What got you started in the Super Heroine in Peril genre?

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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With me it happened backwards. I had a fling with a woman who was extremely prim and proper on the surface but had lots of bondage type fantasies including lesbian ones and I think that experience gave me a kind of pre-fetish where my brain was looking for some context where a combination of 1950s good girl and lesbian bondage peril would make sense and sites like this and DA with superheroine art provided the perfect solution: 1950s era good girl superheroine meets kinky "Dark Knight" era villainess.

Once that connection was made then all the superhero stuff from the past came back - 60s Batman, Barbarella, my Bro's comic book collection etc but ultimately for me what actually got me started was artists on sites like DA, Wizard's lair etc.
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It all started with the sexy Vampirella. That long black hair her little red bikini and go go boots always getting kidnapped or in bondage somehow she was my first experience with superheroine bondage....
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Some more vampi bondage
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Then came Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman and I was hooked into superheroine bondage even more! The way she would squirm and cry for help when ever she got chloroformed or bear hug would make me lose it every time...
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Then of course I discovered Debra winger as wonder girl who I fell in love with more because she was closer to my age and looked like she was seriously DTF
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For me it happened in 2007 when i was 13 years old and just beginning to explore my fantasies. Games like tekken and tomb raider really amped up the fetish in seeing these powerful fictional women, though they were extremely cocky and confident, lose in the fight of their lives. Then i saw the movie "league of extraordinary gentlemen ", which was terrible, save for one of the last battles in which the femme fatale of the movie, played by the gorgeous Peta Wilson, is impaled buy her former lover and most hated enemy. I was stunned, and excited. Even though she came back to life (which was never explained, and to me another Hollywood screw up in which of course the woman cant be defeated properly, and just adds to why the movie was terrible. I now just watch up to that scene and consider the movie over lol) i couldnt stop thinking about her for a week straight. I watched the scene over and over. Her expressions, her moans, it was all too much to handle. Then i began trying to find similar videos online, and found superheroine central in high school, and ive been hooked ever since!
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finisterfoul wrote:Same here... 60's Batman TV show and Electra Woman and Dyna Girl... damn kids shows corrupted us - ha ha.
Finister Foul

I think your Pink Pussycat is the best OC in the great tradition of Batigirl, Isis, Electra Woman, Dyna Girl, Wonder Girl, Wonder Woman, the many Hana-Barbara heroines and of course the Justice League Cartoon heroines. For those of you who have never read/looked at Finister's Pink Pussycat comics you are really missing out.

Ask Finister Foul for his site's URL, you will be glad you did.

-Tyr Garm
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What inspired me? Yvonne Craig as Batgirl, Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, Debra Winger as Wonder Girl, Joanna Cameron as Isis, Diedre Hall as Electra Woman, Judy Strangis as Dyna Girl, the great Hana-Barbara heroines: Jana of the Jungle, Electra, Gravity Girl, Princess Ariel, Wonder Girl in the Teen Titans and of course Wonder Woman in the Justice League cartoon got me interested.

I try to recapture that combination of beauty, costumes, action, peril, themes, sexual tension and of course I add sexual content that TV can't do. Great strand!

-Tyr Garm
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This helped

And this.
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For me it was a Halloween Fancy dress party . Two girls came dressed as Supergirl and a sexy schoolgirl. They danced together , then the little schoolgirl produced a Kryptonite looking pendant and slipped over Supergirl's neck .Supergirl acted out the most erotic weakening scene . Watching the little girl make her weak and helpless hooked me for the rest of my life .
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the supergirl movie was on tv and ever since the phantom zone scene, i have been hooked. looking for my supergirl ever since lol
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I got into it by stages; my torture kink started developing in school when we learned about the medieval witch hunts and I started fantasizing about living back then being accused of witchcraft and stretched on a rack for a confession. After that I started looking around for more descriptions of torture and reading contemporary torture (along with the torture scene in the Empire Strikes Back) got me into electrical torture fantasies. About the same time I started getting into comic through my brother's collection and it didn't take long to join the dots and wind up with fantasies of being a superheroine undergoing torture.
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For me, I think it was a mix of the final demon fight in the 1984 Supergirl movie, the wonder woman series, and supermen getting taken out by nuclear man in "The Quest for peace." I didn't really sexualize it then but was enamored by the concept of a hero or heroine with godlike power getting completely decimated. Years later towards the end of high school when I got into making comics with friends to pass the time I kept getting requests by my peers to make superheroine nudes, which I gladly did to make a few extra bucks. I found that I really enjoyed the superheroine rape and peril aspect of it. Fast forward to the early 2000s , I did a few short supergirl comic commissions for a friend with supergirl imperiled at the hands of a demon. I forgot about the work and came across it like four years ago and thought I'd try my hand at making an actual story from the commissioned shorts which were only a few pages each. I created the Kryptonian slayer storyline and before you know it I am about twelve forty page comics deep now and continue to make Superheroine peril comics.
Oh the gloriously debauched, yet violently sophisticated peril! http://www.epicnihilcomics.epizy.com
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Super girl's run in Adventure Comics circa 1970 or so lots of peril covers and panels in those days...I was hooked quickly.
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Though I'm a 90's kid I grew up in a place that was a decade behind, so She-ra got me started. As did collectables - comic cards in particular enlarged my world. For the longest time Jean Grey was the one for me. That is until, like many others, I saw the Supergirl movie on TV. I still love it to this day. especially the fight against the invisible monster - let that skirt fly. After that it was all DC comics and video games. With props to Sailor Moon and Buffy.
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harriertalons avator(Princess) helped alot,as well as Lynda Carter,Bionic woman,Princess Ariel ,Batgirl,etc.. :)
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And of course the comics when these gorgeous heroines get knocked out,and even the Batman tv show.It was hot when they were knocked out by Catwoman and stuff.
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Penelope Pitstop and Batgirl got me started for sure though I didn't understand then I had a sexual interest in these scenarios until I got older and rediscovered kinky scenes that had been seared into my mind for years on YouTube.

