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I could have many religious experiences with those :thumbup:
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what are the prices on the costumes.
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Richpartist wrote:I could have many religious experiences with those :thumbup:
Religious experiences aside, they might make for good costumes for a production, particularly if you're going to work with the original actress who wore them.
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Kitten wrote:
Richpartist wrote:I could have many religious experiences with those :thumbup:
Religious experiences aside, they might make for good costumes for a production, particularly if you're going to work with the original actress who wore them.
I'm pretty sure "religious experiences" is the USP. On the previous thread for the eBay listings, some of the costumes selling for $175+ were available brand new for $50 or less.

Given that Kristina and Tiffany aren't currently on good terms with Logan, it seems a bit seedy to advertise their used underwear.
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I didnt know there was friction between Logan and the models/actresses

That's pretty funny, take new stuff out of the package wear it for a bit and then auction it off before wash day.

Kitten wrote:I didnt know there was friction between Logan and the models/actresses
Friction? Try lawsuits, nondisclosure agreements, fractured relationships, cheating with actresses while dating another actress/producer, an entire new production company starting up, the entire staff of which is composed of people who have fallen out with Logan...dude, it's a clusterfuck.
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It's probably best that I don't import the arguments from another site. However, the recently deleted shitshow of a thread is still available on Internet Archive for anyone who wants to read the actual views of Kristina, Tiffany and several other former insiders.
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These are excellent, topnotch costumes..some of the best ever custom-made for this genre.

Speaking of which, I'm seriously wondering why Kristina hasn't posted anything about her new production here (which involves a good number of Logan's original A-Force of actresses..not all of them, though..I'm pushing and pushing for the inclusion of Samantha Bogach and Kristy Dowe!) when she's posted a ton about it on HeroineMovies and even made a special page on her production honoring the SHIP community by giving them special treats if they invest. Who does that, right? Big props to Kristina. I even told her I would be happy to post it..and then she told me I could (swoon). So, I will! My god, how interactive can this community get? I'm dying of happiness. I don't have a bone to pick in this fight, I supported Logan's amazing run of vids and I'll support Kristina's.

Also, it's totally cool to drop the Tiffany Chase thing at this point, according to her. Her name is Amanda Santella and she goes by that in Kristina's new production. She's also in Logan's Legends of the Bull and that's still yet to come out right? So let's get used to it. I was never a big fan of the aliases, and I say (although one must respect an actress' wish to use them) the less of them, the better.
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I suppose i live a sheltered life. I wasnt aware they had a new production company. What is (are?) they called?
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They're called Omni Rising, I bumped that announcement thread to the front page, but if you don't see it there, it's near the top of Superheroine Lounge. Sorry for the distraction....
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Presuming the bridges to them haven't been burned to the ground, I presume you've already offered to sell the costumes to the actress/model?

It would only make sense, if the costumes were tailor fit for them, and they're going into the production side of this stuff, that they would consider investing in the purchase of the costumes to produce stuff.
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That's pretty unfortunate.

They have a fan following in the genre that they're essentially throwing away.

Also penny wise, and dollar stupid to not invest in something that will give you an easy return.

It is, what it is though.

Good luck with your new projects Logan.
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new venture you say? any info on that? :)
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Kitten wrote:Presuming the bridges to them haven't been burned to the ground, I presume you've already offered to sell the costumes to the actress/model?

It would only make sense, if the costumes were tailor fit for them, and they're going into the production side of this stuff, that they would consider investing in the purchase of the costumes to produce stuff.
Quote from Kristina Hess from another forum about Chained series:

"Yes, this is the super heroine genre but we won’t see any of the girls with powers just yet. We are diving more into the origin story first which is going to encompass lots of peril and girl power elements mixed with torture. Think of XMen before they knew of their powers. I’ll have a synopsis to be able to send you guys once my writers get it to me"

(PM me if you want a link to the other forum with this quote.)

So when Liargone says above...
Logan wrote:Well, since they have no intentions of filming anything "superheroine",
...He demonstrates yet again his Trump-like know-nothingness and pattern of making shit up.

