017.06.03_12.07.10].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.22_[2017.06.03_12.07.10].jpg (31.31 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
Quicks Pick: (Thoughts on the Vid): I was going through my hardrive and happened to come across this vid that my homegirl had purchased a few years back. Again, while I'm not much of a fan of the O-girl series I have to admit this was a delightful fetish tale to observe. This appears to be one of the production company's earlier works when O-girl first came out on the scene. Given that this story has two of the most sensual veteran fetish models in the industry, I decided to give this vid a shot just for the sake of argument.


-What I really enjoyed about this vid the most was that is appears to pay homage to the old 'Batman' t.v. show from the 60s. Everything from the 60s style action music during a fight scene to the witty banter between O-girl and Miss Felina
truly sparkles with 60s homage. Hell, O-girl even does a Robin-style catchphrase when she falls into a trap in the story so it wasn't hard to decipher that Batman was part of the inspiration for this vid.

-Nice production set that they used for the warehouse scene. Very well constructed and there were plenty of excellent props lying about to simulate a warehouse-style setting, particularly where the lighting was involved.

-Story was short, sweet and straight to the point: master thief Miss Felina has found a statue that she wants to add to her collection and it's O-girl's job to try and stop her. Like I said, short, sweet and simple.
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.53_[2017.06.03_12.06.11].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.53_[2017.06.03_12.06.11].jpg (28.92 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
-I loved the outfits in this fetish story. I couldn't make out what material O-girl and Miss Felina were wearing though. I want to say skintight vinyl or maybe leather, but either way, the costumes were very gorgeous for this story.
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.32_[2017.06.03_12.05.39].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.32_[2017.06.03_12.05.39].jpg (30.27 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.07_[2017.06.03_12.06.41].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.07_[2017.06.03_12.06.41].jpg (22.83 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
-Good camera-work, excellent close-ups of Christina Carter and Lady Diana and some very good editing for this story also.

-Loved the Maltese statue prop and Miss Felina's sword cane for the throwdown between her and O-girl, who uses a wooden staff of some sort to defend herself.
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2017.06.03_12.09.18].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2017.06.03_12.09.18].jpg (19.32 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
-Fantastic dialogue between the actresses, particularly with O-girl explaining her escape and Miss Felina introducing and explaining how one of her latest contraptions to O-girl.

-As always, fetish rivals Christina Carter and Lady Diana give intriguing if not entertaining performances in this vid. Christina portraying the 'girl scout' of justice O-girl with Lady Diana portraying Capital City's most fiendish feline Miss Felina. These two really shine in the spotlight for this story and they really give it their all for this production.

-The highlight of this video though are the bondage streamers that Miss Felina uses to ensnare O-girl with. Once caught, Felina explains to her prisoner how the fiendish bonds work: using synthetic fibers and nanotechnology, the streamers will tighten with any type of tense movement or struggling from the target. That was a very creative trap that was created for this and I'm like...'Wow! That sounds almost like those capture nets that you see in Predator 2. As a villainess, Miss Felina has some very inventive contraptions to ensnare her opponents with.


-Audio could really use some work. While the music was easy to hear at time, I could barely hear a word Christina and Lady Diana were saying to each other in this vid. I had to put on my headphones just to make out what they were saying to each other.

-The fight scene was fun, but could use a little tweaking up for future productions.

-Biggest con for this vid...when O-girl is captured, Lady Felina makes 'no' real attempt to do anything sexual to her at all. She just laughs and taunts O-girl for a bit while she watches her struggle in the streamers. Then she gags her and disappears off the set. That had me like this... :confused:

-Even worse, the last six minutes of the vid and up to the gag is just Christina struggling, groaning and moaning in despair. That was a real let-down for me in this story. I mean, it's not the first time O-girl has fallen into a trap and odds are, it won't be the last. :no:
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_05.26_[2017.06.03_12.13.29].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_05.26_[2017.06.03_12.13.29].jpg (38.47 KiB) Viewed 17022 times
Final Outcome: This O-girl story was a fun-filled adventure and while it did have its share of flaws it was still a joy to watch. Based on what I've heard from other reviewers, my only suggestion to the producer of these stories is that they work on ways to show O-girl escaping from some of these 'death traps' that she gets into before they show the next episode. Also, with Lady Diana gone, don't really know if the O-girl series will be able to continue but for now, this story in itself was a wonderful treat.

