Heroine movies from us are about to change

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In the hopes of being 100% transparent Im including this post as a formal notice.
Because of community inactivity there will be changes coming.
for years I have not shot the superheroine movies I have wanted to make because there was a list of prerequisites that were mandated by the vocal majority. we have struggled to make challenging videos that contain more meat and were rewarded with silence from the community.
you wanted peril, we added peril.
you wanted death traps and heroine death we gave that too
you asked for authentic realistic costumes and not halloween adventure crap costumes and we did that as well.

however after we satisfied the requests of the vocal majority they fell silent and we were met with a new wave of demands
the cowls had to be shiny, we had to have mutiple locations, we had to have multiple thuigs in one scene, we had to have more fx, we had to....we had to....we had to....
with every change made the vocal group grew quiet and a new group surfaced.
meanwhile there was never any feedback from people.
never any commentary.
never any interaction.

then we started the Patreon and it was a strufggle from the start.
I get it.
you have been ripped off by people like Logan and its hard to continue to trust, but even after close to a year of doing this the patrons actually reduced when we asked people to offer $5 instead of $1
we lost 50%

So changes are coming.
there is no going back from this BTW
but instead of switching quietly and then not addressing peoples concerns (like other producers happily do with no blowback)
im making things painfully clear so people can understand how things are changing and more importantly why.

I addressed the sleepy community and explained what was going on and I have been told there would be support for a sleepy superheroine stream of movies.
what does this mean?
no more death traps
no more peril
no more death
no more expensive costumes
no more scouting for new locations
no more fx

these will be just like our sleepy movies but with heroines with powers.

in regards to the Patreon?
well that depends. I might close the whole thngs down since people just refuse to pay less for movies than they have to.
or I might switch it to a Superheroine Patreon thats sleepy based with multiple knockouts and carry scenes.

I will continue to post updates here for as long as the admin allows us to be but we will no longer take input, discuss changes, discuss plot additions, etc
your remarks and your critiques will be ignored the same way i was ignored when asking for input.
our thought process and goals will no longer be added or shared.
we will no longer look for a larger audience.
if you dont like the sleepy based movie then dont buy them.
We no longer care since the majority of you have shown us you dont care either.

Just like other producers I will no longer attempt to explain my vision.
no longer address attacks
no longer join in jokes made
no longer defend the characters actions.
no longer discuss movies.

you can buy the new movies or not.
I wont be catering to this community any more.
my focus will be directed to members of other communities who provide feedback, and support a good deal when they see it
(the sleepy Patreon is at $150, the freeze patreon is at $135, the superheroine Patreon? $51)
so I'm officially giving up on community interaction.
I gave it my best shot.

you can attack me all you want here. I wont be replying.
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I, for one, think this is a very sad thing to hear: a producer who has always been nothing but forthright and caring being driven from the market by silence.

I can't speak for others, KoG, but your voice and style will be missed here. Your comments regarding the SH genre have always been enlightening and well-reasoned. I wish you luck on your endeavors wherever they take you.
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I agree with Doc 100% and I have a huge amount of sympathy for all the difficulties you have struggled to overcome. Best of luck with your other activities
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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Really is sad to see you go, KOG. I know the feeling and frustrations and I have felt the same way the last couple of months as well and instead of leaving the community altogether..I took a long break from the community and regrouped and so far..i feel my feet touching the ground again in this community. I would suggest the same thing...but I totally understand why you have made the decision. Hopefully, when things get better..you can decide to comeback to the community...if not, I want to wish you the best of luck on your future projects and activities.
:supes: Watch all of W.O.N/MMP's Superheroine World Underwater Peril Fan Film Series, only on W.O.N Cinema YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/woncinema
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