As to the rest of his babble...
Logan wrote:it doesn't behoove them to buy the costumes anyway (on the PG side-- on the X side, the actresses are typically hired by the production company who supplies the costumes unless a fan buys it for them). On the PG side, most of the actresses not working with me anymore have zero intention of filming SHIP videos. The ones who have gone on to work with my former business partner, again, are actresses who would not spend their own money on costumes-- productions supply them for the role. SO, since her series is about Girl Power and sex trafficking with some fight scenes involved because the actresses want to feel badass, with no option of involving superheroines, these costumes wouldn't apply to their production. And since that production is going for a realistic approach, I wouldn't expect any costumes of any type to come about. But that is my 2 cents since, you know, I'm not a part of all that-- I just read what is written and hear what is told to me from mutual business acquaintances.
...who cares really.

Of course in no way would they buy anything from Liargone or involve Liargone in any way. They are not on good terms, no matter what Liargone lies pretend.
Logan wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:...

Given that Kristina and Tiffany aren't currently on good terms with Logan, it seems a bit seedy to advertise their used underwear.
Also, who says we're on bad terms? I wish Kristina well with her new production and I've been chatting with Tiffany about a production of my own.
Kristina could care less what Liargone wishes, and Tiffany (Amanda Santella) is 100% on Team Kristina as is Kelly Kula, Brittany Ortiz, Cayla Black among others.

Wait, are you implying Tiffany would consider being in a future Liargone production. That's hysterical! Those days are long over.
Kitten wrote:That's pretty unfortunate.

They have a fan following in the genre that they're essentially throwing away.

Also penny wise, and dollar stupid to not invest in something that will give you an easy return.

It is, what it is though.

Good luck with your new projects Logan.
No, Not unfortunate, not throwing fan following away. Not penny wise dollar stupid, and not 'what it is though' as one should never take anything Liargone says as anything but mostly Bullshit. Like this shit...
Logan wrote:Well, they're attempting to utilize the HL fan base somehow to sell this new venture-- the same one I asked everyone about regarding Vampires a year or so ago. The truth is she never liked filming superheroine films and wanted desperately to not be a part of HL for the longest time-- causing much of the rift between us since that was the heart and core of CtL. So coming to you guys to convince you somehow that this new venture is anything like the content you want to see feels like bad form. The funny thing is you can see the other actresses want to have super powers in the interviews and promotional videos they've put up and she's stated numerous times that this isn't that but somehow is still trying to get our old fan base to think it's going to include peril that isn't a part of a normal mainstream fight scene. Eh, I won't go on-- it's really none of my business. I wish her well with it. They shot their first episode Sunday evening and it will supposedly be up for free on YouTube so I guess we will all see soon what she and her new team are going to bring to the table. Thank you for the kind words as well-- it's been crazy lately with preproduction for our latest venture. :)
Never for a moment believe anything Liargone says about Kristina.

No Liargone: Chained is not about Vampires, it's not the same one you asked everyone about. What a load of crap.

When Liargone says Kristina never liked filming superheroine films, you can be sure the opposite is true and she liked it a lot. Although if it was a Liargone script, she may have not liked that part of it!

Absolutely no reason Kristina shouldn't market to her HL fan base, and the fan base of the other HL actresses. She's as much a reason HL has a fan base as are other HL actresses. Plus she was the money behind many early HL episodes.

"So coming to you guys to convince you somehow that this new venture is anything like the content you want to see feels like bad form."

What's this stupidness!

1 - Kristina hasn't come here. (Does she even have an account?)
2 - She hasn't tried to convince us of anything.
3 - All we've heard of Kristina's 'venture' so far is from shevek and others (and the info from Liargone is 100% worthless),
4 - This Liargone BS is the only 'bad form,' the ill will of the sad-sack former biz partner (his pretense notwithstanding).

Whether Chained series will be content we want to see will be known when we see the series.

"The funny thing is you can see the other actresses want to have super powers in the interviews and promotional videos they've put up"

The funny thing is that this specific statement is probably another Liargone falsehood. But then, who wouldn't want super powers! Haven't seen the interviews and promos, but I'll go look soon.

And as Chained is superheroine genre, maybe the actresses already know what's ahead for them (super power-wise).