Must also credit Dyna-flix for opening up the world of superheroine fetish videos to me as the sight of sexy girls about my age engaged in the same kinds of kinky peril I found so appealing made me realize this fetish wasn't so strange after all. This clip specifically opened my eyes and I've never looked back since:

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I won't bore people with a long origin story, but I will say that one unexpected source of superheroine lore was 1970s Scholastic Books!
Anyone recall the Dynamite Duo?
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One of the sexiest concepts from my formative youth that nobody seems to mention is Dial H for Hero: Carmine Infantino's reboot of it featuring a t**nage girl, who became *several* hot heroines in every issue, generated by suggestions from fans. I guess it would have been too risque for the readership for Vicki and Chris to consummate their relationship while in costume, but I kept wishing they would. It definitely got me thinking, however, that one could make up their own heroes. Later incarnations of the Dial aptly showed the exuberance of girls discovering their powers, but also never went further.

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Other than that, all the usual late 1970s/early 1980s touchstones from TV: Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Isis, Bionic Woman, Princess Leia, Princess from Battle of the Planets, Wilma Deering, Athena & Cassiopeia (Battlestar), Firestar, Charlie's Angels, and so on. Other than Dial H For Hero, from comics I would say Black Cat from Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Donna Troy & Starfire from George Perez's Teen Titans, Phoenix, Rogue &Kitty Pryde from X-Men, Fathom/Morningstar from Elementals, Dazzler, Dagger, a bit here and there of Perez's Wonder Woman.

And Whisper (First Comics)..anyone remember her? She got into a lot of peril and that costume was so tight. I was deep into that series, even got a letter published. By the way..I just found out that there was a benefit TPB published in 2015 that reprinted Whisper 3-11 as drawn by Norm Breyfogle (the benefit was for his medical care after having a stroke in 2014). I'm going to look into getting that!
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Mr. X, I think, mentioned Gravity Girl above. I only remember her briefly from the Birdman cartoons, but I find it unfortunate that not only has nobody ever tried to do a peril parody of that great enslavement scene..nobody has ever even cosplayed her, not once (at least not anyone that ever took a photo). What..nobody wants to look as hot as this? :)
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For me it was finding a hidden stash of bondagecafe and O-Girl pics and videos on an older step brothers laptop...getting caught, uhm lets say enjoying it a little too much, then getting convinced into cosplay and finally seeing batgirl on the pattern cutter by catwoman acting all lesbian on her and a few big O's later...next thing i know i am at dragoncon in spandex, hogtied, ballgagged and an accidental forced Big O while roleplaying in a room party and bam....I am hooked ever since...so I blame O-Girl and Batgirl!! Purple now makes me hot
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Yes Gravity Girl, Ariel and Tara of the Herculoids were classics.
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Hi all as I am still quite new to this i dont know anywhere near as much as u all do about this but i have always liked Supergirl as this was my mums fav and then my ex bf actually showed me some peril stuff with Supergirl in and omg it was soo awesome that it got me really hooked but i still havent really looked into it lots so this is why i am back on here as i still have this urge to explore it more. Its soo cool here btw, Dionne xx
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The Wizards Lair back in 2006, i stumbled my way on to the Wizards site by sheer chance it opened my eyes. I dont even remember HOW i ended up there but I'm grateful that i did as it sedated an unsatisfied part of my brain I havent realised existed. Like many here, I watch reruns of Batman and was just memorised with Batgirl, I saw Supergirl the movie and again thought it was great. Then as I got older, started noticing I had a 'thing' for girls in costume. It was when I arrived at the Wizards lair that i fell down the rabbit hole, devouring all the heroine peril I could lap up.
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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I read a story when I was a kid about a woman who got abducted by this evil spirit who then took her appearance and stole her life. Looking back now I can see how that idea of one woman overpowering another stayed with me.