Final Score for O-girl 'Stream of Consciousness': 7 1/2 out of 10.
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's a couple more snippets from this 'stream of erotica':
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.59_[2017.06.03_12.06.27].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.59_[2017.06.03_12.06.27].jpg (33.32 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.43_[2017.06.03_12.07.39].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.43_[2017.06.03_12.07.39].jpg (23.72 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.03_[2017.06.03_12.08.43].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.03_[2017.06.03_12.08.43].jpg (32.74 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.24_[2017.06.03_12.09.40].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.24_[2017.06.03_12.09.40].jpg (15.72 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.35_[2017.06.03_12.09.58].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.35_[2017.06.03_12.09.58].jpg (29.64 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.17_[2017.06.03_12.11.06].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.17_[2017.06.03_12.11.06].jpg (24.64 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
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Doctor Outcome
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And just a a few more for your enjoyment:
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.18_[2017.06.03_12.11.14].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.18_[2017.06.03_12.11.14].jpg (30.52 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.31_[2017.06.03_12.11.34].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_03.31_[2017.06.03_12.11.34].jpg (22.53 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_05.19_[2017.06.03_12.13.15].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_05.19_[2017.06.03_12.13.15].jpg (29.83 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_06.05_[2017.06.03_12.14.23].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_06.05_[2017.06.03_12.14.23].jpg (42.69 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_08.03_[2017.06.03_12.16.06].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_08.03_[2017.06.03_12.16.06].jpg (34.87 KiB) Viewed 17019 times
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I love this video
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Doctor Outcome
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fog wrote:
6 years ago
I love this video
Really? Do tell fog, do tell. Please, I'm always eager to hear input from fellow reviewers about what they liked in these particular vids. So if there's anything you liked or didn't like for this vid, please share with us.
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I'm a big fan of the O-Girl series !

I do agree with Doctor Outcome, this video is clearly lacking sexual content.

Christina is looking amazing in that catsuit as does Lady Diana as well !

BTW, it's too bad she's retired now, her Lady Felina's character was by far the best villainess in the genre.
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rogeer007 wrote:
6 years ago
I'm a big fan of the O-Girl series !

I do agree with Doctor Outcome, this video is clearly lacking sexual content.

Christina is looking amazing in that catsuit as does Lady Diana as well !

BTW, it's too bad she's retired now, her Lady Felina's character was by far the best villainess in the genre.
Hey 007, how's it going? I'm not too familiar with the O-girl series as I've only seen a few snippets here and there (I did two reviews on this series here on the forum along with this one).

I agree whole-heartedly: I have to say that I don't think there's any other fetish model that has given Christina Carter more trouble or resistance in these types of films than Lady Diana. The woman is like a lovely phantom incapable of being stopped by anything or anybody and I don't think there's anyone else out there that can play wicked quite like she can.

That kinda leads me to my next conundrum: with Lady Diana gone, do you think any of these stories can continue without her? I mean, Diana had a fire in her that is practically hard to replace and I don't think just 'anyone' can step into her shoes.

Do you think any story can have a continuance with her stepping down from the post?
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I don't think there will be a continuance of the O Girl series because Jim does not produce as many clips as he used to do a couple of years back.

However, If he was to continue, I would love for him to try Cherie Deville as Lady Felina. She can be quite wicked as a villainess and I would love to see her wear the famous black latex costume of Lady Felina !

