Black Widow 3 Widows Bite

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First off thank you bluestone for the early release it was DEEPLY appreciated. Before this i had 3 favorites of yours which was darkwing takedown, white angel 15, and mostly dark widow 2 real deal.This one in my mind passes all of those and is your best piece of work yet. Claire does an excellent job at first kicking butt and taking names of the two villains she's fighting as we see her an incredibly awesome cocky swagger about her. She soon gets humbled in a pretty brutal yet awesome fashion. The bearhug back crack was your best one yet as you see her legs go limp and that it has done so damage to her and claire face at the moment was just perfect. Originally I wanted the backbreaker that followed to cripple her like it did in dark widow 2 real deal but Im happy you didn't(although I still would like a backbreaker to do that in the future). You can tell it damaged her as she lies on the floor and than relies on the wall to help her stand. Its obvious that the back breaker has done serious damage and from that point she is just a punching bag. She gets brutalized with face and stomach hits and claire acting makes it seem as if she's not only being beaten on a physical level but mental. You see her cockiness begin to fade and she starts to become fearful and weak. I hope/wish you guys can do more beatdowns like this where the heroine is just pummeled into oblivion. Seeing her Ko'd and knocked off her feet was also nice. My only complaint and its a minor one is that I wish she would have pleaded for her life like she did in real deal. Other than that this is your best film to date and I will gladly pay for every video that features claire take up the dark widow mantel!
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Doctor Outcome
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Heeeey, now this sounds like a winner. I'll have to check this one out.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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I bought both Black Widows and was very pleased with both. The bad guys are typical Bluestone bad guys: they're one-dimensional luddites who get pounded early but relentlessly come back and eventually wear her down. What makes both videos is Claire. She displays a wide range of emotions -- sassy, cocky, scared, pained, angry, weak -- and does each convincingly. She moves well, as if she's has some martial arts training. She is worth the price of admission.

Were I producing them, the one thing I'd change is to outfit Claire in a shiny catsuit rather than then matte black outfit she wore. In Black Widow 2, the background was black, so you couldn't make out what I assumed was her very slender and sexy build. I could make it out in Black Widow 3, thanks to the white walls, but with all the straps on her waist and legs, they were still hard to behold.
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