Like others on this board, I was VERY affected by Helen Slater as Supergirl - especially the phantom zone. First, seeing this strong beautiful woman banished to that hellish place by a domineering villainess as she steals Supergirl's man. Then, to see Supergirl's powers stripped from her - robbing her of everything that made her special and showing her how small and weak she really is. Seeing her cry out in despair as she realizes she is helpless really struck a chord with me. It wasn't just what the villain had done PHYSICALLY, but how she took Kara's confidence and pride. I absolutely ADORED her despair;


And then, the slime. To see that bright shining beacon of strength and goodness wallowing in the muck, writhing as she struggles just to keep her head above water. Oh yes, that hooked me;

Later in the 90's, I was spoiled for choice as far as comics goes. With Image in full swing, creators felt free to explore heroines/vailainesses...aesthetic virtues. Two big favorites were Gen 13:

And of COURSE, Jim Balent's Catwoman;

From there, it was just a matter of finding a piece of Supergirl Fanart by Dan'O that led me to SHC and Butterscotch Fox. And the rest is history...
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lordgriffin wrote:
9 years ago
For me, it was Sheen Queen of the Jungle, I was about 12, and here was this BEAUTIFUL woman, clad in skimpy animal skins who could commune with animals AND become one.

In one Episode they trapped Sheena in her Lioness form, and HUNTED her, actually "Darting" her and putting her in a cage, and I fund that SO...COOL and rousing...

Later I came cross a book series by an Author called Jack Chalker. The series was "Midnight at the well of souls" and expanded on this
Curious how MidNight at the Well of Souls relates to superheroine genre
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Xena Warrior Princess. I remember, back when meta tags were more important for search engines, doing a search for Xena online, and ending up at Superheroine Central, and all their free goodies, like Mr. X's story page. Also, Michelle Pfieffer's role as Catwoman in Batman Returns was a big influence, and still one of my favorite all-time movie roles. What can I say? I like girls in leather. Did I mention Black Scorpion?
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Dazzle1 wrote:
7 years ago
lordgriffin wrote:
9 years ago
For me, it was Sheen Queen of the Jungle, I was about 12, and here was this BEAUTIFUL woman, clad in skimpy animal skins who could commune with animals AND become one.

In one Episode they trapped Sheena in her Lioness form, and HUNTED her, actually "Darting" her and putting her in a cage, and I fund that SO...COOL and rousing...

Later I came cross a book series by an Author called Jack Chalker. The series was "Midnight at the well of souls" and expanded on this
Curious how MidNight at the Well of Souls relates to superheroine genre
I suppose it does not, other then they had some interesting means of controlling and transforming Superheroines
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Sorry to be late to the party; glad to see you started without me.

My first feeling of "Hmm, I didn't get this sensation watching Rocky & Bullwinkle" came from reruns of Batman in the early-mid 1970's. The scenes that stuck with me were Batgirl chained in the dungeon and passed out at the feet of Louie the Lilac. Then I wondered what would happen if the perils that Batman and Robin faced ever came to a female crimefighting pair.

Enter ElectraWoman and DynaGirl. At age 10-11, my feelings were so strong they seemed taboo. Even at that age, I knew that when the voltage vixens were in a totally vulnerable state, like when Glitterrock hypnotized them, sending them off a high platform was squandering a huge opportunity. To do what, I didn't know. But I knew for sure that was a waste!
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As others have mentioned and Frenemy54 expressed so articulately, the 1984 Supergirl movie is what got me into the genre. I think it's the first sexual feeling that I had, and I was a young child, so it took me a while to figure things out. I was quite surprised to discover in the mid-90s that I wasn't alone.

On a side note, Rye did a really nice peril version of the film some years back, but it sadly doesn't include the Phantom Zone scene. I would love to see one of our producer friends take that on.

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Ooh! I'm articulate! :coffee:
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Legion of SuperheroeS!