If you want to see more of Jim's work, I suggest you go for Shiver Me, Mister (part 2) and Mind warp. These are his best work, probably two of the best movie I have in my collection of over 150 movies.

Mind Warp is probably my favorite SHIP movie ever ! Everything I love is in that clip. Latex costumes, bat-trap, bondage, forced O' and a fiendish villainess !
Unfortunately, part II was never distributed for an unknown reaso
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rogeer007 wrote:
6 years ago
I don't think there will be a continuance of the O Girl series because Jim does not produce as many clips as he used to do a couple of years back.

However, If he was to continue, I would love for him to try Cherie Deville as Lady Felina. She can be quite wicked as a villainess and I would love to see her wear the famous black latex costume of Lady Felina !

If you want to see more of Jim's work, I suggest you go for Shiver Me, Mister (part 2) and Mind warp. These are his best work, probably two of the best movie I have in my collection of over 150 movies.

Mind Warp is probably my favorite SHIP movie ever ! Everything I love is in that clip. Latex costumes, bat-trap, bondage, forced O' and a fiendish villainess !
Unfortunately, part II was never distributed for an unknown reaso
I think my homegirl has those episodes you're talking about somewhere on one of her old drives (gotta get those files transferred over soon cause it's not working quite like it should).

You know, I've always been curious to know why a lot of producers starts a story but then never continue it. I hate being left in suspense.

If I ever get a chance to see the ones you're talking about I may review them.
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Howdy folks,

Thanks for all the comments on these vids. It is great to hear what people liked and didn’t - and the Cherie DeVille suggestion for Lady Felina is quite interesting.
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Any chance of more Batgirl videos in the near future? Absolutely love the ones you've made and would definitely appreciate the chance to buy more.
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I would love to see more peril style movies. I think a lot of models have moved on and the roles might be handed on to some newer faces. I could see CC taking over the Lady Felina role (I think older models make better villains). I would love to see Mosh get her own heroine, maybe a pink latex incarnation of Penelope Pitstop with leather clad lesbian Hooded Claw (Christina or Kendra?) trying to engineer her orgasmic demise…
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I could watch the streamers landing on O-Girl and gradually tightening on her over and over again. That could’ve been the whole movie and I’d have loved it.
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Just wanted to thank you for an in-depth and honest review. I take what’s folks l say to heart, and I can’t really defend my inconsistencies, because mostly they come from whatever period of my trying to figure out how to shoot this stuff - and learning editing levels. I think this would probably be due for a remaster, where I would fix levels, etc. The rest is what it is. I had a specific concept, so it was a sexual one - but I’ve done tons of sexual ones, so - something’s things just happen in some vids. I was a fan of how the streamer throw came out. That was actually quite tricky to film to make look even moderately “real”. But it was fun to do.
Doctor Outcome wrote:
7 years ago
Plot: In the heart of Capital City, there's been a rash of unexplained art thefts occurring, leaving police and detectives furious when they can't find a single clue as to who the perpetrator is or even how they're breaking and entering without leaving a trace. As it turns out, these art thefts are being committed by none other than sultry seductive cat burglar Miss Felina and while inside the Capital City customs warehouse she has just found and laid claim to her latest conquest: a priceless Maltese cat statue!

However, the purple crusader known as O-girl is not far behind and when she corns Felina, she lets the crafty cat burglar know up front that while she found the prize, she's not gonna keep it. Agitated with O-girl's constant interference in her theft plans, Miss Felina is determined to stomp out this 'purple pest' once and for all...but she may not find that quite so easy...

(then again, this is O-girl we're talking about here so...maybe her defeat will be easy...it usually always is...) :coffee:

Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.22_[2017.06.03_12.07.10].jpg

Quicks Pick: (Thoughts on the Vid): I was going through my hardrive and happened to come across this vid that my homegirl had purchased a few years back. Again, while I'm not much of a fan of the O-girl series I have to admit this was a delightful fetish tale to observe. This appears to be one of the production company's earlier works when O-girl first came out on the scene. Given that this story has two of the most sensual veteran fetish models in the industry, I decided to give this vid a shot just for the sake of argument.