"she's stated numerous times that this isn't that but somehow is still trying to get our old fan base to think it's going to include peril that isn't a part of a normal mainstream fight scene."

Compare this Liargone quote with the quote from Kristina I posted up above near top of this post. Yep, Liargone lies again.

"it will supposedly be up for free on YouTube"

No 'supposedly' about it, the pilot will be released for free.

On youtube? she didn't say, that's a Liargone guess. Could be, or could be vimeo, or other, remains to be seen where.

Unlike Nightshithole, Chained pilot for free is a sure thing, whereas Nightshithole is the most 'supposed' project ever announced. But I guess we'll see (most likely not see!).

Unlike the many many site shutting down date pronouncements by Liargone, the running gag of shutting down date pronouncements, Chained pilot for free is a sure thing, whereas it would be the most unexpected event in SH video history if Liargone ever shuts down his sites!

Liargone is right about one thing though: when it says: "it's really none of my business." Yep, none of your biz so shut the eff up about it. Concentrate on Nightshithole, that's the only (supposed) project you really care about.

Anyway, for everyone except Liargone, here's a link to shevek's thread about Chained...

Kristina Hess' new series Chained (featuring a bunch of yr fave SHIP actresses!)
the Scribbler

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lol. some things never change-- watch the content. watch the videos. you have no clue what you're talking about-- and next time, try READING what I typed instead of misquoting me.

No misquotes. I quoted you exactly, Liargone. Copy and paste! :cap:
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

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I think it's safe to say that the two of you don't see eye to eye. It's a thread about selling costumes. Let's stick to that.
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Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to finally be on here - once the moderator contacted me and asked me to jump on board I dove right on!! Glad to see everyone again!!

I needed to jump on because clearly I'm a huge topic of conversation on here and I have to Thank Scribbler for keeping the facts straight. First thing's first:

No Liargone: Chained is not about Vampires, it's not the same one you asked everyone about. What a load of crap.

No shit. That was what she wanted to do a year ago. It's the same damn concept-- just now with sex trafficking and no vampires. I'm not against her project. I think they could have some fun things going on if done right. But it's NOT what you think it is-- time will show you. Doesn't matter what I say. And YES, it IS the same project. I talked with her at great detail about it since she came to me for funding. But since you know ZERO of those details, you have no place to comment here.

NOT ONCE, not EVER did I or will I EVER Contact Logan or CtL to help fund my project! What the heck? Are you kidding me? Lol, we haven't spoken about my project or even at all with exception of some issues with our last studio. Literally, I think we have had 20 texts in the last 8 months and this project developed end of last year. He knows absolutely NOTHING about my project. Amanda Santella will NOT be working with him, she turned down a role he kept offering her even after trying to make Amanda and I turn against each other due to his indiscretion. So, let's be clear. This statement is a total and complete LIE from start to finish and I'm honestly shocked that he would even TRY to lie about something so completely impossible. Maybe it's because he thought he'd get away with it since I wasn't a member on here before. What great timing for the moderator to contact me ;)

When Liargone says Kristina never liked filming superheroine films, you can be sure the opposite is true and she liked it a lot. Although if it was a Liargone script, she may have not liked that part of it!

Right. smh.

Only reason I hated filming towards the end is because I would get screamed at in front of cast and crew on a daily basis. Amanda (Tiffany) even mentioned it on HM's forum. Not because I didn't enjoy the genre or filming. I'm an actress. That makes no sense.

Absolutely no reason Kristina shouldn't market to her HL fan base, and the fan base of the other HL actresses. She's as much a reason HL has a fan base as are other HL actresses. Plus she was the money behind many early HL episodes.

Ahh, yes. She was an actress at the beginning. She did sell well. You are right about that. AND she hated doing it. She turned down a very large custom-- just because. It is what it is-- she hated this genre-- who is she going to go to in order to sell it? The ones who will blindly support her-- she can word it in a way to make you think it's what you want. Like I said before, it could be a fun project-- it's not SHIP and never will be unless she feels later that she will need to change it to fall back on this market for future filming. Hard to make videos on $500-ish dollars. I got mine down to $1,500 at the very lowest when I had the location under lease-- that was the bare minimum on an "assembly line approach" as some of you say-- with the ability to pay people for their time. $500 buys what? The wardrobe they wore is their own-- I know this because I've seen these girls show up to set in those clothes. Who cares? I don't know-- you apparently. But it is funny that money was such an issue for everyone and here, no one is clearly being paid. No worries on my end-- they can do what they want. But irony shows it's face for sure.