I liked Saturn Girl

Especially the episode when she was mentally controlled to fall in love with the alien dude...
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I think there's a really intrinsic link between sex and power, which you see expressed in virtually every medium that explores themes of kink and titillation. Maybe it's just me, but as far back as I can remember, whenever I saw a character being overpowered or rendered helpless and weak, there was something about it that excited me in ways I couldn't quite articulate - but I knew I wanted to see more of it. Super heroes are really over the top expressions of power, and as a result when they are overwhelmed, bound, or knocked out, the transfer of power is equally pronounced. The main two images that stick in my mind is an old He-man book in which She-Ra is defeated and carried unconscious over the shoulder of some fishman dude, and also that scene from the old superman films where Lex puts a chain of kryptonite around supe's neck and then throws him into a pool. I think I was also accidently exposed to the sexy finale from Basic Instinct at a young age, and even though I didn't really know what I was seeing I still understood that the hero was giving up power, even knowing it was a bad idea. That concept never got out from under my skin.

Anyways, fast forward a number of years, becoming interested in sex in earnest, becoming exposed to some crazy hentai clips, and the fascination for heroine peril just came naturally. I think I then found superheroinecentral and Mr X's site back in 2006, and then Steven Bell's Ms Marvelous stories - and all the other stories hosted there, particularly Dark One (or Thom Gall back then, I believe). Can't quite believe that was 11 years ago... Blimey. After enjoying SHIP content, on and off, for 8 years, I joined in in 2014 right here on this fine forum - which is the place and community that inspires me still.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
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UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
It was his choice, up until then I hadn’t really thought about heroine characters and costumes. It had all been abduction fantasies in normal clothes.
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UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
It was his choice, up until then I hadn’t really thought about heroine characters and costumes. It had all been abduction fantasies in normal clothes.
Which Batgirl costume was it?
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batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
It was his choice, up until then I hadn’t really thought about heroine characters and costumes. It had all been abduction fantasies in normal clothes.
Which Batgirl costume was it?
A very bad cheap copy of the 1960s TV Batgirl.
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UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
I came into this genre from a slightly different angle. I was into damsel in distress type stuff but not superheroines.
When I first met my now husband, after six months of being together he asked me if I minded dressing up for him as batgirl and let him tie me up.
As I said I was already into DiD stuff so agreed and it went from there. He later introduced me to his collection of Superheroines in distress videos, pictures and stories and it went from there.
Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
It was his choice, up until then I hadn’t really thought about heroine characters and costumes. It had all been abduction fantasies in normal clothes.
Which Batgirl costume was it?
A very bad cheap copy of the 1960s TV Batgirl.
So was mine....10 long years ago...a shiny purple morph suit with the head removed....I can't believe I was such an amateur cosplayer back then! But hey it worked!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago
UKchick wrote:
6 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
6 years ago

Very cool!!! Nice choice of heroine to dress as and be bound too!!
It was his choice, up until then I hadn’t really thought about heroine characters and costumes. It had all been abduction fantasies in normal clothes.
Which Batgirl costume was it?
A very bad cheap copy of the 1960s TV Batgirl.
So was mine....10 long years ago...a shiny purple morph suit with the head removed....I can't believe I was such an amateur cosplayer back then! But hey it worked!
I think he got it from a fancy dress shop. You know what men are like, it took him ages to pluck up the courage to discuss his fantasy and ask if I woukd take part and when I agreed he hadn’t really planned for it LoL
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Oh yeah, let's not forget a little plot involving Starfire way back in Flash #82:


First time I think I ever saw a superheroine abused. They used a machine to torturously rip the energies out of her - turning the very thing that makes her special into her damnation. :evil:
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Well ... I'll throw my story into the ring.

For me, the intrigue of superheroines started in two places.

First, it was with the Sailor Moon series on TV and the episode with Sailor Venus against the butterflies. Something about her falling into a perilous situation struck a chord.


Second, it was WWE wrestling and the divas, especially the great Canadian Trish Stratus. Beautiful girls wrestling putting each other into holds struck another chord.


Seeing both of these things propelled me to open up the Internet and search around. And when I did, I ran across a website called Superheroinebabes.com. That site opened up the world of superheroine peril and the many beautiful characters that are fighting for good but end up in peril. Clicking through the multiple characters, led me to a few different websites:





The perilous stories of Brite Star ... Ultra Girl ... Emerald ... Golden Gal got me locked into this genre.

Now I enjoy the: tight, revealing costumes ... overconfident heroines who believe they are invulnerable but end up getting weakened to the point they are exploited ... pure heroines that get trapped and start to get fondled pretending like they don't like it and their virtuous nature is not going to give in (but they really do like it and will give in).
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Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, even though the traps were kind of tame.

Also the Spider Woman cartoons.