-What I really enjoyed about this vid the most was that is appears to pay homage to the old 'Batman' t.v. show from the 60s. Everything from the 60s style action music during a fight scene to the witty banter between O-girl and Miss Felina
truly sparkles with 60s homage. Hell, O-girl even does a Robin-style catchphrase when she falls into a trap in the story so it wasn't hard to decipher that Batman was part of the inspiration for this vid.

-Nice production set that they used for the warehouse scene. Very well constructed and there were plenty of excellent props lying about to simulate a warehouse-style setting, particularly where the lighting was involved.

-Story was short, sweet and straight to the point: master thief Miss Felina has found a statue that she wants to add to her collection and it's O-girl's job to try and stop her. Like I said, short, sweet and simple.

Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.53_[2017.06.03_12.06.11].jpg

-I loved the outfits in this fetish story. I couldn't make out what material O-girl and Miss Felina were wearing though. I want to say skintight vinyl or maybe leather, but either way, the costumes were very gorgeous for this story.

Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_00.32_[2017.06.03_12.05.39].jpg
Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_01.07_[2017.06.03_12.06.41].jpg

-Good camera-work, excellent close-ups of Christina Carter and Lady Diana and some very good editing for this story also.

-Loved the Maltese statue prop and Miss Felina's sword cane for the throwdown between her and O-girl, who uses a wooden staff of some sort to defend herself.

Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2017.06.03_12.09.18].jpg

-Fantastic dialogue between the actresses, particularly with O-girl explaining her escape and Miss Felina introducing and explaining how one of her latest contraptions to O-girl.

-As always, fetish rivals Christina Carter and Lady Diana give intriguing if not entertaining performances in this vid. Christina portraying the 'girl scout' of justice O-girl with Lady Diana portraying Capital City's most fiendish feline Miss Felina. These two really shine in the spotlight for this story and they really give it their all for this production.

-The highlight of this video though are the bondage streamers that Miss Felina uses to ensnare O-girl with. Once caught, Felina explains to her prisoner how the fiendish bonds work: using synthetic fibers and nanotechnology, the streamers will tighten with any type of tense movement or struggling from the target. That was a very creative trap that was created for this and I'm like...'Wow! That sounds almost like those capture nets that you see in Predator 2. As a villainess, Miss Felina has some very inventive contraptions to ensnare her opponents with.


-Audio could really use some work. While the music was easy to hear at time, I could barely hear a word Christina and Lady Diana were saying to each other in this vid. I had to put on my headphones just to make out what they were saying to each other.

-The fight scene was fun, but could use a little tweaking up for future productions.

-Biggest con for this vid...when O-girl is captured, Lady Felina makes 'no' real attempt to do anything sexual to her at all. She just laughs and taunts O-girl for a bit while she watches her struggle in the streamers. Then she gags her and disappears off the set. That had me like this... :confused:

-Even worse, the last six minutes of the vid and up to the gag is just Christina struggling, groaning and moaning in despair. That was a real let-down for me in this story. I mean, it's not the first time O-girl has fallen into a trap and odds are, it won't be the last. :no:

Ogirl 1.mp4_snapshot_05.26_[2017.06.03_12.13.29].jpg

Final Outcome: This O-girl story was a fun-filled adventure and while it did have its share of flaws it was still a joy to watch. Based on what I've heard from other reviewers, my only suggestion to the producer of these stories is that they work on ways to show O-girl escaping from some of these 'death traps' that she gets into before they show the next episode. Also, with Lady Diana gone, don't really know if the O-girl series will be able to continue but for now, this story in itself was a wonderful treat.