I specifically remember doing a $23,000 custom for someone that was primarily foot fetish in nature. I did countless others and was even in negotiations with another as I was exciting CtL. Was willing to do it to try to pay off some payroll. I didn't turn it down. The buyer backed out from what I was told.
~Kristina Hess
Producer | Omni Rising Productions
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Logan wrote:
theScribbler wrote:
Kitten wrote:Presuming the bridges to them haven't been burned to the ground, I presume you've already offered to sell the costumes to the actress/model?

It would only make sense, if the costumes were tailor fit for them, and they're going into the production side of this stuff, that they would consider investing in the purchase of the costumes to produce stuff.
Quote from Kristina Hess from another forum about Chained series:

"Yes, this is the super heroine genre but we won’t see any of the girls with powers just yet. We are diving more into the origin story first which is going to encompass lots of peril and girl power elements mixed with torture. Think of XMen before they knew of their powers. I’ll have a synopsis to be able to send you guys once my writers get it to me"

(PM me if you want a link to the other forum with this quote.)

Try watching the video. You'll see better-- or read the other forums. OR just understand that this project is a revamp of the vampire project she wanted me to pay for a year ago... in which I came to this forum, ran a poll, and when 10 out of 11 initial responses were no, I wouldn't fund her venture.
Wouldn't fund my venture? Maybe he keeps forgetting WHO actually FUNDED CtL...

So when Liargone says above...
Logan wrote:Well, since they have no intentions of filming anything "superheroine",
...He demonstrates yet again his Trump-like know-nothingness and pattern of making shit up.

Or, I just know that every single day she complained about doing Superheroine movies. I guess her jolly YouTube video presence makes you think she really wants to jump back into it. Maybe you could go back to the behind-the-scenes videos I shot and realize that she was almost NEVER in them. Why? Because she chose to stay home most of the time because she didn't want to be there. She HATED when I put her in an episode-- which is why in late 2014/2015, she was in almost none of them. She wasn't on crew-- she did some booking (which later went to Amanda) and that was that.
I love how I apparently did nothing for this company. Reason I wasn't in most of the BtS videos is because I was either in the office booking/doing paperwork/payroll (back in the day when people got paid)/etc. I did booking until the day I left actually. Amanda was his assistant and did IMDb and helped out on set. I think there were maybe 3 days I wasn't on set in 3 years. Nice try though, let's keep going.

As to the rest of his babble...
Logan wrote:it doesn't behoove them to buy the costumes anyway (on the PG side-- on the X side, the actresses are typically hired by the production company who supplies the costumes unless a fan buys it for them). On the PG side, most of the actresses not working with me anymore have zero intention of filming SHIP videos. The ones who have gone on to work with my former business partner, again, are actresses who would not spend their own money on costumes-- productions supply them for the role. SO, since her series is about Girl Power and sex trafficking with some fight scenes involved because the actresses want to feel badass, with no option of involving superheroines, these costumes wouldn't apply to their production. And since that production is going for a realistic approach, I wouldn't expect any costumes of any type to come about. But that is my 2 cents since, you know, I'm not a part of all that-- I just read what is written and hear what is told to me from mutual business acquaintances.
Actually, it's interesting he says it was ALL their own wardrobe. I wonder why I employed a Costumer team? Hmm. Some items, yes, were their own, I have no reason to completely lie. But majority was bought. And yes, no need for 2 cents, he has no clue what he's talking about or our intention moving forward with the series and costuming... Again smh.

...who cares really.

People who ask, clearly.

Of course in no way would they buy anything from Liargone or involve Liargone in any way. They are not on good terms, no matter what Liargone lies pretend.
Logan wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:...

Given that Kristina and Tiffany aren't currently on good terms with Logan, it seems a bit seedy to advertise their used underwear.
Also, who says we're on bad terms? I wish Kristina well with her new production and I've been chatting with Tiffany about a production of my own.

