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General discussions about superheroines!
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I've been producing videos for since early 2009 but lately,mostly due to personal reasons,I've been been struggling with wanting to do any shoots at all vs just shutting down after my content has run its course, or changing the format of the videos. I've used a few terrific XXX performers Sadie Holmes and Riley Reynolds both of whom are comfortable with things like crotch grabbing,SIM sex etc which is something rarely featured in most of my videos. So my dilema is do I continue down that path or stick to what Ive been doing. I feel that lately what I've shot has felt stale and "same old shit" which I dont want to fall into. With the ever increasing number of producers offering high quality videos I feel like I'm falling behind and wonder if its time for a content shift or to just pack up my evil imagination and go home. I'm open to any thoughts or suggestions from forum members since I've always received tremendous support and great ideas from all the members
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In addressing this matter, it seems the first point to look into is what drew you to the genre. Having bought a few of your videos, I'm glad you ventured into it, and would like to see you continue.
But to the aforementioned point, what got you motivated to be in this business? And what is it you enjoy most about it? I have some amateur suggestions, but I feel I, as well as others, could be of some assistance in giving ideas.
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If you have access to the proper girls, change it up a little and see what happens.

There would be nothing wrong with adding some more extreme videos to your lineup.

Or even just offer two versions of the video, one with a more extreme ending like some others do.

I have purchased quite of few of your works because of no sex etc honestly. Just please don't abandon that side of it altogether.
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Mr. X
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Maybe take a break when you can and do something else for a while. not quite entirely but maybe a month off or something. I get burned out too. Candy store owners hate candy.
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Love to hear your suggestions sugarcoater
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I think it might be that you've done all you can with your current set-up. You've done a great job with what you've used, but perhaps it has become stale as you've run the gamut with the videos you've made.
My suggestion is that, if you're willing to risk the finances and time commitment, you expand to a new venue. This would of course be daunting and I can understand if you would rather not. But you've proven yourself as a very capable producer/director/etc. of the genre. You have nothing more to prove in your current position.
How about taking on new sets and new models? Consider doing a longer, two-part shoot with a high end actress of the genre with a top end costume. Others and I would be more than happy to supply script ideas for a video.
I suppose my guess is that you're looking for that next step in your progress as a producer. Perhaps this would be it. I could see you doing something along the lines of the TBfE and Rye-UK quality work and being damn proud of it. Pick a seminal superheroine and do a full blown peril video of her. Make the ultimate to-date Psylocke, Ms. Marvel, Dazzler, Spiderwoman video. Or go with a super, high end WW or SG video. Whatever superheroine is your favorite and just go for it. Dunk her in a muddy swamp. Restrain her with all-new types of restraints. Have her defeated and left for the media to find her in a compromising position.
Just a few initial thoughts...
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All great ideas but there are issues in this area with finding adequate places to shoot videos. ive used a local studio before and its cost prohibitive especially if youre adding in model costs,custom made costumes etc. And basically being a part time producer its alot of upfront cost to absorb. Its not like I'm in LA where the top models travel all the time. Its a hassle to contact someone,be referred to an agent,have that agent talk to the girl then they tell you they want $175/hr to hell with that..LOL
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I've been very happy with the content of the videos I've purchased from your site. Your Superia, Staria and Solara series have catered to my particular tastes and have done so more reliably than any other producer.

You could change all your other videos, but if you keep on producing the ones that I like, I'll continue to be a customer. If you stop, I suppose I shall not. My preference of course is that you do not stop.
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Mr. X
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Kind of the reason I stay in the poser arena and not do videos. If I did do videos it would be for more fun and exploring ideas than making money. The market is just so saturated. But I also think the higher end producers will be burning too much money on sets, props, costumes that they will degrade. I already see one producer doing that.

You might try focusing on niches like pantyhose or ots carries or feet.
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what video was riley Reynolds did I miss that one.
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I see no reason for a sea change in what you do, and if you do then you have answered your own question.

Personally I think you can continue to do what you do with a mix of the other vids, be it stronger content, heavier bondage, or whatever it is you might be thinking of, and not lose your core audience.

You do good work; I love your Darkbat stuff with Cali and as others have mentioned your other material is good too. But if you feel you want to mix it up a bit thats fine but I genuinely don't feel you need to be all one thing or all another.