Final Score for O-girl 'Stream of Consciousness': 7 1/2 out of 10.
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Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
I could watch the streamers landing on O-Girl and gradually tightening on her over and over again. That could’ve been the whole movie and I’d have loved it.
Yep - you and I are in agreement on that. I’ve tried and failed or partially succeeded in this sort of trap over the years. You never know how it is going to turn out until you do it.This one really worked well in my opinion. I mean I was happy with that and that is a rarity for some of the stuff I do.
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sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
I would love to see more peril style movies. I think a lot of models have moved on and the roles might be handed on to some newer faces. I could see CC taking over the Lady Felina role (I think older models make better villains). I would love to see Mosh get her own heroine, maybe a pink latex incarnation of Penelope Pitstop with leather clad lesbian Hooded Claw (Christina or Kendra?) trying to engineer her orgasmic demise…
That is really an awesome idea… Can it be done? I guess never say never…
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sugarcoater wrote:
3 years ago
Any chance of more Batgirl videos in the near future? Absolutely love the ones you've made and would definitely appreciate the chance to buy more.
I think this one has been answered quite firmly :). Yep - Angela Sommers and I talked at my birthday party in October and decided we would film a whole new full-lengthen “Perils of Batgirl II” movie. You can find the thread in the superheroine lounge.
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JWeathers wrote:
2 years ago
Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
I could watch the streamers landing on O-Girl and gradually tightening on her over and over again. That could’ve been the whole movie and I’d have loved it.
Yep - you and I are in agreement on that. I’ve tried and failed or partially succeeded in this sort of trap over the years. You never know how it is going to turn out until you do it.This one really worked well in my opinion. I mean I was happy with that and that is a rarity for some of the stuff I do.
My only complaint is that it’s not long enough. It’s less than two minutes. And I do appreciate that it was drawn out as long as possible, like how her arms were gradually but inexorably pulled back until they met behind her. That part was very good indeed. But then it was over and OG was stretched out on the floor, faced with yet another death trap, and those are the parts I enjoy the least. Sometimes I think the villainesses like Felina “play” with their prey much too briefly, considering how much fun it is. Why kill her now when you can keep her in your lair, helpless tied in ribbons, and torment OG some more until you’re bored of her?
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Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
JWeathers wrote:
2 years ago
Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
I could watch the streamers landing on O-Girl and gradually tightening on her over and over again. That could’ve been the whole movie and I’d have loved it.
Yep - you and I are in agreement on that. I’ve tried and failed or partially succeeded in this sort of trap over the years. You never know how it is going to turn out until you do it.This one really worked well in my opinion. I mean I was happy with that and that is a rarity for some of the stuff I do.
My only complaint is that it’s not long enough. It’s less than two minutes. And I do appreciate that it was drawn out as long as possible, like how her arms were gradually but inexorably pulled back until they met behind her. That part was very good indeed. But then it was over and OG was stretched out on the floor, faced with yet another death trap, and those are the parts I enjoy the least. Sometimes I think the villainesses like Felina “play” with their prey much too briefly, considering how much fun it is. Why kill her now when you can keep her in your lair, helpless tied in ribbons, and torment OG some more until you’re bored of her?
The streamers tightening was probably done by reversing the streamers loosening as O-girl wriggle out of them. Making it happen slower and still look convincing would be tough. Everybody has their preferences, personally, I love a gloating death trap, so it was great from my perspective.
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sneakly wrote:
2 years ago
The streamers tightening was probably done by reversing the streamers loosening as O-girl wriggle out of them. Making it happen slower and still look convincing would be tough. Everybody has their preferences, personally, I love a gloating death trap, so it was great from my perspective.
Oh I understand that’s probably how. And everything about that scene is amazing, from the looks of confusion and bewilderment and panic on CC’s face, to DK just watching and laughing and letting the streamers do their work, to that great view of CC’s butt shaking back and forth as she tries to break free. I just wish there had been more of that. Like when DK begins tying more ribbons around her, instead of jumping ahead to CC bound on the floor, I would have enjoyed seeing perhaps DK tying up her legs by throwing the ribbons at them.