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Frenemy54 wrote:
6 years ago
Oh yeah, let's not forget a little plot involving Starfire way back in Flash #82:


First time I think I ever saw a superheroine abused. They used a machine to torturously rip the energies out of her - turning the very thing that makes her special into her damnation. :evil:
This is the kind of pic that could inspire me to write a custom. :-P
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Going to throw my hat into the game here -

Was always intrigued by the comics and for me the animated series that came out in the 90s. That perked my interests and i started to do searches for Superheroine Peril. What a rabbit hole that took me down. One of my most memorable video samples i came across was the Bondagecafes O-Girl series with Christina Carter. It was one of the first few that came out when she was strapped under a pendulum. At that time i wasn't sure why i liked it but i did. One thing led to another and i found Superheroine.com and loved their work etc.

Now i am always looking for heroine peril stories/video content. I have found myself on Second Life and enjoyed the different heroine themed sims they have.
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I grew up with 4 brothers, always having to play as Wonder Woman or one of the girls from the X-Men and such. So I was a nerd girl growing up.

Later, add to that a love of erotica, bondage and such I really got into the powerful heroine where the tables are turned. Mr. X's site and others were... Influential *blush*.
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Yvonne Craig from the 1960's Batman series. I absolutely loved it when she was in those crazy traps. Or being tied up and rolling around on a lawn trying to activate sprinklers so the ropes loosen up. The lady had a dancer's body, and it showed fantastically in the costume.

Lynda Carter from the 1970's television series. The infamous Fausta scene and others when Wondy was tied up or taken prisoner. Interesting enough, whenever Diana Prince was tied up or captured it never turned me on.

There was also one Wonder Woman comic that I bought that cemented it all for me - Wonder Woman was bound to a chair and a villain forced her to play a video game (I think the character was named Captain Commander?). Lots of ropes around her, villain pulling her hair, making her do things that she didn't want to do like play the game or 'the friend dies'.... have to admit, I was hot for a comic.

heroinehunter wrote:
6 years ago
Yvonne Craig from the 1960's Batman series. I absolutely loved it when she was in those crazy traps. Or being tied up and rolling around on a lawn trying to activate sprinklers so the ropes loosen up. The lady had a dancer's body, and it showed fantastically in the costume.

Lynda Carter from the 1970's television series. The infamous Fausta scene and others when Wondy was tied up or taken prisoner. Interesting enough, whenever Diana Prince was tied up or captured it never turned me on.

There was also one Wonder Woman comic that I bought that cemented it all for me - Wonder Woman was bound to a chair and a villain forced her to play a video game (I think the character was named Captain Commander?). Lots of ropes around her, villain pulling her hair, making her do things that she didn't want to do like play the game or 'the friend dies'.... have to admit, I was hot for a comic.
I believe the character in question is named "Commander Video."
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For me I think it has to be Supergirl the movie. I am still obsessed with it. Helen Slater was just perfect as Supergirl. There was a lot of her getting thrown around and being pushed down by the witch and other characters but I'll never forget my introduction to this film. It was december 1993 and I was with a group of friends and their mum and we went to this christmas by candlelight. on the walk home we stopped into some random house of this couple and they were watching the beginning of Supergirl. Back in those days there was on 5 channels.
So the movie is going along and all us young boys are transfixed on this beautiful blonde woman in a skimpy supergirl outfit- I have always been a short skirt and long leg kind of guy. It must have had something to do with being taken along to women's tennis matches when I was young.
So we come to the scene where Supergirl is confronted by two truck drivers and to me as a 8 year old I thought they were just having a conversation with this young woman- the next moment when supergirl is distracted trying to ask directions the fat truck driver makes a move and walks around behind supergirl and lifts up her cape to try and peek under her tiny skirt.
This is still my favourite scene of all time because it shows this seemingly indestructible woman being hassled by two disgusting perverts who treat her like a prostitute. I think Helen really sells this scene because she doesn't retaliate for being humiliated. A guy twice her age tries to check out her ass and all she does is say ''stop that''. I could go on forever about this scene but for me it has left a lasting impression- superheroines being brought down to our level through humiliating their costumes.
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This genre really attracted me with Naruto episode 93, the fight between Tsunade and Kabuto.
I identify Tsunade as the superhero of the Kunoichis.
See the strongest kunoichis defeated subtly by a mysterious opponent while she had the advantage of her strength.
She is impulsive, he is strategic.
She tries to pressurize him, he dances around her.
She gets tired unnecessarily, he boosts himself.
She needs to give him a big blow (without making him bleed), the combination impossible while he, he just needs to touch her.
Everything was perfect except that it was too short.
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