Variety is the spice of life.
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Without having any way of knowing how your individual vids do financially, I have to say that I own a good chunk of your vids, and your American Dream with Sadie is by far my favourite. So I would definitely say your work is not stale, in fact it continues to improve all of the time. Now obviously the sim sex is something new to your productions and I for one, give you a big thumbs up. Hope there are a lot more. Regardless, you should know that your work is appreciated by all of us.
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Thanks for the comments and words of encouragement. Riley's video will be coming in October
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I'm not sure if I should chime in here since I don't post on the forum (although I check in daily) but I feel obligated to say I've purchased every video you've produced and have never been disappointed - clearly some models and certain heroines have been preferred but your visuals of full body spread eagle (tied or unconscious) and cradle carries hit the sweet spot for me. Specifically, Addie as Superteen, Jade Indica as Wonder Jade and Vivian Irene Pierce are my personal favorites but no model nor any video has ever fallen short of a an A- grade. I can only hope you do what feels right for you but being selfish, I'd hope it's not too exclusively a departure from your current art.
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Take a break and then, after you have refresh yourself, reflect on the past and make a decision on your future plans. You have a past of good productions on your site. There is no reason that you are required to stay on the treadmill if you feel you are not going anywhere at the current moment. There is eternal hope in the future as long as you are not yet dead.
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Hope things can be sorted out, rocks! You guys have so much potential of being able to produce more classic superheroine movies. :hmmm: :thumbup:
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ok so, first and foremost I would only assume you started this business or what ever you label it as a project of passion you continue to take this on because you enjoy it, maybe money is just a cursory thing but the enjoyment of doing it, the scenes stories costumes the girls editing yada yada yada is where it is at with you, so to feel stale, maybe you have run your course with the formula you have stuck to, while I totally agree with the comments above some of your videos are great, the girls and the hose and costumes, and some times the acting make your vids for me, and even you sometimes really sell it and make them fun to watch ( I am assuming it is who you are working with that makes the difference, jade and candleboxx for example, you guys always seem to do a better than normal job acting on your vids, chemistry or enjoyment of the genre, who knows) but either way, you are really the only one that matters, the market is pretty full but if you delve into stronger stuff or niche work either way your fan base is going to grow or at the minimum stay the same, but if you aren't having fun why do it at all, I for one don't know your politics or views but would be happy to see you go harder and more graphic content, but that is just me, the models you do use are awesome, you have never picked someone that was just terrible acting or unattractive to me so as far as that goes you can continue right along and you will be batting 1k, go harder and I believe you will get a broader fan base but is it something you want to do? is it something you are interested in seeing, your style, your stories, your reputation. I know you recently took a forced break, did that help your mojo, were you excited to get back to it, I know it was the last thing on your mind but when the storm settled were the clips a priority to you? if the answer was yes, I would assume you are in a self inflicted rut because maybe you want to delve into something else, maybe a switch went off and now your mind and imagination need another heroine outlet, darker stories more content. if you sit down and ask yourself why you feel this way maybe you already know the answer, I say branch out try something new (very selfish answer to benefit me) and see if it was just a realization that you want to do something different in your stories, your artistic juices are flowing in a another direction now (pun intended)

example, I had a few tattoos, my mother hated them but she knew I liked them, before she died last year she told me that she wanted me to finish one and that was her birthday gift to me, during my mourning I needed some physical pain to replace the mental so after it was all said and done I now have a sleeve with a few tips of the cap to her hidden throughout it. her being on board (sort of) really made me go crazy with it and I love it and it reminds me of her every time I look at it. breaking out of the norm and trying something you weren't sure you would like doesn't always end badly

either way what ever you decide is the right thing to do, no one's opinion about you matters more than yours.
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Personally I really enjoy your videos and have loved some of the more adult content you've been adding into them. I understand if you are feeling burned out or maybe need a break, but I honestly see no problems with your content and really enjoy what you produce. Would love to see more sim sex and forced orgasms(in costume if possible) going forward from some of your characters. If I had one small complaint it would be sometimes the heroines are stripped out of too much of their costume by the end of the video, but that is a very minor thing for me.
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I can't decide,and give you my opinion,until you send me free copies of everything you made..................:)
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Staff Sargeant
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I own a very little amount of your videos. Maybe only 3 of them, but they were the 3 i was interested in and were good movies. To be honest with you i prefer the more xxx movies and that is what i usually buy. You are talking about your videos getting stale, But i would say that this is something that you are not alone in after awhile everyone's videos kind of feel the same to me. You're working in the superheroine genre, all videos contain a superheroine a villian, and some type of peril used over and over again by everyone its kinda a repetitive genre.
I not going to lie i do like the advancement in technology, i.e in quality of videos/effects. But a quality script is more important to me then a high quality camera/editing. I truly would not care if the set was in your bedroom, filmed on a 1990's camcorder, If the script was what i liked i would buy it.
At a very quick count you have just under 90 videos listed on your site at about 30mins to 35mins each. I dont beleive you are falling behind, you should see it that some produces are catching up, and their content is slowing down too.
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Take as much time off as you need (months, years). Charge your batteries. If you feel the "wanting to do any shoots" again in the future, that's the time to make them. If that time doesn't come, then do what you'd rather do instead. You've contributed plenty to the genre. The rest of your life is yours to plan out (barring unexpected events that tend to screw up plans).
the Scribbler

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I love the super heroine theme but I agree that some of it seems stale.
I would suggest that you try a new theme. I suggest you create a Spy theme like a Jane Bond type of character or spy agency with multiple agents. There are so many options , gadgets- fights . The oldest movie franchise out there is James Bond. Played by 10 different actors 0ver the years. There would be great interest and loads of options. I have many story lines that I could suggest.
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I love your site and your prices. I hope you don't shut it down. I look forward to your videos, and I buy them as I can afford them.
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