Kristina could care less what Liargone wishes, and Tiffany (Amanda Santella) is 100% on Team Kristina as is Kelly Kula, Brittany Ortiz, Cayla Black among others.

Or you could read her response on the other forum and see that you're clearly wrong here. One other actress even attacked her. Just like they did with another one of the actresses who supported, and is a part of, Nightshadow. You have no idea who is on good or bad terms-- you just want to assume that because we had a legal squabble over company assets that a year later, we must be at war. You couldn't be more wrong.
Not one actor, crew member, etc aside from Logan's puppy attacked me on the forums. None of my team is a part of his project.

Wait, are you implying Tiffany would consider being in a future Liargone production. That's hysterical! Those days are long over.

Wrong again. We chatted a month ago about her involvement in CtLC.
Chatted and denied.
Kitten wrote:That's pretty unfortunate.

They have a fan following in the genre that they're essentially throwing away.

Also penny wise, and dollar stupid to not invest in something that will give you an easy return.

It is, what it is though.

Good luck with your new projects Logan.
No, Not unfortunate, not throwing fan following away. Not penny wise dollar stupid, and not 'what it is though' as one should never take anything Liargone says as anything but mostly Bullshit. Like this shit...
Logan wrote:Well, they're attempting to utilize the HL fan base somehow to sell this new venture-- the same one I asked everyone about regarding Vampires a year or so ago. The truth is she never liked filming superheroine films and wanted desperately to not be a part of HL for the longest time-- causing much of the rift between us since that was the heart and core of CtL. So coming to you guys to convince you somehow that this new venture is anything like the content you want to see feels like bad form. The funny thing is you can see the other actresses want to have super powers in the interviews and promotional videos they've put up and she's stated numerous times that this isn't that but somehow is still trying to get our old fan base to think it's going to include peril that isn't a part of a normal mainstream fight scene. Eh, I won't go on-- it's really none of my business. I wish her well with it. They shot their first episode Sunday evening and it will supposedly be up for free on YouTube so I guess we will all see soon what she and her new team are going to bring to the table. Thank you for the kind words as well-- it's been crazy lately with preproduction for our latest venture. :)
I can see how that was an easy pickup to use for his own need, but no, we didn't say NO to superpowers. We just said YET (in case anyone wants to watch again). We are going for the realistic story, yes, but that doesn't mean science can't be involved. I hate when people think they know everything.

Never for a moment believe anything Liargone says about Kristina.

No Liargone: Chained is not about Vampires, it's not the same one you asked everyone about. What a load of crap.

No shit. That was what she wanted to do a year ago. It's the same damn concept-- just now with sex trafficking and no vampires. I'm not against her project. I think they could have some fun things going on if done right. But it's NOT what you think it is-- time will show you. Doesn't matter what I say. And YES, it IS the same project. I talked with her at great detail about it since she came to me for funding. But since you know ZERO of those details, you have no place to comment here.

When Liargone says Kristina never liked filming superheroine films, you can be sure the opposite is true and she liked it a lot. Although if it was a Liargone script, she may have not liked that part of it!

Right. smh.

Absolutely no reason Kristina shouldn't market to her HL fan base, and the fan base of the other HL actresses. She's as much a reason HL has a fan base as are other HL actresses. Plus she was the money behind many early HL episodes.

Ahh, yes. She was an actress at the beginning. She did sell well. You are right about that. AND she hated doing it. She turned down a very large custom-- just because. It is what it is-- she hated this genre-- who is she going to go to in order to sell it? The ones who will blindly support her-- she can word it in a way to make you think it's what you want. Like I said before, it could be a fun project-- it's not SHIP and never will be unless she feels later that she will need to change it to fall back on this market for future filming. Hard to make videos on $500-ish dollars. I got mine down to $1,500 at the very lowest when I had the location under lease-- that was the bare minimum on an "assembly line approach" as some of you say-- with the ability to pay people for their time. $500 buys what? The wardrobe they wore is their own-- I know this because I've seen these girls show up to set in those clothes. Who cares? I don't know-- you apparently. But it is funny that money was such an issue for everyone and here, no one is clearly being paid. No worries on my end-- they can do what they want. But irony shows it's face for sure.