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Yeah that scene was really good.
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Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
sneakly wrote:
2 years ago
The streamers tightening was probably done by reversing the streamers loosening as O-girl wriggle out of them. Making it happen slower and still look convincing would be tough. Everybody has their preferences, personally, I love a gloating death trap, so it was great from my perspective.
Oh I understand that’s probably how. And everything about that scene is amazing, from the looks of confusion and bewilderment and panic on CC’s face, to DK just watching and laughing and letting the streamers do their work, to that great view of CC’s butt shaking back and forth as she tries to break free. I just wish there had been more of that. Like when DK begins tying more ribbons around her, instead of jumping ahead to CC bound on the floor, I would have enjoyed seeing perhaps DK tying up her legs by throwing the ribbons at them.
Actually, it’s wasn’t done in reverse.
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JWeathers wrote:
2 years ago
Ericc15 wrote:
2 years ago
sneakly wrote:
2 years ago
The streamers tightening was probably done by reversing the streamers loosening as O-girl wriggle out of them. Making it happen slower and still look convincing would be tough. Everybody has their preferences, personally, I love a gloating death trap, so it was great from my perspective.
Oh I understand that’s probably how. And everything about that scene is amazing, from the looks of confusion and bewilderment and panic on CC’s face, to DK just watching and laughing and letting the streamers do their work, to that great view of CC’s butt shaking back and forth as she tries to break free. I just wish there had been more of that. Like when DK begins tying more ribbons around her, instead of jumping ahead to CC bound on the floor, I would have enjoyed seeing perhaps DK tying up her legs by throwing the ribbons at them.
Actually, it’s wasn’t done in reverse.
The only other time I’ve seen special effects like that using ribbons was in a Electrobabe/Dynachick movie years and years ago, and that one looked nowhere near as good as yours. Don’t suppose you’ve used anything similar in other films?
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Not exactly like that. I did some with fishing line, but you can't see it move quite as easily. The streamers worked well for moving across the body. All of them are a lot harder to do, than it would seem.
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JWeathers wrote:
2 years ago
Not exactly like that. I did some with fishing line, but you can't see it move quite as easily. The streamers worked well for moving across the body. All of them are a lot harder to do, than it would seem.
I’ve actually always been curious about how you quicksand pits worked. They rally looked fantastic
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Mr. X
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I'm wondering if the Home Depot people got a little suspicious of Miss Felina and her kittens buying all sorts of plexiglass, lumber and sand.
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sneakly wrote:
2 years ago
JWeathers wrote:
2 years ago
Not exactly like that. I did some with fishing line, but you can't see it move quite as easily. The streamers worked well for moving across the body. All of them are a lot harder to do, than it would seem.
I’ve actually always been curious about how you quicksand pits worked. They rally looked fantastic
Thank you. Honestly it was complicated, but I’d rather let everyone just enjoy the illusion. I wish I could, but as with most of this stuff, seeing how it is made does tend to spoil it, which is why I’ve never shown behind the scenes stuff of that. I think the only peril I’ve done that is really as it seems, is the hourglass peril that will be released in Episode 4 of “The Perils of Batgirl II”. That is exactly as it is.
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Mr. X wrote:
2 years ago
I'm wondering if the Home Depot people got a little suspicious of Miss Felina and her kittens buying all sorts of plexiglass, lumber and sand.
I’ve had folks wonder why I was buying so much rope…. LOL
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batgirl1969 wrote:
2 years ago

This is what made me who I am Today....I LOVE this one and just the looks on their faces and when she ends up ballgagged...my God even Today it makes me weak and well.....orgasmic!!!

I always envisioned Trance was going to make o-girl eat her pussy while she was in the strangle straps, she is perfectly positioned to make o-girl taste her!!! To me this is still the hottest fucking bondage heroine scene I have ever seen!! Thank God for Jim Weathers!!!
This was pretty awesome - and really, really tough. Andrea really did an awesome job dealing with that.
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