"So coming to you guys to convince you somehow that this new venture is anything like the content you want to see feels like bad form."

What's this stupidness!

1 - Kristina hasn't come here. (Does she even have an account?) Nope.
2 - She hasn't tried to convince us of anything. That's a lie.
3 - All we've heard of Kristina's 'venture' so far is from shevek and others (and the info from Liargone is 100% worthless), Also not true. Videos are up and social media says otherwise. As well as other forums.
4 - This Liargone BS is the only 'bad form,' the ill will of the sad-sack former biz partner (his pretense notwithstanding). Interesting. Since everything you type is BS.

Whether Chained series will be content we want to see will be known when we see the series.

"The funny thing is you can see the other actresses want to have super powers in the interviews and promotional videos they've put up"

The funny thing is that this specific statement is probably another Liargone falsehood. But then, who wouldn't want super powers! Haven't seen the interviews and promos, but I'll go look soon. WATCH the video-- you can see her hesitation. She did NOT want powers in this series. I know because I have mutual business acquaintances.
Lie again. I explained above.

And as Chained is superheroine genre, maybe the actresses already know what's ahead for them (super power-wise). lol funny.

"she's stated numerous times that this isn't that but somehow is still trying to get our old fan base to think it's going to include peril that isn't a part of a normal mainstream fight scene."

Compare this Liargone quote with the quote from Kristina I posted up above near top of this post. Yep, Liargone lies again.

Wait till you see the videos. If people keep dumping money into this never-ending Kickstarter platform. You will see what I'm talking about. Nothing to say to prove-- let the content speak for itself.

"it will supposedly be up for free on YouTube"

No 'supposedly' about it, the pilot will be released for free. Well, considering one of the videos that COULDN'T be edited because it was shot so poorly consisted of her as the director for HL and her now-DP as the camera op/DP then, it will be interesting to see if this can be put together. That episode was called "Lost Night" and it never made it to the site because of them-- the foundation of their new "team".
Our DP is amazing as is all the cast and crew that came with me from CtL. They were good enough to work for CtL for years, and yet now they're "horrible"?

On youtube? she didn't say, that's a Liargone guess. Could be, or could be vimeo, or other, remains to be seen where. You're right. She did say YouTube but maybe she goes to Vimeo since she doesn't understand monetization, etc.
Funny. Monetization has been in play with our videos from day 1. That's why we have a musician doing original scoring to enable us to do so. Again, not sure why he keeps saying I don't know what I'm doing.... I helped RUN CtL... Confused.

Unlike Nightshithole, Chained pilot for free is a sure thing, whereas Nightshithole is the most 'supposed' project ever announced. But I guess we'll see (most likely not see!). Actually, that's completely incorrect. Nightshadow is on IMDb. We are very much ready to go - website is up - principle photography begins July 9. Get your facts straight.

Unlike the many many site shutting down date pronouncements by Liargone, the running gag of shutting down date pronouncements, Chained pilot for free is a sure thing, whereas it would be the most unexpected event in SH video history if Liargone ever shuts down his sites!

Actually, XF shuts down on Sunday and HL is technically shut down. Email support has been removed and it's running on auto-pilot to allow people to buy episodes before I completely take it down in June. You simply just have NO clue what you are saying. Lots of bullshit.

Liargone is right about one thing though: when it says: "it's really none of my business." Yep, none of your biz so shut the eff up about it. Concentrate on Nightshithole, that's the only (supposed) project you really care about.

THAT is probably the first 100% accurate thing you have said.

Anyway, for everyone except Liargone, here's a link to shevek's thread about Chained...

Kristina Hess' new series Chained (featuring a bunch of yr fave SHIP actresses!)
lol. some things never change-- watch the content. watch the videos. you have no clue what you're talking about-- and next time, try READING what I typed instead of misquoting me.
In conclusion (lol sorry I felt like I was writing a research paper here!), I had no hard feelings towards Logan or CtL until on multiple forums I am being broadcast as incompetent, stupid, and unable to create a good project. I never ONCE slammed Logan or CtL or his new project. I have no clue why he's so threatened by my going off on my own, minding my own darn business and trying to create something awesome with people I love and trust who have stuck by me through everything. I hate that I even had to do this, but enough is enough. Especially when blatant lies are in WRITING! Omni Rising & CtL have not and will not ever discuss projects together and honestly will probably never have contact ever again. That's how it should be. Both moving on. Again, THANK YOU for sticking up for me and helping to get the facts straight and I SO much appreciate ya'll posting about "Chained" for me in my absence!!!! I'll be sure to jump on as much as possible! :love: :thumbup:

~Kristina Hess
Producer | Omni Rising Productions
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Hardly the welcome we wanted for you, but welcome nonetheless!

Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?
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MightyHypnotic wrote:Hardly the welcome we wanted for you, but welcome nonetheless!

Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?
LOL, I have to say your GOT pic made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the welcome! I started my own thread so feel free to message me on there - I don't want to flood this thread with incorrect topics although I feel like I may have started a storm, but had to defend myself ;)
~Kristina Hess
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Logan wrote:
OmniRisingProductions wrote:
MightyHypnotic wrote:Hardly the welcome we wanted for you, but welcome nonetheless!

Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?
LOL, I have to say your GOT pic made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the welcome! I started my own thread so feel free to message me on there - I don't want to flood this thread with incorrect topics although I feel like I may have started a storm, but had to defend myself ;)
You've gotten pretty good at lying-- I will give you credit. I'm not going to bother replying to it. We will let your content speak for itself.
It's really sad that you've gotten so bad that you seem to actually believe what you say is true. Not ONE word that you said is true aside from my not wanting to film at the end of it all and all the cast and crew that are with me and not CtL can attest to that. Yes, let my work speak for itself and there's no need for you to comment on it. Move on with your own life and projects please and leave my name, my project and my company out of your idiotic rants. Keep YOUR threads about YOU, not ME - Thanks.
~Kristina Hess
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Hey Logan

Quit being a douche - seriously. Sure I wish Kristina would utilize heroine costumes and vampires sound cool but Im willing to see what she has first before I say anything. Oh and Im currently in your backyard. That's right Im in Los Angeles as I type this. You now I missed this place, Venice Blvd, Culver City. I love the food out here, the weather - so much better than the Northeast. Whenever I get some down time, lets see what more dirty laundry you have to be aired out. Ive already gotten so much.
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Ah Liargone Crass aka Logan Cross, gotta love how you, in your psychopathic liar way, try to call other people liars in a completely unconvincing manner. You're a real life Bizarro alien, but not the superhero kind, you're the total loser superZero kind.

The truth is out, everyone can see through you. Your pretense betrays you. You're a shitshow unto yourself. As will be your Nightshitshow if it ever sees the light of day. You know, the one without a $100,000,000 budget (more like $100,000). Maybe the donate button on your website will get you to $100,200.

The one with no A-list acting talent, though you do have Matt Holbrook who can't act and looks like Howdy Doody. What a coup!
Logan Cross, liar extraordinaire wrote:Nightshadow is on IMDb
Wow. It's on IMDb, where you posted it yourself. What a feat! Now everyone will know it's a real in-development thing. LOL

Bummer only IMDbPRO members can see it fully. Even your own Logan Cross IMDb doesn't link to it, tho it does link to your other three so-called features destined to languish in their indefinite comas known as Logan Cross post-production!

So no A-listers in the cast! In fact, Logan Cross is the 2nd highest IMDb starmeter person in the cast. Number one is virtually unknown stuntwoman Tamiko Brownlee. Well, I'm sure she'll appreciate the supposed work. What's her share of the $100,000,000 budget. Is it even around $1,000 a day. Doubt it! So who's playing Nightshadow. So far, no one. I know, it's a big secret.

What is this OMIT routine you're doing!? It's like the Thank's routine you used to do, editing posts down to one word!? And you've retitled this 'Costumes for Sale' thread to NULL, and taking away the OP. So no costumes for sale anymore, how disappointing!

And yeah, Quit being a douche! :cap:
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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Cover your eyes! & ears!
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